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By Becky Mauldin ND © 2014




Orientation Curriculum Overview


Food & Nutrition Module 1

Mindset & Emotions Module 2

Systems & Supplements Module 3

Detoxification Module 4

Electro-Dermal Screening Module 5

Creating a Protocol Module 6

Other Healing Modalities Module 7

Business Training Module 8

Programs Module 9

Classes Module 10

Module 11 Health Conditions

Orientation • Pure Vitality Practitioner Course © 2014 • 2


Thank you so much for enrolling in the Pure Vitality Practitioner Course! I know that

by the end of this course, you will have more tools in your toolbox to help people get well


Before we dive into the jam-packed information that is coming your way, I want to

take a moment and let you know how the course is set up, what to expect, and the recom-

mended reading lists, so you can go ahead and purchase any books you need.

Our desire is to give you everything you need to become an expert in alternative medi-

cine, so that you can be successful in your business, and fulfilled as someone who is doing

meaningful work by helping people regain their vitality. There is really nothing else like the

feeling you will get when a client gives you a raving testimonial. This work is life-changing!

We know that having the right information is going to catapult your business to an-

other level but we also know that your beliefs and mindset are also very important to your

overall success. Your beliefs affect your confidence, how you treat clients, how you view

money, and your even your health. Your clients will be looking to you to have things figured

out and so you really need to be working on your own health issues and your own mindset to

be able to help them. Your clients will only go as far as you have personally gone. In other

words, you are your client’s ceiling. They will only get as far as you have gotten, so it’s vitally

important for you to transform your health and mindset, so you can help to transform your

clients’ health and mindset.

Some people want to skip right over this part and just want the protocols to get clients

well, and that’s great because we will be teaching you that, but you must start at the founda-

tion of working on your own health before you go trying to help everyone else get well. That

is a huge key to your success.

This orientation module will prepare you with the things you need to know before you start

learning all the protocols: how this course is set up, what to expect, the traits of an expert

practitioner, how to take care of you so you can take care of your clients, and all the legal

things you need to know so you are protected and able to do what you love successfully!

So, before we jump into the main modules, be sure to go through this orientation proc-

ess so that you are ready for the main material of the course.

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What To Expect Now, lets dive into how this course is delivered. You are going to get everything that

we use in our wellness center to help clients regain their health. I’m not holding nothing back

because we want you to be successful. You will not only get all of our tips and tricks, but we

will also go over actual case studies of people we have worked with and deconstruct them for

you so you can see why we used a particular protocol.

Because of the sheer amount of information, this course is broken up into modules that

contain video lessons as well as PDF files, eBooks, forms, and documents that you can print

out. Each module will build on the next. We have given you our forms, documents, and pro-

grams so that you can use them in your business.

One module will be released each week, so you will be able to absorb and digest the

information, and put it into practice before moving on the next section. This will allow you to

master each new thing as you learn it, and so you can implement it, and it keeps the course

from being overwhelming.

As a practitioner, its important to have a lot of different tools in your toolbox to help

get the client well. At the end of this course, you will gain many new tools you can utilize:

from understand how to use food therapeutically, how to use supplements, to having protocols

for complex health conditions. You will know how to use a far infrared sauna for detox, how

to use electro-dermal screening to help you figure out the cause behind health issues, you will

learn about essential oils and so much more. There are also some really helpful business tools

that will help you set up your practice or wellness center successfully and grow your business.

We are going to cover the therapeutic order of healing a client’s body– the art of heal-

ing. So you will know where to start and then where to go from there. We have been to too

many conferences and events that spend so much time on theory and ideas, and very little

time is spent on the practical information or tools that it takes to get people well. So we have

created this course to be highly practical, useful information that you can apply to your clients

immediately. We want to give you everything you need to know to get your clients the best

results possible in the shortest amount of time.

At the end of each module, there are some assignments that you can use to practice

what you are learning. We have some practice case studies where you can start to gain some

experience putting together protocols for practice clients. These will not be graded, they are

just for you to practice applying what you are learning. You will get the answer to these as-

signments in the next module so you can check your work.

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You will get a Certificate of Completion once you complete this course. In order for

you to receive your Certificate of Completion, you will need to take a test on the information in

each module. You will see a tab at the top of the members area that says “Tests”. Click that,

and you will see a link to each test for each module. These can be completed as you go

through the material or at the end of the course. It’s up to you. They help us know that you

are understanding the material.

