ppecb.com€¦  · web viewit is the responsibility of each bidder to obtain for itself at its own...

Post on 22-Jun-2020






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Closing Date: 21st May 2020 Closing Time: 11H00


PERISHABLE PRODUCTS EXPORT CONTROL BOARD45 Silwerboom AvenuePlattekloofCape Town 7500

Tell No: 021 930 1134

Contact person:

Procurement Manager

PERISHABLE PRODUCTS EXPORT CONTROL BOARD45 Silwerboom AvenuePlattekloofCape Town 7500

Registered Name of Bidder:

Trading Name of Bidder:

Registration No. of Entity:

Contact Person: Position:

Tel. No: E-Mail Address:

Cell No: Fax No:



TABLE OF CONTENTS1. INVITATION TO SUBMIT PROPOSAL..................................................................................................3

2. TENDER INFORMATION AND INSTRUCTIONS..................................................................................3

3. CLOSING TIME..................................................................................................................................... 5

4. PPECB BACKGROUND........................................................................................................................5

5. PROJECT BACKGROUND................................................................................................................... 5

6. OBJECTIVES........................................................................................................................................ 6

7. SCOPE OF SERVICES......................................................................................................................... 6

8. REQUIREMENTS FOR TENDER SUBMISSION..................................................................................9

9. LIST OF RETURNABLE DOCUMENTS................................................................................................9

10. TENDER EVALUATION SPECIFICATIONS AND PROCESS.........................................................10

11. FINANCIAL PROPOSAL................................................................................................................. 13

12. SPECIAL CONDITIONS.................................................................................................................. 13

13. JOINT VENTURES, CONSORTIUMS AND TRUSTS.....................................................................14

14. SUB-CONTRACTING...................................................................................................................... 14

15. INSURANCE.................................................................................................................................... 14

16. REVISIONS TO REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL................................................................................15

17. RESERVATIONS............................................................................................................................. 15

18. FURTHER INFORMATION..............................................................................................................15

19. FORM OF CONTRACT................................................................................................................... 15

20. QUALITY......................................................................................................................................... 15

21. TERMS OF PAYMENT.................................................................................................................... 15

22. DURATION OF CONTRACT...........................................................................................................16

23. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS..........................................................................................16


This document contains information which is proprietary and confidential to the PPECB.

No part of the content may be used, copied, disclosed or conveyed in whole or in part to any party in any manner whatsoever other than for purpose of submitting a tender bid, without prior written permission from PPECB.

All copyright and intellectual property rights herein vests in PPECB. Unauthorized use of the PPECB’s Logo and/or branding in any proposal document is strictly prohibited. No PPECB branding or co-branding may be used in any submission documentation or proposal without the explicit permission of the PPECB’s Marketing and Communication Department.

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Bidders are invited to tender for the implementation, management and enhancement of the PPECB Microsoft Enterprise Solutions as well as migration from the current PPECB platform to the Microsoft latest Technologies to cloud variants (Public and/or Private)

Bidders must comply with the instructions to Bidders and all other requirements of this Invitation to Tender. Non-compliance may lead to a tender not being considered by the PPECB.

The bid and accompanying documents must be carefully parcelled, sealed and delivered to the Procurement tender box in the reception area of PPECB Head Office by no later than the 21st May 2020 at 11:00.

A briefing session will be held on Date: 07th of May 2020 at 14h00pm.


The following terms shall have the following meanings:

Invitation to Tender: Microsoft Enterprise License and Cloud Service ProviderContact Person: The Procurement Manager

PPECB45 Silwerboom AvenuePlattekloof7500

Public Entity: Perishable Products Export Control Board (PPECB)Bidder: The person / organisation submitting a tender bid to the PPECB

under this tender.

The PPECB invites Bidders to submit a fixed price for the implementation and enhancement and management of the PPECB Microsoft Enterprise Agreement and a Cloud Service/Solutions Provider as well as migration from the current PPECB platform to the Microsoft latest Technologies as outlined under technical specifications. Tenders are invited in accordance with the information in this pack.

Bidders are required to submit detailed proposals to demonstrate their ability to provide the services they will deliver on this RFP. A detailed specification of the services required by PPECB is contained herein.

The tender shall be submitted on the Forms of Tender incorporated herein. The form shall be signed by each Bidder and submitted in the manner and by the date and time stated below together with the documents listed duly completed.

All of the following documents (Part 1 to 7) must be submitted as part of the response to this bid request. Failure to do so will invalidate a response.

Form No Document Description1. SBD 1 Invitation to Submit Proposal2. SBD 3.3 Pricing Schedule3. SBD 4 Declaration of Interest4. SBD 6.1 Preference Point Claim Form5. SBD 7.2 Contract Form: Rendering of Services6. SBD 8 Declaration of Bidder’s past SCM Practices 7. SBD 9 Certificate of Independent Bid Determination

Each Bidder should ensure that it is thoroughly familiar with the Tender Documents and understands the obligations that will apply if the Tender is accepted by the PPECB.

The tender submission and assessment process will be conducted in compliance with the Public Finance Management Act of 1999, Supply Chain Regulation and PPECB’s Procurement Policy. PPECB is committed to support and grow Black Economic Empowerment and Small Medium Enterprises in South Africa, emphasis being placed on procurement from historically disadvantaged South Africans.

