practise your grammar 2 (with answer key)

Post on 13-Nov-2014






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compiled and edited by

ipek f,kmekqi & Qigdem Onat

Ankara 2003

Middle East Technical tlniversityDepartment of Basic English


1. GRAMMAR (p.1)

2. VOCABULARY (p. 71)

3. CLOZE TEST (p. 97)

4. ANSWER KEY (p. 115)

GRAMMARA.t .Complete the following sentences with a suitable verb in either the present simple orpresent continuous tense. Put the words in the brackets in the correct place.

Jason and Tric ia ( I ) to the theatre tonisht. Jason

(2)_ (always) a glass of wine during thc intermission and

( 3 ) going to a pub after the show. This play (4;

at l0 o'c lock so there wi l l be plentv of t ime to have another slass or two before thcir l -avouri tc

pub (-5) . Jason, who (6) (a lways) aboLr t

Trrcia 's dr iv ing and is too st ingy to hire a cab. wi l l hzrve to lct Tr ic ia dr ivc. l l

( 1 )

2.I 'ut the verbs in brackets into either the present simple or the present continuous tense.Put any other words in the brackets in the correct place.

l . Y o u (always / f ind) cxcuses for being latc. I am bcgintr ing to lose

(wri te) a new book whi lc his wif 'e is on vucrrt ion.

my pat icnce with yor-r .

2 . Dav ic l

3. Jef'l iey (f-eel) that his l i f 'e as an athlete wi l l soon be ovcr.

4. Don'1 distr"rrb rne. nlease. I (have) my d inner .

3.Put the verbs in brackets in either the past tense or past continuous.

' k W h e n h c ( l ) (stand) up to make a specch, he (2) ( k n o e k )ovcr his wine glass. Hc was vcry embarrasscd

'1 ' Whi lc Dav id (3 ) (watch) the footbal l match on TV. thc chair hc( 4 ) (s i t ) on sudden ly (5 ) (co l lapse) .

(no t l i ve ) in London when hcr fa thcr( 1 ) (get) married for the fburth tirne'/

to mc as i f thcy are hcading 1'or t rouble . not a pleasant night or-r t .

(become) older she (9)__ (f ind) l i1 'e easier to dcal" A s s h e ( 8 )w i th .

4 .Fill in each blank using the correct lbrm of the verbs in brackets.

I had one of the worst experiences of rny life a ferv years ago whcn ii friend and I

( l ) (ski) in the Dolomite Mountains in l talv. We had dccided not to ski that

day - the sun (2) (sh ine) and the snow (3) (melt l 1 'ast. We

had decided, instead. to take the ski l i f i to the top of the nlountain and have a walk arouncl. As

there was so little snow. we (4) (meet) many skiers, and the bar at the top of

the lift was empty. Afier drinking a quick cup of coffee, we (5) (set) out to

explore the mountaintop, following a path through a forest. Suddenly the weather changed, and

when the sun (6) (disappear), it (7) (become) qu i te co ld .

Snow started to fall. We decided to turn back immediately. After an hour of walking. we

realised that we were lost and that the snow (8) (fall) faster and faster. We

couldn't go back the way we had come. There was no alternative but to carry on towards the

ski l i f t . Otherwise. we would spend the nieht on the mountain. Just as I

( 9 ) (begin) to get real ly f i ightened, I (10) (hear ) shouts

in the distance. We ran towards the voices and soon came to the edge of the forest. The ski lifi

was ahead of us. We had made i t ! However, i t wasn't the top of the slope. but the bottom.

Without real is ing i t , we had walked al l the way down the mountain side.

iilf in each blank with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

Some peop le ( l ) (always/cr i t ic ize) things without bcing

constructive about them. That's really irritating. To prove to myself that I am not one of thosc

people, I have decided (2) (oin) the nexl environmcntal

(be) the third ofawrlreness cross-country bicycle rally, which (3)

i ts kind. I have even asked to be excused from the picnic that my school

(4 )_ (have) next Saturday bccausc the ral ly

(start) that day at noon. Considering the route. we

(certainly / run) into some bad weather and I arn al ' raid i t

(not / be) an easy run. Even so, I hope that when i t 's

f in ished, we (8) (create) some environmental awareness in the

pcople watching us r ide by.

6.Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets so that each sentence hasa future meaning. Use each future form only once, in the most appropriate place.

l . Look ou t ! You (crash) into that tree.

The doctors hooe that he (get) better soon.

3. We'd better hurry. The plane (take) off at l l :1 5.

4. The pr ime-ministereventng.

(give) a reception for the businessmen this

( 5 )

(6 )

(1 )

5. Just imagine! We (sail) to Sardinia this time on Friday.

Fill in each blank with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

The Evans family was planning ( l ) (spend) the Christmas period in

Scotland. They (2) (invite) to stay there for a few days at the house of some

friends. lt was a long way away, and the Evans thought they (3) ( arn ve.)

very late, so the friends agreed to leave the door key under the mat. In this way, the Evans

could let themselves in without waking anyone up.

The map their friends (4) (draw) for them wasn't very good. so they

(s) (find) the house until about two o'clock in the mornine. They started to

look for the key. The whole family (6) (search) without success for about

ten minutes when the father (7) (discover) that the door was open. They

went inside quietly. Since their friends (B)- (sleep) upstairs. they decided to

go straight to bed. They were tired after their long journey, so they found two empty

bedrooms and went to sleep.

When they came downstairs the next morning, to their amazement two complete strangers

By accident the wholc l 'arni ly( 9 )

( l 0 )

(sit) at the kitchen table.

(break) into the house next doorl

getting a job

taking care

8.Use a. an. the or no article (b) in the blanks below.

9.Fill in each blank with an appropriate preposition.

Alex has always been interested ( l ) marine life and sorely wanted to take

d i v i n g l e s s o n s b u t k e p t p u t t i n g i t ( 2 ) - . I t w a s m a i n l y h i s p o o r f i n a n c e s t h a t

prevented him (3) fulfil l ing this ambition. Finally, last month he succeeded

at the city aquarium, where he was to be responsible

of the dolphins. He proved to be so good



Dear Diary,

Yes terday . I saw ( l ) car of my dreams- (2) Porsche

convert ible! I can easi ly imagine myself dr iv ing that wonderful machine along

( 3 )

(5 )

French Riviera with (4\ sun in my face and

wind in rny hair. Gathering all my courage, I went into (6)

showroom and asked for (7) test dr ive. This was (B) incredible

display of boldness on my part, if I say so myself, considering my already over-drawn

bank account. Unfortunately, dear diary, (9) over-drawn bank accounts are

o n e o f ( 1 0 ) harsh rea l i t ies o I l i fe . . .

his job that the city government offered to pay for his diving lessons.


(8 )

is real ly exci ted (7) his job and diving. When I congratulated him


present job, come and see my boss; I am sure he can find something you are capable

( 10 ) do ing . "

10.F'ill in each blank with an appropriate preposition.

You have f inr i l ly succeeded ( 1) making me angry. I have already

apolo-qized (2) bringing you here. You seem to be bored

( 3 ) everything around. I cannot be held responsible (4)

everything you disl ike. Try to show some ski l l (5)


adapt ing yourself to the

1 1 .Fill in each blank with the most suitable preposition.

Bel had always wanted to have a business of his own. His opportunity came whcn his r t t - t l l t

lef ' t h im hcr hugc country mansion. He had never expected this. Al though i t took hirr

( l ) - s u r p r i s e , h e w a s q u i c k t o r n o v e ( 2 ) - a c t i o n . H e b r o u g h t i n a n a r n l y c l l

engineers and workmen. Whi le ont: group was clear ing the old stablcs (3)- --- the

rubbrsh irccumulatcd ovcr the years, anothcr was fitting the rooms (4)------- thc latcst

model air pur i f iers. For a whi lc, i t was l ike a madhouse: the whole placc was (-5)-

total chaos. Howcver, s lowly but surely, things sett led down and a very attract ive helt l th I 'art t t

was bui l t . The opening ccrclnony attracted many celebri t ies. Ben. howevcr. was

(6)-=-_- no i l lusions that a few famous names would be enough i l 'he wanted a steady

increasc (1)__ the number of paying customers. He is constant ly try ing 1o improve

"The Olcl Manor House", the name (8)-- which his health farm is known in the local


12.with in, into, on, close to andfrom.

his progress, he said, " I f you ever get bored (9)

the top of a hi l l . You can see the terr i f ic scenery

i ts terrace. There is an ancient temple in ruins (3)

hear the sound of the wind all the time since we live (4)---------- a

are stairs in front of our fiont porch, which descend (5)---- thc

blank with one word.

f i l l ing in the form. I know you are bad

Anyway, don' t get too exctted

them. I t doesn't usual ly come. Why are

Itil l in the blanks

Our housc is ( l )

\ 2 )

garden wal l . We

hrl ly area. There

val ley.


13.Fill in each

Don't put


(3 )

remembering things.

receiving a green card from

i l )

you so interested (4) going to the U.S.A. '? You are capable

(s) getting any job you like here. I apologise (6)

interfering, but you can do much better than this in life.

14.Fill in each blank with the appropriate preposition. If none is necessary, put a (X) in theblank.

, ' Please run (1)__ to my room on the top f loor and get my coat. I havc an

appointment (2)_ two o'clock with Adrian. He is here (3)---- only two

days. He is leaving (4) tomorrow. I t 's his wif .e 's bir thday (5)_____ the

l2th of Apri l . He wants to celebrate i t with hcr (6)_- Saturday evcnin-{.

' r ' Cornc- on. gct (7)_ the car. I ' l l dr ive you (8)_ the tunnel to the other

sidc of the r ivcr. Then i f you walk (9)_ the park you can casi ly rcrch thc

planetar ium.

'k I had cornpletely lbrgotten (10)____ the picnic. Actual ly. Ihad nothing to clcr

( I I )_ the weekend so I didn' t even bothcr to go ( l2)--- ol ' the hrt tsc.

1 5 .F'il l in each blank with the appropriate preposition.

, l . P a m c l a l i v c s ( | ) - P r i m r o s c S t r c c t ( 2 ) - n u m b e r 7 . S h c u s u a l l y t a k c s i t

bus (3) work. She sometirncs has to wait (4) the bus stop {or

fiftecn minutes before getting (5)_______ a crowded bus which takes her to Tllfalgar

Square. Thcrc she jurnps (6)-- the bus and walks (7) t hc

National Gal lery. On the way to the gal lcry. shc I 'ccds the birds by the fbuntuin. Aftcr

spending a fcw minutes therc, she cntcrs the gal lery. Actuir l ly. she works

(u)_ _ _ thc Nat ional Gal lcry - as an assistant curator.

" Gerald has a lovelv house (9) the southern coast. but hc rvorks

( l 0 ) the east where he has a tov f i tctorv. As a result . hc spends a lot ol 'h is

t i m e ( l I ) the road ( l2) his car.

* Thc news of his trasic dcath was f l rst given ( 13) television. then

( t 4 ) the newspapers the next day.

* Please be here ( l5)_ t ime.

' i ' We couldn' t see the f i lm properly because our sezi ts were (16)

auditor ium.

the back o1 ' the


(5 )

(6 )

* Please si t (17)


that stool ( l8) the hall. I want to draw vour

x We travel led a lot (19) the east but I have never lived

(20) the southern coast.

* Le t ' s meet (2 l ) the entrance to Karum (22) Kavaklrdere

16.Fill in each blank with the appropriate preposition.

You seem to be unaware ( l ) the fact that people are getting tired of you.

You always express yourself (2) an aggressive manner. Moreover, most of

your jokes are (3) poor taste. When people compliment you

your acting ability you take it for granted. When you are confl-onted

journal ists, you are always rude to them. Ninc t imes

of ten you are late for your appointments. As your agent. I'm

responsible (1) creating your public image. So let's get down

( 8 ) business. You either do what I want you to do or I quit.

t7 .Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the appropriate relative pronoun. Add

commas where necessary.

l. Jacques-Yves Cousteau conducted underwater exploration in places no man

had gone bel'ore.

2. Jacques-Yves Cousteau fihns made the strange underwater world

marvellously familiar had a rare enthusiasm for nature'

3. Sebastian's oldest brother is an army officer will not be able to attend his


4. After he was put in jail, Mr. Gullible was criticised by a lot of people many of

were his old accomplices.

5. Many people refuse to take any major decisions on the 13th of the month

they believe is unlucky.

18 .Put the adjectives and nouns in the correct order in the blanks below.

1. I don't think it was really an accident. I would like to speak to the

. (involved/people)

2. There will be(occasional / rain)

in the Mediterranean resion in the afiernoon

19.Write the most suitable modifying adjective in the blanks. In the first two sentences,don't use the same adjective in both blanks.

x His behaviour towards the teacher was ( I ) impol i te, but she handled

the s i tua t ion (2 )quite/rather

wel l .quite/rather

I t was a (3) interesting proposal, but I can'tquite/rather


quite/ratheragree with him. I don' t think those trees should be felled.

thins he saw was the tree-house in the old oak tree. He remembered

a chi ld he (5 ) (spend) hours

(imagine) he was the king of the castle. He also remembered his

(bend) over for hours on end in an effort

(keep) the garden blooming all year round. For one brief

We use our basement (5) a

This material feels (6) s i l k .as/ l ike

I used to be very thin (7) a chi ld but s ince then I 've put on

20.Complete the following text with the correct form of the words in brackets.

In general , I 've been very sat ist ied with my new motorcycle, a Fuzimiko 50. I t is

( l )--- (good bike) any other in the market. I ts engine runs real ly

(2 ) (quiet) and i t certainly looks much (3)

(attractive) most other bikes of its type. And, mind you, it is (4)

(easy) bike in the world to maintain. The only real problem I 've had is that i t is t rot

(5)_ (stable) i t should be when there's a strong wind blowing. And

also the passenger seat is far (6) (comfortable) I expected.

21.l'ill in each blank with the correct form of the verb in brackets.Use used to and would,each only once, in the most appropriate blanks.

Although i t meant ( l ) (have) a shorter vacat ion with his

friends this summer. William decided (2) (vis i t ) the house

moved out yearswhere his grandparents (3) ( l ive). They had

ago because it had really become too difficult lor them

(maintain) such a large house. As Wil l iam walked through( 4 )

the garden gate, the

nostalgical ly that


beloved grandmother (7)

( 8 )



moment, he considered (9) (buy) back the house" He dreaded

( l 0 )

when developers discovered this as-yet-untouched location.

22.Put the verb in brackets in the correct form.

( think) what might become of the house and "his" t ree

(give) you the key unt i l you reminded mc you

(hear) from him after all those ycars of hrs

(see) Cindy Crawford there. Won't that be thr i l l ing' /

(put; your career in danger by perfbrnring such alt

l . I d idn' t rememberhad i t .

2. Bi l l 's father was gladabsence.

3. Just i rnagine

4. Don't r isk

9. This t ime, Junc is real ly determinedcompeti t ion.

operat ion on him. He is a terminal pat ient

-5. She regrets -tonight.

6. Don't postpone

( in forrn) us that she won' t be comit ts to oLl l - paf ty

(have) a medical check up. I arn rcal ly worr ied

about your hcalth.

1. l t wi l l take a long t ime (sor t ) ou l the books in thc l ih r r r ry .

8. I don' t want to spend mY money (buy) things which I don' t nccd.

10. This new method caused chaos rather than


(w in) the f i r s t p r ize in the

(nra in ta in ) o rder in thc

23.Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. You can add words

where necessary.

Very few spectator sports today are amatL-ur in any w;.ty. Sport has bccomc part ol' thc

entertainment and advert is ing industry. The top perlormers in sports such as sol f . tennis artcl

lbotbal l can expect ( l ) (become) very r ich. For example. Michael Jordan is

the most wel l -known basketbal l player in the world, but he's also famous (2)--

(wear) a certain brand of shoes. Is it right that sports stars should earn so nluch troney'?

Well. to reach the top in any sport you need a great deal of commitrnent. This means

(3 ) (have) no t ime to do any other work. These days i t is almost imposstble

for anyone to do a sport for fun and then, without very hard work, go on (4)

(achieve) success at the highest level. Many people would argue that top charnpions really do

deserve (5) (win) top prizes. After all, shouldn't we reward people at the top

of their profession? One unfortunate consequence of the desire to succeed in sport is the

spread of drug-taking to improve performance. Most athletes stil l wouldn't dream

(use) these drugs, yet an increasing number are finding them hard to

resist. However, maybe we should try (7') (understand) the pressure modern

sportsmen and women are under. Only the chosen few are lucky enough to receive rnill ions

for advertising contracts. Most find that when they stop (8)_---- (compete), there

is little else in life for them to do, and they can never regain the kind of success they enjoyed

in the i r spor t ing days .


24.Fill in each blank

I can' t stand hrrn


i l )

the appropriate form of the verb in brackets.

(pult) al l those tr icks on me anymorc. I t r ted

( l )

, one of the contr ibutors to

(you/do) at a lefi-handecl

(be) even lef i -handed."

( 3 )

(4 )

(2 ) (warn) him several t imes, but he wouldn' t change- Now' I rcgret

(marry) him but i t 's too late. I real ly don' t know how wc' l l manitgc

( l ive) together. Just i rnagine (-5) ( b e ) s r t u n h u p p v

with someone and yct yot l go on (6)


(sharc) the same house with him

Put the verbs in brackets into theirgiven.

appropriate form. Correctly place any other words

Whi le C laud ia ( l ) (study) for a degree in East Asian Cultures. shc

(develop) an interest in cooking. Apparent ly ' by the t i tnc she

(graduate) in 1966, she (4) (already/decide )

what she (5 ) (want) to do. Immediately after school. she

( b ) (get) a residence permit for Tibet by enrol l ing in the lJniversi ty ol

Lhasa, in the Tibetan capital , and (1) (open) an I tal ian rcstauri lnt

Strangcly enough. i t was a roaring success! "Claudia (8) (a lwuys /he )

a bi t 6f an eccentr ic, with a knack for the exot ic, but this one takes thc cake." s i tys her old

Vassar roommate Jcnny. Her mother, too, st i l l unable to bel ieve the rcstaurant 's succcss,

says . " l t (9a) (make) sense i f i t (9b) ( b c ) a

Tibetan rcstaurantin New York Citv; but this '1" Claudia, nevershort of an answer, says, " I t

( 2 )

(3 )

o n l y I ( l 0 a ) ( run )

a restaurant in every major citY

26.Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the verbs in parentheses. Correctly place

any other words given.

(have) thc capital ear l ier l I ( l0b)

in the world now."

Tina looked down at the scandalous graffiti with which her friends

(decorate) the plaster on her leg and smiled sadly. Her fiiend Sam

the decorat ions, asked, "What (2)

golfers tournament. anYwaY? You (3 )

( 10 )

( l l )

"Well," Tina replied. "a couple of weeks ago as I (4) (peel) potatoes.

(carch )an ad in the newspaper I had laid on the table for the peelings (5)

my eye. lt sounded so promising: an l8-hole course in Hawaii, peaceful surroundings.

reasonable prices and so on. You know, I (6) (always/have) a soft spot

fbr bargains, and this was irresistible. That night before I (7) (go) to bed. I

(8 ) (already/make) up my mind to book the trip. Initially, I had no intention

of entering the tournament. But when I (9) (arr ive) in Hawai i , I

(decide) to give the tournament itself a try anywav,

(already I pay) the entrance fee as part of the package deal.

I f I ( l2a) (know) how disastrous i t was going to be. I

( l 2b ) (never/do) such a fbol ish thing. On my f i rst day on the golt

course , I ( [3 ) (stand) around watching the experts prepare for the first

(be) right-handed, I didn't realise I was on the wron-tltee-off. ( l4)

s i d e , s o I ( 1 5 ) (hardly/expect) the blow from the club I got square on

the shin. The next thing I knew. I was in hospital with a broken leg."

After hearing Tina's tale of woe, Sam said, "Look on the bright s idc. Where

( l 6 a ) (you/be) now i f the package deal (16b) ( cover )

accident insurance as wel l?" Tina thought but didn' t say, " In debt no doubt, but probably st i l l

i n Hawai i . I f I ( l7a) (see) that tempting ad in the newspaper. I

( l 7 b ) (dance) at my best friend's wedding right now."

27.Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the verbs.

( 1 ) ( l ive) in Afr ica, I know what starvat ion is. I (2) (work )

in Ethiopia when the great famine (3) (str ike). I (4) ( never/see )

anything like that before. People (5) (beg) on the streets for a mouthful o1'food

(promise) myself to help the poor for the rest of my lif 'e, I dedicated my lif-c

chari ty. Quite a long t ime (7) (pass) since my stay in Af i ica but I

tragic scenes vividly. Before I

(see) Africa, I ( l 0 ) (c laim/always) that nothirrg could

shock me, but my experiences ( I 1) (prove) me wrong.

(6 )


( 8 )

(e)(remember/ s t i l l ) those

1 0

28.Complete the following text by puttingYou can add words where necessary.

the words in brackets in their correct forms.

Ever since the day I ( I ) (clecide) to change my life and move to Istanbr"rl

I ( 2 ) ( think) i t over careful ly, wonderir tg whether my suddctt decisiot i a

f 'ew weeks ago was the r ight one. I (3) (watch) a documentary about

Istanbul on T.V. one afternoon. and i i l l at once I (4) (at t ract ) to t l ' rc idca o l

being a part of Istanbul 's cul ture and exci tement. I t just worr ics l t tc thet sot , t l l I

have a feel ing that the f i rs t l -ew(s) t l ive) al l a lone in a stranee ci ty. I

months cou ld hc (6 ) (di l f icul t) yet thr i l l ingt ime of rny l i f 'c so far. You see. I

s leepy vi l lage in the middle ol( 1 ) (grow) up rn the ci ty, but in a smal l

nowhere . and I (8 ) (spencl) al l my l i fe here. l t would bc hard to imaginc i t

(9)=_-- (quiet) place. Anyway, r ly house (10) ( already/sel I ) .

so i t s too latc now to changc my rnrnd. I cxpect that in a f 'ew years' t i t t lc. I

( I I )___ (have) cnough of thc noise and pol lut ion of Istanbul and then I c iLtr

rnovc back to my vi l lage and bctter appreciate i ts peacc and tranclui l l i ty-

29.Use the approPriate lbrmswhere approPriate.

of verbs in the blanks. LIse used /o and would ouce each

l-hcre (l )----- -- (be) a lot ol ' ta lk about the negat ive ef ' t 'ects o1 ' v i ta t l r i l rs l t t rc l

rnincrals rccent lY. PcoPle (2) (take) thcm without thinl<irrg i ibout t l lc

consequences. Last wcek. I (3) (warn) rny o ld aunt about tak ing too l l l l t l ly

crr lc ium tablets. She (4) ( take) two tablets a daY ul l t i l shc

st i l ' fhess in her knees ancl neck. Ant l thcr( -s) (feel) sornc: cramPs and

e x a m p l c ' ( 6 ) (occur) dur irrg my chi ldhood. When | (1)---- (go)

t9 pr ir-nary school. tny mothcr (U)_-- (be) vcry keen on making tnc swal low a

(a lso lpu t ) a s l i cc o l 'o ra t rgcspoonf 'ul of cod-l ivcr oi l cvery morning. She (9)-

into rny mouth to help rel ieve i ts bad taste. After s ix

gctt ing rcd spots on l ly body. I ( I l )

don ' r t h i nk I (12 ) (cver/change) tny Inind about tha{.

months or so, | ( I 0) - - ( s t i t r t )

( tor" rch) any v i ta tn i l rs s ince thcn. and I

30.l'ill in each blank with the appropriate fbrm of the verb.

( c a l l ) ,

lbr ing) i t to hinr.2

I f shc

Dav id usua l ly

(g ive) her my o l ' f ice nulnbel

(have) breakfast in bed i f his wi lc

3 . (be) very angry if someone (burn) my house down

4. I f you (talk) to him now. I 'm sure he (be) very happyHe's been expecting your visit 1or a long time so don't hesitate. Just enter his room.

mothcr ( I ) (be ) a

( 3 ) (give) him his f i rst paintbrush then.

Now Edward (4)- (be) quite a famous painter. Pre sent ly he

( 5 ) (paint) the inter ior wal ls of a community centre in a suburb ol- L.ondolt

He (6 ) (never/rnake) such big paint ings so when he f i rst undcrtook thc

project. he (1) (be) happy with i t because he (8) ( havc )

engugh conl ' idence in hirnself . However, now hc (9)- (do) clui te wel l ancl

evervbody ( l0)- ( love) his work.


3 1 .Fill in each blankwhere necessary.

Edward was born in

f ive because his

Fill in eacltnecessary.

At thc party,

recent ly in

sidc. Shc hesitated


with the appropriate form

London in 1916. He f irst ( l)

of the verb in brackets. Use negatives

(start) to paint at the age o1

f amous pninter and she

blank with the appropriate lbrm of the given verb. Use negatives where



spotted her among the crowd. I f he ( 1)

magazine, hc (2)

(sce) her photo

(recognise) hcr. Shc

(3)__ (changc) so much. When she saw hirn, she irnrnedratcly canrc to his

l i r r i r r non )c l l t . I I shc (4 ) - - - ( k i s s ) h i n t .

(mean) that she st i l l lovcd him, so she decided lrot to. Br-r t

(never/experiencc) such a bi t ter-sweet l -eel ing bctorc.

33.Complete the following text by putting the words in brackets in their correct fbrms.You may add words to make the necessary changes.

In the early 1990s. a producer {br Yorkshirc Television ( l ) ( look ) fo r

material for a series o1'programmes called 'The Ilard Lif'e'. In the course of his research, hc

(come) across a sixty-year-old woman, Hannah Hauxwel l ,

( l ive) on her own on an isolated farm in the Yorkshire Dales. Her

l i v ing

( 5 )

cond i t io r rs wcrc (4 ) (di f f icul t) anyone could e xpect. Sht:

(have) a phone, electr ic i ty or even running water - cxcept l rorn lhc


The (show) t h r o u g h o u t 1 9 9 1 .

Hannah. Srnce shc( 1 ) (bring) fame and a totally diff'erent lifestyle to

( 8 ) (discover) by the TV people, she (9) ( le-acl ) .r

comfor tab le l i l e in u smal l cottage in Cory, a nearby vi l lage. She is now

l t


( 6 )

(2 )

(3 )

sl ream.

programme, which (6 )

( 10 ) (popular) personal i ty and (11)

in the area. She (12)

the vi l lage's

( inv i te ) to a l l

Cory for s ixkinds of social occasions


( l i ve) in

years this May. and the vi l lagers (13) (plan) to give a big party

honour. They al l th ink that she deserves (14)

remaining years of her life.

(be t happy

34.Complete the following text by putting the words in brackets in their correct forms.You may add words to make the necessary changes.

Two women who used to be the best ot

Tamara Foxton and Helena Wallace used

they won wou ld ( l )

agreement. Three weeks ago,

" W e ( 2 )

nounce) . But thc

(divide) between them, according to their

Tamarzr won the nat ional f i rst pr ize of f250.000. Helcna said.

(wccp t with joy whcn the pr izc ( .1 ) ------

ncxt day. Tatnara said that hcr husband Bi l ly had pcrsuadcd

(keep) al l thc money. ' Ihe agrecmcnt betwecn us was at l in l 'ot ' l ral



fr iends have fal len out over a big win at bingo.

to play every Fr iday evening. and any pr ize moncy

(trr-rst) Tamara at the vcry

si tuat ion. "

won four hr.rndrcd pouncls. Shc

inc lude B i l l y . cven though hc

cvening. Al ' tcr that incidcnt. I

( r c t i r c ) so r l n . l r nd t h i s

(real isc) our dreams. Of coursc. some formal i t ies

bcf ore wc can receive thc money."

(do) rnore than 70 kph, ran into i t

(wca r ) h i s sc ; . r t hc l t .

( throw) out of the window with the impact o[ ' the

l n

l n

( a n


onc. I l -ccl l ike a lbol now. I f I (5a)

bcginning, I (-5b) (be) in such an unpleasanl

Tarnara's side of thc story is retther different:

"A month ago. B i l l y . He lena and I wcnt to b ingo a t td He lena

___ (spl i t ) the moncy three ways and

(lend) her tcn pounds to play that

na tu | l l l y t 0 l t l he r t ha t

r n ( ) n e y w i l l c r r r r h l c ( 9 )

the deal was over. Bi l lv (B)-


( 7 )

have ( l0)-- (cornplete)

35.Put the verbs in brackets into their correct past forms.

Thc car , which

lamppost . The d r i v e r , w h o ( l )

( l ) _

( 3 )

co l l i s ion

It was

( l ie ) u

love ly

a beautif-ul warm suln[ler

nder the big oak tree in the

d a v s . h e ( 5 t

Emma (4)

Hcr husband was out in the woods. On such

(a lways / take) h is gun w i th h im. bu t

(rarely / shoot) any rabbits or birds.



he (6 )



Put the verbs in brackets inttl their correct future forms.

l . I ' n t look ing lo rwarc l to rcad ing h is new book . Pcop le s r ! lhe"

lpub l i sh t i t bv the end o l . th is month .

2 . I t looks l i ke cvcryo t rc i s l tg t t ins t us . I c loubt i f ' l ve - - - - - - - ( ! l l vc )

another chattcc to col lplcrte thc pro. iect.

3 .

4 .


' Ihe following text is about an incident that took place two days ago. I{ead it and

filt in the spilces with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

I t wus a sr" rnnr , ' c l r ry . Mr. l lo l l is t l ) (work) i t t thc g i t l ' r , lc t t lo t - l r .v t r

l rours u, l tcr . r hc Q t _ _ (dccr t lc) to go i r t lor i . t c l t l ) o l tc l t . l le

( j ) (w l r l k ) t o t hc l ' r ' on t o1 ' h i s ho t t se . r v l t c t ' c l l c

( .+ ) - - - ( l e avc ) i t i s s l t ocs i u t t l l t c ( - 5 ) - ( hc t l t l ) t t cx l

to t l rc l ight srv i tc l r t r i l tu l l o f ' l 'onc urudcly boot . At th is l to in l . lv1r . Lark. l r t tc ig l l t ro t - t t r i ' l t t r

( ( r ) _ ___ ( rvash) h is car acrr )ss thc roucl . (1 ) - -_-__ , - , (scc) N4r ' .

i l o l l i s sh l r k i ng u , i t h l r i s hanc l on thc l i gh t su ' i t ch . I ) r - r t t i ng two u t i t l l r vo t t i gc thc r . Mr L r r l l i

(S ) - - - - - - ( r l u r ) ac r ' oss t l r t : r t t a i l anc l ( 9 ) - - - l h i t i N ' l r .

t l o l l i s s u rn t r v i t l r u l t asch l l l bu t t o h rc l r k h i s co t t t r t c t u ' i t h t l t e l i g l h t sv ; i t ch l t t t t l s l t vc l t i t t t l l ' o t t l

c l cc t r . oc l r t i on . ' I ' hc

un lo r tuna tc N l r . Ho l l i s . u ' ho ( l 0 ) ( t t l l t nagc ) t o l l r . r l l

(watch) rny l 'avour i tc TV programl l te l l -o t t r n l tc to tcn

o1'1' ()ne hooL ltttd ( I I )-

t l l t - ' - ( s c r t d )

N { i . [ - l r k l l ] t

f ly ing to thc srout . tc l

( r ca l i l . c l wh l t t hc (

tonr()rrow cvcrt ing. so pleasc cal l me beforc that.