When you take the test and submit it to us, we will look over your answers and email

you the grade. If you want to retake a test, you get once opportunity to retake a test to get a

better grade. You will need to get an overall grade of 80% or higher to receive your certifi-


Just so you know, you have access to us through the support tab at the top of the

dashboard in the members area. You can email any questions that you have, and Marie and I

will be hosting monthly Q and A calls where we will cover your questions and offer live coach-

ing. You will learn as you listen to us answer other people’s questions and get your questions

answered as well. And if you miss that call, it will be recorded. We will archive all the calls in

the course, so you can always access them.

Also please take advantage of our private Facebook group which is set up to be a prac-

titioner mastermind. A mastermind is a group of people who share and support one another

and that’s what it’s all about. It’s the people in the trenches just like you working on their

business, learning and growing. They’re sharing current resources, tactics and things that work

for them plus they give you support. A like minded group of practitioners was important to my

success, so I know it will be a great support system for you too.

So, go in the group, introduce yourself, share your successes with everyone, ask ques-

tions, and make yourself at home. Feel free to post a question there and Marie, or I or an-

other person in the course will respond. I monitor the group and we are all there to support

each other, to celebrate each others successes. The group is not a place to complain or post

negativity, or try to solicit another person into a program or something you are offering.

Those things are not allowed in the mastermind group. It’s there to be a support system and

help hold you accountable.

If you do have a problem, question, concern, or complaint, please email me at

becky@ and I’ll respond as soon as I can.

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As practitioners, it’s easy to get caught up in wanting to heal our clients in every area

by ourselves, but I’ve found it works better when you have a team of healers who can work

together to provide what the client needs to get well. This guide will give you all the re-

sources you need to be able to create a team of practitioner or train your staff on various

healing methods and protocols, so you can open up a wellness center if that’s your desire.

In the course, you will hear me talk about some equipment that we use or recommend.

Just know that you don’t have to purchase this equipment in order to utilize the information in

this course to help clients get well. I have only included it for your education, and so it’s not

mandatory for you when working with clients. There are so many done-for-you programs and

classes that you can take and implement right away, so you can start getting results quickly.

I’ve put this course together for you because this is the resource I wish I would have

had when I was first starting out. I want to shorten your learning curve so you can get busy

on your mission: to help people reverse chronic disease and regain their vitality. The truth is

that we live in a toxic time, and our world is getting more polluted every day so it’s getting

harder to maintain health. I want to empower and equip you with the training that will make

you confident in your skills as a practitioner and rewarded with more client success stories

than you have ever had before.

Thanks so much for enrolling in this course. I am excited to have you join us!

Becky Mauldin ND

Owner and Founder of Pure Vitality

Orientation • Pure Vitality Practitioner Course © 2014 • 6

Recommended and Required Reading

*Required Reading

Module 1

Nutrition and Physical Degeneration

by Weston Price*

Omnivore’s Dilemma by Michael Pollan

Food is Your Best Medicine by Henry Bieler

Grain Brain by David Perlmutter

Cultured Foods for Life by Donna Schwenk

Module 2

The Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton

Molecules of Emotion by Candace Pert

Boundaries by Henry Cloud and John Town-


The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman

Module 3

Digestive Wellness by Elizabeth Lipski*

The Hormone Cure by Sarah Gottfried*

Herbal Therapy and Supplements by David


Rosemary Gladstar’s Medicinal Herbs

Adaptogens by David Winston

Modern Essentials

Module 4

Detoxify or Die by Sherry Rodgers*

Our Stolen Future by Theo Colborn

Clean, Green, and Lean by Walter Crin-


Orientation • Pure Vitality Practitioner Course © 2014 • 7

Module 7

Resonance by Alex Duarte

Nature’s Mold RX by Edward Close

Earthing by Clint Ober*

An Electronic Silent Spring by Katie Singer*

Zapped by Ann Louise Gittleman

Module 11

Clinical Naturopathic Medicine by Leah


Healing the New Childhood Epidemics by

Kenneth Bock*

The Autoimmune Epidemic*

Why Can’t I Get Better? Solving the Mystery

of Chronic Lyme Disease by Richard


The Natural Guide to Pregnancy and Postpartum

Health by Dean Raffelock and Robert Roundtree

The Definitive Guide to Cancer by Burton Gold-


Traits of An Expert Practitioner As I talk about the traits that you should have as an expert practitioner, I want you to

think about the ones that you need to work on.

