practicing the law of attraction lisa garr with jack...

Post on 12-May-2020






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Practicing The Law of Attraction Lisa Garr with Jack Canfield

Lisa: Welcome to Aware. We are dedicated to communicating information that inspires your positive growth and change. Are you interested in a peaceful planet? Are you interested in optimal health? Are you living with purpose? Are you enjoying your life? We realize each person can make a difference, and our mission is to empower your awareness. The choices that you make in every moment shape your life, and we encourage you to realize that you have your own answers, and to always listen to your own truth. We invite you to stay aware.

Hello. Welcome to The Aware Show teleseminar series. I am very, very excited about today’s show, because it is topics that are near and dear to my heart that have affected me, personally, in many, many ways and, then, they happen to be with a — an incredible person, incredibly famous person, I forgot to mention, first. I’m gonna tell you guys to go to your — your dashboard as an audience member, where you can enter in questions and do all of your things. You Special Offer is there. All the information you need to know about our guest is on there, as well. So if you go to, then you’ll be able to comment and enter in questions there. And we’re gonna take live calls at the end of the hour. So that’s where you guys need to hang out. It’s to stay connected with us right there.

Okay. So that — yes. Jack Canfield is my guest today. He’s the founder and the cocreator of the incredibly successful Chicken Soup For The Soul series, and that series is — is, by the way, it has — I mean, a hundred and fifteen million books available in over 40 different languages. There are over 500 million books sold in the Chicken Soup For The Soul series.

Jack, how many Americans have Chicken Soup? One in every three?

Jack: Well, I know there’s about a hundred and fifty million of them in this country. And I know there’s 300 million people in America. So about one out of every two.

Lisa: One out of every two people own a Chicken Soup For The Soul book, and you’ve franchised the name, so if someone has the title — by the way, hello!


Lisa: Start talking to you. So if someone has like a Chicken Soup For The Dentist Soul, they — they licensed it through you guys and, then, get to write and form that type of book. Right? Is it all —

Jack: Well, they don’t really license it. They come to us and say, “We’d like to co-author a book with you on this topic,” and so —

Lisa: Oh, cool.

Jack: — like you’d be Chicken Soup For The Dental Soul and someone came to us. My sister. And said, “You ought to have a book for teenagers, and written by teenagers.” So I said, “Great!”

Lisa: Nice.

Jack: So she said, “I’d like to do that with you.” I said, “Fine.” And so we have nine books for Teenage Soul, you know, Chicken Soup For The Teenage Soul, The Tough Stuff, Chicken Soup For The Teenage Soul on romance, et cetera. And —

Lisa: Nice.

Jack: — so people just proposed titles. If we liked them and they can gather about 15 or 20 stories, then we often will say, “Let’s do — put them into this play.”

Lisa: Wow! And so that’s how it works?

Jack: Mmm-hmm.

Lisa: My goodness! Well, it’s been a very successful series, and — and what you’ve done with it is incredible. And, then, you have a new book out, which I absolutely love. It’s called The Golden Motorcycle Gang, and we’re gonna be talking a lot about this book on today’s show because, as I said earlier, it affected me and my experience of — of being in the Transformational Leadership Council and all that stuff that we get to talk about, so let’s back way up. Okay?

Jack: Mmm-hmm.

Lisa: And talk to me about way back in the day. Put little Jackie Canfield. You had said that to me.

Jack: Yes.


Lisa: Do you remember you said that to me when we did that —

Jack: I do.

Lisa: — so when you were just coming up and learning about what transformation was, and you wrote the book as kind of a fictional story. Right?

Jack: Well, the book is about probably 85 percent autobiography. It’s fact and, then, about 25 — or, 15 percent is about fiction, 'cause we go from the end of the book, which is pretty much backed up till there to the end of the book, is about a year and a half form now —

Lisa: Mmm-hmm.

Jack: — and so that we had to make up, 'cause we don’t really know what’s gonna happen, but we have a good sense of what’s gonna happen, so literally everything’s autobiographical up until — till today, really and, then, from now until December 22, 2012, that’s all fabricated.

Lisa: So you had — okay. So let’s take the listeners for a little bit of a journey here. You — the — the part that’s a little bit fictional is — well, not really. Did — did this really happen in your life? Did you really have these dreams and these — these insights into being a part of this Golden Motorcycle Gang?

Jack: Yeah. What happened was I was in graduate school at the University of Massachusetts, the School of Education. I was studying what we called Psychological Education. How do you educate people about psychological issues? All the things you talk about on your shows.

Lisa: Hmm.

Jack: Why aren’t these in the schools? And if they were, how would we do that?

Lisa: Right. Right.

Jack: And so that was what my doctoral work was on. So basically we had a guest lecturer come in one day and she led us through a guided visualization, where we had to go back and get in touch with when we chose to become a teacher. Kind of what was your purpose for becoming a teacher. And everyone went back to like fourth grade. They loved Mrs. Tuttle, a teacher. They wanted to be like her when they grew up, and other people. It was like they were, one summer, they taught at an inner city school in Brooklyn as a service project, and they got captured by that. I went back to before I was born, totally unexpected. That’s just what popped up. And I was floating above earth with a bunch of other — I called them irreverent souls. We were all just very bright, and smart and, you know, don’t like people to control you kind of people.

Lisa: Uh-huh.

Jack: And we looked down on earth and we went, “Oh, my God! There — there’s a war going on down there.” This was 1944, when I was born. And so what happened was I said, “I’m going down to help out.” And everyone else said, “Come on, Man.

We’re on vacation. We’re having a good time. You’re being codependent. Just let ‘em work out their own problems.” You know?


Jack: And I said, “No. I have to go. You — anyone who wants to come with me, let’s go.” So a bunch of people decided to get born, as it were, to incarnate into bodies, and I — I — I — I believe that actually happened. I — I’m a big believer of past lives, and that we live many lives, and that we have consciousness in between —

Lisa: Uh-huh.

Jack: — and many types of research to prove that, and I have my own —

Lisa: Right.

Jack: — experiences to prove that, to me. And so — but I forgot about that, obviously. When you’re a kid at eleven, you’re not thinking those thoughts and, then, in graduate school, this — this —

Lisa: Well, that’s part of the deal, is that you come in — it’s just that the agreement that you’re gonna forget it in the beginning of your life.

Jack: Exactly.

Lisa: Uh-huh.

Jack: And — but what started to happen after that visualization, I started meeting people, and I went, “Wow! You’re part of the Golden Motorcycle Gang,” 'cause they were doing similar work, transformation, uplifting people, inspiring people, doing, you know, whether it was therapy, or groups, or meditation, or whatever. And I just knew there was a vibrational knowing, like when you meet someone and you go, “You’re a member of my tribe.” It’s like being in Europe, and you run into someone from Santa Barbara, where I live, you know? So —

Lisa: Uh-huh. Uh-huh.

Jack: And so I just kept — and — and for a while, I bought these little gold motorcycles. They were like little watches that Seiko made, but they looked like golden motorcycles, with a watch where the — the body of the motorcycle would be, and I would give them to people, saying, “Yeah. You’re part of the gang, and this is my way of acknowledging that.” And, then —

Lisa: And, I mean, these were people that have significant meaning in your life, like Stewart Emery —

Jack: Mmm-hmm.

Lisa: — and, I mean, people that really — and — and this happened over a period of — what? — ten years, where you were starting to meet these —

Jack: Yeah. I mean, I got the — I was probably in my — 29 or 30 years old when I got the first tip in the exercise, in the graduate school about this, but it probably wasn’t until my forties and fifties that I started identifying people and going, “Yeah. You’re part of that group.” And so —

Lisa: I — I slowed you down there, because I’m — I’m just — I’m offering to the listeners to think about that, about that feeling that you have, or that dream that you had, or that near-death experience that you threw away, because you were too scared, and didn’t know what it meant, or — or, you know, just these “strange things” that happened into your life that you seem to remember and you think, “Oh, it’s just a dream.”

Jack: Mmm-hmm.

Lisa: That’s where — I mean, that’s how I started The Aware Show. It was just a dream. It was a reoccurring dream.

Jack: Right.

Lisa: And it kept coming in, and coming in, and coming in. So those are the things that I’m talking about paying attention to, and you — I mean, you wrote the book and, you know, as you said, mostly autobiography, a little bit of fiction to carry it through, which is why — how movies are made. Right? But —

Jack: Mmm-hmm.

Lisa: Okay. So you started meeting these people that were making a huge difference, or — or that you really liked, and that were aligned with your philosophies and, then, you started your own training company during all that time. Right?

Jack: Yeah. I — I actually — well, I started a growth center, which was called the New England Center, if anyone’s familiar with Esalen Institute, or Omega.

Lisa: Uh-huh.

Jack: That was — it was very similar to that. I ran that for ten years. And, then, I took a training called Insight Training, which is a wonderful training of opening the heart, and I realized I really wanted to be that. So I sold my center, and I moved to California, and I started doing those trainings and, after about three years, I decided the guy at the top was little more of a — I don’t know what you’d call it. Fake spiritual leader, and so I quit, and started my own company. And, then, I

was doing what we called Self-Esteem Seminars for years. I had offices in five cities, and I was running that.

