ppm gala dinner · of april at mahkota ballroom, hotel istana in conjunction with the official...

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Berita PPM. April/Mei 2005 .1

K a n d u n g a n

April/Mei 2005

Mesyuarat Agung PPM 2005

PPM Gala Dinner 1Mesyuarat Agung PPM 2005 1

Berita SemasaExcerpt from DPM’s speech during the ‘GalaDinner’ 2Biodata ringkas YDP PPM baru 2Librarian of the Year Award 2005 3Shahar Banun Jaafar - citation bergurindam 3

Aktiviti PPMProgram Ceramah Iktisas Mantan-mantanPresiden PPM 4PPM/LAS Commemorative Conference 2005 4Conferment of Honorary Life MembershipPPM 5Library Excellence Awards 6London Book Fair 9-16 Mac 2005 7

Berita BergambarPPM/LAS Commemorative Conference 2005 8Gala Dinner 8Mesyuarat Agung PPM 9

Aktiviti PPMEkspedisi PPM ke Taman Negara 11Bengkel Pengkatalogan NLM 12Library Consortia Workshop 12Kalender Aktiviti PPM bulan Jun -Disember 13Persidangan SLIB 2005 13Kursus Pembantu Perpustakaan/Pusat Maklumat 13

Maklumat PenajaProquest Information and Learning 14

Berita SemasaBerita Perlantikan 15Berita Persaraan 15Obituari 15

Mesyuarat Agung tahunan PPM

bagi tahun 2004/2005 telah diadakan padahari sabtu, 9 April 2005 bermula jam 9.00pagi di Hotel Istana, Jalan Raja Chulan,Kuala Lumpur. Seramai 147 orang ahliPPM telah hadir ke mesyuarat Agungtersebut. Perasmian Mesyuarat Agungtelah disempurnakan oleh Y. Bhg. Dato’Zawiyah Baba, Yang DiPertua, PersatuanPustakawan Malaysia.

Pada majlis itu juga, telah diadakanpenyampaian Pingat Emas PPM 2004kepada Pelajar terbaik FakultiPengurusan Maklumat, UiTM, PelajarTerbaik Kulliyyah Teknologi Maklumatdan Komunikasi, UIA dan Pingat EmasDisertasi Terbaik, Fakulti Sains DanTeknologi Maklumat, UM.

Selain itu, Mesyuarat Agung tahunanPPM ini telah mengumumkan danmenyampaikan beberapa anugerahkepada tokoh pustakawan. Pada tahun

ini, tokoh Pustakawan 2005 telahdianugerahkan kepada Cik ShaharBanun Jaafar iaitu mantan KetuaPengarah Perpustakaan NegaraMalaysia dan kini menjadi FelowAkademik Universiti IslamAntarabangsa.

Mesyuarat Agung bermula

Berita PPM keluaran ini ditaja oleh Proquest Information & Learning

Pada mesyuarat agung tersebuttelah diadakan pembentanganlaporan aktiviti PPM 2004, penyatakira-kira sepanjang tahun 2004serta perbincangan cadangan danusul.

Yang Amat Berhormat Dato’ Sri Najib Tun Razakcutting the Pulut Kuning To officially Launch PPM’sAnniversary Celebrations During the Gala Dinner

The Gala Dinner was held on the 6th

of April at Mahkota Ballroom, HotelIstana in conjunction with the officiallaunch of PPM’s 50th Anniversary

celebrations. The Guestof honour was the Rt.Hon. Deputy PrimeMinister, Dato Sri NajibTun Razak and Y. Bhg.Datin Sri RosmahMansor. The Gala DinnerProgramme include aBatik Fashion Show fromNor Arfah Batik, MuzikEntertainment by ComboD’Aswa, Conferment ofHonorary Life Members,

Presentation of PPM/Access DuniaExcellent Library Award and lastbut not least special appearance byAishah.

PPM Gala Dinner

lihat muka 16

Berita PPM. April/Mei 2005 .2

Biodata ringkas YDP PPM baru

Excerpt from DPM’s speech during the ‘Gala Dinner’

Kelayakan:i. Masters in Librarianship, College ofLibrarianship, Aberystwyth

vi)Ketua Bahagian Monograf1973vii) Ketua Bahagian Pinjaman1972Pengkhususan:Penilaian dan pelaksanaan sistemDOBIS, VIRTUA dan ContentManagerPenubuhan Galeri UKMPengurusan Pangkalan DataKomersil secara konsortiaPengkatalogan nama-namaMelayuPengkelasan Terbitan Kerajaan

2.Projek KerjasamaInternational Islamic DigitalLibrary

3. Persatuan PustakawanMalaysiaNaib Presiden PPMCONSAL Executive BoardCONSAL Council of Academiclibrarians

Pada Mesyuarat Agung PPM bagi

tahun 2004/2005 telah berlangsungpemilihan Ahli Majlis PPM yang baru.Pada pemilihan tersebut, Puan PutriSaniah Megat Abdul Rahman telahmenang tanpa bertanding sebagai YangDipertua PPM bagi sesi 2005/2007yang baru. Tahniah diucapkan kepadabeliau.Biodata ringkas beliau adalah sepertiberikut:

ii. Post Graduate Diploma inLibrary Science University ofStrathclyde, Glasgowiii. Bachelor of Economic(Hons) University of Malaya


1. Perpustakaan UKM

i) Ketua Pustakawan UKM :Ogos 2000 – kiniii) Timbalan Ketua Pustakawan :1999 - 2000iii) Ketua Jabatan PembangunanSumber Maklumat : 1993 -1999iv)Ketua Bahagian Katalog :1978 - 1993iv)Ketua Bahagian TerbitanBersiri , Hadiah & Pertukaran :1976 - 1977v)Ketua Bahagian Dokumen1975 - 1976

Berita Semasa

Puan Putri Saniah Megat Abdul Rahman

The need to reform and reposition

education to bring it more closely to theneeds of the economy becomesnecessary if internationalcompetitiveness is to be maintained, theHonourable Deputy Prime Minister saidin his speech at the PPM Gala Dinner.

This includes self-management,individual responsibility, interpersonalskills, how to teach and learn fromothers. Every society now needsindividuals who seek to contribute topositive living experiences forthemselves, their families, theircommunities and the nation. More andmore people believe that they can makea difference by learning throughreflecting upon everyday experienceand by combining their livedexperiences in formal and informal

learning situations. It now seems thatinstutionalised learning whichstresses in the individual and learningfor its own sake, incapable of beingflexible, innovative and ready toovercome ingrained assumptions andattitudes to remove the barriers offears constructed out of ignorance.There is now a need to promotelearning on humanistic values that isrespectful of cultural, social,economic and political differences.

