practice papers for the final exam revision

Post on 07-Jan-2022






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وزارة التربة والتعلم

Practice Papers for the Final Exam

( unit: 1,2,3,4)

Name :

Class: ( 4 \ )


نمط اختبار اللغة الانجلزة للصف الرابع درجة 100الاختبار من

المجموعالمهارة السؤال

الاول السؤال


قطعة وعلها أسئلة

درجه 15) قطعة وأسئلة اختارة : السؤال الاول(

درجه 15) قطعة وأسئلة اختارة : السؤال الثان(

ارجو التركز على استخراج الاجابات من القطعة •

تم استخراج المعلومة من خلال البحث عن جملة السؤال ف القطعة •


الثان السؤال



درجه 10) بمعانها توصل الكلمات مع الصورة أو : السؤال الاول


درجه 10) أكمل الفراغ بالكلمات المناسبة: السؤال الثان(


الثالث السؤال



درجه 10) اختار الإجابة الصححة: السؤال الأول(

مع وجود فعلن ما بن فقره تحتوي على فراغات : لسؤال الثانا

)درجه 10) قوسن حث قوم الطالب باختار الفعل المناسب


الرابع السؤال



قصة او موضوع وتحدد الزمان والمكان كتابة : الموضوع الاول. 1 )درجه 15) والزمان والشخصات

)درجه 15) كتابة فقرة عن موضوع معن : الموضوع الثان. 2

(موضوع القصة و الفقرة سوف كون خارج : ملاحظة)


4) Writing

راعى عند كتابة المواضع ترتب الكلمات ف الجملة

تبدأ الجلمة بالاسم( noun) ( قد سبقها ضمر مثلmy أو حرف مثلThe )

My country , The camel ,The castle , This building, My home, The bat ,: مثال , The UAE

ثم فعل مثلis , can , eat ,are , play , eat , has , have , like , ثم تكملة الجملة

blue , big , small , fast , beautiful: اما بصفه مثل in the morning , yesterday , last week: او بزمن

grass , fish , the book: او اسم

………… I loveاختم الموضوع بالكتابة عن احساسك بهذا الموضوع :مثال

The camel has long eyelashes . My house is big. This building is made of stones

ملاحظة:وعدم نسخ كاملة جمل درجة لذا ارجو التنبه على الطلاب على ضرورة كتابة 30كتابة موضع عله

جمل على الاقل بالنسبة للطالب 5وضرورة كتابة . وضرورة الكتابة وبخط مفهوم . الكلمات فقط


( الجمل ) مثال على الموضوع البسط

The camel

The camel is big. The camel lives in a desert . The camel is brown. The camel eats grass. The camel has long feet . I love the camel.

( الخفاش ) مثال على الموضوع البسط

The bat The bat is small. The bat lives in caves . The bat is black. The bat can fly .

The bat eats fruits . The bat has claws . I don’t like bats .

( الامارات ) مثال على الموضوع البسط

My country My country is my country . The capital is Abu Dhabi. The language is

Arabic. It is hot in summer . It is cold in winter. I love the UAE.

( البت ) مثال على الموضوع البسط

My home

I live in a house . My house is big. It has many rooms. My house is made

of bricks . I live with my family . I love my house because it is big.

مثال على الموضوع البسط (me and my family أنا واسرت )

Me and my family

My name is ……………. I am from the UAE. I live with my family in a nice

house in RAK. My dad likes reading books. My mum loves cooking. My sisters

and I enjoy watching TV. My brothers like playing football. I love my family.

نموذج كتابة قصه بشكل بسط

:لكتابة قصه جب ان نحدد

whenالزمان \ Whereالمكان \ characters ( who )الشخصات

solve the problemحل المشكلة \ whatالحدث او المشكلة


Last week I went to the zoo. I went with my family . First we went to

see the monkeys . After that we went to see the lions . Suddenly A lion

came out of the cage . The people started to run . Then I called the

guards . They took the lion to the cage . Finally we went back home. It

was really scary.

القصة ستكون من خارج الكتاب

Present simple tense المضارع البسط

Key words: every, always , usually , often , Never, sometimesShe \ he \ it ( one) takes ( s\ es) s المفرد أخذ حرف

A) choose the correct answers :

1- I always …………….up at 6 o’clock . ( get \ gets \ got )

2- Ali …………to school by bus everyday . ( come \ comes \ came )

3- They usually …………………at 8 o’clock.( sleep \ sleeps \ sleeping )

4- I ……………….my homework everyday. ( do \ does \ did )

5- Amna never ………… TV. at night. ( watch \ watches \ watching )

B) Choose the correct the verbs:1) They …………….( visit \ visited ) their grandmother every Friday.

