ppc video advertising

Post on 14-Apr-2017






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PowerPoint Presentation

The End Of Written World Is Coming: Do You Have A Video Strategy?Alan DuvallSr. Paid Search Manager | @FamousAlan

Hi guys my name is Alan Duvall and I am really excited to be here. So excited, I decided I wanted to do something crazy and give away 50 Euros to one lucky audience member today.


The Future

Today we are going to talk the future of digital marketing and the truly the future of story telling. We are going to talk about our attention spans and what it means for video, the 2016 proven video formula, how to increase FB engagement using video, and lastly how increase conversions using video. Ok Ok enough already how do we win the $50. Well as I will elaborate on more with the proven video formula, the first step to grabbing attention is being bold and giving people something to be excited about in the first 10 seconds. So to win the $50 you have to name all of the film references used in this presentation today.2

My Story

We cant talk the about the future without giving you a little details about my PPC story. Because this is a PPC conference after all. (Dont worry none of the photos reference any famous films) When I was in my late teens early twenties I got very fascinated with selling on ebay and later selling on amazon. At about the time when the first iphone came out I realized that because cell phone carriers were subsizing the phones people were heavily undervaluing them when they unloaded them on the second hand markets like eBay. By buying low and creating economies of scale I was able to arbitrage in the ebay marketplace. This was further made possible by utilizing at the time ebay paid promoted ads. You see I could pay a 1 time fee every 7 days and essentially be at the top of eBay for keywords like Iphone and blackberry. This was a small time business that I had throughout college that also helped me take the leap when I graduated to move across the country to Los Angeles were I would became a failed actor. I later became the PPC guy at a small boutique agency managing the PPC accounts of brands such as Konica minolta and the ferrari ecommerce store. And from there I transitioned to another agency working my way up to monthly million dollar Paid search accounts in the finance industry.3

The War For Attention Begins

So if I have lost any of your attention with my amazing PPC career story, its probably because I didnt use video. I should have just showed you a video of my road trip across the country. (Well save that for another time)You see guys we are in a war for attention. Someone quite to close to me with over 22k followers on twitter has been quoted saying.

In 2016 the war for attention has never been more fierce. The best way to tell stories in this world, where there is so much information, is actually with video.

There is not better way to invoke more emotions per second than by telling a story with videoFastest way to consume information in a global society addicted to information


Facebook Has Spoken

I wouldnt be surprised if you fast-forward five years and most of the content that people see on Facebook and are sharing on a day-to-day basis is video.

And its not just me and my twitter friends who are saying this.

In a recent article from BuzzFeed News. Zuckerbook Basically said in 5 years most of us will be sharing primarily videos. Not to mention the biggest threat to FB right now is clear Snapchat a video only platform.5

Insert nice graphs pointing up!

You see guys, us online video as a percentage of overall online Ad Spend is growing at 33% compound annual growth rate. With projections for 2017 at $17 billion for online video ads.6

The Book Vs The Snap Vs The Goog

100 million hours of daily video10 billion videos per day6 billion hours watched per month.

Right now we are in a very fierce battle between facebook, Snapchat, and Youtube (owned by google)

And all 3 of these giants are putting direct pressure on cable and local news. In the second US presidential debate. Youtube reported 124 million worldwide views across live streams compared to just 63 million TV viewers


Talk Is Boring Lets Watch A Video

Now that I have made the strong case for the rapid rise of video, I am going to show you a famous video which hits on all of the aspects of the 2016 proven video formula8

The 2016 PROHVEN video Formula

PATTARUPT(PATTA-RUPT)90% of people only engage with 5% of the post they see.DO or Die in 10 secondsPeople love to share

Remember, we are in an attention war in an extremely distraction prone society.

Some experts even say you have to grab their attention within the first 3 seconds and at the 10 or 12 second mark you have to do something crazy to keep their attention. What I call the pattarupt is essentailly that. You have to intrupt the patterns of the human mind scrolling through their facebook feed, watching youtube video, and having the attention span of a goldfish.



Customers Need:

To feel like they know you

Have excessive admiration for your business

To feel like they have something to contribute by being apart of your brand.

The rise of ambassadors and brand clubs. Join the club marketing

I want to work for this company I want to be friends with these people. I want their aurora

They need to clap, scream, and wan11


Become an outlier

Be Cool

Break the status quo

Create fear of status quo

You want to be personable and you want to be cool. It sounds obvious, yet so many people businesses continue have their sales team or some randomly employee make their tutorial vidoes.Even in tutorial videos you want to show excitement. Many times these tutorial videos are at the front of your funnel before a user has made their decision to buy. Businesses are treating video like they treated social media 5 years ago, like its some fad we can hire some intern or some low lever employee handle. An Im not against outsourcing or finding creative way cut cost, as long as business see and the importance of video.

Its been said before, but we are living in a very competitive business environment, it seems like anyone with with a camera, using this formula, and perhaps alibaba account (and a lot of hard work) can start a business. With a very well thought out and impeccable comediac timing throughout video they were able to disrupt the massive shaving industry.

To break away from the competition they also broke the status quo. Not only did break the status quo, they created fear/mocked the status quo.

(My brand isnt cool, how do I make it cool.) Take moment to ask the audience. 12


Use humor to crack their emotional safe.

Laugh + Learn = Enjoyable Experience

Create unconscious correlation between laughter and learning.

Humor + Educate = Sale

This is arguably the most important and most difficult step in the formula.

When you can simultaneously give humor to your audience and educate them, you remove pushy sales tactics, while still providing insight as to what youre offering. Everybody wants to buy, but no one wants to be sold.

