pray then like this: our father in heaven.. . matthew 6:9 of 2014 - 16th september.… · pray then...

Post on 17-Apr-2020






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Issue 29

Pray then like this: Our Father in heaven... Matthew 6:9 This bible verse that I have chosen for this week is where Jesus teaches his disciples

about prayer. But not only does he teach them how to pray, but he also gives

them the exact words to use. This prayer we call the “Lord’s Prayer” or sometimes it

is called the “Our Father”.

Recently, at our Wednesday night bible study at the church, I shared a little insight

about this that I learnt from someone a long time ago, which every time I mention

it, always seems to strengthen people. And it’s this: when we pray, we never pray

alone. Jesus teaches us to pray not “my Father”, but “our Father”. We don’t come

before God on our strength, and because of our own works, and because of how

good and pure we are, but we pray together with Jesus, who is completely pure

and perfect. We step into his shoes, in such a way that we join in with him in praying

to his Father, and also, he joins in with us. Even when we pray by ourselves, we

don’t change the words to “my Father”, but we always say, “Our Father”, because

we always pray together with Jesus.

Lord Jesus, come and teach us to pray, and lead us and guide us in prayer to your

Father. Amen.

Pastor Stephen van der H

What Are Your Thoughts? In planning our 2015 school calendar, we have been considering the timing of the pupil free

days that are used for vital professional learning opportunities for staff. Currently the first day

of each term is set aside as a pupil free day, effectively extending the term breaks by a day.

Another model emerging in schools is the consolidation of pupil free days into a week of

professional learning for staff in the final week of Term 2. This creates a three week mid-year

break for students and families and an uninterrupted week for staff to focus on learning


As you would be aware, there are always advantages and disadvantages to either way of

timetabling pupil free days. As well, what is seen as an advantage by one person, may be a

disadvantage to another. Below I have listed some of the advantages/disadvantages I have

heard associated with the timing and use of pupil free days. After reading through them, I

would appreciate you providing me with any thoughts you have as we consider a change in

2015 to our usual practice.

A mid-year three week break for students and families:

- provides a better opportunity for mid-year rest and change of routines for students

- gives an opportunity for a slightly longer family holiday without missing time at


- allows staff to consolidate and focus on learning opportunities

- would create difficulty in arranging care for the additional week (Camp Australia

would be asked to offer holiday club during this additional week)

- reduces the opportunity for the ‘long weekend’ at the end of each term break

Included in this newsletter, you will find a reply slip and I encourage you to share your ideas

and suggestions to the proposal of consolidating pupil free days into a week at the end of

Term 2.

St Mark’s Activities

- Our Year 6 students participated in a Hills schools Lightning Carnival at Uraidla today. They

participated in games of football and netball.

- Our School Council meets tonight. On our agenda will include current planning for 2015.

- Our Parents and Friends meet tonight from 7:00pm in the Library.

- Tomorrow morning our 2K class will be sharing at our Assembly. We will also present Cross

Country certificates to place getters and celebrate the achievement of our Chess players.

We begin at 9:00am in our school hall.

- Our Reception S class will be singing at the St Mark’s Ladies Fellowship afternoon from


- Our weekly chapel service will be held on Friday at 9:00am. Pastor Stephen will lead chapel

which will be followed by Coffee and Chat in the Library.

- Our matinee and evening concert performances will be held next week on Wednesday and

Thursday. See details in today’s newsletter.

(cont’d o/leaf …)

37 Hampden Road, Mt Barker SA 5251 T 8391 0444 E W

St Mark’s Cookbook

Progress is occurring with our very own St Mark’s

cookbook which our P and F is currently organising.

The need at the moment is for us to submit our recipes

online at Follow the

prompts to our school page. I encourage you to take

a few moments and submit a recipe or two and be

part of this school community activity. If you’d prefer,

you can send through your written recipe to the office

and we’ll make sure it finds its way online.

Tuition Fees

Thank you to families who have met their

commitments with payment of tuition fees or have

payment plans in place for the remainder of this year.

Reminder notices are being sent home this week for

overdue fees and I ask that these be attended to

promptly or arrangements made for payment plans.

Please contact Amanda Hewett in our school office if

you have any questions related to your account.

Traffic Around School

We all remain aware of how important it is to observe

speed zones on roads around the school and parking

restrictions. These measures help reduce the risk of

accidents occurring.

For your information, we have included a publication

from The District Council of Mt Barker highlighting safe

parking practices.

Camp Australia Services

Included with today’s newsletter is an information

sheet from Camp Australia providing details of our new

Before School Program commencing in Term 4.

If you will be potentially using this new service, please

follow the requests and instructions provided as soon

as possible.

If you require care for your child on our final pupil free

day for the year on Monday 13th October, please also

register your interest on line at or contacting Sarah in

our Camp Australia program on 0403 731 488.

James H


P&F Grand Final Morning Tea

If you wish to order a delicious donut and fruit box for

morning tea on Friday 26th September, please fill out

an order form included with this newsletter. Orders will

need to be received at the school by this Thursday 18th

September. NO late orders accepted - thank you.