2) 2) I ………………. ( likes \ like ) pizza .

3) We always …………….. ( listening \ listen ) to our teacher.

4) I ………………. (do \ does ) my homework everyday.

Past simple tense الماض البسط

** Key words : last , ago , yesterday , One day , once, in ( date or time )

1) Now answer the following by yourself

1) I ……………down and hurt myself yesterday. ( fall \ fell \ falling )2) She ………………. her leg 5 days ago. (breaks \ broke \ breaking )3) I ……………… a headache last Monday . ( have \ has \ had )4) One day a little girl ………………... to her mom. ( run \ ran \ running \ runs )

2) Choose the correct answers :

1) One day a girl ………………………( dream \ dreamed ) of being princes .

2) They …………………….( heard \ hear ) a scary sound last night .

3) I ………………………( do \ did ) my homework yesterday.

4) She ……………….. ( felt \ feel ) very happy 2 days ago.

** Regular verbs : ends with ed : ( play \Played )

** Irregular verbs look different : ( go \ went )

do\play \o g

نستخدم كلمةplay مع الراضة الت تحتاج الى كرة فقط

.football playsMy brother نستخدم كلمةgo مع الراضة الت نته اسمها بing فقط

ingdivgoI بقة الراضات الت لا نستخدم معها كرة والت لا نته اسمها بing نستخدم معها كلمةdo

.every morningTai chi doesMy grandma


A) Choose the correct answers:1) My sister likes to ……………….table tennis . ( do \ go \ play )2 ) My Dad ……………diving with my uncle. ( does \ goes \ plays )4 ) My grandma…………Tai chi near our house. ( does \ goes \ plays )

B) Choose the correct words:1-My brother ………….. ( plays \ does ) football. 2- I ………………. ( go \ do ) judo. 3- My sister ………… ( plays \ goes ) swimming every Friday 4-I ………………… ( go \ do ) waterskiing at Cornish .

الجمل ترتب الكلمات عند كتابة:

1) size , 2) shape , 3) colour , 4) noun

The bat has small , long black wings .

Re-order the words to make sentences .

1) large \ wings \ have \ owls .


2) and \ camels \ a hump \ eyelashes \ have \ long.


3) noses \ hares \ brown \ have \ small


Who \ where \ that :

A) Choose the correct answers .

1. This is the school……………………….. ( where \ that ) I learn in2. I like to wear masks……………………. ( that \ who ) covers my face.3. The teacher……………… ( where \ who ) looks after us at school.

B) Choose the correct answer:

1) This is Mohammed ___ ___ plays football very well. ( who \ where \ that ) 2) My house is the place ________ I like to live in. ( who \ where \ that ) 3) He showed a magic _________ everyone liked. ( who \ where \ that ) 4)The school _______ my sister studies in is very big. ( who \ where \ that ) 5) The girl _______ won the gold medal is my friend. ( who \ where \ that )


I like swimming . I hope to hear from you .

A) Choose the correct answers :

1) I love ………………………………. ( hunt \ hunting \ hunted ) 2) I am learning to …………………… ( hunt \ hunting \ hunted ) 3) She wants to …………………….tennis. ( play \ playing \ played ) 4) I enjoy ……………………….. cake . ( make \ making \ made ) 5) I prefer …………………… comics . ( reading \ reads \ read )

B) Choose the correct answers :

1) I want to ……………… … ( flying \ fly ) like a superhero. 2) I enjoy …………………….. ( helps \ helping ) my family .3) She likes ………………… ( discovering \ discover ) new places .4) He learned to …………………….. ( captures \ capture ) the beasts.5) They hope to ………………………( saw \ see ) their friends again.

Ali is the boy who: للأشخاص مثال whoنستخدم - really works very hard today

This is my house where I live: للمكان مثال whereنستخدم -

This is the machine that: للأشاء مثال thatنستخدم - I used to make cake

( Like, prefer , love , enjoy ) + ing ( Want , hope , learn) + to + inf

Use: (too, both, whereas)

too الجملهف نهاة \ both ) and مع ) \ whereas مع الاختلاف

1) Mohammed and Jasem ____________ ( both \ whereas ) play football well.

2) I can ride a bike. My sister can ride a bike __________. ( both \ too )

3) My dad is tall, _____________ ( whereas \ both ) my mum is short.