When your audience can learn and laugh at the same time, the laughing dominates their conscious mind, creating a stimulating yet enjoyable experience, while the learning slips into their unconscious mind.

As they learn about your business or product, theyve made an unconscious correlation that what theyve learned has made them laugh, therefore attaching a happy emotion to the information presented.

When you humanacate your audience, its important that the humor comes first.

This acts like the 3 digit code to crack their emotional safe, putting them into a vulnerable consumption state of mind. Once their safe is opened, you can subtly push the education in before the safe locks back up.

Alternatively, you can humancate by making your audience feel saddened or inspired. These two types are slightly more complicated because you need to make sure you dont embed the wrong message within your audience - but if theyre done correctly, they will have the same positive unconscious effect.

This is nothing new, again one of my favorite magazines HBR, has had multiple articles and studies showing that the people who continue to sell the most are those who are educating the most. But humans are constantly seeking rewards. By using humor and entertaining, you can continue to keep their pleasure seeking brains focused just long enough to get your point across13


Villainize your competition

Current offer is becoming obsolete or inferior

Stop Business Inbreeding

In an election year, where I am hard pressed to find anyone who is super excited about either candidate, we see both candidates using this marketing technique in their campaign arsenal. Instead of using their time to promote their agenda, they are spending a lofty amount of time vilifying each other. Its a strong strategy for both of them.

Stop business inbreeding by saying this is how its always been done or this is how the industry has always done things. Elon Musk and telsa, at times and rightfully so have villified the car companies whom are continuing to produce gas only cars with no concern for the enviornmen or our depleting natural resources. Dollar shave club also vilified the razor distribution industry and by showing how annoying the process can be as well as how overpriced the razors.

This also goes hand and hand with



Make them see light at end of tunnel.

-To excite you must display the flashy parts of what they can expect to enjoy if they continue listening to you. (Much easier with lifestyle and luxury brands)

This is different than trying to crack a joke while educating

Keep it simple so that your customer believes that it is a realistic opportunity

By creating the light at end of the tunnel plant yourself deep into their emotional wallet.

They feel the not so far fetched reward coming as a result of what you are offering

Give them an exciting reason to engage while you educate them, so that they genuinely believe that the perks you were offering are going to be something that they can take part in.15


Give them a compelling call to action so they can onboard at this very moment.

They have clearly enjoyed it to this point.

You have just poured your heart and soul into a video that has run 95% of the race

You need to give a value proposition that summarizes everything that you talked about in the video within a couple of sentences. Having a compelling visual aid for this last scene is of the upmost importance.


Keep Entertaining

Now that I have gone over the proven formula, I want to point out that this is not just for creating your one and done promotional video. With that said if done right, as you can see with dollar shave club, it can be extremely powerful and with its virality it carry a whole company, brand, or marketing department on its shoulders for sometime. For a long time, dollarshave club did not put out many more videos, and the ones that they did havent been nearly as succesful in terms of views.

So with that said

The content plan for your brand is to continue staying true your brand while providing entertainment and educational value. Remember the War is for attention and shareworthy media. People want to buy a better version of themselves, a what that really means is a cooler version of themeselves. ---To mens sycronized swimming to the olymics. they apprealing to the cult they have created17

Feed The Facebook Algo

Facebook Live > Video > Instant ArticlesFacebook Live MapInstagram Stories 100 million daily views

If zuckberg likes chicken nuggets and fries. ( I have no idea what the man likes to eat) Think of the facebook algorithm as a video hungry learning machine. With Facebook and Google in a constant battle, its no surprise zuckerberg has his eyes on the Youtubes $9 billion in yearly revenue.

Live videos are viewed 3x more than recorde videos. Live video is classified as a new content type. Do live Q&As as a quick an easy way to increase engagement.18

Stay Healthy with Video

Video continues to out perform any other type of post on FB19

Drop Continues

As more and more businesses continue to learn and utlize facebook as a marketing channel, the reach of organic post will continue to drop.20

Too many post, Too little space

Some studies show organic reach dropping as low as 2%. Pay to play follow the money.

Facebook studied the average user to find 1,500 posts appear in their feed each day. But if someone has lots of friends and Likes lots of pages, that number could balloon to 15,000. Because Facebooks goal is to show people the most engaging posts, all posts are not created equal. It built a News Feed sorting algorithm, known as EdgeRank, analyzing 100,000 different indicators. Essentially, everyone has to earn their space in News Feed.



Snapchat hires storytellers. Facebook hires influencers. The way I see, its basically like DirectTv and Dishnetwork or TimeWarner Cable competing. The media giants are scrambling to produce the best content so that users stay glued to their applications and sites. More eye balls means more advertising dollars for Facebook

The easiest way to produce live content is via a live event or a QandA.

Tremedous amount engagement with FB live.22

Move people with videoIncrease conversions up to 80%

Use video testimonials

Show your product or how easy your software is


Using video as back drop in a welcome mat.24

Powerful Video ToolsWistia




There is very powerful software that can help you utlize video for lead gen and marketing outreach. If you are in real estate and you are not using BombBomb you should be.25

Using a wistia turnstile is the perfect cobination of lead capture and video marketing26

RecapUse the PROVHEN video formula

Facebook rewards video

Use video to convert traffic to leads

Use facebook live to increase engagement. Study and devote time to the PROVHEN formula. If you have a SaaS show your users the bells and whistles. Let them see behind the trial walls on the landing pages. Video increases FB organic reach by up to 10x. Start hiring video creators instead of just writers. Be bold!27

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