power system economics: introduction -...

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© D. Kirschen 2006

Power System Economics:Introduction

Daniel Kirschen

© D. Kirschen 2006

Why study power system economics?





© D. Kirschen 2006

Why study power system economics?

CustomerCustomer CustomerCustomer CustomerCustomer CustomerCustomer

RetailerRetailer RetailerRetailer RetailerRetailer


Wholesale Market and Transmission Wires

Retail Market and Distribution Wires

© D. Kirschen 2006

Why introduce competitive electricity markets?

• Monopolies are inefficient

u No incentive to operate efficiently

• Costs are higher than they could be

u No penalty for mistakes

• Unnecessary investments

• Benefits of introducing competition

u Increase efficiency in the supply of electricity

u Lower the cost of electricity to consumers

u Foster economic growth

© D. Kirschen 2006

Changes that are required

• Privatisationu Government-owned organisations become private, for-profit


• Competitionu Remove monopolies

u Wholesale level: generators compete to sell electrical energy

u Retail level: consumers choose from whom they buy electricity

• Unbundlingu Generation, transmission, distribution and retail functions are

separated and performed by different companies

u Essential to make competition work: open access

© D. Kirschen 2006

Wholesale Competition











Wholesale Market and Transmission Wires

© D. Kirschen 2006

Retail Competition

CustomerCustomer CustomerCustomer CustomerCustomer CustomerCustomer

RetailerRetailer RetailerRetailer RetailerRetailer


Wholesale Market and Transmission Wires

Retail Market and Distribution Wires

© D. Kirschen 2006

Fundamental underlying assumption

• Treat electricity as a commodity

• Examples of commodities:

u A ton of wheat

u A barrel of crude oil

u A cubic meter of natural gas

© D. Kirschen 2006

How do we define the electricity commodity?

• A Volt of electricity?

• An Ampere of electricity?

• A MW of electricity?

• A MWh of electricity?

© D. Kirschen 2006

•Light load period•Need only the most efficient generators•Marginal cost is low

•High load period•Need to run less efficient generators•Marginal cost is high

Effect of cyclical demand



00:00 06:00 12:00 18:00 24:00

© D. Kirschen 2006

Effect of cyclical demand

• Electrical energy cannot be stored economically

• Electrical energy must be produced when it is consumed

• Demand for electrical energy is cyclical

• Cost of producing electrical energy changes with the load

• Value of a MWh is not constant over the course of a day

• A MWh at peak time is not the same as a MWh at off-peak time

• Commodity should be “MWh at a given time”

© D. Kirschen 2006

Effect of location

• Price of electricity at A = marginal cost at A = 50£/MWh

• Price of electricity at B = marginal cost at B = 100£/MWh

• Transmission constraint segments the market

• Commodity should be “MWh at a given time and a given location”


100£/MWh50 £/MWh

200MW100 MW

Max flow = 100 MW

100 MW

© D. Kirschen 2006

Effect of security of supply

• Consumers expect a continuous supply of electricity

• Commodity should be “MWh at a given time and a givenlocation, with a given security of supply”

• Need to study how we can achieve this security of supply


200MW100 MW

100 MW

100 MW

© D. Kirschen 2006

Power flows fromhigh price to lowprice!

Effect of the laws of physics

1 2





50 MW 60 MW

50 MW

285 MW

0 MW

75 MW

126 MW

66 MW159 MW

300 MW

π2=11.25 $/MWh

π3=10.00 $/MWh

π3=7.50 $/MWh

© D. Kirschen 2006

Effect of the laws of physics

Exporting orangesfrom Norway to Spain?

© D. Kirschen 2006


• Competitive market will work only if it is fair

• One participant should not be able to prevent others fromcompeting

• Management of the network or system should be doneindependently from sale of energy

u One company should not be able to prevent others fromcompeting using congestion in the network

u “Open access” to the transmission network

u Separation of “energy businesses” from “wires businesses”

• Energy businesses become part of a competitive market

• Wire businesses remain monopolies

© D. Kirschen 2006


• Monopoly vertically-integrated utility

u One organisation controls the whole system

u Single perspective on the system

• Unbundled competitive electricity market

u Many actors, each controlling one aspect

u Different perspectives, different objectives

• How to make the system work so that all participants aresatisfied (i.e. achieve their objectives)?

© D. Kirschen 2006

Generating company (GENCO)

• Produces and sells electrical energy in bulk

• Owns and operates generating plants

u Single plant

u Portfolio of plants with different technologies

• Often called an Independent Power Producer (IPP) whencoexisting with a vertically integrated utility

• Objective:

u Maximize the profit it makes from the sale of energy and otherservices

© D. Kirschen 2006

Distribution company (DISCO)

• Owns and operates distribution network

• Traditional environment:

u Monopoly for the sale of electricity to consumers in a givengeographical area

• Competitive environment:

u Network operation and development function separated from saleof electrical energy

u Remains a regulated monopoly

• Objective:

u Maximize regulated profit

© D. Kirschen 2006

Retailer (called supplier in the UK)

• Buys electrical energy on wholesale market

• Resells this energy to consumers

• All these consumers do not have to be connected to thesame part of the distribution network

• Does not own large physical assets

• Occasionally a subsidiary of a DISCO

• Objective:

u Maximize profit from the difference between wholesale and retailprices

© D. Kirschen 2006

Market Operator (MO)

• Runs the computer system that matches bids and offerssubmitted by buyers and sellers of electrical energy

• Runs the market settlement system

u Monitors delivery of energy

u Forwards payments from buyers to sellers

• Market of last resort run by the System Operator

• Forward markets often run by private companies

• Objective:

u Run an efficient market to encourage trading

© D. Kirschen 2006

Independent System Operator (ISO)

• Maintains the security of the system

• Should be independent from other participants to ensurethe fairness of the market

• Usually runs the market of last resortu Balance the generation and load in real time

• Owns only computing and communication assets

• An Independent Transmission Company (ITC) is an ISOthat also owns the transmission network

• Objectives:u Ensure the security of the system

u Maximize the use that other participants can make of the system

© D. Kirschen 2006


• Government body

• Determines or approves market rules

• Investigates suspected abuses of market power

• Sets the prices for products and services provided bymonopolies

• Objectives

u Make sure that the electricity sector operates in an economicallyefficient manner

u Make sure that the quality of the supply is appropriate

© D. Kirschen 2006

Small Consumer

• Buys electricity from a retailer

• Leases a connection from the local DISCO

• Participation in markets is usually limited to choice ofretailer

• Objectives:

u Pay as little as possible for electrical energy

u Obtain a satisfactory quality of supply

© D. Kirschen 2006

Large Consumer

• Often participates actively in electricity market

• Buys electrical energy directly from wholesale market

• Sometimes connected directly to the transmissionnetwork

• May offer load control ability to the ISO to help controlthe system

• Objectives:

u Pay as little as possible for electrical energy

u Obtain a satisfactory quality of supply

© D. Kirschen 2006

Outline of the course (I)

• Basic concepts from microeconomics

u Fundamentals of markets

u Theory of the firm

u Perfect and imperfect competition

u Contracts

• Organisation of electricity markets

• Participating in electricity markets Ignore the network

© D. Kirschen 2006

Outline of the course (II)

• Security and ancillary services

u Energy services

u Network services

u System perspective

u Provider perspective

• Effect of network on prices

• Investing in transmission

• Investing in generation

Take the network into consideration

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 1

Fundamentals of Markets

Daniel Kirschen

University of Manchester

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 2

Let us go to the market...

• Opportunity for buyers andsellers to:

ß compare prices

ß estimate demand

ß estimate supply

• Achieve an equilibriumbetween supply and demand

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 3

How much do I value apples?



One apple for my break

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 4

How much do I value apples?



One apple for my break

Take some back for lunch

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 5

How much do I value apples?



One apple for my break

Take some back for lunch

Enough for every meal

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 6

How much do I value apples?



One apple for my break

Take some back for lunch

Enough for every meal

Home-made apple pie

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 7

How much do I value apples?



One apple for my break

Take some back for lunch

Enough for every meal

Home-made apple pie

Home-made cider?

Consumers spend until the price is equal to their marginal utility

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 8

Demand curve

• Aggregation of theindividual demand of allconsumers

• Demand function:

• Inverse demand function:



q = D(π )

π = D−1(q)

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 9

Elasticity of the demand• Slope is an indication of the

elasticity of the demand

• High elasticity

ß Non-essential good

ß Easy substitution

• Low elasticity

ß Essential good

ß No substitutes

• Electrical energy has a verylow elasticity in the shortterm





Low elasticity good

High elasticity good

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 10

• Mathematical definition:

• Dimensionless quantity

Elasticity of the demand

ε =



= πq

⋅ dqdπ

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 11

Supply side

• How many widgets shall I produce?

ß Goal: make a profit on each widget sold

ß Produce one more widget if and only if the cost of producing it isless than the market price

• Need to know the cost of producing the next widget

• Considers only the variable costs

• Ignores the fixed costs

ß Investments in production plants and machines

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 12

How much does the next one costs?

Cost of producing a widget

Total Quantity

Normal production procedure

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 13

How much does the next one costs?

Cost of producing a widget

Total Quantity

Use older machines

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 14

How much does the next one costs?

Cost of producing a widget

Total Quantity

Second shift production

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 15

How much does the next one costs?

Cost of producing a widget

Total Quantity

Third shift production

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 16

How much does the next one costs?

Cost of producing a widget

Total Quantity

Extra maintenance costs

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 17

Supply curve

• Aggregation of marginalcost curves of all suppliers

• Considers only variableoperating costs

• Does not take cost ofinvestments into account

• Supply function:

• Inverse supply function:

Price or marginal cost


π = S−1(q)

q = S(π )

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 18

Market equilibrium



Supply curveWillingness to sell

Demand curveWillingness to buy



market equilibrium

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 19

Supply and Demand





equilibrium point

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 20

Market equilibrium



Price supply


• Sellers have noincentive to sell for less

• Buyers have noincentive to buy formore !

q* = D(π *) = S(π *)

π * = D−1(q*) = S−1(q*)

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 21

Centralised auction

• Producers enter their bids:quantity and price

ß Bids are stacked up toconstruct the supply curve

• Consumers enter their offers:quantity and price

ß Offers are stacked up toconstruct the demand curve

• Intersection determines themarket equilibrium:

ß Market clearing price

ß Transacted quantity



© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 22

Centralised auction

• Everything is sold at the marketclearing price

• Price is set by the “last” unitsold

• Marginal producer:

ß Sells this last unit

ß Gets exactly its bid

• Infra-marginal producers:

ß Get paid more than their bid

ß Collect economic profit

• Extra-marginal producers:

ß Sell nothing



Marginal producer





© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 23

Bilateral transactions

• Producers and consumers trade directly andindependently

• Consumers “shop around” for the best deal

• Producers check the competition’s prices

• An efficient market “discovers” the equilibriumprice

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 24

Efficient market

• All buyers and sellers have access to sufficientinformation about prices, supply and demand

• Factors favouring an efficient market

ß number of participants

ß Standard definition of commodities

ß Good information exchange mechanisms

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 25


• Efficient markets:

ß Open air food market

ß Chicago mercantile exchange

• Inefficient markets:

ß Used cars

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 26

Consumer’s Surplus

• Buy 5 apples at 10p

• Total cost = 50p

• At that price I am gettingapples for which I wouldhave been ready to paymore

• Surplus: 12.5p



Total cost

Consumer’s surplus15p



© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 27

Economic Profit of Suppliers





Revenue Quantity





• Cost includes only the variable cost of production

• Economic profit covers fixed costs and shareholders’returns

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 28

Social or Global Welfare

Suppliers’ profit




Consumers’ surplus


= Social welfare

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 29

Market equilibrium and social welfare




Market equilibrium Artificially high price:• larger supplier profit• smaller consumer surplus• smaller social welfare




Welfare loss

Operating point

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 30

Market equilibrium and social welfare







Market equilibrium Artificially low price:• smaller supplier profit• higher consumer surplus• smaller social welfare

Welfare loss

Operating point

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 31

Market Equilibrium: Summary

• Price = marginal revenue of supplier= marginal cost of supplier= marginal cost of consumer= marginal utility to consumer