Lisa: Wow!

Jack: And, then, one day I just got this impulse to write Chicken Soup For The Soul, so I did that, and I think the secret, that if I was to share with anyone about my success, and what I would encourage people to do, that the Golden Motorcycle Gang is really a metaphor for is to follow your inner guidance, to trust those messages, like you trusted your dream that you wanted to do a radio show. I trusted the dream that I wanted to run a center. Then I wanted to do large group training, and I wanted to write this book, and I wanted to put together the Transformational Leadership Council. And I experienced human fear like everyone does. I — I don’t know if you did or not about doing a radio show.

Lisa: Oh, yeah.

Jack: You know? Will it be good enough? Will they like me? Will it work? Will it last? You know?

Lisa: That was a hobby.

Jack: The —

Lisa: Uh-huh. Right. Yeah.

Jack: Yeah. And — and yet, you know, there’s a part of us that’s bigger than that. There’s a part of us that is connected to the Universe. That’s what we call it our Soul, or our high self. Whatever we want to call it. And I always trusted that. And so with all — whatever fear I had, I would just say, “Okay. So what? Do it, anyway.” And I would jump out there and, little by little, I would learn what I needed to learn, and I would aggregate the people I needed to aggregate, and every dream I’ve ever had has come true. It’s just — it’s — ooh. That’s a good book title! Every dream I ever had has come true.

Lisa: Wow! You know what? It is a great book title, Jack —

Jack: Yeah.

Lisa: — because you know why? You are a master creator. And you do it with intention, and you do it with research, and you do it with volition, and you put it in, you know, into a science, almost, and you have evidence to show for it. I mean, you know how to create something from nothing. And it is a skill.

Jack: Well, it really is true. I was fortunate enough in my twenties to meet a man named W. Clement Stone, who was a friend of Napoleon Hill’s, who wrote Think And Grow Rich.

Lisa: Mmm.

Jack: And he took me under his wing, and mentored me and taught me his system of success. He had — he wrote a book called The Success System That Never Fails, and so I learned that, started applying it, and I talk about it in the movie The Secret, you know, I — how I manifested my first hundred thousand-dollar-year, back in the seventies which, you know, that was a lot of money back then. And I literally have been applying that ever since, and adding a lot of new things. You know, we now know things like EFT, tapping, and The Sedona Method, and there’s so much more new technology that’s been evolved that we didn’t know back then. But I have interviewed over 200 people that are uber successful. I mean, you know, platinum songwriters and Emmy-winning actors, and so forth, and there is a system. There is a system that, if you apply it, you can pretty much guarantee success in any arena of your life, whether it’s sports, or weight loss, or ideal health, great relationships, making money, changing the world. It’s just something you have to learn, and it’s not taught in schools, as you know.

Lisa: Right.

Jack: It’s all being taught in hotel rooms and on CD programs, and on radio programs like this.

Lisa: Right. Right. Yeah. That’s why — that’s why it exists, and you know that, and we’re gonna — that’s — those systems are in The Success Principles. We’re gonna talk about that in a minute, because I want to — I want to tell you a whole story about that, too. That’s in the Special Offer today. But yeah. Those are — those really, really work. But — and we’re gonna talk about those in a second. But okay. So then you — you met these wonderful people.

Jack: Mmm-hmm.

Lisa: And you then also met Mark Victor Hansen, and you compiled all these stories, and you got rejected by a million different publishers, like, I think it was about — what? — a hundred different publishers?

Jack: A hundred and forty-four.

Lisa: A hundred and forty-four said no to that book in your first onset of the Chicken Soup For The series, which is such a great story, because “No” is only “No” for now. Right?

Lisa: Hmm.

Jack: I love that. Because —


Lisa: That’s great.

Jack: — someone out there will say, “Yes.” You know? It’s just a matter of not giving up. Continuing to ask. Getting better at asking, and proving the product, if you have to. But eventually you will get a “Yes.” As she said, “’No’ is just for now.” Things change. You know, you’re out there trying to recruit someone into your multi-level marketing company and they say, “No,” six months later they’ve lost their job. Now they’re looking for an income.

Lisa: Right. Right. Things change.

Jack: Things change.

Lisa: Mmm-hmm. So then you compile a — so you did the whole Chicken Soup, and that — that took about — what? — probably a good ten years there, to get — and it’s still going with —

Jack: Yeah. We’re in our 18th year —

Lisa: Wow!

Jack: — and I, you know, something that it’s I think is important for listeners to hear is this. We got the idea in — well, I got the idea in 1991. Mark joined me in 1992. We didn’t get a publisher until 1993. So that was two years —

Lisa: Wow!

Jack: — of — of not getting, you know, of the rejection you talked about. The book came out in July of ’93. It did hit a bestseller list until September of ’94. There’s another year and two months.

Lisa: Wow!

Jack: And that —

Lisa: So that was a four-year process.

Jack: Yeah. Then the next book didn’t come out till 1995. The next year we did two books, in 1996 and, then, we started doing three books a year and, by 2007, something like that, we were doing ten books a year. But the point I want to make, we sold

500 million books, 225 titles, but it started slow. And, you know, you’ve all heard the — the metaphor of a bamboo. If you plant it, it takes about seven years before any of the shoots come up, because it’s all just growing root systems.

Lisa: Mmm.

Jack: But then on that seventh year, a — a shoot comes up. It grows one foot in a day. The next day it grows another foot, then another foot. And so often, you know, we take these seminars. We watch The Secret. We listen to shows like this, and we think, “Okay. I’m gonna apply these things.” And six months later we’re not a millionaire yet. We get disappointed.

Lisa: Right.

Jack: You know? It — it takes time. And you have to be patient, because something that — that the Abraham work in The Law of Attraction talks about —

Lisa: Uh-huh.

Jack: — is that you — if you’re being impatient, you’re focusing on what you don’t have yet. And whenever you focus on what you don’t have, you get more of not having it. So by being patient, and being in a state of gratitude for what you do have, you actually start to accelerate the success —

Lisa: And that’s part of the —

Jack: — instead of slowing it down.

Lisa: — part of the success system. Absolutely. That’s a part of The Success Principles.

Jack: Mmm-hmm.

Lisa: Okay. So then you — you created — when did you form the Transformational Leadership Council, and what exactly is it?

Jack: It was about six and a half years ago. And I was sitting in my room feeling lonely, in the sense that I didn’t have anyone to really talk to on any kind of ongoing basis, that were people that owned transformational training companies and transformational coaching companies, transformational media companies. And so I said to myself, “I’m gonna invite people like John Gray and John DeMartini and Gay Hendricks and, you know, people like that to come to my house and see if they would be willing to start up an association. And so it was — it took me about three months to work up the courage to do it. I — I just kept thinking they’re all gonna say, “No.” They’re too busy. Just go by. You know, that kinda thing.

Lisa: Like having a party and no one showing up.

Jack: Exactly. And so finally I got the courage, and I — I sent them all an email and followed up with phone calls, and 32 people showed up. And 30 people said, “Yes,” and now we’re about — I don’t know if it’s about a hundred and twenty members, and there’s thousands. Some of our meetings, we have close to, you know, a hundred and eighty people. And it’s a group of all people who are committed — we — we said there were three criteria. Low ego, have enough money that if we decided to meet in Bali you wouldn’t be able to say, “I can’t afford it.” And you’re leading a transformational training organization of some kind.

Lisa: That you’re teaching in some way.

Jack: Yes. And — and when we started, we really wanted people that had companies with lots of trainers, and so forth, but over time we evolved that to just be coaches, I mean, you know, people that I’d coach at companies, fellow entrepreneur-type people, you know, like a Deepak Chopra, would — would qualify even if he didn’t have teachers, 'cause we all read his books. And it’s — it’s a — we get together twice a year for four days, and we share. We co-venture. We come up with ideas. We play. We party. We —

Lisa: And we laugh.

Jack: — have a lot of fun.

Lisa: Yeah.

Jack: We grow. We — we kind of take each other’s little mini workshops during the four days we’re together.

Lisa: Which is great. Uh-huh.

Jack: It — it’s phenomenal.

Lisa: Yeah. It was — I — I mean, I, first of all, was so honored to even be invited in, 'cause I know there’s a whole process that you have to be nominated, and they have to get to be vote on, and all that stuff and, ten, you get the invitation, which was really cool. But to — to sit in a room and to learn from — from so many people that have been doing this for 30, 40 years of teaching was just so awesome and, then, to play and laugh with those people was even better, because that’s what it’s really ultimately all about —

Jack: Mmm-hmm.