The DPM went on to stress thathuman development is about accessto means and resources to enableindividuals through personal andcollective actions to improve theirlives and transform their societieswhich brings the need for the lifelonglearning agenda.

On the Excellent Library Awards,he said that this is indeed a verygood move as it will not onlyprovide an incentive andmotivation to improve but also asense of healthy competitivenessamong libraries. The winner willalso provide a benchmark ormodel for other libraries inimproving themselves.

The Rt. Hon. Deputy Prime Minister ofMalaysia Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib Bin

Tun Haji Abdul Razak.

Berita PPM. April/Mei 2005 .3

Lahir di Muar, menetap di Gombak

Cintakan ilmu, bidang diteroka.Kelulusan pustakawan sudahlah adaLibrary and information science puladitimba.Tidak cukup rasanya, belajar pulakomputerKurang lagi katanyaAmbil HRD dan Total QualitySenarai sijil panjang sedepa.

Tempat kerjaya Perpustakaan NegaraPada ’71 hingga 2001Kata bos tekun dan gigihBekerja lebih dari yang ditagih.Melangkah tingkat demi tingkatTahap Ketua Pengarah tinggilah amat.Mempraktik pengurusan danpentadbiranSebagai contoh dan perhatian.Gurindam kanak-kanak, alam cyber adabezaBoleh diminati seolahnya sama.Alam digital dan hypermedia pulaItulah paling ia suka.Saran guna Web dan ICT seluasnya

Shahar Banun Jaafar – citation bergurindamOleh Rosna Taib

Untuk kecapan kota dan desaJelmaan Pusat Siber Desa.

Bersara terus berhijrah kapasitiKe Universiti Islam pula ia pergiBukan calang-calang oi …Academic Fellow!Tugas kajian dan penyelidikanMendidik librarians of tomorrow!Saran gunakan ICT kekalkan warisanTanpa melupa kualiti dan ihsan.

Rajin belajar, rajin menulisPendapat pengalaman terus digurisMengenai subjek sangat berbezaSeolah tiada sempadannya.Mudah berbicara sistem yang adaPERDIM, PERDANA turut serta.Pengurusan pentadbiran ia berkongsiMemimpin yang muda supayabestari.

Hasil penyelidikan disalurkanDalam penulisan dan persembahanDi peringkat kebangsaan,antarabangsaMenjulang insitusi, profesion dan

Negara.E-Islamica penyelidikan UniversitiIslamic Cultural Heritage geran IRPAmenerajui.

Bukan kepustakawanan sahajaminatnyaBidang sejarah diselami bersamaKenalkan bidang kepustakawananKepada profesional lain dunianya.Boleh pula ia berjawatanDi badan sejarah, berani bersuaraMerancang bangunan danperpustakaan mereka.

Ia bertanding dapat merangkulTerus memimpin badan PPM yangunggulTurut memimpin dalam PERTIWIJuga Malaysian Historical Society.

At the AGM on 9 April 2005 held at

Hotel Istana, Shahar Banun Jaafar wasselected the Librarian of the Year.Shahar Banun is presently employed atthe International Islamic University asAcademic Fellow. Prior to that, she wasthe Director General of the NationalLibrary. She was the President of theLibrarians Association of Malaysia(PPM) in 1997-99. She is also active inPERTIWI and has served as Secretaryof the Islamic Women’s Association.She is currently Secretary-General ofthe Malaysian Historical Society.

The criteria for selection is to look for aprofessional librarian who is in activeservice in a library or someone who isan active member of the libraryassociation in the country or involvedin library associations at regional level.Members of CONSAL Executive Boardare automatically disqualified. Besidesconsidering their performance on the

Librarian of the Year Award 2005‘Cik Shahar Banun Jaafar’

job over the last two years, moreweightage was given to candidates’activities in promoting librarianshipoutside their official capacity. Thepanel also examined their contributionin form of publications andpresentations at national andinternational levels over the last threeyears.

As Librarian of the Year 2005, ShaharBanun received a trophy and

certificate of commendation, lifemembership of PPM, free attendance ofPPM seminars for one year and apackage to the next CONSAL. She willbe nominated for the coveted CONSALLibrarian of the Year award to beannounced at the next CONSALConference in Manila in March 2006.

Regrettably, there was no recipient forthe Promising Librarian Award for thisyear, not so much we lack good librariansbut it was because the candidates didnot fulfill all the criteria. In particular,candidates should appreciate that theaward is given by PPM and thereforeshould demonstrate close affiliation tothe Association by at least continuouslyactivating membership for the last 5years. It is also hoped that nominationsfor both awards in the future will fulfillall the criteria. It is also hoped that moremembers would be nominated the nexttime.

Cik Shahar Banun Jaafar

Berita Semasa

Tidak hairanlah …Kebolehan danpencapaiannyadiserlahiPengiktirafanKerajaanKMN telah diberi.

Berita PPM. April/Mei 2005 .4

Program Ceramah Ikhtisasoleh

Mantan-Mantan Presiden PPM sempena Ulangtahun ke-50Penubuhan Persatuan Pustakawan Malaysia (PPM)

Persatuan Pustakawan Malaysia

dengan kerjasama Perpustakaan NegaraMalaysia telah menganjurkan beberapasiri ceramah ikhtisas kepada parapustakawan di sekitar Lembah Klangsempena Ulangtahun ke-50 penubuhanPersatuan Pustakawan Malaysia. Siriceramah ini telah disampaikan olehbeberapa orang mantan presiden-presiden PPM yang pernah menaungipersatuan tersebut.

Siri ceramah ikhtisas ini diadakan buatjulung kalinya bertujuan meningkatkanprofesionalisme dan keupayaanpustakawan dalam kerjaya di sampingmemberi pendedahan kepadapustakawan-pustakawan akankepentingan melibatkan diri dalampersatuan profesional. Siri ceramah inidiadakan dua bulan sekali di BilikSyarahan, Aras 5, Perpustakaan NegaraMalaysia.

Siri ceramah pertama telah diadakanpada 31 Januari 2005 di Bilik Syarahan,Aras 5, Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia(PNM).