Shc iooks arvf ' r " r i ly palc . Obvi t ) t is l1 ' . s1. t " { l i l r . l t }

( t r y ) t o t l t k c o l ' l t hc o thc r ,

by h i s r r c i ghho r - r r ' s l t t t uck . Bv thc t i l t t c

l - + ) - ( c l t l ) . t t u r t s

[ ( ' ( ) l l t t c .

t i . NIr . l lo l l is, lv l r t t is nolv in l rospitalnrornir tg. Complcte the l i r l lotvi t rgcorrect l t t rm.

with a bnrken arnt.scntences hv putt ing

talked to a l r tcal repurt t ' r { l t ist l re verbs in l l lackets in t l reir

M r . H o l l i s :

i . 11 ' r t (a ) l t rc ) n t i t t y tha t c lay . I ( l ) ) - - - - - - 's.

) . I (a)-- ,---------- ( l ic) on this hospit l l t red i i Mr. Lark (b)

t l l i r t I rv ls bcing elcct l -ocuted.

( s t i l \ ' )

( l l r i n k )

l 4

38.Put the verbs in brackets in their appropriate form. Correctlygiven.

Matthew is the rrost indecisive

knows this but maintains. " I




r ( l )

(h l t ve ) rno rc sp l r cc . I {

place any other words

(knowlever) in my lif 'e. He

(change) my rnind unless I

of months a-eo. Of

i t . He sa id . " l

( inc rcasc ) in va luc




back the house he (4)

. he had to pay

(have)excel lent reasons." Last week. he (3)

(se l l ) on ly a coup le

f ivc thousand dol lars more for

( b u y ) i t h u e k i l ' i t t - 5 b t

so rnuch in such a short t ime." OK, but i f he (6a) (se l l ) i t in thc l ' i r s t

p lacc , he (6b) (be) f ivc thousand dol lars r icher now. Sot le years aso

hc decidcd to leerrn how to play the guitar. He bought a f- lamenco guitar. Guess what ' l Af tcr a

l-cw lessons, he decidcd that what he rcal ly wanted was to learn how to play clussical gui tar.

Necdless to say. his latcst passion is thc piano. Matthew (7) ___ (n ra | r ' y ) t o

Maggie for twelve years l tow. Amaz ing , i sn ' t i t ' l Magg ie says . " l i I

(make) i t c lear that we ei ther got marr ied or I was leaving hi tn. wc

t l i ve /s t i l l t w i th our respcc l i ve roomtn l tcs . " Mr tg t i c i s cxpcc t i l tg

t hc i r sccond ch i l d Problcm: naming thc baby. Matthcw says, " l f ' my parents

(bc) casy . I cou lc l nar rc( 9 a ) (be) a l i vc , i t (9b)

( 8 a )

( t i b )

the baby ul ter one of ' thent, but I do not bel ievc

This obviously is not the end of Matthew'

i n g i v i n g

s story,

l 0 t r )

chi lc lren narrcs

but I ran out

ol ' dcad pcoplc."

o l ' s p a c c . I l ' l

(go) on for pages.( l 0a )_

39.Fil l in

Ncl l (

t ? ) (havc) six months to complete the course. Shc (3)___ _ ( try)

her hand at everything from sculpturc to ceramics, and from paint ing to bat ik at thc school

Last term whi lc she (,1) (sculpt) thc head of a big anitnal I ' igurc. shc

the blank with the

I )__________

(-5 )

( 1 )

s h e ( 8 )

(e){ i r r k i tchcns and bathrooms.

40.Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the

Roy, general ly a suspicious man, ( l )

rnan (2)

appropriate form of the verbs in brackets.

(attend) an art school for thc last eightecn Inott ths. Shc st i l l

t l - rr l l ) f rorn rr l rdder r tncl (6t (break) her l"g. I t

( take) her two months to walk again Now she is per l 'ect ly al l r ight and

(arrange / already) a job for hersel f. After her graduat ion. shc

(work) fbr a ceramics company that ( l 0 ) (produce) t i lcs

verbs.(cl imb) the stairs to his off ice whcn ir

(stand) in his way and (3) (demand) to see his ID

(never/meet) hrm in the building before, he thought the

l 5

card. As Roy (4)

man (5)

Roy (7)

ou t tha t someonc ( l5 )

(see) sonre marks on his f l 'ont

of peoplc on the stairs.

show. Thco thought

Personal ly , I d idn ' t

(be) a criminal. Before

(reflect) tor a moment.


I i l t i )


(g ive) h rm h is wa l le t ,

He was sure that i f he (8)

(be) broke for the rest of the rnonth. He

( w i n ) , I

wal let without any fuss." The man

sorry, s ir , but I ' rn the new jani tor" I

Mr . Andrews (14) t f i n d t

( t ry ) to b reak in to h is o f f i ce . He (16)

S o h e t o l d m e ( 1 7 ) (check) the ident i t res

(mean) to trouble you sir . t f I

(causc) such a


( h u n d ) t h c r n r n h i s w a l l e t . h e t 9 )

cursed his luck and said. "Let 's toss a coin. I f you ( l0)

(give) you the money in my

(take) aback. He said. " l 'm

(hire) only recent ly. Yesterday,

( l l ; -

( t2 )(13)

( l 9 ) (meet) before. (20)

rnisunderstanding. "

41.Fill in each blank in the fbllowing text with a suitable modal verb together with the verbin brackets.

I was si t t ing in the ol ' l - ice last Wcclnesday afternoon when I got a phonc cal l l l -ont my lr- iend

Thco. l le sounded vcry exci ted. "Havc you heard the ncws'1" he said. "Jamcs Yaletnass is

coming to town. He 's g iv ing a show nex t weekend. " I to ld h im I d idn ' t know who he was

talking about. "What do you mean you've nevcr heard of him'?" hc said. "Hc's the best stand-

up comcdian in the country. His show wi l l be very l 'unny. You real ly ( l ) --- , --

(rniss) i t . " I agrced to give i t a try. " ln that case," he cont inucd, "(2)-- ( u s k / I )

you a big f 'avour ' . ) Would you rnind gett ing the t ickets? You'vc got a credit card. so you

(3 )__ (go) to the thcatre yourself . just r ing up the t icket of ' f icc and book thctr

over the phone. Thanks." Thcn. he hung up. I t sounded as i f i t wzrs gorng to be r popular

show. which meant that we (4) (buy) our t ickets as soon as possiblc bclbre

they were sold out. I cal led the t icket of frce, but thcrc was no reply. I t r icd again scvcral

1imes. but I st i l l had no luck. In fact, I spent most of the af icrnoon phoning up again and again

untr l I f inal ly managed to get through and book our t ickets. On the night o1' thc show. wc got

to the theatre. and I was surpr iscd to see that there were st i l l t ickcts on sale . I

( 5 ) (waste) al l that t ime on the phone. Anyway, wc went in and saw thc

i t was hi lar ious: he couldn' t stop laughing al l the way through.

find it very funny at all. I wished I'd stayed at home - I

( let) him talk me into going with him in the f i rst placc.( o )

l 6

42.Fill in each blank in the following text with a suitable form of can,could,may,might,be

able, must and the verb in brackets.

I t was only when my television broke down that I found out how di f f lcul t i t is to -qet one

reparred. I asked around at different shops, but no one would even agree to look at it {br mc.

I wondered what other people do in this si tuat ion. They ( l ) ( throw) their

broken televisions away, I suppose, and just get the latest model instcad. Anyway. I

eventual ly l 'ound a place, but. even then, I didn' t have much luck: thc 'nvoman bchind thc

counter said, "The repairman's not here. He (2) (come) to work l i t r the

last two weeks - he fel l and broke his leg whi le frx ing an antenna. He has an apprent ice. bul I

don' t know where he is at the moment. He (3) (have) his lunch break

T'ry coming back in an hour or two." I went back an hour later and spoke to thc apprent ice.

FIe agrcecl ro come straight round to my house and look at the television. The next day. I told

onc of rny fr iends about my expr 'r iencL-. "How much did you pay'?" he askcd. I tolc l him"

"That 's so expensive. Why didn' t you tel l rne your TV wasn't working' / Jack, rny neighbour,

is arnazingly good with gadgets. He (4) ( f i x ) a l l k inds o f th ings . ' [ ' he

bes t

thins is. he lovcs mcssing around with electronics so rnuch that he doesn't charge anything.

H c ( 5 )


(sort) out your television lbr nothing."

Complete the following conversational exchanges using

must and an appropriate verb.a form of can, may, might or

Who's that across the street? I t looks l ike Alex.

I r ( I ) Alex. I talked to him on the phone this tnorning. Hc's

away on business in Izmir.

What happened in your chess game with Simon yesterday? You didn' t lose again. did


Ac( ) \

tua l l y , I d idn t . He had a bad cold. which upset h is cotre cntr l t t ion. s( ) I

t h i s t ime .

There's a big group of people from the off ice going out to dinner tonight. Why don't you

meet us at the restaurant?

[ 'm not sure. I (3) later. I t depends what t ime I f in ish work.

I didn' t know Davidwas such a good lbotball player.

Yes , he (4 ) a professional footballer,university and become a doctor instead.

Have you seen Rachel? I've been looking for her all afternoon.

t 1

but he decided to go to

- I saw her in her office five minutes ago. She was talking about leaving early - she'shaving a new washing machine installed today"

- Well, she's not in the office now, and her car is not in the car park. She(s) home

44.Complete the fol lowing dialogues with a sui table form of can,be able,rnay,might,muslor should and the verb in brackets. Use each modal verb only once. There are moremodal verbs than you need.

* l t 's l0 a.m. and Ricardo st i l l hasn' t come to work.

- Don't worry. He ( I )his trarn.

(get) up on t ime, or perhaps he missed

" This is Jason's f ianc6e. They're planning to get marr ied next month

- But she (2 ) (be) rnore than 16 years old! Isn' t shc (oo

young to get rnarricd'l

'k I ' l l g ive $900 lor that yel low Volkswagen.

- Y o u ( l ) ( ioke)! I t 's worth at least $1.-500

'k I t was raining rcal ly heavi ly ycsterday a1' ternoon. (4)

a taxi when yor"r lc{i work'it f i n d I

- Of course. not. I walked to the nearest station and went home bv underground.

45.Complete the fbllowitrg sentences using a suitable modal verb together with the verb inbrackets.' r ' What I l ike rnost i tboutmy new iob is that I ( l ) ( d r i v c )

throuch rush-hour traf f ic. I start work at 7 a.m. and f inish at 3 p.m., which is so

convenlent 10r f f le .

i ' I hope we (2) (f ind) t ickets for the Twix Brothcrs' conccrt

next month. They are my favourite group.

* I 'm sorry to trouble you but (3) ( I / borrow) your umbrel la

lo r h r l f an hour? I (4 )

raining heavi ly.

(post) these documents. and i t 's

x Thanks a lot , but you (5)

1 8

to wash them in the dishwasher

(wash) al l those cups. I was going

* A: Where's Dorothy? She is supposed to help me with these reports.

B : She (6 ) (have) lunch. I saw her headine for the cafeteria ten

mlnutes ago.

* A: The boss (7) (be) shocked when you told him to go to

hell at the staff meetins.

B: Wel l actual ly I (8) ( lose) my temper l ike that. I real ly

don't know why I got so angry.

46.Fill in each blank with a modal + the verb in brackets in order to express obligation orpermrsslon.

L People ( lcave) their parcels and coats in the hal l beforc cnter ing the

auditor ium, i f they wish.

2 . 1 (go) to the confercncc hal l so early because my assistant had already

put cverything in order.

3. Shei la ( infbrm) the adrninistrat ion about her materrr i ty lc lve

befbrehand. Now she is in a di f f icul t posi t ion.

4. We hope we (make) somc renovat ions in the bui lding ncxt year. bul

everything dcpends on our landlord's consent.

17.l'ill in the blanks with the appropriate passive forms of verbs in brackets.

Richarc l ( l ) (respect) very much by everyone around him. He

( ) \ ( lately/promote) to manager. But I doubt i f he (3)---- (al low) to

rnirkc al l the neccssary reforrns in the of l - icc. This is a del icate mattcr (4)

(sctt le). l t rccluires hard work and lots ol-pat ience on Richard's part . First ol-al l . the

personnel (5) (have to/persuade) to accept the new order. As they

( 6 ) (treat) very badly before the last manager left, they now wcigh up every

opt ion (7) (give) to them with caution. Richard already anticipates that he

(B ) (cr i t ic ize) by some people, but he is wi l l ing to take a chance. He is quitc

used to working under pressure.

48.Fill in each blank with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

Although far more women have jobs nowadays, they sti l l experience considerable diff icLrlt ies

at work. ln the past. women ambit ious to succeed ( l ) ( tel l ) that they only

needed to use their f 'eminine charm to get what they wanted. In modern business. however.

charm is not enough, and women are f inding that they have to work just as hard as men, evel l

l 9


(3 )

though they do not always get the same treatment. In fact, they are stil l subject to widespread

discrimination. For example, ever since women entered the world of work, they

(pay) less than their male colleagues. This is unfair: women

(deserve) equal status. In addition, they (4) (often / blarne)

first for no reason when things in the office go wrong. Employers may accuse thetn ol

(s) (distract) by commitments and responsibi l i t ies at home. They think that

women have difflculties balancing work and home life. lndeed, to a certain extent this is true.

Women are unable to take advantage of every opportunity (6) (g ive; to thetn:

t -ew women are wi l l ing (7) (promote) to top positions when the consequence

is longer hours at work and less t ime with the family. The solut ion to this problem would be

more f lexible working hours. lJnfortunately, not many women bel ieve that any progress ol t

this matter (8) (make) at the moment. I t seems that. unless ernplovers bect lnle

more sensitive to the needs of working wornen, a large proportlon o1 wotttclt

(9) - (st i l l / force) to make a choice between their job and family


B.l .Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. Use up to five

words, including the one you are given.

l . No matter how many t imes I tel l her. our maid always folds my sweaters the wrong way.

No matter how many times I tell her, our maid

way. (keep)

the wrong

2. These days, people hardly ever write letters to each other.

These days, people to each other. (ofien)

2.Complete the second sentence following the given cues so that it has the same meaning as

the first one.

I . You can play in snow, but don' t forgct to put on your gloves

Providccl that

2. The cat atc the gold fish because you put the flshbowl on the floor.

I f

3. My l i t t le sistcr never gets on l i f ts because she is afraid of c losed spaces.


4. Only by going to England or the States wi l l you improve your Engl ish .

Unle ss

5. I l '9rgot to take l1y camera, which is why I didn' t take any pictures.


6. You can' t solvc your problerns unless you consult a psychologist '

provided that

j . She is not sat isf ied with the present si tuat ion; that 's why she's complaining so much


8. Liarn is a very good tennis player, so I don' t think Percy wi l l agree to compete agl inst

h im.

I don't think that Percy will agree to compete against(as . . . as )

9. Jane's heisht is 1.60 m, whi leher l i t t le sister 's is only 0.85 m

( a s . . . a s )

z l

Jane is

10. They produce very high quality work. They can set their own prices.


I l. The tardy student didn't change his attitude although the teacher warned him repeatedly.

The tardy student didn't change his attitude

(Do not

12 . Andrew


(in spite of)

use " in spi te of the fact that")

wi l l not become a good scient ist because he isn' t very pat ient.

a good scient ist .( too )

13. Don't stay up late tonight. You do not want to miss your [J o'c lock




i f you do no t

want to miss your 8 o'c lock appointment fomorrow. (better)

14. I have not been trained in l i rst-aid procedures so I couldn' t help the injured chi ld.

I w ish the in jurcd chi ld

15. I am si t t ing here l istening to this boring lecture. I 'd pref 'er to be at home reading a book.

si t t ing here l istcning to

thrs bor

16. Thc ca t


ing lecture. (rathcr)

snatchcd my steak just af ter I took a bi te out of i t .

17. Dorothy is a si

Dorothy is not

nger. Melody is a better singer.

( a s . . . . . . . . . a s )

I 8. He eats a lot , almost as i f he were a horse.


19. In Rome. we visi ted

( l ike)

the historical places and we did lots of shopping

In Rome, not only

20. The moment I got in bed, the phone rang.

No sooner


21. Mr. Geriatrix is very uncomfortable with his new dentures (false teeth) at the moment,

but he hopes he will get accustomed to them soon.

Mr. Geriatrix hopes soon.(used)

22. She takes care of the sick and the elderly; she is accustomed to that

She of the sick and the elderly

23. The bui



lding collapsed with a deaf'ening noise a few minutes after the firemen left it

24. Gina smokes l3 cigarettes a day whereas Maria smokes only 6

Maria smokes(as . . . as )

25. I entered the builcling and I immediately heard an explosion outside.

No sooner

26. I instructed Jack and he played the game according to my instructions

Jack( a s )

27. Nieel teachcs 20 hours a week whi lc George teaches only t hours.

Nigel teaches( a s . . . a s )

28. I read a f'ew pages before going to bed even when I'm vcry tired

No matter

3.Complete the sentences to express your thoughts for each of the following situations.

l . Your roommate always uses your belongings.

['d rather you -

2. You dream of l ivtng in a house with a swirnrning pool

I w ish I

3. You regret spending all your money on a leather jacket.

I f only I

4. You have got an old washing machine which keeps breaking down.

It's time we

L )

5. Your friend is trying

Stop acting as if you

to give the impression that he is very rich

6. He goes out almost every evening

I w ish

l . She doesn't not ice me at al l .

I f on ly

8. I talked to him so severely yesterday

I w ish

1.Write questions using the following prompts.

I . The children have eaten all the food in the refriserator.


2. She i

whvs sleeping in her sister 's room.

3. Tonv gave them a farcwel l dinner.


4. Bill carne to school quite early yesterday.


5 .

Complete the following sentences with suitable linking devices.

l . the extremely heavy snowfall overnight, many of the citv's mainroads were blocked in the morning.

2. The suspect in the murder case said he would not answer any quest ionshe had spoken to his lawyer.

3. We bought the most expensive t ickets for the playthe best possible view of the stage.

we would cet

1. When I go on holiday abroad, I always take out travel insurancehuve an accidenl.

5. As the lecturer went over the topic, he added some ideas and examples o1' his ownthe students could remember what was explained more easilv

6. Games such as squash can be dangerous if you aren't used to playing them. A number ofrnjunes can occurgames involve.

. A

the sudden. twistins movements that such

10 .

7. I went into a bie self-service restaurant to have a sandwich and a coffeeI caught the train back to London.

8. The teenaeers looked al ike in their t ieht ieans and leatherjackets with lots of badgesyear-old cousin among them

I had di f f icul ty in spott ing my l5-

o a creative photographer experiments with light. he or she may

take the same picture at many different times of the day.

had I stepped out of the l i [ t there was

a power cut.

6 .Complete these sentences in a logical way.

l . I won't change my mind no matter

2. Come and see me as soon as

3. I won't leave here unt i l you

4. The l ibrary wi l l have closed by the t ime

7.Complete the following conversational exchanges using appropriate future forms.

' ' Look at Nedl He looks so pale.

- Oh, my God l I th ink he ( l )

, ' I 'd hate to be the one to tel l David about the changes in the company pol icy.

- Why don't you wrt i t unt i l Monday? By then, hc(2),_ most of the news from thitt contDany

goss ip , Chuck .

{' I have to work until late this evening, but it seems we've run out of coff'ee again.

( 3 ) to that all-night store ancl get


' i ' We've run out of mi lk again.

- I t 4 t to the shop and get some, if you like.

x Look! The bus is setting off - we (5)

- That's OK. Don't run. there's another one in ten minutes.

* Have you stil l got that book I lent you?

i r .


- Yes. I'm still trying to get through the last few pages. I'm sure Iit by the time I see you on Thursday evening. Don't worry. Ii t back to you then. I promise.

(6)( 1 )

* I'm looking forward to our holiday.

- So am I. Just think. This t ime next week we (8)

the swimming pool at the hotel. I can't wait.a dr ink by

* ( 9 ) your bag for you? You seem to be havingtrouble.

- Thank you. That's very kind of you.

'k Who could look afier the baby lor us on Friday?

- What about Greg'l

- Grca t idea . I t l0 ) h im now.

- No, wait unt i l tonight. He's working late today, so he ( l l )

at home afier 9 o'clock.

8.Complete each of the following conversational exchanges with the appropriate f'uture

form of the verb in brackets.

| . Hurry up, Susan, your father is wait ing lbr you downstairs,

Al l r ight, I (be) there in a minute.

2. Thc grocer 's boy fbrgot to del iver the mi lk again this morning.

(cal l ) the grocer now to rernind hirn ' l

3. I hear the doorbel l . Who can that be at this hour ' /

oh. rhar a) (be) David. We b) (go)

to that new nightclub tonight.

1. Look, that boy is gett ing suspiciously close to that old lady.

My God, I think he (mug) her. Cal l the pol ice

9.Complete the following sentences by adding the correct preposition and a suitable verb.

L He is rather anxious on such a long journey. Af ier al l , he is 72years old and has had a serious operation recently.

2. He was terribly upset when he was accused in the exam.

-3. Who is responsible


such a mess in the l iv ins room?

4. The manager congratulated the store detective the thief. who

had almost escaped through the back door of the store.

5. I f I were vou. I wouldn' t insist ieans to work. You know the

boss wants everyone to wear suits and ties.

an exam, I usual ly close my eyes and relax for a few

minutes. Then I carefullv go over what I've done

10.F'il l in the question tags.

l . Let 's change the subject,

2. Don't touch that.

3. Nobody was there,

4. ['rn qr.rite clever,

5. We had a lovcly t ime,

6. You havcn' t seen my wal let ,

l l .Complete the fbllowing sentences with suitable relative clauses, adding commas where


l . Library membcrsto pay a f ine.

wi l l be recluired

2. The world 's rainforests are being

dcstroyed at an alanning ratc.

3. This magazinc art ic le strongly recommends the Chinese rcstal l rat t t

4. This morning the bus was late again

-5. Thc students were cxcusedfrom class early. The rest stayed and reviewed the latest material.

6. This rnorning, I shut the car door on my f inger

1. My fiiend from lnnir was really irnpressed by orlr facilities at l,ake Eynrir

8. My eldest sisterperforming at the presidential palace next Saturday


w i l l b e

12. I can' t understand the reason us here stranded.

t2.Complete the following sentences with suitable reduced relative clauses and anv

necessary prepositions. Each sentence must have a passive meaning.

I . Have you read the reportsspc l l i r rg mis takcs .

the new secretary'/ They are I'ull ol

2. The villagers are going to claim compensation from the owners of thc factory for ttre

damage the environment.

3 . F i ln rs t h i s c i t t c tna a re usua l l y ve ry goo t l

1. According to some psychologists, chi ldren

tend to sul'f-er liorn f'celings of insecurity.

s ing lc purcn ts

13 .Complete each of the following sentences in a meaningful way'

l . - I ' d r a t h e r my clectr ic dr i l l to Hcnry without asking tre.

- I 'm sorry. c lad. He saicl he needed i t urgent ly, so I couldn' t say no to hi l r l

to work on foot recentlY'l

- Becausc thc cloctor wants me to losc some wcight '

3. The crash of tw9 airplanes on the runway at Teneri l 'e Airport this ntorning has resultecl in

9. The Titanic was the famous shiP

10. Beethoven was the comPoserworld.

1 1. Gaugin was the Painteris lands.

the death of 287 PeoPle. Never

accident in EuroPe.

4. Some people enjoy doing outdoor act iv i t ies whi le

fiee tirne watching TV at home.

5. Even i f

i n 1912 .

are wel l -known al l over the

most of his l i f 'e on troPical

such a dreaclful

a job in their company, I wouldn' t hi tve

accepted it. I really enjoy my present job


6. On the Orient Express, three people who t ickets were

caught by the conductors and handed over to the police at the next stop.

, the less legible your handwri t ing becomes

B. The judge found the two youths guilty of destroying public property and they were made

the damage they had done.

L). If I ate less and

10. By the t tme we

heavy rain.

I l . Thc company is

fol people who

started exercising regularly, how long

arnved at the stadium.

l0 k i los ' l

due to the

planning to open i ts f i rst rcgional of f lce in Germany so thcy are looking

12. ' l 'hc restaurant is so crowdedl I ' rn sure we' l l have to wait l 'or a long t imc bcl 'orc

13. I ' rn hopeless at plrysics. I can' t get a high grade. no rxatter

14. The phone has been r inging lbr a minutc. Whoever is cal l ing wi l l have given up by thc

t lme

15. Not surpr is ing ly . hard ly to Suc 's

bir thday party last week. She is a very rude and aggressive person

16. He is a wel l -known expert on bultcrf l ies. There is scarcely

about these beaut i ful ani trals.


C.l .Fill in each blank with an appropriate word from the box. There are more words than

vou need. Use each ONLY ONCE.


hardly laterather



In our off ice. i t is ( l ) accepted that Alex is about the rnosl . e i . rsy-going

pcrson we havc ever met in our

that would upset him. I was

l ives. There is (2)

( 3 ) surprised the

4) rc lused to help Gwen. Sornething was obviously wrong. Soon cnough I

fbund out that

( 5 ) , had sto lcn

l rny th rng in thc n t r r ld

other day when he

Gwcn. who has been having some problcrns with hcr f inrtnccs

some money f rom A lex . That b i t o1 'news near ly knockcd

rne down (6)

2 .Iril l in the blanks with the appropriate expressions / words from the box. lle carelbl!There are more expressions / words than you need.

since so unless as long as therefbre

Il .

2 .

3 .


We wil l be facing watcr shortagessensitivc to the need to conscrve water.

he f in ishcs hrs work

I am lcavins David a notc

evervbodv tries to be rnole

I don' t care what t i rnc he arr ives l t t thc o l ' l ' iee

he wi l l know where we are.


gave me the choicc

Complete the following paragraph by fil l ing in the blanks with suitable words from thebox. There are nlore words than vou need.

I t was my f i rst ever job interview and I was very exci ted about i t . When I spoke to onc o1' the

two managing directors on the phone, I t r ied to note down careful ly (1)

detai ls of the interview. Our conversat ion was verv relaxed. and he even

of seeing him on Monday or Tuesday. As I was unemployed, (2) was al l r isht

lbr me. We agreed that I would corne on Monday. When the big day arr ived. I had

considerable di f f icul ty f inding the company's headquarters. I t was on a long, busy street f 'u l l

of di f ferent kinds o1'bui ldings, and (3) of them appeared to be the one I was

looking fbr. 'Io my relief, I eventually found it. In a frantic hurry, I got to the intcrvicu'

room. knocked on the door and burst in. The managing directors wcrc si t t ins at a large

stared at me blankly. I said, " l 'm here for the






rneet ing table. They (4)


seemed to

sa id , "No.


I'm not late, am I?" They continued staring at me. (5)

know what I was talk ing about. Then, one of them calmly

you're right on time, except that your interview isn't today.

arnoLu. t t o f i tnothcr . (3)

of them

looked at his wat.-^h and

lt 's next Monday""

Complete the following texts by fil l ing in the blanks with suitable connectors from the

list below. Use each connector only once. There are more connectors than you need.

due tootherwisesinceprovided thatmoreover

such astherelbrein other wordson the contraryfor instance


The nced fbr: moncy or iginates from the fact that di l - lcrent peoplc in socicty producc di l ' lcrcnt

things. This mcans that people clcpend on each othcr for goods and scrviccs. Lct us takc thc

case of' a farmer who produces lrore foocl than he requires and a carpelltcr who livcs by

sel l ing the tahlcs ancl chairs that hc has madc. I t wi l l be obvious that l l ) ----

sornc rrcans o1- cxchange is founcl, the l -armer wi l l not be ablc to get r ic l ol ' h is surplr-rs l i rocl

ancl t6c cirrper)tor wi l l starvcl Clearly, the sinrplest Ineans of cxchangc wi l l bc l ' t l r the tr to t tsc

barter. (2)_ . to cxchangc i t cer ta i t r a tnol l l l t t l f one k ind o l 'sot lc ls f t l r i t ccr tat t l

bar ter can work wel l in i t s i t rp le s t lc ic ty . i t l i t t t

'dvancecl society we ctnnot go around carrying thrngs in the hope that wc catt cxchange thct l l

for thc things we need. (4)

-eoods attd services lhat we

. we nced something which wi l l s tancl lo t ' t l tc

want to excharrge: hence the or igin ol ' mgney. I t f 'g l lgws thir t

anything can act as moncy or currcncy (5) al l thc peoplcr Lrs i r tg i t agrcc ot l i ts

va luc . C lowrv shc l l s , coconuts , wha lcs ' tcc th si r l t were used as mol tey in thc past

No one doubts thatthe ic leal way to conservc anitnals is to clo everything possible to savc thcir

habitatsl (6) , ovcr the past 20 years it has become clcar that thc mere

conservat ion ol 'habitat wi l l not bc enough. L,vcn the bcst protectcd places arc usual ly nrorc

vulnerable thap they seem (7)_ thcy are often in areas of poverty and pol i t ical

instabi l i ty. Hungry people at war havc l i t t lc concenl 1or rare animals. In thc Sahel '

( 8 ) a combinat ion of drought and human conf l ict has wiped out the

sci r ' i tar -horned oryx. * r :>x

Fielcl stuclies have shown that wild animals, particularly large predators (9)


cheetahs ancl wi ld dogs, need far more room than anyone imagined. Populat ion

have calculated that many species of animals face the danger of being wiped out

clrought, epidemic or war. It is clear that even if the

genet lc l sts

in thc long

best effortste r rn (10)

are made to save what is left of the wilderness. many auimals are stil l doomed

3 l

( 1 1 ) , breeding in zoos

should be carr ied out on a

I wtrs speechlcss with anger

has become an essential part of

large scale. through cooperat ion

conservat ion. Such

between zoos and

cent of a l l species

to thern a f-ew tirncs. hc



wi l l be in

wel l-chosen animals. (12) an estimated 25 per

danger of becoming extinct in the first quarter of the next century.

5.Fill in the blanks with the words and the expressions from the list. Use each only once.

sinceas soonSO



no soonerfinallytosuch


tn caseso as tountil

( l ) had I sat down (2) the whole f lat rocked with arr

explos iot t . I d idn ' t tnove at a l l (3) I sarw the kitchen was on l' ire. I srabbed u

lug I ' rom the l- loor t4) cover the f i re but i t w:ts no use. I was sure Mrs. Hul l .

the mard, had done somcthing wrong. She was (5) a l 'oo l 1(r t

anything was possible whcn she was around. At that rnoment she appeiLred at thc ki tchcrt

door from the garde n sidc with the garden hose gushing wi l ter in hcr hiutd.

shc entercd she startcd spraying the whole krtc lrcn with i t .

, the f i re dicd. When I asked her what had happened she said. "Wcl l . I wi ts

boi l ing sorne rni lk (9)

f lame went out. and

make you a pudding. I think i t boi led ovcr ancl thc

( l 0 ) , the gas l i l led the place. I was stnoking in the

the ki tchcn door wrth a cisarcttc in Inv heltd, t l teg a r d c n a n d ( l l ) I opcned

who le th ing b lew up. ( l2 ) here am I s ir . with al l rnv evclashes and blows

burncd up, bcgging your pardon. I had put aside sorne lnoney ( l3)- I ncct ler l i t

onc day and now I can compcnsate for thc damage I 've done." I just srni led shecpishly

( 1 )

( 8 )

( l 4 )

6.Fill in each blank with the gerund or infinitive form of one of the verbs from the bttx.Use each verb onlY once.