• Market price varies with offer and demandß If demand increases

• Price increases beyond utility for some consumers

• Demand decreases

• Market settles at a new equilibrium

ß If demand decreases

• Price decreases

• Some producers leave the market

• Market settles at a new equilibrium

• Never a shortage

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 32

Advantages over a Tariff

• Tariff: fixed price for a commodity

• Assume tariff = average of market price

• Period of high demand

ß Tariff < marginal utility and marginal cost

ß Consumers continue buying the commodity rather than switch toanother commodity

• Period of low demand

ß Tariff > than marginal utility and marginal cost

ß Consumers do not switch from other commodities

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 1

Concepts from the Theory of the Firm

Daniel Kirschen

University of Manchester

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 2

Production function

• y: output

• x1 , x2: factors of production

y = f x1,x2( )



x2 fixed


x1 fixedy

Law of diminishing marginal products

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 3

Long run and short run

• Some factors of production can be adjustedfaster than others

ß Example: fertilizer vs. planting more trees

• Long run: all factors can be changed

• Short run: some factors cannot be changed

• No general rule separates long and short run

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 4

Input-output function

Example: amount of fuel required to produce acertain amount of power with a given plant

y = f x 1 , x 2( )

x 2 fixed

x1 = g ( y ) for x 2 = x 2

The inverse of production function is the input-output function

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 5

Short run cost function

• w1, w2: unit cost of factors of production x1, x2

c SR ( y ) = w 1 ⋅ x 1 + w 2 ⋅ x 2 = w1 ⋅ g( y ) + w 2 ⋅ x 2

c SR ( y )


© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 6

Short run marginal cost function

c SR ( y )



dc SR ( y )dy

Convex due to lawof marginal returns

Non-decreasing function

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 7

Optimal production

• Production that maximizes profit:


π ⋅ y − c SR ( y )

d π ⋅ y − c SR ( y ) dy

= 0

π =dc SR ( y )

dyOnly if the price π does not depend on y ⇔ perfect competition

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 8

Costs: Accountant’s perspective

• In the short run, some costs arevariable and others are fixed

• Variable costs:

ß labour

ß materials

ß fuel

ß transportation

• Fixed costs (amortised):

ß equipments

ß land

ß Overheads

• Quasi-fixed costs

ß Startup cost of power plant

• Sunk costs vs. recoverable costs

Production cost [¤]


© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 9

Average cost


Production cost [¤]


Average cost [¤/unit]

c( y ) = c v ( y ) + c f

AC ( y ) =c ( y )


c v ( y )y

+c f

y= AVC ( y ) + AFC ( y )

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 10

Marginal vs. average cost

MC AC¤/unit


© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 11

When should I stop producing?

• Marginal cost = cost of producing one more unit

• If MC > ! next unit costs more than it returns

• If MC < ! next unit returns more than it costs

• Profitable only if Q4 > Q2 because of fixed costs

Marginal cost [£/unit]

Average cost [£/unit]


Q1 Q3 Q4Q2

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 12

Costs: Economist’s perspective

• Opportunity cost:

ß What would be the best use of the money spent to make theproduct ?

ß Not taking the opportunity to sell at a higher price represents acost

• Examples:

ß Growing apples or growing kiwis?

ß Use the money to grow apples or put it in the bank where itearns interests?

• Includes a “normal profit”

• Selling “at cost” does not mean no profit

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 13

Perfect competition

• Perfect competition

ß The volume handled byeach market participant issmall compared to theoverall market volume

ß No market participant caninfluence the market priceby its actions

ß All market participants actlike price takers

Marginal producer







© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 14

Imperfect competition

• One or more competitors can influence themarket price through their actions

• Strategic playersß Participants with a large market share

ß Can influence the market price

• Competitive fringeß Participants with a small market share

ß Take the market price

• Cournot and Bertrand models of competition

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 15

Cournot model in a duopoly


π ( y1 + y 2e ) y1 − c ( y1 )

y1 = f 1 ( y 2e )

Problem for firm 1:

Similar problem for firm 2

y 2 = f 2 ( y 1e )

y1* = f 1 ( y 2

* )

y 2* = f 2 ( y 1

* )Cournot equilibrium:

Neither firm has any incentive to deviate from the equilibrium

Competition on quantity

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 16

Cournot model in an oligopoly

Y = y1 +L + y nTotal industry output:

maxy i

y i ⋅ π (Y ) − c ( y i ) Firm i:

ddy i

y i ⋅ π (Y ) − c ( y i ) = 0

π (Y ) + y idπ (Y )

dy i=

dc ( y i )dy i

π (Y ) 1 +y i


dy i

dπ (Y )π (Y )

=dc ( y i )

dy i

π (Y ) 1 −s i

ε (Y )


dc ( y i )dy i

Difference with perfect competition

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 17

π (Y ) 1 −s i

ε (Y )


dc ( y i )dy i

< 1

Cournot model in an oligopoly

• Strategic player operates at a marginal cost less than themarket price

• Ability to manipulate prices is a function of:

ß Market share

ß Elasticity of demand ε

si = y i Y

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 18

Bertrand model in a duopoly

• Competition on price

• Firm that sets the lowest price captures theentire market

• No firm will bid below its marginal cost ofproduction because it would sell at a loss

• At equilibrium, both firms sell at the same price,which is the marginal cost of production

• Equivalent to competitive equilibrium!

• Not a realistic model!

Risks, Markets and Contracts

Daniel Kirschen

The University of Manchester

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 2

Concept of Risk

• Future is uncertain

• Uncertainty translates into risk

ß In this case, risk of loss of income

• Risk = probability x consequences

• Doing business means accepting some risks

• Willingness to accept risk varies:

ß venture capitalist vs. old-age pensioner

• Ability to control risk varies:

ß Professional traders vs. novice investors

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 3

Sources of Risk

• Technical riskß Fail to produce or deliver because of technical

problem• Power plant outage, congestion in the transmission system

• External riskß Fail to produce or deliver because of cataclysmic

event• Weather, earthquake, war

• Price riskß Having to buy at a price much higher than expected

ß Having to sell at a price much lower than expected

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 4

Managing Risks

• Excessive risk hampers economic activity

ß Not everybody can survive short term losses

ß Society benefits if more people can take part

• Business should not be limited to large companies with deeppockets

• How can risk be managed:

ß Reduce the risk

ß Share the risk

ß Relocate the risk

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 5

Reducing the Risks• Reduce frequency or consequences of technical

problemsß Those who can should have an incentive to do it!

• Owners of power plants when outages are rare

• Owners and operators of transmission system when congestion issmall

• Reduce consequences of natural catastrophesß Design systems to be able to withstand rare events

• Enough crews to repair the power system after a hurricane

• Avoid unnecessarily large price swingsß Develop market rules that do not create artificial spikes in the

price of electrical energy

• Should only be done to a reasonable extent

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 6

Sharing the Risks

• Insurance:

ß All the members of a large group each pay a small amount tocompensate a few that have suffered a big loss

ß The consequences of a catastrophic event are shared by a largegroup rather than a few

• Security margin in power system operation

ß Limits the consequences of rare but unpredictable andcatastrophic events

ß Increases the daily cost of electrical energy

ß Grid operator does not have to pay compensation in the event ofa blackout

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 7

Relocating Risk

• Possible if one party is more willing or able toaccept it

ß Loss is not catastrophic for this party

ß This party can offset this loss against gains in otheractivities

• Applies mostly to price risk

• How does this apply to markets?

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 8

Spot Market

• Immediate market, “On the Spot”

ß Agreement on price

ß Agreement on quantity

ß Agreement on location

ß Unconditional delivery

ß Immediate delivery

SpotMarketSellers Buyers

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 9

Examples of Spot Markets

• Examples

ß Food market

ß Basic shopping

ß Rotterdam spot market for oil

ß Commodities markets: corn, wheat, cocoa, coffee

• Formal or informal

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 10

Advantages and Disadvantages

• Advantages:ß Simple

ß Flexible

ß Immediate

• Disadvantagesß Prices can fluctuate widely based on


ß Example:

• Effect of frost in Brazil on price of coffee beans

• Effect of trouble in the Middle East on the priceof oil

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 11

Spot Market Risks

• Problems with wide price fluctuationsß Small producer may have to sell at a low price

ß Small purchaser may have to buy at a high price

ß “Price risk”

• Market may not have much depthß Not enough sellers: market is short

ß Not enough buyers: market is long

• Buying or selling large quantities when the market isshort or long can affect the price

• Relying on the spot market for buying or selling largequantities is a bad idea

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 12

Example: buying and selling wheat

• Farmer produces wheat

• Miller buys wheat to make flour

• Farmer carries the risk of bad weather

• Miller carries the risk of breakdown of flour mill

• Neither farmer nor miller control price of wheat

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 13

Harvest time

• If price of wheat is low:

ß Possibly devastating for the farmer

ß Good deal for the miller

• If the price is high:

ß Good deal for the farmer

ß Possibly devastating for the miller

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 14

What should they do?

• Option 1: Accept the spot price of wheat

ß Equivalent to gambling

• Option 2: Agree ahead of time on a price that isacceptable to both parties

ß Forward contract

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 15

Forward Contract

• Agreement:

ß Quantity and quality

ß Price

ß Date of delivery (not immediate)

• Paid at time of delivery

• Unconditional delivery

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 16

Forward Contract

Contract (1June)1 ton of wheat at £100

on 1 September

Maturity (1 September)Seller delivers 1 ton of wheat

Buyer pays £100Spot Price = £90

Profit to seller = £10

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 17

How is the forward price set?Spot Price

Time• Both parties look at their alternative: spot price

• Both forecast what the spot price is likely to be


© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 18

Case 1:

• Farmer estimates that the spot price will be£100

• Miller also forecasts that the spot price will be£100

• They can agree on a forward price of £100

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 19

Case 2:

• Farmer estimates that the spot price will be£90

• Miller also forecasts that the spot price will be£110

• They can easily agree on a forward price ofsomewhere between £90 and £110

• Exact price will depend on negotiation ability

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 20

Case 3:

• Farmer estimates that the spot price will be£110

• Miller also forecasts that the spot price will be£90

• Agreeing on a forward price is likely to bedifficult

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 21

Sharing risk

• In a forward contract, the buyer and seller sharethe risk that the price differs from theirexpectation

• Difference between contract price and spot priceat time of delivery represents a “profit” for oneparty and a “loss” for the other

• However, in the meantime they have been ableto get on with their businessß Buy new farm machinery

ß Sell the flour to bakeries

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 22

Attitudes towards risk

• Suppose that both parties forecast the same value spotprice at time of delivery

• Equal attitude towards risk

ß Forward price is equal to expected spot price

• If buyer is less risk adverse than seller

ß Buyer can negotiate a forward price lower than the expectedspot price

ß Seller agrees to this lower price because it reduces its risk

ß Difference between expected spot price and forward price iscalled a premium

ß Premium = price that seller is willing to pay to reduce risk

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 23

Attitudes towards risk

• If buyer is more risk adverse than seller

ß Seller can negotiate a forward price higher than theexpected spot price

ß Buyer agrees to this lower price because it reducesits risk

ß Buyer is willing to pay the premium to reduce risk

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 24

Forward Markets

• Since there are many millers and farmers, amarket can be organised for forward contracts

• Forward price represents the aggregatedexpectation of the spot price, plus or minus arisk premium

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 25

What if...Spot Price

Time• Suppose that millers are less risk adverse

• Premium below the expected spot price

• Spot price turns out to be much lower than forward pricebecause of a bumper harvest


© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 26

What if...

• Farmers breathe a sigh of relief…

• Millers take a big loss

• The following year the millers asks for a muchbigger premium

• Is agreement between the millers and thefarmers going to be possible?