4) The rabbit is fast, ____________ ( both \ whereas ) the turtle is slow.

5) My uncle and my aunt ______________ ( whereas \ both ) like reading books.

6) My grandpa likes fishing. He likes telling stories __________. ( too \ both )

Grammar ( Preposition of Time ) :

A) Choose the correct answer :

1) We have class ______ eleven o’clock. ( in \ on \ at )

2) Tom has class ______ the morning. ( in \ on \ at )

3)) I sleep ______ night. ( in \ on \ at )

4) Mary was born ______ October. ( in \ on \ at )

5) Mary was born ______ 1967. ( in \ on \ at )

6) Mary was born ______ October 28. ( in \ on \ at )

B) Choose the correct answers ( in \ on \ at )

We have a long holiday …………………….. ( in \ on ) the summer . It starts …..…….(at \ in )

July . During the summer I get up ………… ( at \ in ) 10:00 o’clock . ………..… ( in \ on )

Fridays we visit our relatives ………… ( in \ at ) the morning . We watch TV …….. ( in \on )

the afternoon. We go home late ………………. ( at \ in ) night and have lots of fun .

Complete the table ::ملاحظه

adjectives Comparative superlative

long طول longer than the longest

high مرتفع higher than the highest

big كبر bigger than the biggest

hot حار hotter than the hottest

good جد better than the best

bad سء worse than the worst

small صغر smaller than the smallest

tall طول taller than the tallest

dry جاف drier than the driest

humid رطب more humid than the most humid

Beautiful جمل more beautiful the most beautiful

colourful more colorful ملون the most colorful

dangerous more dangerous خطر the most dangerous

powerful قوي more powerful the most powerful

interesting مثر


more interesting the most interesting

Comparatives Superlatives

فقط r نضف لهاeب حرف الصفة الت تنته

wide widerفقط st نضف

wide widest

واحد الصفة الت تكون من مقطع

hotصغر نضاعف الحرف الاخر hotterhot hottest

واحد الصفة الت تكون من مقطع

idryنحوله الى Yصغر نته ب drierdry driest

1) Choose the correct answers:

1) The camel is ……….…………than the bat . ( bigger \ big \ biggest )

2) Superman is ………. than batman . ( most powerful\ powerful \ more powerful )

3) Snakes are …..than spiders . ( more dangerous \ dangerous \ most dangerous)

4) Science is ……….difficult than Arabic.( very \ more \ most )

5) His mark is ……………….than mine . ( bad \ worse \ worst )

2) Choose the correct answers:

The Earth is……………..( smaller \ small ) than sun . The surface of the sun is

…………… ( hottest \ hotter ) than the Earth millions of times. The Earth is ………………

( more beautiful \ most beautiful ) than the sun .

1)* Choose the correct answers:

1) Snails are the ……………… animals . ( slow \ slower \ slowest )

2) English is the ………………. subject . ( good \ better \ best )

3) Peacock is the …………..( more colourful\ most colourful \ colourful )

4) Messi is the ………………player . ( most expensive \ expensive \ more expensive )

2) Choose the correct answers :

Jupitar is the ………………… ( bigger \ biggest ) planet in the solar system. It has the

………………..( longest \ longer ) storm ever . It has the ………………………….…………

( most interesting \ more interesting ) red spot which is a gas storm.

A) Comparatives المقارنة بن اثنن

:بعد الفراغ نختار thanاذا وجدنا tallerمثل القللة الاحرف نختار للصفة erصفه تنته ب

more colourfulبالنسبة للصفات الكثرة الاحرف مثل moreصفه تسبقها كلمة

B) Superlatives مقارنة شء بجمع الاشاء

:قبل الفراغ نختار theاذا وجدنا tallestللصفة القللة الاحرف مثل estصفه تنته ب

most colourfulبالنسبة للصفات الكثرة الاحرف mostصفه تسبقها كلمة

Question tag

نقسم الجملة الى طرفن قبل الفاصلة وبعدها ثم نحدد الفعل ثم نضف n’tللطرف الذي لس به n’t = notسنضف فاننااذا كان تواجد احد الافعال الت ف المستطل ف الجملة ( 1

( she , he , it , they , we ,you, I: الضمر ) الضمر


1) She is happy , isn’t she ?

2) They are reading , aren’t they ?

3) She doesn’t do her homework , does she?

4) They have a big car, haven’t they ?