Don’t forget to include your money with the order!

Bussing - End of Term (Friday 26th September)

Due to Mt Barker High School concluding at 2.10pm on

Friday 26th September, parents will need to make

alternative afternoon pickup arrangements from

school. St Mark’s will conclude at the normal time

(3.15pm). The Strathalbyn bus will run as normal on

that afternoon.

Found A pair of black framed glasses with ‘Red or Dead’ on

the sides. A gold ring with a green stone (found in the

girls’ toilet) and a pair of ceramic Dutch clogs - if they

are yours, please see Julianne in the front office.


Congratulations to the following students who have

been chosen to represent the Barker District at the

SAPSASA Athletic Championships at Santos Stadium on

Monday 22nd of September (Week 10). We wish them

all the best for their chosen activities!

Oliver T - 100m, 200m, and Relay

Akeera C - 100m and Relay

George H - Discus

Patrick T - High Jump

Daniel W-S - 800m

Amelia M - Long Jump

Anita G - Relay


Overdue notices have been sent home this week.

Please help your child locate any overdue library

books and readers and have them returned to school

as soon as possible before the holidays. Don’t forget

to look in all those strange and unusual places where

books like to hide!

Year 5 Girls Lunch Club

The year 5 girls are busy making Christmas

Decorations and Gifts for our Christmas Stall in Term 4.

There are some materials that we are short of - can

you donate any of the following:

Red & green ribbon

White Felt

Coloured rick rack

If you could donate any of these

items in the next few weeks, please leave at the front

office or give to Janene O - thank you.

Contact the school for contact info


It is super easy - just go to , click on Submit

Recipes and choose our school from the drop-down list, from here click the

“submit” button to begin.

Your recipe will NOT be submitted until you have completed all 3 steps. You'll

know your recipe has been submitted when you see our Success - Your

recipe has been submitted page.

Cinderella & RockerfellaCinderella & RockerfellaCinderella & RockerfellaCinderella & Rockerfella

I am Fairy Nastyboots,

I’m horrid right down to my roots!

You think you’ve come here to have fun -

To see love’s battle fought and won….

Oh goodness me! Fairy Nastyboots is quite a character! Will she get her way? Gosh I hope not.

Please join Senior Choir, Year 4J, 5A and 6K on Wednesday September 24th or School Band, 4S, 5I and 6K on Thursday

September 25th at 7:00pm for the senior school production of Cinderella & Rockerfella. The matinee performance can be

viewed at 9:30 am (Band, Year 4J, 5A and 6K) or at 11:30am (Senior Choir, 4S, 5I and 6K) on Wednesday September 24th.

Join us in what promises to be an evening filled with wonderful music, dance and some very cheeky lines.



Please provide us with your comments/suggestions regarding proposed pupil free

days for 2015:











St Mark’s Parents & FriendsSt Mark’s Parents & FriendsSt Mark’s Parents & FriendsSt Mark’s Parents & Friends

GRAND FINAL MORNING TEAGRAND FINAL MORNING TEAGRAND FINAL MORNING TEAGRAND FINAL MORNING TEA On Friday 26th September, the Parents and Friends Committee will be providing delicious DONUTS

from the Meadows Bakery for recess. Fruit boxes will also be available for $1!

If you would like to participate in the P&F Grand Final Morning Tea, please complete the following order form and return to the office (with correct money please) by


We will not accept late orders

Recess Order Recess Order Recess Order Recess Order –––– Friday 26Friday 26Friday 26Friday 26thththth September 2014September 2014September 2014September 2014

Name: _____________________________________________ Class: _______________

� Football DonutFootball DonutFootball DonutFootball Donut $2.50

� Netball DonutNetball DonutNetball DonutNetball Donut $2.50 � Fruit BoxFruit BoxFruit BoxFruit Box $1.00 TTTTOTAL OTAL OTAL OTAL OOOORDERRDERRDERRDER:::: $____________$____________$____________$____________

Recess Order Recess Order Recess Order Recess Order –––– Friday 26Friday 26Friday 26Friday 26thththth September 2014September 2014September 2014September 2014

Name: _____________________________________________ Class: _______________

� Football DoFootball DoFootball DoFootball Donut nut nut nut $2.50

� Netball DonutNetball DonutNetball DonutNetball Donut $2.50 � Fruit BoxFruit BoxFruit BoxFruit Box $1.00 TTTTOTAL OTAL OTAL OTAL OOOORDERRDERRDERRDER:::: $____________$____________$____________$____________


In Week 7, we had our Cross

Country event at Keith

Stephenson Park. We were

blessed to finish the event

before the rain settled in.

It was great to see our mighty

competitors running the track

and cheering on others with a


Thank you to all the parents,

grandparents and friends who

came along to support the

students as they ran.

This year’s winners will be

announced at Assembly

tomorrow but a huge

congratulation goes to every

student who participated.


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