Spot Price



© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 27

Undiversified risk

• Farmers and millers deal only in wheat

• Their risk is undiversified

• Can only offset “good years” against “bad years”

• Risk remains high

• Reducing the risk further would help business

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 28


• Diversification: deal with morethan one commodity

• Average risk over differentcommodities

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 29

Physical participants vs. traders

• Physical participantsß Produce, consume or can store the commodity

ß Face undiversified risk because they deal in only onecommodity

• Traders (a.k.a. speculators)ß Cannot take physical delivery of the commodity

ß Diversify their risk by dealing in many commodities

ß Specialize in risk management

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 30

Trading by speculators

• Cannot take physical delivery of the commodity

• Must balance their position on date of deliveryß Quantity bought must equal quantity sold

ß Buy or sell from spot market if necessary

• May involve many transactions

• Forward contracts limited to parties who can takephysical delivery

• Need a standardised contract to reduce the cost oftrading: future contract

• Future contracts (futures) allow others to participate inthe market and share the risk

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 31

Futures Contract

All contracts for wheat on 1 September

2 tons at £110

2 tons at £901 tonat £ 95

1 tonat £115

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 32

Futures ContractShortly before 1 September

bought 2 tons at £110bought 1 ton at £ 95sold 1 ton at £115

bought 2 tons at £90sold 1 ton at £95

bought 1 ton at £115

sold 2 tons at £110sold 2 tons at £90

Spot Price £100

Delivers 4 tonsSells 2 tons at £100

Sells 1 ton at £100

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 33

Futures Contract

bought 2 tons at £110bought 1 ton at £ 95sold 1 ton at £115sold 2 tons at £100net profit: £ 0

bought 2 tons at £90sold 1 ton at £95sold 1 ton at £100net profit: £15

bought 1 ton at £115bought 3 tons at £100

sold 2 tons at £110sold 2 tons at £90

Spot Price = £100

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 34

Importance of information

• Speculators own some of the commodity before it isdelivered

• They carry the risk of a price change during that period

• Need deep pockets

• Without additional information, this is gambling

• Information helps speculators make money

• Example:

ß Global perspective on the harvest for wheat

ß Long term weather forecast and its effect on the demand forgas and electricity

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 35


• Spot, forward and future contracts: unconditional delivery

• Options: conditional delivery

ß Call Option: right to buy at a certain price at a certain time

ß Put Option: right to sell at a certain price at a certain time

• Two elements of the price:

ß Exercise or strike price = price paid when option is exercised

ß Premium or option fee = price paid for the option itself

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 36

Example of Call Option

• Call Option with an exercise price of £100

• About to expire

• If the spot market price is £90 the option is worthnothing

• If the spot market price is £110 the option is worth£10

• Holder makes money if value > option fee

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 37

Example of Put Option

• Put Option with an exercise price of £100

• About to expire

• If the spot market price is £90 the option is worth£10

• If the spot market price is £110 the option is worthnothing

• Holder makes money if value > option fee

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 38

Financial Contracts

• Contracts without any physical delivery

Physical Market(Spot)






© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 39

One-way contract for difference

• Example:

ß buyer has call option for 50 units at £100 per unit

ß spot price goes up to £110 per unit

ß holder calls the option to buy 50 units at £100

ß buyer owes seller £5000 (50 x £100)

ß seller owes the buyer £5500 (value of 50 units)

ß seller transfers £500 to the buyer to settle the contract

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 40

Two-Way Contract for Difference

• Combination of a call and a put option for thesame price --> will always be used

• Example 1: CFD for 50 units at £100ß spot price = £110

ß buyer pays £5500 on spot market

ß seller gets £5500 on spot market

ß seller pays buyer £500

ß buyer effectively pays £5000

ß seller effectively gets £5000

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 41

Two-Way Contract for Difference

• Example 2: CFD for 50 units at £100

ß spot price = £90

ß buyer pays £4500 on spot market

ß seller gets £4500 on spot market

ß buyer pays seller £500

ß buyer effectively pays £5000

ß seller effectively gets £5000

• Buyer and seller “insulated” from spot market

© 2006 Daniel Kirschen 42

Exchanges• “Location” where the market takes place

• Can be electronic

• Tradingß Spot

ß Forwards

ß Futures

ß Options

• Participants must provide credit guarantee

• Needs rules, policing mechanisms

Organisation of Electricity Markets

Daniel Kirschen

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 2

Differences between electricity and other commodities

• Electricity is inextricably linked with a physical deliverysystem

u Physical delivery system operates much faster than any market

u Generation and load must be balanced at all times

u Failure to balance leads to collapse of system

u Economic consequences of collapse are enormous

u Balance must be maintained at almost any cost

u Physical balance cannot be left to a market

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 3

Differences between electricity and other commodities

• Electricity produced by different generators is pooled

u Generator cannot direct its production to some consumers

u Consumer cannot choose which generator produces its load

u Electrical energy produced by all generators is indistinguishable

• Pooling is economically desirable

• A breakdown of the system affects everybody

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 4

Differences between electricity and other commodities

• Demand for electricity exhibits predictable daily, weeklyand seasonal variations

u Similar to other commodities (e.g. coffee)

• Electricity cannot be stored in large quantities

u Must be consumed when it is produced

u “Just in Time Manufacturing”

• Production facilities must be able to meet peak demand

• Very low price elasticity of the demand

u Demand curve is almost vertical

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 5

Balancing supply and demand

• Demand side:

u Fluctuations in the needs

u Errors in forecast

• Supply side:

u Disruption in the production

• Spot market:

u Provides an easy way of bridging the gap between supply anddemand

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 6

Spot market for other commodities

• Characteristics of a spot market:

u Unconditional delivery

u Immediate delivery

u Price determined through interactions of buyers and sellers

u Price tends to be volatile because market is short term

• To reduce the price risk, buyers and sellers tend to trademostly through longer term contracts

• Spot market is used for adjustments

• Spot market is the market of last resort

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 7

Spot market for electrical energy

• Demand side:u Errors in load forecast

• Supply side:u Unpredicted generator outages

• Gaps between load and generation must be filled quickly

• Market mechanismsu Too slow

u Too expensive

• Need fast communication

• Need to reach lots of participants

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 8

“Managed” spot market

• Balance load and generation

• Run by the system operator

• Maintains the security of the system

• Must operate on a sound economic basisu Use competitive bids for generation adjustments

u Should ideally accept demand-side bids

u Determine a cost-reflective spot price

• Not a true market because price is not set throughinteractions of buyers and sellers

• Indispensable for treating electricity as a commodity

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 9

“Managed” spot market

Managed Spot Market

Bids to increaseproduction

Bids to increaseload

Bids to decreaseproduction

Bids to decreaseload






System operator


© Daniel Kirschen 2005 10

“Managed” spot market

• Also know as:

u Reserve market

u Balancing mechanism

• In North America, the day-ahead hourly market is oftencalled the spot market

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 11

Other markets

• Well-functioning spot market is essentialu Ensures that imbalances will be settled properly

• Makes the development of other markets possible

• Spot price is volatile

• Most participants want more certainty

• Reduce risk by trading ahead of the spot market

• Forward markets and derivative markets help reducerisks

• Forward markets must close before the managed spotmarket

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 12

Why is the spot price for electricity so volatile?



00:00 06:00 12:00 18:00 24:00

Minimum load

Peak load

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 13

Demand curves for electricity



Minimum load Peak load

Daily fluctuations

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 14

Supply curve for electricity



Base generation

Peaking generation

Intermediate generation

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 15

Supply and demand for electricity



Minimum load Peak load

Price of electricity fluctuates duringthe day



© Daniel Kirschen 2005 16

Supply and demand for electricity



Normal peak

Small increases in peak demand cause large changes in peak prices

Extreme peak



© Daniel Kirschen 2005 17

Supply and demand for electricity



Normal peak

Small reductions in supply cause large changes in peak prices



Normal supply

Reduced supply

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 18

Price duration curve












0 20 40 60 80 100

Percentage of Hours

PJM system (USA) for 1999Actual peak price reached $1000/MWh for a few hours(Source: www.pjm.com)

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 19

Forward markets

• Two approaches:

u Centralised trading (also known as “Pool Trading”)

u Bilateral trading

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 20

Pool trading

• All producers submit bids

• All consumers submit offers

• Market operator determines successful bids and offersand the market price

• In many electricity pools, the demand side is passive. Aforecast of demand is used instead.

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 21

Example of pool trading

Bids and offers in the Electricity Pool of Syldavia for the period from 9:00till 10:00 on 11 June:

Company Quantity [MWh] Price [$/MWh]Red 200 12.00Red 50 15.00Red 50 20.00Green 150 16.00Green 50 17.00Blue 100 13.00


Blue 50 18.00Yellow 50 13.00Yellow 100 23.00Purple 50 11.00Purple 150 22.00Orange 50 10.0


Orange 200 25.00

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 22

Example of pool trading








0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700

Quantity [MWh]


e [$












© Daniel Kirschen 2005 23

Example of pool trading








0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700

Quantity [MWh]


e [$












Quantity traded

Market price

Accepted offers

Accepted bids

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 24

Example of pool trading

• Market price: 16.00 $/MWh

• Volume traded: 450 MWh

Company Production





Red 250 4,000.Blue 100 1,600Green 100 1,600Orange 200 3,200Yellow 100 1,600Purple 150 2,400Total 450 450 7,200 7,200

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 25

Unit commitment-based pool trading

• Reasons for not treating each market period separately:

u Operating constraints on generating units

• Minimum up and down times, ramp rates

u Savings achieved through scheduling

• Start-up and no-load costs

u Reduce risk for generators

• Uncertainty on generation schedule leads to higher prices

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 26

Unit commitment-based pool trading






GeneratorsBids Market


© Daniel Kirschen 2005 27

Generator Bids

• All units are bid separately

• Components:

u piecewise linear marginal price curve

u start-up price

u parameters (min MW, max MW, min up, min down,...)

• Bids do not have to reflect costs

• Bidding very low to “get in the schedule” is allowed

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 28

Load Forecast



• Load is usually treated as a passive market participant

• Assume that there is no demand response to prices

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 29

Generation Schedule



© Daniel Kirschen 2005 30

Marginal Units



• Most expensive unit needed to meet the load at each period

• Restrictions may apply

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 31

Market price

• Bid from marginal unit setsthe market clearing price ateach period

• System Marginal Price(SMP)

• All energy traded throughthe pool during that periodis bought and sold at thatprice



© Daniel Kirschen 2005 32

Why trade all energy at the SMP?

• Why not pay the generators what they bid?

u Cheaper generators would not want to “leave money on the table”

u Would try to guess the SMP and bid close to it

u Occasional mistakes Ë get left out of the schedule

u Increased uncertainty Ë increase in price

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 33

Bilateral trading

• Pool trading is an unusual form of market

• Bilateral trading is the classical form of trading

• Involves only two parties:

u Seller

u Buyer

• Trading is a private arrangement between these parties

• Price and quantity negotiated directly between theseparties

• Nobody else is involved in the decision

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 34

Bilateral trading

• Unlike pool trading, there is no “official price”

• Occasionally facilitated by brokers or electronic marketoperators

• Takes different forms depending on the time scale

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 35

Types of bilateral trading

• Customised long-term contracts

u Flexible terms

u Negotiated between the parties

u Duration of several months to several years

u Advantage:

• Guarantees a fixed price over a long period

u Disadvantages:

• Cost of negotiations is high

u Worthwhile only for large amounts of energy

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 36

Types of bilateral trading

• “Over the Counter” trading

u Smaller amounts of energy

u Delivery according to standardised profiles

u Advantage:

• Much lower transaction cost

u Used to refine position as delivery time approaches

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 37

Types of bilateral trading

• Electronic trading

u Buyers and sellers enter bids directly into computerisedmarketplace

u All participants can observe the prices and quantities offered

u Automatic matching of bids and offers

u Participants remain anonymous

u Market organiser handles the settlement

u Advantages:

• Very fast

• Very cheap

• Good source of information about the market

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 38

Example of bilateral trading

Generating units owned by Borduria Power:

Unit Pmin [MW] Pmax [MW] MC [$/MWh]A 100 500 10.0B 50 200 13.0C 0 50 17.0

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 39

Example of bilateral trading

Trades of Borduria Power for 11 June from 2:00 pm till 3:00 pm

Type ContractDate

Identifier Buyer Seller Amount[MWh]


Long term 10 January LT1 Cheapo Energy Borduria Power 200 12.5Long term 7 February LT2 Borduria Steel Borduria Power 250 12.8Future 3 March FT1 Quality Electrons Borduria Power 100 14.0Future 7 April FT2 Borduria Power Perfect Power 30 13.5Future 10 May FT3 Cheapo Energy Borduria Power 50 13.8

Net position: Sold 570 MWProduction capacity: 750 MW

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 40

Example of bilateral trading

Pending offers and bids on Borduria Power Exchange at mid-morningon 11 June for the period from 2:00 till 3:00 pm:

11 June 14:00-15:00 Identifier Amount [MW] Price [$/MWh]B5 20 17.50B4 25 16.30B3 20 14.40B2 10 13.90

Bids to sell energy

B1 25 13.70O1 20 13.50O2 30 13.30O3 10 13.25O4 30 12.80

Offers to buy energy

O5 50 12.55

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 41

11 June 14:00-15:00 Identifier Amount [MW] Price [$/MWh]B5 20 17.50B4 25 16.30B3 20 14.40B2 10 13.90

Bids to sell energy

B1 25 13.70O1 20 13.50O2 30 13.30O3 10 13.25O4 30 12.80

Offers to buy energy

O5 50 12.55

Example of bilateral trading

Electronic trades made by Borduria Power:

Net position: Sold 630 MWSelf schedule: Unit A: 500 MW

Unit B: 130 MW Unit C: 0 MW

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 42

11 June 14:00-15:00 Identifier Amount [MW] Price [$/MWh]B5 20 17.50B4 25 16.30B3 20 14.40B6 20 14.30

Bids to sell energy

B8 10 14.10O4 30 12.80O6 25 12.70

Offers to buy energy

O5 50 12.55

Example of bilateral trading

Unexpected problem: unit B can only generate 80 MW

Options: - Do nothing and pay the spot price for the missing energy

- Make up the deficit with unit C

- Trade on the power exchange

Buying is cheaper than producing with CNew net position: Sold 580 MWNew schedule: A: 500 MW, B: 80 MW, C: 0 MW

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 43

Pool vs. bilateral trading

• Pool

u Unusual because administeredcentrally

u Price not transparent

u Facilitates security function

u Makes possible centraloptimisation

u Historical origins in electricityindustry

• Bilateral

u Economically purer

u Price set by the parties

u Hard bargaining possible

u Generator assumescheduling risk

u Must be coordinated withsecurity function

u More opportunities toinnovate

Both forms of trading can coexist to a certain extent

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 44

Bidding in managed spot market

Borduria Power’s position:Psched Pmin Pmax MCUnit

[MW] [MW] [MW] [$/MWh]A 500 100 500 10.0B 80 50 80 13.0C 0 0 50 17.0

Price AmountType Unit[$/MWh] [MW]

Bid (increase) C 17.50 50Offer (decrease) B 12.50 30Offer (decrease) A 9.50 400

Borduria Power’s spot market bids:

Spot market assumed imperfectly competitive

Bids/offers can be higher/lower than marginal cost

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 45

Settlement process

• Pool trading:

u Market operator collects from consumers

u Market operator pays producers

u All energy traded at the pool price

• Bilateral trading:

u Bilateral trades settled directly by the parties as if they had beenperformed exactly

• Managed spot market:

u Produced more or consumed less Ë receive spot price

u Produced less or consumed more Ë pay spot price

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 46

Example of settlement

• 11 June between 2:00 pm and 3:00 pm

• Spot price: 18.25 $/MWh

• Unit B of Borduria Power could produce only 10 MWhinstead of 80 MWh

• Borduria Power thus had a deficit of 70 MWh for this hour

• 40 MW of Borduria Power’s spot market bid of 50 MW at17.50 $/MWh was called by the operator

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 47

Borduria Power’s Settlement

Market Type Amount[MWh]




Sale 200 12.50 2,500.00

Sale 250 12.80 3,200.00

Sale 100 14.00 1,400.00

Purchase -30 13.50 405.00


Sale 50 13.80 690.00

Sale 20 13.50 270.00

Sale 30 13.30 399.00

Sale 10 13.25 132.50

Purchase -20 14.40 288.00

Purchase -20 14.30 286.00


Purchase -10 14.10 141.00

Sale 40 18.25 730.00SpotMarket Imbalance -70 18.25 1,277.50

Total 550 9,321.50 2,397.50

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 48

Example of an electricity market: NETA

• NETA = New Electricity Trading Arrangements

• Market operating in England and Wales since April 2001

• Relies on bilateral trading as much as possible

• Replaced the Electricity Pool of England and Wales,which was a centralised market

• Extended to Scotland on 1 April 2005 (BETTA)

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 49

NETA Timeline

T+1/2 hrTT-1hrT-1dayT-several months

Forward Markets

Electronic Power Exchange






Gate Closure

Bilateral Centralized

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 50

Price volatility in the balancing mechanism

© D. Kirschen 2006 1

Participating in Electricity Markets:The Generator’s Perspective

© D. Kirschen 2006 2

Market Structure

• Monopoly:

u Monopolist sets the price at will

u Must be regulated

• Perfect competition:

u No participant is large enough to affect the price

u All participants act as “price takers”

• Oligopoly:

u Some participants are large enough to affect the price

u Strategic bidders have market power

u Others are price takers

Monopoly Oligopoly Perfect Competition

© D. Kirschen 2006 3

Perfect competition

• All producers have a small share of the market

• All consumers have a small share of the market

• Individual actions have no effect on the market price

• All participants are “price takers”

© D. Kirschen 2006 4

Short run profit maximisation for a price taker

Adjust production y until the marginalcost of production is equal to the price π

Production cost


Independent of quantityproduced because price taker

y : Output of one of the generators


π .y − c(y)

d π .y − c(y) dy

= 0

π =dc(y)


© D. Kirschen 2006 5

Market structure

• No difference between centralisedauction and bilateral market

• Everything is sold at the marketclearing price

• Price is set by the “last” unit sold

• Marginal producer:

u Sells this last unit

u Gets exactly its bid

• Infra-marginal producers:

u Get paid more than their bid

u Collect economic profit

• Extra-marginal producers:

u Sell nothing



Marginal producer





© D. Kirschen 2006 6

Bidding under perfect competition

• No incentive to bid anythingelse than marginal cost ofproduction

• Lots of small producers

u Change in bid causes a changein stacking up order

• If bid is higher than marginalcost

u Could become extramarginal and miss anopportunity to sell at aprofit





© D. Kirschen 2006 7

Bidding under perfect competition

• If bid is lower than marginalcost

u Could have to produce at a loss

• If bid is equal to marginal cost

u Get paid market price if marginalor infra-marginal producer





© D. Kirschen 2006 8

Oligopoly and market power

• A firm exercises market power when

u It reduces its output (physical withholding)


u It raises its offer price (economic withholding)

in order to change the market price

© D. Kirschen 2006 9


• A firm sells 10 units and the market price is $15

u Option 1: offer to sell only 9 units and hope that the price risesenough to compensate for the loss of volume

u Option 2: offer to sell the 10th unit for a price higher than $15 andhope that this will increase the price

• Profit increases if price rises sufficiently to compensatefor possible decrease in volume

© D. Kirschen 2006 10

ddy i

y i ⋅ π (Y ) − c ( y i ) = 0

π (Y ) + y idπ (Y )

dy i=

dc ( y i )dy i

Short run profit maximisation with market power

π (Y ) 1 +y i


dy i

dπ (Y )π (Y )

=dc ( y i )

dy i

is the total industry output

Y = y1 +L + y n

maxy i

y i ⋅ π (Y ) − c ( y i ) yi : Production of generator i

Not zero because ofmarket power

© D. Kirschen 2006 11

is the price elasticity of demand

Short run profit maximisation with market power

π (Y ) 1 +y i


dy i

dπ (Y )π (Y )

=dc ( y i )

dy i

π (Y ) 1 −s i

ε (Y )


dc ( y i )dy i

ε = −



= − πy

⋅ dydπ

si =yi

Yis the market share of generator i

< 1 · optimal price for generator i ishigher than its marginal cost

© D. Kirschen 2006 12

When is market power more likely?

• Imperfect correlation with market share

• Demand does not have a high price elasticity

• Supply does not have a high price elasticity:

u Highly variable demand

u All capacity sometimes used

u Output cannot be stored

ËElectricity markets are more vulnerable than others to theexercise of market power

© D. Kirschen 2006 13

Elasticity of the demand for electricity• Slope is an indication of the

elasticity of the demand

• High elasticity

u Non-essential good

u Easy substitution

• Low elasticity

u Essential good

u No substitutes

• Electrical energy has a verylow elasticity in the short term





Low elasticity good

High elasticity good

© D. Kirschen 2006 14

How Inelastic is the demand for electricity?

20.0096.998.00March 2001

18.9658.8410.00February 2001

21.58168.490.00January 2001


Price of electrical energy in England and Wales [£/MWh]

Value of Lost Load (VoLL) in England and Wales: 2,768£/MWh

© D. Kirschen 2006 15

Price spikes because of increased demand



Normal peak

Small increases in peak demand cause large changes in peak prices

Extreme peak



© D. Kirschen 2006 16

Price spikes because of reduced supply



Normal peak

Small reductions in supply cause large changes in peak prices



Normal supply

Reduced supply

© D. Kirschen 2006 17

Increasing the elasticity reduces price spikes and thegenerators’ ability to exercise market power





© D. Kirschen 2006 18

Increasing the elasticity of the demand

• Obstaclesu Tariffs

u Need for communication

u Need for storage (heat, intermediate products, dirty clothes)

• Not everybody needs to respond to price signals to getsubstantial benefits

• Increased elasticity reduces the average priceu Not in the best interests of generating companies

u Impetus will need to come from somewhere else

© D. Kirschen 2006 19

Further comments on market power

• ALL firms benefit from the exercise of market power byone participant

• Unilaterally reducing output or increasing offer price toincrease profits is legal

• Collusion between firms to achieve the same goal is notlegal

• Market power interferes with the efficient dispatch ofgenerating resources

u Cheaper generation is replaced by more expensive generation

© D. Kirschen 2006 20

Modelling imperfect competition

• Bertrand model

u Competition on prices

• Cournot model

u Competition on quantities

© D. Kirschen 2006 21

Game theory and Nash equilibrium

• Each firm must consider the possible actions of otherswhen selecting a strategy

• Classical optimisation theory is insufficient

• Two-person non-co-operative game:u One firm against another

u One firm against all the others

• Nash equilibrium:u given the action of its rival, no firm can increase its profit by

changing its own action:

Ωi (ai* ,a j

* )≥ Ω i (ai ,a j* ) ∀i,ai

© D. Kirschen 2006 22

Bertrand Competition

• Example 1

u CA = 35 . PA €/h

u CB = 45 . PB €/h

• Bid by A?

• Bid by B?

• Market price?

• Quantity traded?


π = 100 − D [¤ / MWh]CA(PA) CB(PB)


Inverse demand curve

© D. Kirschen 2006 23

Bertrand Competition

• Example 1

u CA = 35 . PA €/h

u CB = 45 . PB €/h

• Marginal cost of A: 35 €/MWh

• Marginal cost of B: 45 €/MWh

• A will bid just below 45 €/MWh

• B cannot bid below 45 €/MWh because it would loose money on every MWh

• Market price: just below 45 €/MWh

• Demand: 55 MW

• PA = 55MW

• PB = 0


π = 100 − D [¤ / MWh]CA(PA) CB(PB)


© D. Kirschen 2006 24

Bertrand Competition

• Example 2

u CA = 35 . PA €/h

u CB = 35 . PB €/h

• Bid by A?

• Bid by B?

• Market price?

• Quantity traded?


π = 100 − D [¤ / MWh]CA(PA) CB(PB)


© D. Kirschen 2006 25

Bertrand Competition

• Example 2

u CA = 35 . PA €/h

u CB = 35 . PB €/h

• A cannot bid below 35 €/MWh because it would loose money on every MWh

• A cannot bid above 35 €/MWh because B would bid lower and grab theentire market

• Market price: 35 €/MWh

• Identical generators: bid at marginal cost

• Non-identical generators: cheapest gets the whole market

• Not a realistic model of imperfect competition

π = 100 − D [¤ / MWh]A BCA(PA) CB(PB)


© D. Kirschen 2006 26

Cournot competition: Example 1

• CA = 35 . PA €/h

• CB = 45 . PB €/h

• Suppose PA= 15 MW and PB = 10 MW

• Then D = PA + PB = 25 MW

• π = 100 - D = 75 €/MW

• RA= 75 . 15 = € 1125 ; CA= 35 . 15 = € 525

• RB= 75 . 10 = € 750 ; CB= 45 . 10 = € 450

• Profit of A = RA - CA = € 600

• Profit of B = RB - CB = € 300



π = 100 − D [¤ / MWh]

© D. Kirschen 2006 27

Cournot competition: Example 1

25 600300 75


For PA=15MW and PB = 10MW, we have:


Profit of A

Profit of B


© D. Kirschen 2006 28

Cournot competition: Example 1

25 600 30 700 35 750 40 750300 75 250 70 200 65 150 60

30 525 35 600 40 625 45 600375 70 300 65 225 60 150 55

35 450 40 500 45 500 50 450400 65 300 60 200 55 100 50

40 375 45 400 50 375 55 300375 60 250 55 125 50 0 45

Demand Profit AProfit B Price

PA=15 PA=20 PA=25 PA=30





© D. Kirschen 2006 29

Cournot competition: Example 1

25 600 30 700 35 750 40 750300 75 250 70 200 65 150 60

30 525 35 600 40 625 45 600375 70 300 65 225 60 150 55

35 450 40 500 45 500 50 450400 65 300 60 200 55 100 50

40 375 45 400 50 375 55 300375 60 250 55 125 50 0 45

Demand Profit AProfit B Price

PA=15 PA=20 PA=25 PA=30





• Price decreases as supply increases• Profits of each affected by other• Complex relation between production and profits

© D. Kirschen 2006 30

Let’s play the Cournot game!