1. They practice self-care and taking care of their body– eating well, going to yoga, rest, get

massage regularly, take supplements, etc….

2. They don’t need to ask someone’s permission to go after their desires and dreams.

3. They have a positive mental outlook and an abundance mindset rather than lack.

4. They don’t go into overwhelm, but rather can to break large things down into manageable

tasks. And they know when to delegate!

5. They don’t do drama or negative self-talk.

6. They have an environment and surroundings that inspire and support them.

7. They keep going for their dreams, even if obstacles get in the way, you don’t give up eas-

ily! Problems are a part of life and are just opportunities to learn and do better next time!

They don’t see problems as a problem, but as a chance to learn and grow from them.

So, whatever you need to take care of in the next couple of weeks, go ahead and do

that now so you can have the time and the energy to devote to going through this course. In

the next section, we will look at certain areas of your life and the areas you spend your time

in, and make sure they support you in the direction you are heading.

As you go through this course, there will be less time for to work on these things and

it’s so essential for you to put these things into practice now and live what you preach. If you

already are stressed out, overworked, overwhelmed, and have adrenal fatigue, you really

shouldn’t go into this course on that foundation, as the information you will learn might lead to

more overwhelm if you are not careful. If you have a weak foundation, it’s critical to repair it

now BEFORE you build the rest of the house on top of that, right?

So, don’t look at this part of the course as just a waste of time, but as a time to really

prepare and make sure you have healthy habits in place now so that you can be healthy and

feel your best, even when your business is booming, because that is just around the corner!

You want to have the energy and vitality to take care of your clients, and you want to feel

good knowing that you are eating well and giving your body the rest it needs.

Orientation • Pure Vitality Practitioner Course © 2014 • 8

Your Office

Your office is an area where you spend a lot of time, so does that space energize you?

Does it inspire you? Does it need updating or decorating? You want to be sure to create a

space that is healing for you and is a reflection of you. It represents what you want the world

to see you as: that expert practitioner that you are becoming. So, what needs beautifying?

Go ahead and work on that now.

Here are some ideas:

A fresh coat of paint

Buy fresh flowers

If you don’t have an office space yet, you can use this time to dream and plan. What

would your ideal office look like? How would you like it decorated? Cut some images out of

magazines or start a new Pinterest board for inspiration.

Your Wardrobe

There is a saying that I love: “Dress for the job you want, not the job you have”. How

you look and what you wear conveys a certain message to the world as well as influences how

you feel about yourself. Take a weekend and go through your closet and toss out the old

things that don’t match the image of who you want to become, and make room for those

things that will uplevel your look and image.

Here are some ideas:

Clean out your closet

Donate old clothes

Donate old outdated jewelry

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Remove the clutter and reorganize

Redecorate with inspiring furnishings and accessories

Buy matching hangers for your clothes

Buy new clothes or shoes

Organize closets and drawers

Buy new workout clothes

Your Health As healers, we often take care of everyone else before we take care of ourselves. But

how will we be able to help others if we have nothing left to give? One of our favorite sayings

at Pure Vitality is: “You can’t pour out of an empty cup”. Meaning, you can’t give to others if

you are not taking the time to rejuvenate and renew your body.

Our desire is that starting today, you begin to establish healthy self-care habits if you

are not doing it already. It will enable you to stay healthy and able to give, as well as being a

living example of what you preach!

Here are some ideas:

Get massage or reflexology regularly

Take high quality supplements

See a holistic practitioner for regular evaluations so you can stay your best

Have a regular yoga practice or workout routine

Make a list of healthy foods you want to keep on hand in your house and go shopping

Say no and set boundaries more often

Talk a leisurely walk in nature

Schedule regular vacation time

Juice everyday

Do a cleanse

Book sessions with a personal trainer

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What will you begin to incorporate into your life now to stay healthy?

Your Business As a successful holistic practitioner, you should not do it all alone. It’s important to

know when to delegate and take some stress off your life. Who do you need to delegate

some tasks or projects to? Who do you need to hire to take some pressure off of you?