Lisa: — which is interesting. It kinda goes along with the — this dream I had for The Aware Show was this dream about a locomotive train, and inside the train were these

high tech control boards, like monitors and audio boards, and so forth, and sitting in these chairs in front of those boards was were these high back swivel chairs with visionary leaders sitting in them swiveling around like kids and laughing with a ton of joy. There was just joy coming out of it. And that was my dream, that I kept having, and — and, then, when you step outside the train, the word, “Aware” appeared on the outside of the train. And I kept having that dream over and over, but I remembered the visionary leaders having a blast. That’s kinda what I experienced when I was there with you, is that whole thing. But the idea of walking your talk is what I see a lot of these people doing, and that they, in the book, in the — in the Golden Motorcycle Gang, you asked that everyone should ask themselves five questions if they are in this human potential movement or whatever you’re doing. If you have a — a book in you, if you have a — a business in this, you know, personal development industry. If you’re a seeker, if you want to help your children, if you want to help friends, if you talk about this in any way, there are five questions that I thought were really great that help stimulate people, I guess, to focus them. That’s really, for me, I gotta lot of laser focus out of this. But first question is, “What do you know of the original plan?” Do you mean by “the original plan” of how — the blueprint that you came in here with? Like your dream? That type of thing?

Jack: Yeah. What happened was Barbara Marx Hubbard and the — this is featured in the book.

Lisa: Oh, yeah.

Jack: And — and Bill Gladstone, who co-wrote the book with me, and myself, we were having dinner one night. We started talking about the Golden Motorcycle Gang experience that I had. Bill talked about a past life experience where he left his body and met 12 guys, and they took him through 12 different tunnels of color, and had this amazing spiritual experience that changed his life. And, then, Barbara, who had studied Greek Mythology, had — had this experience of being in the Elysian fields and talking to Plato, and Aristotle, and other ascended masters, and so forth. And they asked her these five questions. And so she’s led her life by these questions, and asked everyone she meets, and — and I think these are great questions, and if — if you can answer these questions, then you are part of the Golden Motorcycle Gang. You’re part of this group that’s here to facilitate the midwifes, the birth of a new age, of cooperation, and peace, and harmony and, you know, social justice, and environmental sustainability and all of that that we so much want so the world will work for everyone.

And the first question that she was asked was, “What do you know of the original plan?” And the original plan is that there is an evolution of consciousness occurring in — in — in the Universe. For example, we know that the Universe is expanding ever since the big bang, and anything that supports expansion, expansion of freedom, expansion of consciousness, expansion of connection, and so forth, gets supported. So do you have a sense of you being related to some original plan? Like you said the blueprint for life of destiny.

And, then, the second question is, “Do you have any memory of being, of having volunteered to go to earth at this particular time?” As I did in my experience, and as Barbara did in hers. We chose to be born. To come down to help out.

And, then, the third question is, “If so, do you remember your contract?” In other words, what did you contract to do? And I contracted to inspire people and empower them to live a life that would work for everybody on the planet, that would bring peace, and harmony, and love, and joy. And so that’s what my work has been about.

And, then, the fourth question is, “What do you best in the world that only you can do?” That’s a really interesting question. What do you do best? Well, I write books. I train. I coach. I teach. I develop products. And I do it in a way that’s uniquely mine. I — I’m not Tony Robbins. I’m not Brian Tracy. I’m not Lisa Nichols.

Lisa: Right.

Jack: You know, we each —

Lisa: You never tried that.

Jack: — have our own unique thing to do. And we need to stop trying to be the other person, because they made money at it, or that seems to work in the marketplace. But to do that which is us, to be authentically who we are to that which we’re attracted to, that which gives us juice, that which makes us come alive.

And, then, the last question is, “What are you to do now, and what tools or resources do you need to do it?” So you needed to do a radio show. Then you have to ask yourself, “Well, what tools do I need? What resources do I need?” And you went out and you got those. And you learned what you needed to learn to make it work. And we’re all here to support each other in helping each other have the tools, have the resources, so that we can each fully manifest our gift, 'cause I believe we’re all like cells in a body, and if all the cells are doing what they’re supposed to do, liver cells are being liver cells —

Lisa: Mmm-hmm.

Jack: — and kidney cells are being kidney cells, and lung cells are being lung cells, then the body works. It’s when cells try to be what they’re not. We call those cancer cells —

Lisa: Ah!

Jack: — that the body breaks down. Someone asked me yesterday. I was speaking to 3,000 dieticians in San Diego at the American Dietetic Association. I was the keynote speaker. And we did a Q and A at the end. A woman said, “Well, you have 64

Success Principles in your book, The Success Principles. If you were to pick one, what’s the most important one? And I said, “Well, if you can only keep one organ in our body, your heart, your lungs, your brain, your kidney, or liver, which one would you pick? She went, “I get it.”

Lisa: Good answer.


Lisa: Right.

Jack: We —

Lisa: They all work together. Right. Yeah.

Jack: We need all of us.

Lisa: Yes. Yes. That’s a great — those are great qualifying questions, and — and many people I can just feel right now are going, “That’s me. That’s me. That’s me.”

Jack: Mmm-hmm.

Lisa: And either have denied that in them, or discounted it as — I — I mean, I read a quote the other day that if you are not living your spirituality, then you are not living your truth —

Jack: Mmm-hmm.

Lisa: — because that — it takes you, if you go into a corporate situation, you’re like, “Oh, we can’t talk about God. Do we really talk about these weird dreams. I don’t want to talk about my near death experience, like they’d think I’m weird if I say something like that.” Well, guess what? The people that have those thoughts, and feelings, and dreams, the whole point of what Jack’s saying here is that we’re all part of a tribe, and some way that — and you call it the Golden Motorcycle Gang, which I — why the reference to the motorcycle and the Harley? Simple?

Jack: Because I just felt like we were a bunch of — of rebels, riding through the Universe on a vacation, kind of like a — you know, you see these guys on their motorcycles on the highway, like 15 of them go by?

Lisa: Yeah. Yeah.

Jack: And they just don’t care what you think. They’re having a good time.

Lisa: Right.

Jack: They’re free. They’re out there and the hair’s in the wind, you know. It just had that kind of feeling to it. You know? And —

Lisa: That’s great.

Jack: — I’m a big believer in spirituality, but not in taking it all so seriously. So just — that was the image that came.

Lisa: Which I love about you, which is definitely who you are, which is great. Yeah. I mean, and as much success as you — as you’ve had, you’re not over there in a corner, going through a task list and, you know, my goals, and the — you’re looking for the laughter in most everything that you do, which is cool.

Jack: There’s a quote somewhere in the Bible, and I don’t remember where it is. I’m not one who memorizes those things, but someone asked Jesus, “How — how would you know your followers?” And He said, “You’ll know them by their joy.”

Lisa: Mmm. Hmm.

Jack: And, you know, we in the — in this work we do, we — we now teach people, you know, that you should follow your joy. If what you’re doing isn’t bringing you joy, you’re off purpose. So I think having fun and doing that which is fun for you is really — the Deepak system would let you know you’re doing the right thing.

Lisa: Follow your bliss. He was right about that. Okay. So let’s tale, as I promised the listeners, about The Success Principles, and you — there are, as you said, there’s — it’s — well, part of the Special Offer here is a 30-day journey —

Jack: Mmm-hmm.

Lisa: — and it takes you from where you are to where you want to be. And it is — I love that, because it really takes you from — through the steps that you need to go through in order to get to this — to get to the goal. I’m just gonna look up — I — I got it. I gave this to my brother for his birthday.

Jack: Mmm-hmm.

Lisa: And I got an email from him that just totally brought me to tears, but it was so awesome, because he’s been — he’s an artist, and he makes these sculptures — sculptures for Disney and for — and for Warner Bros., and he makes the little statues. Right?

Jack: They’re cool.

Lisa: And he’s always wanted to make his own product, and he has this product for babies that you put up on the wall. It’s called Wallaball, and — and it plays music and you stick it on your wall, and so forth, and it’s just a — kind of decorative wall décor thing for babies, and he has been trying to get this thing in the marketplace for probably ten years. And he finally, you know, he got devastated when he lost — finally lost his contract with Disney and all this stuff happened, and I gave him this CD on his — his birthday, and he said something he heard in the CD was an absolute magic, magic piece in his head. He came up with an idea, a new assembly, of something in his head that popped as something, from something you said in there, and came up the whole prototype, and walked in into Disney, and sold it. And I so — I just totally brought me — and this happened in a matter of like three days. And it was so cool, because my brother had been stuck for so long, and I — and I just wanted to — wanted to shake him, like, “Wake up!” And he got it, and I just can’t wait to see what he creates with this, which is so cool. And, I mean, that is a — just happened Tuesday’s story. And it made me feel so, I mean, honored to forward your material on and to let him know that it’s — it is possible, and I loved the journey that people can go through, and it happens so fast.

What’s just an idea of some of the, like, steps so people can get an idea of what you’re talking about here?

Jack: Well, you know, it — it’s — it’s just an amazing program. It’s got six CDs in it and a workbook, and it takes people through 30 different Success Principles that, you know, I try to say if — if someone can’t take my seminar — I do a seven-day seminar in the summer, and it costs $3,900.

Lisa: Mmm.

Jack: That’s a lot of money.

Lisa: Wow! Wow!