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Bidders shall highlight where a conflict of interest exists or may exist between parties under the proposed contract. In the event that a conflict of interest exists between the most advantageous Bidder and the PPECB, the said Bidder’s bid will not be accepted. The next most advantageous Bidder will be awarded the contract.

The award of the tender is subject to receiving approval from the Board Members of the PPECB.

It is the responsibility of each Bidder to obtain for itself at its own expense any additional information necessary for the preparation of the tender. This document and the information contained within it are for vendor use only, for the purposes of preparing a response to this RFP. The document is not to be duplicated and distributed, nor is its information to be disclosed to any third party without PPECB's written permission. Should Bidders believe that they require further information, they are invited to contact the Procurement Officer. Any queries relating to the Tender Documents should be sent in writing to the Procurement Officer to arrive no later than five days before the date for submission of the tender. The Procurement Officer may if necessary issue written circulars to Bidders amending or clarifying the Tender Documents and Bidders shall comply with these.

All proposals are to be submitted in PDF format (except for Excel documents) on the envelopes to the designated Tender Box. Proposals must consist of two parts, each of which is submitted in a separate PDF package clearly marked:

Envelope 1: Technical Proposal: RFP No. RFP/ICT/CSP/2020/58 (No Pricing in this envelope)Bidders must submit one (1) signed, completed original of the Technical Proposal, together with one (1) electronic copy (in PDF format) on a USB flash-drive (unencrypted). The envelope must contain all information and documentation relating to the tender. (Refer to list of returnable documents). No pricing information must be included in Envelope One (Non-compliance will result in automatic disqualification).

Envelope 2: Pricing Proposal, B-BBEE and other Mandatory Documentation: RFP No. RFP/ICT/CSP/2020/58Bidders must submit one (1) signed, completed original Price Proposal (pricing schedule/schedule of rates as applicable), together with one (1) electronic copy (in MS-Excel format) on a USB flash drive (unencrypted). No technical information must be included in Envelope Two (Non-compliance will result in automatic disqualification).

A Soft Copy should be submitted on a USB in PDF format (except for Excel documents) sealed in a small envelope.

Proposals submitted by companies must be signed by a person or persons duly authorised thereto. The PPECB will award the contract to qualified bidder (s) whose proposal is determined to be the most advantageous to the PPECB, taking into consideration the technical (functionality) solution, price and B-BBEE.


Timetable Dates

RFP Issue Date: March 23, 2020

On line Briefing Session: May 07, 2020

Responses and costing to be submitted: May 21, 2020

Supplier Presentations: June 05 – 06, 2020

BAC Approval June 17, 2020

Board Approval July 15, 2020

These dates are subject to change at the discretion of PPECB.

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Important notes regarding the briefing session! (Refer National Treasury Instruction no. 08 of 2019/2020)

In order to minimise interaction and prevent the further spreading of the COVID-19 pandemic which was declared a national state of disaster, the briefing session will be conducted On Line via Microsoft Teams. Please refer to below link:

MS Teams – On line briefing session:https://teams.microsoft.com/l/channel/19%3ad4b1c5b123654f73a1143089cd4dddcc%40thread.tacv2/General?groupId=503ee635-577d-469e-b7f6-3f33317ad125&tenantId=04002956-6814-4733-a7e6-d104266c1d4a


The closing time for submission of Tender Offers is: 11H00 on 21st May 2020.

The PPECB business hours are between 08:15 – 16:45. Where a proposal is not received by the PPECB by the due date and at the correct location, it will be regarded as a late bid. Late proposals will not be considered.

Telephonic, telegraphic, telex, electronic or e-mailed tenders will not be accepted.


PPECB is a Schedule 3A Public Entity that is constituted and mandated in terms of the PPEC Act, No 9, of 1983 to perform cold chain services. PPECB also delivers inspection and food safety services as mandated by the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries under the APS Act, No.119 of 1990.

PPECB’s executive Authority is the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries who appoints the Board Members. The Board comprises of representatives from the perishable product industries.

PPECB, mandated by the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, has been delivering end-point inspection services on perishable products destined for export since 1991. PPECB employs more than 500 people, who deal with more than 200 products and 500 varieties. There are 50 service types, over 30 offices in 11 production regions, at more than 1,500 locations.

PPECB is responsible for South Africa's cold chain management and ensures that products for export are handled, stored and transported at specific temperatures and optimum conditions.

Please visit PPECB’s website on www.PPECB.com for more info on PPECB.


PPECB currently has an Enterprise Agreement with Microsoft that will expire towards the end of 2021. The organization intends to implement all latest Microsoft Cloud Solutions that are procured through this license agreement and migrate emails and user data from the PPECB platform to the appropriate cloud platforms.

The PPECB ICT Department is a critical support function which provides software solutions for all business departments predominantly based on its on premise ICT infrastructure and applications that is managed end-to-end internally and in partnership with respective vendors/suppliers by ICT Team. Currently PPECB uses the following three technology platforms for providing business solutions and services.