25 600 30 700 35 750 40 750300 75 250 70 200 65 150 60

30 525 35 600 40 625 45 600375 70 300 65 225 60 150 55

35 450 40 500 45 500 50 450400 65 300 60 200 55 100 50

40 375 45 400 50 375 55 300375 60 250 55 125 50 0 45

Demand Profit AProfit B Price

PA=15 PA=20 PA=25 PA=30





Equilibrium solution!

A cannot do better without B doing worseB cannot do better without A doing worseNash equilibrium

© D. Kirschen 2006 31

40 625225 60


Profit of A

Profit of B



Cournot competition: Example 1

• Generators achieve price larger than their marginal costs

• The cheapest generator does not grab the whole market

• Generators balance price and quantity to maximiseprofits

CA = 35 . PA ¤/hCB = 45 . PB ¤/h

© D. Kirschen 2006 32

Cournot competition: Example 2

• CA = 35 . PA €/h

• CB = 45 . PB €/h

• …

• CN = 45 . PN €/h



π = 100 − D [¤ / MWh]



© D. Kirschen 2006 33

Cournot competition: Example 2










0 2 4 6 8 10Number of Firms

Production of firm A

Total production of other firms

Production of another firm

© D. Kirschen 2006 34

Cournot competition: Example 2









0 2 4 6 8 10

Number of Firms










© D. Kirschen 2006 35

Cournot competition: Example 2









0 2 4 6 8 10

Number of Units

Profit of firm A

Profit of another firm

Total profit of the other firms

© D. Kirschen 2006 36

Other competition models

• Supply functions equilibria

u Bid price depends on quantity

• Agent-based simulation

u Represent more complex interactions

• Maximising short-term profit is not the only possibleobjective

u Maximising market share

u Avoiding regulatory intervention

© D. Kirschen 2006 37

Conclusions on imperfect competition

• Electricity markets do not deliver perfect competition

• Some factors facilitate the exercise of market power:u Low price elasticity of the demand

u Large market shares

u Cyclical demand

u Operation close to maximum capacity

• Study of imperfect competition in electricity markets is ahot research topic

u Generator’s perspective

u Market designer’s perspective

© D. Kirschen 2006 38

Participating in Electricity Markets:The consumer’s perspective

© D. Kirschen 2006 39

Options for the consumers

• Buy at the spot priceu Lowest cost, highest risk

u Must be managed carefully

u Requires sophisticated control of the load

• Buy from a retailer at a tariff linked to the spot priceu Retailers acts as intermediary between consumer and market

u Risk can be limited by placing cap (and collar) on the price

• Interruptible contractu Reasonable option only if cost of interruption is not too high

u Savings can be substantial

© D. Kirschen 2006 40

Options for the consumers

• Buy from a retailer on a time-of-use tariff

u Shifts some of the risk to the consumer

u Need to control the load to save money

• Buy from a retailer at a fixed tariff

u Lowest risk, highest cost

u Two components to the price: average cost of energy and riskpremium

© D. Kirschen 2006 41

Choosing a contract

• Best type of contract depends on the characteristics ofthe consumer:

u Cost of electricity as a proportion of total cost

u Risk aversion

u Flexibility in the use of electricity

u Potential savings big enough to justify transactions cost

© D. Kirschen 2006 42

Buying at the spot price

• Must forecast prices

u Much harder than load forecasting because price depends on demandand supply

u Supply factors are particularly difficult to predict (outages, maintenance,gaming, locational effects)

u Good accuracy for average price and volatility

u Predicting spikes is much harder

• Must optimize production taking cost of electricity into account

u Complex problem because of:

• Production constraints

• Cost of storage (losses, loss of efficiency in other steps,…)

• Price profiles

© D. Kirschen 2006 43

Participating in Electricity Markets:The retailer’s perspective

© D. Kirschen 2006 44

The retailer’s perspective

• Sell energy to consumers, mostly at a flat rate

• Buy energy in bulk

u Spot market

u Contracts

• Want to reduce risks associated with spot market

• Increase proportion of energy bought under contracts

• Must forecast the load of its customers

• Regional monopoly: traditional top-down forecasting

• Retail competition: bottom-up forecasting

u Difficult problem: customer base changes

u Much less accurate than traditional load forecasting

© D. Kirschen 2006 45

Participating in Electricity Markets:The hybrid participant’s perspective

© D. Kirschen 2006 46

Example: pumped storage hydro plant

© D. Kirschen 2006 47













1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12













Energy Price

Energy Consumed

Energy Released

© D. Kirschen 2006 48


• Energy cycle in a pumped storage plant is only about75% efficient

• Difference between high price and low price periods mustbe large enough to cover the cost of the lost energy

• Profit is unlikely to be large enough to cover the cost ofinvestments

• Pumped hydro plants can also make money by helpingcontrol the system

System Security andAncillary Services

Daniel Kirschen

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 2


• Electricity markets rely on the power system infrastructure

• Participants have no choice to use a different system

• Cost to consumers of outages is very high

• Consumer have expectations for continuity of service

• Cost of this security of supply must match its benefit

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 3

System security

• System must be able to operate continuously if situationdoes not change

• System must remain stable for common contingencies

u Fault on a transmission line or other component

u Sudden failure of a generating unit

u Rapid change in load

• Operator must consider consequences of contingencies

• Use both:

u Preventive actions

u Corrective actions

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 4

Preventive actions

• Put the system in a state such that it will remain stable ifa contingency occurs

• Operate the system at less than full capacity

• Limit the commercial transactions that are allowed

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 5

Corrective actions

• Taken only if a disturbance does occur

• Limit the consequences of this disturbance

• Need resources that belong to market participants

• Ancillary services that must be purchased from themarket participants by the system operator

• When called, some ancillary services will deliver someenergy

• However, capacity to deliver is the important factor

• Remuneration on the basis of availability, not energy

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 6


• Describe the needs for ancillary servicesu Keeping the generation and load in balance

u Keeping the security of the transmission network

• Obtaining ancillary servicesu How much ancillary services should be bought?

u How should these services be obtained?

u Who should pay for these services?

• Selling ancillary servicesu Maximize profit from the sale of energy and ancillary services

Needs for ancillary services

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 8

Balancing production and consumption

• Assume that all generators, loads and tie-lines areconnected to the same bus

• Only system variables are total generation, total load andnet interchange with other systems

Generation Load Interchanges

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 9

Balancing production and consumption

• If production = consumption, frequency remains constant

• In practice:

u Constant fluctuations in the load

u Inaccurate control of the generation

u Sudden outages of generators and interconnectors

• Excess load causes a drop in frequency

• Excess generation causes an increase in frequency

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 10

Balancing production and consumption

• Generators can only operate within a narrow range offrequencies

u Protection system disconnects generators when frequency is toohigh or too low

u Causes further imbalance between load and generation

• System operator must maintain the frequency withinlimits

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 11

Balancing production and consumption

• Rate of change in frequency inversely proportional tototal inertia of generators and rotating loads

• Frequency changes much less in large interconnectedsystems than in small isolated systems

• Local imbalance in an interconnected system causes achange in tie-line flows

Inadvertent flow

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 12

Balancing production and consumption

• Inadvertent flows can overload the tie-lines

• Protection system may disconnect these lines

• Could lead to further imbalance between load andgeneration

• Each system must remain in balance

Inadvertent flow

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 13

Balancing production and consumption

• Minor frequency deviations and inadvertent flows are notan immediate threat

• However, they weaken the system

• Must be corrected quickly so the system can withstandfurther problems

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 14

Example: load over 5 periods








1 2 3 4 5 Period

Load [MW]

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 15

Example: energy traded








1 2 3 4 5 Period

Load [MW]

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 16

Example: energy produced








1 2 3 4 5 Period

Load [MW]

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 17







1 2 3 4 5 Period

Imbalance [MW]

Example: imbalance

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 18







1 2 3 4 5 Period

Imbalance [MW]

Example: imbalance with trend

Random loadfluctuations

Slower loadfluctuations Outages

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 19

Example (continued)

• Differences between load and energy traded:

u Does not track rapid load fluctuations

• Market assumes load constant over trading period

u Error in forecast

• Differences between energy traded and energy produced

u Minor errors in control

u Finite ramp rate at the ends of the periods

u Unit outage creates a large imbalance

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 20

Balancing services

• Different phenomena contribute to imbalances

• Each phenomena has a different time signature

• Different services are required to handle thesephenomena

• Exact definition differ from market to market

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 21

Regulation service

• Designed to handle:

u Rapid fluctuations in load

u Small, unintended variations in generation

• Designed to maintain:

u Frequency close to nominal

u Interchanges at desired values

• Provided by generating units that:

u Can adjust output quickly

u Are connected to the grid

u Are equipped with a governor and usually are on AGC

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 22

Load following service

• Designed to handle intra-period load fluctuations

• Designed to maintain:

u Frequency close to nominal

u Interchanges at desired values

• Provided by generating units that can respond at asufficient rate

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 23

Reserve services

• Designed to handle large and unpredictable deficitscaused by outages of generators and tie-lines

• Two main types:

u Spinning reserve

• Start immediately

• Full amount available quickly

u Supplemental reserve

• Can start more slowly

• Designed to replace the spinning reserve

• Definition and parameters depend on the market

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 24

Classification of balancing services

• Regulation and load following services:

u Almost continuous action

u Relatively small

u Quite predictable

u Preventive security actions

• Reserve services:

u Use is unpredictable

u Corrective security actions

u Provision of reserve is a form of preventive security action

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 25

Example: Outage of large generating unit



































Primary response

Secondary response

Gas turbines

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 26

Network issues: contingency analysis

• Operator continuously performs contingency analysis

• No credible contingency should destabilize the system

• Modes of destabilization:

u Thermal overload

u Transient instability

u Voltage instability

• If a contingency could destabilize the system, theoperator must take preventive action

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 27

Types of preventive actions

• Low cost preventive actions:

u Examples

• Adjust taps of transformers

• Adjust reference voltage of generators

• Adjust phase shifters

u Effective but limited

• High cost preventive actions:

u Restrict flows on some branches

u Requires limiting the output of some generating units

u Affect the ability of some producers to trade on the market

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 28

Example: thermal capacity

• Each line between A and B is rated at 200 MW

• Generator at A can sell only 200 MW to load at B

• Remaining 200 MW must be kept in reserve in case ofoutage of one of the lines



© Daniel Kirschen 2005 29

Example: emergency thermal capacity

• Each line between A and B is rated at 200 MW

• Each line has a 10% emergency rating for 20 minutes

• If generator at B can increase its output by 20 MW in 20minutes, the generator at A can sell 220 MW to load at B



© Daniel Kirschen 2005 30

Example: transient stability

• Assumptions:

u B is an infinite bus

u Transient reactance of A = 0.9 p.u., inertia constant H = 2 s

u Each line has a reactance of 0.3 p.u.

u Voltages are at nominal value

u Fault cleared in 100 ms by tripping affected line

• Maximum power transfer: 108 MW



© Daniel Kirschen 2005 31

Example: voltage stability

• No reactive support at Bu 198 MW can be transferred from A to B before the voltage at B

drops below 0.95 p.u.

u However, the voltage collapses if a line is tripped when powertransfer is larger than 166 MW

• The maximum power transfer is thus 166 MW



© Daniel Kirschen 2005 32

Example: voltage stability

• 25 MVAr of reactive support at Bu 190 MW can be transferred from A to B before the outage of a

line causes a voltage collapse



© Daniel Kirschen 2005 33

Voltage control and reactive support services

• Use reactive power resources to maximize active powerthat can be transferred through the transmission network

• Some of these resources are under the control of thesystem operator:

u Mechanically-switched capacitors and reactors

u Static VAr compensators

u Transformer taps

• Best reactive power resources are the generators

• Need to define voltage control services to specify theconditions under which the system operator can usethese resources

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 34

Voltage control and reactive support services

• Must consider both normal and abnormal conditions

• Normal conditions:u 0.95 p.u. ≤ V ≤ 1.05 p.u.

• Abnormal conditions:u Provide enough reactive power to prevent a voltage collapse

following an outage

• Requirements for abnormal conditions are much moresevere than for normal conditions

• Reactive support is more important than voltage control

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 35

Example: voltage control under normal conditions

• Load at B has unity power factor

• Voltage at A maintained at nominal value

• Control voltage at B?



X=0.6 p.u.R=0.06 p.u.

B=0.2 p.u. B=0.2 p.u.

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 36








0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220

Active Power Transfer [MW]




er In














Example: voltage control under normal conditions

Reactive injection at BVoltage at B

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 37

Example: voltage control under normal conditions

• Controlling the voltage at B using generator at A?