Jack can ' t he lp ( I )

puts thern up on a

CDs. After (2)

rack and lorgets about thcn'r. He has some very intcrest ing disks though;

of Caruso. He occasional lv resretsfor example, the very first (3)

( 4 ) al l his money on disks but then whenever he sees a newly-released CD. he

doesn't hesi tate (5) i t . He must real ly try (6) h i rnse l f and

corne (7)

habit .

the psychological motives behind this


) L

pleasant and yet expensive





Complete the following sentences bybox below. Use each word only once.

fil l ing in the blanks with suitable words fromThere are more words than vou need.


hc t te r in the morn ing .

If you want to keep

of the people we have interviewedThey say they begin to t'eel rather exherusted

to your diet, you can have some salad

thinks that they workin the afternoon.

or a vegetable cl ish;is fattening.

You can buy of thcsc cookers fbr your new house. There rs

4 .

no drff'crcnce between them in tenns of pricc or cluality.

Al though l lore than twenty gir ls have appl ied for thc sccrctar ial post.knows how to usc thc cor.nDutcr.

8.Complete the following paragraph by fil l ing in the blanks with suitable words from thebox. Use each only once.

Onc day. rny father finally declared, "I have decided that you are matLlre enough to havc your

own car." Oh, what joy! Though we actual ly have two family cars, ( l ) -------------- l ' i ts

within my ntodcst student budget in terms of ' running costs. So I i rnmediatcly sat c lown to ci t l l

the car clcalers in town attd carel 'u l ly iot ted down (2) thc inl 'onnat ion thcV

had to ol'l 'er. My l-ather and I thcn wenl over (3) deta i l and, i r f tcr long

discussions. agreed on a makc that was (4)--- sporty and i t tcrxpcnsivc. - l -hc

ncxt step was to vis i t the dealcr c losest to our house. As soon as we arr ived. I not iced thc two

cars in the window. one br ight rcd, the other Bri t ish racing grcen. (5)--

would have been al l r ight with me. My father, who is not easi ly impresscd by uttr-aet ivc

colors. started asking endless quest ions. Whi le he got a pat ient and thorough answer f l 'orn thc

dealer to (6) one. my father looked as i f (7) of the

answers sat isf ied him. After hal f an hour, I was real ly gett ing anxious. thinking we werc not

gorng to buy the car today. How was I to know that rny father was just enjoying the occasion' .)

I am now the proud owner of a beautiful sports car.


9.Complete the following sentences with a suitable past participle and a preposition. Use

each verb in the list below only once.




Fi l rns ( I )

Guns (2 )

Sici l ian ident i ty. She was wrong also. He (7)

film critics are not always the most entertalnlng ones

s i lenccrs do no t tn l tke uny no isc .

Exarninat ion papers (3) red ink won' t be accepted. l -ur t l lc rmore. t l lc

adrninistrat ion won't takc anY responsibi l i ty f 'or your personal bclongings

(4) th is root l .

Pictures (5 )l i ve in and.

chi ldrcn usual ly show what a r ich colourful worlc l thcy

I think this world shouldn' t be (6) thcm too sootr

1 0 .Iii l l in the blanks with the appropriate form of the modals in the box helow and the

correct firrm of the verbs in brackets. Use each modal at least once; you need to use

some more than once. You may also have to use tlle negative form.

be ablelet


have tomust


I wcnt to i l terv icw Vi lcenzo Caleonc at l ' r is hor t tefor an ar t ic le in a local l lewspl lpcr

Vi 'c :c12.9 's parc l t ts ( I )___ - - ( l l l igr i t tc) to thc Urr i te t l St r t tcs o l

Amer i ca because g l ' pove r t y . H i s p i r r cn t s c r l n ' t r e l t t t : r r be r cxac t l y . t r u t t hcy say l l e

( 2 ) (bc) any o lder than s ix a t the ' t ime. s i t rcc hc s t i l l

had his baby tecth l l is father was worr icd that Vinccnzo (3) l l c l r r n )

Engl ish . so hc (4 ) (Vincenzolspeak) I ta l i i rn cvel l a t I lo tne .

He (-5 ) lworry) bccausc Vincenzo was l - luct l t i l l

Engl ish belore his tenth bir thday. which hc cclebrated with his l ' r iends I ' ronr sclrool . l l is

ntother. on the other hand, was wtlrried that he (6) ( losc) h is

( c o m b i n c )

the bcst o1-the two worlds. You (8) ( s e c ) h t n t i n I t i s

owlt house now to understand what I mean. "At the very beginning, i t

( 9 ) (be) quite a chal lenge for you," I say. Vincenzo. a respected

l inguist ics prof 'essor at a prest igious universi ty, j r . rst laughs and says, " l t ccrtai l t ly wlts

Nevertheless. yoLl ( l0) ( talk) to my chi ldren befot 'c you

write your article. 1'hen you ( I 1 )----

st i l l struggl ing to keep rny cul tural ident i ty

J +

(really/understitttcl) how I rtm

1 1 .Filt in the blanks with the appropriate form of the modals in the box below and the

correct form of the verbs in brackets. Correctly place any other words given. Use each

modal at least once. You may have to use the negative form.

must have to should let can

My l 'ather went to an eye special ist the other day, and the doctor told hirn thal he'

( l ) (wear) t inted glasses. He did obey the doctor 's orders. but l tc

hasnt stopped complaining ever since. He thinks that he looks l ike a has-been pop star. I {e

because he refuses to go out unless i t( 2 ) ({'eel ) vcry self:consctous

is absolutcly neccssary.

glasscs don't appear

( 4 )

Actual ly, he (3)

unusual at al l . Another problcm

(him/dr ive) after dusk. Wel l ,

(stop) dr iv ing at night a long

([eel) that way, sincc the

is tha t my mothcr

at thc age ol' 72. hc

t ime ago. but he st i l l(s)( 6 )

( 1 )

(accept) this. So, when you sct: my l-ather. you

(cven/hint) at this touchy subject.

cnter here with their muddy shocs. I can' t c lcan those

a little boat for days were

the ship's capt ir in

12.F'ill in each blank lvith the most appropriate n-rodal from the box. Use each onlY once.


need tohave to

don't have tomust

You wear glasses. You can' t properly see what you'rc reading

) The chi lc lrencarpets cveryclay.

- 1 . t l n e i v i l r z c d t r i h c : have money tn ordcr to be contenl

You obey thc rules in this school. Otherwise, you' l l be disrnrssed.

5. t see yolr tomorrow. I have something vcry important to tc l l

put up wtth such behavior. You'd better talk to Lls l r lore pol i tely

13.Complete each sentence with a suitable past participle and an appropriate preposition.The base forms of the missing verbs are given in the box below.

damaqe write leave strand send


Shipwreck vict ims

rescued yesterday.

helped the rescue

signals (3)

( l ) (2 )


rs to


whereabouts of the survivors. The ship. badly

the underwater rocks. was towed to a safe dock.


(s) ( b )

locate the

However. as the captain's log, (7) (B ) ink, had become total ly

wi l l have to wait unt i l the captain recovers to

The personal belongings of the passengers

their cabins were also ruined. but s ince there

i l legible when i t got wet, the authori t res

discover the reason for the accident.

( 9 ) ( l 0 )

I t was one of thosc days when nothing gocs r ight. Whcn

minutcs to get rcady. I dist inct ly remember that I had ( l )

the night before. but i t d idn' t go o1'1' . Thank God. I had (2)

was no loss of l i fe, nobody is making a fuss.

14.Fill in each blank in the following text using a suitable form of one of the verbs in the

box. Use each verb only once. There are more verbs than you need.

grind creepstrike


bendshrinkflin la

I woke up . I rea l i zed I had on ly l -5

nry a lu rnr c lock

thc col'l 'ce

and (3 ) the breakl 'ast table belore I wett t to bed. Aftcr acluick hreak{ ' rrst ' I

startcd gett ing dresscd and real ized that rny cardigan had (4) in thc n" i tsh. I

(-s ) i t across the rootn and one of i ts buttons (6) n ly

favoritc coI'fec mug and shattered it. By the tirne I had carefully (7) ov( j f

broken pieces of china and reachecl the door, I was already late for my first day at work. You

shoulcl havc seen the expression on my boss Mr. Murphy's l 'ace when I gave hi ln nlv exct lses'

15.Use five of the prepositions in the box appropriately to fil l in the blanks.





You should look lc l i and r ight beforc going the str( ]ct .

) We look r t l o t t g t r i p - -v i ew .

lhe r iver carnping whercver wc found a plci ts l tnt

3. Her diamond nng sl ipped of f her l inger and f-el l the s ink .

4 . I went his house last night. The l ights were not on.

5. 'l 'he

train passed the tunnel at a terrific speed

l 6

16.Complete these sentences with a preposition and the appropriate form of a word takenfrom the list below.

routes action admission illusionswarn increase clear

There has been a considerable (1) (2) the ' sa les of u i r -

puri f rers lately because of extreme air-pol lut ion. Local authori t ies simply say that lack of air

currents cause this phenomenon. Wel l . this is nothing but a(n) (3)---

( 4 ) defeat. They can certainly clo more than that. For example. they catt

rnove (5 ) ( 6 ) bv checkinc t l - tc cxhaust emtssion

of vch ic les runn ing (7 ) certain (8) Thel '

s h o u l d l l s o ( 9 ) people ( l0) using their cars too ol- ten

C)nly when thc streets have been ( I I ) (121 C X C E S S I V C

t raf ' f ic. thc problern wi l l be solved. Even thcn people should be (13) l )o

( 1 4 ; that evervthins wi l l turn up bctter in a short t ime

17 .Write the fbltowing dialogue between two friends in reported speech using the mostappropriate reporting verbs from the box below.'fhere are more verbs than you need.



agree remindwarn


l. David : "Tony, would you and your wif-e comc to dinner tomorrow'1"

2. Tony . "Ycs. hut you real lv tnust let mc br ing the dr inks."

3. David : "You rnay have to spend more thatt you think. I also invi tcd Sean. who clr inks

l ike a I ' ish."

4. Tony : "Don' t worry, I ' l l br ing cnough beor 1'or an army."

-5 . Dav ic l : "Oh Tony, p lcase don ' t fo rge t to b r ing tha t rock 'n ' ro l l a lbunt you boug l ' r t


t .

3 . becl tusc hc had a lso

invi ted Sean. who dr inks l ike a f ish.

4 .


D.l .

Rewrite these phrases using compound adjectives.

l . a cake which was made at home = a

2. a book which contains 500 pages = a



2.Rewrite the expressions replacing the underlined parts with compound adjectives.

l . A pol i t ic ian who everybody knows = a

2. A woman who dresses wel l = a

3. A gir l wi th red hatr = a

4. A iamily wliich own three cars = a

3 .Rewrite the fbllowing sentences using ( the ... the).

l . I t 's easy to rnuke nr istakcs rvhen you'rc t i rcd.

2. I f one works harcl . one tends to so f ar in one's careel

l . Wc wcnt I-ar into the forest. Wc had l i t t le hope o1'survival .

4.Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets and without changing themeaning.

l . Thc crops f 'a i lcd bccause of thc scvcre drought.

( cause )

) , . I ' l l speak to him only al- tcr he has apologised.

( un t i l )

3. He was injured in the first ten minutes, but he carried on playing to the end.

(even though)


4. He suffers from hypertension although he doesn't eat salty food.

5. Using cel lular phol


res may cause some nervous disorders in the human body.

a) (because of)

b) (result in)

6 . Izmi r has anl loods.

a) (due to)

inadequate drainage system; consequent ly, heavy rains l iequent ly br ipg

b) (be responsiblc lor)

7. Thc sradual r ise in sea levels wi l l make Venice sink underwater someday.

a) (becausc of)

b) (as a result)

8 . Soc ia l chaos in big cities fbllows fiorn the migration of people l-r'om rural areits

a) (due to)

b) ( resu l t ing in )

9. Because comm

a) ( in view of)

unicat iort is faster and casier, banking and trade can ai tn at gl t lb l t l is i t t ion

b) (so . . . tha t )

) .Ilewrite the sentences below using -irlg or not-ing.

l. He was not very interested. He rejected their o1fer.

2. I knew that this would happen. I took the necessary precautlons.


6.Rewrite the underlined part using an appropriate form of must, have to, or need to.

Use each only once.

l . Actual ly, I would l ike you to stay with me, but i t isn' t necessary.

2. We are obliged to obey whatever order he gives us.

3. Is it necessarv for you to leave us in the middle of this interesting conversation?

7.Rewrite each of the following sentences in different ways, using the words or phrases

which have been indicated. Use proper punctuation.

L Nanotechnology has great potent ial ; consequent ly, many respectable reseetrch i t rst i t t - t t io l ts

have becn al locat ing large sums of moncy for i ts development.(Notc: nano rel-ers to a bi l l ionth part of a unit . )

a) (due to)

b) ( lead to)

2. Sorne people may suffbr from problerns like anorexia and other mental disorders bccausc

they diet for extcnded periods of time .

a) (as a rcsult of)

b ) ( s u c h . . . t h a t )

c ) ( hence )

8.Rewrite the following sentences using the expressions given in parentheses. Do not use

other fbrms of these expressions, but some words may have to be changed or added.

I . Space travel will cause dramatic effects on philosophy and religion.

a) (because of l

b) (wi l l fo l low from)

4 l

2. The destructioncontaminate the

of rain forests will set previously unknown bacteria and viruses fiee to


a) ( leading to)

b) (due to )

3. Faulty road conditions are responsible for most car accidents

a) (as a result of ) ----

9 .Rewrite the following without changing the meaning and using the clues given.

l . I 've got only f5 in my bank account.


Z. He was wearing his seat bel t when the accident happened. so he wasn't hurt ser iously

( i f )

3. Frcd looks l ike Bi l l so much that nrost people mistake them for each othcr.

( a l i ke)

4. Jessica beggcd her father but he didn' t let her go out that night.

(even though)

.5. Shei la dicln 'r have the proper cquipnent with her. Besides. she didn' t want to cl inrb thc

mounta in .

(even if)

6. I don' t approve of your l istening to loud music in this house

(would rather)

1. Excessive dr inking may lead to part ial memory loss-

(result frorn)

u. Parents are having a hard t ime. Their chi ldren are studying for the utt ivc 'rs i ty c 'xanl


t 1

10.Rewrite the following paragraph using the passive voice where possible. If the sentence

cannot be made passive, write it without any changes. Use an agent if necessary.

Yesterday we had a busy day at home. My father mended the garage door. My mother

cleaned the carpets. Our cat Samantha jumped from one place to another. My sister and I

pol ished the woodwork. In our house, we usual ly do such things col lect ively on a part icular

day of the week.


E.1. Mark the best choice.

I . She has a thirst learninga) tob) o f

a) is t ryrngb ) have tr ied

2. The book gives reference _ other publications on the same subject.a) to c) forb) of d) at

3. To my way of thinking, herbal teas cannot be substitutes _ real tea.a) to c) forb) of d) at

4. Can you f ind an al ternat ive _ that ' la) to c) lbrb) ol ' d) at

-5. My younger brothcr, togethcr wrth a lot of his fricnds,ch i ld ren .

c) ford) at

c) is t r iedd) are l ry ing

c ) Sirni lard ) As

to raisc moncy for strect

6. Jamcs is very proud of his I 'athcr-, who was the f i rst pcrson 1l-orr a univcrsi ty in hisI 'amily.a) graduating c) to graduateb) that have graduated d) having to graduatc

1. The dealer showed us two cars, _ were too cxpcnsivc.a ) onc of the rn c ) either of thcrnb) both of which d) neither of which

6 . thc prcsident of Middle E,ast Technical Universi ty, Prolessor Dr. lJral Akbulut isrcquired to attend many off ic ial ccrctronies.a) As thoughb ) A l i k e

9. His incornpetent nephew _ st i l l __ lbr thc governmcnt i1 ' Mr. Crubbyhandsthe last elect ions.

a) wou ld . . . . havc been work ing / los t c ) wou ld . . . . be work ing /hadn ' t los tb ) wou ld . . . . have worked/d idn ' t lose d) i s . . . . . . work ing /wor " r ldn ' t have los t

10. _ a very good posit ion at the universi ty. James lel i h is prcvious job without al tyrcgrcts.a) Offering c) That he was offeredb) Having been off'ered d) Having ofl'ered

I I . Your father had a difficult tirne at the hospital, _?a) hadn ' t he c ) has heb) d idn ' t he d) was he

12. At the beginning, John found it very difficult to wear a tie, but now he - it.a) was getting used to c) has gotten used tob) has used d) is being used to

13. Although he had a f ight with Michel le earl ier, Josh is st i l l hoping to herbarbecue party.a) he is invi ted c) fbr being invi tedb) to have the invi tat ion d) to be invi ted

14. __ that Agassi is the best c lay court tennis player in the world.a) Wide acceptance c) It is wrdely acceptedb) Widely accept ing d) Having widely accepted

15. Only after I got home from work I had lef t the i ron switched on al l day.a) I real ised c) was when I real isedb) did I real ise d) that I real ised

16. We mect at the club now. I think he spends most of his e venings with his sickwif-e.I r ) o e c a s i o r t a l l l c ) l l w a y sb) sorret i lnes ) hardly ever

17. YoLr touch thc objects herc. There is electr ic current passing through thcnr.a) needn't c) shouldn' tb ) don ' t havc to d ) ought no t

18. You should l isten to me. I havc bcen - a I 'ather to you al l your l i l -e.a ) such c ) l i keb ) a s d )

l 9


a) Letb) Makc

a) Shc wasn ' t

b ) Be ing

h i rn s low down! He 's go ing to k i l l us a l l in th is car .c) Tel ld ) Get

vcry comfbrtable. she changed her scat.c ) Not be ingd) Having been

21. I know vou're unh; lppv now. but vou'd better in the cold. The snow wott ' t t rel lfor thc next three months.a) used to l ivc c) get used to l iv ingb) be used to l i v ing d) l i ve

22. They can' t go on l ike this. She him fbr everything he does.a) often cr i t ic izes c) wi l l forever cr i t ic izeb) is always cr i t ic iz in-e d) never cr i t ic ized


23. That dog - when you touch i ts tai l .a) is bi t ing c) tends to bi teb) is about to brte d) should bi te

, 4 <

24. Don't disturb me by showing me those reports. I 'm on hol iday'

a ) ab) an

c) thed)

c) to heard) so to hear

c) aboutd)

25. Pamela's boss was very disappointed -- that she was going to reslgn

a) hearingb) about hearing

26. Are you nervous taking the exam'J You seem to be rest less

a) a I

b) for

27. lt is very hzrrd to resist --- chocolates.

a) t o ca t

b t e ' l t ing

28. I w ish I

34. The burglara) causedb) madc'

35. That horse

c) at eat ingd) to be caten

more careful whi le dr iv ing. Someday I 'm going to havc an

him open the sal 'c and got away with al l the rnol leye ) l c td ) go t

have beaten Miranda. who is considered to be one of the bcsl

accident.a) could be c) can be

b) could have been d) would be

29. The si tuat iol t was bad enough last year, but this year i t is evcrt

a) better c) the worst

b) worse d) the best

30. The nrore bad-tentpcred hc becomesa) when she tnakes hirn angry c) he wi l l do something awl 'ul

b) she apprcci l t tcs him tnore d) t l le less she loves hi ln

I l . David is not so clcvcr his brothcr-

a) l ike c) cornPared

b) i l s d ) than

32. We hacl---- rain that our bascmcnt was completely l looded.

a) so lnuch c) too

b) such d) enough

33 _- stcp on the grass. they took the stone path to the house.

a) ln order to c) So as not to

b) To d) So that theY could not

horses on the track. And as I said, Miranda is again the winner.

a) shouldn' t c.) mustn' tb) can' t d) maY not


Active :Passive

a) It was thought that Carl Richter has written that article.

b) Carl Richter has been thought to write that article.

c) It is thought that the article was written by Carl Richter.

d) The article is thought to have been written by Carl Richter.

I know my mother doesn't mean -(37;- me, but she always secms to turn up i t t

inconvenient moments. I wish she _(38) before cal l ing round.

31 . a ) to d is tu rb 38 . a ) Phonesb) c ls tu rb ing b) w i l l Phonec) she d is tu rbs c ) wou ld Phonecl) disturb d) had Phoncd

)i: >l: )k

Last year, thrcc rnen succceclecl in traversittg the ruggcd Alaska range by mourttitit 't bikc On

the trek. ___(39)__ ovcr lnorr: than 775 milcs, the tr io rode on glacrers. gante trrr i ls r t r ld

gravcl bars ancl even raftecl r ivers. __(40)__- their bikc handlcbars to tnakc passrtgc

casicr. thcy had to walk single l ' i le through thick vcgct i t t ion for days. When I ' r tccd with rapid

runrr ing r ivers. they crossecl thc white watcrs --(41 )- their bikes to thcir hrtcks.

One ol ' r l rem nearly got k i l lcr l _(42)_ the Black Rapids glacicr. At the ertcl of ' thcir

sevcn-wcek. journcy, -(43)_- nothing but freezc-dr icd meals and high-cnergy bi trs.

thcv cclebri i ted their s l lccess with a hot tneal.

Evervbody thinks that Carl Richter has written that article

40. a ) Whi lc rcmov ingb) [ ' laving retnovede ) B c c l t t t s c r c t n o v i l t g

d) Removed

39. a) what strctchcdb ) stretchcclc ) which strctchedd) that stretchcd

4 L a) thcy strappcclb ) stiappcclc ) w l t i le s t r l tP I i t t . 'd ) by s t r r tPP ing

42. a ) c l i rnb ing 43 . a ) ea t ing

b) he was c l i rnb ing b) s i t rce- e l t i t rg

c) having cl i lnbed c) who has ei t ten

cl) hc began cl i rnbing d) having eaten

Somerimcs I rhink rhar sales clerks --]OO,1 to a clifferent species altogether.

Wcl l , let me i l lustrate my point with a couple of examples. You go to a shop ancl ask for a

certain i tem and the sales clerk says, "We -(45)- i t , s i r , but not anymore." What

cloes he expect you __(46)_. t ime travel ' l Another example: The sales assist t tnt at a

shoe store wants you to try on a pair *--(47) obviously at least ortc siz.c

--(48) for you and says, "You -(49) into them. sir !" I

_(50) be 36 next month and show every year of i t . You see. they say sucl- t

A a

things because they do belong to a different species: one that -(51 )-- in time and

grow after the age of 35.

Thus, when they opened that huge department store in our neighbourhood, I was the first

person _\52)_: I thought that I -(53) deal with these strange

creatures anymore. Oh, how wrong -(54)-! The other day I went there to change

a sweater my wife -(55) a week earlier. The minute I -(56)---- up to

the clcrk in churge, I -(51)- I was in trouble. With -(58) --- hidden

irritation, she snatched the sweater out of my hand and started a long procedure

_(59) f i l l ing out endless forms. As I -(60)- the store. I was hoping

that I _(61)_ enough time to enjoy a cup of hot tea in their caf6 before they

closed. By the time I had my new sweater properly wrapped and securcly under my ann.

they __(62) the checkout counters. No one, not even my enetxles.

_(63) have to deal with these people.

44. a) who belongb) are belongingc) must belongd) need to belong

a) used to haveb) used to havingc) have hadd) would have

a) very bigb) b ig cnoughc) too bigd) higger

a) wi l l be travel l ingb) don' t t ravelc) won't be travel l ingd) can travel

a) wzrs Ib ) I havec) I wasd) have I

a) knewb) was knowingc) had knownd) have known

a) h l tvc becn e l l te r ingb) enteredc) enterd) have entered

46 . a ) do rngb ) have donec) coulc l do

d) to do

a) are going to growb) l.rave to growc) g rowlng

d) w i l l s row

a) re jo ic ingb) liave rejoicedc) to rejoiced) had rcjoiccd

55. a) has been buyingb) had boughtc) had been boughtd) was buy ing

a) worscb) wors tc ) bad lyd) bad

a) shou ld havcb) have hadc) would haved) wi l l have




51 .



a) which rnay beb) tha t i sc) has beend) looks

a) w i l lb ) mayc) couldd) must

a ) c a n ' tb ) wou ldn ' t have toc) cou ldn ' td) might have to

a) was wa lk ingb) have walkedc) walkedd) have been walking

a) that is involvedb) which is involvedc) which involvedd) is involving


58 .5156

6 1 .60.59 .


a) may be closingb) were closingc) have closedd) have been closing

63. a) canb) couldc) mightd) should

Mountaineering is a unique sport because the cl imber is in competi t ion with nature i tsel f and

not with other people. For this reason i t is a dangerous act iv i ty. _(64)_ the spolt is

ful l of danger only seems to add to the exci tement for most cl imbers. However. c l imbers

don't take unnecessary r isks: _(65)_ being natural ly adventurous people, they are

careful to follow the correct safety procedures. They point out that, for anyone wrshing to

take up the sport , proper training is essent ial . Experienced cl imbers recommend beginlrr-rs

__(66)_ a registered mountaineering club. In this way, they can learn to cl inrb with

the minimum of danger.

Cryogenics is thc technique of l ' reczing a dead body -(61)-- i t can be preserved and

then brought back to l i fe in the future. Most doctors think cryogenics is ____(68) an

rdea that i t is _(69)_ worth taking ser iously. However, this does not discourase sonrc

people _(70)_ a lot of money on cryogcnrcs in preparat ion for their death. Maria

Carnacho, an I tal ian language teacher f iorn Lorrdon, is one of thcse pcoplc. "Evcrybody

thinks I ' rn cr i rzy," she says, "but when I die, I -(11 )- many of the wonders of thc

universc. With cryogenics, I have a chance. I want to l ive again and travcl through space."

64. a) Thatb) Whatc) Howeverd) No matter

67. a) in order thatb) in casec) unlessd) un t i l

70. a) to spendb) to spendingc) their spendingd) l 'rom spending

65. a) yetb) despitec) whereasd) even though

66. a) to havc. joinedb) that they joinc) jo in ingd) . f oin

69. a) rarclyb) near lyc) hardlyd) ent i rely

68. a) such strangeb) so strangec) as strange asd) stranger than

11. a ) don ' t seeb) am not seeingc) won't have seend) won ' t bc sec ing


Even rf you -(72a)- a cigarette in your life, you -(72b)- at risk fiom

smoking-related diseases. When smokers and non-smokers share the same room, the non-

smokers can't avoid breathing in some of the smokers' tobacco smoke. This is called 'passive

smoking' . Fortunately for non-smokers, smoking -(73)- in most forms of publ ic

transport and many public buildings have 'smoke-free' zones. In the private sector, therc are

many benefits for an employer _(74)__ action to create a smoke-fiee environmcnt.

First , the company has a better image. Second, the workforce are healthier and less l ikely

_(75)_ t ime off due to i l lness. Final ly. there are lower cleaning costs for employees.

-(16)- are forced to go home in the evening in bad-smel l ing clothes.

12 . a ) don ' t touch. . .w i l l bcb) haven't touched.. .arec) d idn ' t touch. . .wered) hadn ' t touched. . .wou ld bc

1 5 . a ) t o h a v eb) they havec) fbr havingd) they wi l l have

77. a) who are you workingb) whether you are workingc) what you are workingd) why are you working

73. zt) has been bannedb) had been bannedc) has bannedd) had banned

14. tt) takenb tak ingc) that takcd) why thcy takc

l lavc ytru cvcr askcd yourscl l ' ,___(11)___ lbr ' / I f you have evcr had t i rnc to put this

qucst ion to your col lcagues, you ___(78) __ thc f 'o l lowing answers. I t 's thc moncy. ol

coursc, sofnc sr ly with a srni lc, __(1())_- they werc explaining sotnething to a st t tal l

chi ldl or i t 's the sat is l 'act iorr ol 'doing a good job. Wel l , I - -(80)- as atr i tssist i rnt on rr

bus once, bu t _ (u l )_ ovcr in thc a is lc w i th rny hands l 'u l l o f d r i r t ks d idn ' t s ivc r t te

much sat isfact ion. Othcrs say r t 's the company ol ' other pcople. I f that 's t rue . then what rbout

l 'armers' l Does the conversat ion ol- the fanr-ryard make them -(82)-- their work' /

Somehow, I don' t think so. For some, work is power and a sense of status. Howevcr. thcsc

are arnbitious people who have _(B3a)_ already achicved their goals --(lJ3b)--

are upset becausc their boss hasn' t recognised their obvious potent ial . Most of us, I suspect.

hope that one day _(84)_ the lot tery. Meanwhi le, we would rather --(85;---- on

working when the only al ternat ive is a l i f -e of poverty and boredom. Thc problern is, we are

too busy working to real ise this.

16. a) many wht'rb) al l of thernc) which theyd) trone of whotn

18. a ) shou ld be hear ing 19 . a ) asb) needn't be hearing b) as i fc) can' t have heard c) just asd) may wel l have heard d) such as



85 .84.83 .



a) workedb) had workedc) wns workingd) had been working

a) ei ther. . .orb) bo th . . .andc) ne i ther. . .nord) no t . . .bu t

8(r. a) which i t reclutrcsb,) that rccluiresc ) thev reclr.rirecld ) rccluired

U8. a ) duc tob) lcad tcrc) be car-rsed byd) bc i t resu l t o l '

a) by fal l ingb) fal l ingc) having fal lend) fall

a ) we 'd w inb) o f w inn ingc) to w ind) we ' l l w in

a) appreciatedb) to appreciatec) appreciated) to be appreciated

a) we carryb) we carriedc) carryd) have carr iecl

,: t: >k

Nursing is a popular prof-ession, but f 'ew people have the personzrl qual i t res ---(86)-- -

lor such r di f f icul t job. To begin with. thc training is di f f lcul t , and. ---(87)-- thcy

have f inished this. qual i f ied nLrrscs start a carccr involving long hours lor l i t t le pay.

Nurses. however, don' t do thc. job for thc nronr:y. They do i t fbr the sat isfact ion of hclping

pcople. I ln lortunrrtc ly. t l i is unsel l ' ish att i tudc can __( 88)_ t : vt : n worsc concl i t iotrs rrs

e mploycrs terrcl to takc advantagc ol 'nurses and r l i tke thcrn work as malry l rours as possiblc

I 'or the sarne pay. l t is not surpr istng. then, that nurscs, -(89)- eventual ly lcavc

the profession 1or lcss stressful . jobs, sometirncs becomc intpat ient with thcir bosses ancl

decide to takc i tct ion to improve thcir workirrg l ivcs.

a ) onccb ) w h i l ec) by the t imcd) betorc

a) providing manyb) despite rr-ranyc) rrany of whornd) a f te r wh ich many

When faced with some new technological change, rnost people react in one of two ways.

They ___190a)_ try to avoid i t , c lairning that i t is unnecessary, -(90b)- they

learn to accept the new invent ion, and then wonder how they ever managed without i t .

Howcver. adults especial ly tend to be slow to apply new technology. --(91 )--- they

see clear evidcnce that a new machine has benef i ts, do they f 'eel ready to use i t thcmselvcs.

A good exarnple of this is the computer, which highlights the great difference between the

ge nerat ions. Adults usual ly suspect that computers are a threat to our f}eedom.

_(92)_ children seem to have less fear that they will take over our lives. Adults are

also constant ly arnazed that their chi ldren czrn take _(93)_ so easi ly. Consequent ly.

they also feel inadequate when their chi ldren. _(94)_ the experts in the farni ly. start

giving them advice on how to operate lfre familv home r:omputer properly. In fact, it does


not take long to operate a basic computer programme, _(95)_ things occasionally

go wrong for no apparent reason. However, what seems to really frighten many people is

that change is occurring -(96)- faster than it was, say, twenty years ago. No sooner

have we got used to one new invention _(97)_ we are told it is out of date and we

have to learn to use the machine that replaces it. But change and new technology do not

always bring improvements to our lives. When there is a power cut, for instance. wc

realise that there are stil l some sood forms of entertainment around that don't have to be

plugged in to work.