Ceramah ini telah disampaikan oleh Y.Bhg. Datin Ragayah Dato’ Hj. MohdEusoff dan tajuk ceramah yangdisampaikan ialah ‘Musing of FormerLibrarian’. Di antara perkara-perkarayang dikupas dalam ceramahberkenaan adalah :1. Reason for choosing Librarianship2. Validity of libraries in the modern

world3. Positive image of librarians4. Development of Special Libraries

and5. Sharing experiences with young


Siri kedua ceramah ikhtisas ini telahdiadakan pada 31 Mac 2005 di BilikSyarahan, Aras 5, PNM. Siri ceramahkali ini telah disampaikan oleh Cik

Shahar Banun Jaafar, Academic FellowDepartment of Library and InformationScience, Kulliyah and CommunicationTechnology, Universiti IslamAntarabangsa Malaysia. Ceramah yangdisampaikan bertajuk ‘DevelopingLibrarians as Human Capitals forNational Development’. Di antara topikyang dibicarakan pada sesi tersebutadalah :1. Definition of Human Capital2. Human Capitals as assets to the

organization & the Nation3. Strategies for developing human

capitals from employer’s perspectives4. Individual strategies as human capital

Siri ketiga ceramah ini akan diadakan pada27 Jun 2005. Penceramah jemputan untukmenyampaikan ceramah pada sesitersebut ialah Puan Rohani Rustam. Tajukyang akan disampaikan ialah Penerbitandan Kepustakawanan: menghasilkandan mengurus bahan yang tidakdiperlukan.

The PPM-LAS Commemorative

Conference 2005 was held on 6-8 April2005 at Hotel Istana, Kuala LumpurMalaysia. The Conference speciallyorganised by the Librarians Associationof Malaysia to celebrate the joint 50thanniversary of the PersatuanPustakawan Malaysia (PPM) and theLibrary Association of Singapore(LAS).The theme for the Conferenceis ‘ The Visible Librarian In The VirtualWorld’.

There were altogether 180participants from various countriesspecifically Malaysia, Singapore,Korea and Vietnam. There were 18speakers, 9 panelists and 7chairpersons. The speakers weremainly from Malaysia and Singaporeand but there was one each from Indiaand South Africa.

There were 5 plenary sessionsat which 16 papers were presented, 2panel discussions and one dialogue


session. The topics discussed in the5 plenary sessions were professionaldevelopment for the digital world,the digital library, knowledgemanagement and libraries, focussingon the user and usage, andempowering the librarian. The twopanel discussions were onknowledge management andmarketing services.

The last session was PPM-LASdialogue: ‘The way forward’

Aktiviti PPM

presented by Dato’ Zawiyah BabaPresident Librarians AssociationMalaysia, Mr. Choy Fatt CheongImmediate Past President LibraryAssociation of Singapore, DrMuttaya Koganuramath PresidentIndian Library Association and MrTommy Mathee, President LIASA,South Africa. Details of theConference can be accessed ath t t p : / / l i b . h u k m . u k m . m y /ppmlas2005.

PPM-LAS Commemorative Conference at Hotel Istana, Kuala Lumpur

Berita PPM. April/Mei 2005 .5

The success of PPM in expediting

development of libraries andlibrarianship has been facilitatedthrough the strong support of eminentprofessionals in this country . Toacknowledge the support and goodwillof champions and friends of the librarycommunity, The PPM Council identifiedfive eminent personalities who in theirdifferent capacities made significantcontributions to the development oflibraries and library services inMalaysia. They have been conferredHonorary Life Members of PPM at GalaDinner on 6 April 2005 in conjuctionwith the Official launch of PPM’s 50thanniversary Celebration by The Rt.Hon. Deputy Prime Minister ofMalaysia Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib Bin TunHaji Abdul Razak.

1. Y.Bhg Tan Sri Dato’ Dr. MohdRashdan bin Haji Baba

Chairman of the Advisory BoardNational Library of Malaysia

In his capacity as the Chairman to theAdvisory Board, Y. Bhg. Tan Sri Dato’Dr. Mohd Rashdan bin Haji Baba hasattracted interest among the public tothe development of the NationalLibrary of Malaysia while establishinghis name in leading gigantic companiesincluding Telekom Malaysia. He alsoplayed a key role in championing thedevelopment of rural libraries throughcontributions by the private sector. Hisassociation with libraries goes as farback as the mid-1960’s and was directlyinvolved in the planning of theuniversities including the libraries ofthe Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysiaand Universiti Pertanian Malaysia.

Conferment of Honorary Life Membership PPM

4. Professor Dato’ Dr.Ibrahim Ahmad Bajunid

Professor of Management,Leadership and Policy Studiesand Founding Dean, Faculty ofHumanities and Social Science


5. Professor Dato’ Dr.Shamsul Amri Baharuddin

Director, Institute of Malay World andCivilitation (ATMA) and Institute of

Occidental Studies (IKON) UKM

Professor Dato’ Dr. Ibrahim is currently verymuch involved in knowledge management,particularly the Management of Academic,Scientific and Vocational Knowledge in thecontext of the challenges of globalisationand the knowledge economy. He believesthat in order such a society, libraries andlibrarians have very significant roles as“ulama” as “teacher”, as “researcherpartner” and as “civilisation builder”.Professor Ibrahim believes that communitylibraries should be built and be accesible tocommunities, families and citizensthroughtout the nation. Professor Ibrahimbeing a regular columnist in the NST with aweekly column every sunday entitled AS IWonder.

Professor Shamrul Amri is a renownedanthropologist and sociologist. He hasbeen the Dean, Faculty of Social Sciencesand Humanities, UKM. Professor Shamsulis a champion of the creation of the MalayWorld Studies portal which was developedunder DAGS. AS Director of ATMA, he isinstrumental in organizing the InternationalColloquium on libraries and theConstruction of Knowledge about theMalay World on 2-3 August 2004. Prof.Shamsul has always been a strongsupporter of libraries and involves theUniversity library in all its activities.

Aktiviti PPM

2. Y. Bhg. Datuk Dr Halimbin Shafie

Secretary GeneralMinistry of Energy, Water and

Communications MalaysiaY. Bhg Datuk Dr. Halim bin Shafie, in hiscapacity as the Secretary General of theMinistry of Energy, Water andCommunications, has beeninstrumental in connecting rural librariesthroughout the country through theUniversal Services Provision (USP)Project. Under the USP Project, eachrural library is equipped with two unitsof computers, a printer, a scanner, a fixedtelephone line and a very small apertureterminal or VSAT. With USP, rurallibraries in Malaysia are provided withinternet Access.

