
Post on 27-Jun-2015






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Once upon a time in a very green land not so far away, there was a little boy named

From an early age he showed an innate ear for music

He had an obsession with Elvis and loved to imitate his dance moves to “Heartbreak Hotel”

And a seemingly effortless sense of style

Dressing up like Sonny from Miami Vice

Dressing like a cholo

Panhandling at Christmas

Dealing to children

Runnin with gangs

Bullying kids on the playground

Meanwhile in another more desert-like part of the US…

Was a little girl named Catherine

Cat, if you will, showed a “cat”-like prowess

The speed of a gazelle

The instincts of a barracuda

And the tenacity of a honey badger

Nothing was too much for this young firecracker to handle.

Then she got thrown a “curve ball” when her dad knocked her tooth out playing softball when she was only 8 yrs old.

All her pain and suffering paid off when she made the school volley ball team!!

Always a tomboy at heart, she began to soften up a bit and started experimenting with fashion…

And at times channeling her inner Cyndi Lauper

She started turning into to quite the party girl. Here she is at her first Mardi Gras

As you can see, Anthony and Cat are no doubt going to make the cutest of babies. I mean, how could they not. Did you not see the pictures?

So, by our calculations the baby should turn out to look something like this…

Then, we started thinking “Now what if the doctors were wrong? What if it turned out to be a girl?”

And then we wanted to know what she would look like as a grandma…

Or if she was malato?

Or what if he was a male but ½ blackAnd half Mark?

Or half Japanese?

And now to prevent nightmares for our guests and above all for the parents to be, Anthony and Cat, we will now debrief with some more realistic combos of what their babies could like.

The End

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