• Local voltage control is much more effective

• Severe market power issues in reactive support



Power Transfer [MW] VB [p.u.] VA [p.u.] QA [MVAr]49.0 1.05 0.95 -68.3

172.5 0.95 1.05 21.7

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 38

Example: reactive support following line outage












0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

Power Transfer [MW]








er in



at b

us B





© Daniel Kirschen 2005 39

Example: pre- and post-contingency balance


130 MW0 MVAr

68 MW

13 MVAr 0.6 MVAr136 MW

26 MVAr

68 MW

13 MVAr

65 MW

0.6 MVAr

65 MW

1.2 MVAr

0 MW

1.0 p.u.1.0 p.u.


130 MW0 MVAr

145 MW

40 MVAr

145 MW

40 MVAr 67 MVAr

130 MW

67 MVAr

0 MW

1.0 p.u.1.0 p.u.



© Daniel Kirschen 2005 40

Other ancillary services

• Stability services

u Intertrip schemes

• Disconnection of generators following faults

u Power system stabilizers

• Blackstart restoration capability service

Obtaining ancillary services

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 42

Obtaining ancillary services

• How much ancillary services should be bought?

• How should these services be obtained?

• Who should pay for these services?

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 43

How much ancillary services should be bought?

• System Operator purchases the servicesu Works on behalf of the users of the system

• Services are used mostly for contingenciesu Availability is more important than actual usage

• Not enough servicesu Can’t ensure the security of the system

u Can’t maintain the quality of the supply

• Too much servicesu Life of the operator is easy

u Cost passed on to system users

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 44

How much ancillary services should be bought?

• System Operator must perform a cost/benefit analysisu Balance value of services against their cost

• Value of services: improvement in security and servicequality

• Complicated probabilistic optimization problem

• Should give a financial incentive to the operator toacquire the right amount of services at minimum cost

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 45

How should services be obtained?

• Two approaches:

u Compulsory provision

u Market for ancillary services

• Both have advantages and disadvantages

• Choice influenced by:

u Type of service

u Nature of the power system

u History of the power system

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 46

Compulsory provision

• To be allowed to connect to the system, generators maybe obliged to meet some conditions

• Examples:

u Generator must be equipped with governor with 4% droop

• All generators contribute to frequency control

u Generator must be able to operate from 0.85 lead to 0.9 lag

• All generators contribute to voltage control and reactive support

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 47

Advantages of compulsory provision

• Minimum deviation from traditional practice

• Simplicity

• Usually ensures system security and quality of supply

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 48

Disadvantages of compulsory provision

• Not necessarily good economic policy

u May provide more resources than needed and causeunnecessary investments

• Not all generating units need to help control frequency

• Not all generating units need to be equipped with a stabilizer

• Discourages technological innovation

u Definition based on what generators usually provide

• Generators have to provide a costly service for free

u Example: providing reactive power increases losses and reducesactive power generation capacity

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 49

Disadvantages of compulsory provision

• Equityu How to deal with generators that cannot provide some services?

• Example: nuclear units can’t participate in frequency response

• Economic efficiencyu Not a good idea to force highly efficient units to operate part-

loaded to provide reserve

u More efficient to determine centrally how much reserve is neededand commit additional units to meet this reserve requirement

• Compulsory provision is thus not applicable to allservices

• How to deal with exceptions that distort competition?

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 50

Market for ancillary services

• Different markets for different services

• Long term contracts

u For services where quantity needed does not change and availabilitydepends on equipment characteristics

u Example: blackstart capability, intertrip schemes, power systemstabilizer, frequency regulation

• Spot market

u Needs change over the course of a day

u Price changes because of interactions with energy market

u Example: reserve

• System operator may reduce its risk by using a combination of spotmarket and long term contracts

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 51

Advantages of market for ancillary services

• More economically efficient than compulsory provision

• System operator buys only the amount of service needed

• Only participants that find it profitable provide services

• Helps determine the true cost of services

• Opens up opportunities for innovative solutions

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 52

Disadvantages of market for ancillary services

• More complex

• Probably not applicable to all types of services

• Potential for abuse of market power

u Example: reactive support in remote parts of the network

u Market for reactive power would need to be carefully regulated

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 53

Demand-side provision of ancillary services

• Creating a market for ancillary services opens up anopportunity for the demand-side to provide ancillaryservices

• Unfortunately, definition of ancillary services often stillbased on traditional practice

• In a truly competitive environment, the system operatorshould not favour any participant, either from the supply-or demand-side

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 54

Advantages of demand-side provision

• Larger number of participants increases competition andlowers cost

• Better utilization of resources

u Example:

• Providing reserve with interruptible loads rather than partly loadedthermal generating units

• Particularly important if proportion of generation from renewablesources increases

• Demand-side may be a more reliable provider

u Large number of small demand-side providers

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 55

Opportunities for demand-side provision

• Different types of reserve

u Interruptible loads

• Frequency regulation

u Variable speed pumping loads

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 56

Who should pay for ancillary services?

• Not all users value security and quality of supply equally

u Examples:

• Producers vs. consumers

• Semi-conductor manufacturing vs. irrigation load

• Ideally, users who value security more should get moresecurity and pay for it

• With the current technology, this is not possible

u System operator provides an average level of security to all users

u The cost of ancillary services is shared by all users on the basisof their consumption

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 57

Who should pay for ancillary services?

• Sharing the cost of ancillary services on the basis ofenergy is not economically efficient

• Some participants increase the need for services morethan others

• These participants should pay a larger share of the costto encourage them to change their behaviour

• Example: allocating the cost of reserve

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 58

Who should pay for reserve?

• Reserve prevents collapse of the system when there is alarge imbalance between load and generation

• Large imbalances usually occur because of failure ofgenerating units

• Owners of large generating units that fail frequentlyshould pay a larger proportion of the cost of reserve

• Encourage them to improve the reliability of their units

• In the long term:

u Reduce need for reserve

u Reduce overall cost of reserve

Selling ancillary services

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 60

Selling ancillary services

• Ancillary services are another business opportunity forgenerators

• Limitations:

u Technical characteristics of the generating units

• Maximum ramp rate

• Reactive capability curve

u Opportunity cost

• Can’t sell as much energy when selling reserve

• Need to optimize jointly the sale of energy and reserve

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 61

Example: selling both energy and reserve

• Generator tries to maximize the profit it makes from thesale of energy and reserve

• Assumptions:

u Consider only one type of reserve service

u Perfectly competitive energy and reserve markets

• Generator is a price-taker in both markets

• Generator can sell any quantity it decides on either market

u Consider one generating unit over one hour

• Don’t need to consider start-up cost, min up time, min down time

u No special payments for exercising reserve

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 62


π 2







C2 (x2 )


: Market price for electrical energy (£/MWh)

: Market price for reserve (£/MW/h)

: Quantity of energy bid and sold

: Quantity of reserve bid and sold

: Minimum power output

: Maximum power output

: Upper limit on the reserve (ramp rate x delivery time)

: Cost of producing energy

: Cost of providing reserve (not opportunity cost)

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 63


f (x1, x2 ) = π1x1 + π 2x2 − C1(x1) − C2 (x2 )

x1 + x2 ≤ Pmax

x1 ≥ Pmin

Objective function:


x2 ≤ Rmax Rmax < Pmax − Pmin(We assume that )

l(x1, x2 , µ1, µ2 , µ3 ) = π1x1 + π 2x2 − C1(x1) − C2 (x2 )+ µ1(Pmax − x1 − x2 ) + µ2 (x1 − Pmin ) + µ3(Rmax − x2 )

Lagrangian function:

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 64

Optimality conditions


≡ π1 −dC1


− µ1 + µ2 = 0


≡ π 2 −dC2


− µ1 − µ3 = 0


≡ Pmax − x1 − x2 ≥ 0


≡ x1 − Pmin ≥ 0


≡ Rmax − x2 ≥ 0

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 65

Complementary slackness conditions

µ1 ⋅ (Pmax − x1 − x2 ) = 0

µ2 ⋅ (x1 − Pmin ) = 0

µ3 ⋅ (Rmax − x2 ) = 0

µ1 ≥ 0; µ2 ≥ 0; µ3 ≥ 0

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 66

Case 1:

• No binding constraints

• Provide energy and reserve up to the point wheremarginal cost is equal to price

• No interactions between energy and reserve

µ1 = 0; µ2 = 0; µ3 = 0


≡ π1 −dC1


− µ1 + µ2 = 0 ⇒dC1


= π1


≡ π 2 −dC2


− µ1 − µ3 = 0!!⇒!! dC2


= π 2

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 67

Case 2:

• Generation capacity fully utilized by energy and reserve:

• Marginal profit on energy equal to marginal profit on reserve

µ1 > 0; µ2 = 0; µ3 = 0


≡ π1 −dC1


− µ1 + µ2 = 0


≡ π 2 −dC2


− µ1 − µ3 = 0

x1 + x2 = Pmax

π1 −dC1


= π 2 −dC2


= µ1 ≥ 0

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 68

Case 3:

• Unit operates at minimum stable generation

• Marginal profit on reserve

• Marginal loss on energy minimized by operating at minimum

• KKT conditions guarantee only marginal profitability, not actual profit

µ1 = 0; µ2 > 0; µ3 = 0


≡ π1 −dC1


− µ1 + µ2 = 0


≡ π 2 −dC2


− µ1 − µ3 = 0

x1 = Pmin



− π1 = µ2



= π 2

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 69

Cases 4 & 5: µ1 > 0; µ2 > 0; µ3 = 0 µ1 > 0; µ2 > 0; µ3 > 0

Rmax < Pmax − PminSince we assume that these cases are not interesting

because the upper and lower limits cannot be binding at the same time

x1 + x2 ≤ Pmaxµ1 :

x1 ≥ Pminµ2 :

x2 ≤ Rmaxµ3 :

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 70

Case 6:

• Reserve limited by ramp rate

• Maximum profit on energy

• Profit on reserve could be increased if ramp rate constraint could berelaxed

µ1 = 0; µ2 = 0; µ3 > 0


≡ π1 −dC1


− µ1 + µ2 = 0


≡ π 2 −dC2


− µ1 − µ3 = 0



= π1

π 2 −dC2


= µ3

x2 ≤ Rmax

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 71

Case 7:

• Maximum capacity and ramp rate constraints are binding

• Sale of energy and sale of reserve are both profitable

• Sale of reserve is more profitable but limited by the ramp rateconstraint

µ1 > 0; µ2 = 0; µ3 > 0


≡ π1 −dC1


− µ1 + µ2 = 0


≡ π 2 −dC2


− µ1 − µ3 = 0

π1 −dC1


= µ1

π 2 −dC2


= µ1 + µ3

x2 = Rmax

x1 + x2 = Pmax

x1 = Pmax − Rmax

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 72

Case 8:

• Generator at minimum output and reserve limited by ramp rate

• Sale of reserve is profitable but limited by ramp rate constraint

• Sale of energy is unprofitable

• Overall profitability needs to be checked

µ1 = 0; µ2 > 0; µ3 > 0


≡ π1 −dC1


− µ1 + µ2 = 0


≡ π 2 −dC2


− µ1 − µ3 = 0

π1 −dC1


= − µ2

π 2 −dC2


= µ3

x2 = Rmax

x1 = Pmin

© 2005 D. Kirschen 1

Effect of the Transmission Networkon Electricity Prices

Daniel Kirschen

© 2005 D. Kirschen 2


• No longer assume that all generators and loads areconnected to the same bus

• Need to consider:

u Congestion, constraints on flows

u Losses

• Two forms of trading

u Bilateral or decentralised trading

u Pool or centralised trading

© 2005 D. Kirschen 3

Bilateral or decentralised trading

• Transactions involves only buyer and seller

• Agree on price, quantity and other conditions

• System operator

u Does not get involved directly in trading

u Maintains balance and security of the system

• Buys or sells limited amounts of energy to keep load andgeneration in balance

• Limits the amount of power that generators can inject at somenodes if security cannot be ensured by other means

© 2005 D. Kirschen 4





Bus A Bus B


Example of bilateral trading

• G1 sold 300 MW to L1

• G2 sold 200 MW to L2

• Prices are a private matter

• Quantities must be reported to system operator so itcan check security

© 2005 D. Kirschen 5





Bus A Bus B


Example of bilateral trading

• G1 sold 300 MW to L1

• G2 sold 200 MW to L2

• If capacity of corridor ≥ 500 MW ⇒ No problem

• If capacity of corridor < 500 MW ⇒ some of thesetransactions may have to be curtailed

© 2005 D. Kirschen 6

But curtail which one?