3. Y.M. Tengku Datuk Dr.Mohd Azzman Shariffadeen

Tengku Ibrahim President / Chief Executive

Officer MIMOS Berhad

Y. Bhg Dato’ Tengku AzzmanShariffadeen is no stranger to the libraryand information technology community,To the library community, MIMOS is notonly the reference source and driver tothe development of infrastructurethrough JARINGAN ILMU but also forlocal content development through theDemonstrator Application Grant Scheme(DAGS)’ of which it is the Secretariat.JARINGAN ILMU networked all majorlibraries in the country with a view topromote sharing of resources, whilstDAGS provides financial support tolibraries and the other bodies inenriching local contents.

Berita PPM. April/Mei 2005 .6

Library Excellence Awards

cont. page 10


The idea of an Excellence Award forlibraries was first mooted at the PersatuanPustakawan Malaysia (PPM) AGM in2002. A Concept Paper was put up by PPMCouncil to the 2003 AGM. This resulted infurther suggestions that wereincorporated in the first announcement inBerita PPM of September/October 2003.At AGM 2004, the President announcedthat the inaugural award would be madein 2005, in conjunction with PPM’s GoldenJubilee.

Official Name of the Award

The award is conferred on two categoriesof libraries. Officially the award is knownas:· Anugerah Perpustakaan Cemerlang

Persatuan Pustakawan Malaysia(Kategori Perpustakaan Kecil). PPMLibrary Excellence Award (SmallLibrary Category)

· Anugerah Perpustakaan CemerlangPersatuan Pustakawan Malaysia(Kategori Perpustakaan Sederhana/Besar). PPM Library ExcellenceAward (Big/Medium Size Library)

The Sponsor’s name may be added(“Persatuan Pustakawan Malaysia/Sponsor”) when at least cashsponsorship is given for all categoriesof the awards for three consecutiveaward-years.

Promotional Activities the Focus of theAward

PPM has decided that this Award wouldfocus on excellence in user education andlibrary promotion of available resourcesand services. The award would:· Give recognition to libraries that

already have in place excellent usereducation and clientelecommunication programmes andactivities

· Give recognition to libraries that areexemplary and can be considered tobe role models in providing andsustaining user education andclientele communication andsatisfaction

· Value libraries that have successfully

promoted librarianship andinformation to the public at large.

Library Participation

Participation was open to all Malaysianlibraries both in the public and privatesector. Conditions for a library’sparticipation include the following:· At least one of its staff must be

professionally qualified.· It must be a Library Member of

PPM in good standing, or at leastone of its staff must be a PPMmember in good standing.

· The Chief Librarian/Representative may be called forinterviews, if considerednecessary.

· Library visits and presentationsshall be entertained, if considerednecessary.

· Additional information shall befurnished should this be required.

· PPM Council shall decide on theformat of publicising decisionsby Assessment Panels.


Berita PPM January/February 2004publicised details of this inauguralaward. PPM also sent out over 50letters inviting libraries to participate.By final closing date (1 March 2005),twenty-six (26) entries were received.Names of participating libraries arelisted in Appendix I.

Library Categories

PPM Council had decided that for thisinaugural effort, competing librariesshall be separated into two categories,“Small Libraries” and “Medium/BigLibraries”. Initially, a “Small Library”was defined as a library having a totalof up to 5 staff; and a “Medium/BigLibrary” was defined as one with a totalof 6 staff or more.

Of the 26 submissions received, there

were 4 libraries in the “Small”Category, and 22 were in the Medium/Big Category.Funding the 2005 AwardsAccess Dunia Sdn. Bhd. madeavailable a generous sum of RM10,000to fund the publicised award ofRM5,000 for the library winners inboth the library categories. They havealso confirmed their future donationsof at least a similar sum to fund cashawards in 2007 and 2009.

Documentation: Main Criterion forShortlisting FinalistsThe Committee based their decisionsmainly on the documentationsubmitted by libraries themselves.Libraries that submitteddocumentation that were able toprovide evidence of substantialpromotional activities relating toresources and services in theirlibraries were shortlisted as Finalists,and were subjected to a FinalAssessment. In addition, Finalists hadindicated creativity and innovation intheir library promotion activities/programmes.

Four Final Candidates ShortlistedThe Shortlisting Committee met forthis purpose. Based on theDocument Review, the followingfour libraries were shortlisted:

Category I (Medium/Big libraries):· Knowledge Management

Centre, Bank Negara Malaysia· Perpustakaan Sultanah

Zanariah, Universiti TeknologiMalaysia

· Pustaka Negeri Sarawak,Kuching.

Category I (Small libraries):· English Language Training

Centre (ELTC) ResourceCentre

Library VisitsLibrary visits were made to all fourfinalist-libraries by the Panel members.Library tours and on-site observationswere also made, library presentations,

Aktiviti PPM

Berita PPM. April/Mei 2005 .7

London Book Fair 9-16 Mac 2005

Day 1: It is the 9th of March. Weleft KLIA at 9.40pm on flight MH008and arrived at Heathrow London onthe same date at 3pm London time.Boarded a tour coach which took usto Holiday Villa Hotel, Bayswaterwhere we stayed throughout the 7days. Temperature was 8 degreescelcius and for some who were firsttimers in London that was extremelycold!! There were 28 peoplealtogether comprising Librarians,University lecturers and Booksuppliers.

Day 2: On 10th March we leftLondon by coach at 8.30am forCoventry. We were accompanied bya tourist guide. We arrived atCoventry University Library at10.45am and were met by the chieflibrarian, Mr.Pat Noone.After thewelcome coffee and biscuits wewere given a presentation by thechief librarian. The LanchesterLibrary building was ready in the year2000 and the cost of the buiding wasabout 20 million pound sterling. Thelibrary building received manyawards for its architectural design.The chimney-like shaped providednatural ventilation for the wholelibrary. The library building is veryenvironmental friendly because no aircondition is needed during summerand it utilized a lot of natural light.We were divided into 4 groups andtaken on tour of the 5 storey librarywhich took about half an hour. By 12noon we headed for lunch atHussain’s Halal Restaurant inStratford Upon Avon. After lunch wehad an hour’s tour of Shakespeare’sbirth place as well as souvenirshopping for many of them. Ofcourse there were non stop flashingof the cameras which resulted in twoof them being late to board the coach.Finally, at 2.30 we left Straford uponAvon for Warwick castle. Accordingto the tourist guide Warwick castle

has been voted the number onecastle in United Kingdom. The tourbrought back history during thetime of Duke of Warwick and hischarming wife Daisy. The viewfrom the top of the castle wasmagnificient and breathtaking!!.We left Warwick castle at 4.30 forLondon and were taken for dinnerat Indonesian Nusa Duarestaurant. After a long day oftours which we enjoyed verymuch everybody were tired andlooked forward to retire early tobe ready for another exciting day.