9 l




90. a) so much . . . thatb) e i ther . . . o rc) both . . . andd) no t on ly . . . bu t a lso

a) whereasb) neverthelessc) despited) besides

a) l i keb) al ikec) asd) such as

96. a) considerablyb) s l igh t lyc) exact lyd) a lot of

a) Seldomb) Neverc) Only afterd) At no point

a) themb) toc) them tod) to them

a) evenb) even ifc) as i fd) as though

a) thenb) thanc) thatd) when


I work fiom horne. so when we moved into this new flat, I wanted a study --(98)--

I could work in comfortably. The problcm with our old flat was that the roorns were far

too small. Besides, we weren't allowed to throw out any furniture or put in the extra

bookshelves necessary for my books _(99)- the flat and everything in it was

rented. In the new flat we have chosen this room at the back as my study. If I

_(100a)_ t ime, I _(100b)- i t a nice br ight colour, but I have too much

work to do. St i l l . i t 's qui te a br ight room already. The l ight comes in f ' rom two sides.

because there are two huge windows and a terrace outside. Of course, I don't want to put

my books on _( l0l)_ of those sides and block any of the l ight. Lucki ly, there is

enough space along the other walls for my bookshelves, so it's the perfect arrangement.


98. a) whereb) in whichc) thatd) whi le

100. a ) have . . . w i l l pa tn tb ) don ' t have . . . won ' t pa in tc) didn' t have . . . would be paint ingd) had . . . wou ld pa in t

102. a ) because o l 'hav ing 103. a ) to takeb) wh ich have b) o1 ' tak ingc) where you have c) that taked) rlrorcovcr [here is d) are takclt

99. a) asb) whereasc) owing tod) in order that

l 0 l . a ) n o n eb) bothc) ei therd) neither

, < t < *

' fhis, trke a really carefree holiday on the Costa Brava. -(102)---- the guarantee

of hot sunny weather for most of the year. Book a package holiday, and all the transport

arrangements __(103)__ care of. l t 's so easy. You step on board a jct at Gatwick or

Lutcln and in two and a half hours. you ___(104)__ the Mediterrancan heat of Spain on

vour facc.

104. a ) w i l l be f .ee l ingb) arc always f 'ecl ingc) woulcl f -ecld ) a re go ing to be le l t

Five years ago, Mariano Minot was geft ; bored in his saf 'e ancl securc banking job in

Mexico City. Just then a t i iend suggested _(105)_ a new busincss manulactur ing

jcwcl l t -ry. Mrr iano was temptcd but real ised there were r isks __(106a)_____ fbr the

carcer he had bui l t ___(106b)__ 1br his young 1'amily. After a f-ew rest less nishts. he

had a dream: he was locked in an empty, air less bui lding and was suftocat irrg. On waking. he

knew what _( 107)_. He resigned f rom the bank and started the jewel lery business.

105. a ) tha t they s ta r t 106. a ) more . . . than 107. a ) can be doneb) to start b) nei ther . . . nor b) hc had to doc) that start ing c) so high . . . as c) might dod) hirn he should start d) not only . . . but also d) he may clo

My chi ldhood memories of tea are of t imes of cr is is. Whenever there was a problem. rny

mother would prepare tea, hoping that dr inking strong, sweet tea would hclp

_(l0B)_ the si tuat ion. Perhaps as a react ion to that image of tea. I turned in my

teens, _(109)_ most of my contemporaries, to dr inking coff-ee. These were the

sixties and the era of espresso bars. I drank coffee black, not because I liked rt that way but

because none of the smart people _( l l0)_ would ever dream of putt ing rni lk in i t .

The style passed quickly and was replaced with a succession of new fashions and modes of


behaviour. The image o1' tea today -(1 1 1)- with being health conscious. Tea is a'Green' thing. unl ike i ts al ternat ives, which are regarded as unhealthy.

Jessc Owens. whosc lour gold medals at the 1936 Olyrnpic Gi irncs in Bcrl in rnade hinr

pe lhups thc g lc r tes t and rnos t f 'a r .nous a th le te in t rack and f ie ld h is to ry . l l l 2 t _

n tuch rccogn i t ion a t thc t i rne o1 'h is success . ' fhe v ic t i t -n o l rac ia l d isc r i rn ina t ion lu rd o1 ' thc

t i rnes _( l l3 )___ he l i ved . Owcns u l t in ra tc ly c rca ted h is p lace in h is to ry th ror " rsh h is

own inner couragc and deternr inat ion. Today. nrore than f i f teen years after his deir th.

Owens _( l l4)_ as a great athlctc and also as sorrconc with grcat rnoral intcgr i t ) '

who bcl ieved in the old-fashioncd values of honesty i incl hard work.

l0B. a ) improvedb) to improvec) improvingd) so as to improve

| 10 . a ) who have knownb) were knownc) that I knewd) knew that

I I 2 . a) never received

b) whcrc hc rccc ivcd

c) who had received

d) hc had rccc ived

l l 5 . a ) R a i s i n gb) Raisedc) To raised) To be raised

109. a ) asb) l i kec) thed) and

I I l . a) is associatedb ) i s ussoc ia t ingc) when to assoc ia ted) wh ich assoc ia tes

Jul io Iglcsias rs by f 'ar thc most popular Hispanic singer in history. according to most

E,uropcans und South Anrer icans. _____(l l -5)___ in an upper-cl t rss suburb of 'Mudrid. hc

wAS encouraged to bc a diplomat by his l 'ather, a wel l -known physician. Af ' tcr scvcral yclrrs

_( l l6 )_ a ta len ted soccer goa l ie , he was sent to Cambr idge Un ivers i ty to s tudy

law. In the mid-1960 's , he wrs near ly k i l led in a car c rash _( l11)___ a lmost two

years recupcrat ing. The rest reads l ike a l 'a iry tale: a guitar givcn to hirn in the hospital : the

f i rst songs and studio recordings; and then the awards and sel l -out crowcls.

I 13 . a ) th roug l rb ) whcncverc ) in wh ichd) dur ing

I 16. a) laterb) l i kec) ofd ) as

I lu l . a) r 'cr ler lbcrs to bcb) was rcrncrnherc ' r l

c) rcnrernbcrs beingd) is renrernberecl

1 17 . a ) hav ing spentb) ancl spentc) a{ ' tcr which spcndin-sd) that has bcen spent


Goocl personal relations based on mutual trust and esteem play a particularly important role in

cloing business in Japan. The Japanese -( l lB)- to understand the f iner points of

their own etiquette, but they like people who try to conform. Most Japanese meals consist of

a ser ies of smal l dishes. Natural ly, the pol i te thing to do is to eat -(119)-- , but

Japanese hosts _(120a)- understanding i f a foreigner -(120b)- that he

finds a particular dish unappetising. The custom of giving gifts to business and personal

acquaintsnces is common in Japan. It is not necessary to reciprocate immediately

_( l2l)_ i t is customary to give something back in due course for personal presents

recei ved from individuals.

A :

B :

I I 8. a) are not expected by foreignersb) expect that foreignersc) as wel l as foreigners expt:ctd) do not cxpect lbreigners

120. a ) wou ld be . . . had exp la inedb) were . . . would explainc ) i t r c . . . e x p l u i n sd) a re . . . w i l l exp la in

122 a) mak ingb) causingc) result ingd) having

a) many of us eatb) which are eatenc) we have eatend) some of which we eat


| 19. a) what one is ol ' l 'eredb) thc things that of ferc) that arc otfbr ingd.t those to ol ' l 'er

l2 l . a ) desp i te be ingb) in order thatc) even thoughd) un less

In what way is cholesterol bad for us, Dr. Answay?

Wcll . we al l need some cholesterol for survival , but too much ol- i t is bad for us. l t

builds up in our arteries, -( 122)-- them to get narrower, as a result ol' which

our bloocl supply has di f f icul ty in gett ing through. This, of course, can eventual ly

--( f 23)-- a heart at tack or stroke. The point -( 124\ - to Ir takc

here is that, even though we al l need somc cholesterol to insulate our nt:rves. and to

procluce hormoues, the things -(125)- and even consider healthy may end

in t l ' rc overproduct ion of cholesterol . Today. a lot of peoplc r isk ---(126t-

their hcalth by consuming too much red meat, cheese, eggs, and so on, al l of ' which

increase the cholesterol level in our blood.



a) the source ofb) be the result ofc) caused byd) result in

a) having lostb) losingc) to losed) loss of

124. a)b)v )


I tryis tryingI 'm tryingis to try


To say that my father and I do not get on would be an understatement. The root of the

trouble is his attitude to women, _(121)- as little better than domestic servants.

What is more, he does not believe _(128)- a formal academic education. havins

himself left school -(129)-- twelve and made his own way in the world"

According to him, __( 130)__ cont inuing your educat ion beyond the minimum age.

especially if you are a girl. He keeps pointing out that he has become a successful

businessman _( l3l)_ the benef i t of any col lege irpart f rom the'Universi ty of

Li fe ' . Nevertheless, I chose _(132)-- my educat ion, which marked the br 'grnntrrg

of a lons feud between us.

121. a) as they are regardedb) who were regardedc) whom he regardsd) that he regards thetn

130. a ) i t ' s no goodb) you shouldn' t expectc) he doesn't mindd) there's no pornt

133. a ) must be see ingb) had been seenc) might have seend) had seen

I 36. a) lookedb) possessionc) owned byd) belonged to

128. a) that gett ing 129. , t ) oncc he has bcenb) those who get b) at the agec) to get c) wherc hc wasd) in gett ing d) as soott as hc was

l 3 l . a ) d u e t ob) withoutc ) asd) befbre

132. a ) con t inu ingb) so as to cont inucc ) t o c ( ) n t i n u cd) and cont inued


Londoners who happened to walk along the Tharnes during the rnid-thir tccnth century

_(133)_ a large whitc bear walking down to the r iver. __(134)-- bchind woulcl be r t

rnan, h6lding the bear with a long leash. The man would si t on the r iverbank ---( 1 3-5 )--- thc

bear, st i l l at tached to the leash, would go into the water and f lsh for i ts dinner.

The bear __( 136)_ King Henry I IL Henry wanted to save money, so he had thc bear ci t tc l t

i ts own food. The people of London --(137)-- his sense of economy since they paid f i r r

the bear's tlxpenses.

Henry was not the first king to keep large pets. -(138)-, practically evcry royal head of

state from the beginning of civilization to the French Revolution seemed to want to own

animals _(139)_ - animals that were the biggest, the strangest, or the tnost dangerous.

134. a) Leavingb) Fol lowingc) Leadingd) Pursuing

137. a) must have appreciatedb) used to be appreciatedc) who appreciatedd) appreciating

135. a) with af ierb ) w h i l ec) therelored) i f


138. a) In br ief 139. a) ofgreat beautyb) In contrast b) really beautifulc) In fact c) whose beautyd) In addition d) as beautiful

Both the ancient Egypt ians and Chinese col lected irnimals _(140)_ pleasure. Chinese

cmperors kept them in places cal led "parks of intel l igence" whereas Egypt ian royalty kept

monkeys. leopards and _( l4l )_ a giraffb on the palace grounds.

Birds, exotic and familiar. were popular in Rome. When Octavian defeated Marc Antony in

batt le, he was given aparrot _(142)_to say "Hai l , Octavian, v ictor ious leader". Octavian

was very pleased ___(143)_ he learned that the trainer had also taught another parrot to say'Hai l . Antony, v ictor ious leader," _(144)__ Antony had won.

Not only did r ich people keep pcts, they _(145)__ thern do strangc things. Napoleon's

wife Josephine had an orangutan that sat at her table in a coat. A Portuguese princess wcnt to

the troublc of gett ing zebras since she thought _(146)_ pretty pul l ing the royal chi ldrcn

in a little carriage. To her disappointment, she got no cooperation _(147)_ the z.ebras.

Owning and displaying exot ic pets has cont inucd into morc modern t imcs, but ovcr thc year-s.

i t has becorne obvious that the care of exot ic animals ( l4B)_ spccial izcd knowleclge.

( iencral f y speaking. nei ther the publ ic nor thc cxperts arc in _(149)___ ol .kccping bcars in

the backyard or l ions in the l iv ing room.

140. a ) o fb) atc ) i nd ) 1'or

143. a ) as soon as 114. a ) in case

l4l . a) consecluent ly 142. a) hc traincdb) converselyc) accordinglyd) occasional ly

b) yetc) al thoughd) un t i l

b) becausec ) i f o n l yd) un less

b) traincdc) that t rainedd) to train

145. a ) uscdb) wantedc) maded) took

146. a ) i f they looked 147. a ) o l 'b) that i t looked b) aboutc) of looking c) f iomd) they would look d) with

l4U. a) requir ing 149. a) favourb) which requires b) fbndc ) requires c) awared) to require d) conscious


The Mysterious Gift of the ProdigY

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart will be remembered as one of history's most famous chrld

prodigies. By rhe age of eight. he _(150)- in half the great ci t ies of Europe and was

_(151)-- his f i rst three symphonies. He died short ly before his 36th bir thduy. btr t tht '

world recognizes him as one of the f inest composers -(152)

For centuries, people have been amazed by children of -(153)---" Pianist and

composer Fel ix Mendelssohn had composed a fair amount of music -(154)-- hc was

eleven. John Stuart Mi l l , the lgth-century Bri t ish phi losopher, --(15-5)--- Greek at

three. Success has not always brought happiness to prodigies, -(156)--- . Whcn hc

was 20. John Stuart Mill suff'ered a serious mental crisis. "It was -( 151)-, there was

nothing left to live fbr," he wrote years later. Other well-known prodigies hitve had

experiences -( I 58)- his.

A numbcr of history 's rnost l imous prodigies had sotnething else in comnrorl : - (159),---

l ived very long l ives. Composer Franz Schubcrt died at 31. Scient ist Blaise Pascal dicd bcl 'orc

hc was 40.

Thosc who have _(160)__ studicd today's prodigrcs huve observed that lhcy l ivc l t l tder

the great weight ol ' their lonel iness. In school, they bccome bored, frustrated. and they do not

I t tempt _( l6 | )_ at al l . l f ten-year-old geniuses -( 162 a)_-_-_- to univclsi t ics

because of therr mcntal abi l i t ies, they usual ly -(162 b)---- in sincc ctrot iotral ly. they arc

s t i l l ch i ld ren .

l-50. a) would have performcd.b) would be pcrforrningc) had performed

. d) had them perlonn

153. a ) unusua l ly ta len tedb) unusual talel t tc) a talent of the unusuald) talents so unusual

156. a ) as we l lb) ei therc) thoughd) too

159. a ) ne i therb) nonec) neverd) whoever

162. a) are sent . . . can' t f i tb) would be sent . . . couldn' t f i tc) had been sent ... wouldn't fitd) were sent . . . don' t f i t

l5 l . a ) about to wr i teb) being wri l tenc) to be wri t ingd) just wri t ten

I 54. a) onceb) by the t i rnec) wheneverd) then

157. a ) as i fb) so thatc) even i I -d) otherwise

160. a ) jus tb) probablyc) closelyd) st i l l

l -52 . a ) who ever l i vedb) tha t l i vese ) t o h c l i r i n gd ) o f ' t h e l r v i n g

l5-5. a) that had rerdb) whu readc) havrng rcadd) rcad

l - 5 8 . a ) a sb) s i tn i la r toc ) a l rked) the same

161. a ) to be learn ingb) learningc) learnd) to learn

5 8

Many children, as they enter adolescence, begin to turn to other teenagers for af'fection.

_(163)__, and a sense of belonging. This can be a very di f f icul t t ime in the l i f 'e of

prodigies. They know they are different, -(164)__ other teenagers.

"Nowhere _(165)_ fr iends - they al l t reat me l ike a creature from another world."

s a y s M a c R a n d a l , l l . H e t a u g h t _ ( 1 6 6 ) _ a n e l e c t r i c t y p e w r i t e r a t t h e a g e o f t h r e e . A t

lbur. he began to write horror stories and he recently wrote a rock opera.

Although there has been a fascinat ion with chi ld prodigies _(167)__. there has bccn

l i t t le ser ious s tudy o l ' them unt i l recent ly . Somc surpr is ing common charac ter is t i cs o l ' ch i ld

prodigies __(l68)__. The vast major i ty are boys and they are usual ly f i rst-born chi ldrcn

ol ' rniddle-class l 'anr i l ics. Often, their parents are past the usual chi ld-bearing age and nrany irrc

born by Caesarean sect ion _(169)__ by natural chi ldbir th. Thcy ol- ten havc parents

_(170)__ to be try ing to real ize thcir own arnbit ions through their amazing chi lc l len.

A ch i ld may be born w i th ou ts tand ing senet ic po ten t ia l . bu t th is po ten t ia l ____( l l l t - ,

nccessari ly dcvelop. "Just having the gene is not enough." says Harvard LJnivcrsi t i -

psycho log is t Howard Gardner . "Someth ing in thc cnv i ronmcnL (1721 thc

porent ia l . "

And al though many prodigies en. joy the sat isfact ion o1' extraordinary achicvcnrcr ' ] t . publ ic

praise. ancl matcr i i r l wcalth, evcn ___( 173)__ somctimcs cl l rcst ion thc valuc ol ' their l ivcs

and accornpl ishments. " l havc a longing which grows _*(114)___ as I get older : to bc

mccl iocre ." conf 'esses the acclaimcd Atnerican conct:r t pianist Eugene Istomin.

163. a) encol l ragementb) encouragcdc) cncouragingd) cncourag ing ly

| 66. a) how to uscb ) hirnsel l - to usec) the uses of 'd) him how he used

169. a ) i r t caseb) rather thanc) af ier whichd) as long as

112. a ) may be nour ish ingb) need nourishingc) has to be nourishedd) must nour ish

164. a ) a lso theb) but hardly doc) as we l l asd) and so do

167. a) af terwardsb) lbr centur iesc) several ycars laterd) af icr 1920

I 65 .

170. a) that seemsb) seemc) who seemd) they seem

l - l

l t l

I 73. a) when they succeed 114.b) the most successfulc) they are more successfuld) those succeeding in

a ) I l i n db) I have fbr-rnrlc ) can I f indcl) could be f i r r-rncl

l6 t t . a ) to have idcn t i f iec lb) had becn idcnt i l 'y ingc) who arc ident i l ' ie dd) have bee n idcn t i f ied

a) might not bcb) migh tc ) w i l l n o td) w i l l have

a) such a stronlJb) as stronglyc) strongerd) the strongest

5 9

It has been reported that at noon each day. -(175)-- students at Princeton

Universi ty come out of their c lassrooms and go to any convenient television set avai lable.

They may be _(176)_ in homework assignments, term papers, and so on. but

they stil l won't miss their favourite soap opera. They will watch The Yourtg rtntl the Re.r|fu:.s.s in

_( 111)_.

ln colleges across the United States, the daytirne serial drama known as the soap opcfa

_(178)_ " in " . Be tween the hours o f l1 a .m. and 4 .30 p .m. . co l lege TV lounges

are fil led with soap opera fans who _(179)- to see the next episode in thc lives

of their favourite characters. Actually, soaps are more than a college fad; they're a youth fad.

One young working woman admitted that she -( I B0)- a higher paying job since

it would mean having to give up watching her favouri te ser ial .

The fact that so many youltg people ---(181)-- the soaps has charrgcd soap opera.

The mgst obvious di f ference now is in the age of the characters. " l t scents the y 'rc

_( l l . i2)_ al l my l 'avouri te charactcrs and br inging in al l these new young kids."

complairred one long-t imc viewer. Now al l shows have at least a few characters betwectt the

agcs of fifieen and twenty-five _( lB3)_____ ce rrtral figures in the drama. Youttg

people can ident i fy with young characters who f ind -( l84)--- in si tual iorts such

as conl- l icts with parents or carcer- ident i ty cl ' ises.

l7-5. a) a lot more thanb) most ofc) as many asd) a large number of

111. a) fascinated si lcnceb) l 'ascinat ion of s i lcncec) fasc ina t ing lys i l cn td) si lent ly fascinated

1 1 9 .a) had to waitb) can hardly waitc) has been wait ingd) can rarely wtrit

a) that are watchedb) who watchc) would be watchingd) are watching

a) asb) ofc) withd) from

116. a) up to their earsb) head over heelsc) al l l ingers and thumbsd) tooth and nai l

l7t i . a) had becomeb) tha t i s hccomi r tgc) has becomed) to have become

1 80. a) picked outb) got overc) turned downd) carried out

I82. a) sort ing outb) getting rid ofc) steering away fronrd) sending fbr

184. a) theirsb) thosec) themselvesd) them

l 8 r



David is dedicated ---( 185)-- his job. For the last few years, he --( 186)- very

hard ro ger his =--(187)-- appreciation. But Mr. Ford, his boss, -(188)---- a

positive word about Dzivrd's work. ----(189)-- he constantly looks for something to

cr ir ic ize. David woulcl have lef t his job a long t ime ago i f i t - -(190)- for his family.

He has a large family -( 191 )- support and he is afraid of what lif 'e

__( 192)_. David doesn't rely ---(193)- his own strength and energy. This

lack of self-conficlence prevents him from making -(194)- attempt in that direction.

-(195)-, he just keeps moving in circ les.

I 85 . a ) a tb ) rnc) fbrd) to

I 88. a) never saysb) hardly ever tel lsc ) se l t . lon t Incn t ionsd) rarcly adds

l 9 l . a ) f o rb) in order toc) so as tod) ro

1 9 4 . a ) ab) thec) anyd) some

186. a) hasn' t workedb) workedc) has been workingd) i sn ' t work ing

l89 . a ) In add i t ionb) Neverthelessc) On the contraryd) For example

192. a ) b roughtb ) w i l l b r i n gc) b r ingst l l has hroug l r t

195. a) C)therwiseb) F ina l l yc ) S imi la r lyd) As a result

1 8 7 . a ) b o s sb ) b o s s 'c ) b o s s ' sd) bosses '

190. a ) wcreb) had becnc ) wcrcl l ' td ) h l t s t t ' t hee t t

1 9 3 . a ) o l lb t o l -

c ) t o

d ) w i t h

Mickey _( 196)_ his f i rst novel whcn he -( 191)-- to Mary. She

__(l9B)__ A rnaster 's coursc in economics at the universi ty at that t ime and she had onc

lnore year to complcte thc course. Good revicws of Mickey's book -(199)-- in t . t rost

newspapcrs and magazines. Both of them -----(200) over thir ty already. decided to gct

rnarr ied af ' ter knowing each other for only two months.

They ____(201)__ marr ied for nine years at the end of next month. but things i t rc l lot

_eoing vcry wel l . Mickcy -(202)- to Japan to do research on his next book. He wi l l

stay there for a year. Mary is expecting their child in March. By the time he ----(203)-

the baby _(204) to do many things. Mary wants to share parenthood with Mickcy.

She cloesn' t l ike having to raise the chi ldren alone. She thinks that Mickey ought to spend Inorc

time with her and the children, but he feels his prof-ession is more important.

6 l

I 96 . a )b)c )d )

I 99 . a )b)c )d )

202. a )b )c )o )

203. a)b )c )

d )

beingwerearehad been

wil l returnreturnedreturnshad returned

* '{: )k

hed been f inishingwas just f in ishingf inishedhad just f in ished

was publ ished 200. a)were pub l ish ing b)pub l ished c )were being publ ished d)

191. a) introduced l98. a) didb) was introduced b) has donec) hed been introduced c) was doingd) was introducing d) had done

201. a) areb) have beenc ) w i l l have beend) had been

204. a) wi l l learnb) w i l l be learn ingc) wi l l have alrcacly lcarnedd) is going to learn

Thc clock -(20-5)-- seven just as Mary --(206)-- her f-lat. Shc ____1201)_, _ ir

di f ' f icul t day lbr she --(208)- a Japanese group r. , is i t ing her f i rm. She just hoped nobody

--(209)- her in the evening so that she -(210)_ a good night 's sleep. But as she

-(21 l)-- the bath, there -(212)_ a knock on rhe door. __(213)__ herscl f

in a towcl. she rushed to open the door. Robert . her boyl i tend, _(214)__ therc with a

boucluet of roses in his hand. "Happy bir thday" he said, 'Nobody _(21-5)_ spencl rhcir

brr thday alone. Conte on, ---(?16)-_ you out. I __(217)__ l istcn to any cxcusers. I(218) - - cnough o f y ( )u r rc lusa ls . Gct rcady qu ick ly . Othcrw ise" thc ,y w i l l

, - --(219)- thc tahle I booked at Chez Mart in to somebody clse by the r intc we

(220)- therc. ' Mary couldn' t think of a reason -(221 )__ his of lcr. Shc surcl ."l 'hanks lbr the l' lowers. I know that you lclve rre and care for me, so _(222)___ rcl'usc

you' l -(223)-- herc 1br a moment whi le I --(224)_ nry bath. I prornisc lwon'r be

l l t t c . "

goeswil l have gonewil l soon be goingwenI

str i kesstruckhad struckis str ik ing

20-5. a)b )c )d )

206. a)b )c )d)

rcachesis reachingwrl l reachreached

201. a)b )L , |

d )

210 . a )b )c )d )

hadhashad hadwas having

can getcou ld ge tw i l l ge tmay gct

20u. a) would have entertainedh) had to cn tc r t i r inc) rnust have cntertaineddt shou ld cn ter ta i r r

2 l l . a ) e n t e r sb) had enteredc) was enter ingd) had been enter ing

209. a) r ingb) rangc) wou ld r ingd) was going to r ing

2 1 2 . a ) i sb) wasc) has beend) had been

213. a) She wrappedht Shc w ls wr l r ; lp rn r :c) Wrappedd) Wrapping


214. a) standingb) who stoodc) was standingd) who had stood

211. a) needn'tb ) don ' tc ) cou ldn ' td ) won ' t

220. a) getb) w i l l ge tc ) hlve gottend) go t

223. a) Si tb ) You w i l l s i tc ) S i t t ingd) You s i t

225. d) scarcclyb) hardly anyc) rarelYd) hardly anywhere

221. a) where theY liveb) whose l ivesc) that l ived) when they l ive

229. a) could getb) might have gotc) were able to getd) could have got

2 1 5 . a ) c a nb) mustc) mightd) should

2l 8. a) haveb) have hadc) hadd) am having

221. a) why she rejectedb) to have rejectedc) that she rcjectsd) for re.iecting

224. tt) am going to takeb) arn takingc ) w i l l b e t r r k i n gd) wi l l take

216. a) shal l I takeb) I 'm takingc) let 's taked) I take

219. a)b )c )d )

222. a)b )c )d )

be g iv ingg ivebe givenhave given

how can Iwhy wou ld Ihow I canwhy I wou ld

I m glad that thcre's increasing concern about animal r ights in our country. Whcrcas thcrc wcrc

__(225)____ campaigns or clemonstrations orgitnizecl to dcl'end thc rights ol' attimltls

l' ive or tel years ago. thcre ale now hunclreds of pcople dcterrnined -(226) --- thetr'

[ 'm not talk ing about species in r langer of ext inct ion, but about animals --(22])-- i t t

the strects : cats ernd dogs. A few days ilgo, we watched a disgusting act of violencc agalinst a

street dog on verrious channels on TV and after ---(228)-- viewing, I f 'elt pity fbr the

poor dog. 'fhe garbage men who "buricd" the dog alive ---(229)-- away with what

they'cl c lonc because thcy weren' t fbr-rnd gui l ty in court ; but thrs incidcnt lcd to a demonstt-at iot l

Iurcl the pegple taking part were of the opinion that the men ---(230)---- punishcd so

that such acts of v iolence wouldn' t be repeated.

226. a)b )c )d )

in helpinghe lpfor helpingto help

228. a) eachb) al lc) bothd) every

230. a) had beenb) should have beenc) may have beend) must have been








Dav id


Dav id






Dav id




2 3 1 . a )b )c )0 )

Your son Richard is very selfish. He never helps anybody.

Don't talk _(231)_ him in that manner. Af ier al l , he's _(232)__a ch i ld .

Let me remind you of a favorite saying of your _(233)_.

I don't want to hear it. My father _(234)_ a lot of things _(235)__-never acted according to them.

I disagree. He _(236)_ sensible judgernents unt i l that disease struck hirn.

You mean Alzheimer's?

Yes. He _(231)_ his book on chi ldren i f that _(238)_ to him.

By the way, the edit ing _(239)__ done on his book at the nronrent. thcpublishers ____(240) ___ me.

Who's cornplet ing the unl ' in ished parts '1

Gco lgc . _ (241 )_ .

George'? I don't think hc can ever be a substitute _(242)_ your I'ather.

I 'm not sure _(243)_. Anyway, the publ ishers say that by the t i rne wccorrmernorate the third year of rny I'ather's death, the book will _(241) _.Georgc rang rnc a f-ew mirtutes ago _(245)_ to persuade me to hclp hinrwith the manuscript .

What exact ly did he say'?

"Mrs. Larrg, _(246)

Well . were you persuaded?

No, I rel 'used to do i t . but then hc added that he (241) lur a week_(248)_ I changed my mind.

Al l r ight, back to Richard again.

Look. he _(249)_ through a di f f icul t per iod in his l i le . I th ink we shouldbe pat ient ___(250)__ him. I don' t want to hear any more on this sub ject.





232. a) yetb) no tc) st i l ld) such

233. a) to fatherb) I'ather'sc ) l 'athers'd) {'athers


234. a) had been saYingb) was saYingc) has been saYingd) used to say

237. a) may completeb) could have cornpletedc) can' t have completedd) must complete

239. a ) i sb) i s be ingc) wasd) w i l l be


didn' t happenwouldn't have happenedcould happenhadn't happened

wil l inform 241.informhad just informedhave just informed

also 244.eithertooneither

236. a) always makesb) was always makingc) had always maded) has always been making

242. a)b )

d )

2 4 5 . n )b )c )d )

241. zt)b )c )d )



triedhe triedtryingand try

is going to wai lw i l l wa i twould waitw i l l be wa i t in -e

235. a )b)c)d)

238. a )b )c )d)

240. a)b)c )d )

243. a)b)


246. a\b )L , |

d )

248. tr)b )c )d)

a) ior exampleb) on thc contraryc) of coursed) by the way

a) be pr intedb) be pr int ingc) have been pr intedd) p r in t

your father 's soul wi l l rest in peacc i1 'you hclp mc

I openly invi te you to hclp meyou nevcr help me with your l 'athcr 's work

I think yoLr should help rnc

i fin cases inceets

249. a) gocsb) wcntc) is goin-ed) had gone

2-50. a) forb) a tc ) tod) w i th

Michael and Maria _(251)_ together for thc last three years. They seern to bc very

happy. They -(252)-- while both o1'them -(253)---- for a TJNICEF

project. Michae I owns a smal l toy factory and Maria is a chi ld-psychratr ist . Thcy

___Q54) ro get marr icd next year i f ' everything --(255)---- wel l .

Michael is thankful to UNICEF because i f he -(256) there. he

_(257) Maria. Anyway, _(258) that experience behind, they are

now preparing for a happy future -(259) they can persuade Maria's father.