Jack: And so I said, “If we — not everyone’s gonna be able to do that. They don’t have the time. They don’t have the money. And it would be unfair. Whatever. But what could we do that would give people pretty much the same experience in a CD program with a workbook?” And so it’s a 30-day program. You do one principle every day. You can spread it out, like do it every third day, or whatever, but you — you know, a principle a day. And, you know, we get an amazing amount of feedback from people how this has transformed your life, just like your brother. But, basically, what it takes you through is three stages called Building The Foundation of Your Successful Future, Taking Your First Action Steps and, then, Ensuring Your Ongoing Success. And one of the things we teach is how to take a hundred percent responsibility for your life. Everybody’s heard that. Most people don’t have a clue of how to do it. And so we really walk people through it very step by step by step. How do give up blaming? How do give up complaining? How do you give up excuse making? How do you take responsibility? And we teach people a formula, E plus R equals O, that there’s

events in your life like the current recession, like your brother losing his job at Disney.

Lisa: Mmm-hmm.

Jack: And, then, you have a response to that event, and that response, plus the event, equals the outcome you get. And most people, when they don’t get the outcomes they want, they blame the event, like he could blame Disney. He could blame the recession. He could blame Obama care.

Lisa: Which he has been doing, yes.

Jack: Yeah.

Lisa: Mmm-hmm.

Jack: Exactly. Well, what happened is, something, when he listened to the program, something changed in him, and he responded differently, and he got in touch with some part of creativity that he wasn’t in touch with before. This idea was born. He took it in and now he had an outcome called Contract. So —

Lisa: Hmm.

Jack: — you know —

Lisa: Yes.

Jack: — everything that happens, your husband forgets your birthday. One response is, “Wow! My husband doesn’t love me.” Another response is, “Someone who loves me forgot my birthday.” It creates a totally different emotional experience inside yourself, so we teach you how to get out of that place of feeling victimized by the world into being responsible and creating life the way you want it.

Lisa: And, I mean, look. I’m his sister, and I have tried to tell him —


Lisa: — so long, Jack, but it wasn’t until he heard it from somebody else, in the way you lay it out, that he was able to hear it. Yes. It has a bazillion percent to do with who you are being. And —

Jack: Right.

Lisa: — that is what he needed to change, with who he was — how he was looking at the world, through what lens. And he was looking at it through the — I mean, “The stock market is down 400 points today, Man!” And I’m like, “Hey! Yeah. But what else are you doing? And I get that, but what else are you doing?” And so it was, I mean, for him to be able to finally hear it, and it cracked. It — it created a crack in his consciousness. He was able to come up with this new thing, and that’s why I — I was crying. Because there’s a — yeah. That quote that there are no — no such thing as events, only perceptions.

Jack: Mmm-hmm.

Lisa: That’s what — one of the things you say in there. That is very true. So you have to work on, in the whole beginning of the first — and this is a six-CD set. And, by the way, Jack just mentioned, it was a 3,900-dollar seminar. I did not know that. If you look at the Special Offer there, which is at, and this is a really, really amazing offer. One of the things — and I’ve mentioned this to my listeners, and I want to keep reminding them that we really focus on with The Aware Show is, of course, incredible people, amazing, amazing content, but you get it by being a member of this community, you get an amazing discount. And we’ve worked very close to — with your team, and driving them nuts to get — and, by the way, thank you for this — to get these all in one place. So I — I — I really appreciate the fact that this is on there and — and that you put all of this stuff together. It’s actually — I think it’s $127. So, really, from 3,900 to that price is incredible for all that you’re adding onto here. There’s a bunch of other bonuses. There’s — and if you, you know, hang on with us, there’s even a free thank you gift on there that we’ll tell you about in a little bit.

So go to that website, which is, and it really is about breaking through. The — as Jack had said, the System of Success that is broken down, and if you do all the things in here, one day at a time with the three by five cards and everything that you’ve got in this book and in the CD series, The Success System That Never Fails, you kind of based that a little bit on that book. Right?

Jack: Yeah. I did. I — the main principles that I learned from W. Clement Stone way back in the seventies.

Lisa: Amazing.

Jack: And, you know, we’ve added lots of stuff since then, that said, you know, we weren’t doing as much with visualization. We weren’t talking about The Law of Attraction. We were using it, but we didn’t even know the words back then.

Lisa: And the gratitude, and all of that.

Jack: Exactly.

Lisa: Mmm-hmm. And you’ve added — and all of the things that you talk about in the movie, The Secret, too, which — the reason I also — I — the title of this series about the Practice of The Law of Attraction is because over the last, maybe, couple of years, The Law of Attraction has gotten a bad rap, because people did just that. They’re, like, “Well, if I think of the red car, then am I not just gonna get the red car?” And we’re, especially having you on the series is so great, because you were in the movie to talk about that from the perspective of now, I think it’s seven years later, after The Secret was released. What is it that people are missing that said, “How come I practice all the thing and the — the principles of The Law of Attraction, and they don’t work? Why is that?

Jack: Well, there’s a number of reasons. One is called resistance. You have emotional experiences, emotional feelings, beliefs that are in contradiction to your desire. They’re often unconscious. They show up as self-conflict. “I can’t afford that. I don’t deserve that. There’s no way. There’s no way. This doesn’t work. You know, if I get all this money, people are just gonna want me for my money.” Those kind of things. But often they’re not even, like, you’re not even aware of them. All you know is, if you’ve been doing all this work, and you haven’t manifested yet, you’ve got unconscious limiting beliefs and unconscious, you know, emotions that are — that are — they’re stopping you, that are keeping your vibration down, and there’s — it’s very important to — to work on that. So we have experiences or processes in this program to help you release negative emotions, to help you change and shift your beliefs, 'cause if you don’t do that, it’s like you’ve got ten horses pulling one way, and you’ve got ten horses pulling the other way, and you’re stuck.

The other thing that‘s happening is that most people are not doing visualization correctly. We now have something from neuroscience that tells us we need to have 30 days in a row, without missing one day, of visualizing anything we want, and what most people do is they’ll do it for five days and they go on a vacation for the weekend. They don’t do it. Or they sleep in. Or they drink one night and they have a hangover the next day and they don’t do it. So 30 days. This comes from research from NASA, which they had engine — astronauts had to wear convex lens goggles on their head, which makes the world appear upside down. They had to wear them for 24 hours a day, for 30 days in a row. They wanted to see if this would disorient them the way that being in gravity in space would disorient you. Would they lose their sleep? Would they not be able to eat? Would they become hostile, et cetera. And what they didn’t expect in this experiment was about 25 days into it, in that 25- to 30-day period, every single astronaut, their brain flipped the image right side up again. So instead of seeing the world upside down and reaching up toward the ceiling for your cereal, which was down on the table, all of a sudden the brain took 35 — 25 to 30 days, rather, to create a new neural pathway. So when we’re trying to change a belief, and we’re trying to input into our unconscious and into The Law of Attraction and the Universe, these new images of what we want, most people just kinda think about it a little bit and let it go. And I think that’s a — I don’t think that works. And so we’ve seen it over and over. People that practice The 30-Day Principle. So there’s lots of little nuances that you can’t put in a 90-minute movie.

You know, I run a seven-day training. This course is six hours of audio and 96 pages of workbook, and all these workbook pages are forms that you fill out, so that you actually do the work.

Lisa: Mmm.

Jack: That’s why it’s called a workbook.

Lisa: Mmm-hmm.

Jack: A lot of people say, “Oh, we shouldn’t call it a workbook. People won’t want to do it 'cause it’s work.” Well, I will tell you, success takes some time.

Lisa: Yeah.

Jack: It takes some expending of energy. I believe in what I call effortless success. Success should feel fun. You should be able to do it like we’re, you know, floating downstream, rather than paddling upstream. But you at least have to get the boat in the water. You have to be sure it’s waterproof. You know? It’s not gonna sink. Occasionally you have to steer yourself out of an eddy or away from a rock. Anyone’s who’s ever done river rafting knows that. And so there are some things you have to put energy into, and study it and — and really make it happen. So basically there are 30 principles, with 30 different processes for each one that you do the, and it helps you get over those blocks.

The other thing is people give up too soon. I’m a big believer in something I — we call patience. I think, you know, Esther and Jerry Hicks talked about this recently in one of their CDs. That when you’re feeling impatient, you are focusing on what you don’t have. And The Law of Attraction says, “When you focus on what you don’t have, you get more of not having it.”

Lisa: Yes. Yeah.

Jack: And so you have to be patient, like with my book. You know, it took years before we reached, you know, half a billion books sold. It starts out slow. If you’ve ever taken an airplane, you now it goes down the runway a long time before it finally gets enough speed to take off. And you’ve gotta be patient with that.

Lisa: I love the bamboo metaphor. That was beautiful.

Jack: Yeah.

Lisa: I never heard that one before.