Day 3: On 11 March it was thehalf day London City tour whichwas eagerly waited by the newcomers to London. We were takento see the Tower of London, TheWestminster Abbey with themagestic Big Ben as the backdropfor photo session and finally themuch awaited changing of theGuards at Buckingham Palace. Itwas a cold and windy day buteverybody waited patiently atstrategic places for the ceremony.The sight of the guards on horsesin their beautiful grizzly bear hatwas worth waiting for. Wedropped the men for Fridayprayers at 12pm and then they metus at The British Library,

St.Pancras at 2.30pm for a guided tour.

Day 4: It is saturday and it is 12th ofMarch. We took the underground forthe London Eye which was inclusive inthe package. It was a beautiful morningas the sun was shining ever so brightly.It was like a warm welcome for us after3 gloomy and chilly English weather.The London eye is always on the moveand it move ever so slowly so one onlyneed to hop in as the glass eyeapproached the platform. Theexperience going into the London Eyewas an unforgetable experience. Theview from the top was magnificient.You could take a beautiful picture ofthe Big Ben from up there. Theafternoon was free and easy and ofcourse it is shopping time. Some wentto Oxford Street while some went toPicaddily Circus where a shop calledLilyWhites opposite the TrafalgaSquare specializes in sports attire. Youcan get football and rugby jerseys atvery cheap prices here. You can choosewhether you want Chelsea, ManUnited, Arsenal or the England footballjersey to bring home for your loved ones

Day 5: It is the 13th March and thestart of the London Book Fair.Everybody was excited and lookedforward to start the tiring process ofbook selection from one booth toanother at Olympia. Weary and tiredeverybody was glad dinner that nightwas provided courtesy of YuhaAssociates.

Day 6: It is 14th March and the secondday of London Book Fair. Moreselection, more catalogues and freebiescollected. Caution to all of them not tohave excess baggage. In the evening asteam boat dinner at the hotel hostedby Bistari Media was very muchwelcomed by all of us.

cont. page 16

In front of Tower Bridge,London

Aktiviti PPM

Berita BergambarPPM-LAS Commemorative Conference, 6-8 April 2005, Hotel Istana, Kuala Lumpur & ‘Gala Dinner’

Sylvia YapPresident LAS

Tommy MatheePresident LIASA

Dr. MuttayyaKoganuramathPresident ILA

Berita Bergambar

Mesyuarat Agung PPM 2005, 9 April 2005, Hotel Istana, Kuala Lumpur

Berita PPM. April/Mei 2005 .10

from page 6Library Excellence Awards

interviews with library staff were held. Thiswas followed by a meeting of Panel membersto make the final awards. Long, exhaustivediscussions covered all aspects of eachlibrary’s candidacy before final decisionswere taken.

Criteria for 2005 Award: Focus onPromotional Activities of the Library

Awards were based on written andpublished documentation as well asobservations made during site visits.

· Increased use. Promotionalactivities that have led to greater/extensive/more in-depth use oflibrary resources and services(collections, databases, staffexpertise, etc.) by an increasedclientele (Target and peripheral;differentiated clientele, etc.).

· Creativity: Shown in designingand implementing promotional/marketing activities, in addition totraditional publicity methods(listings, brochures etc).

Based on all findings, this Panel ofAssessors unanimously recommended toPPM/Access Dunia that the followingawards be made.

Awards in the Medium/Big LibraryCategory, 2005

Winning Library: Perpustakaan SultanahZanariah, Universiti Teknologi MalaysiaA mature, well-established library, for overallexcellence in promotional activities that arebacked by a full range of professionalservices offered by well-trained professionalas well as support staff, and with very goodphysical and ICT resources. The quality ofPSZ has been recognised by their havingreceived a number of awards.Award: Challenge Trophy andaccompanying Trophy, Certificate, andRM5,000,

Two Special Mention Awards, 2005

The Panel was very impressed with the othertwo finalists, one of which, Pustaka NegeriSarawak, was a very close finalist to PSZ.The Panel recommends that for this year,two Special Mention Awards be made, inview of special circumstances. Such awards

need not be made in the future, shouldcircumstance do not warrant them.

Special Mention Award (Excellence &Creativity in Promotional Activities):

Pustaka Negeri SarawakThe very young Pustaka (launched in2000) is set in over 70 acres of abeautifully landscaped location.Pustaka’s promotional activities areexcellent and are extremely creative,implemented by a team of young, well-trained and enthusiastic staff, who arebacked by a good collection and rangeof library services. However, the fulleffect of their promotional activities hasyet to be fully assessed or officiallyrecognized.Award: RM2,000 and Certificate.

Special Mention Award (Transformationof library)

Knowledge Management Centre(KMC), Bank Negara Malaysia

The Panel was very impressed with themanner in which the KnowledgeManagement Centre (KMC) of BankNegara Malaysia had transformed itselfin recent years (since 2003) into adynamic knowledge centre that isintegrated with the KnowledgeManagement philosophy andrequirements of Bank Negara Malaysia.However, their collection managementstill needs to be improved, and the effectsof their promotional activities have yetto be fully assessed.Award: RM2,000 and Certificate.

Awards in the Small LibraryCategory, 2005 :The Panel was of the opinion thatno library could be considered to beexemplary from the focus ofpromotional activity for a range ofresources such as collections,electronic databases, professionalstaff, range of high-end libraryservices and excellent libraryenvironment. The Panelrecommended that for this year, noWinning Award be made.

Special Mention Award(Resourcefulness):

English Language TeachingCentre (ELTC) Resource Centre

However, the Panel was mostimpressed with the high degree ofresourcefulness that is shown bythe English Language TeachingCentre (ELTC) Resource Centre. TheLibrary is very new (since 2003). Ithas only one professional staff anda very small number of support staff.It is located in a somewhat crampedarea, and has limited funding.Nevertheless, it has a good lendingphilosophy. It can count onenthusiastic academic affiliationswith ICT skills to mount a range oflibrary services. Its collection,though small, is sound. All activitiesare promoted to target teaching andlearning clientele. The Panelrecommended that a SpecialMention Award for Resourcefulnessbe made to the ELTC ResourceCentre.Award: RM1,000 and Certificate.