Maria is hal f-Spantsh and comes f iom a very conservat ive farni ly -(260) values

are quite drffbrent from the British ones. Michael and Maria -(261)---- to Spain in

order to get their consent. Michael cannot exactly understand the reason --(262)


Maria wants their permission. Michael's good fiiend Jos6, -(263)-_-- he spoke

concerning his situation. says there is nothing to worry about. He says Michael s doubts are

rarher unnecessary. Jos6 thinks Michael is good (264)- persuading people and he is

sure that al l wi l l end wel l .

c) are l iv ingd ) l i v e

254. a ) w ishb) hopec) w ishedd) hoped

251. a) l ived 252. a) have met

b) have been l iv ing b) had met253. a) are working

h) werc work ingc ) workcdd) havc been work ing

256. tr) didn' t workb) had workcdc ) hadn't workcdd) worked

259. it) in caseb ) i f o n l yc ) on cond i t iond) providcd that

2(r3. a) whob) whomc ) to whontd ) that

c) metd) were meeting

255. a) gob) goesc) wentd) had gone

264. a') withb) a tc ) i nd) for

251. i r) would mcet 2-58. a) they lef t

b) might not have tnet b) having lef t

c) wouldn' t meet c ) l e a v e

d) must not have met d) he lcaves

260" a) their 261. a) should have gone 262. a) how

b) where b) must be going b) why

c) whose c) wi l l have to go c) that

d) those d) wi l l be able to go d)

* t: >l:

I t a lways __(265) rne wondt:r how some wornen work outsidc and at thc srt t t tc t i tnc

_(266) to kcep their houses in tip-top condition. Do they ---(261a)---- their

launrlry __(261b)- at a dry cleaner 's? Or do they do these things thetnselves at homc' l

Such housework must _(268) them to experience stress and anxiety when thcy

can't cope with it. Some women may be able to afford to spend a lot of money on cleaning

services _(269) feel overworked. Others have no choice unless they

__(210) help. And of course, a husband is the first person that comes to mind to do

th is .265. a) lets 266. a) capable 267. a) send.. . c lcatted

b) has b) manage b) have . . . c le aned

c) makes c ) how c) a l low . . . c leanrngd) helps d) succeed d) take . . . c leaning


268. a) causeb) br ingc) dued) result

269. a)b)


toin order toso thatso as not to

270. a)b )c )d)

279. a) May Ib) Could Ic) Wil l I be able tod) Am I going

glvehave g ivengave

are given

273. , t ) lockcdb) had been lockcdc) were lock ingd) lock

276. a) had bccn murdercdb) must be murdcredc) couldn' t murdcredd) would bc nrurdcrcd

Ralph -(271)- to have entered ,h" b*;"g at exact ly 8 a.m. The jani tor at the door

cfaimed that Ralph _(212)_ the building before that because all the entrances

_(273) unt i l then. Some people think that he _(274) have sl ippcd into

the bui lding early that morning. -(275) the coroner 's report indicated that the sales

manager _(216)_ between 6 and 8 p.m. the previous evening. Therefore. Ralph

must be innocent.

2 1 1 . a )b )c )o )

triedis expectedis saidwas able

272. tr) could get intob) was inc ) wou ldn ' t gc t in tod) uou l t ln ' t h l rvc go t tc r r in to

27 5. a) Howeverb) Despite the factc) On the contraryd) Furthcrmore

274. tt1 rnustb) migh tc ) can td ) shou ld

Wi l l ia r l


W i l l i a m


Wi l l iam


271. a) hadn'tb) hadc) didn' td ) d id

We had a good t ime at the picnic, _(211)_ we?

Oh, yes. I l - only we _(278)___ some more food with us. I f 'e l t c lLr i tehungry on the way back.

Tomorrow's exam is bothering me now. __(279) pass thc language testfor the assistant managers'7

Well , ol-course. You are _(280) good at French. You l l pass i t withf l y ing co lours . I f you _(281a)_ c lever , I _ (281b)___ w i th younow. I 'm fond of br ight people.

Thanks. I wish you __(282)_ the exam fbr me tornorrow.

Don't worry. You _(283) be anxious. Your French is good enough.

218. a)b)c )d )

taketookhad takenhave taken


280. a)b )c )d)

287. a)b )c )d )

290. a)D )

c )d)

282. a) takeb) could takec) wi l l taked) had taken

2t34. a) went onb) put upc) set outd) took out


who returningreturningwere returningwho are returning

w o u l d n ' t b e . . . . h a dc o u l d n ' t b e . . . . h a dwouldn' t have been.mustn' t have been . .

28-5. a) succeeded rnb) managedc) maded) had

288. a) lbrgett ingh) desprtec) having decidedd) deciding to

have tocan tcou ldneedn't

291. a) were walkingb) having walkedc) had walkedd) have walked

286. a) thanks tob) so ASc) so that we hadd) owing

289. a ) on buy ingb) mean ing to buyc) needed to buyd) 1or buying

281. a) weren' t . . . wouldn' t beb) aren' t . . . won't bec) hadn't been . . . wouldn' t have beend) haven't been . . . wouldn' t be

ZB3. a)b )c )d )

* * *

Last ycar. my fiiend Chris and I decided to hitchhike to Gokova. We _(284)___, early

one morning and _(285) quite wel l f rom Ankara to Mu$a, _____(286) _ thc

sympathetic drivers of the vegetable trucks. Afier Mufla, we still made headway a.long

secondary roads because we f-ell in with villagers __(281) horne so we arrived a1 a

charming l i t t le vi l lage very pleased with ourselves and our luck. Then, ___(2U8) i t

was unnecessary to set aside money fbr t ransportat ion. we spcnt rrost of our casl ' r

__(289) a nice ki l im. I t __(290a) __ so bad i f we _____(290b)

thc good sense to stay at that v i l lagc overnight. Not us! We cont ir iucd. When wc

_,__(29l)_ more than a mi lc, we real ized that the last o1' the vi l lagers

_(292r)_ already __(2921r)___ home. Chris ____(293)

something l ike this, s ince without any hesitat ion hc spread ol l t thc ki l i rn that wc

__(294) earl ier and started snoring as soon as he _(295) _ down. I .

___(296) stayed up all night ___(297)__ to thc strangc noises of thc

wi lderness. Chris _ (298)__ very sel l ' ish. sometimes. The next nrorning whcn he

woke up. I said to Chris, "You sure are a sound sleepcr." He laughed good-naturedly and said.

"l am, _(299) ?" Cod save us fr-orn good-natured travelling companions.

. . . . h a d h a d

.. had had


292" a) have . . .. gone 293. a') could have expectedb) had . . . . . .gone b) wou ld have been expec t ingc) must . . . . go c ) was expec tedd) can . . . . . be gone d) must have been expec t ing

294. a) have boughtb) have been boughtc) were made to buyd) had bought

2c)l . a) listenedb) l i s tenc) fbr l isteningd) l istening

Andre w








298. a) can be 299. a) I am not

296. a) furthermoreb) on the other handc) besidesd) on top of that

b ) a m Ic) a ren ' t Id ) d idn ' t I

295. a) layb) lainc ) l a i dd ) l i ed

b) should bec) must bed) is being

Have you heard thc news'l The art gallery next door ____(300) ____ Iastn igh t .

No, I haven't . Nobody was in thc gal lery at the t imc. _(301)_____ ' l

No, but st i l l the owncr is very upsct bccause the thieves stole two vcry valuablepaint ings. Apparent ly, the alarm he _(302)___ instal lcd cl idn' t go otf .

Do you think thc pol icc _(303) catch the thieves' l

Wel l . there is a good cherncc as they weren' t _(304) to wipe ol ' ftheir f ingerpr ints.

I see, but __(305a)____ the police __-_(305b)_______ a crirninalrccord of ' these people ' /

Ycs and uo . l f they cons idcr the c r ime i lnpor run t cnough. thcy_(306) always go through other f i les such as dr iver 's l iccnscappl icat ion fbrms.

I hope they _(307)_ act ion immediately. The longcr i t takes rhemto solve these cr imes. the __(308;__ i t wi l l be lor our neishbourhood.

300. a) was robbing 301. a) was he 302. a) madeb) was being robbed b) were there b) had hadc) was robbed c) were they c) had tod) had robbed d) wasn'r there d) let

303. a) may 304. a) the cleverest 305. a) should . . . . . needb) cou ld b ) too c lever b ) wou ldn ' t . . . need to havcc) i s go ing c ) c lever enough c ) cou ldn ' t " . . . needd) wi l l be able to d) as clever as d) need . . . . to have


a) need tob) shou ldc) cand) must

308.301.a) would takeb) should takec) might taked) take

a) betterb) worsec) bestd) worst


VOCABULARYA.Mark the best choice.

1. Becky decided to wear her green sweater on her first date, knowing that it wouldwe l l w i th her red ha i r .a) go downb) -eet along

2. Since it was his first off-ence, the judge let him off with a light

3. He tr ied to rndicate that he wrs just ioking by --- at her.

a) statementb) sentence

a ) b l i n k i n gb) f lut ter ing

a) snowfal lb) snowdrop

c) god) make

c) verdictd) judgrnent

c) star ingd) w ink ing

c) Verbald) Suspended

c) give her right arrrd) cut olT her srnall l ' inger

4. punishment was vcry comrlon in Bri t ish boys' schools in the 1800s. but now i t isstr ict ly forbidden to even touch a studenla) Corporalb) Capital

-5. Gwcn is such an ice-skat ing enthusiast that she would lbr a t ickct to an IceCapades show.a) give an eyeb) stop breathing

6. His rnother scolded Jamcs. "Don't rubbish. You arc embarrassing Ine ."a ) speakb) say

1. Not happy about the verdict , the dei 'endant 's lawyers are planning to a highcrcourt .a) appeal tob) sue t0

tt. Experts say that every _- is diff'erent. This is indeed one of the wonders of nature .

c ) te l ld ) ta lk

c) try outd) delend at

c) snowflaked) snowbal l

c) exhibi t iond) play

9 . The actor gave such a convincing _ that the whole audience was left in tears at theend of the play.a) demonstrationb) perfbrmance

10. Ciineyt Gokger has been on the stage for almost 50 years. His daughter, Deniz, is also afine actress. There is no doubt in anybody's mind that she is _ .a) t ry ing to teach an old dog new tr icks c) as old as the hi l lsb) carrying an old head on young shoulders d) a real chip off the old block


I 1. Danny could not avoid one of the major of small businesses. He startedborrowing money from individuals at high interest rates when he failed to pay his debtsa) handicaps c) pitfallsb) rip-offs d) restrictions

12. Nowadays certain substances are added to bread to keep it from gettingc) freshd) stale

the maths teacher, declared at the faculty meeting that he hadrules during the f i rst week, so he couldn' t possibly makc any

c) l iedd) lay

aware of the l'act that the students wish that attendancc wcrc not

c) compulsoryd ) reinlbrced

a ) o f fb) rotten

13. Mr . S t r i c t .the grounda) la idb) Ia in

downexcept lons.

16. Whcn hc assured rr-rc that he had t : vcrything under control , i t never t() me thl l t he

was ly i t tg.a) appearedb) occurred

17. l t has been pouring for days now. I am sure wc havc received more than our r IVe ragc

annual (yearly) already.

14. The adrninistrat ion is

a) obl igedb) banned

15. My grandmother 'sa) helpingsb) meals

a) raindropsb) th'iz.z.le

a) sea

b) beach

20. Tom Hanks may get his third Oscar for hisa) performanceb) act

21. We watched the f i lma) aisleb) l ine

roast beef was so delicious that evcrybody took sevcralc) f'eedsd) courses

c) c i imcd ) clernonstrated

c) rainfal ld) downpour

c) shored) coast

c) interruptedd) sacr i f iced

18. There are somc marvel lous hotels on the southern of Turkey.

19. Madonna_ her singing career after giv ing bir th to her baby and produced hcr

l r tes t CD. 'Ray o I L igh t ' .a) stoppedb) resumed

in 'Saving Private Ryan'.c) showd) character

sitting in the frrst and our eyes got tiredc) rowd) file


22. Some of the sky find the galaxies very interesting.a) spectators c) commentariesb) audiences d) observers

23. When I entered the room, I saw her painting a portrait on a hugea) stone c) carvingb) cloth d) canvas

24. For drawings you rnainly use _.a) charcoal c) woodb) clay d) pottery

I belong to a large l'amily of five brothers *O tnr." sisters. I love thern all, but the one I lovc

most is rny brothcr Stan, who is the youl lgcst. My other brothers and sisters sornet irnes

complain that he is --(25) bccause he tr ies to get everybody else to do what he wants

to do. Personal ly, I think he is just _(26)_, l ike me. Neither of us is preparcd t tr

change his rnind when he has decided to do something. In the same way. hc is alscr

--(21 )- , and he won't leavc you r lot tc ' unt i l hc' gets sat isfactory answcrs to his

cluest ions. I 'm sure he clr ivcs his teacher mad. but Stan is st i l l her favoul i tc pupi l . Maybc i ts

bccausc he's got a rcal talent for art . He is very __(28)__. and he's done somc wondcrl 'u l

drawings. What I love most about Stan, though, is that he is so __(29) ____. Most chi ldrcn

arc quite posscssive. especial ly with their toys, but Stan shares cverything with his l ' r - iends.

even when he does not set the same treatment in return.

25. a) sel l - ish 26. a,) insecure 21 . a) adaptablcb) care- l lee b) withdrawn b) shyc ) sarcast ic c) stubborn c) contentd) t imid d) caut ious d) inquisi t ive

28. a ) in to le ran tb) rest lessc) i rnaginat ived) trustworthy

30. I t took a f 'ew minutes toa) al locateb) discr iminate

a) eradicatedb) incorporated

a) insolubleb) i l legible

29. a) immatureb) generousc) c r i t i ca ld) at tent ive

tht: old woman afier she faintcdc ) revived) subsidise

dilemma. There was just nothing he could do.c) invaluabled) insat iable

3l . In many coult t r ies, inf 'ect ious diseases such as typhoid and cholera hatve beerrby the widespread use of vaccinat ions.

c) vacatedd) integrated

-31. I t was an


33. The government refused to with the unions over Dav rises for civil servantsa) overlap c) inflictb) facilitate d) compromise

This document is quite ambiguous and can be --- in several ways.

a) implied c) interpretedb) persecuted d) hindered

Advances in modern medicine have extended the average of people around theworld.




38 .

39 .


4 t .

a) longevityb) lifespan

People have a tendencyconsultat ion.a) restrictedb) banned

The car had to be writtena) traumab) symptom

It is natural for people toa) dreadb) deny

c) expectancyd) duration

to dislike rules, especially those which are wtthout

c) prohibitedd) imposed

off , so i t was a(n)-- that no one was hr"rr t in the cr i tshc) mi rac led) assurnptiott

going back to work after a long hol iday.c) prolongd) keep

of material learned in class helps students to -- their

c) overlookd) undertake

wood is a physical ly demanding art

Constant revision at homeknowledge.a) acquireb) consol idate

a) Paint ingb) Knit t ing

Since we were sitting in the fronta) ais leb) stal ls

42. Let's drink something during thea) gapb ) interval

43. Clay is the main ingredient in the making ofa) potteryb) canvas

44. The little girl is having a _ at theher Barbie dol l .a) phaseb) obsession

c) Carvingd) Drawing

we were very near the actors.c) c irc led) row

before the third act.c) paused) episode

c) sculptured) steel

moment because her friend

c) flaird) tantrum


has just broken

zl5. Next week. it will be generally rainy with occasional dry -.a) pitfalls c) trmeb) spells d) temper

46. Ali is a tourist guide who lives in Istanbul. He usually takes tourists for two or three

hour- around the city.a ) journeys c ) excurs ionsbl trips d) travels

48. ln Disneyland, thcre are sevcral lakes with sai lboats and rowboats on thetn.

47. Let 's hurry or else we wi l l miss thea) carb) bicycle

a) art i f ic ialb) false

4(). In Las Vegas, most people spend thetra) paymentb t w inn ings

-50. Bcing the son o1' a sheik, hc hasdoesn't know what do with r t .a) inadequateb) remarkable

a) grantb ) pension

52. Do you expect mc to'Harnlet' at such short notice.a) real izeb ) remember

53. Shame on you for giv ing me thata) valuableb ) worthless

c) boatd) tax i

c) imitat iond) imagrnary

on gambling a-{ainc) earningsd) budget

monev in his bank account. He

c) goodd) l i rni t less

c) refundd) r ip

my l ines in just two days'? I . just cannot play

c) memorized) recognize

check. The bank wouldn' t cash rt .c) allluentd) generous

c) passiond) int imacy

c) lonelyd) tolerant

5l . When the blouse she bought shrank al ier the f l rst washing, she asked for i t

54. 'Love' was a weak word for what he f'elt for her. Actually, it was that drovehim towards her.a) affectionb) exci tement

,55. Teenagers shouldn't take advantage ofthem and don't want to hurt them.a) calmb) happy

parents because such parents trust


56. His of flying has caused him many business problems in hrs life.c) depressiond) tension

c) vandalsd) burglars

c) paci f ismd) opt imism

c) under his thumbd) st icking out l ike a sore thurnb

c ) technicald) technique

c) ratt l ingd) cur l ing

c) wrinkledd) brought up

57. People are getting more and more annoyed with breaking telephone boothsand park benches in their town.a) crooksb) thieves

58. Depriv ing women of top posit ions in certain jobs is a good example cl1 '- - in thiscountry.a) sexismb) cynicism

59. I think you nc-ed a hol iday. I t ' l l do you -.a) al l over the world c) the world of good

d) on top of the world

. He broke his coffee cup, cut his face whi le shaving and

b) for the world

60. Today, Jack isplayed the piano awful ly.a) all fingers and thumbsb) a thumbnai l sketch

c) starchyd) sp icy

6 | . l f y c l u w l l n t t t ) h a v e h e a l t h y b o n e s , y o u m u s t e a t - p r o d u c t s ' s u c h a s y o g u r t a t t dcheese.a) rn i l kyb) dairy

62. As a pianist . his _ is br i l l iant, but I don' t care much 1'or his intcrprct i t t iot t

a) disappointmentb) fear

a) technologyb) technical i ty

a) gr indingb) b i t ing

a) launchedb) retarded

a) importanceb) pr ior i ty

63. His wife complains that she can' t get a good night 's sleep because he is alwayshis teeth in his sleep.

64. l f a chi ld doesn't consume enough protein, his growth is

65. Mv sister is as stubborn as a Once she makes up her rnind, i t is i t lmoslimpossible to change i t .a) donkeyb) goat

c ) pos td) mu le

66. With his keen rnind, Alex is never distracted by tr iv ia. He alwavs goes straight to theof a problem.

c) cored) ci tat ion


67. As Mary was unable to find her mistake in that sentence, I had to point __ her.a) out it to c) tob) it out to d) it to

6lJ. The new promotion program they had proved to be very expensive. They hadto pul l out of i t or else they would have lost a lot of money.

69. Inf lat ion wi l l never be brousht under control whi le pr ices cont inue to

a) outfittedb) scoured

a) runb) gl ide

a) severanceb) stabi l i ty

c) launchedd) grouped

c) heightend) soar

c) rovingd) making out

c ) snugd) proud

c) betterd) craftily

c) f-lead) da isy

c) starvationd) synthesis

c) persecutingd) violating


70. As my sister was _ the apples fbr a pie, a worm popped out. You should haveseen the look of disgust on her face.a) f i t t ingb) cor ing

7l . t put a 1'ew logs on the fire, put a blanket over my shoulders and started reading my book. Iwas l'eeling as __ as a buga) cosyb) slu_q

12. The diplomat rnasterful ly avoided answering the sensit ive quest ion by ___changing the subjecta) stupidlyb) laps ing in to

73. Mountain air does wonders for a person. Al ' ter a long night 's sleep in our mountuin cottugc.I wokc up feeling as fresh as aa) roseb ) k i t ten

c) prohibi tedd) viable

14. Anirnals on the whole are very to love. Even a stray cat wi l l become yourl-riend if you show her some aff-ection.a) responsc c) responsibleb) responsive d) respondent

75. Many people bel ieve that solar energy is real ly a _ al ternat ive lor solvingTurkey's energy problem.a) miracleb) symptomatic

16. I f the famine in Ethionia cont inues. there is a real danser of mass

1l . The residents of the area are the city council to stop the building of the new dam,which will flood several historic sitesa') prosecutingb) petitioning

78. Very old Central Asian customs are st i l l in some nomadic communit ies inTurkey.a) extant c) prolongedb) inf-licted d) revised

79. George has opened a beautiful little shop which sells only electric household ---- suchas washing machines, toasters, and coffee machines.a) appl iqu6s c) appl icantsb ) appl icators d) appl iances

80. My doctor 's handwri t ing is so _ that I usual ly make a note of the medrcine he hasprescr ibed just in case the pharmacist isn' t erble to decipher what he has wri t ten.a) el ig ible c) i l legibleb) i l logical d) i l legal

81. I am sorry I missed Prof 'essor Longwind's lecture, but I am clui te farr i l i i t r with the subicctso I don' t need to know everything hc said; just tel l me the --- points.

a ) sa l ien t c ) conso l ida tedb) t raumat ic d ) subs id izcd

83. Chi ldren __ of 'parental lovc usual ly end up bcing very str ict parcnts thetnsel 'u,es.a) hindcrcd c) dcprivcdb ) proliferated cl) recognized

84. I t was impossible to dctect any car or s ign on the road. ' fhe had turncd

cvcry th rng wh i tc .a) s lcet c) hurr icaneb) blizztd d) tornado

85. When we ran out of pctrol , we wcre __ in the middle of the dcsert l 'or two days.a) strandcd c) stoppedb) trapped d) fbrced

E6. The wornzln could hardly be lified from the sea. Apparently a shark had bittenoff her leg.a) isolatedb) freezing

87. The video camera is on . You can start f i lmine their conversat ion immediatelv.

82. ln my est imation. Chuckcompany's decision to go publ ic.a ) d idb) had

a) saleb) appl icat ion

88. The Tower of Pisa isa) backloggedb) lopsided

thc stupidest move ol ' h is l i f 'e when he vctoccl thc

c) tookd) made

c) aw[ 'uld) str icken

c) stand-byd) act ion

. That's why it is a great tourist attractionc) flawedd) sul l ied


90. Six hambursers and two bott les of cola couldn' t sat isfy hisasked 1or yet another hamburger.a) infert i leb) arrant

89. Andrewa) lagsb) endures

91. There has been a surpr is ingEverybody wants to own one.a) cont inuumb) nurture

a) metaphorb) d i lemnta

93. Wea) cdgedb) receded

L)4. I t 's di l . f icul t tospcr rk i r rg to hcr .a) enr ichbt bestow

95. AIDS has been thea) scourgeb) l law

a) bankruptb) sal ient

91. When the pop concert was over. the audiencea) clamouredb) fared

98. We cannotpunished.a) condoneb) conjure up

behind other students in expressing his ideas clearly.c) envrsronsd) outstrips

c) prolongedd) insat iable

in the demand for cel lular phones

hunger" He

r)2. Whether to use nuclcar energy or not is a --- 11- you use i t . you r iskdisastcr; i f you don't , you lack necessary e nergy.

c) surged) b lob

c) paradigmd) s tas is

our way to the door and then ran out in order to escape the burglars.c) grappledd) infr ingcd

a brokcn heart , so choose your words careful lv when

c) mendd) spawn

of the last two decades ol ' the twent icth century.c) s lrogd) inversion

c) calci f iedd) recessive

96. You'd bcttcr wake up and step back into modern l i f 'e. You won't get anywhere with yourvalue judgements.

for more songs.c ) unsnar ledd) inf l icted

such behavior at school. That student should be str ict ly

c) dredge upd) cast

99. How to reconcile the difl 'erent interest groups is theprogram.a) vibrant c) keyb) lucrat ive d) hasty


l ssuc ln our

100. With al l thel ives.a) mandatoryb) alienated

1 0 1 . T h edon't want to pay more taxes.a) fatalb) hard-nosed

102. The swimming pool with i tshot summer afternoons.a) indispensableb ) lush

103. A strong sense of ethics is thea) mantleb) threshold

104. I give you f i 'eepcrf'ect.a) flakb) crack

105. Al l his ideas are nothing but a(n)a) buzzwordb) affliction

106. Al ier years of his ineff ic ient administrat ion they havcpasture.a) putb) taken

107. We shou ldn ' ta) prolif-erateb) hinder

I 08. I1 ' you buy that car, you also get a mobi le phone as aa) gift c) partnerb) bonus d) device

reporters around, it is difficult to maintain our privute

c) blessedd) prying

approach to tax reforms won't please many people because they

c) freckledd) petty

surroundings is extremely pleasant on

c) rampantd) disparate

of a dominant civ i l izat ionc) bedrockd) panacea

with al l the expenditure as long as thc cnd product is

c) reind) umbrel la

. I t is not worth readins his booksc) cruxd) sham

109. I think you are losing youra) loveb) zrnger

I 10 . He hur t h isa) shoulderb) wrist

hinr out to

c) broughtd) sent

babies of parental aff'ection.c) deprived) prosper

on her; she doesn't l isten to you any morec) boostd) grip

whi le playing footbal l . He cannot walk properly.c) cal fd) elbow


i l l

a l td112

Thinking most people are foolstowards mankind.

a) attitudeb) idea

She just sat theretalked business.a) didb) talked

and can easily be deceived is the worst possible

c) methodd) style

gossip with the other women whi le the men

c) exchangedd) spoke

his last play. In my opinion, i t was much better than

c) overestimated

I 13 . I th ink the c r i t i csthey sa id i t was .a) overchargedb ) understaff'ed

I 14. You cannot _ youra) shrug offb) donate

a) eye-catchingb) lcgal

d) underrated

responsibi l i t ies l ike that. Don't you have a heart lc) redressd) own

c) unbiasedd) chagrined

I 15. What we want l iorn you is to develop a(n) att i tude towards al l the peoplearound you. You arc not fair to them.

I 16. After the court case, he was not permission to leave the ccluntry.a) sought c) compl iedb) granted d) extendcd

l l7. ' fh is has become a(n) __ mistake on the exams. Every year, thcy wri tc that wordthe same way.a) prof 'cssional c) individualb) histor ical d) c lassical

I lB. She that I had stolen her note-book.a) claimed c) agreedb) boasted d) persuaded

I 19. I not iced that at the meeting he wzrs drawing of people around hirn.a) paint ings c) sculpturesb) lithographs d) sketches

120. A(n) has to create believable characters so that they can come alive on the stagc.a) playwright c) authorb) poet d) comedian

l2l . Each of a Wagner opera lasts nearly two hours.a) act c) instrumentb) movement d) quartet

8 l

122. The floor =- in under his very feet.legs and one arrl.a) wentb) took

123. You area) burning the candle at both endsb) jumping in at the deeP end

124. Don't worry, those wounds wi l la) cureb) heal

a) roundb) across

He fell to the ground below breaking both his

c) pul ledd) gave

lt wasn't me who deceived vou, but your dearest f r iend. Alex.c) getting the wrong end of the stickd) be ing a t your w i ts 'end

in a week.c) in jured) operate

125. idi l g iret is a(n) pianist . She won a music scholarship at the agc of 'ni t tc.

a) br ight c) intel l igentb) irnaginative d) gifted

126. I can' t understand why Ann at peoplc al l the t i rne. Docstt ' t shc know i t tnrtkcs

people uneasy' /l r ) g l l n c c s t ) o h s c r v c sh) g l impscs d t s ta l ' cs

127. Please leave a fbr the watiter before we leavc.rl) tl 'e c) f-ine

b ) t ip d) grant

l2u. Matt rs nearly __ so don't expect any l ' inancial help frorn hirn.

a) broke c) lneal'lb ) s t ingy d) gener ( ) r l s

129. You have __'- at least ten t imes during the last ten minutes. You nlusl t r t l t h i tvc

slept wcl l last night.a) dozed c) naPPcdb ) snored d) Yawned

| 30. ' f he rnanagelnenti r .a) kept uph) ca lnc down

was in a cr is is unt i l Tom wi th an as ton ish ing p lan to so lvc

l3 l . Don ' t wor ry about me.

:l :il1':;'I ' l l somehow get ------ on whatever money that is lcft

c) awayd) ou t

a) bYb) over

132. Cance l a l l my appointments, Mrs. Matthews. Something very i rnportant has comeand I must be off all afternoon.

c ) downd) up


133. Sandra didn' t accept Paul 's marr iage proposal at f i rst , but Paul wouldn' t give

Finally, she agreed to marry him.