Here are some ideas:


Virtual Assistant

Website designer

Life coach


Personal Assistant

Nanny or Babysitter

Social media expert


Orientation • Pure Vitality Practitioner Course © 2014 • 11


Philosophy and Principles of Alternative


Now, I want to take a minute and talk about the framework and the principles behind

alternative medicine. We live in an exciting time! Because Alternative medicine is a fast grow-

ing industry. It’s growing in leaps and bounds….and that’s because more and more people

have become disillusioned with conventional health care, so alternative medicine has certainly

gained new respect as a credible healing modality. It is based on the belief that the human

body has an innate healing ability. Natural practitioners help their patients heal using diet, ex-

ercise, lifestyle changes and natural therapies to enhance their bodies’ ability to ward off and

fight disease.

We view things differently than modern medicine. They look at everything individually

or separately. There is a specialist for this problem, a specialist for that problem. They look at

the diseases and focus on that. But in alternative medicine, we focus on the whole person,

that’s made up of complex interrelated systems that affect each other. And we look for the

underlying cause of the health issue, not just focusing on the symptoms. And when we work

on the cause, it’s actually healing the body, rather than suppressing symptoms.

Natural practitioners work to educate their clients in how to take care of their body,

how to stimulate the body’s own vital healing ability.

Obviously, we do not diagnose disease or prescribe medication. Alternative medicine is

not recommended for acute trauma, such as a serious automobile accident, a childbirth emer-

gency, or orthopedic problems that need corrective surgery. Alternative medicine can contrib-

ute to faster recovery in these cases. Still, these situations are best suited for conventional

medicine or medical doctors who also have a background in natural medicine. Conventional

medicine without a doubt, really excels in emergency health care. But when it comes to

chronic health conditions, this is where alternative medicine really shines.

As a practitioner you are already aware that you are legally not a doctor, therapist, or

counselor. Certain words, particularly used by the medical profession cannot legally be used.

You do not practice or imply to practice medicine, and certain words can imply that. These

words include but are not limited to:

1. Cure

2. Diagnose

Orientation • Pure Vitality Practitioner Course © 2014 • 12

3. Treat/treatment

4. Prescribe/Prescription

5. Calling ourselves Doctor and many others

Here are the principles that alternative medicine are founded upon.

The Healing Power of Nature: The healing power of nature is the natural process of all

living organisms. When you get a cut your body automatically begins the healing process.

You don’t have to do anything to make that happen. Alternative medicine recognizes this

healing process to be ordered and intelligent. Our job as practitioners role is to support,

and facilitate this process by identifying and removing obstacles to health and recovery,

and by supporting the creation of a healthy internal and external environment.

Identify and Address the Cause: I believe that illness does not occur without a cause.

There are so many things that can cause disease. Causes may originate in many areas.

Underlying causes of illness and disease must be identified and removed before complete

recovery can occur. Symptoms can be seen as expressions of the body’s attempt to de-

fend itself, to heal itself, or may be results of the causes of disease. The natural practitio-

ner seeks to treat the causes of disease, rather than to merely eliminate or suppress symp-

toms. Because you can suppress even with natural things.

First Do No Harm: Natural Practitioners respect the healing process of the body and use

only natural things that help support and facilitate the body’s own natural healing ability,

which do not have side effects. Theses are things that the body can recognize and utilize.

Doctor As Teacher: The original meaning of the word “doctor” is teacher. A principal ob-

jective of alternative medicine is to educate the client and emphasize the need to take re-

sponsibility for their health. As a teacher, we have a relationship with the client that gives

them the support to implement our recommendations.

Heal the Whole Person: Health and disease result from a complex of physical, mental,

emotional, genetic, environmental, social and other factors. The multiple factors involved

in health problems requires a personalized and comprehensive approach to heal the body.

Orientation • Pure Vitality Practitioner Course © 2014 • 13

Modalities in Alternative Medicine

There are many different avenues you can take in the field of alternative medicine. There are

naturopaths, chiropractors, acupuncturists, massage therapists, yoga instructors, health coaches, etc.

Each one has a certain area of speciality, depending on what they are trained in.