• Could use administrative procedures

u These procedures consider:

• Firm vs. non-firm transactions

• Order in which they were registered

• Historical considerations

u Do not consider relative economic benefits

u Economically inefficient

u Let the participants themselves decide

• Participants should purchase right to use the networkwhen arranging a trade in energy

u Physical transmission rights

u Support actual transmission of power over a given link

© 2005 D. Kirschen 7





Bus A Bus B


Physical transmission rights

• G1 sold 300 MW to L1 at 30 €/MWh

• G2 sold 200 MW to L2 at 32 €/MWh

• G3 selling energy at 35 €/MWh

• L2 should not pay more than 3 €/MWh for transmission rights

• L1 should not pay more than 5 €/MWh for transmission rights

© 2005 D. Kirschen 8

Problems with physical rights

• Parallel paths

• Market power

© 2005 D. Kirschen 9

1 2



Parallel paths




F A =x B

x A + x BP

F B =x A

x A + x BP

© 2005 D. Kirschen 10

Parallel paths

1 2






Branch Reactance




1-2 0.2 126

1-3 0.2 250

2-3 0.1 130

© 2005 D. Kirschen 11

Parallel paths

1 2








400 MW transaction between B and YNeed to buy transmission rights on all lines

© 2005 D. Kirschen 12

Parallel paths

1 2






Branch Reactance




1-2 0.2 126

1-3 0.2 250

2-3 0.1 130



400 MW transaction between B and Y

F I =0.2

0.2 + 0.3× 400 = 160 MW

F II =0.3

0.2 + 0.3× 400 = 240 MW

Not possible because exceeds capacities of lines 1-2 and 2-3

© 2005 D. Kirschen 13


1 2






200 MW transaction between D and ZIII


F III =0.2

0.2 + 0.3× 200 = 80 MW

F IV =0.3

0.2 + 0.3× 200 = 120 MW

© 2005 D. Kirschen 14

Resultant flows

1 2






F12 = F23 = F I − F III = 160 − 80 = 80 MW

F13 = F II − F IV = 240 −120 = 120 MW

The resultant flows are within the limits

Branch Reactance




1-2 0.2 126

1-3 0.2 250

2-3 0.1 130

© 2005 D. Kirschen 15

Physical rights and parallel paths

• Counter-flows create additional physical transmissionrights

• Economic efficiency requires that these rights beconsidered

• Decentralised trading:u System operator only checks overall feasibility

u Participants trade physical rights bilaterally

u Theory:

• Enough participants ⇒ market discovers optimum

u Practice:

• Complexity and amount of information involved are such that it isunlikely that this optimum can be found in time

© 2005 D. Kirschen 16

Physical rights and market power

• G3 only generator at bus B

• G3 purchases transmission rights from A to B

• G3 does not use or resell these rights

• Effectively reduces capacity from A to B

• Allows G3 to increase price at B

• “Use them or loose them” provision for transmission rights: difficult toenforce in a timely manner





Bus A Bus B


© 2005 D. Kirschen 17

Centralised or Pool Trading

• Producers and consumers submit bids and offers to acentral market

• Independent system operator selects the winning bidsand offers in a way that:

u Optimally clears the market

u Respects security constraints imposed by the network

• No congestion and no losses: uniform price

• Congestion or losses: price depend on location wheregenerator or load is connected

© 2005 D. Kirschen 18

DS= 1500 MW


DB= 500MW


Borduria-Syldavia Interconnection

• Perfect competition within each country

• No congestion or losses within each country

u Single price for electrical energy for each country

u Price = marginal cost of production

© 2005 D. Kirschen 19






DS= 1500 MW


DB= 500MW


Borduria-Syldavia Interconnection


500 MW


π B = MC B = 10 + 0.01PB [$ / MWh]

π S = MC S = 13 + 0.02 PS [$ / MWh]

π B = MC B = 10 + 0.01× 500 = 15 $ /MWh

π S = MC S = 13 + 0.02 ×1500 = 43 $ /MWh

© 2005 D. Kirschen 20

DB= 500MW


DS= 1500 MW


Borduria-Syldavia Interconnection

Economic effect of an interconnection?

© 2005 D. Kirschen 21

DB= 500MW


DS= 1500 MW


Can Borduria supply all the demand?

• Generators in Syldavia can sell at a lower price than generatorsin Borduria

• Situation is not tenable

• Not a market equilibrium

PB = 2000MW

PS = 0MW

MCB = 30$ /MWh

MCS = 13$ /MWh

© 2005 D. Kirschen 22

DB= 500MW


DS= 1500 MW


Market equilibrium

π = π B = π S

PB + PS = D B + DS = 500 +1500 = 2000MW

π = π B = π S = 24.30$ /MWh

PB = 1433MW

PS = 567MW

π B = MC B = 10 + 0.01PB [$ / MWh]

π S = MC S = 13 + 0.02 PS [$ / MWh]

© 2005 D. Kirschen 23

DB= 500MW


DS= 1500 MW


Flow at the market equilibrium

PB = 1433MW

PS = 567MW

FBS = PB − D B = DS − PS = 933MW

© 2005 D. Kirschen 24

Graphical representation

= 567 MW

24.3 $/MWh

= 1433 MW

= 2000 MW

= 500 MW = 1500 MW

24.3 $/MWh

= 933 MW

Supply curve forSyldavia

Supply curve forBorduria

π S = MC S

π B = MC B






D B + D S

© 2005 D. Kirschen 25

Constrained transmission

• What if the interconnection can carry only 400 MW?

• PB = 500 MW + 400 MW = 900 MW

• PS = 1500 MW - 400 MW = 1100 MW

• Price difference between the two locations

• Locational marginal pricing or nodal pricing

π B = MC B = 10 + 0.01× 900 = 19 $ /MWh

π S = MC S = 13 + 0.02 ×1100 = 35 $ /MWh

© 2005 D. Kirschen 26

= 1100 MW

35 $/MWh

= 900 MW

= 2000 MW

= 500 MW = 1500 MW

= 400 MW

16 $/MWh

Graphical representation

π S = MC S

π B = MC B






D B + D S

© 2005 D. Kirschen 27

Separate markets Single market Single marketwith congestion

PB [MW] 500 1,433 900

π B [$/MWh] 15 24.33 19

RB [$/h] 7,500 34,865 17,100

E B [$/h] 7,500 12,165 9,500

PS [MW] 1500 567 1100

π S [$/MWh] 43 24.33 35

RS [$/h] 64,500 13,795 38,500

E S [$/h] 64,500 36,495 52,500

FBS [MW] 0 933 400

RTOTAL = R B + R S 72,000 48,660 55,600

E TOTAL = E B + E S 72,000 48,660 62,000


© 2005 D. Kirschen 28

Winners and Losers

• Winners:

u Economies of both countries

u Bordurian generators

u Syldavian consumers

• Losers

u Bordurian consumers

u Syldavian generators

• Congestion in the interconnection reduces these benefits

© 2005 D. Kirschen 29

Congestion surplus

E TOTAL = π B ⋅ DB + π S ⋅ D S

RTOTAL = π B ⋅ PB + π S ⋅ PS = π B ⋅( DB + FBS ) + π S ⋅ ( D S − FBS )

E TOTAL − RTOTAL = π S ⋅ D S + π B ⋅ DB − π S ⋅ PS − π B ⋅ PB

= π S ⋅( D S − PS ) + π B ⋅( DB − PB )= π S ⋅ FBS + π B ⋅( − FBS )

= ( π S − π B ) ⋅ FBS

Consumer payments:

Producers revenues:

Congestion or merchandising surplus:

© 2005 D. Kirschen 30










0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Flow on the Interconnection [MW]



ts a

nd R





Consumers' payments

Generators' revenues

Congestion surplus

© 2005 D. Kirschen 31

Congestion surplus

• Collected by the market operator in pool trading

• Should not be kept by market operator in pool tradingbecause it gives a perverse incentive

• Should not be returned directly to network users becausethat would blunt the economic incentive provided bynodal pricing

© 2005 D. Kirschen 32

Pool trading in a three-bus example

1 2





Branch Reactance




1-2 0.2 126

1-3 0.2 250

2-3 0.1 130

Generator Capacity


Marginal Cost


A 140 7.5

B 285 6

C 90 14

D 85 10

50 MW 60 MW

300 MW

© 2005 D. Kirschen 33

Economic dispatch

1 2





50 MW 60 MW

300 MW

125 MW

285 MW

0 MW

0 MW




© 2005 D. Kirschen 34


60 MW



300 MW

360 MW


60 MW



60 MW

1 2

3300 MW

300 MW


© 2005 D. Kirschen 35

Flow with economic dispatch

1 2





50 MW 60 MW

300 MW

125 MW

285 MW

0 MW

0 MW

156 MW

96 MW204 MW

© 2005 D. Kirschen 36


1 2





50 MW 60 MW

300 MW

125 MW

285 MW

0 MW

0 MW

156 MW

96 MW204 MW

FMAX = 126 MW

© 2005 D. Kirschen 37


1 MW



1 MW

Correcting the economic dispatch

Additional generation at bus 2

0.6 MW

0.4 MW

© 2005 D. Kirschen 38




3300 MW

360 MW156 MW

204 MW 96 MW





50 MW30 MW





3300 MW

310 MW126 MW

184 MW 116 MW


© 2005 D. Kirschen 39


1 MW



1 MW

Correcting the economic dispatch

Additional generation at bus 3

0.6 MW

0.4 MW

© 2005 D. Kirschen 40


60 MW


3300 MW

360 MW156 MW

204 MW 96 MW


60 MW


3225 MW

285 MW126 MW

159 MW 66 MW


75 MW



75 MW30 MW

45 MW


© 2005 D. Kirschen 41

Cost of the dispatches

• Economic dispatch: 2,647.50 $/h

• Redispatch generator 2: 2,972.50 $/h

• Redispatch generator 3: 2,835.00 $/h

• Cost of security: 187.50 $/h

© 2005 D. Kirschen 42

Security constrained dispatch

1 2





50 MW 60 MW

50 MW

285 MW

0 MW

75 MW

126 MW

66 MW159 MW

300 MW

© 2005 D. Kirschen 43

Nodal prices

• Cost of supplying an additional MW of load withoutviolating the security constraints

• Start from the security constrained dispatch

© 2005 D. Kirschen 44

Nodal prices

• Node 1:

• A is cheapest

1 2





50 MW 60 MW

50 MW

285 MW

0 MW

75 MW


66 MW

159 MW

300 MW

π 1 = MC A = 7.50 $ /MWh

© 2005 D. Kirschen 45

Nodal prices

• Node 3

• A is cheaper than D

• Increasing A would overloadline 1-2

• Increase D by 1 MW

1 2





50 MW

60 MW

50 MW

285 MW

0 MW

75 MW


66 MW

159 MW

300 MW

π 3 = MCD = 10 $ /MWh

© 2005 D. Kirschen 46

Nodal prices

• Node 2

• C is very expensive

• Increasing A or D wouldoverload line 1-2

• ?

1 2





50 MW 60 MW

50 MW

285 MW

0 MW

75 MW


66 MW

159 MW

300 MW

© 2005 D. Kirschen 47


1 MW



1 MW

0.6 MW

0.4 MW





0.2 MW

0.8 MW

1 MW

Nodal price at node 2

© 2005 D. Kirschen 48

Nodal price at node 2

• Increase generation at node 3 AND decrease generationat node 1


1 MW






∆P2 =

© 2005 D. Kirschen 49


1 MW



0.2 MW

0.8 MW

1 MW

Nodal price using superposition

∆P1 + ∆P3 = ∆P2 = 1 MW

0.6 ∆P1 + 0.2 ∆P3 = ∆F12 = 0 MW

∆P1 = −0.5 MW

∆P3 = 1.5 MW

π 2 = 1.5⋅ MC D − 0.5 ⋅ MC A =11.25 $ /MWh


1 MW



1 MW

0.6 MW

0.4 MW

© 2005 D. Kirschen 50


• Generators A and D are marginal generators becausethey supply the next MW of load at the bus where theyare located

• Generators B and C are not marginal

• Unconstrained system: 1 marginal generator

• m constraints: m+1 marginal generators

• Prices at nodes where there is no marginal generator areset by a linear combination of the prices at the othernodes

© 2005 D. Kirschen 51

Summary for three-bus system

Bus 1 Bus 2 Bus 3 System

Consumption [MW] 50 60 300 410

Production [MW] 335 0 75 410

Nodal marginal price [$/MWh] 7.50 11.25 10.00 -

Consumer payments [$/h] 375.00 675.00 3,000.00 4,050.00

Producer revenues [$/h] 2,512.50 0.00 750.00 3,262.50

Merchandising surplus [$/h] 787.50

© 2005 D. Kirschen 52

Power flows fromhigh price to lowprice!