Jack: So you just do the work. You know? Don’t give up the work when it’s not manifesting yet. Don’t — there — there’s gonna be plateaus in your life. A friend of mine, George Leonard, wrote a great book called Mastery, and he said, “When you first start something, whether it’s a martial art, or learning to play tennis, you’re gonna get really good really fast. Then you’re gonna hit a plateau. And you’re gonna go, “Oh, this isn’t working anymore. I must have picked the wrong sport. Whatever.” But if you keep doing the exercise, keep going to your karate class, keep doing the visualizations for what we’re talking about here, all of a sudden you can be — have growth spurts, and you just keep doing that. There’ll be flat line fall off and another big growth spurt, and we’ve gotten so into instant success in America, we expect it to just be an ever, you know, up — upward curve. It doesn’t work like that.

Lisa: You know, and I — just taking it from all of the years of experience that you’ve had from teaching the courses and having your own training company and — and going through now, you know, the forming of the — the council, and — and, then, all of the experiences that you’ve been through in your life, I mean, you’ve been doing this for personal development since you were probably 20. Right?

Jack: Mmm-hmm. Yeah. I started when I was 24.

Lisa: Wow! So 40 years.

Jack: Yeah. I’m 67.

Lisa: I just made you 60.


Jack: That’s okay.

Lisa: Uh-huh. So, I mean, that is a — that is amazing, and for that many years of experience to come into this. And the book, by the way, is like two and a half inches thick. I mean, it really is, that you can really dive in. A listener is asking, “How many hours a day do you need to practice these techniques?”

Jack: You know, there’s a good answer to your question. I — I teach something called The Daily Discipline. There’s something called an attitude, like, you know, being grateful, and you can practice that all day long. You don’t have to sit there —

Lisa: Right.

Jack: — and fill out your gratitude journal all day long. But I think, you know, I call it The Hour of Power. If you spend an hour a day visualizing, reading your affirmations, reading uplifting literature, doing some exercise, mediating, et cetera, that’s plenty. And, you know, you — you don’t have to do everything every single day.

The things like visualizing, you do. We talked about a minimum of 30 days in a row. But maybe only read the — an uplifting book every other day. But if you were to spend 20 minutes reading uplifting literature, working on an exercise like in — in this book, listening to the CD in your car on the way to work, whatever and, then, spend 20 minutes exercising, so you get your body energized doing whether it’s Yoga, Pilates, or aerobics. And, then, 20 minutes meditating, you’re gonna be healthier, wealthier, and happier at the end of the year. And so you — you don’t have to overdo it. You know? Just like, literally, if you took this 30-day course, and you spend an hour a day on it, I promise you in 30 days, whether it’s 30 contiguous days or 30 days spread out over a little longer time, 'cause some of the lessons are a little more challenging, what happens is, your life will be transformed.

Now I’ve talked about patience. But let me give you a different example. I was in Manila in the Philippines, three years ago doing a workshop. And I went back last year. And with the first year I was there, this guy came up to me. His name was John K. Love. He interviewed me for the newspaper. He had four dollars in his pocket, and that was all the money he had. He’d gotten the job as an interviewer one week before. And his girlfriend had left him. He’d lost his apartment, and he was sleeping on the bed, on the couch in someone else’s apartment, had — and he didn’t even have a car. And he interviewed me for this paper, the newspaper, the Manila Times or whatever it was. And we had a great interview. I liked him. I gave him a copy of my book for free. And he took the book, and he — I — I forgot about it. Oh, I — I also offered him to take my seminar the next day. It was a one-day seminar. So Success, a six CD program. And so what happened was, I go back this year, three years later. He comes into the seminar. He’s got ten of his students. He’s now the Jack Canfield/Tony Robbins of the Philippines. He’s leading fire walks.

Lisa: Oh!

Jack: He’s running seminars on prosperity. He’s studied with me, with Harv Eker, with Tony, and he’s making over a million dollars a year. He’s got three cars. Got a house on the ocean, an apartment in the city, and he said, “Jack, it’s all due to your book.” And he got up on stage. I had him come up after lunch. And he said, “I want to tell you, all I did was I acted as if this book was really true, and I did every single thing Jack said for a year. And at the end of that year, I had my own training company. I was on television.” He’s now got his own radio show. And he — the guy’s amazing.

Lisa: Wow!

Jack: And every one of us is amazing. This was a guy who was unemployed, had four dollars to his name. But he decided to apply the principles. I tell people, “The principles always work if you work the principles.” The problem is most people don’t know the combinations that align. The — the principles in the right order. And if you do the things in the right order, they always produce the result.

Lisa: And they give off. Yeah. Exactly. There’s — there’s little gems in there. I like the screensaver visualization.

Jack: Mmm-hmm.

Lisa: Where you put it on your screensaver of what it is in present time. So “I am so happy to have sold a million copies of my book,” and you put, like, that on, with pictures of the goal, and so forth, and money, the actual $8 million a year, and so forth. And so it’s like constantly going into the reticular activating system, coming back out of the brain, and — and so that sends messages to you in your subconscious mind and, then, I love the idea that you program your subconscious brain to come up with solutions. How do you do that?

Jack: Well, your brain is like a GPS system in your car. I get into my Lexus. I do not need to know where I’m going, or how to get there, rather. I just need to put in the destination. I put in your address, where you live, and my car says, “Okay. Turn right on the 101.” You know? “You’re gonna go 81 miles and, then, turn right on this exit.” It — it knows. I don’t have to know. I just have to know where I want to go. So if I know how to correctly input that into my brain, through the use of visualization, which is what the tool is, does that, what happens — it takes about 30 days to activate. After about 30 days, you’re gonna start having creative ideas of what you need to do. And this is the trick. This is another thing about The Secret didn’t stress enough. Once you have an inspiration, you have an intuitive hit. Your subconscious has given you, you know, the — the GPS printout, the MapQuest of how to get there, you have to act. Most people don’t do it. Most people go, “Well — well, that’s a neat idea. I don’t have time for that. I can’t afford that. That’ll look weird. That doesn’t match my intellectual understanding of what I should do.” And so they don’t act on their intuition. But every intuition that I’ve had, start putting new stories in a book, turn it into Chicken Soup, you know, it’s made me a multi-multi-multi-millionaire.

Lisa: Mmm.

Jack: Start the Transformational Leadership Council. Made me a leader in the human potential movement. All of these things, when they come to you, you have to act. Joe Vitale, who was in The Secret, tells a story about how he always wanted to own a Roll Royce. So one day he had enough money. He bought a used one. He’s driving it home. He’s had this thought. “God! This is big enough to do a Master Mind Group in.” And he thought, “Wow! Maybe I should do a Master Mind Group in this.” He gets home. Sits down at his typewriter, on his computer, type out an email, sends it to his mailing list, a couple hundred thousand people. Said, “I just bought a Rolls Royce. I’m gonna start doing individual Master Minds or with partners, if you want to bring somebody, in my Rolls Royce. I’ll pick you up at the airport in the morning. We’ll drive around in my Rolls Royce. Ask me any question about anything. I will Master Mind with you. We’ll eat lunch at the country club. We’ll drive around some more. We eat lunch at the famous restaurant. I’ll drive you back to the airport around seven or eight o’clock.”

Lisa: Ah!

Jack: He just — and he says, “$10,000.” This is a nice fee for a day. And so he just said, “I acted on the intuition.” He had like 15 people respond to him within a day. There’s a hundred and fifty thousand dollars, more than he paid for the Rolls Royce. But he acted on the intuition, instead of, “Well, that’s a nice idea. I don’t have time for that.”

Lisa: Brilliant!


Lisa: And that was a guy who came from zero, nothing, caput.

Jack: Joe was living in an apartment which had the light bulb hanging out of the ceiling.

Lisa: Mmm-hmm.

Jack: A — you know, Formica top desk, or kitchen table, you know, the kind you’d look when they — when you see about people living in the slums.

Lisa: Oh.

Jack: And —

Lisa: Wow!

Jack: — you remember the story where he — he said, “We’re supposed to be grateful. What the hell do I have to be grateful for? All I have is a pencil.” And he said, “Well, let me think about it. With a pencil I can write down goals and create a new life plan. With the eraser I can erase all my negative thoughts.” He just started really appreciating the pencil.

Lisa: Wow!

Jack: He said, “That’s when my life transformed, in that very moment.”

Lisa: Wow! Yeah. He is a great guy. And, I mean, it’s so amazing that so many of the people that even — even were in TLC, I mean, came from these experiences. And this is the point of anyone listening right now who might be in credit card debt. I mean, you were a — a hundred and what? — hundreds of dollars, thousands of dollars —

Jack: I was a hundred and forty thousand dollars in debt when we wrote the first Chicken Soup book.

Lisa: That is amazing. You absolutely had to — you put everything on that dream.

Jack: Yeah. Well, Lisa, back in the 1960s, when I was in graduate school, the last year that I was teaching two-fifths of the day, which was part of our, you know, graduate experience in a high school, and I was living in an apartment that costs a hundred and seventy-nine dollars a month. It had a bed that folded out of the wall. And behind the bed was where you hung your clothes, so if the bed wasn’t down you couldn’t get to your clothes, and it had a little tiny kitchen in the corner. It was one room. One room. One-room apartment, and a bathroom. And I was making $220 every two weeks. So I was eating 11 and 20 — I was eating what I called these 21-cent dinners, where I had 11 cents, a can of Contadina tomato paste with garlic salt and water, and ten cents worth of spaghetti noodles. That was my dinner many nights.