In our wellness center, I work with other naturopaths and health coaches, and we use many

different things in our practice to get our clients well. As a naturopath myself, I like it because of the

fact that I can use many different tools to get clients well. I think its smart to have many tools in my

toolbox so I am prepared for what clients will need to regain their health.

Depending on your training is and what the law allows you to do in your area, you will have to

find out what you can incorporate into your practice. I’m not trained in acupuncture, so I don’t offer

that, but I do have other people in my area that I can refer clients to when that need comes up. So,

you don’t have to do it all, but this course will teach you about some modalities that you may want to

add to your business. The scope of natural things you can use to get clients well is pretty broad in al-

ternative medicine. Some of these things include:


The use of plant medicine is core to Naturopathic practice and is therefore commonly pre-

scribed. Botanical medicines are used in both traditional herbal formulations and as phytomedicines,

which are scientifically researched and formulated. Essential oils are concentrated botanicals that are

utilized for their healing benefits.

Chiropractic and massage– work on the physical body structure


The concept, “Let your food be your medicine and medicine your food” has been the foundation

of Naturopathic medicine. We also use nutritional supplements to fill in the gaps.

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Naturopathic physicians are trained in the fundamentals of traditional Chinese medicine and

diagnosis, and may use acupuncture, acupressure and oriental botanical medicine in their practices.

Environmental Medicine

Children and adults are now being exposed to greater quantities of chemicals in the environ-

ment and food supply. These chemicals interact synergistically to increase their negative effects. Natu-

ropathic detoxification and immune restoration therapies are an important aspect of the practice.

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Coaching & Stress Management

Mental attitudes and emotional states can be important elements in healing and disease. Natu-

ropathic physicians are trained in various psychological techniques, including counseling, nutritional bal-

ancing, stress management, biofeedback and other methods.

Homeopathic Medicine

This natural health system, developed by Samuel Hahnemann in the 1840s, continues to evolve.

Some conditions that conventional medicine has no treatment for respond well to homeopathy. Homeo-

pathic medicines are heavily diluted substances that are thought to cause effects similar to the symp-

toms presented. Due to this heavy dilution of medicinal substances that homeopathic preparations are

thought to be very safe for most individuals including infants, children, and adults.

Hydrotherapy Colon irrigation is a detoxification process of the intestinal area of the body that can have a

beneficial impact on overall health.

Light Therapy

Infrared and Far Infrared wavelengths of light provide tremendous healing potential and can be

used in many ways from saunas to light pads used topically, as well as rife frequency generators.

Orientation • Pure Vitality Practitioner Course © 2014 • 15

Legal Issues As A Practitioner

It is important to know what you can do legally. Many practitioners of natural health

care are only vaguely aware of the legalities that can potentially sabotage their business and

livelihood. Health care practitioners who know their specific rights and responsibilities are less

likely to be targeted with harassment.

So, why is regulation there to begin with? Professions that have to operate under a

license have to do so because they need to regulated as the government sees fit, because

there is a risk of harm to the public. So, the government has to be sure that the people are

protected by establishing criteria that these professions have to meet to be able to practice

their profession. But unlicensed practitioners are able to operate under the public domain be-

cause they do not pose a risk of harm to the extent that it requires exclusivity.

As a holistic health practitioner, you are an unlicensed practitioner, and although this

sounds like a problem to be unlicensed, it actually works in your favor and helps you place

more responsiblity on your clients for them to do what it takes to get well. We will talk more

about this in just a minute.

This lesson will cover the legal basics - what you can do under your scope of practice,

what you can say, what you can't say, and all those things that will keep you safe legally. You

want to go into this with a strategy to minimize government interference in your right to assist

individuals in maintaining and improving their health using alternative medicine.

The information contained in this lesson is not presented for the purpose of rendering

legal services, which can only be provided by qualified professionals.

Practicing Medicine Without A License

Most alternative health care practitioners have heard the phrase "practicing medicine

without a license", but are unaware of the practical definition of this phrase and its application

in the legal system.

One of the most common methods for prosecuting an alternative practitioner is to

document the manner in which the practitioner describes her practice to clients, both verbally

and in printed promotional literature.