1. Microsoft Dynamics Suite (Navision 5 & 13), which is currently an on premise solution. PPECB will be implementing several modules of Microsoft Dynamics 365 business solutions like Financial Accounting (General Ledger, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable etc.), Resource Planning, Portals, Marketing, Asset Accounting, access to key interfaces and Supply Chain Management. Field Services, and other modules or systems as per PPECB needs arise. Additionally, various technology solutions like Business Intelligence Reporting tools, Enterprise Portal and Process

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Integrator(s) will be implemented to ensure end-to-end system solution to complex business processes within PPECB for enabling many critical internal and external scenarios with Customers, Partners and Stakeholders.

2. In addition to core Microsoft Dynamics Business Processes, TITAN 2.0® web application is being developed in-house using the Microsoft Technology platform and framework to provide a comprehensive solution to internal and external users (like Vendors, Customers and various Stakeholders). Some of the other critical usage of Microsoft Technology within PPECB is in the area of Active Directory services for Domain Management, IIS Server, User Authentication, Micro-Services architecture, SharePoint Portal, DevOps & DevSecOps solutions, e-mail solution (Microsoft Exchange) and TEAMS (messaging and collaboration solution).

3. Microsoft BI technology stack is in use providing SQL server integration services, SQL server DBMS, SQL server Analytical services, SQL server reporting Services, and Performance management apps for data visualisation. This is further extended by using Excel add-ins, such as PowerPivot, PowerView and PowerBI desktop.

In order to provide Microsoft-based software services and hosted applications to the PPECB, PPECB needs to enter into a Cloud Service Provider and License Management Agreement with a Microsoft Reseller. This will enable PPECB to provide certified license rights and host specific Microsoft products on the Private, On-premise and public Cloud variants, which includes but not limited to Visio Studio and MSDN licenses, access and interact with their respective Microsoft workloads/services as needed as part of the cloud service offering. This will enable PPECB the flexibility of scaling up operations as and when required, enable rapid deployment of applications and facilitate pay as per usage.

In context of the above, PPECB invites Cloud Service Providers (CSP) and Microsoft Licensing Solution Providers (LSP) that are currently authorized by Microsoft to manage the PPECB Microsoft Enterprise Agreement, to provide various appropriate cloud services, license subscription-based offerings and value adds.


PPECB intends to select a preferred bidder for the management of its Microsoft Enterprise Agreement implementation and enhancement of Microsoft Enterprise Solutions as well as migration from the current PPECB platform to the Microsoft latest Technologies with the view of concluding a service level agreement (SLA) where applicable with such a successful bidder.

This will enable the PPECB to screen and select preferred ICT partner(s) for the design, supply, build, implementation, support, license management and transfer of knowledge of the required Microsoft Technology Environment. As the PPECB cloud strategy includes a private-cloud-first strategy (what this means is that the PPECB would be migrating various ICT services to the bidder’s private cloud offering first before considering public cloud), bidders are required to provide PPECB with various private cloud offerings as part of the solution strategy.

Obtain a comprehensive quote (clear and unambiguous) from bidders in terms of their ability to support the delivery of the relevant solutions and specifically the realisation of the objectives and expected benefits as stated in later sections of this document.

Provide sufficient information to enable a Cloud Service Provider (CSP) and License Service Provider (LSP) to develop future-proof Microsoft Solutions architecture to enable the PPECB’s Enterprise Architecture.

Obtain a high-level understanding of the MS Solutions partner/s proposed implementation approach and alignment of their strategic roadmap to the PPECB cloud strategy.

Provide a Cloud Services - Service Level Agreement to PPECB for Microsoft software products used in the Private On-Premise and Cloud variants.


The PPECB seeks to advance its Digital Transformation Agenda and in its quest to revitalize, PPECB is faced with a challenge to ensure improved security and authentication, access to information, standardisation, centralisation, application enhancements and connectivity.

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The requirement is to activate the signed Microsoft Enterprise Agreement (EA) to unlock its value towards the realisation of organisational excellence and close some of the pertinent gaps identified. This should be done in line with the adopted strategic ICT objectives. Through the MS-EA PPECB has acquired ±470 licenses and is looking at increasing these to cover the entire user base of ±1000 users.

The Cloud Service Provider should also be able to offer Platform as a Service (PaaS) and cater to future requirement on analytics, DevOps & DevSecOps and Dynamics 365 with cloud platform which allows PPECB to easily design, test, operationalize and manage predictive analytics solutions in the cloud.

PPECB has identified the following areas as critical to focus on in relation to the improvement of the current environment

Ensuring effective License management Subscription license-based model against the PPECB seasonal business fluctuations User Authentication and multi-factor authentication, which includes federated access and identity

management Backup Plan and implementation High availability details Improving security and supportability Microsoft Office 365 Windows 10 and end-point encryption Application of desktop policies Configuration Management Deployment of Operating Systems and Software Service Management Operations Management Document Management Hosting Business Intelligence (BI) data as per BI tender roadmap and Publishing PowerBI reports

as recommended, either using PowerBI premium or PowerBI embedded. Azure DevOps and DevSecOps Microsoft Dynamics 365 Cloud Services (Includes private cloud) Platform as a Service (PaaS)


As a result, PPECB is looking at a systematic approach in addressing the required improvements mentioned above. The proposed solution in response to PPECB’s specific situation should be guided by best practice, industry trends and key architecture principles.

