pre wedding and wedding rituals in buddhist wedding

Post on 13-Feb-2017






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Pre-Wedding and Wedding

Rituals in Buddhist Wedding

Pre-Wedding and Wedding Rituals in Buddhist Wedding

The Buddhist religion is known for its simplicity and the same is reflected in their weddings. Buddhists are conservatives in the matters of wedding and their weddings are as simple as possible. Buddhist weddings are more inclined towards creating foundations of trust rather than ceremonies and rituals. There is no compulsion of performing wedding ceremonies in Buddhism; it is left up to the wishes of a couple. A Buddhist couple can choose to go for a simple court marriage. A marriage can also be registered in many of the Buddhist temples having the license of the marriage. However, as a general rule, people consider it more auspicious

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Pre-Wedding and Wedding Rituals in Buddhist Wedding

to hold the wedding ceremony in presence of a priest. Whether you’re planning a Buddhist wedding or simply attending one, brush up your knowledge about the simple and minimal Buddhist wedding customs.

Rituals performed before Marriage 

The first ritual in a Buddhist culture involves matching the prospective horoscopes (kika) of the groom and the bride. After the matching of the horoscopes, the boy’s parents or family seek the consent of the girl’s parents. They carry offerings such as khada- a white colour silk scarf and a bottle of ..

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Pre-Wedding and Wedding Rituals in Buddhist Wedding

whiskey along with them. For this purpose an auspicious date is decided by the monk (Lama). This is followed by a Chessian or Betrothal Ceremony. In this ritual, the bride’s maternal uncle is seated on an elevated platform and then the priest starts reciting the prayers. A religious drink called Madyan is given to everybody. An auspicious date for the wedding is then fixed in consultation with an astrologer. Other things such as colour of the groom and the bride’s costumes are also decided with the help of the horoscope.

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Pre-Wedding and Wedding Rituals in Buddhist Wedding

Wedding rituals

Normally, a Buddhist wedding is held at a temple. On the day of the wedding, the groom and the bride along with their family reach at the scared place early in the morning. The groom’s family bears a procession of trays containing wine, fruits, jewellery, meat, tea, and cake which is given as a dowry to bride. The number of trays should be either nine or six. Eight or seven trays are prohibited as these are usually considered as unlucky numbers. Out of all the trays, one tray contains wax light that are lit by the groom and the bride. Lighting up of two candles is considered auspicious as

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Pre-Wedding and Wedding Rituals in Buddhist Wedding

it signifies the union of two souls along with their families. 

Following this, both bride and the groom bow down in front the idol of Buddha. Next, the twosome and their families light candles in front of the Buddha’s idol and recite procession hymns like Panchasila, Vandana, and Tisarana. Fragrant flowers are offered to Lord Buddha by the couple. The groom and the bride then recite the traditional undertaking as given in the Sigilovdda Sutta. The marriage ritual is dignified and concluded with the chanting of Mangal Sutta and Jaymangala Gatha.

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Pre-Wedding and Wedding Rituals in Buddhist Wedding

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This recital is considered as a blessing for the newlywed couple. Following this the parents of both the groom and the bride connect the couple by placing a loop of strings on their heads. As a part of the ritual, holy paste (red in colour) is also applied on the foreheads of the couple. 

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