Physicians have customarily used certain terminology to describe their profession and

its purposes: "consult with patients", "treatment of disease or illness", "prescribe remedies", "

Orientation • Pure Vitality Practitioner Course © 2014 • 16

diagnose illness", "cure illness", "provide therapy", "administer medicine", "relieve symptoms

of illness", as well as others. The use of these words, as well as wearing a white lab coat, or

portraying yourself as a doctor to clients is enough to be seen as practicing medicine without a


Using these type of words that are traditionally reserved to the medical profession puts

you at risk for misrepresenting what you are doing to your clients and can potentially get you

in trouble with the government.

It can seem like an insignificant thing to be nit-picking over words, but a question of

intent and portrayal of yourself to your clients. For even if you avoid using the forbidden

words, yet by your actions demonstrate that your purpose is to diagnose and treat illness,

such as wearing a white lab coat, calling yourself "'Dr", you may still be practicing medicine.

Here are some of the words you really should not say, and what you can say instead.

Don't use the words: Heal, cure, diagnose, nutrition, diet, treat, or treatment.

Instead say: support, assist, analysis, preventive healing, tools to help your body heal

itself, resources, suggest, recommend.

What you cannot do: you cannot do anything that a LICENSED practitioner can do, like

a doctor, if you do not have a license. Even something like massage therapy can only be done

by a licensed massage therapist.

You cannot puncture the skin, you cannot prescribe or administer drugs, recommends that

someone discontinue drugs, or diagnose any condition.

I know it sounds tricky to understand what you can say and what you can't say, espe-

cially when people put you on the spot and ask you if you can help them with a specific health


Here is an example: A person comes in and asks you if you can have anything that can

cure their headaches. If you patiently explains to the client that you cannot make any claims

to cure anything, but that you assist people in building the general health and resistance of

the body by providing nutrients and herbs that stimulate healing, no practice of medicine has

yet occurred.

If you further explain to the client that each person has unique differences, and that

what may bring about healing in one person may be ineffective to another, then you have not

practiced medicine without a license.

Orientation • Pure Vitality Practitioner Course © 2014 • 17

If you ask the client about health history and symptoms, assess them with electro-

dermal screening and let them know what areas of the body are out of balance energetically,

you are not practicing medicine without a license.

If you suggest a few supplements, with instructions for preparation, along with recom-

mendations for including specific foods in the diet, and explain to the client that certain foods

may be better suited to her body type and constitution than other foods, allowing the body to

function better, you are not practicing medicine without a license.

Can you see how this situation is no different from that of an athletic coach who is rec-

ommending particular foods to an athlete to achieve better performance? Or how it's like

suggestions that someone who works at Whole Foods might make when someone asks about

a particular problem that they have?

You can even show the client a book or article with the herbs recommended for the

client, and this book may contain information about the physiological effects of the herbs and

lists a set of diseases that the herbs have been shown to cure. After all, the client could have

obtained this information on her own at the local library. Now we are approaching the line, but

have not yet crossed it, for the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights protects the unrestricted

flow of information of this type.

However, if you then say to the client: "These herbs will help to relieve your head-

aches," the line has been crossed. Or if you say, "Take this for your headaches" or "Do this

to make your headaches go away". You cannot make a claim. This is practicing medicine

without a license.

Likewise, you cannot use electro dermal screening to scan your client for different

things, and say, "You have candida". Or, "You have cancer" or any sort of disease. As we will

talk about in future lessons, electro dermal screening or any other testing that you might offer

is still not to be used diagnostically. Electro dermal screening is picking up on energetic indi-

cators that will just enable you to better choose the best protocol for your client. We do not

tell our clients what kinds of infections that they have or what type of toxins. We can say that

we see some energetic toxin indicators that are causing their body to be out of balance.

It's really all about the words that you use and the overall message you convey to your

client. They should never be under the impression that you are diagnosing them or acting in

the role of a physician. You are acting in the role of a consultant and an educator.

Orientation • Pure Vitality Practitioner Course © 2014 • 18

The distinction between treating disease and helping people to improve their health is

especially clear when a practitioner spends the time to educate the client about the herbs or

supplements she is taking and how to know whether they are appropriate for her based upon

her symptoms/experiences. Educating clients to increase their well-being by paying attention

to their symptoms to self-regulate food, herb, and supplement intake is quite different from

informing clients that the herbs will cure their illnesses.