Lisa: Huh! Ha! Ha!

Jack: So when people —

Lisa: Yeah.

Jack: — say, “I’ve — I’ve been poor, don’t tell me about how poor poor is.

Lisa: How did you break out of that poverty consciousness, though, Jack? I mean —

Jack: That’s when I met W. Clement Stone.

Lisa: Oh. You — your mentor?

Jack: Yeah.

Lisa: Yes. Yes. I remember you telling me about your mentor. Yes.

Jack: Yeah. I was in a Laundromat. I’m in a Laundromat, doing my laundry. And this guy comes up to me and he says, “Hey! Talk to me.” I thought, “This crazy guy. I’m just doing my — graduate school book or whatever.” Anyway, it turns out we became really good friends. And he took me to a lecture series up at Kendall College. I didn’t even have a car then. Couldn’t afford it. Took the bus to school. And so what happened was, the first lecture I went to was a guy named Herbert Otto, who was the Director of the National Center For The Exploration of Human Potential. And he said, “We’re only using ten percent of our brain.” I went, “Whoa! What about the other 90 percent?” He said, “We could all be speaking six languages,” and, you know, on and on. So I went up to him after the lecture, and I said, “I’m really excited about what you talked about. So you live in LA. I’m

in Chicago. What should I do?” He said, “Go to the W. Clement and Jesse D. Stone Foundation. They run workshops on this stuff.” Two weeks later, I signed up for a workshop. I had no money. I managed to get a scholarship. I talked my way into it. And that’s how I started.

Lisa: And so you are all about education and seminars, and so forth, and inspiration, and I love that you said, I mean, in the very beginning of this call, you said that your whole mission was to get this information into schools, because it’s not taught in schools. And —

Jack: No. It’s sad.

Lisa: It still isn’t. I mean, it still isn’t, but the idea that you have, you know, seminars, and so forth, where — or even products like this, where people can go to learn this information, it is out there. Part of my mission is to provide the biggest platform possible so that people can —

Jack: Right.

Lisa: — get to this information, which is what I’m doing. So you have, you know, it — it’s perfect here. The — the other thing that you said in the — in The Success Principles was that mission statement. It’s to inspire and empower people to live their highest visions in the context of love and joy. And — and how I know you and what you’re doing, you absolutely are still continuing to live that — that, and continue to teach people on a daily basis. So once again, people can go to that website to look at the Special Offer and to — if you go to, click on the Special Offer button there, and it’s — all of what we’re talking about, it’s his The Success Principles, it’s the — the book, The 30-Day Journey From Where You Are To Where You Want To Be, and there is the Golden Motorcycle Gang book on there, too, which is, really, it’s like a two-day read, but appeals to so many people on your journey and your — it — it’s great, 'cause it really connects up all from that original grid that we were floating on somewhere, somehow, together. I want you to, if you can, tell a little bit about where we’re going. What is the new story of humanity? What is the significance of this birth date? This December 22, 2012, birth date.

Jack: Well, all, you know, there are all these prophesies that — all these ages that are end in 2012, and, you know, that Hollywood has taken advantage of that and made a movie of there’s gonna be some apocalyptic world crisis —

Lisa: Right.

Jack: — and, you know, we’re all gonna die kinda thing. But I think what — what it really is, is it’s the end of this age of greed, and being dominated by the ego and the mind, and allowing the heart and the head to come together to create wisdom. You know? The indigenous tribes of the world are really starting to get a voice, and they’re talking about how we need to come from our heart. And we’ve now taken

thinking as far as it can go to the place that we have machines that think for us called computers. So basically as this integration occurs, we now can go into a world where we come from cooperation, compassion, peace, ecological sustainability, social justice, spiritual fulfillment, et cetera, and I believe that this is where we’re headed and, you know, people like yourself and myself and the listeners to your show are people that are engaged in human development, you know, partially 'cause we want more. We want more love, more joy, more — better relationships. We’d like to have that dream house, that dream car but, ultimately, what we really want is a world filled with peace, and love, and safety, and harmony, and cooperation, where we all can relax, and just be who we are. And that, I think, is where it’s headed.

And — and we — we have this choice now that Barbara Marx Hubbard talks about in the book, 'cause we bring her into the last part of the book. She’s a good friend of mine. And she talks about conscious evolution. And conscious evolution means evolution by choice, not chance. Up till now, most of your scientists will tell you, you know, it’s been by chance. Now, you’ve got the creationists on the far right that say, “No, there’s — there’s a plan.” And you’ve got the evolutionists —

Lisa: Mmm-hmm.

Jack: — that say, “No, it’s all just random evolution.”

Lisa: Mmm-hmm.

Jack: I think we’re starting to see a synthesis of those two thoughts, that there is some kind of grand plan, and when we cooperate with it, life gets easy. When we resist it, when we try to contract rather than expand, you know, life gets hard and difficult and challenging, and so forth. So we now have a choice as — as humanity, to direct our evolution, to — to become more conscious, to meditate, to — to, you know, be intentional about the world we create, instead of having the craziness that we see in Washington, where we can’t even, you know, get a budget passed, to a group of people saying, “Okay. What’s for the highest good of all humanity, not just what’s for the highest good of me, or the company that funded me or my constituents.” And I think that that is going to create a world that we all dream of, and we know it’s possible, because we see it popping — popping up all over the place in little ways, in communities, in — in seminars, and — and, you know, things like that, where people are living lives of their intended creation. So I think, you know, we start out by creating something called abundance. You know? We go, “Wow! There are laws of the Universe. They work. Wow! I buy Jack’s course. I do what he says. It works.” And, then, you begin to go, “Oh, if it works, there must be something behind all this, called Universal Laws. There must be some order to this thing. Maybe I can trust that. And when I start to trust it, then I can surrender to” — and everyone uses different words. God’s will. Inner Guidance. The — the Universal Flow. Conscious Evolution. Whatever. And, then, instead of — instead of being a victim of the Universe, instead of being a manipulator of the Universe, by using Universal Laws, like The Law of Attraction, I become a channel for God or Universe to flow through me and,

ultimately, the final stage is we go, “Wow! I am God!” Not I’m all of God, but just like a drop of water is to the ocean, it’s not all of the ocean, but it is — it’s — its identity, I’m — I’m the ocean. And so we’re all part of that.

It’s a four-step evolution we all go through. And, you know, my job is that I take it, is to help facilitate people much like facilitating a birth, make it easier on the mother. If you know what’s happening, you can cooperate with it, breathe at the right times, and produce everything you want from the car all the way up to a world that works for everybody.

Lisa: So in the beginning of the book, you invite everybody to this birthday —

Jack: Mmm-hmm.

Lisa: — celebration, December 22, 2012.

Jack: Yes.

Lisa: Beginning midnight the night before, to — to hold the intention to — and — and exactly what would we — what will we do there? We would have a visualization, action —

Jack: Yeah. Basically you would — we — we recommend people start by a conversation. You know? Just get together with friends, family, people you work with. Whatever. And say, “What would the world that we all want look like?” And, then, after you’ve had that discussion, do a closed-eye process, where everybody visualizes the world they would like to see, either the one you’ve agreed upon as a group, or just your individual vision of it, 'cause what we see when people really want the ideal world, almost everyone visualizes the same thing. And so by holding that visualization, John Hagman, who was the physicist in the movie, The Secret —

Lisa: Right.

Jack: — said, “The power of a force field is the square of the number of people holding that same intention.” So if you and I are holding an intention together for the same thing, then the — it’s not just one and one. It’s one — it’s two of us, squared. So it’s four. If a hundred people are holding the same intention, the force field is 10,000, and John, you know, said, “If you get 64,000 people to all hold the same intention for a few minutes together, it literally changes the whole energetic dynamic of the Universe, of, at least, the planet earth.

Lisa: Mmm.

Jack: So that’s the idea of having lots of people, hopefully, millions, all focusing on a world that works, and really changing the — the — the vibration into what we call

resonance and coherence. So there’s the coherent field rather than a disruptive field like you feel when everybody’s angry at each other, you know, fights break out at baseball games, and things like that.

Lisa: Right. Right. Uh-huh. You know, so that’s — I mean, if you’re listening to this call, then it’s obviously not an accident, and if you’ve been somehow drawn into this conversation about the book, about the Golden Motorcycle Gang, you are — you are a member.


Lisa: You are one of the — of — of the conscious — the agents for conscious evolution. You know? And so being a part of a tribe, or a — a movement is something that really helps people immobilize change, and to get into what their purpose really is on this planet —

Jack: Mmm-hmm.

Lisa: — and — and this is kind of what you and Barbara Marx Hubbard and — and a bunch of people are doing, is having that, you know, and this is measureable. I’m sure it will be quantified, and so forth, and can be measured. But there’s a website for that. It’s — is that the website?

Jack: Yeah. You can go to a number of different websites. You can go to www.Golden Motorcycle

Lisa: Mmm-hmm.