Vice Chancellor of UTM received Library Excellence Award from Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib Tun Abdul Razak

Aktiviti PPM

Berita PPM. April/Mei 2005 .11

Walk yang merupakan yangterpanjang di dunia. Aktiviti inimerupakan satu aktiviti wajib jikauntuk sesiapa yang ke TamanNegara. Melalui jambatan gantungdari satu pokok ke satu pokok yanglain dengan ketinggian kira-kira 50meter dari tanah adalah bukansuatu yang mudah. Apa yangkelihatan hanya pucuk-pucukpokok yang nun sayup di bawah.Semua peserta berjaya melaluiujian ini, meskipun ada seseorangpeserta yang hampir-hampirmenarik diri. Mendaki BukitTeresek terpaksa dibatalkanmemandangkan peserta-pesertasudah kepenatan.

Pada petangnya pula, peserta telahdibawa untuk aktiviti RapidsShooting. Semua peserta telah dibawa menaiki sampan menongkaharus deras Sungai Trenggan.Sebanyak tujuh jeram telah dilalui.Rata-rata peserta merasakan

Setelah berjaya menerokai

Gua Mulu di Sarawak kira-kira duatahun lalu, baru-baru ini ahli-ahliPPM telah mengadakan ekspedisike Taman Negara di Kuala Tahanpula. Kumpulan sepuluh orang ahli-ahli yang diketuai oleh Mantan YangDiPertua PPM YBhg Dato ZawiyahBaba itu telah berada di TamanNegara selama dua malam pada 21-23 Mei yang lalu.

Ekspedisi ini unik sedikitmemandangkan peserta telahmemilih untuk memandu terus keKuala Tahan. Ia bermula daripadang letak kereta PerpustakaanNegara Malaysia kira-kira jam 9.00pagi. Peserta telah singgah sebentardi perkarangan Masjid Jerantut untukmenikmati sarapan pagi yang telahdibawa bersama. Perjalananditeruskan menuju ke Kuala Tahanmelalui jalan-jalan kecil berliku dikawasan Felda. Perjalanan yangagak mencabar itu telah mengambilmasa lebih dari satu jam. Pesertatelah selamat sampai di Kuala Tahanpada kira-kira jam 1.30 petang.

Acara pertama yang dilakukan adalahuntuk melawat Kelah Sanctuary danLata Berkoh. Ia dimulakan pada kira-kira jam 3.00 petang pada hari yangsama. Aktiviti yang mengambilmasa kira-kira tiga jam itu telahmembawa peserta menaiki bot-botkecil yang hanya boleh dimuatkanoleh empat orang meredah arus derasuntuk ke destinasi. Kebetulan pulahujan lebat telah turun pada awal pagihari itu. Air sungai begitu dalamdengan arus yang deras.

Pada sebelah malamnya pula selepasmakan malam, peserta telah dibawauntuk Jungle Walk di kaki BukitTeresek dan seterusnya ke saltlickuntuk mencuba nasib mengintaihaiwan liar yang mungkin keluar padawaktu malam. Walau bagimanapun

dengan bilangan pelancong yangberibu orang pada musim cutipanjang itu, tidak mungkin haiwan-haiwan liar itu berada dipersekitaran , apa lagi untukmenonjolkan diri. Yang kelihatanhanyalah cicak dan seranga-seranga kecil sebagaipengganti…..

Pada keesokan harinya pesertatelah dibawa untuk meniti Canopy

masa yang diberikan adalah terlalusingkat dan tidak puas. Dalamperjalanan pulang peserta telahdibawa singgah di sebuahperkampungan suku kaum Batek.Betapa mudahnya kehidupan sukuini, tidak materialistik dan sekadarmemerlukan perkara yang asassahaja, mereka juga telahmembuat beberapa demonstrasimengenai aktiviti-aktiviti harianmereka. Sungguh mengkagumkanbagaimana mereka bolehmenghidupkan api dengan mudahhanya dengan menggunakansebilah rotan dan sepotong kayu.

Pada sebelah malamnya majlisBBQ pula telah diadakan.Makanan yang disediakan olehpihak hotel agak begitu lavishseolah-olah untuk 50 orang tetamu.Mungkin kerana terlalu penat,sedikit saja makanan yang dapatdijamah.

Majlis diakhiri dengan sesi karaokesehingga jam 11.00 malam. Sesuaidengan purata usia pesertaekspedisi, hanya lagu-lagu Inggerisevergreen 60an dan 70an saja yangkedengaran.

Peserta telah berlepas pulang padakeesokan harinya kira-kira jam11.00 pagi.

Ekspedisi PPM ke Taman Negara

Aktiviti PPM

Peserta tersenyum gembira setelah berjaya menamatkan‘canopy walk’ yang terpanjang di dunia!

Berita PPM. April/Mei 2005 .12

The How and Whys of Library Consortia Workshop

Buat julung kalinya, Persatuan

Pustakawan Malaysia(PPM) telah menganjurkan BengkelPengkatalogan National Library ofMedicine pada 3 Mei 2005 hingga 4Mei 2005 bertempat di InstitutPengurusan Kesihatan, Bangsar,Kuala Lumpur. Bengkel ini telahdianjurkan bersama oleh KumpulanPustakawan Perubatan (PPM) danInstitut Pengurusan Kesihatandengan kerjasama Access Dunia SdnBhd. Seramai 27 peserta yangterdiri daripada PustakawanPerubatan Kementerian KesihatanMalaysia dan Universiti tempatantelah mengikuti bengkel ini.

Bengkel ini diadakan bertujuanmemberi latihan dan pendedahanserta meningkatkan kepakaranPustakawan PerubatanKementerian Kesihatan Malaysiadan Universiti dalammendokumenkan bahanperpustakaan perubatan denganmenggunakan Medical SubjectHeadings (MESH) dan NationalLibrary of Medicine Classification(NLM). Ia juga untuk melatihfasilitator di kalangan Pustakawan

Perubatan (Training of Trainers).Disamping itu, pustakawanperubatan juga dapat mewujudkandan memperbaiki keseragamanbahan Perpustakaan Perubatan ditempat masing-masing.