Now, if you are a practitioner who is licensed, such as a doctor, RN, massage therapist,

occupational therapist, and also are getting the certification to be a holistic health practitioner

in this course, you will need to hold yourself out to the public for one or the other at a single

time. Meaning you can't be a doctor AND a health coach when you work with clients. Medi-

cal practitioners need to keep these professions separate. Have a separate website for your

health coaching practice and medical practice, so that the medical board can't come to you

and say that you are practicing outside of your scope of practice as a medical practitioner be-

cause your medical license doesn't let you do that.

In plain terms, you are really an educator or a consultant. And you want to be sure

that you make it very clear to your client that you are not a medical doctor and do not replace

medical advice by stating such on a disclaimer that your client signs before they see you for

any service.

You have to be careful when people put you on the spot and ask if you can help heal

their __________ illness. You can indirectly answer their question by saying, "One of the

things that worked for one of my other clients was _______________."

Or "Some people have found that if they use ____________, it can help them


Or "If it were me, I would......" When asked about dosage, you can say, "The manu-

facturer recommends you take it _____ times a day".

When you give specific instructions, be sure to put the word "Suggested" nutrient protocol on

the top of your form.

What about other services you might provide? You can say something like this: "A lot

of my clients have come here to use my sauna 3 times a week, and it's really helped them

with that type of thing you are dealing with..."

Orientation • Pure Vitality Practitioner Course © 2014 • 19

You never want to tell them directly what to do. Instead, you tell clients what others

have done or what you would do. You give the client the opportunity to make the decision

for themselves, which is really good because it means that they are the ones in control, they

are taking responsibility for their health. It is not at all like a doctor/patient relationship where

the patient is told exactly what to do. You are more like a consultant or a coach advising

things that can help them, but working along with them, making helpful suggestions that can

improve their health.

You are there to support your clients in achieving their health goals and identify any

obstacles in the way of those goals. You need to remind the client that they decision that they

make is their own.

I know we all get approached by people at the grocery store, church, or other gather-

ings where people come up to us and tell us their health story and ask for help. In these

cases, it's good to say something like this, "I was able to help one of my clients with similar

health struggles and they got great results from changing their diet and adding in a few spe-

cific supplements. Without knowing more of your case history, I can't make specific recom-

mendations for you right now, but if you come to see me for a health evaluation, I would be

able to provide more specific advise for your health struggles." You don't want to answer their

question directly. Don't say, "Yes, I can help you". It's better to say, "I have helped someone

with those symptoms....." Talk about how you have helped others and share testimoni-

als. That keeps you from making a claim or guarantee.

And the truth is that you don't know enough about them from a 10 minute conversa-

tion that will enable you to recommend the best thing for them to feel better. So, don't allow

yourself to even be put in that position. They should respect your time and pay for a health

evaluation if they want your help.

Another example is say your client has candida, and comes to you for help. Rather

than say, "Ok, well, you need to eat this, take this supplement, and do this...." But that is not

what you are supposed to do. You need to give them the opportunity to make a decision for

themselves. And that means saying something like this instead, "Here are a couple of options

that I have found reliable, based on my research, why don't you look this over and see if ei-

ther one resonates with you and let me know what you want to do so I can keep up with


You are not telling them to do that plan. You are telling them what might help them

and they have to decide to do

Orientation • Pure Vitality Practitioner Course © 2014 • 20

Ultimately, we are telling them to talk to their doctor. Even if they don't do it, it's im-

portant that you make sure to say that.

No matter if you are a traditional naturopath, herbalist, health coach, holistic health

practitioner, you are still legally functioning in the role of a consultant because you are dealing

with herbs, foods, supplements, which is all considered food according to the FDA. They are

practicing in the public domain.

If someone asks what you do, legally what you do is you consult and educate. That's

it- consult and educate.

Now your clients can share whatever they wish. There is not a legal problem with your

clients sharing about how you helped them. You can have client share more than you can and

that is why testimonials on your website are a great way to show how you can help peo-

ple. Testimonials share the stories and experiences of how you helped people recover from

different diseases. But you also should have a section in your website disclaimer that says

that these testimonials are just examples. This is not indicative of what could happen for

you. These are examples of clients who have achieved these results.

