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Copyright © 2011 by Pearson Education Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall. All rights reserved.From Skills for Success with Microsoft® PowerPoint 2010 Comprehensive

Create Accessible Presentations and Write Macros | Microsoft PowerPoint Chapter 9 More Skills: SKILL 12 | Page 1 of 2

� Presentations can be saved as videos so that they can be shared on DVD or over the Internet.

� If timings or narrations have been applied to the presentation, they will be used in the video. Ifnot, you can apply them while recording the video.

� You can select the quality of a video based on how it will be viewed—videos shared via DVDshould be fairly high quality whereas videos shared online should be a lower quality to reducethe chance of a slow download.

To complete this presentation, you will need the following file:� p09_Mediation

You will save your presentation as:� Lastname_Firstname_p09_Mediation_Video

1. From your student files, locate and then open p09_Mediation. Save the presentation inyour PowerPoint Chapter 9 folder as Lastname_Firstname_p09_Mediation

2. Preview each of the slides, noting the content, animations, and transitions.

City of Aspen Falls department managers will share this information with employeesin their department. This presentation will also be shared with employees via theintranet.

3. On the File tab, click Save & Send.

4. Under File Types, click Create a Video. Compare your screen with Figure 1.

PowerPointCHAPTER 9

More Skills 12 Create Videos from Presentations

Create a Videooptions

Figure 1

Copyright © 2011 by Pearson Education Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall. All rights reserved.From Skills for Success with Microsoft® PowerPoint 2010 Comprehensive

Create Accessible Presentations and Write Macros | Microsoft PowerPoint Chapter 9 More Skills: SKILL 12 | Page 2 of 2

5. Under Create a Video, click the Computer & HD Displays button to view a list of the videoquality options available.

6. Click the Internet & DVD button.

Saving the file in this format will ensure that it loads quickly, making it appropriate foruse on the Internet.

7. Adjust the Seconds to spend on each slide to 10.00 seconds.

8. Click Create Video.

The file type is automatically set in a .wmv (Windows Media Video).

9. In the Save As dialog box, navigate to your PowerPoint Chapter 9 folder. In the File namebox, type Lastname_Firstname_p09_Mediation_Video and click Save. Note that inPowerPoint, at the bottom of the window, on your status bar, the message Creating videoLastname_Firstname_p09_Mediation_Video.wmv reflects the progress of the saving process.Do not close PowerPoint until this process is complete.

10. When the video has been saved, Close PowerPoint. From your desktop, use Computer tonavigate back to your Chapter 9 folder.

11. Locate the video you have just created, Lastname_Firstname_p09_Mediation_Video.Double-click the video to play it, and then maximize the media player window.

The video automatically opens in the media player installed on your computer.

Video playing inmedia player

Figure 2

12. Close the media player. Submit the video as directed.

� You have completed More Skills 12

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