Service Level Agreement (SLA)

1) All services to be delivered as per timelines mutually defined and agreed by PPECB and the CSP.

2) Successful bidder must ensure support (24 hrs every day x 365 days in each year) for any issue related to availability and accessibility.

3) Successful bidder would be solely responsible for any defect in solution(s).

Solution Implementation Roadmap

PPECB has defined an implementation roadmap as its own guideline for realising the value of the Microsoft Enterprise Agreement. This roadmap is based on the overall envisaged MS Program and should be used as point of reference for the delivery of the set requirements. We are therefore seeking a Cloud Service Provider (CSP) for our cloud requirements for a period of 5 years.

The delivery of the required services should be aligned to the PPECB roadmap and priorities. Even though the PPECB have some of these solutions implemented in various areas, the implementation have not been successfully deployed to all of the PPECB staff and required business units e.g. Not all Office 365 users are using TEAMs, neither has it been deployed across all Office 365 users. To this point, the bid might be adjudicated in part based on the various work streams in line with the PPECB Solution Roadmap. The

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Bidders are therefore required to provide proposals, implementation plans and costing for each of the proposed work streams.

Governance deliverables o Detailed Project Plan and Methodology on how these systems will be implemented. o Detailed functional specification and technical specification and design document to be

developed and processed for approvalo Migration plan to cloud

All deployments must be Officially Signed Off by PPECB in terms of quality assurance and guarantees for Support and Maintenance.

o Detailed migration plan of users, computers and email services o Detailed methodology of testing the solutions before it is implemented in the production

environment. o Detailed Change Management, Communication and Marketing Plan o Detailed Technical Training – Training of technical resources to manage solutions o User Training – Training of internal resources to use the solution o Detailed Support and Maintenance Plan

Technical deliverables o Microsoft Active Directory Domain Services

Assessment of existing Design by Microsoft Rollout across PPECB landscape

o Deployment of Microsoft Core Infrastructure Systems to the latest Microsoft Technologies Microsoft Certificate Servers (PKI) Microsoft Identity Manager Integration of Microsoft Private Cloud with Microsoft Azure Services System Centre Operations Manager – Integration with Microsoft OMS Microsoft drive encryption technology Microsoft File and Print Server Microsoft Self-service password (reset in AD) Multi-factor Authentication Data Loss Prevention Microsoft Office 365 Exchange Online – Integration with Exchange Server On-

prem Microsoft Office 365 and TEAMS for Business Online and Integration Microsoft Office 365 ProPlus OneDrive for Business Deployment Windows 10 Deployment to ±800 workstations across the PPECB SharePoint Servers – Intranet, Team Suite and Document Management Data and PowerBI, with appropriate security model for External users accessing

PowerBI either via Saas or Embedded model Artificial intelligence, IoT, machine learning embedded in some identified

processes Mobile Device Management Migration to Cloud (Microsoft Intune)

o Delivery Schedule.

Description Timeline(s)

Provisioning of VM infrastructure,

Network connectivity and Azure Services as identified by PPECB

Within 5 days from the issuance of outline agreement (Contract Agreement).

Operational acceptance 7 days after provisioning the services as mentioned above

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Operation and maintenance phase Will start from the date of operational acceptance provided by PPECB

Delivery on M365 & Dynamics software licenses

Within 2 weeks after contract signature

o Accreditation and Experience - The solutions provider should have Gold Competencies on the following technologies. A latest letter of competency from Microsoft is also required. The solutions provider should provide proof of at least 2 deliveries of each of the streams they are bidding for in the last 3 years.

Gold - Datacenter Gold - Windows Devices and Deployment Gold - Cloud Productivity Gold - Cloud Platform Gold - Messaging Gold - Content and Collaboration Gold - Application Development Data Platform Data and Analytics

o Services and Training Deployment services should be included for the installation and deployment of all

required Microsoft Services The Implementation Team will work closely with PPECB to perform the following

activities as part of the Service: Provide regular communication on work that has been concluded and

what is planned for the upcoming period Ensure effective Change Management for transitioning to the new

environment Provision of Skills Transfer for the duration of the execution Provision of specific training on the work streams

Provide a service catalogue that outlines the following services as part of the ongoing maintenance and service support offerings:

Cloud Management Portal Self-service for cost management and provisioning (spend report(s),

performance report(s) and configuration report(s) Incident reporting and includes escalations to Microsoft Subscription Management Monitoring of system and application alert(s) Access and Identity Management Patching and backup management of the environment(s) Service Desk (ITIL aligned)

Cloud cost optimization by ensuring the process of reducing PPECB’s overall cloud spend by identifying mismanaged resources, eliminating waste, reserving capacity for higher discounts, and computing services to scale

o Required Activities Provide on-site assistance with the planning for expansion of services and

system/s Provide best practices on operations, monitoring and reporting Provide skills based on customer-specific needs such as project planning, gap

analysis, configuration and operations Responsible for all PPECB’s cloud and license service provider requirements


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The tender and accompanying documents shall be carefully parcelled, sealed and be delivered to the Procurement Officer no later than the closing date at 11H00. Failure to comply with these instructions may result in the tender being considered ineligible.