A) Complete the following sentences :

1) He is tall ,………………………… he .? ( is \ isn’t )

2) They can swim , ………………………….they ? ( can \ can’t )

3) She didn’t do her homework , ………………..? ( did she \ didn’t she )

4) He hasn’t come yet , …………….. ? ( has he \ hasn’t he )

مع الفعل المضارع الذي لا doنستخدم ) عند عدم تواجد الافعال المساعدة الموجودة للفعل ونحدد ما ناسبه ( 2

مع الماض didونستخدم \ sمع الفعل المضارع الذي نته ب doesونستخدم \ sنته ب


1) She reads a story , doesn’t she ?

2) They watched TV yesterday , didn’t they ?

3) She wrote a poem , didn’t she?

4) They eat fish, don’t they ?

B) Complete the following sentences :

1) He plays tennis , ……………………. ? ( don’t he \ doesn’t he )

2) They eat fish , …………………………they? ( don’t \ didn’t )

3) She visited her friend , ………………….she ? ( didn’t \ don’t )

4) They cleaned their home , ……………………they ? ( don’t \ didn’t )

is , am , are , was , were , do , does , did , can, have , has .

Model verbs of probability افعال الاحتمال

حتاج الطالب الى فهم الجملة لك ختار الاجابة الصححة او ان كتب الفعل المناسب

a) Choose the correct answers :

1) He bought a new car , He ……………. be poor . ( must \ might \ can’t )

2) She knows the way to AL Hisn Palace . She …………………….live in Abu Dhabi. ( must \ can’t \ couldn’t )

3) He loves playing football. He ………….…be playing a lot with his friends . ( might not \ must \ can’t )

4) He lives in a big house . He ……………………………rich. ( might \ can’t \ couldn’t )

5) He always travel by a plane . He …………………… go by bus .( might \ can’t \ could )

( imperatives ) giving instructions افعال الامر نستخدم لها فعل مضارع بدون اي زادات :

Use infinitive verbs when you give instruction. And in direct speech.

1) ‘ ………………………. back !’ shouted the boy . ( come \ came \ comes )

2) ‘ ……………………..your name ! ‘ said the teacher. ( writing \ writes \ write )

3) ‘ ……………………your room ‘ said mum . ( cleaned \ cleaning \ cleans \ clean )

4) ‘ …………………… your home work’ said the teacher . ( did \ do \ does \ doing )

5) ‘ ……………………..harder ‘ said my boss. ( working \ works \ worked \ work )

6) ………………………… ( Draws \ Draw ) a line.

7) ……………………… ( Clean \ Cleaning ) the board.

8) ……………………… ( Add \ Added ) some colors .

افعال الاحتمال المعنى

Must be%100صححه بالتأكد المعلومة

canصححه معلومة

Could beممكن ان تكون المعلومة صححه

Might beحتمل ان تكون المعلومة صححه

Can’t beلا مكن ابدا ان تكون المعلومة صححه

Present perfect tenseزمن الفعل المضارع التام

نستخدم ف هذا الزمنhas وhave has ) و ( للمفردhave ) للجمع +I اضا)

( الفعل الثالث ف جدول تصرف الافعال ) ثم نضف الفعل الماض التام

اي فعل نته بed كون الماض التام منه اضا نته بed للنف نظفn’t ))

مثال :has gone \ have seen \ has played \ have been

هذا الجدول حوي اهم الافعال

غالبا ف الاختبار ستم التركز على الافعال الت تنته بed وعلى استخدام فعلbeen

a) Choose the correct answers :

1) I have ……………… America. ( been \ being \ be )

2) She hasn’t ……………………. the movie . ( see \ saw \ seen )

3) They have ………………………..the apple . ( eat \ ate \ eaten )

4) I have ……………………….football. ( play \ played \ playing )

5) Have you ………………………..your homework ? ( do \ did \ done )

6) We have……………….. The mountains. ( climbed \ climb \ climbing )

7) Have you ever …………………… Peru ? ( be \ being \ been )

8) She hasn’t …………….. The story , yet. ( read \ reading \ reads )

3) Past participle ماض تامPast 2ماض) Present 1مضارع)

readreadRead قرأ

gonewentGo ذهب

SeensawSee رى

eatenateEat أكل

chosenchoseChoose ختار

visitedvisitedVisit زور

playedplayedPlay لعب

climbedclimbedClimb تسلق

travelledtravelled Travel سافر

Sports talent الالعاب الراضة

Fill in with the following words :

Judo \ paddle surfing \ swimming \ roller blading \ horse riding skateboarding \ baseball \ diving \ tennis \ table tennis \ water skiing

1) football. 2)……………………………………. 3)…………………………………….