Counter-intuitive flows

1 2





50 MW 60 MW

50 MW

285 MW

0 MW

75 MW

126 MW

66 MW159 MW

300 MW

π2=11.25 $/MWh

π3=10.00 $/MWh

π3=7.50 $/MWh

© 2005 D. Kirschen 53

Counter-intuitive prices

• Prices at nodes without a marginal generator can behigher or lower than prices at the other nodes

• Nodal prices can even be negative!

• Predicting nodal prices requires calculations

• Strategically placed generators can control prices

• Network congestion helps generators exert market power

© 2005 D. Kirschen 54

Method for computing prices

• Optimisation problem:

u Objective: maximisation of welfare

u Constraints: power flow equations

u Lagrange multipliers give the nodal prices

u Usually dc power flow approximation

• Optimisation carried out ex-post on the basis of theactual operation of the system

© 2005 D. Kirschen 55


1 2

Effect of losses on prices

Lvariable = I 2 R ≈SV


R =P 2 + Q 2

V 2 ⋅ R ≈R

V 2 ⋅ P 2 = K ⋅ P 2


G( D ) = D + L = D + K ⋅ D 2

∆G = G ( D + ∆D ) − G ( D ) = ∆D + 2 ∆D ⋅ D ⋅K = (1+ 2 D ⋅ K ) ∆D

∆C = c (1 + 2D ⋅ K ) ∆D


= c (1 + 2D ⋅ K )

π 1 = c

π 2 = π 1 (1 + 2 D ⋅K )

© 2005 D. Kirschen 56





























Power Transfer [MW]





st [



With lossesNo losses

Losses between Borduria & Syldavia

PS = D S − FBS

PB = D B + FBS + K ⋅ FBS2

Minimisation of the total cost

© 2005 D. Kirschen 57

Financial Transmission Rights

Prof. Daniel Kirschen

The University of Manchester

© 2005 D. Kirschen 58

Managing transmission risks

• Congestion and losses affect nodal prices

• Additional source of uncertainty and risk

• Market participants seek ways of avoiding risks

• Need financial instruments to deal with nodal price risk

© 2005 D. Kirschen 59

Contracts for difference

• Centralised market

u Producers must sell at their nodal price

u Consumers must buy at their nodal price

• Producers and consumers are allowed to enter intobilateral financial contracts

u Contracts for difference

© 2005 D. Kirschen 60

Example of contract for difference

• Contract between Borduria Power and Syldavia Steel

u Quantity: 400 MW

u Strike price: 30 $/MWh

• Other participants also trade across theinterconnection

400 MW


400 MW




© 2005 D. Kirschen 61

No congestion ⇒ market price is uniform

• Borduria Power sells 400 at 24.30 ⇒ gets $9,720

• Syldavia Steel buys 400 at 24.30 ⇒ pays $9,720

• Syldavia Steel pays 400 (30 - 24.30) = $2,280 to Borduria Power

• Syldavia Steel net cost is $12,000

• Borduria power net revenue is $12,000

• They have effectively traded 400 MW at 30 $/MWh$

400 MW


400 MW




πB = 24.30 $/MWh πS = 24.30 $/MWh

© 2005 D. Kirschen 62

Congestion ⇒ Locational price differences

• Borduria Power sells 400 at 19.00 ⇒ gets $7,600

• Syldavia Steel buys 400 at 35.00 ⇒ pays $14,000

• Borduria Power expects 400 (30 -19) = $4,400 from Syldavia Steel

• Syldavia Steel expects 400 (35 -30) = $2,000 from Borduria Power

• Shortfall of $6,400

• Basic contracts for difference break down with nodal pricing!

400 MW


400 MW




πB = 19 $/MWh πS = 35 $/MWh

© 2005 D. Kirschen 63

Financial Transmission Rights (FTR)

• Observations:

u shortfall in contracts for difference is equal to congestion surplus

u Congestion surplus is collected by the system operator

• Concept:

u System operator sells financial transmission rights to users

u FTR contract for F MW between Borduria and Syldavia entitlesthe owner to receive:

u Holders of FTRs are indifferent about where they trade energy

u System operator collects exactly enough money in congestionsurplus to cover the payments to holders of FTRs

F ⋅(π S − π B )

© 2005 D. Kirschen 64

Example of Financial Transmission Rights

• Contract between Borduria Power and Syldavia Steel

u Quantity: 400 MW

u For delivery in Syldavia

u Strike price: 30 $/MWh

• To cover itself against location price risk, Borduria Power purchases400 MW of financial transmission rights from the System Operator

400 MW


400 MW




© 2005 D. Kirschen 65

Example of Financial Transmission Rights

• Borduria Power sells 400 at 19.00 ⇒ gets $7,600

• Syldavia Steel buys 400 at 35.00 ⇒ pays $14,000

• The system operator collects 400 (35 -19) = $ 6,400 in congestion surplus

• Borduria Power collects 400 (35 -19) = $6,400 from the system operator

• Borduria Power pays Syldavia Steel 400 (35 -30) = $2,000

• Syldavia Steel net cost is $12,000

• Borduria power net revenue is $12,000

400 MW


400 MW




πB = 19 $/MWh πS = 35 $/MWh

400 MW

The books balance!

© 2005 D. Kirschen 66

Financial transmission rights (FTR)

• FTRs provide a perfect hedge against variations in nodalprices

• Auction transmission rights for the maximumtransmission capacity of the network

u The system operator cannot sell more transmission rights thanthe amount of power that it can deliver

u If it does, it will loose money!

• Proceeds of the auction help cover the investment costsof the transmission network

• Users of FTRs must estimate the value of the rights theybuy at auction

© 2005 D. Kirschen 67

Financial transmission rights

• FTRs are defined from point-to-point

• No need for a direct branch connecting directly the pointsbetween which the FTRs are defined

• FTRs automatically factor in the effect of Kirchoff’svoltage law

• Problem:

u There are many possible point-to-point transmission rights

u Difficult to assess the value of all possible rights

u Difficult to set up a market for point-to-point transmission rights

© 2005 D. Kirschen 68

Flowgate rights

• Observation:u Typically, only a small number of branches are congested

• Concept:u Buy transmission rights only on those lines that are congested

u Theoretically equivalent to point-to-point rights

• Advantage:u Fewer rights need to be traded

u More liquid market

• Difficulty:u Identify the branches that are likely to be congested

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 1

Generation Expansion

Daniel Kirschen

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 2


• The investor’s perspective

u Will a new plant generate enough profit from the sale of energy tojustify the investment?

• The consumer’s perspective

u Will there be enough generation capacity to meet the demandfrom all the consumers?

u Do investors need an extra incentive to build enough generationcapacity?

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 3

The investor’s perspective

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 4

Example: Investing in a new plant

• Is it worth building a 500MW plant?

• Assume a utilization factor of 80%

• Assume average price of electrical energy is 32 $/MWh

Investment cost 1021 $/kWExpected plant life 30 yearsHeat rate at rated output 9,419 Btu/kWhExpected fuel cost 1.25 $/MBtu

Data for a coal plant

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 5

Example (continued)

Investment cost:

1021 $/kW x 500 MW = $510,500,000

Estimated annual production:

0.8 x 500 MW x 8760 h/year = 3,504,000 MWh

Estimated annual production cost:

3,504,000 MWh x 9419 Btu/kWh x 1.25 $/MBtu = $41, 255, 220

Estimated annual revenue:

3,504,000 MWh x 32 $/MWh = $112,128,000

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 6

Example (continued)

Year Investment Production Productioncost

Revenue Net Cash Flow

0 $ 510,500,000 0 0 0 - $ 510,500,0001 0 3,504,000 $ 41,255,220 $ 112,128,000 $ 70,872,7802 0 3,504,000 $ 41,255,220 $ 112,128,000 $ 70,872,7803 0 3,504,000 $ 41,255,220 $ 112,128,000 $ 70,872,780… 0 … … … …30 0 3,504,000 $ 41,255,220 $ 112,128,000 $ 70,872,780

Total net cash flow over 30 years:

- $510,500,000 + 30 x $70,872,780 = $1,615,683,400

Is this plant profitable enough?

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 7

Example (continued)

• Time value of money

u A dollar now is worth more to me than a dollar next yearor

u How much interest should I be paid to invest my dollar for oneyear rather than spend it now?

u This has nothing to do with inflation

• Apply this concept to investments

u Calculate Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of net cash flow stream

• Standard accounting formula (use a spreadsheet)

• Gives more weight to profit in the early years than in the later years

u Example: IRR = 13.58%

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 8

Example (continued)

• Is an IRR of 13.58% good enough?

u Compare it to the Minimum Acceptable Rate of Return (MARR) ofthe investor

u If IRR ≥ MARR Ë investment is OK

u If IRR < MARR Ë investment is not worth making

• How do firms set their MARR?

u Specializes in high risk investments Ë set MARR high

u Specializes in low risk investments Ë set MARR lower but checkcarefully the risks associated with each investment

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 9

Example (continued)

• What are the risks?

u Average price of electricity may be less than 32 $/MWh

u Utilization factor may be less than 80%

• Recalculate the IRR for various conditions








0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

Price of Electrical Energy [$/MWh]






© Daniel Kirschen 2005 10

Retiring generation capacity

• Once a plant has been built:

u Most of the investment cost becomes a sunk cost

u Sunk costs are irrelevant in further decisions

• A plant will be retired if it no longer recovers its operating cost and isnot likely to do so in the future

• Examples:

u Operating cost increases because fuel cost increases

u Plant utilization and/or energy price decrease because cheaper plantsbecome available

• Decision based only on prediction of future revenues and costs

• Technical fitness and lifetime are irrelevant

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 11

Effect of a cyclical demand

• Basic microeconomics:

u If demand increases or supply decreases (because plants areretired) prices will increase

u If prices increase, investment projects become more profitable

u New generating plants are built

• Difficulties

u Demand for electricity is cyclical

u Electrical energy cannot be stored economically

u Must forecast utilization factor for each plant

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 12

Load Duration Curve








0 2000 4000 6000 8000






PJM (Pennsylvania Jersey Maryland) system in 1999

Number of hours per year during which the demand exceeds a certain level

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 13

Effect of cyclical demand

• Peak load is much higher than average load

• Total installed capacity must be much higher thanaverage load

• Cheap generators operate most of the time

• More expensive generators operate during only a fractionof the time

• Prices will be higher during periods of high demand

• Competition will be limited during periods of high demandbecause most generators are already fully loaded

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 14

Price duration curve












0 20 40 60 80 100

Percentage of Hours

Actual peak price reached $1000/MWh for a few hours

PJM system, 1999

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 15

What about the most expensive unit?

• In a competitive market

u Market price set by marginalcost of marginal generator

u Infra marginal generatorscollect an economic profitbecause their marginal cost isless than the market price

u Economic profit pays the fixedcosts

u Marginal generator does notcollect any economic profit

u Marginal generator does notpay its fixed costs

Marginal producer





Economic profit

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 16

What about the most expensive unit?

• Because of the cyclical demand, most units will be infra-marginal during part of the year

• Most unit will therefore have an opportunity to recovertheir fixed costs

• The unit that only runs a few hours a year to meet thepeak demand is never infra-marginal

• It must recover its costs by incorporating them in its priceu Must be recovered over a few hours only

u Prices are very high during these periods (price spikes)

u Possible because market is not competitive during these periods

u What if the yearly peak demand is lower than expected?

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 17

The consumer’s perspective

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 18

Meeting the peak demand

• In a competitive environment, there is no obligation ongenerating companies to build enough capacity to meetthe peak demand

• Rely on price signals to encourage investments

• What if no generation company wants to own the mostexpensive unit that runs only a few hours a year?

u Owning that plant is not very profitable

• Will there be enough generation capacity available tomeet the reliability expectations?

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 19

Consequences of not meeting the peak demand

• Load must be shed (i.e. customers temporarilydisconnected)

• Cost of these interruptions: Value of Lost Load (VOLL)

• VOLL is about 100 times larger than the average cost ofelectricity

• Customers have a much stronger interest in havingenough generation capacity than generators

• Customers may be willing to pay extra to guarantee thatthere will be enough capacity available

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 20

Capacity incentives

• Advantages

u Capacity insurance policy: pay a little bit regularly to avoid amajor problem

• Disadvantages

u Less economically efficient behaviour

u How much should generators be paid per MW?Or

u How much capacity should be available?

© Daniel Kirschen 2005 21

Capacity incentives

• Capacity payments

u Pay generators a fixed rate per MW of capacity available

u Encourages them to keep available plants that don’t generatemany MWh

• Capacity market

u Regulator determines the generation capacity required to meet areliability target

u Consumers must all “buy” their share of this capacity

u Generators bid to provide this capacity

u Price paid depends on how much capacity is offered

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