Written tenders will only be accepted in a sealed envelope or parcel which shall bear the word:


A Soft Copy should be submitted on a USB in PDF format (except for Excel documents) sealed in a small envelope. No late tender shall be considered. Tenders will be opened in accordance with the relevant procedures.


The bidder must complete and submit the following returnable schedules:

Envelope 1: Technical Proposal

Refer to the Peremptory Requirements (Section 10 of this document)

A. 3 Written Reference LettersB. Assurance letter to provide skilled resources to PPECBC. Written confirmation of the bidder ability to provide onsite support where required to

the PPECB Head Office (Plattekloof, Cape Town)D. The bidder must provide Backup as a Service assurance letter

Other Additional Documentation

A) Service Level AgreementB) Sample Reports as per section 3 of Annexure A.

Daily, Monthly Backup and Restore Report. Critical Incident Report which includes root cause analysis Server Utilization and Uptime Report (Daily and Monthly Report) Storage infrastructure checklist, uptime and performance monthly report Weekly, Monthly license assurance reporting

C) Organisation’s International Information Security standard certification (e.g. ISO 27001 certification, Cyber Essentials certification)

D) Microsoft Gold Competencies (refer Annexure A, section 10.3)E) Detailed Project PlanF) Migration Plan to CloudG) Latest audited, comparative Financial Statements

Envelope 2: Pricing Proposal

A. SBD 1 - Invitation to Submit ProposalB. SBD 3.3 – Pricing ScheduleC. SBD 4 - Declaration of Interest D. SBD 6.1 - Preference Point Claim FormE. SBD 7.2 - Contract Form: Rendering of ServicesF. SBD 8 - Declaration of Bidder’s past SCM PracticesG. SBD 9 - Certificate of Independent Bid DeterminationH. Central Supplier Database ReportI. Original and Valid Tax Clearance CertificateJ. Company / CC / Trust / Partnership registration certificatesK. Certified copy of a valid BBBEE certificate

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L. In case of proposal from a joint venture, consortium or subcontracting, the following must be submitted together with the proposal: - Joint Venture Agreement including split of work and rand value signed by both parties; - The original or certified copy of the B-BBEE certificate of the joint venture; - The Tax Clearance Certificate of each joint venture member; - Proof of ownership/shareholder certificates/copies of Identity document; and - Company registration certificates.


Functionality of the bids will be evaluated according to the predetermined evaluation criteria set out in the Evaluation Criteria below.

The bidder must obtain a minimum overall score of 150 out of 190 points for functionality to be invited for the next phase of the supplier presentations; those Bidders who fail to meet the minimum qualifying score of 20 out of 30 following the supplier presentations will be disqualified from the process.

Bidders will not rate themselves, but need to ensure that all information is supplied as required The Bid Evaluation Committee (BEC) will evaluate technical and functional requirements and score all

the bids as per the set criteria below.


For each question asked in the RFP, the Bidders shall provide in their response, the question asked and their answer using the section numbering of the RFP. Attached to this RFP is an MS-Word “Annexure A_MS License & CSP BID Response Document”

Peremptory Requirements

Failure to provide all the required documentation will lead to disqualification.

Item Number Description

Bidder response document reference

number & page number


Provide at least 3 written reference letters on a client letterhead and dated from current and/or previous clients (external clients) in the last 5 years, to whom similar services are/have been provided. Group entities are not regarded as external clients.


The bidder must be able to provide resource Microsoft Certifications for their respective resources that will be provisioning the services required. Bidder to provide an assurance letter of skilled resources to PPECB dated and signed on the bidder’s company letterhead.An example of the letter content would be as follows:-SQL Server Management Certification x 2 resources are certifiedAzure Services (Fundamentals/Administrator) certifications x 3 resources are certified.DevOps & DevSecOps certifications x 2 resourcesPowerBI certification x 3 resourcesDynamics 365 certifications x 2 resourcesEnd User Computing certification x 5 resourcesWindows Server Management certifications x 6 resourcesMicrosoft licensing specialists certifications x 3 resources


The bidder must confirm in writing the ability to provide onsite support when required to the PPECB Head Office (Plattekloof, Cape Town) on the bidder’s company letterhead with authorised signature

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Item Number Description

Bidder response document reference

number & page number

4The bidder must provide Backup as a Service assurance letter on the bidder’s company letterhead with authorised signature

Item Number

Specification Requirement Maximum Points

Reference Page in


1) Company Background and Experience (Section 2 of Annexure A)


2) Insurance, Liability, Confidentiality and Litigation (Section 3 of Annexure A)


3) Specification Compliance (Section 4 of Annexure A)


4) Reporting Capabilities (Section 5 of Annexure A)


5) Business Intelligence (Section 6 of Annexure A)


6) Azure DevOps & DevSecOps Requirements(Section 7 of Annexure A) 30

7) Dynamics 365 Requirements(Section 8 of Annexure A)


8) Protection of Records (POPIA Requirements) (Section 9 of Annexure A)


9) Solution Implementation Requirements (Section 10 of Annexure A)


10) Draft SLA including standard terms and conditions (Section 11 of Annexure A)


Total Points A Bidder must obtain a minimum of 150 points to qualify for the short-list. To enable the PPECB to evaluate the entity on the above criteria, please ensure that adequate documentation is attached.