5)……………………………………. 6)…………………………………….4)…………………………………….

8)……………………………………. 9)…………………………………….7)…………………………………….

11)…………………………………….10) ……………………………………. 12)…………………………………….

House hold chores الاعمال المنزلة

Fill in with the following wordsMake the bed \ wash the car \ sweep the floor \ feed the birds \ take out the garbageLay the table \ tidy the bedroom \ fetch the water \ clean the bike \ work the land \ cook

2)……………………………………. 3)…………………………………….1) Wash the dishes

5)……………………………………. 6)…………………………………….4)…………………………………….

8)……………………………………. 9)…………………………………….7)…………………………………….

11)…………………………………….10) ……………………………………. 12)…………………………………….

Unit 3

A) Vocabulary :

1 . hiking ( ) sun goes down and the time gets dark.

2 . sun shine ( ) full of power.

3 . sunset ( ) to walk and go around.

4 . cool ( ) sun goes up and the time gets light.

5 .energy ( ) nice and not very cold

A) Read then number the pictures

C) Write the adjective under the correct picture

long / high / hot / cold / dry / big

6)Mountain5) Desert4)Beach3) rainforest2) Coral reef1) Volcano

Unit 4 Vocabulary

Name the following places

shopping centre – theatre – petrol station – museum – school -library

Write what are the following made of :( bricks \ wood \ stones \ mud )

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

Detached house

Hut Eco-house High-riseflat

Bungalow Terraced house

A) Match the Synonyms = same meaning نفس المعنى

B) Match the antonyms =opposites عكس المعنى \الضد





























وزارة التربة والتعلم

الفصل الدراس الثالث

: الصف الرابع : الاسم

Reading Comprehension A)

Read the passage then answer the questions below :

There are 8 planets in our solar system .We live on the Earth . The Earth is the third planet .Earth is supporting life .It’s small and rocky and it has one moon .The scientist called the earth the blue planet because it’s full of water .

1) Choose the correct answer :5 marks1) There are ………………planets in our solar system . ( 9 \ 10 \ 8) 2) The ……………… the third planet . ( Sun \ Earth \ moon ) 3) The Earth is full of ………………………( water \ moon \ planets ) 4) The Earth is …………………………life . ( killing \ supporting \ cleaning ) 5) The Earth is called the …………………..planet . ( red \ yellow \ blue )

B) Vocabulary

C) Grammar

B) Choose the correct answer :

1) I went to Dubai …………………………Monday . ( on \ at \ in )2) It gets very hot ……………..winter . ( in \ on \ at )3) I have my lunch ………………….. 2 o’clock ( at \ on \ in ) 4) The elephant is …………….than the cow . ( big \ bigger \ biggest ) 5) lions are ………………than foxes . ( dangerous \ most dangerous \more dangerous)

D) Write a paragraph bout (bat )

mountains clawscoldwings orbit

mouse \ Wings \ bat \ black \ mammal \ sleep\ upside down\night \ caves \ fly

Short Exam 2 – Semester 3 grade 4READING

Directions: Read the passage below.

Cows live on a farm. The farmer milks the cows to get the milk. Many things are made

from milk. We make ice cream, sour cream, cheese and butter from milk. You can learn to

make your own butter. First, you need cream. Put the cream in a jar and shake it. Then,

you need to pour off the liquid. Next, you put the butter in a bowl. Next, add little salt

and stir. Finally, spread it on crackers and eat.

A. Directions: put the steps in order. Place 1,2,3,4,5 by the sentence

____ put the butter in a bowl.

____ spread the butter on crackers and eat.

____ shake cream in a jar.

____ start with cream.

____ add salt to the butter.

Fill in the blanks with the words below:

1) You can read many books in the ……………………

2) In the ……………… you can see many old things.

3) In UAE, you can get petrol from ………………………

4) My family and I like to go to the ………………….. and buy many things.