Fasilitator bengkel ini merupakanseorang pakar pengkatalogan yangditerbangkan khas dari Australiaiaitu Puan Lamis Sukkar, iaituPengurus PerkhidmatanPengkatalogan, CAVAL, Australia.Selama dua hari bengkel inidiadakan, beliau telah memberikanpendedahan berkaitanPengkatalogan bahan perubatanmenggunakan MESH, seperti ciri-ciri MESH, pengenalan MARC

Bengkel Pengkatalogan National Library of Medicine (NLM)

format, MESH vocabulary, treestructure, subheadings, masalah-masalah dihadapi dalampenggunaan MESH, penggunaanMESH untuk pengkatalogan danMESH browser dalam web sepertiNLM gateway, dan locatorplus.

Secara keseluruhannya, pesertaberpuas hati dengan bengkel inikerana dapat mempelajari kaedahpengkatalogan menggunakanMESH dan NLM dengan lebihmendalam untuk dipraktikkan diperpustakaan masing-masing.Mereka juga berharap agarbengkel seumpamanya dapatdiadakan lagi pada masa-masa yangakan datang.

Peserta Bengkel Pengkatalogan NLM

The How and Whys of Library

Consortia Workshop was held on 18May 2005 at National Library ofMalaysia, Kuala Lumpur. Theworkshop organised by PersatuanPustakawan Malaysia. There were 39participants that joint the workshopfrom various institutions in Malaysia.

This workshop explores the variouslibrary consortia models, the benefitsof library cooperation and the reasonswhy cooperation is becoming criticalto the delivery of information productsand services.

The facilitator for the workshop isSue Henczel. Sue is Convenor ofthe Special Libraries Association(SLA’s International InformationExchange Caucus and Presidentof the newly formed Australia andNew Zealand Chapter of SLA).She is regarded internationally asan expert in information andknowledge management, auditingand training. She is in high demandas a workshop developer andpresenter and for the writings onknowledge management,information auditing,competencies, benchmarking,

project management and sales andmarketing for informationprofessionals.

After completion of the workshop,the participants have anunderstanding of the varying modelsfor the library cooperativeorganizations, an understanding ofthe characteristics, strengths andweaknesses of the models,awareness of the types of productsand services offered by consortiaand an understanding of the benefitsand opportunities available throughcooperation

Aktiviti PPM

Berita PPM. April/Mei 2005 .13

Persidangan SLIB 2005

Kursus PembantuPerpustakaan/Pusat Maklumat

di ESSET KWSP, Bangi.

Kalendar Aktiviti PPM dari bulan Jun hingga Disember

Persatuan Pustakawan Malaysia telahmenganjurkan Kursus Pembantu Perpustakaan /Pusat Maklumat pada 9-14 Mei 2005 bertempat diInstitut Latihan Keselamatan Sosial KWSP(ESSET) di Bangi Selangor Darul Ehsan.

Seramai 27 orang pembantu perpustakaan /pusatmaklumat dari serata Malaysia termasuk dari Sabahtelah menyertai kursus ini. Fasilitator kursus iniadalah dari kalangan Pustakawan dan ProfesionalMaklumat dari IPTA dan PNM.

Tujuan kursus ini adalah untuk memberi pengetahuanasas yang formal kepada pembantu perpustakaan/kerani di dalam pengendalian perpustakaan danpusat maklumat. Disamping itu, ia juga dapatmelengkapkan pembantu perpustakaan/keranidengan pengetahuan yang boleh membantu merekamenjalankan kerja-kerja perpustakaan/pusatmaklumat dengan lebih berkesan dan melahirkanpembantu perpustakaan/ kerani yang berkeyakinan,berpengetahuan dan berdedikasi.

Jun 2005Ceramah Ikhtisas Mantan Presiden PPMPNM, KL

6-8 Julai 2005Knowledge Conference 2005 : makinglibraries relevantPustaka Negeri Sarawak

25 Julai 2005Sesi Dialog Bersama Kontraktor/Pembekal BukuPNM, KL

27-30 Julai 2005Bengkel Kemahiran Maklumat PPM/UMSUMS Sabah

12-21 Ogos 2005Pakej PPM ke Persidangan IFLAOslo Norway

Ogos 2005Hari Keluarga PPM

Ogos/September 2005Kursus Pengkatalogan SumberElektronikUSM, Penang

5-10 September 2005Kursus Asas untuk PembantuPerpustakaan /Pusat Maklumat(Lanjutan)Maktab Kerjasama Malaysia,Petaling Jaya

Aktiviti PPM

PETRONAS dengan kerjasama PPM telah menganjurkanpersidangan SLIB 2005 dengan tema “PositioningInformation Services Towards Organisational Excellence”mulai 15 hingga 17 Mei lepas bertempat di Hotel Nikko, KualaLumpur.

Persidangan ini merupakan yang julung-julung kali diadakandi negara dan bakal dianjurkan setiap dua tahun sekali.Ucaptama dan acara perasmian telah disampai dandisempurnakan oleh Dr. Rosti Saruwono, Naib PresidenKumpulan Pendidikan Petronas.

Sebanyak 7 sesi pembentangan telah berlangsung dengansetiap satunya dibahagikan kepada beberapa topik penting.Topik pembentangan adalah “Strategic planning andperformance management”, “Information management andthe new paradigm”, “Special Libraries and contentmanagement”, “Promoting and marketing special library”,“Resource sharing and cooperative ventures among speciallibraries” dan “Special libraries in learning organizations:case studies”.

Pembentang adalah pakar dari dalam dan luarnegara yangterdiri daripada ahli akademik, pengurus kanan korporat,penyelidik dan pustakawan. Antara penyumbang kertas kerjaadalah Dr. Nik Abdullah Hj. Awang (Petronas), Profesor Dr.Szarina Abdullah dan Dato Profesor Dr. Haji Raja AbdullahYaacob (UiTM). Pembentang dari luar negara pula antaralain terdiri daripada Phyllis Wee Guek Suan dari NLB,Singapura, Leuvelyn A. Cache (Ateneo de Manila UniversityRizal Library) dan Sue Henczel (CAVAL Collaborative

Solutions, Melbourne Australia).

Persidangan disertai oleh para pustakawan, ahli akademikdan profesional dari pelbagai bidang dan latarbelakang.Persidangan turut disertai oleh peserta luarnegara sepertidaripada Thailand, Indonesia, Brunei dan Singapura.Pameran produk dan perkhidmatan oleh pihak penerbitdan pembekal turut diadakan sepanjang persidanganberlangsung. Para peserta turut berkesempatan dibawamelawat ke Menara Petronas KLCC pada hari terakhirpersidangan. Maklumat persidangan juga boleh didapatidi alamat http://www.slib-petronas.com.