Tenders will be evaluated for functionality and bidders must meet a minimum functionality threshold of 150. Bidders scoring less than 150 points will be disqualified.

Phase 2 – Supplier Presentations

PPECB will invite each vendor whose response passes the technical evaluation criteria to the next phase of supplier presentations. The Supplier Presentations will be evaluated based on the below criteria.

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The bidder must obtain a minimum overall score of 20 out of 30 points for presentation to be invited for the next phase of the Pricing & BEE Evaluation; those Bidders who fail to meet the minimum qualifying score following the presentation will be disqualified from the process.

No. Evaluation Area Criteria Score Threshold


Suppliers Presentation – a total of 30 points

1.    Demonstrated transition and implementation plan – 5 points 5

2.    Demonstrated enhanced capabilities and innovations aligned to PPECB future digital requirements, which includes optimization of costs over the contract period – 5 points


3. Demonstrated capabilities on Microsoft Fast Track. FastTrack gives you access to tools, resources and best-practices available to help plan for successful roll outs, on-board new users and capabilities, and generate awareness and usage across organizations – 5 points4. Cloud cost optimization by ensuring the process of reducing PPECB’s overall cloud spend by identifying mismanaged resources, eliminating waste, reserving capacity for higher discounts, and computing services to scale – 5 points


5. Demonstrated technical support model – 5 points 5

6. Demonstrated value-added services – 5 points 5

Total Points - A bidder must obtain a minimum of 20 points to qualify for the short-list. To enable the PPECB to evaluate the entity on the above criteria, please ensure that adequate information is presented on. 30 20

Phase 3: Pricing and BEE Evaluation

The following preference point systems are applicable to all bids whereby preference points shall be awarded for Price; and B-BBEE Status Level of Contribution.

the 80/20 Preference Point System for bids with a Rand value of more than R30,000-00 but not exceeding R50,000,000-00 (all applicable taxes included); and

the 90/10 Preference Point System for bids with a Rand value above R50,000,000-00 (all applicable taxes included).

The lowest acceptable tender will be used to determine the applicable preference point system.


Points awarded for price

Note: Respondents are required to complete and return Annexure B – Pricing Schedule. The Bidder’s Proposal must set out all pricing assumptions, including the applicable foreign currency exchange rates, applicable indices and the like.

The agreement will be based on variation-based agreement i.e. fixed unit costs will apply throughout the agreement lifecycle.

All prices must be inclusive of VAT. No variation, to the accepted quote, will be allowed unless the service provider has obtained prior written approval from PPECB. Quoted prices to be valid for 120 business days and no variation to the accepted quote will be allowed.

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Points awarded for B-BBEE status level of contribution

In terms of Regulations 5 (2) and 6 (2) of the Preferential Procurement Regulations, preference points will be awarded to a bidder for attaining the B-BBEE status level of contribution in accordance with the table as set out in the Preference Points Claim Form. Bidders must provide a certified copy of the valid BBBEE certificate.

Note: PPECB reserves the right to appoint a bidder other than the one that scored the highest points.

11.1 Notes on Quantities and Pricing

a) To facilitate like-for-like comparison bidders must submit pricing strictly in accordance with this pricing schedule (Annexure B) and not utilise a different format. Deviation from this pricing schedule will result in a bid being declared non responsive.

b) Please note that should you have offered a discounted price(s), PPECB will only consider such price discount(s) in the final evaluation stage if offered on an unconditional basis.

c) PPECB prefers that the Suppliers must give firm prices in their Proposals. For the purposes of this RFP “firm prices” are prices at which the Supplier will supply the Product and/or the Services to PPECB without any adjustment thereto for any reason whatsoever, for the duration of agreement that PPECB may conclude with the Supplier, for the Proposal accepted by PPECB. PPECB will in this regard prefer that prices be firm for a period of at least 12 (twelve) months.

d) Should the Supplier not quote a firm price in the Proposal, the Supplier must provide a suitable and simple escalation formula to determine how their prices will be escalated. In the event that PPECB accepts the Supplier’s Proposal, then the escalation rates or formula shall not be binding on PPECB, and shall be subject to negotiation.

e) Suppliers must submit a price schedule in which they set out the total cost breakdown of the prices they have quoted in their Proposals

f) Please take note that the specified volumes are estimates and subject to change due to the seasonal resourcing fluctuations of the PPECB.


12.1 PPECB reserves the right to reject any proposal found to be inadequate or non-compliant to the Scope of the Terms of Reference.

12.2 The Bidder may not intend to assign, in whole or in part, any of its obligations to perform in terms of the contract to any third party, unless disclosed and prior consent is obtained in writing.

12.3 A bidder may not intend to cede his right to payment in terms of a contact to a third party without prior written consent.

12.4 PPECB may reject bid if doesn’t comply with the instruction of submission of the proposal referred to above.


A trust, consortium or joint venture will qualify for points for their B-BBEE status level as a legal entity, provided that the entity submits their B-BBEE status level certificate.

A trust, consortium or joint venture will qualify for points for their B-BBEE status level as an unincorporated entity, if the entity submits their consolidated B-BBEE scorecard as if they were a group structure and that such a consolidated B-BBEE scorecard is prepared for every separate bid.