134. He has -.._-- down with typhoid after drinking the water from that well.

a) outb) up

a) comeb) kept

135. Gera ld jus tnext week.a) upb) along

1 3 6 . W ecameras.a) spentb) pa id

131. Bi l l has stolen solr le money froma) outb ) i n

138. You wcrc born w i th ayou wanted.a) goldb) b ig

139. In the good o lda) midwivesb) special ists

me to give you back theabsent-rninded.a) Rccol lectb) Remind

l J l . T h i s p a i n t i n g i s _ -a) worthb) priced

142. Most shops spend aa lot more goods.a) exhibi t ionsb) demonstntt ions

c) offd) away

c) cutd) lain

doesn't go =- with their ideas and plans, so he wi l l probably resigtt

c ) downd) under

out of money whi le in Paris, st t we sold our gold wattches and

c) rand) went

his father to pay his garnbl ing debtsc) offd) to

spoon in your mouth. You'vc always gotten what

c) si lverd) hard

days, they used to cal l - to del iver babies at honlec) nursesd) pat ients

t 40 money when we arr ivc there. I 'nt terr ibly

c) Rememberd) Ask

143. The relat ionship betweena) neighbourb) tenant

one mi l l ion do l la rs . bu t he is se l l ing i t fb r ha l f a mi l l ionc) cos td) valued

lot of money on their window because then they scl l

c) showsd) displays

a landlord and a has always been a fragile one.c) v is i tord) resident


144. Jack and June their engagement within a week of deciding that they werenot meant for each other.a) halted c) endedb) stopped d) completed

145. Let's buy a house with your from the horse races.a) investment c) incomeb) earnings d) winnings

146. How many - do you eat for lunch'/a) meals c) platesb) courscs d) foods

141. l f you ask hirn. he wi l l help you ___. He is such a kind person.a) readi ly c) carelesslyb) viv idly d) unbel ievably

l48. I had a(n) of her in the crowd and tol lowed her, but she rnanagcd to f lee.a) g l impse c ) v iewb) observat ion d) glancc

149. Mrs. Gaudy looked total ly out of when she showed up in a br ight yel lowdress and huge silver earrings at the funeral.a) place c) this worldb) sight d) mind

l-50. The twins are so al ike that i t is impossible to thcm aparta ) say c ) te l lb ) understand d) decrcle

l-51. I f the government cont inues i ts present housing pol icy. i t is l ikely to comecor ts i t le rab lc oppos i t ion .a) underb) around to

1.52. Albert is going toassociat ion meeting.a) r iseb) br ing

153. Color-bl ind people often f ind i ta) separateb) d is t ingu ish

on top ofup against

proper rubbish disposal at our residents

c )d)

the question of

c )d)

difflcult to

raiselay down

between blue and green.c) compared) contrast

154. When I return from rny hol iday, I shal l have to with a lot o1'worka) catch on c) make dob) catch up d) make up


155. With the worsening inflation, most people are beginning to have difficulty in

a) tightening their belts c) going head over heelsb) keeping in touch d) making ends meet

156. I am afraid you missed the ___ of my argument.a) topic c) conceptb) point d) subject

157. Mr. Hobbler, who lost a leg in a car accident, has now been fitted with a(n) _______ l"ga) artificial c) substituteb) extra d) imitat ion

158. I t was impossible for the student to work out the answer to the quest ion. so he just gavc

i l ) out

b) awayc) upd) into

c) momentousd) mandatory

areas have to p_U!_Up_wtb poor public transport

B.Choose the word or phrase which is closest in meaning to the underlined word.

l -59. The assistant manager was given the onerous task of organising thc company's annualconf-crence.a) viableb) burdensome

160. People l iv ing in rurala) depend onb) complain about

| 6l . A vote in parl iament of two-thirds in 1'avoura) confinnb) abo l i sh

162. The results of the inquirya) accidental lyb) suddenly

a) behaviourb) rudeness

c) expenenced) tolerate

is required to amend the const i t r-r t ion.c) alterd) reject

163. There are count less t iny vi l lages located in these mountains.a) isolated c) var iousb) ruined d) nurterous

164. He looked at his watch hast i lv and decided i t was t ime to leave.a) quickly c) occasional lyb) secretly d) carefully

165. His aunt told him she disapproved of his conduct the previous evening.

indicated that the flre had been started deliberately.c) natural lyd) intent ional ly

c) cri t icismd) speech


166. The plane vanished as it was flying over the Atlantic Ocean.a) exploded c) disaPPearedb) dropped d) accelerated

t67. The refugees in the war suffered a great deal of deprivation.a) violence c) i l lnessb) loss d) Pain

t6B. He tr ied to get of f ic ial approval for his scheme of bui lding a sports faci l i ty in the rnidcl le

of the nature reserve.a) amendment c) al terat ionb ) sanct ion d) assumption

169. The experienced pol i t ic ian steered away from the journal ists ' quest ions on the latest

scandal.a) abol ished c) avoidedb) appointcd d) resPonded

170. Wc received invaluablc help l ' rom our students whi le wc werc sctt i t lg Llp oLlr l lew

cornputer ccnter.a) worthless c) without valueb) va luab le d ) exPens ive

l7l . He walked into the room with a somber expression on his face.

a) joy fu l c ) exP l ic i th ) g loorny d t c ( )mpctcn l

112. If you want your new company to p]])lp_9l. yoLl I.nust try and find loyal il lvestors.

a) al ter c) thr ive

b) cont inuc d) Proceed

173. She inheri ted her propensity to talk too much f iom her rnother.

l r ) i . rmncs l .y c ) inc l ina t ionb) gcne d) trendiness

114. A Health Ministry spokeswoman has announced that malar ia has been vir tual ly wiped or.r t

in Turkey.a) eradicated c) left outh) vacated d) undertaken

175. Aunt Petunia srni led serenelv at us and said nothing.a) stupidly c) meaninglesslyb) cahnly d) knowingly

176. The lecturer on Bol iv ian l i terature was br i l l iant. He brought up a lot of interest ine points,

but I 'm atraid I couldn' t take them al l in.a) accomplish c) adaptb) adopt d) absorb


C.1 .Complete the following sentences using the words in the box. Do not change theform of the words. There are more words than you need.

dispose of susceptible prolongfindings innate inflictnurture contract recordingendure integrate dilate

I . Whcn the body's natural resistance is low, a person isdifferent types o1' bactcria.

to inl 'ect ion by

2. A balanced diet and regular excrcise are both thought to help ------ lif 'c

3. According to the of the study, chi ldren under the age of f ive who watchviolent T.V. programs are very l ikely to grow up to be violent teenagcrs.

1. In developing countr ies with inadequate rnedical faci l i t ies, pat ients of ien havc tothe pain ol 'ser ious operat ions without the aid of anacsthct ic or l . ruin-

k i l l i ng d rugs .

-5. Laws of physics are based on the fact that gi lses - as telnperaturc fal ls.

(r . Chcrnical cornpanies pol lut ing local r ivcrs wi l l bc f i r rced by new govcnl l rcnt rcgulat iot ts

to thcir waste without damasins the environtnent.

1. l 'hc basic level ol- intel l igence in hunrans is ____ but thc abi l i ty to usc 1l ' l r lpotcnt ial is ercat ly inl ' luencecl by cnvironmental I 'actors.

2 .Complete the following sentences using the words in the box. Do not change thefbrm of the words. There are more words than you need.

diversity deliberate odourcoherent discriminate randomchilling demise flawthrive dilemma enrich

l . The on ly in his character is that he loses his temper verv quicklv

2. I 'm facing a ser ious . I promised to go to my fr iend's wedding but Ifbrgot that i t 's on the same day as rny mother 's bir thday. and my farni ly wi l l be real ly upseti f I don' t go out to dinner with them. What am I going to do' l

3. She gave a very explanat ion of the government 's current ecor.rornicpolicy, so there was no need for the audience to ask her any questions at the enc.

4. It is strange that although he is very proud of his CD collection, he doesn't keep thern inany order at all. He just leaves piles of


discs lv ins on the f loor.

5. The of her uncle was an unexpected blow. He was old but had seemed

in perfect health.

6. It may seem old-fashioned, but reading books on a wide variety of subjects is the best way

to the mind.

7. We have very high expectations of our employees, so everyone who works for us ntust be

able to in a stressful environment.

3.Complete the following sentences using the words in the box. Do not change the form of

the words. There are more words than you need.

obsession violate depriveindi ble condone

l. Al though many governments favour the decriminal isat ion of drugs in pr inciplc, thcy lcar

that i t would the use of addict ive substances.

2. In my work, a computer ts . There's no way I could managc without i t

3. American inspectors are regularly sent abroad to ensure that other countries dtt nttlinternational agreements on chemical and nuclear weapons

4. Mark's interest in keeping fit has become a(n)talk ins about i t .

. He just can' t stop

4.Complete the following sentences with the correct word fiom the list below. Use eachword only once. There are more words than you need.



sensitivebad - temperedselfish

I . A t n ) person is di f f icul t to handle. You don't know where you arc wi lh

h im.

2. He is so that he thinks the world revolves around htm.

3. Mary likes people and going to places and hates to stay at home. In other words, she isa ( n )

4. Such behavior wi l l land him in trouble with the pol ice someday.

5. Leaders should be competent in their of other people's characters.

6. You shouldn t talk to her l ike that. She is very and easi ly gets hurt .

1. You can estimate a person's age fiom the

8 8

on his face.

5.Complete the following sentences with the correct word from the list below. Use eachword only once. There are more words than you need.

unwind roved responsivelapsed bland soaredretard tossed dawnedcore zest sedenta

l . The off ic ials ' reaction to the situation disturbed many of us - afterall. we were in serious trouble and strict measures had to be taken at once

2. Recent studies have shown thatpsychological disorders.

3. As soon as he entered his hotel room. he

work leads to physical as wcl l as

his sui tcase into a corner. andrang the room service for something to eat.

4. You are wast ing t i rne discussing tr iv ial matters. What you should actual ly do is get to theof the problem.

5. As the sleeping pill began to take effect, she into heavy sleep.

6. With the invent ion of the pr int ing press, a new era in human history

7 . Sa l l y i s h igh ly to compl iments. so you should praise her work nowand then to rnake her work better

6.Complete each of the following sentences with the correct word from the box below. Useeach word only once. There are more words than vou need.

cautious devastated withdrawntended stubborn embersimmature blaze inquisitiveadaptable stampeded balanced

l . l ' he that started at the drug tactory in the south o1'the city soon spreadto nearby bui ldings.

2. She was trying not to sound but I could see that she was dvins tolearn all the details of the divorce case,

3. Don't worry about Kenneth taking the children for a drive - he is a verydriver.

4. The elephants, frightened by the noise of the explosion,anything in their paths.


t rampl ing on

-5. Those twin brothers look exactly alike but are so different in charactcr: Deniz is an

outgoing, l ively boy whi le Cenk is overly sensit ive and -

6. After her boyfriend stormed out of the room, she sat there for a long time. staring at the

of the fire.

7.Complete the following sentences by matching suitable verbs from box A with suitable

phrases from box B.

l . Paul lc f t homc last month i ind movcd tc l a smal l t la t ncar h is school as hc d ic l l t ' t

with his parents

2. I think you should try to thc poerns o l - John Kci t ts

. He is considercd to be one of the greatest Engl ish pocts.

3. For God's sake don't iust ! Sav what vor,r think about t l tcproblcm. Your indi f fercnce is so annoyl l ' lg

Ashrug put

learnsee risk

tsyour neck your foot down

your shouldersbv heart eye to eye

fbr Jul ie. That ignorant, two-l ' r tccd gir l is not

i f he asks to borrow vour car acain. I ' tn s t t rc l ' tc c i t l t

4. You shou ldn ' tworth i t .

-5. You mustal-lord to buy at least a second-hand car.

8.Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words from the box. Use each only once.


flourishmightsoarwipe outdawnfoster


+ T h e ( l ) of diffbrent groups into a whole is necessary in e very society. It

requires the (2) of Hercules on the part of the pol i t ic ians along with( 3 ) fbr the work they're doing.

* If people want democracy to (4) , al l should cooperate t0(5 ) ignorance and concentrate on the (6) of knowledge

x The (7) danger of the warming up of the world may lead to the( 8 ) of mankind.


I Taking enough proteins (9) the growth of infants; on the other hand. atheir that lacks proteins (10)

* T h e ( l 1 )decision.

of opinion on this issue makes it difficult for us to arrive at a

>F A new age of electronics has (12) on the world. Nothine wi l l ever be

the same again. Let 's hope i t (13) better relat ionships among human


* Desprte inf- lat ion (14) to a record-high, some bureaucrats are st i l l

( 15 ) dc l 'end ing thcmse lvcs

x I t rs when chi ldren ( l6) the values of their immediate environment that

they beconte truly social ized.

9.Iril l in each blank with the most appropriate word from the list. Use each only once.






| . The l'acts don't his theory. So he should start al l over again.

2. She is to be cr i t ical because her nrother used to cr i t rc izc her a lot when she

was a ch i ld .

3. The cluest ionnaire was given to agroups.

sclcct ion of peoplc l io lr di l l l rcnt i rge

4. lt is common 1'or the media to get away with ol ' the facts.

5. Do you have evidcnce to provc your point ' l

6. The condit ions in which they l ive are [ 've never seen such Dovertv i t t

my lif 'e.

1 . Jack is the

8. I l 'eel

suspect in the murder case.

irnd can' t work today. I supposc' I st i l l have. jet lag.

9. The outbreak of a fight at the I'ootball match caused panic and more than twenty people


10. The bombing of the bazaar caused adestroying many shops.

which went on for several hours

vict ims used to be put together in camps or on remote is lands in thel l .past.

9 t

I 2. Snakes aresouth.

in the north of the countrv. but thev are common rn the

of the mountain and

13. What is your for trying to separate her from her son'/

l 4 .Don ' t speak toh imnow.He i s i na - .He i sswea r i nga teve rybodya roundh im

10.Fill in the blanks with the opposites of words in brackets by using prefixes.

I don' t want to show ( I ) (respect) but your ideas are quite

(2 ) (relevant. l and (-1.1 ( logical) . We cannot possibly

accept a(n) (a) (rnature) approach to such an important proJecl

l l .Complete each sentence in the pair with the same word.

l . a) We may bc biased, but our students comparcd with their in othcr

universities appear to be more sophisticated.

b) My son is a very sensit ive chi ld. When I come home, he anxiouslY - at Iny

face to determine my mood.

2. a) Early historians were people who lived in the palace. They entered cvery cvcnt in

official which they later used as the basis for their hrstory books.

b) I f-eel chilly. Could you please throw a f-cw more on the firc'l

3. a) My rnother used to every book and magazine that cantc to ol tr ht l t tsc

before she would let us read them.

b) His latest play wi l l be adapted fbr the I f al l goes wel l , he may bccomc a

famous man in Hol lywood overnight.

4. a) I f you go on l ike this in the sameunderstand mv side of the story.

of mind, you' l l never

b) She put his picture in a and hune i t on the wal l .

,5. a) Now proceed and the program as we planned it.

a human being as a punishmentb) l t i s a sad th ing to

6. a) Mari lvn Monree died at the of her f i lm carccr.

b) The mountaineers f inal ly reached theplanted their natronal flag there.


12.Find the opposites for the following words using the correct prefix.

e.g. _in soluble

l . _ respect

2. _ legible

3. _ rational

4. _ behave

5. _ pol i te

13.Fill in each blank with only one word.

l. They have just been kicked out of their house because they couldn't pay the rent. Now,thcy are looking the possibi l i ty of going back to their v i l lage

2. Whenever we do something wrong col lect ively, I am alwayspunrshed.

out and get

l . I f you help rne in this matter, I ' l l wr i te your debts.

4. You'd better to your own kind. Those new peoplc in your l i I 'e won't doyou any good.

5. His condit ion is gett ing worse; I think we should

6. I t r ied to put him at his by tel l ing him there was nothing to worryabout; the examinat ion would be easy.

I . I personally believe that eating onions doesn't do anybody anypeople say it has beneflcial effects.

8. They all wanted to pay her ashe was.

9. No one has made a

by tel l ing her how clever and wel l -drcssed

to stop the government from passing that law

10. He yel ls and threatens everybody, yet no one him seriously.

I l . Pau l i s c rack ing al l the t ime, but nobody thinks they're funnv.

12. He always does whatever he wants to do and I cannot change his rvays. He is asa s a

13. Thanks for pointing my error. Otherwise, I would have made a fbol ofrnyself at the seminar.

14" Deborah cannot see anything at all without her glasses. She is as

{br his son irnrncdiately




1 .Fill in each blank with the correct form of the words given in brackets.

Alex 's se l f - 11 .1 (confident) is really at its peak because of this recent

success. To his wife's (2) (amaze), he is even considering taking paft in a

TV 1-3) (commerce). One cannot help but wonder how he is going to gct

over h is (4 )

2 .Use the most suitable form of the word in brackets.

l t rs very normal for pre-school chi ldren to have ( l ) ( i rnagine) fr iends.

To an untrained eye. these kids look as i f they are talk ing to themsclves. My l i t t le niece has

such a friend. Guess who'l Michael Jackson! She does quite a (2)--_-_-_-_-_-

(vary) of things with hirn: f -eeds him, plays with him and even f ights with him, which is not a

nrre 1-3; (occur). When that happens. they break up and she gets

( 4 ) ( increase) moody and eventual ly (5 )

(depress). Since Michael and her relationship with him is very real to her. nobody clares tcr

tcase her about i t .

3.Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words in parentheses.

Therc was an eng inc ( l ) ( fai l ) in thc plane. so our (2)- ' -_-_-_-_--_------ ( l ly)

was cl iverted to a smal l airport . Aftcr a rough (3) ( land) . wc wcrc uskccl to

leavc the p lanc quick ly 1or our own (z l ) (sa lc) .

4.Use the most suitable form of the word in brackets. Do not use the given word.

(addict) to that drug gradual ly changes onc's

(person). The person becomes (3) ( inc rease) a f ra id o l

thc world nround hirn and becornes (4) (resent) towards people close by.

He prcfcrs to si t in a (5) (dark) room by himself and hatcs to bc unclcr

( b ) (observe).


F'ill in the blanks with the appropriate build-up of the underlined words,

I . Being a sportsman, I think your behaviour is total ly incornpat ible with

2. Don't be nervous please.t ry to ca lm down.

in the exam won't get you anywhere. so


( l )

t ) \


3. So you want make difficulties over the

4. He was inrprisoned for stealing two eggs from a grocer's. The next day, the media made

a big issue out of his

me to p4y in cash. I don't think you shouldof a 3O-dollar electric iron.

6.Fill each blank with a suitable form of the word in

l. Political parties frequently makestandards of the day.

2. He doesn'tdegree in teaching

You'd better


(modify) in their pol ic ies to meet the

(qual i f icat ion) to be a teacher because he doesn't havc a

(clar i l ' ied) the meaning of what you've just said. Othcrwise

( specification) tirne'l



5 .


I won't speak

Do you have


to you agaln.

to eat at a

(horr i fy) o[ ' the carthquake st i l l remains in their minds

Complete the fbllowing sentences with the correct words from the list below. I)o not

forget to put the word you choose into its correct form where necessary. Use each word

only once. There are more words than you need.


The high rate of inflation led to the

bus i nesses .

The memory o1' the terr iblc inciclcnt began tcl

The olan vou have made to deal with the cr is is is

you f ind a way of improving i t , i t is l ikely to result in fai lure.

4 . Metaphors and cliches are commonly used by authors to

prece oI wnt lng.

5. It is expected that economic development wil l

inefficient management.

6. This is the avenue wherefound.

7 . He started to his way towards the door when he realised that

ol ' mauy slnal l

w i th t i rne .2.

3 . . U n l c s s

nisht clubs and restaurants

due to

can be

he didn't have enough money to pay for the food he had ordered.



8.Use the correct form of the words given in brackets.

1 . (intelligent) is a god-given gift fbr a human being

2. His approach to the role he played lacked ( sincere )


(apply) with care because they arc cpritc

3 . ( lonely) f inal ly drove him to commit suicide.

4. Many social il ls can be prevented by better

9.Fill each blank with a suitable form of the word in brackets.

I . He l i f ted the table with a touch of his hand; i t was real ly

2. You must handle electr icalsensit ive.

3. On some bananiri rr igat ion system

4. I don't have to get everybody'sdo.

(mi rac le )

(plant) in tropical countr ies they use a very conrplex

(app rove ) i n o rdc r t o do wh l t t I w r rn t t o

10.F'ill in the blanks with a suitable form of the words in brackets.

1. H is menta l (secure) rnakes lif 'e dil '{ ' icult fbr hirn and othcrs

2. Your help in this project was (valuc). I cannot possibly pay you back

3. Going therc and shakingspcr rd ing the even ing .

(count) hands is not rny favori te wav ol

1. Thc three companies made an agreement to (sol id) their power.



Fill in the blanks with ONE word only to complete the following texts. Contractions (eg.

isn't, they're) count as one word.

1 .

pets, s1xin all, including my father's temperamentalMy family and

had a fabulous

nrountain (2)

al l therr

hohdayup (1 ) Mount Nemrut this year

par ro t "Huy lu" ,

A hol idav at a

was a new experience for the family

to have our hol idays in my dad's l i t t le vi l lage

Turkey. I t was just wonderl 'u l ! We

swimming, p lay ing and bu i ld ing sand cas l les

vi l lage became a major tour ist at trrrct ion. wc


th is year .

any new

th is ncw

When I

on the

was a ch i ld


we (3)

(4 ) of

( 5 ) spend hours hy thc sel :

with al l our cousins. Later, when our peaceful

stopped going there because the traffic becantea ser ious danger (6)

younger kids in the lamily.

I t was my ever-wise mom who came up with the br i l l iantidea to try the mcluntarns

to resist alnrostMy f tr ther who is a person set in his ways. (7)

idea. As always, hc nradc al l k inds of excuses before he reluctant ly agreed to

" advetrture".

"Wasn't i t wonderful 'J". Huvlu. sccrct lvYou won't bel icvc this. but whenever

t l r tored by rny father, repl ies, "Yes. l t

improvcmcnt." . That parrot is (9)


How long do you

In Sweden, you arc (2)

educat ion (3 )

Swc'den is 14)

is r r lwuys r t lo rn (8 )___

anybody asks,

was but there

gett lng on everybody's nervcs

go to school i f you ( t ) i n Sweden. As long as you w ish l

too old to lcarn sorncthins ncw. Whi le adult

become more popular in many countr ies around the world,

a leader in this area of educat ion. Maybc i t is those

Swedish winters. More than three generat ions ago, Swedish adults,

with endless cold nights, began forming stud v- t' irt ' les.

gathered informal ly to talk about subjects ranging

Egypt ian art to foreign languages. Later. dur ing the 1930's

attracted enough popular support, the study circle became

issue of nat ional pol icy. In other words, the se Swcde s

not just created a society (.12; l iberal arts

students. Todav. Swedish adult educat ion is (13) concerned with jobs and

from one week for anthere are special training courses that (14)

desktop publ ishing, to 28 weeks for business econont ics.


(6 )

(1 )

( lJ)

( 9 )

( l 0 )

( l l )

i n t r o d u c t i o n ( 1 5 )


( l 6 )

( 17 )

Stoc( le )

khohn. (18)





I sometimes wondcr

hygienic wrappings

(3 )

sealecl clr


otherwisc rnade inercces



nat ion-wide.

are offbred at 100 sovernment

Waldemar Sandberg attends a course at such a


center in

h is job


thc wholc

cl isplay

so long

open sacks lnd

wc were

our time bel'urc we


the age of 52, Sandberg had lost

of Europe's recession, but he is not (20)

worried yet. The

28 weeks -- (22)

government is paying (21) tui t ion --about S 12600 for

Sandberg can learn modern accounting and computer

sk i l l s . (23) he needs peace of mind to benefit (24)

the program, the government also pays Sandberg a respectable living allowancc. He hopes

training wi l l (25) him get a job as a f inance dircctor

a Swedish company. " I t is a cost for the governtnenl.

i t is also an investment for society and i f you rnake an overal l

calculat ion the governme nt rnight even (28)

dcc I ares.

a prof i t . " Sandberg

The Swedes insist that they are making a smartdecision about (29)_ ______ to

spend l i rni ted funds. The country (30) spend very rnuch cash on bcncf i ts

t b r ( 31 ) unemploycd. but i t lavishes money on training programs and

grants for trainees. "We recognize we have to take (32) o f ' the peop le in

our society, but they rnight as wel l do something (33) " says Bcri t

Rol lcn, Director of Sweden's Nat ional Employment Training Board.

i f other peopleget as irritated as I ( I ) by the so-ca l l cd

o i (2 ) household i terns sold i rr thc shops tocluv.

the most insignif icant i tcrns are so (4)_____

( 7 )

s ib le (5 )

Jus t

onc wou ld imag ine

keeping them permanently on

than selling them to the customers. Once, (B)

ago, we were ab le to (9)

bar re ls . ( l0 )

biscuits and rice fiorn

could see,touch and smel l ( l l )

buying. There was never any hurry; we

our minds.rnade ( l3)

with the fr iendly ( 15 )

( l 6 )

happened to walk in.

Ourpurchases (18 )

usua l ly ( l2 )

We often used to have a (14)

or exchange a few pieces of gossip

the neighbour from the next street who ( 17')

careful ly weighed and then put (19)

a wrapping the shopkeeper tied up with a (20)


movement of his f ingers. I t

ls not tha t (21) today.

r ) ) t or a c l r t . go to the

faceless individualsjust as (24)

(2s)a recording. Then you (27)

There (28)

rnanulacturers was to prevent you (30)

( 31 ;

secs sorreone bcat ing another person. He

chi ldhood anyrnore but f inds i t hard

(e) improvements in

by fr iends.encouragement is givcn


People do not analyze

so lu t ion I ' rom the las l t ime

(l )- of other

thinking; they try

when al l these

( 6 ) There are six stages in (7)

First , the person must (8)

i f ( r0 )


every problern they meet. Sometimes they try

they had a sirnilar problern. They often accept

people. Other t imes they (2)

f ind a solut ion by tr ia l and (4)

fai l , (5) person with a

whatever you're buyin-e in a

manned by

opening them. I must adrni t that

that I can

( 8 ) h i s

Wil l there be anv roonl

to remenrber a

the op in ions or

to act without


a problen.


has to

You just stuff

check-out (23)

wrapped as the i tems you're gett ing,

the f i iendl iness ofmay or may not say"hel lo" t26)

horne with your ingeniously packed purchases

think that the sole purpose (29)__ the

tned knives, scissors and any sharp( -12)

lay my hands on, I am frequent ly reduced to (33) things with mv teeth.


When Gerald was a chi ld. his father ( 1) to beat him f iequent ly. This

gradually caused him to lose confidence in (2) and in his farni ly.

( 3 ) they moved to Liverpool, he couldn't (4) used to

city lite easily. He developed a stutter which lasted ten years. He received speech therapy fbr

several years. He (-5) often read lons texts aloud 1or hours and hours to

overcorne this speech def'ect. I-lc stil l (6) th ink ins about h is ch i ldhood

and cannot easi ly lorgive his l 'athcr. He (7) to get nervous whenever hc

tnes not to

not to do

his I i fe ' j




( 3 )



Sam's bicycle is broken, and he (10)

does. Sam must see that there ( l2)

Next , ( l3 )


( l 6 )

he must ( l5 )

that there is a problem.

r ide i t to class as

a problem with his

For (9)

he t I l )________


( t 4 )

why i t does not

wi th

thinker must define the problem. Before

the reasonbicycle,

. For de termine i f \11)

repair his

instance. he must


problern is

the gears, the (18)

problem more specific.

Now (20)

make the problem clearer and lead (22)

suppose Sam (23)

the tires, or the frame. He (19)

person must look for information that (21)

make his

possible solut ions. For instance.

something wrong with

(26)_ in h is

ta lk to (28)

careful ly.

Buy only the

extra food. First.

bicycle repair

friends at the

the (25)

that his bike doesnot work (24) there is

wheels. At this t ime. he can

about gears. He canbook and

bike shop.He (29)


After (30) the problem, the person should have (31 )

suggestions for a possible solut ion.Take (32) as an i l lustrat ionaga in . H is

wheels andsuggest ions (33) be: put oi l on the gear wheels; buy new gear

replace the old ones; t ighten or loosen the gear wheels.

Eventual ly, onc suggest ion seems to be the solut ion to the problem. Sometimes the f inal

idea comes very suddenly because the thinkcr suddenly sces something new or sccs

something in a new way. Sam, for example, suddenly sees that there is a piece of chewrng

gum between thc gear wheels. He immediately real izes the solr"r t ion to his problem: hc Inust

c lc i rn lhe gcur whce ls .

Final ly, the solut ion is testcd. Sam cleans the gear wheels and f inds that al ierwards his

bicycle works pcr iect ly. In short , he has solved the problem.


Thc average family spends about one-sixth of its income on food. Because food is

expensive. i t is important to spend money wisely when you shop. A careful shopper can

prepare nutr i t ious and del ic ious meals inexpensively. Here are some hints to help you shop


look at his gears

There are several ways to avoid ( l )

before you go to the store

your- l ist careful ly

shopping if you Are hungry. When

are hungry, fbods look very delicious (7) you want to buy

can. [ fneed. Final ly, go shopping alone i f (9)

, they often ask you to buy ( 1 I )

lbod that you need.

make a shopping (2)

(3 )

Furthermore, do not (5)

( 6 )

more than (8)

you shop with young (10)

when you are al the store, (4)

unnecessary food like candy.


adverl . isements in thc newspaper to (17)

n o t l R \. . b \ . " /

are in the store, you (20)

Sometimes you save money

sometimes, however. Q3)

A product or a more expensive/ ' ) < \

more healthful than (26\ grade

selection. choose the least expensive

to remember whenthree (14)

for example.First , look ( l6)

if your local supermarket is

check the price per pound of

if you (|2)_ the larger size

do not. Third. remember that a

When you (12)

(13 )





( 2 1 )


t 1 4 \


o f a

buy a (15 )

product. There are

of tomatoes,

"special" on cannedtomatoes. In addit ion. ( l9)



is not necessari ly

or less expensive product.

canned tomatoesA tomatoesmay look better, but

have the same nutr ients.

(2e) seem to have special di f f lcul t ies when (30) buy

fl-csh fr-uits and vegetab les . There (31) several things to cons ider whcr r

buy ing (32) fbods. Because f iesh foods spoi l i1-(33) are not

used, you have to buy the correct amount for the number of people you arc scrving.

Remember that a pound of somc vegetables scrves more people than a pound ol- other

vegetables. For instancc. a pound of str ing beans is enough for s ix servings. In addit ion. plan

to usc fresh foods that are in season because fiesh fbods are generally less cxpcnsive wherr

thcy are in season. Final ly, choose f iui ts and vegetables that have a br ight. f resh color. A good

color is of tcn a sign that thc food has a lot of v i tamins. Caretul shoppers try to get as nrany

nutrients as they can fbr each dollar.


People of unusual habits have always attracted me. By this I do not imply hippies and

clropouts fbr ( I )___ rnodern society has very little respect. No. I lnean thosc orderly

people (2)____ otherwise dul l l ives are enriched by unl ikely rout ines t ' r r- r lanias

(3)__ arc total ly harmless to others. There is, for example, a bank clerk I know,

(4)_ wi l l not eat his breakfast toast (5)_ the sun r ises and he actual ly sees the

early rays of the sun. Since he l ives in London, (6)- he enjoys a reluctant sun. he

liequently goes without breakfast. Another couple I know has a neat little bungalow in

(7)_ they keep two dogs and a cat, (8)_ they themselves live in a tree house

because they are convinced i t is more natural . No matter (9)_ hard their neighbours

try, they haven't been able to persuade them to live like ordinary people. Life, I arl sure,

would be very much poorer without such people. Sometimes I feel I am lacking in

personality, since I have none of these strange habits (10)_, of course, you count the

fact that I keep a hamster in my desk drawer at the office.

1 0 1

8."Parachuting Changed My Life!"

When Su Woods stepped onto the tarmac of Thruxton airfield one sunny afternoon to make her

flrst parachute jump, she

come true, but she was (2)

ambitron was to transform

parachute club (3)

"Parachut ing has

( 4 )

c lub 's ours . I ' ve madc 100 jumps now, (6 )

o f i t . You

own parachute. Thcrc's not

sometimcs to fecl afraid at

rlctrcs I

" N o n r l t t c r ( l 4 )

you matke


was not only about to ( l )

leaving her old life for a new one. Achieving hel

her life. Eight years later, Su and her husband Dennis now own the

Su made her first jump and the couple first rnet.

changed my lif 'e enormously," Su says. "When I think back to the first day

her chi ldhood drearrr

and fecl ing anxious

te l l ing mysc l f tha t thc

lot. but there i rre ple nty

(-5 )

came, watching al l the experienced jumpers

my own jump before take-oll ', I have to keep

ls c lu l te a

of mernbers here who are much more advanced than I am.

" l r ' s (7 ) excit ing being up in thc air that you just don' t get f r ightened.

Besides, everythingto do with parachut ingis highly regulated - you can' t - iust go r-rp in a planc

must havc proper training. Salcty pt-ecal l t ions l t rcand ju rnp { t3 )

str ict ly enfbrced. At (9) , you havc a rope attached to your parachutc l inking

i t to the acroplane As you la l l f iee . (10) rope pul ls the parachutc ope n. I t 's

n o r ( l l ) you've rcached a certi l ln

real ly any danger at a l l .

standard that you're al lowccl to opcn yoLlr

( l 2 ) r t ' s on ly na tura l

a planc at 7-50the thought (13)_ jumping l ionr

experienced you are. yoLl alrvavs get ncrvous

a jump. You step out onto thc platf 'onn. thc i t tstructor si lys

suddenly you're in the air . Corning down is wondcrful . uncl

you don't remernber ( l7) you wcre afraid of."

Balancing her career ( | 8) thc cdi tor of a local ncwspaper with sor l inc

out a new housc, rnanaging thc parachute club and pursuing her favouri te hobby nteans that

t h i n g s ( l 9 ) housework and washing up can get badly neglected. "But thcn,"

Su says, " i t 's a quest ion ol 'pr ior i t ies. I 'd much rather parachutc (20)

Saturdays cleaning the housc. "

9 .


Speaking in f iont of large numbers of people is a ski l l which most people wi l l need at

some t ime in their l ives. l t is something which everyone can do. but is di f f icul t to do wel l .

Diff-erent speakers, of course, have different styles. However, there are certain common

principles which wi l l help you give your speech or presentat ion more professional ly.


