ppt Østervangskolen - about the school updated emmen

Post on 01-Jun-2018






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  • 8/9/2019 PPT stervangskolen - About the School Updated Emmen




  • 8/9/2019 PPT stervangskolen - About the School Updated Emmen



    Our school lays in Hadsten inDenmark. Hadsten is a very nicesmall town with 7700 inhabitants(200!

    "e got a #edestrian street with 20sho#s$ a center with 0 sho#s

    (small$ but ok!$ and banks$ astation to trains and bus%. Hadsten has a high school (&00

    students!$ a technical college(000 students!$ a 'olk Highchool (20 students! and someother educational small

    educational #laces )here are * #ublic schools inHadsten.

    Hadsten is 2+ km ,rom -arhus and2 km ,rom anders.

  • 8/9/2019 PPT stervangskolen - About the School Updated Emmen


    /eneral in,o about our school

    +& students at ourschool$

    )here are teachers + #eo#le working with

    administration at ourschool. 'O is where the young

    children can go a,terschool and #lay together

    with they ,riends they are1 teachers at the 'O. "e got service #eo#le.

  • 8/9/2019 PPT stervangskolen - About the School Updated Emmen


    chool year "e go to school about 200 days #ryear

    + times a year we got somethingcalled a ,leweek. - ,leweek is aweek where we only have onesub3ect a whole day or all week$ but

    it changes what kind o, things wedo.

    One time a year we have a vacationcalled 4)he ummervacation5 it6sthe longest vacation we got$ it6sabout & weeks long$ and #laced in


    8s#ecially 3ust a,ter 9hristmas wehave a lot o, small vacations like"inter holiday$ :alm sonday$ and8aster.

  • 8/9/2019 PPT stervangskolen - About the School Updated Emmen


    chool system

    ;n Denmark are we all in thesame school we don6t havemiddelschool and stu,, likethat..

    )he #u#ils are ,rom the age o,

    + to +

  • 8/9/2019 PPT stervangskolen - About the School Updated Emmen


    chool system

    /reen 'lag> "e care about the


    > "e use as little #a#erand water as #ossible

    8change system> "e echange with

    /erman schools in

    ?el@en and Aunich> Denmark 1%th grade

    > /ermany =%th grade

  • 8/9/2019 PPT stervangskolen - About the School Updated Emmen


    chool year

    ;n most o, the schools inDenmark are the schedules thesame$ but the sub3ects aredi,,erent class to class.

    )here is Aath$ Danish$ 8nglish$/erman$ :.8$ 9ar#entry$ -rts$Ausic$ 9hemistry$ :hysics$eligion$ Biology$ /eogra#hy$History and :olitic cience.

    Our school starts at 1.0+ in themorning < the longest time wecan have is 7 lessons in schoolwhich means that the day atlatest ends at .20.

    ;n =%th grade$ we have a eambe,ore we going out o, school.

    ;n some sub3ects you have totake an eam$ and in other

    sub3ects you etract wheteryou will have to take an eam

  • 8/9/2019 PPT stervangskolen - About the School Updated Emmen


    9a,C Aadkassen

    "e have a ca,eteria were wecan buy ,ood$ ,ruit and water inthe breaks. -nd it is always,resh.

    ometimes we can buy s#ecial

    things like #i@@a$ #asta$ rice$#otatoes$ meatballs$ ,ish etc.

    -t lunch time there is also abig salad bar.

    - warm meal cost about 2 to *

    8uros$ and salad cost about.+ to 2 8uros . ;t is always healthy ,ood$ they


  • 8/9/2019 PPT stervangskolen - About the School Updated Emmen



    - our school we do a loto, #sysical education andhave many #ossibilities toburn som calories in the

    breaks )able tennis



    )heme weeks

    )heme days

  • 8/9/2019 PPT stervangskolen - About the School Updated Emmen


    )hank you ,or listening

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