Jack: You can also go to — let’s see if I have it here. There’s a website Forthe2012 —

Lisa: In the book it says, First

Jack: Yep.

Lisa: Yep.

Jack: That’s it.

Lisa: First And so you can — you can go on there and, then, you can, you know, find out what it means to be an agent for this conscious evolution, and — and various things that you can do to become, you know, a part of this group, and so forth, which is really cool. But definitely get the book, and it’s — it’s something that you — that will, I mean, it’s a — it’s an inspiration for motivation. I’m really glad that you wrote it, Jack. I’m really glad that you wrote your story.

Jack: Well, I appreciate that. It’s really everybody’s story.

Lisa: Yeah.

Jack: It’s one version of everybody’s story. My —

Lisa: Right.

Jack: — my hope was to inspire people to step up and be fully who you are. And it’s funny. I had written down something earlier this morning that you just said. I said, “It’s no coincidence. If you are drawn to this radio show, or to this book, it’s not a random. You have to act on it. You know, because what happens is, everything that comes into our life is an answer to something that we’ve asked for before. We’ve attracted it. So you’ve attracted this listening today to draw you deeper into who you really are, and to have you be part of this evolutionary group that facilitates this evolution and supports it and, therefore, gets the benefit from it as you do it, as opposed to resisting it. So don’t let this just be one more thing you listen to, but take action on it, so that you take advantage of that which has been brought into your consciousness.

Lisa: Wow! I — if people go onto that, that website in there, and just type in your feelings about being a part of this community. Go to, and type in what it feels like to be a member of — of that. It’s like coming home. It’s the sense of knowing. It is a sense of — oh — bigger, bigger picture. It’s — it’s a sense of something that — that people can feel a part of, so that they don’t feel so alone, which was exactly what you had, what you had said.

Jack: Exactly.

Lisa: So — and — and I’ll read these, because it’s — it’s worth it. It’s worth bringing people together in this — in this place about — someone just said, “Motivated. I feel motivated. I feel that my procrastination is gone. I feel that I have a part of — I’m part of being back in the womb.” Someone went “way back!”


Jack: This is great.

Lisa: “Feeling inclusive,” Jan, from Brooklyn. “Very inspiring,” Paul, from St. Louis. Awesome. I’m actually gonna open up the phones to callers. If you press star two to raise your hand, star two to raise your hand, then you will be able to — to ask Jack Canfield a question directly in the — in — in — directly with Jack Canfield, live, which would be great. So that’s what you do. You press star two to raise your hand, and I will go back to answering some of these — or, reading some of your comments, as well, if you put them up there. We’ve got Maria, from New York. Maria, from New York, do you have a question for — for Jack Canfield?

Maria: Hi.

Lisa: There you are. Hi, Maria. How are you?

Maria: Hey. I am fabulous! How are you?

Lisa: Great? Do you have a question for Jack?

Maria: Great. Thank you, and Jack, thank you so much for the call today. It’s so inspiring, and it’s so motivating. But I do have a question for you.

Jack: Mmm-hmm.

Maria: How do you know when setting a goal, how far you should really go with it. How long do you stick with it? I know when you and Mark Victor Hansen first started, you mentioned at the beginning of the call that you had tried more than a hundred forty-four publishers. You got —

Jack: Mmm-hmm.

Maria: — from a hundred and forty-four publishers. How did you guys know to keep going with that and not just say, “Hey, this is a sign from the Universe. It’s time to move on and let this dream go”?

Jack: You know, all I can tell you is it felt like it was a — it was a Divinely -inspired project. It’s kinda like saying, “When do you know that you should stop teaching your kid how to walk?” I mean, you just keep doing it till they learn to walk, because walking is part of what — is part of what they’re supposed to do. So we just knew in our heart of hearts. I mean, I would have self-published the book, eventually, if we had to. Because it was like a birth in need that wanted to come out, and I don’t know if you’ve ever given birth to children but, once they decide they want to be born, there’s no stopping it. You know? Labor starts. And you may not want it to happen then, or not, but it does. It comes on when it comes on.

Lisa: There’s no turning back. I know.

Jack: Yeah. And so I think, you know, it’s not that you can’t change a goal over time. Sometimes you start on a journey, and — and you’re on your way. Maybe you’re going to, you know, Malaysia, but you stop in Bali, and Bali takes over. And you just decide to stay there for a longer time. And you may find that there’s something more important, or the — your journey to achieve a certain goal may have just been able to, you know, get you out of the house into the playing field. And once you’re down there, you meet other people, and something becomes more important. So if something becomes more important, it gives you more

juice, makes you feel more alive, and gives you more joy, then definitely follow that. But if you feel like you’re giving up out of resignation, that I wouldn’t do.

Lisa: There’s a — there’s another question coming in here from Jerry, from Los Angeles that said, “How do you keep a positive attitude when you’re down and broke?” And it kinda tandems Maria’s question, and thank you for your call, Maria. On how, you know, when you’ve got that. Well, I think kinda — you kinda discovered that. But —

Jack: Well, basically, you know, broke is just a condition. And, you know, it’s like —

Lisa: Mmm.

Jack: — it’s no different than waiting for a train to come in. You know? You’re just waiting. But the point is that your — your attitude should never be determined by what’s going on outside of you. We know from stories, you know, like people in concentration camps, a pretty awful place to be and, yet, they turned it into a spiritual growth experience. Ram Dass —

Lisa: Wow!

Jack: — wrote a book, The Prisoners at Ashram, and here you are. People want to go off and be alone somewhere and meditate and do all that. You know, not every prison is that quiet. You could do that. But the point being, you’d taken the situation, and say, “Okay.” We did a book called Chicken Soup for the Prisoner’s Soul, and we had this one guy. He said, “You know, here I am in prison. I was miserable, and all of a sudden I decided I’m going to stop being miserable. I’m gonna stop being at the effect of this.” He started — he said, “I started being nice to the guards. I asked them how their weekends went. I asked them how their families were. I started counseling other people on the — the — you know, the cellblock.” And he said, “All of a sudden, I was happy. And all of a sudden everyone’s coming to me at — for advice about how to be so happy.” Well, it’s just a choice he made. And so, you know, you could be broke, but it doesn’t mean the end of your life. You’re only upset if you think you’re gonna stay broke forever. That’s the fear. And that’s going into the future. So in the present, you may be broke, but you’re breathing. You probably have food, or you wouldn’t be making it to the next day. You probably have a bed to sleep in, even if it’s in someone else’s apartment. So focus on what you do have. Focus on what you want to create. And quit focusing on what you don’t have. It’s The Law of Attraction 101. And once you get that that’s the way it works, it’s the only thing to do. It’s just — you just go, “Oh, I get it. This is what I have to do.”

Lisa: It’s — it’s amazing, because it — it’s a — the whole concept here at the beginning of The Success Principles is shifting your belief system —

Jack: Mmm-hmm.

Lisa: — and to — and — and you wouldn’t even — actually, you would stop asking those types of questions if you shift the belief system, very from Lakra Sentra says, “Can a belief system conflict with your destiny block your success?” Y-e-s. I mean a hundred percent, yes. That’s the whole point that Jack’s talking about. And when you shift it, you know. It’s — I mean, it even happens with this — I get this question a lot, and I’m seeing this coming in from a Libby, in Georgia, about being older, and not being able to get a job. This particular person’s 66, which isn’t — isn’t old. But she feels that she is, and that she’s stuck with 30 extra pounds and, you know, she’s just stuck. She says, “Stuck” several times in her sentence here.

Jack: Mmm-hmm.

Lisa: That’s a — it’s a — it’s changing the space. You can image the ideal body. You can lose weight by holding in your mind the ideal body image of a — of a healthy, thin person. Or you can image a number of what you want to weigh, and put that on the — on the mirror, in your car, or wherever it is, so that every minute of the day when you’re going for those foods, or the cravings, or the emotional eating or whatnot, you’re seeing that number. You’re seeing that number. You’re seeing that number, rather than wanting to quote “lose weight,” you are looking at the goal of where you want to be. And it —

Jack: Right.

Lisa: — again, same thing. Right?

Jack: Yeah. You want to focus on the weight you want to achieve, not the weight you currently are. I take some people that are in that state of resignation around weight, and we say, “Put on your scale the exact weight you want to weigh, like on a little piece of paper. Cover over the little place where the weight reads out, and every time you step on the scale, go “Oh, great! I weigh a hundred and twenty-five pounds!” The other thing is, you know, this is where The Secret gets a little bit misunderstood, too. You also have to take action. And there are obvious actions, like stop eating so much. Exercise more. You know? Watch The Biggest Loser on TV. Get some inspiration. Read a book about weight loss.

Lisa: Uh-huh.

Jack: Talk to someone else. Find an accountability partner that you’re gonna do it with. It’s much easier to lose weight in a group or with a partner than it is to do it alone. You’ve got someone to help you. Take all the crappy food out of your house, so it’s not in there to eat. Go get the Oreo cookies and throw them away so you can’t eat them when you decided to eat and have that thing. Drink water when you feel like you want to eat. I mean, there are strategies. There’s people that have figured it out.