Bidders must submit concrete proof of the existence of joint ventures and/or consortium arrangements. PPECB will accept signed agreements as acceptable proof of the existence of a joint venture and/or consortium arrangement.

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The joint venture and/or consortium agreements must clearly set out the roles and responsibilities of the Lead Partner and the joint venture and/or consortium party. The agreement must also clearly identify the Lead Partner, with the power of attorney to bind the other party/parties in respect of matters pertaining to the joint venture and/or consortium arrangement. In addition provide the following information:

Entity(ies) that will be guaranteeing contract performance; Date of Joint Venture formation, if applicable; The name of the lead / prime contractor; and Details regarding the nature of the agreement between the Joint Venture Partners including the

proposed percentage division of work between the constituent members. Each party to the RFP, if that party is a subsidiary company, is required to give details of the extent to which the holding company and related subsidiaries and associates are prepared to provide guarantees.


Bidders who want to claim Preference points will have to fully comply with regulation 5 and 12(3) of the Preferential Procurement Regulations 2017 with regard to subcontracting which states that:

* (5) A tenderer may not be awarded points for B-BBEE status level of contributor if the tender documents indicate that such a bidder intends sub-contracting more than 25% of the value of the contract to any other person not qualifying for at least the points that such a bidder qualifies for, unless the intended sub-contractor is an Exempted Micro Enterprise (EME) that has the capability and ability to execute the sub-contract.

* 12 (3) A person awarded a contract may not sub-contract more than 25% of the value of the contract to any other enterprise that does not have an equal or higher B-BBEE status level than the person concerned, unless the contract is sub-contracted to an Exempted Micro Enterprise (EME) that has the capability and ability to execute the sub contract.


15.1 The successful Service Provider will be responsible for its work and every part thereof, and for all materials, tools, equipment, appliances, and property of any and all descriptions issued in connection with this Request for Proposal.

15.2 Upon award of contract and prior to beginning work, the successful Service Provider must provide proof of insurance. Insurance must be maintained for the duration of the contract. Please provide a sample certificate of insurance that indicates your company’s limitations of liability as part of your RFP response.


In the event that it becomes necessary to revise any part of this Request for Proposal, an addendum setting out such revisions will be provided to all Service Providers on E-Tenders and PPECB website.


17.1 PPECB reserves the right to extend the closing date.17.2 PPECB’s decision/s regarding the acceptance or non-acceptance of a Proposal shall be final and

PPECB is not obliged to furnish any reason for such decision.17.3 Proposals shall be considered and evaluated against a pre-determined evaluation value structure

determined by PPECB. All Suppliers shall provide all information requested in this RFP in order to facilitate the evaluation process. Suppliers shall strictly adhere to the instructions stated in this RFP. PPECB shall not be bound to divulge such evaluation criteria but may do so in its sole and absolute discretion.

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17.4 PPECB may, during and after the evaluation of the Proposals and in its sole and absolute discretion, decide to:

17.4.1 Accept a Proposal other than the lowest priced Proposal;17.4.2 Refuse to consider any Proposal not conforming with the requirements of this RFP;17.4.3 Ask any Supplier to supply further information after the closing date;17.4.4 Cancel this RFP or any part thereof at any time;17.4.5 Award the contract pursuant to this RFP or any part thereof to any one or more Suppliers,17.4.6 Not to award the proposal at all.


For further information a bidder may contact the Procurement Officer at the address shown below:

Physical Address PPECB45 Silverboom AvenuePlattekloof7500

Contact number +27 21 9301134Technical Enquiries Gail Yon – GailY@ppecb.comCommercial Enquiries Lynn Paulse – LynnP@ppecb.com


19.1 The PPECB and the successful Bidder will enter into a written contract and/or Service Level Agreement in respect of the products and services detailed in this Invitation to Tender.

19.2 The form of contract and/or Service Level Agreement will be as agreed between the PPECB and the successful Bidder. A draft PPECB contract agreement is provided as part of the bid documents. The draft agreement is subject to changes and will form the basis of the negotiations between PPECB and the Bidder

19.3 A comprehensive right to audit clause will be included in the contract. The clause will provide PPECB, its authorised advisors, other representatives and any regulatory body access to audit the compliance of the Bidder to the terms of the Agreement and the accuracy of the Bidders invoicing. Access to the bidders system, router information and configurations, software, all information in relation to the Services the Bidder will render in terms of the Agreement, premises, data, employees, agents, subcontractor (but not to information which the Bidder is obliged to keep confidential and not to information which is legally privileged and/or subject to litigation privilege) will also be required.


The quality of the products/services delivered shall not differ from that specified in Point 7 of this document.


The PPECB shall pay the Price to the appointed Bidder in accordance with the contract signed pursuant to the award of this tender, which payment shall be subject to:

21.1 the Price being in accordance with the agreed quotes and as per the contract;21.2 the Products/Services being received and accepted by the PPECB in terms of the contract;;21.3 Goods and Services VAT being included in the Price.21.4 A correct purchase order number being quoted on the tax invoice.

Payments terms of 30 Days from statement date.


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This Contract and/or Service Level Agreement shall commence on the Commencement Date and terminate after a period of five years with an option to renew for a further period of 2 years, subject to early termination hereof, or termination due to breach of contract. The duration of the Agreement shall be subject to an annual performance review by the PPECB, which shall entitle the PPECB to cancel this Agreement if the performance of the Services do not meet the required agreed performance standards.