First of all, before your speech, it is essential that you be well prepared. Do lots of research

and prepare your materials carefully. Make sure you have enough to say to fil l the tirne

provided. If you don't know enough about your subject, you will be (1)

serious disadvantage, especially when it comes to answering questions. If you find that you

have too much mater ial , give (2) to your main points - you can go into more

detai l later i f you have t ime. Don't memorise your speech, but be farni l iar with i t so that you

wil l be able to use just a f 'ew notes. On the big day, arr ive early. I f you only . iusl

i t in t ime, you won't be able to get everything ready. You are responsible

ensuring that any visual aids are scl up and working properly. Whert

cverything is ready. havc a chat with members of the audience. This wi l l help you relax and get

to know the people you wi l l speak to.

As you begin your speech, f i rst introduce yourself and thank people 1'or coming. I f ' you

{ 3 )

( 4 )

w ish . you can ( -5 )_

alnusing comments to break the ice

your audience (and yourself) at ease by rnaking a 1'ew

However, don' t start cracking jokes; al ' ter i t l l , you want

your audicnce to (6) you seriously. Introduce thc sub. iect and oul l inc your

main points. Thcn, go through cach point c lear ly and careful ly. Look around at the audicl tcc

and assess i ts react iort : i t is surpr is ing how many speakers are unaware (7)-----

what the audience is doing. Are thcy l istening to you' i Stay in control . St ick to the point and

don't let yourscl l ' be distracted (8) ques t ions . N ine t i r l cs

(e)_ o1 ' ten , the in lo rmat ion the person is ask ing lb r w i l l be g ivcn la tc t ' in your

speech. Don ' t speak ( l0 ) an aggressive manner, though. Just pol i tely siry yol l

wi l l accept al l quest ions a1 the end. In addit ion, remember that nobody's perl-ect: r 'n istakcs occur

even when thc bcst speakers are pc:rforming. Apologise, but don't try to ( I I )

any cxcuses - i t leavcs a bad impression. When you comc to the end ol ' your

sumrnarisc your rnain points and ( l2) an explanat ion 1-or any

you reach becausc. without just i f icat ion, your opinions are worthless. Final ly.

( lucs t i ( )n - rnd- l l t swer scss i t ) t t .

After i t 's al l over, evaluate your performance. Ask yourself in which areas you could

improve. Don't worry i f you were nervous and i t didn' t go very wel l . Just put i t down tcr

( l - r ) . Don't be afrard to try again. l t wi l l (14)

possible. In this way, you wi l l overcome

you eood to

practise as olien as

come to enjoy it.

your nerves, and you may even

prese Ittittl ()n.

conc: lusiolr s

therc is the

individuals when we ident i fy with the system, accepting i ts va lues .

cannot easi ly isolateourselves from the (2)


We become mass

However, ( I )

because it pervades every aspect of (3)


culture. We buv mass-produced


qual i ty.

just (4)

We read

they are cheaper although they aren't (5)

(1 )

to (9)

discr iminat ing i n ( l l )


i nd iv idua l i t y (11 i t

which the system

the local newspapers (6)

anything to our sense of wel l -being. (8)

without a radio or television set, (10)

though we seldom feel that they

i f we do not want

choice of programs. We

should at least be

must choose

by the constant

us in f ivorpropaganda and advert is ing ( 14)

( 15 )

if we want to avo id be ing (13)

the system. We can only

not let ourselves

offers to 119)

hurled al

d o t l 6 t i f we guard our true

rcwardsbe seduced by (18)

appears so. Those individuals who r isc

arc considered to be thc

so on. 'l-hcrc







system does (20)

the show. or at least (25)

who achieve success.

opportunities for the aggressive individual

one of the actors in the (22) and not remain par t

unscen and unheard audience. Someone has (24)


o l '

the top in the hierarchy of (21)

successful (28) . The rc arc hierarchies in e very f ield (29)

cndeavor: busincss. educat ion, pol i t ics, society, art , (30)

power hierarchies (3 I ) each segment of the f ie ld also.

organized activity creates a

or smal l , the person who is

those lower on the scale.

hierarchy o1- power. (33) each hicrarchy. largc

at the top and wields the greater power is regarded as a success by

Yct no one truly runs thc show; no one real ly wields the power. Those at thc top are as rnuch

part of the system as the lowest man on the totem pole. They can be replaced as casily as onc

o1' thcir subordinertcs. They are not creative peoplc whose work bears thL- sti-rmp o1' thcir

individual i ty. Their funct ion, l ike that of each mass individual. is to keep the show uoing, tcr

keep the system operat ing to keep the machinc running.

l l .

How should we measure the cost oi anything - of a new motorcycle, a new f-reeway, or a rapid-

transrt system? Econornists use a concept cal led opportunity cost.

To determineopportunlty cost, we measure ( l ) value of the next opporlLrni ty

of act ion we havewe (2) sacrifice in order to take the (3)

selected. When (4) go to class or decide to (5) in the l ibrary,

you give up (6) opportunity to watch televisionat


home. ( .71

opportunrty cost of attending class or (8)

place on the television program you (10)(e)


the l ibrary is the value

Then what is the cost of ( 1 I )

(12 )

( 1 ,1)

wi th ( 16)

i tsel l ' . The cost is ( I B)

( l 9 )

price is (2 I )

the value of

how much

( 23 )

the pr ice. The opportunity cost to (13)

, but the value of the product (15)

$1,000. Not ice that the money (pr ice) is (17)

evaluation of the "real" thinss sacrificed.

money is a means of gett ing (20)

$ 1 ,000 motorcycle you want'l It is

i f you buy i t is not

you nright have bought

the cost


measure of how much monev is (22)

we give up. The quest ion economists (24) I S

services must be sacrificed for whatever

opportunity cost of any dccision that

, but afier about ten days we

t ime. We sat down

b o x ;

to rush away to

programs, though. I


that we want .

. and cost is

in actual products (25)

(26) being considered - a dam, hospital , school, (27) s atel l i te.


r l 9 t been made. However. one of the (30) fre c1r-rcn tlv

under -cs t imated cos ts i s the cos t (31) A war. The nrost obvious costs

(32l, lost l ivcs, destroyed property, ruir tcd careers, (33)

wasted resources in the form of tanks, helrcopters, guns, bul lets, uni forrns, and othcr rni l i tary

ccluipment. Less obvious costs are the slum clearance, ant i -pol lut ion, publ ic health, and

wclfare projects that rnight otherwise have been undertaken. Consider also the costs i rr

hospitals, doctors. medicine, and equipment devoted to veterans' care long af ier the war is over.

as wel l as the costs of the benef i ts paid to depcndents. For instance, in 1967 more than 1,300

dependents of veterans o1' the American Civi l War - a war that ended 102 years bclore -

received annual benef i ts total ing more than $1 mil l ion. Veterans'benel l ts lbr the Spanish-

American War amounted to $5.3 bi l l ion, or twelve t imes the or iginal cost of that war.

12.The Carter family are television addicts and can't imagine life without one. We asked thisfamily to take part in an experiment. We took the Carters' television away from them fora month. This was the result.

George Carter (father): At f irst, we all went into (I ) l i v ing room as usua l ,

in the roombut we (2) know what to do. Al l the (3)

have always faced

ta lk ing about the

TV. ln the first week. we (5)

couldn' t (6)

rocket. etc.

Wc can look al

( 1 \

programs we

to think





of ways of f i l l ing (8)

ther fbr (9) instead of eat ing in front of (10)

other ( I

a program. I d o ( 13 )

talked to each l)_ nobody had

prefer havrng a (14)

miss my


much we watch in future.



we can try to (15)


countr ies looking tor work (2)

( 3 )

agriculture. 'Ihe pay (-5)

abroncl for the thr i l l of ' (7)

on a fnmily campsite. entertain (9)

( l 0 )

Bu r i t ( 12 )

" ( l 4 )

h r ' ( l 6 t

vacation work fbr ( I i l)

I ta ly . (20)

because (.20)

night before.

o f course you ' l l have to (21 )

satel l i te



I ta l i i rn. Whcn yor-r

Carter (daughter, I5):

and I used to

I love watching TV. We've got

watch MTV (17) even ing . I

crazy to take part in this (19)

talks about what they selw on

play games

We were more relaxed as a

homework and I evcn

TV for the next f'ew months.

of ' students travel ( I )

adventure. Most

o thc r

of ' the opportLil. l l ucs

tour isrn ancl

usual ly poor, but most people (6)

. You can pick -qrapes in Francc, (B)

( l 6 )


was school


and Dad ( I

difficult at

8 )

(21) But we started (22)

together chess. cards, board (231

t ) 4 t . I had more time to do (25)

started taking piano lessons. Actually, I think I 'd rather not have at

If i t 's there, I watch it , and I 've got my exams in two months' t ime.


E,vcry summer, hundreds ol ' thousands

in seasonal work, mait t ly connected (4)

c0urse, thcre are always jobs ( I I )

on Amcrici ln summt: r car.nps, ancl ,

hotels and restaurants.

no t as easy as i t (13)____ to bc to f ind work .

you speak the language of ( l -5) coun l ry wc l l , thc rer w i l l

f -ew open ings , " says Anthea E l l i s , ( l7 ) adv i sc l on

" l l - yorr work as a( I 9 ) ____ with a { 'u lr i ly i r r

arr ivc Io (22)

cxpect you to (24)

lan-{uagc iidvantagc

Not everyone

courier responsible


e h i l d l o s t h i s t 3 2 )

home: four chi ldren were lost in

one hotel because of the noise

even ing o l the cn t i re t r ip .

dishes in a restaurant in Paris. (23) owncr r .v i l l

French. Bri t ish students onlv have (2-5 )

for jobs in (26)

(2 '7\ the experience.Sarah James was (28)_

for fbrty American (29) in E,urope. The two teachers

accompanied the chi ldren had never (31) abroacl. One

another became seriouslv i l l and (33) 1' lown

Madrid for a whole day; the whole group wl ls thrown out ol

they made, and Sarah herself was mugged on her onlv free

USA and Aust ra l ia . "

1 0 6


Somehow i t

her. but for

seems to happen again and again. I meet a nice woman and fall in love wrth

some reason or other, it doesn't work out. Take Maria, for example. She was

( l ) an intelligent. beautiful and lively girl that I f 'ell in love with

her the moment I ntet her.

eventual ly had to face up (2)

But unfortunately. she didn' t share my rel igious views- I

thc fact that our relat ionship was

bounci to 1-ai l . Wel l , I cxpect the woman I f inal ly marry to agree with me on basic things l ikc

that. Does that sound old- l 'ashioned' l

Or(3 )

take Cynthia. I think I real ly loved her deeply. but we had to

between us. We uscd to have quarrcls al l the

in the end. but the whole thing

f ight everything

t imc. Of coursc.

was rathcr nerve-we always rnade (4)


And there wcrc

Wil l I ever rreet

1 5 .

others, but (5)

a wornan to marry'?Somehow. I 'm bcginning to doubt i t .

of them was thc r i -qht wotran

A trcmcndous stort t t hi t south-eastern

dcstruct ion evcrywhcrc. The ci ty was ( I )

Flor ida at about 9:30 al t t yt :stcfday, causir tg

conrplete chaos 1or a long t i r r tc

due to w inds tha t b lew up to l l0 rn i les an hour . A l though rescue workcrs i rnmed ia te ly

nroved (2 ) act ion, torrent ial rain f looded a big part o1-the ci ty and rrrotor ists

who were stranded (3) traf f ic had to spend thc wholc day i r t thetr cars.

wait ing lor the roads to be clcared. By late al ' ternoon, the storm wlts ovcr, lcaving bchir l t l

thousands of homeless people and completely ruined orange and grapcl ' rui t crops. ' l ' l tc

pe oplc who lost thcir homes wcre lur ious, c laiming that they hadn't bee n warncd

( 4 ) thc storm on t ime. Here is what a meteorologist f ront the Nat ioni t l

Weather Centre said to our reporter ycsterday evening :

"Storms l ike the one we had yesterday used to occur once (5) 200 years

and yet we have had at least three major storrns with rvinds of over 100 rni les per hour st l lce

1993, which is quite utrusual. We have teams (6) stand-by 24 hours a clay

and we are going to set up mobi le unlts f i t ted (7) hi- tech ecluiptrent. whiclr

will certainly enable us to take more eff'ective measures. Howevcr-. we arc

( rJ) no i l lusions that we wi l l be able to avoid the destruct ive ef lects o1'sucl- t

storms completely - we can only hope to reduce the damage to a nl inimum."


I received your let terinvi t ing me to spend a ( l )

s ta r ted prepar ing (2 )

to meet me at the airport. (4)

forward to meetins them and, (5)


Dear Jul iet ,

As soon as

England, I

(3 )

(6 )

able to (8;


I was very exci ted ( l0)

( l l )


( t4 )

l i ke

( l 7 )


( l 9 )

against you and your (21)

of( ) ) \

won't fbrget my

look ing

It's very good

Ju ly and w i l l be


th ings


past lme act tv l t res. so i t would be


I 'm planning to go to univcrsi ty

my tennis rackct. hut yol l rnl ls l

I can n lav

te l l ing mc inI rcmember you

weeks in

the journey. Thank your parents fbr

course, your brother

that he wi l l be on hol iday (7)

to Oxford and show us (9)

I read about a l l

p lann ing lo r my v is i t to England. (121


theatre is one o f m y ( 1 3 )

to see

to go to Brighton ( l6)

rerninded me to

a play in London. A n d ( l 5 )

next year.

( l 8 )

a good partner fbr me so (201

your letters that he p lays (23) w e l l . I



\29)f l ight

Wel l ,

( - l - l )

also to your brother

swimsuit , (24)

to swim

Eng land. do you th inkwe (21)

know Ju ly (28)

in the Ens l i sh Channe l . (26)

I hope i t won't bc too

also vis i t Stratford' l



wai t !


to (30)

tounst seirson I S at

myfo r Ju ly 7 th . I can (31)

i t 's high r ime I

peak . bu t I somehow


any change in the plan. My

now. Wri te and tel l mc i f

kindest regards to yoLlr parents, and





Jennrfer got off the

flat she shared

bus from the universitvand ( l )


(-r) some food, she entered a shop (4)

tamily Although the (5)

( 6 ) further down the street.she

shopping there. The vegetab were (B)

she (9) anywhere else.

Jennifer picked up (10 )

by an Asian

higher than those in the

(7) her

and they had various things

and walked the shelf

and the

another student.

walking towards the

As she had to

both of


was g0 lng



usual ly




f o r ( 1 2 )( l 1 . 1

owner of the shop, ( I 3)( 1 4 )

( l - s ;th ings were quitc popular

Mr. Patel, the clwncr, was

the r ice was kept. Except

were wearing

r idiculous in thc

w i t h t h e t l 7 )

were two teenagc boys,

long, old-fashioned overcoats

b ig overcoats , bu t (16)


any a t t en t i on t o t hem. Hc

( l e )n o t ( 1 8 )

in the overcoats tak ing (21)

coal mine, (4)

the stock l ist Just then Jennit 'er (20)



of biscuits frorn the shelves. bul

of putt ing therni n t h e i r s h o p p i n g t 2 . 3 1 they


o l

al l the other men there.

to work


but we didn' t consider ourselves

wcrc dropping the goods into (24) inside pockets of their

overcoats. "(2-5) get out of here," she heard (26)

her. Shethem say. They moved away (27) cou ld no lo r rger sec

(28 ) theywere doing.

When Jenn ifer got (2e) boys wcrc in

for the( -10) of her. She watched them (31)

f-ew things thcy had (32) their basket. Mr. Patel wasn't suspicious.

I . le (33) srni led at them. Jennif-er onened her mouth and said . . .

18 .Irene Charlton, Professor of Psychologyat Oxford University, is talking about the past.

Things were very diffbrent then. In ( l) days , we l i ved in a v i l lagc

the North of Ensland My father (3)

ther i l l ,the

(2 )

l n

(s)(6 )


( 8 )



the evenings, the whole (1)

My father would

snore loudly.

would si t in the l iv ing room,

fiont of the fire ( l0)

to the radio.


(e) asleep in

(12 )

from five to eleven, all o f (14 )

terribly( 1s)stove that gave out a ( 1 7 )

heat.( 18 )

When I was eleven. I started ( l9)

( 20)


was (23)

higher educat ion. Peoplcl i ke rnc (25)

then. (26)

ro go back to (28 )



(32 )( 33 )

19 .

one teacher with about thirty

I started pr imary schoo l ( l l ) the age of

chi ldren ( 13)

eyes are deceiving you.

i m p o s s i b l e . '

five. Therc wils

studied in the same rooln. I t

o ldcold in winter We had (16)

i l ' t h e ywere g i r l s . I t was (27) lor-

vi l lagc after that. I so rnchow l c l t

was a k ind o I inv is ib lc wa l l (30) rnysc l f ' and

my family. My l ' u t h e r ' . i t t p l r t l i e u l l t t .

understand why I wanted an eclucat ion. t lc

asking nre when I intcndcd to get marr ied ancl havc chi lc lrcn.

Last summer, Frank Cruise, a -5-5-ycar-old rni l l ionaire.wcnt to a housc-warming party rrr

Glasgow, and thcrc. in a crowded room, he was ( I ) to a youn.g

encouragement, I went to (22)

o l d l i i c n d s . a n d ( 3 1 )

f l rst personirr the vi l lage to (24)

. I w a s a bright student and (21)

deal of smoke but only a

secondary school in the nearest


, where I studied psychology. I

used to cont inuc their educat ion

lu thcr .

be serious. You'rc so

I 'm 9l years of age."

worlrrn si t t ing hv the f i re. Frank thought hcr clothes were (2)

poor tastc. but shc certainly wi ls vcry bear"rt i l 'Lr l .

' fhey chatted for sornc t ime, and Frank compl imctt tccl her (3)

good looks, which pleascd the woman very much. After a whi le, the wornttn said. " l ' r r t i r f l - rr i t l I

have to lcavc now. My great -erandson is gett ing marr ied tomorrow. ancl I 'd


"You have a

young ! "

get sorxc slccp."

grcat grandsonI You (-5)

n c I

The lady srni led. "You are most kind, but your

'9 l l " F rank was incredu lous . "But tha t ' s qu i te

"I can sec fiom your face that you don't (6)

You think I ' rn joking. but I 'm not."

The woman m lde a i 7 . )

mv words ser ious lv

l t 0

her. Tel l me your secret then," he said.

to get up from her chair, but Frank stopped

The woman

"This is the

w i l l b e l 8

took (8)

blue water of

again, just

a small bottle from her handbae and said.

eternal youth. Take one sip of the contents of this bottle and you

like me. I'm the only person in the whole world who

the secrets of this bottle, and the recipe has a price. If you are

we can ge t (10) to bus iness . s i r . "

pay you. Just tell me what you want."

deep into his eyes.

(e)interested in my youth potion,

"Al l r ight," Frank repl ied. " I ' l l

'Two mi l l ion pounds, " the woman sa id , (11)

"And in cash, p lease. "

"But that 's r id iculous! I can' t af l -ord that much."

The woman took a small mirror liom her pocket, and

yourscl l ' . s i r ." she said (12)

longer young. You arc a r ich man, but i t 's no (13)

body is o ld , i s i t? Be l ieve me th is po t ion w i l l ( l 4 )

good. Hcre's my phone numbcr. I f you ( l -5)

And with that the worlan turned and walked away


I t wou ld be in te res t ins to know what ( l )

Hcarts colunt t ' ts in ntaqazines. (?)

( 3 ) in an editor ial o{f ice must ar ise (4)

I novcs t r l r ve l l e r s i 51_

held it in front

an aggressive

of h is [ rce . "Look r l

manncr . "You r rc n r t

being r ich i f your

you a lo t o f

your n r ind . ca l l me. "

of a person wri tes to thc Lonely

your most int imateprohlcnts to l ' l rec less

l l r c s i r r r r c i r r s t i r r t ' t t l r l r t

strangcrs. This isn' t as bad as i t seems (7)

conf ide the stor ies of their l ives to (6)

the chances are thi t t you wi l l

th is travcl ler again as long as you . h c

As you ta lk . i t i s

l i ve . (9 )


never (8 )


( l l )

e vcn rnore t |3 ;

their hearts out ( 14)

doesn't l isten to you very (10)

l i ke ly than not he is wait ing for his ( l2) to tel l you iur

story than yours. As a matter of fact, people who want to talk

better in pubs. The minute they walk in, they

out as a dr inking companion the most sympathet ic looking customer

they rnay look for the drunkest individual with (17)

their secrets will be safe forever. E,verybody (18) that l t is the unwri t ten

Iaw of the pubs that whatever ( l9) said in a pub remains there.

( l 0 ) . when one wri tes to a Lonely Hearts column, his (21)-

ere for all to see ]n (22) and white. Not only is the problern laid out on

there is also an attendant answerpage there, (23)

hope and encouragement or sometimes a (25)

i l l

( l 5 )

( l 6 )

is th


r )4 \


some other inst inct? Since i t is (30)

any ser ious solut ion to a person's troubles can be (31)

answers, these people must (32)



(33 ;


seeing their own words in pr int .

The bel ief that chi ldren wi l l "go wrong" i f discipl ine

of faith in human nature. Children are not inherently

become so when parents are hostile (2)

eyes (3) a chi ld, such a parent is (4)

be opposed

parent. I t is astonishing (7)



his own methods. Thus. a chi ld (6)

reprimand from Aunt Martha or Mary Wrse

(26) desperate or, as one

these letters

lonel iness in

written (21)

( fJ)

parent i s h is ( l0 )

ch i ld . I t i s

( 13 )


or Gtizin Abla. Are these advice seekers

sometimes wonders, only exhibi t ionists ' l Do

such tragic simplicity reveal the inner

these people apparently live, or do these letters

to imagine

in these cl iched

wri t ing to these columns for the sake

is not imposed upon them denotes a lack

monsters, but they ( I )__

suppress their independence. In the

monster who can only

l i kc h is

easily people forget t hc l - undamen t l r l l lw

reproduct ion. that ' l ike begets l ike' . The (9) q u u l i t y i n l

of respect for the individual i ty of ( l l )

inhuman for a (12) not to accept his chi ld as

is but to try t o m o u l d ( 1 4 ) into some iniage thc parent

shou ld be .( l s ) h is own mind o f what h is ( l6 )

Al l chi ldren go through (11) negat ive phase in the coLrrsc of

( l8)_-- development.Between eightecn months and two (19)

of age they will say no (20) many parental demands and ol'f 'erings. This

chi ld 's growing consciousness that"(21) " expresses the

(22) can think for himself. It is (23) so spontaneous that

the child may (24) say no to something he likes. (25)

recall offering my young son one (26) his favourite cookies. Bcl'ore he cven

(21) i t , he turned his head away (28) a gcsturc of ' re ' jeet i t rn .

A quick (29) , however, convinced him that i t was 130.1

desired obiect. and he reached for (31) Any insistence on my part .

however, (32) have firmed his initial refusal.

should permit a chi ld to make his own chorce in uny si tuat iorrWhether (33.1

depends on the circumstances of the situation. In principle we must always respect a child's

right to say no. In practice it is advisable to let the child have his own way whenever

possible. This allows a child to develop a sense of responsibility for his own behaviour,

which is a natural tendencv in all organisms.


in the sense that its acquisition (2) unl ikely to serve any

which is(3 ) is also factual material of a (4)

our interests (5) we st i l l don' t memorize such mater ial .

know where tois becausewe are satisfied merelY (7)

( 8 ) it is needed. We feel that (9)

able to reconstruct ( 1 0) material from nremorY does not

effort in trying to memor ise i t . (12) i t is the

o f ( l 3 ) people that they have difficulty itr

themselves to memorise mater ial which they (15) w i l l

. In more general terms, if they (11)_----

an accomplishmcnt as use less , then they (18) unwil l ing to make thc effbrt

famil iar phcnotnct. tol t c i t l lnecessary ( I 9) i ts acquisi t ion

various terms.


In everyday life.

of this material

( l )future use.relevant to(o )find the material

advantage of being

j u s t i f y ( 11 )

common experlencs( 14) .-__b c o l ' n o v a l u c t o ( l 6 )

Interest in Learning

we all encounter rnaterial which we could

is, we feel, not worth memorising.

memorise i f we wished. But rnuch

It does not medn i lnYthing lo


our expencnce

my diet book everywhere

lunch -- and look up thc

I eat i t . To tel l the truth.


described in

we fack motive, ot (22)

W e s a y , ( 2 1 ) cxarnple,

, or wi l l , or concentrat lon, or lnccnt lvc'


(26 )grcatly th is lack (25) learnins. The studenl wi l l rcmember that

those occasions when he couldn' t bui ld (27) f 'eel ings

of enthusiasmfor study, i t (28) hardly worth his effort to cont inue

(29) too are aware of the difference (30) makes r1- their

students are interested (31) a lesson or can be rnade (32)

want to learn about i t . PeoPle (33) claim to be just no good' with. saY.

mathematics or car repairing or essay writing often mean. in fact, that they have nevcr been

sulf ic iel t ly interested in these act iv i t ies to learn the necessary ski l ls and knowledge. And

thore scems to be no truth whatever in the clarm that people who arc sound aslcep cltn

rremorise words ptayed over to them through earphones'

intent ion to learn. And we know (24)

remembering things, I take

restaurant (2) I usual ly have

23.Since I 'rn hopeless ( | )I go -- even to the

cholesterol content

I ' rn t i red (4)

( 5 )

l oo( 7 )


king attractive.

of everything I want to eat (3)

doine this, but i t 's my doctor 's advice and I wi l l fo l low i t

I've lost enough weight. I'm not too interested (6)

What bothers me is my poor health, which the doctor says is partly

ro my bad eating habits. According to him, it is these habits that are

the extra kilos I've had for years and keep complainingponsible (8)

l l 3



GRAMMARA.1 . 2 . 3 .

l. are going 1. are always finding 1 . stood

2. always has / dr inks 2. is wri t ing 2. knocked

3. likes / enjoys / prefers 3. feels 3. was watching

4. ends / f in ishes 4. am having 4. was si t t ing

5. closes (clown) 5- col laPsed

6. i s a lways compla in ing 6 . Wasn ' t . . - l i v ing

1. seems 1. got8. became9. found

4. 5 .l . were skr ing l . a re a lways c r i t i c iz ing

2. was sh in ing 2 . to jo in

3. was mclt ing 3. wi l l be ( fact)

4. didn' t rneet 4. is having (prearranged event)

5. set 5. starts (scheduled event)

6. disappeared 6. will certainly run (prediction)

1. becarne 1. wi l l not be / won't be (predict ion)

t t . was fal l ing B. wi l l have created

9. was beginning10. heard

6. 7.l . are going to crash 1. to sPend2. wi l l get 2. had been / were invi ted

3. takes / wi l l take / is going to take 3. would arr ive / would be arr iv ing

4. is giv ing / rs going to give / wi l l g ive 4. had drawn

5. wi l l be sai l ing 5. didn' t f ind6. had been searchins1. discoveredB. were sleeping9. were sitting10. had broken

8.l . t h e2 . a3. the4. the5. the6 , t h e / a1 . a8. ane.o10. rhe

9.l . i n2. off3. from4. in5. for6. at1. about8. on9. with i by10 . o f

10.l . i n2. for3. with / by4. for5 . i n

I l J

11 .1 . bv2. into3. o f4. with5 . i n6. under7. in8. bv

12.l . o n2. from3. close to4. in5. into

13.l . of f2. at3. about4. in5. of6. for

14. 15.l . u p l . i n / o n l 2 . i n2 . a t 2 . a r 13 . on3. fo r 3 . ro 14 . in4. X 4. at l_5. on5. on 5 . on / on to 16 . in6 . on / X 6 . o f f / ou t o f 17 . on7. into 1 . towards 18. in8. through 8. at 19. in9. across / past / round / through 9. on 20. on10. about / X 10 . in 2 l . t r tl l . o n / a t l l . o n 2 2 . i n12. ou t

16 .l . o f 5 . w i t h2 . in 6 . ou t3. in l . for4. on 8. to

17.l . where2. Jacques-Yves Cousteau, whose films made the strange underwater world

marvelously familiar, had a rare enthusiasm fbr nature.3. Sebastian's oldest brother, who is an army officer, will not be able to attend hrs

wedding.4. After he was put in jail, Mr. Gullible was criticized by a lot of people, many of

whom were his old accomplices.5 . , wh ich

18.l . people involved2. occasional rain

19.l . rather 5. as2. qui te 6. l ike3. rather 7. as4. qui te

1 1 6

20.l .

2.3 .4.5 .6.

a better bike than / as good a bike asquietlymore attractive thanthe easiestas stable asless comfortable than

21.I . having2. to vis i t3. used to l ive / had l ived4. to maintain5. would spend / used to spend / had spent6. imagining1. bending8. to keep9. buy ing10. to th ink

givingto hearseeingpLlttlngto inform

23.l . to become2. fbr wearing3. having4. to achieve5. to w in6. of using7 " to understand8. competing

25.l . was studying2. developed3. graduated4. had already decided5. wanted6. got1. opened8. has always been9. a) would have made

ORa) would make

10. a) had had


l .2 .3 .1.5 .

6. having7. to sort8 . buy ing9. to w inI0. rnaintain

24.l . pu l l ing2. to warn3. marrying4. to l ive5 . be ing6. sharing

b) had been

b) were / wasb) would be running

l t-7

26.l. had been decorating / (had) decorated / were decorating2. were you doing3. are not / aren't4. was peeling5. caught6. have always had1. went8. had already madc9. arr ived10. (had) decidedI 1. having already paid12. zt) had known b) would never have done13. was s tand ing14. Be ingl-5. was hardly expectrng / hardly expected| 6. a) would you be b) had not covered17. a) hadn't seen b) I would be dancing

27.I . Having l ived 1 . has Passed2. was working 8. st i l l remember

3 . s t ruck 9 . saw4. hacl never seen 10. was always claiming / had always claimcd

-5. werc begging / would beg I l . proved

6. Promising / Having promised

28.l . dec ided2. have been thinking3. was watching1. was attracted5. w i l l be l i v ing6. the most difficult

1. didn' t grow8. have spent9. (much) cluieter10. has already been soldI l . w i l l have had

29.l . has been 1 . was going / went

2. take/are taking 8. used to be

3. warned 9. would also put

4. had taken / had been taking / was taking 10. started5. fel t I l . haven't touched6. occurred 12. wi l l ever change

30.I . ca l l s . . . g ive2 . has . . . b r ings3. would be . . . burned4. ta lk . . . w i l l be

i l 8

33. 34.1" was looking I . be divided2. came Z. wept

3. lwho was) l iv ing 3. was announced4. more difficult than 4. her to keep

-5. drdn' t have 5. a) hadn't t rusted b) wouldn' t be

6. was shown 6. wouldn' t / didn' t spl i t

1. brought 7. had lentB. was discovered 8. wi l l ret i re / wi l l be rct i r ing / is ret i r ing / is( ) . has lcd / h r rs hcer t l cad ing go i l tg to re l i rc10. rnost popular 9. us to real iscI l . (she) is invi ted 10. to be completed

12. w i l l have l i ved / w i l l have been l i v ing13. p lan / a re p lann ing14. to be

3 1 .1. started2. was/ is3. gavef . i s5. is paint ing6. has never made1. wasn ' t8. didn' t havef . is doing10. loves

35.l . was do ing2. wasn't wearing3. was thrown4. was ly ing5. always took6. rarely shot

37.A .l . had been working2. decided3. walked4. had left5. bent6. was washing1. saw

B.l . a) had been2. a ) wou ldn ' t be ly ing

32.1. hadn't seen2. wouldn'Vcouldn't have recognized3. had changed4. kissed5. would mean6. had never experienced

36.l . w i l l have pus l i shed2. wi l l be given3. wi l l be watching4. is going to faint

8. ran9. h i t10. had managedI l . was try ing12. was sent13. real ised14. had done

b) would have stayedb) hadn't thought

1 1 9

38.1. have ever known2. a) do not / don' t change b) have

OR2. a) have never changed b) had3. bought4. had sold5. a) would not have bought b) had not increased6. a) hadn't sold b) would be7 . has been marriedB. a) hadn't made b) would st i l l be l iv ing9. a) were b) would be10. a) had b) could / would go

OR10. a) had had b) could have gone / would have gone

39.| . has been attending 6. broke2. has 1 . took3. has tried 8. has alrcady arranged4. was sculpt ing f . is going to work / wi l l be working / wi l l work5. f-el l 10. produces

40.l . was c l imb ing2. stood3. demanded4. had never met5. was6. giv ing1 . reflectedB. handed9. would be1 0 . w i n

I l . w i l l g i v e12. was taken13. have been hired / was hired14. fbund15. had been trying / had tried1 6 . s a w17. to check18. d idn ' t mean19. had met20. wouldn' t have caused

41. 42.I . shouldn' t / mustn' t miss l . must throw2. Can / May / Could I ask 2. hasn't been able to come3. don' t have to / don' t need to / needn't go 3. may / might i could be having4. had to / needed to buy 4. can fix / is able to fix5. needn't have wasted 5. could have sortbd6. shouldn' t have let

43. 44.l . can' t be 1. may / might not have got(ten)2. was able to beat him / win 2. can' t be3. may / might / could come / jo in you 3. must be joking4. could have been / become 4. Were you able to find5. must have sone


45. 46.