Lisa: Mmm-hmm.

Jack: And even though it’s hard, and it feels crappy, do it anyway. And so there’s a, you know, the strategies that we apply to making money are the same as strategies that apply to success. I mean, with weight loss. So visualization is critical. Having a goal by when. Having an accountability partner or a coach. That’s why Weight Watchers and, you know, Jenny Craig and those things work, 'cause you have to go in and get weighed every week.

Lisa: And anyone who’s ever done that or met their weight goal and their health goal, knows how they feel when it happens. They know what it feels like to buy a new pair of, you know, jeans, or whatever that fit.

Jack: Mmm-hmm.

Lisa: That — and your new size, or knows how it feels to look good and, you know, or to be able to run a mile —

Jack: Yes.

Lisa: — and, then, run two. They know how that feels.

Jack: Mmm-hmm.

Lisa: And it’s always such a great feeling that you’re —

Jack: Yes.

Lisa: — then it’s easy after that. Right?

Jack: Yeah, it is, because you — you can recall back when that was a great deal and, then, get out and walk around the block once. The next day, walk around it twice. The next day walk around it three times. Every day add one block, or add one telephone pole longer that you walk before you turn around.

Lisa: And it’s easy.

Jack: And if you do that every single day, step by step, instead of trying to do it all at once, and you kill yourself. It’s a lot easier.

Lisa: Yes. Step by step.

Jack: And the thing about age, you know, that’s just a belief. And, you know, they’re not hiring older people in town. Well, maybe they’re not. Maybe you have to create your own job. Maybe you have to start saying, “I’m available to do X, Y, and Z.” I was running a workshop for unemployed people in Silicon Valley, and I — I thought they’d all be kinda low life street people.

Lisa: Mmm-hmm.

Jack: These were like engineers and, you know, programmers, all kinds of people who, you know, literally, said, like, one woman said, “Three years ago I took a Bob Allen seminar. I paid $3,000 for it. Now I’m broke. You know, I don’t have any money.” And so these were not, like, you know, these were like average people. And the reality was, by the end of the day they realized, they probably weren’t gonna get hired by someone else any time soon. Maybe they needed to start their own consulting business. Maybe they needed to start doing something different than what they were doing. Maybe they needed to move. Maybe they needed to co-venture with someone else and create a cooperative. You know, if you’re 66 years old, you could be doing day care for people.

Lisa: I was —

Jack: You could —

Lisa: Yes.

Jack: — be cooking for people. You could be cleaning for people. You could be doing all kinds of things. There are people —

Lisa: I just thought —

Jack: — here in — where I live, they cook your meals for you, deliver them in little plastic containers, and every week you just open them up, and heat them up, and eat them.

Lisa: Oh, yeah. My daughter’s teacher’s parents just lost their license, 'cause they’re like 85. And so she found a woman who will pick them up, bring them to the market, drop them off for — to have dinner together and, then, bring them home.

Jack: Mmm-hmm.

Lisa: And all this woman does is drive this couple. And she’s keeping them safe, 'cause she’s keeping them out of driving —

Jack: Mmm-hmm.

Lisa: — making them feel like they have a modest independence, and they can still go wherever they want. Anyone who has a car and a driver’s license in state can do something like that for people. It’s —

Jack: Yeah. What — what my mentor taught me back in the sixties was — he said, “Find a need and fill it.” There’s some need out there that isn’t getting met that you can

fulfill for somebody, and you — you don’t know what it is unless you’re in conversation with people. So go out there and start talking to people about what it is they wish they had that they don’t have, and find a way to monetize that. And, also, at the same time, visualize your ideal job. And just keep visualizing it every day while you’re doing this little bit of stuff, just to keep the — the cash flow going, but visualize your ideal job. Do it for 30 days. Feel the feelings you would feel if you had it. And I promise you something magical will start to happen.

Lisa: Mmm-hmm. That is a great, great way, great way to end the call. I just — I got one more question, because this was a — this is a really good one.

Jack: Mmm-hmm.

Lisa: From a lady who — who she — she has been in the same job and hasn’t seen a promotion in four years because of the quote “recession.” And doesn’t want to quit, but how can she have movement in that company? She’s visualized, just like you said, used the five senses, visualized in all five senses of how she wants it to — to be.

Jack: What you have to do is, you have to gain greater visibility for giving greater value. People get paid more for producing more value. Often you’re producing more value, but nobody knows. So the first thing is, like, you know, show up early. Go home late. And everyone — everyone will go, “Why should I do that? They don’t pay me enough.” Well, not yet. But the point is, become invaluable. You know, I’ll give you a quick example. I wrote about it in Success Principles, but there was guy. He was a drummer in a band. He wanted to stay home more because he had a baby. He didn’t want to be on the road all the time. So he got a job at Stephen Cannell’s studio. They used to produce Jump Street 21, and —

Lisa: Yeah.

Jack: — a number of shows. And so what happened was, he started in the mail room, in the mail room. And every time he’d hear something that someone needed, he’d just offer it. Like, someone said, “Oh, I don’t want to take those scripts over to the actors. I got a date.” “Hey, I’ll do it for you.” He was driving Stephen Cannell around one day and he heard him say to his wife on the phone, “Honey, can you get my — my tuxedo and send it to the cleaners, and my brown suit, ‘cause I’m gonna be going out of town and I need both of those?” And the next day this guy picks him up, 'cause the regular driver was gone, and there’s his tuxedo and his brown suit in a plastic bag, having just come back from the cleaners. And he said, “Where’d you get those?” He said, “Well, I heard you talking to your wife yesterday, so I drove over to your house. I picked up the tuxedo and the brown suit, and I took it to the cleaners. And I asked them to do it overnight, and here it is.

Lisa: Ah!

Jack: And, then, within a year, everyone wanted him to be their co-producer. And, then, he ended up being the co-producer of Jump Street 21. He went from making something like 20,000 a year to a hundred and fifty thousand a year in one year, because he started being of more value.

And the other thing I recommend is every week fill out a form you can make, called “What did I do this week? What did I not get done? What do I need help on?” And, then, give that to your boss, so that every week they see what you’re getting done, because often they don’t realize all the work you’re doing. It’s just a little report, just to keep you up on date on what I’m doing. It brings you top of mind, and it shows them you’re working and, you know, volunteer. Do extra work. If you become invaluable, you will be — you will get that raise eventually.

Lisa: And there’s something to be said for doing all the extra work, but not letting anyone know about it, and tooting your own horn, and they — it actually does need to happen, on several occasions.

Jack: That’s right.

Lisa: It does need to happen.

Jack: There — there’s a term in multi-level marketing, which I love. They say, “When you first start, you never get paid what you’re worth. But if you do it long enough, you’re gonna get paid way more than you’re worth.”

Lisa: Huh.

Jack: So you just have to make that tradeoff.

Lisa: Interesting. Well, that’s a good one, too. Wow! Well, you are just awesome to talk to, and I could talk to you forever, but I — I know you gotta go. And I just want to say thank you so much. You are — this has just been a great interview, from the — the conversations about success, to transformation and, then, the bigger picture. I mean, there’s much, much grander picture and scale of things, really just a beautiful way of talking to us about who we can be, as you said earlier, who we really are, really, really, really are. And to draw us to a deeper level of who we are, and the rest absolutely does follow. But then there's steps on how to do that, and day by day, in case you get stuck, steps on how to do that.

Check out that — the Special Offer. It is amazing. And, again, it’s — the website is, and the CDs, the — the workbook, the book, all sorts of PDFs, everything is in here and, also, if you check out that at the bottom of it, in the Special Offer there’s a thank you gift for everybody there, The Success Principles bonus report. All sorts of great stuff, that will help you and move you forward. It helped my brother. It has helped so many thousands and thousands of people. Again, this is a 3,900-dollar seminar. So it’s the — it’s how to do this and — and to stay disciplined at it, too, if you’re looking — if you’re

stuck, and you just need a — one step a day, this is how to get yourself out of the stuckness. Do that one step a day. It’s the — it is the next step. I’m always looking for the next step.

So thank you so much, Jack. You’re — you’re just — you’ve been such a great joy to talk to today.

Jack: Well, I always feel the same way with you, Lisa. Thanks for having me.

Lisa: Thanks. And I’ll see you again very soon.

Jack: Okay. Looking forward to it. Take care.

Lisa: All right.

And I also want to say thank you to my team, my amazing producers, Tanya Jenkins, Gina Salvati. You guys just rock. Absolutely. The whole production team, Jed and Catherine, and Bart and Brad. You guys are great in the back end of putting everything together.

And — and, mostly, the listeners. Thank you so much, because this show is for you and, without you, the show would not exist. And knowing that you’re feeling the way that you feel as a result of listening to these calls, and what you feed back to me, with what you’re getting, and — and that you feel a part of a group, and a bigger picture here is such a beautiful thing, and — and that is the reason why these calls exist. So thank you all so much.

Go and get inspired. Move. Do something to take the next step right away in your life, and enjoy it while you’re in the process.

All right. Thank you all so much. And, until next time, I invite you to stay aware.

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