práctica final powerpoint iaap

Post on 14-May-2015






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María José Bousoño Moreda

Curso Powerpoint IAAP



You will need:

Fish ‘n’ chips

2 fish fillets

6,5 cups of oil

140 grams of flour

1 egg

Some beer

Some potatoes

Salt and pepper

Roast Beef

2 kg beef sirloin

4 tsp mustard

2 tsp olive oil

Salt and pepper

Some fresh rosemary

Apple Crumble

6 apples

250 grams of sugar

200 grams of flour

150 grams of butter

1 cinnamon stick



• Preheat the oil. Pouring all the oil into a large pan. Turn the heat up to medium-high.

• Make the batter. Into a bowl, add the flour and the salt. Mix together and set aside.

• Mix the egg and beer together. Place the beer into a bowl, and then add the egg. Whisk it together well until the egg and beer are evenly combined.

• Complete the batter. Pour the beer mixture into the bowl containing the flour mixture. Whisk well for a couple of minutes, to ensure that it combines smoothly, and is free of lumps. You can now prepare your fish.

• Prepare fish. Take a fillet and pat it dry using a piece of paper towel. This will help it fry better; as any excess water will only make the fish less crispy.

• Run your fingers along the fillets’ surface to ensure that there are no small bones remaining.

• Coat fish with batter. With a large fork, dip one of the fillets into the bowl of batter and coat it completely.

• Carefully place the fillet into the hot oil, taking care not to burn yourself in the process.

• Turn the fish. Let the fillets fry for 4-7 minutes, depending on its size. Flip it at least once during this time, to ensure that it's cooking evenly. When the batter becomes a light golden brown, remove it from the pan. Transfer it to a tray lined with paper.

• Serve. Season with salt and pepper and serve with French fries.


If you follow these steps correctly, you will get this!



• Preheat the oven to 245º C.

• Prepare the meat. Clean any fat or sinew. Then, leave the beef to reach room temperature for at least two hours prior to cooking. Mix the mustard, olive oil, and herbs in a bowl. Then smear it all over the surface of the meat until evenly covered. Season the beef with salt and freshly ground black pepper.

• Place the beef in the oven. Place the roasting tin in the middle of the oven and leave it for 15 minutes. Make sure the meat is above the tray, so the juices collect in the tray underneath.

• Test to see if your beef is ready. For a rare roast, after 15 minutes take the temperature of the meat. It should be around 54º C. For medium rare take the temperature after 20 minutes, it should be around 60º C. For medium , wait 30 minutes and test for 65º C. For well done, 40 minutes and 75º C.

• Let the meat sit. Take the beef out and let it sit at room temperature for 15 minutes on the rack. Don't worry, it won't cool down during this time! This is to allow the juices to seep back into the meat and make it that bit more succulent.

• Carve and serve the roast beef. The time has arrived to carve and serve. Remember to use a good, sharp carving knife to cut the meat properly.


If you follow these steps correctly, you will get this!



• Preheat oven to 180º C.

• Peel, core and cut each apple into 8 wedges.

• Put apple wedges into a bowl and sprinkle sugar and ground cinnamon over them.

• Toss to coat the apple wedges.

• In a non-stick saucepan over med-high heat, melt 1 tsp butter and add the apple wedges.

• Toss the apples around for about two minutes or until sugar melts.

• Put 2 tsps water into bottom of pie dish and add the apples - level accordingly.

• In a small mixing bowl, rub butter into the flour until mixture resembles coarse breadcrumbs.

• Add the brown sugar, mix well.

• Sprinkle evenly over the apples and bake for 30 - 40 minutes.

• Serve warm with vanilla custard or cold with cream or ice-cream.


If you follow these steps correctly, you will get this!


Enjoy your meal!

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