5) We watch a play in the ………………………


1) She is reading the book,………………..? ( aren't she / isn't she / am I )

2) Ali can jump 10 times,……………….? ( Can't he / aren't he / can he )

3) They have exam,………………….? ( hasn't he / am I / haven't they )

4) We played tennis,…………………..? ( didn't we / don't we / doesn't she )

5) He eats ice cream, …………………? ( didn't he / doesn't he / don't we )

Shopping center

Petrol station



School library

Name : class : ( 4 \ ) Unit three lesson 1+3 quiz

D) Read then answer the questions :

Tromso is an amazing city in Norway . In summer the sun doesn’t set . You can see the sun 24 hours, even at midnight !. This is why it called midnight sun . You can see the Midnight sun from the end of May to the end of July. In the evening It is difficult to sleep at normal time because it is still light outside and people often feelfull of energy. You can see people go hiking at midnight or playing football at 3;00 am!

a) Tromso is a city in ……………………….... ( Norway \ America \ UAE ) b) The sun doesn’t set in …………………….. ( winter \ summer \ the year ) c) In the evening people feel full of …………………..…... ( asleep \ happy \ energy ) d) Name two things you can see people doing during the midnight :

1) …………………………………….... 2) ………………………………….….

A) Fill in with the following words ( mountains \ capital \ summer \ language \ cold )

Saudi Arabia is the biggest country in the Gulf . The …………………………… city is Riyadh . The official ……………………………….is Arabic .The weather is hot in ………………………………..….and …………..……… winter . It is famous for its high …………………………….. and wide desert.

B) Choose the correct answer :

1) I get up ………………6:00 o’clock in the morning . ( on \ at \ in )2) It gets very hot ……………. the summer . ( in \ on \ at )3) I was born ………… 12th of May 2002. ( at \ on \ in ) 4) The Amazon river is …………….than the Nile River. ( wide \ widest \ wider ) 5) Butterflies are …………………than bugs . ( colorful \ more colorful \ most colorful )

6) Write a paragraph about your country :

1) What is your country ? 2) What is the capital city of it ? 3) What is the official language ? 4) How is the weather in summer ?5) How is the weather in winter ?






وزارة التربة والتعلم

الفصل الدراس الثالث

: الصف الرابع : الاسم

Reading Comprehension A) Read the passage then answer the questions below :

An eco-house is a house that respects the environment . It is often uses recycled materials like glass and metal. It also uses local materials such as stones and wood. It’s usually has a large window in the roof for natural lights and solar panels to provide energy. Some eco-houses are built into a hillside and called eco-woodland house.

A) Choose the correct answer :1) The eco – house …………………..the environment . ( respects \ kills \ damage ) 2) Stones and wood are ………………materials . ( recycled \ local \ family ) 3) Eco-houses usually has a… ……….…. Window . ( small \ red \ large ) 4) Eco- houses has..…………….panels to provide energy. ( solar \ glass \ wood )5) Some eco-houses are built into a …………………….. ( car \ hillside \ plane )

B) Vocabulary

C) Grammar

B) Write ( in \ on \ at ) :

1) I get up early ……………. the morning. 2) I went to Dubai …………………………Friday. 3) It gets very hot …………….. the summer .4) I have my dinner ………………….. 8 o’clock.5) I never stay up late …………………night .

D) Write a paragraph bout ( your home )


wood stonesEco-househut Terraced house

دولة الامارات العربة المتحدة

وزارة التربة والتعلم


1) Vocabulary A) Match :

B) Fill in the spaces with the following words :

1) When I ……………..………………………I want to be a policeman.

2) I always play football with my ……………………………..……………...

3) I ………………………..……………wash the dishes .

4) My grandma ………………….………………me when my mum and dad go out.

5) I ……………………….……….with my brother. We always do things together.

diving tennis judo skateboarding football

never grow up looks after get on well cousins

2) Reading Comprehension

Read then answer the following questions :

Passage 1 Omar Abdulrahman is one of the most famous football player in the

Gulf. He was born on 20th of September 1991 in Saudi Arabia . His father was a football player . He started to play football when he was 15 . He is one of Asia’s top five players . Now he plays for Al Ain in the UAE .

A) Put a ( √ ) or ( X ) :1) Omar Abdulrahman was born in 1999. ( ) 2) He was born in the UAE. ( )3) His father was a football player . ( ) 4) He started to play when he was 15. ( ) 5) Omar now plays for Saudi Arabia. ( )

Passage 2

My name is Ahmed . I am 10 years old. I am in grade four . I live with my family in Abu Dhabi. I have 2 sisters and 1 brother. My favorite food is pasta . I love my school . At school I learn Arabic, Math, Science, Islamic Education, Social Studies, English, Music, Art and PE. My favorite subject is English. When I grow up, I want to be a doctor

B) Read then complete the table below:



From ( city )

Favourite food

Favourite subject

Future job

top related