The PPECB reserves the right to terminate without penalty if the successful tenderer is not able to honour the terms and conditions specified by the contract. Further to this, should there be any risk in terms of reputational damage by association the PPECB reserves the right to cancel the contract.



Some of the information contained in the Tender Documents may be of a confidential nature and must only be used for purposes of responding to this RFP. This confidentiality clause extends to bidder partners whom you may decide to involve in preparing a response to this RFP.

For purposes of this process, the term “Confidential Information” shall include all technical and business information, including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, all secret knowledge and information (including any and all financial, commercial, market, technical, functional and scientific information, and information relating to a party’s strategic objectives and planning and its past, present and future research and development), technical, functional and scientific requirements and specifications, data concerning business relationships, demonstrations, processes, machinery, know-how, architectural information, information contained in a party’s software and associated material and documentation, plans, designs and drawings and all material of whatever description, whether subject to or protected by copyright, patent or trademark, registered or un-registered, or otherwise disclosed or communicated before or after the date of this process.

The receiving party shall not, during the period of validity of this process, or at any time thereafter, use or disclose, directly or indirectly, the confidential information of PPECB (even if received before the date of this process) to any person whether in the employment of the receiving party or not, who does not take part in the performance of this process.

The receiving party shall take all such steps as may be reasonably necessary to prevent PPECB’s confidential information coming into the possession of unauthorized third parties. In protecting the receiving party’s confidential information, PPECB shall use the same degree of care, but no less than a reasonable degree of care, to prevent the unauthorized use or disclosure of the confidential information as the receiving party uses to protect its own confidential information.

Any documentation, software or records relating to confidential information of PPECB, which comes into the possession of the receiving party during the period of validity of this process or at any time thereafter or which has so come into its possession before the period of validity of this process:

shall be deemed to form part of the confidential information of PPECB, shall be deemed to be the property of PPECB; shall not be copied, reproduced, published or circulated by the receiving party unless and to the

extent that such copying is necessary for the performance of this process and all other processes as contemplated in; and shall be surrendered to PPECB on demand, and in any event on the termination of the investigations and negotiations, and the receiving party shall not retain any extracts thereof.

News and press releases

Bidders or their agents shall not make any news releases concerning this RFP or the awarding of the same or any resulting agreement(s) without the consent of, and then only in co-ordination with PPECB.

General legal conditions

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The laws of the Republic of South Africa shall govern this RFP and any subsequent agreement entered into. Bidders accept hereby that the courts of the Republic of South Africa shall have jurisdiction.

PPECB shall not be liable for any costs incurred by the Bidder in the preparation of response to this RFP. The preparation of response will be made without obligation to acquire any of the items included in any Bidder’s proposal or to select any proposal, or to discuss the reasons why such Bidder’s or any other proposal was accepted or rejected.

PPECB may request written clarification, documentary evidence or further information regarding any aspect of this proposal. The Bidder must supply the documentary evidence and the requested information in writing within the time frames stipulated by the PPECB, otherwise the proposal may be disqualified.

By submitting a proposal in response to this RFP, the Bidder accepts the evaluation criteria as it stands.

Should the Bidder withdraw the proposal before the proposal validity period expires, PPECB reserves the right to recover any additional expense incurred by PPECB having to accept any less favourable proposal or the additional expenditure incurred by PPECB in the preparation of a new RFP and by the subsequent acceptance of any less favourable proposal.

Any amendment or change of any nature made to this RFP or the Tender Documents shall only be of force and effect if it is in writing, signed by a PPECB authorized signatory and added to this RFP as an addendum.

PPECB will not be held liable for any expenses incurred by Bidders, in preparing and submitting the proposal.

In the evaluation of proposal, PPECB reserves the right to conduct independent reference checks.Should the evaluation of the proposals not be completed within the validity period, PPECB has discretion to extend the validity period. Upon receipt of the request to extend the validity period of the bid, the Bidder must respond within the required timeframes and in writing on whether or not it agrees to hold its original proposal responses valid under the same terms and conditions for a further period.

All Bidders must make full disclosure of any potential conflict of interests. PPECB will make the final determination as to whether the potential conflict of interest precludes the award of the tender to the Bidder.

While information in this RFP document has been prepared in good faith, it does not purport to be totally comprehensive, nor to have been independently verified. PPECB does not accept any liability for its adequacy, accuracy or completeness, nor does it make representation or warranties with respect to information contained in it, or upon which the RFP is based.

Prior to submitting the proposal, Bidders should satisfy themselves of the accuracy and completeness of all the information submitted. Bidders should be confident that the pricing submitted is sufficient for the company to meet all its obligations in terms of this RFP document and any contract that may result from this RFP process. Failure to do so may lead to disqualification.

Please note that a potential bidder must have a B-BBEE certificate that has been issued by a verification agency accredited by the South African Accreditation System (SANAS) or the bidder must submit an affidavit stating its B-BBEE status level. Exempt Micro Enterprises (EME's) must acquire an affidavit regarding their B-BBEE status level - no verification is required. This is also applicable to Qualifying Small Enterprises (QSE's) with 51% or more black ownership.

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