Paluan gong menandakan perasmian SLIB2005

Berita PPM. April/Mei 2005 .14

Maklumat Penaja

Berita PPM. April/Mei 2005 .15

Berita Perlantikan


Seluruh warga PPM merakamkan takziah kepada warga Perbadanan Perpustakaaan Awam Negeri

Sembilan (PPANS) atas pulangnya ke Rahmatullah, Pengarah PPANS, Haji Abd. Rahman b. Sulaimanpada 15 Februari 2005. Allayarham telah memulakan tugas di PPANS pada 1988 dan telah dilantikmenjadi Pengarah PPANS pada tahun 1990. PPM juga merakamkan takziah kepada keluargaAllahyarham dan semoga roh Allahyarham dicucuri rahmat dan ditempatkan di kalangan orang yangsoleh.


Berita Persaraan

YBhg. Dato’ Zawiyah Baba

Selamat Bersara kepada Y. Bhg. Dato’ Zawiyah Baba.Dato’ Zawiyah memulakan kerjaya sebagai PembantuBahasa Di Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka dalam projekkamus Dwi-Bahasa Inggeris Melayu. Setelahmendapat kelulusan Post Graduate Diploma inLibrarianship beliau memulakan kerjaya di KementerianPenerangan Malaysia pada tahun 1973 sebagaiPustakawan dan seterusnya di Perpustakaan NegaraMalaysia mulai 1980 hingga 2005. Dalam tempohperkhidmatan beliau di Perpustakaan Negara beliautelah mengetuai Bahagian Rujukan, Bahagian Latihan,Bahagian Pembangunan dan Bahagian PenyerahanAkta serta memegang jawatan Pengarah PerkhidmatanPerpustakaan, Pengarah Perkhidmatan Sokongan,Timbalan Ketua Pengarah dan sebagai Ketua Pengarahdari 1 Disember 2001 hingga 19 Januari 2005.

Cik Hajjah Kalsom Shariff

Tahniah diucapkan kepada Dr. Hj. Wan Ali WanMamat atas perlantikan beliau sebagai KetuaPengarah Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia bermula1 April 2005

Tahniah diucapkan kepada Puan Kamariah NorMohd Desa atas perlantikan beliau sebagaiKetua Pustakawan Perpustakaan SultanahZanariah Universiti Teknologi Malaysia bermula21 Mac 2005.

Berita Semasa

Selamat Bersara kepada Cik Hajjah KalsomShariff. Beliau telah bersara sebagai TimbalanKetua Pustakawan Perpustakaan UniversitiIslam Antarabangsa ( UIA ) mulai 15 April 2005.Beliau telah dilantik sebagai Timbalan KetuaPustakawan Perpustakaan Universiti IslamAntarabangsa pada November 2000 sehinggabeliau bersara pada 15 April 2005.

Berita PPM. April/Mei 2005 .16

PresidentPutri Saniah Megat Abdul Rahman

Vice President 1Mohd Sharif Mohd Saad

Vice President IISiti Zakiah Aman

Immediate Past PresidentDato’ Zawiyah Baba

Honorary SecretaryMaimunah Kadir

Honorary Assistant SecretaryAzlan Mohamad Hamzah

Honorary TreasurerChin Loy Jyoon

Council MembersChe Norma BahriHasbullah AtanHasnita IbrahimNafisah Ahmad

Nor Edzan Che NasirNorma Mohd Darus

Raslin Abu Bakar

Day 7: 15th March. The lastday of Book Fair and anothertiring and long day. In theevening we were treated toanother dinner at KhanRestaurant which is a walkingdistance from our hotel. Thisdinner is hosted by Nijuyonand Far Read Resources. Wehad the best Bryani rice evertasted!!! The library supplierswere so kind to havearranged such wonderfuldinners for all of us. Itcertainly was very generous

from page 7

In front of Lanchester Library Universityof Coventry, UK

of them and we thank them fromthe bottom of our hearts. Terimakasih daun keladi, lain kali nasibryani lagi!!

Day 8: 16th March, the last day inLondon. Last minute shopping andtour of the famous sights in Londonsuch as shopping at Oxford streetand at Harrods, Knightsbridge.Then to Convent Gardens for someof us before we left for Heathrowat 6pm ready for a flight home. Didwe have a great time in London?Oh it is a definite YEAH!!!

Tiada Pemenang Dalam Pertandingan MenciptaLogo PPM

Bersempena dengan sambutan Jubli

Emas PPM, Majlis PPM telah bersetujuuntuk mengadakan pertandinganmencipta logo untuk mengantikan logoPPM yang sedia ada. Ini dirasakan perlukerana logo PPM yang sedia ada rata-ratadirasakan agak “out-dated” dan tidakdapat mencerminkan aktiviti dan perananPPM masakini. Saranan yang serupatelah juga diterima dari ahli-ahli semasaAGM sebelum ini

Pekeliling mengenai garispanduan telahdihantar kepada ahli-ahli melalui listservPPM. Sebanyak 27 penyertaan telahditerima. Walau bagaimanapun panelpenilai yang terdiri daripada mereka yangpakar dibidang grafik merasakan kesemua

penyertaan yang diterima adalahtidak sesuai untuk diterima-pakaisebagai logo PPM yang baru.

Walau bagimanapun terdapatbeberapa ciptaan yang berpotensiuntuk digunapakai tetapi beberapaperubahan patut dibuat.

Majlis PPM yang bermesyuaratselepas AGM yang lalu telahbersetuju supaya logo yang sediaada itu dipakai untuk sementarawaktu. Keputusan selanjutnya akandibuat selepas ini.

Semua peserta dalalam pertandinganini akan diberikan sijil penyertaan.

PPM Council Members 2005-2007

Sidang Pengarang Berita


Ketua Pengarang

Maimunah KadirSidang Pengarang

Azmah IshakAzlan Mohamad Hamzah

Hasbullah AtanHazmir Hj Zainal

Norbaizura Hj MalekGrafik/Layout

Rusiah Husin

Aktiviti PPM

Inside Lanchester Library University ofCoventry, UK

Pada tahun ini juga telah diadakanpilihanraya ahli Majlis PPM bagi sesi2005/2007. Pilihanraya ini adalah bagimemilih ahli majlis PPM yang baru

setelah ahli Majlis PPM sesi 2003/2005 tamat tempoh pada tahun ini.

Barisan Ahli Majlis PPM bagi sesi2005/2007 seperti di halaman ini .

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