You should not make clients share any of their lab work with you- it's totally up to

them if they want to share it with you. You do not keep medical records and you don't have a

legal requirement to keep medical records. Even if a client asks what their labs mean, it's not

up to you to know how to interpret them - you can just direct them to a website and help ex-

plain what the words mean by reading from the site. You are not interpreting what they

mean, like a doctor would. I may ask my client, "so what did your doctor say is your diagno-

sis?" Or, "What did your doctor say about your symptoms and what they might indicate?" It's

not up to you to figure out what is wrong with your client. All you are doing is helping to pro-

vide some tools they can use for their body to heal itself.

So, the two most important documents you will need to have are a Client Agreement

and a Disclaimer.

The client agreement is for 1 on 1 services or programs that you provide and it should

reflect your exact service, policies around payment, missed appointments, cancellations, com-

munication, how to make up missed sessions, refund policies, you want to have this clear. It

will need to have all the things included in your program and expectations of the client/

practitioner relationship.

Orientation • Pure Vitality Practitioner Course © 2014 • 21

When your client knows the expectations ahead of time, it makes for a better client

experience, they know to make payments on time and you also tell them what they expect of

you too.

And you do want to have a confidentiality statement. You want to keep their files con-

fidential so no other clients can see them. That means making sure that the files are not out

where people can see them, or even see the names on the files sitting on a desk or

counter. Turn them upside down or file them away.

You can use a electronic signature for clients who are out of state for client agree-

ments as well as a actual signature on a document.

And the Disclaimer will clearly state what you do and that you do not diagnose, pre-

scribe, cure, etc... you need to use this with every single client and they need to sign it. We

will provide you some examples that you can use with your clients. Be sure to customize

these for your particular business and have your attorney look it over.

I know this is a lot of information, and like I said, the wording that you use is the most

important thing to know. So, watch this lesson until you understand exactly what you can do

and what you can't do, until you remember what words to say, and what not to say. Always

be aware when talking to anyone who calls your office, sees you for a services, or inquires

about what you do. Always be above reproach in everything you do and you will be just fine.

Orientation • Pure Vitality Practitioner Course © 2014 • 22

Wording Cheat Sheet

Instead of the word CURE, use the words RESTORE, HELP, ALLEVIATE, IMPROVE, CORRECT,








Instead of the word DISEASE, use the words CONDITION, PROBLEM, DEFICIENCY, EXCESS


Instead of saying that you will HEAL them of their health problem, use the words, I WILL



Instead of naming diseases, as is done in the medical paradigm, use simple, descriptive terms.

For example, one might say to a client, "I see you have swollen joint", rather than "I see you

have arthritis". Arthritis is a medical diagnosis.

Instead of saying, “TAKE THIS FOR YOUR HEALTH PROBLEM”, say this: “ONE OF THE



When people ask if you can help them with a specific health problem, don’t just say, “Yes, I

can help you”.

Instead, it’s better to say something like this: “I was able to help one of my clients with simi-

lar health struggles, and they got great results from changing their diet and adding in a few

specific supplements I recommended. Without knowing more of your health history, I can't

make specific recommendations for you right now, but if you come to see me for a health

evaluation, I will be able to provide more specific suggestions for your health struggles."

Orientation • Pure Vitality Practitioner Course © 2014 • 23

There is a clearly defined path that the client needs to follow to get well. While they

may want to start out with a detox or a supplement program, if they don’t address their diet

and lifestyle, they will only get limited results. Your job is to make sure they understand how

important their food choices are: food is what the body uses to build new cells and tissues,

and if those building blocks are made from processed foods, then the foundation will be weak-

ened and not resistant to disease.

Lifestyle includes emotional health, physical exercise, stress level, or other things going

on in their life that can hinder optimal health.

Supplements just build on the rest of the foundation, but cannot replace it and the cli-

ent needs to understand that. Then once the body is supplied with the good nutrition, it can

detoxify the harmful substances because it now has good things to replace the bad things


Longevity is how the client maintains good health for the rest of their lives, by staying

on some maintenance supplements, and detoxifying seasonally if necessary.

Foundation of Health






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Natural Food Proper Proportions Pure Water

Movement Relaxation Emotional Health

Herbs Essential Oils Multivitamins

Colon Cleanse Liver Support Toxin Removal

Healthy Diet Seasonal Detox Specific Support

















Orientation • Pure Vitality Practitioner Course © 2014 • 25

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