1. needn't / don't need to / don't have to 1. can / may leave

drive 2. needn't have gone

2. can / will be able to find 3. should / ought to have informed

3. may / can / might / could I borrow 4. will be able to make / will be allowed

4. have to / must post to make / can make

5. needn't have washed6. must be having7. must have beenB. shouldn' t have lost

47. 48.

| . is respected 1. were told

2. has lately been promoted 2. have been paid

3. wi l l be al lowed 3. deserve

4. to be settled 4. are often blamed

5. (wi l l ) have to be persuaded 5. being distracted

6. had been treated / were treated 6. given

1. given 7. to be Promoted8. wi l l be cr i t ic ized B. is being made

9. will stil l be forced

B.l .l. keeps folding my sweaters2. don't often write letters

2.l . you put on your gloves, you can play in snow

2. you hadn't put the fishbowl on the floor, the cat wouldn't / couldn't have eaten the gold

f ish3. my sister weren't / wasn't afraid of closed spaces, she would get on lifis

4. you go to England or the States, you won't improve your English

5. I had remembered / hadn't forgotten to take my camera, I would / could have taken somc

pictures6. You can solve your problems . . . you consult a psychologist

1. she were / was sat isf ied with the present si tuat ion, she wouldn' t be complaining /

wouldn' t complain so much8. as good a tennis player as Liam

a tennis player as good as Liam9. Jane is nearly / almost twice as tall as her little sister10. produce such high quality work that they can set their own prices

I l. in spite of the teacher's repeated warnings / in spite of the repeated warnings of the

teacher / in spite of being repeatedly warned by the teacher / in spite of the teacher'swarning (having warned) him repeatedly

12. is too impatient to become a good scientist13. had / had better not stay up all night I had I had better go to bed early tonight14. I had been trained in first-aid procedures so that i then I could have helped


15. would / had rather be at home reading a book than / instead of16. had I taken a bite out of my steak / it when the cat snatched it / my steak17. as good a singer as MelodyI 8. eats like a horse19. did we visi t the histor ical places, but we (also) did lots of shopping20. hadl got ldid I get in bed than the phone rang21. to get used to his new dentures. / ( that) he wi l l get used to his new dentures22. is used to taking care23. had the f i remen lef t the bui lding when i t col lapsed with a deaf 'ening noise24. about / nearly half as many cigarettes as Gina (does)25. had I entered the bui lding than I heard an explosion26. played the game as I (had) instructed him27. nearly twice as many hours as George (does)28. how tired I am, I read a few pages before I go to bed

3.l . d idn ' t use my be long ings2. could l ive / l ivcd in a house with a swimming pool

had a house with a swimming pool3. hadn't spent al l my money on a leather jacket4. bought a new one / washing machine

replaced i t / the (old) washing machine with a new one5. were very rich

had a lot of money6. he d idn ' t g0 c lu t cvery even ing .

he stayed home this cvcning1. she not iced meB. I hadn't talked to hirn so severely yesterday

4.I . have the childre n done/eaten2. is she sleeping in her sister 's room3. gavc them a farewel l dinner4. did Bi l l come to school vesterdav

5.l . Due to i Owing to / Because of / As a result of2. unt i l / t i l l / before3. so ( that) / in order that4. in cerse5. so ( that) / in order that6. due to / as a result of / because of / owins to1. before8 . so . . . tha t9. Because / As / Srnce10. Hardly / Scarcely . . . when

No sooner ... than



L .

--) .A+ ,

5 .

6.l. what you say / do, who You are etc.

2. (simple present or present perfect should be used')

you can / you arrive / you've finished typing the letter etc'

3. (simple present or present perfect should be used')

yo, puy my salary / you give me your answer / you've told me the truth / etc

1. (present tense should be used)we reach / he goes / they arrive / she gets there

is going to faint / pass out / regurgitate / puke / throw up

will have heardShal l . . . run / gowi l l goare going to missaren't going to catch / get

6. will have read / finished (reading)

7 . w i l l g ive8. wi l l be having9. Shall I carry10. wi l l phone / r ing / cal l1 l . w i l l b e

wi l l beSha l l . . . ca l la) wi l l beis going to mug

b) are gotng

8.l .2 .3 .4.

9.t .2 .3 .4.5 .6 .

about goingof cheatingfor makingon catchingon wearingAfier completing / finishing

10.1 . sha l l we2. wi l l you3. were they4. aren't I5. didn' t we6. have you

1 1 .Suggested answersl . who damage books

who return books late2. , which contain mi l l ions of plant and animal species,

, which help prevent global warming,

3. where we had dinner last night

that has just opened in the city centre

4. , which meant I was late for school

, which really annoyed me5. who did well in the exam

(who are) on the basketball team

I l - )

6. , which was a stupid thing to do, which was really painful

1 . , where we have most of our sailing competitions, which is within the campus grounds

8. , who is a famous soprano,. who is a mag ic ian .

9. which sank10. whose works / cornposit ions / symphonies / concerts etc.I 1 . who spent / l i ved12. (why) s/he / they left

12.l . typed by2. done to3. shown at4. brought up / raised / reared by

13.Suggested answersI . you hadn't given / lent / offered / handed2. Why hlvc you been going3. (bcforc) has there becn

(before) has anyonc seen / heard of(before) have I / we seen / heard of

4. some / others / other people (prefer to) spend theirI I we I s(he) spend(s) my I our I his / her

5. they had offbred (me)I had been offered

6. were travel ing without / with no / without having boughtdidn' t have / hadn't boughthad failed / forgotten to buy / get

7. The faster / more quickly you writeThe more tired / hurried / nervous i excited you areThe less time you have to write something

8. to pay for / to compensate for9. would i t take (rne) to lose

would it be before I lost10. the game / match / concert had been canceled / postponed / put off / rescheduledI L can work abroad

are willing to work outside the countrycan speak German fluently

12. the waiter serves uswe are servedwe can get a tablethey take our orderwe can give our order

13. how hard / how much I studyhow regularly I attend classeshow much I try

14 . we / you answer i t


15. anyone / anybody came / went16. anything he doesn't know

anyone who knows more (than him)

C.1 .l . w ide ly2. hardly3. rather4. flatly5. lately6. f'lat

4.l . un less

2.| . unless2. As long as3. so

3 .1 . a l l2. either3 . none4. both5. Neither

6 .I . col lcct ing2. l i s ten ing3. recording4. spending-5. to buy6. to control1. to real isc

5 .l. No sooner

2.. in other words 2. than3. Although 3. un t i l1. On the contrary 4. so as to / to.5. provided that6. however1 . s ince8. for instance9. such as10. due toI 1.

' lherefore

12. Otherwise

7.l . E a c h2. neither3. ei ther1. none

5. such6. that1. As soon as8. Final ly9 . t o / s o a s t o10. thenI l . when / as soon a .1 2 . S o1 3 . i n c a s e14. s ince

8.l . nc i ther2. al l3. evcry4. both5. Either6. each1. none

9.l . recommended by2. fifted wirh3. wri t ten in4 . Ie f t in-5. drawn by6. taken l'ron'r

10 .l . had to migrate2. couldn' t have been / can' t have been3. might not be able to / wouldn't be able to learn / might not learn4. didn't let / wouldn't let Vincenzo speak5. needn't have worried6. might lose1. was / has been able to combineB. should / must / would have to see / have to see9. must have been10. should / must talkI l. can really understand / will / would really be able to understand


11. 12.L had to wear 1. need to2. must be feeling /must feel 2. mustn't3. shouldn' t f 'eel 3. needn't / don' t have ro4. doesn't let him drive /won't let him drive 4. have to5. should have stopped 5. must6. can' t / cannot accept 6. don' t have to1. mustn' t / shouldn' t even hint

13 .l . strandcd2 . i n3. sent4. bv5. darnaged6. by/on1. wri t ten8 . i n9. leftr0 . i n

14.l . w o u n d2. ground3. la id4. shrunk,5. flung6. struck1 . trodden

15.l . ac ross2. a long3. in to4. past / round-5. through

16.l . incrcasc 8. routcs2 . in 9 . warn3. admission I 0. against / about4. of I l . c leared-5. inro 12. of6 . ac t ion 13 . under1 . o n 1 4 . i l l u s i o n s

1 7 .t . David invi ted Tony and his wif 'e to dinner ( fbr) the fbl lowing / next evening2. Tony accepted the invi tat ion and insisted on br inging the dr inks / insisted that David

lct him br ing the dr inks3. David warned Tony that he might have to spend more than he1. Tony promised (that) he would br ing enough becr fbr an army

Tony prornised to br ing enough beer for an arrny5. David reminded Tony (him) to br ing the rock 'n ' rol l a lbum hc had boLrght thc

previous day / other day

18.L He advised me to go and apologise to her imrnediately

He advised that I (should) go and apologise to her immediarely2. She conf irmed (that) she would be f ly ing to New York next week / the fol lowrne

week3. My daughter complained that her English teacher had given her a lot of extra

homework the day before


19.l. confirmed that the concert started2. boasted that he had always got(ten)

3. warned her not to touch

D.l .l . home-made2. 500-page

l . w e l l - k n o w n p o l i t i c i a n2. wel l -dressed woman3. red-haired girl4. three-car l-amily

3 .I . The more tired you are. the easier it is to make mistakes

2. The harder o1e works, the further one (he) goes / tends to go in one's (his) career

3. The farther / further we went into the forest. the less hope of survival we had

4.l. Thc severe drought caused the crops to fail

2. I won't speak to him unt i l he apologises / has apologised

3. Even though he was injured in the f i rst ten minutes, he carr ied on playing to the encl

Hc carried on playing to the end even though he was injured in the l' irst ten minutes

4. Despite not eating salty fbod, he sulfers fiom hypertension

Despite the fact that he doesn't eat salty fbod, he suffers fiom hypertension

5. a) Because of (using) cel lular phones, some nervous disorders may be caused in the

human bodyb) Using cel lular phones may result in nervous disorders in the human body

6. a) In izrnir . heavy rains frequent ly br ing f loods due to an inadequate drainage systcnr

b) An inadequate drainage slstern 1in izrnir) is responsibls fopfisavy--rai.n+@+y

{+o-tzr$iF) {i=*1''.-\- $*.\ b,<*Ct\ SJ r-<alll F-G\ru-}

i . a) Venice wi l l s ink under witer someday because of the gradual r ise in sea levels

b) Sea levels wi l l r ise gradual ly. As a result . Venice wi l l s ink underwater

8. a) Duc to the migration of people from rural areas, there is social chaos in big cities /

social chaos in big cities happens / follows / occursb) People migrate from rural areas (to cities), resulting in social chaos in cities

9. a) In view of l 'aster and easier communication, banking and trade can aim at globalization.

b) Communication is so much faster and easier that banking and trade can aim at

global izat ionCommunication is so fast and easy that banking and trade can aim at globalization

5 .

l. Not being very interested, he rejected their offer2. Knowing that this would happen, I took the necessary precautions


6.l. but you don't have to / you needn't2. We must obey whatever3. Do you need / have to leave us

7.L a) Due to the great potential of nanotechnology, /Due to nanotechnologl"s great potential.

many respectable research institutions have been allocating large sums of money for itsdevelopmentb) The great potential of nanotechnology/I\anotechnology's great potential has led rnanyrespectable research institutions to allocate large sums of money for its development

2. a) Some people may suffer tiom problems like anorexia and other mental disorders as aresult of dieting for extended periods of time / as a result of overextended diets. As aresult of dieting for extended periods of time / As a result of overextended diets. peoplemay suffer fiom problems like anorexia and other mental disordersb) Some people diet for such extended periods of time that they may sulfcr fronrproblems like anorexia and other mental disordersc) Some people diet for extended periods of time; hence, they may suffer from problemslike anorexia and other mental disorders

8.l . a) Because of space travel, there wi l l be dramirt ic ef fbcts on phi losophy and rcl is ion

b) Dramatic eff-ects on phi losophy and rel igion wi l l fb l low l iom space travcl2. a) The destruct ion of rain fbrests wi l l set previously unknown bacter ia and viruses l l -cc.

leading to the contaminat ion of the worldb) The contaminat ion of the world wi l l be due to the destruct ion ol ' rain fbrcsts, sett incthe previously unknown bacteria and viruses fiee

3. a) Car accidents occur / happen as a result of faul ty road condit ions

9.l . I have I hardly any money / anything in my bank account

There is I2. If he hadn't been wearing his seat belt (when the accident happened), he would / could /

might have been hurt seriously3. Fred and Bill are so alike (that) most people mistake them for each orher4. Jessica's father didn't let her go out that night even though she (had) begged him-5. Even i f Shei la / she had had the proper equrpment with her, she wouldn' t have cl imbed that

mountain6. I would rather you didn' t l isten to loud music in this house1 " Partial memory loss may result from excessive drinking8. Parents whose children are studying for the university exam are having a hard time

10.Yesterday we had a busy day at home. (No change) The garage door was mepded by ryfather. The carpets were cleaned by my mother. Our cat Samantha jumped from oneplace to another (No change) The woodwork was polished by my sister and I. Inour house, such things are usually done collectively on a particular day of the week. (Noasent needed)



L2 .3 .1.5 .61 .B .u

10 .l l .t 2 .t al - 1 .

t 4 .15 .t b .

17 .I t i .19 .20.21 .22.L . ) .

"'l /1L a -

25 .26.27.28 .29.30.31 .- ' t L.

33 .34.3-5.36.a 1. ) t .

38 .39 .40.41 . .

49. d50. a5 r . d52. c5 3 . b54. c5 5 . b5 6 . c5 1 . a5 8 . c5 9 . c60. b6 1 . c62. b63. d64. a6 5 . b66. d61. a6 8 . b69. c10. dl l . c17 . b1 3 . a14. b1 5 . a16. d11. c7tt . d1 9 . bu0. a8 1 . b8 2 . c8 3 . ait4. d8 5 . c86. d8 7 . a8 8 . b8 9 . c90. b9 1 . c92. a9 3 . d9 4 . c9s. b9 6 . a

91. b98 . c99 . a100 . dl 0 l . c102. c103 . d104. a105 . a106 . d107 . br0B . br09 . bl l 0 . cl l 1 . a112 . al l 3 . cl 14 . dI l - 5 . bi l6 . dI17 . bl t 8 . dl l 9 . a120 . c121 . c122 . b123. d124. c125. a126. Y)121 . c128 . d129. d130 . al 3 l . bt - )2 . c

133 . c134 . b135 . br36 d137 . a138 . c139. a140. d141 . d142. b143. d144. a

145 . c146. d141 . c148 . c149 . a150 . c151 . a152. a153 . b154 . bl5-5. d156 . c157 . ar58 . br59 . b160 . cl 6 r . d162. a163 . a164 . d165 . ct 66 . b161 . b168 . d169 . b170 . c17 l . ct 72 . d113 . bl l 4 . cl7-5. d176 . al l 7 . a178 . c119 . b180 . cl 8 l . dr82 . b183 . a184 . c185 . d186 . c187 . b188 . a189 . c190 . c191 . d192. b

193 . a194. cr95 . d196 . d191 . b198 . cr99 . d200. a201 . c20?_. c203. c204. c20-s. b206. d201. c208. b209. c210 . b2 l l . c212. l)213 . d214 . c2 l - 5 . d216 . b2 t1 . d2 r8 . b219 . d220. a221 . d222. a' l - \ . ' . 1

224. b225. l)226. d227. c228. a229. c230. b231 . a/ . -11. c

233. b234. d235 . b236. cz-1 / . t )

238 . d239. b240. d


241. c242. d243. b244. c245. c246. a241. c248. b249. c250. d251 . b252. c253 . b254. b

VOCAI}ULARYA.l . c2 . b3 . d4 . a5 . c6 . d7 . a8 . c9 . br0 . dl l . ct 2 . d1 3 . a1 4 . c1 5 . a1 6 . b1 7 . cl B . d1 9 . b20. a2 1 . c22. d23. d24. a25. a1 A a

21. d28. c29. b30. c31 . a

255 . b256. c251 . b258 . b259. d260. c261 . c262. b263. c264. b265. c266. b267. b268. a

269. d270. d271 . c272. d273. b274. b275. a276. a217. c278. c279. c280. d281. a282. b

283 . d284. c285 . b286. a287. b288 . c289. a290. c291 . c292. b293. d294. d295. a296. b

291. d298. a299. c300. c301 . c302. b303. d304. c305 . b306. c307. d308. b .11 .12.| -).14.75 .16.77.78 .19.80.81 .82.83 . .88 .89.90.91 .92.93.

94. c9 5 . a96. c97. a9 8 . a99. c100. dr 01 . bt02 . b103 . c104 . c105 . d106 . a101 . c108 . b109 d110 . cl l l . al 12 . cl l 3 . dl 14 . aI15 . cl 16 . bt t 7 . dI lB . aI19 . d120. al 2 l . a122 . d123. c124. b

1 2 5 . d126. dt 2 1 . bl 2 8 . at29 . dI 3 0 . dl 3 l . a132. dr33 . b1 3 4 . ar3 -5 . b136 . cl 3 l . cl 3 8 . c1 3 9 i r1 4 0 . bl 4 l . at 4 2 . d1 4 3 b141. c14,5 . d1 4 6 . b1 4 7 . a1 4 8 . a149" aI ) t J . c

l 5 t . d152. c153 . b154 . b155 . d


156 . b157 . a158 . c



suscept ibleprolongf indingsendurecontractdispose ofinnate

bad-tempered / aggressiveself ishextr()vertaggressiveassesslnentsensit ivewrinkles

see eye to eyelearn.. . by heartshrug your shouldersr isk your neckput your foot down


t ' lourishwipe outacqursi t ion


impendingdoomfacilitates / fbsters(provided it is not used in


6.I . blaze2. inqu is i t i ve3. caut ious4. stampeded5. withdrawn6. embers

12. dawnedI 3. fosters14. soaring1 5. craftily16. internal ize

B.159 .I 60.l 6 l .162 .I 63.

r64.I 65.166.167 .r 68.




l 69.t70.t71 .172 .113 .

t ] 4 .175 .176.


3.t .2 .-1 .AT .

C.1 .l .2 .3 .A+ .

5 .6 .1 .

flawdi lemmacoherentrandomdemiseenrichthrive


1 .8 .9 .

l 3 )10. retardsI 1. diversi ty

B. disorientated9. trampled10. blazeI l . Leprosy12. scarce13. motive14. rage

1 3 1

10.l . disrespect2. irrelevant3. i l logical4. immature

1 1 .l . peers2. logs3. screen4. frame5. execute6. peak

6. ease7. good8. compl iment9. move10. takes

12.1. disrespect2. il legible3. irrational4. misbehave5. impolite

I l . j o k e s12. s tubborn . . . mu le1 3 . o u t14 . b l ind . . . ba t

13 .l . i n t o2 . s ing led3. off4. st ick5. send

6.Il .

2 .3 .4.5 .

4.l .2 .3 .4.5 .6.

D. WORD BUILDINGl .l . conf idence2. amazement3. commercial4. shyness

Addict ionpersonal i tyincreasinglyrescntfuldarkenedobservat ion


10.f . insecurity2. invaluable3. countless4. sol idify



3.1. fai lure2. f l ight3. landing4. safety

mocl i l lcat ion(s )qr-ralifyclar i fyspecif ied / specif ichorror

8.l . In te l l igence2. sinceri ty3 . Lone l iness4. education

9.l . m i racu lous2. appl iances3. plantat ions4. approval


CLOZE TBST1 .l . o n2. resort / camp i village3. used4. coast5. would6. for / to1. tends / attempts8. for9. always / forever / constantly

2.l . l i v e / r e s i d e2. never / not3 . has4. certainly / def ini tely / real ly / considered / becoming-5. long / cold / boring / tiresorne / dark / depressing / horrible6. bored1. They / Thesc8. fiom9. hav ing1 0 . a nI l . had / have12. of13. general ly / basical ly / most ly / also14. range I r tn I last / go1 5 . t o16. Thcse / The17. centres / schools / inst i tut ionsl B . A rI 9. because20. too I very / rcally2 1 . h i s / t h e / f o r22 . so23. Real is ing / Seeing / Understanding / Since / Because / As24. fiom25. help2 6 . o f l a t l i n21. but I however28. make29. how30. can' t / doesn't3 l . the32. care33. useful / beneficial / worthwhile / productive / too

1 3 3

dolamlgetmost/some/m any/al l/theEven/Oftentightly/careful ly/meticulously/badly/wellthatwas/israthernotbuy/get/take/pu rch ase/l ift/choo seWewhat/thin gs/goods/i tems/products/commodi ties/whatever

tookupnice/little/shortshopkeeper/grocer/clerk/assi stanUownerwithjust/hadwerein/ intoski I ful/quick/rapid/casual/swi f t/f un nylstran ge/pecul i arway/commonbasketcounter/point/areahygienical ly/careful ly/ impersonal ly/ t ight ly iuncomfortably/ int imidat ingly/ ingenioLrslywhowithcome/return I go I getl ar el headyouoffiomhavingobj ect/i n strument/thi ngiitem/gadget/tool/applianceopening/tearing/rippi ng

used / tendedhimselfWhen / Aftergetwou ldkeepstendsonforenough / some / considerable / constant


1. ideas / suggestions / recommendations /advice

2. begin / start / tend3. to / and4. error5 . t h e / a6. begin / start / try / do1 . analysing8. recognise / realise I see I acknowledge /

admit9. example / instance10. can' t / cannotI l . usual ly / of ten / normal ly / general ly /

fiequently1 2 . i s13. the I our I a14. Sam / he15. find / detect I earn I see / uncover / determine16. work / funct ion

6.l . buying / gett ing2 . l i s t3. Then / Next1. lo l low / read5. go6. you1. and / sott. you(). you10. chi ldren i k idsI 1 . themI 2. have13. b rand14. points i things15. can/t in16 . a t17. see / learn


l . w h o m2. whose3. which / that4. who5. unt i l / before

17. theI 8. brakes i pedals19. must / should20. the21. wi l l I can lcould / may / might22. to23. decided / concluded / understood /

discovered / thought / earned / realiseddecides / concludes / understands / discovers/ thinks / earns / real ises

24. because / for / since / as25. gear26. look2J. read / learn28. his / some / several29. can / should30. studying / analysing / deterrnining3 1 . s e v e r a l / s o m e / g o o d32. Sani33. might I may lcan / could

1 8 . a19. when / wh i le20. should / must / can21. tomatoes22. buy23. you24. grade25. product / one26. a21. Grade28. al l29. Shoppers / People / You / We30. they / you / we3 1 . a r e32. fresh33. they

6. where1. which8. wh i le9. how10. un less

1 3 5

8.1 . make2. a lso3" where4. I5. about6. which1. soB. ou t9. first10. the / this / that


10 .L w e2. system3. our / the4. because5. better6. even / sometime.1 . add/cont r ibu teu. And / Even9. be1 0 . w eI l . o u r12 . care fu l l y / we l l13. brainwashed / overwhelmed / bombarded14. tha t / wh ich1 5 . o f1 6 . t h i s| 7 . and

1 1 .l . t h e2- must / wi l l / can3" course4. you5. study / work6. the1. The8. studying / working9- you

1 1 . un t i l12. However / Nevertheless / Nonetheless /1 3 . o f14 . how15. befbre / when / as16. and1 7 . w h a t1 8 . a s1 9 . l i k e20. than

8. bv9. out1 0 . i nI l . n rake12. give / of fbr / provideI 3. experience1 4 . d o

1 8 . t h e19. those20. provide / al low2 1 . b e c o m e / b e22. drama I play23. the24. to25. i t26. to27. power28. ones29. of30. and3 1 . w i t h i n / i n32. Every / Each / Any3 3 . I n

10. miss(ed)I l . t he12. notI 3. your4. $ r ,00015. that16. that / the17 . no tI 8. your


r 3 6

19. Therefore / Thus20. the21. the I a22. needed / required / necessary23. what24. ask2-5. and I or26 . i s

12.l . t h e2 . d idn ' t3 . cha i rs1" the-5. kept / cont inued6. see I watch1. started / beganit. our/thc9. meals / dinner / supper1 0 . t h eI l . because / fbr / as / s ince12. see / watch13. I 'avouri te

1 3 .l . t o / i n2. and / or3. are,1. with-5. is6. work I go1. travel / t ravel l ing / i t8. work9. kids / chi ldrcn / people1 0 . o fl l . i n1 2 . i s13. used / seems / appears14. Unless / l f . Treat i t accordingly with nol-5. rhe16. very / a (paired with ' I f ' )

1 7 " a n

14.l . s u c h2. to3 . ou t4. up-5. none

14. TV / television1,5. control / check/ l imit16 . TV / te lev is ion11. al l / every / each18. were19. experiment20. everyone / everybody21. TV / television22. to23. games21. family25 . my

2J. weather28. the29. has30. most31 . o f32. are33. and


I 8. students19. nanny / ma id20. then2 l . speak22. wash23. the24. speak2 5 . a26. the27. enjoys / l ikes28. tt29. chi ldren / k ids30. who / that3 1 . been32. passport / bag / things /

sui tcase / money33. was

berggage /


15.l . i n2. into3 . i n4. against / about

16.l .z .J .

1.5 .6.1 .8 .9 .10 .l l .12 .1 al - ) .

t 4 .

15 .16 .


fewforoffering / arranging / agreeingI 'mofnewsin / duringtake / drivewherewhenyou reGoingfavouritegreat I wonderful / terrific / fantastic /m a r v e l l o u s / n i c e / g o o dIda s / s i n c e / b e c a u s e

l. started/began2. w i th3. buy / get4- owned / run5. pr ices6. shop(s) / market(s)/supermarket(s)1 . d id8. fresh(er)9. couldn' t1 0 . aI l . where12. her / Jennifer13 . there14. whom15. looked| 6. suchI 7. teenagers / young

5. in / every6. on7. with8. under

11. there18. b r ing19. f ind20. that21 . b ro ther22. one23. very l real ly24. either25 . co ld26. Whi le21. could / can28. is29. i ts30. book / reserve / arrang. '31 . hard ly32. stopped33. there's

18 . pay ing19. through / over20. saw / noticed2 1 . p a c k e t s / t i n s22. instead23. basket(s)24. the25. Let's26. one27. from28. what29. to30. front3 1 . p a y3 2 . i n33. even

t 3 8

18.1 . those2. in3. used4. l ike5. weren' t6. poor1. family8. l istening9. fall10 . and1 1. at / before12. only / just

13. aged / ranging14. whoml-5. got / was / became1 6 . a n17. great

19 .l . introduced2. in3 . on4. better5. can' t6. take1. move8. ou t

20.l . k i n d / s o r t / t y p e2. Reveal ing / Tel l ing / Wri t ing / Admitt ing / Divulging / Disclosing / Present ing /

Explaining3. people / individuals / journalists / staff / writers / persons / strangers4. fiorn5. to6. total / complete1 . s ince / because/ as / cons ider ing / knowing/ th ink ing / be l iev ing /g iven8. see / meet I find lencounter9. Besides / Moreover / Furthermore / Additionally10. attent ively / careful ly / c losely / ser iouslyI l . more12. turn / opportunity / chance / moment13. interest ing / dramatic / t ragic i depressing/exci t ing / moving/ heartbreaking / bor ing /

sordid / intimate14. do I fare15. single / seek16. o r17 . whom18. knows / says / th inks

18. l i t t le19. attending20. town / city21 . w i th22. universi ty / col lege23. the24. get / receive25. never / rarely / seldom26. especially / particularly21. di f f icul t / impossible28. the / my29. there30. between3 1 . e v e n / a l s o32. didn' t / couldn' t33 . kep t

9. knows / has10. downI l . looking / star ing1 2 . i n13 . good / use1 4 . d o15. change

r 39

19. i s / you20. However21. problem / story / secret / trouble lpain ltragedy22. black23. bu t24. of / of fer ing / providing / supplying / furnishing / giv ing / with25. l ight / s l ight / gent le / harsh / severe / sharp / cutt ing26. real ly / t ruly i genurnely / so / this / that27. with28. wh ich29. reflect / show / indicate / display / reveal / represent30. i rnpossible / hard / di f f icul t / r id iculous / absurd31. fbund / given / contained32. be3 3 . o f

21.l . can / could I may I rnight / wi l l2. and / or3 . o f4 . a5. with / by / through / using6. becomes / acts / bchavest howU. o f9. monstrous / worst / best / essent ial / major / necessary / reclurred10. lack ( i1 ' the answer to 9 is monstrous or worst) / feel ing / sense / at t i tudcI l . h i sI 2. parent1 3 . h e / s h e1,1. him / her1 5 . i n1 6 . c h i l d1 7 . t rI t3. theirI 9. years20. to2 l . " n o "22. he2-1 . o f ten / usua l l y / sornc t i rncs24. actual ly / even / sometimes (provided the answer to 23 is not thc samc)25, I26 . o f27. recognised / saw / tasted (if the answer to 29 is "explanation")28 . in / as29. look / glance I explanat ion30. a3 1 " i r32. would / could / might33 . we


22.l . u s2. seems I is / appears3. There4. kind / sort5. but6. This / That7. toB" i f / when9" the10. theI l . our I the / any12. Now / Nowadays / Therefore / Thus / Hence13. rnos t / many14. br inging / fbrcing / gett ing / discipl in ing15. feel / think / know16. them| 7. rcgurd / sec / pcrceive1 8 . a r e19. fb r20. be21 . fbr?2. interest23 . o r24. frorn2-5. obstructs / prcvents / hinders / inhibi ts / af l 'ccts / discourages26. on27 up2t l . was29. Teachers / Instructors30" i t3 1 . i n32 . to33. who

23.l . a t2. where3. before4. of5 . un t i l6 . i n1. dueB. fbr9. about


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