power of thought concept

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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People thought numbers were complete…

It was Aryabhatt who thought about zero and proved it thus.

People thought the earth was flat…

It was Columbus who thought the earth is round and proved it thus.

People thought the world is an empty space…

It was Newton who thought about the law of gravity and proved it thus.

With power of thought



Albert Einstein said, “You cannot change your current

situation by using the same thoughts that got you there. You

must change the way you are thinking and think different



We can change the way we live just by changing the way we think!

brings to you

‘The power of thought’

A series of very short films on public messages


is a young team of professionals determined to bring out

unconventional ideas through most desirable forms and present

a platter of various thought-provoking concepts in the interest

of the society.


The films will be shot on 35mm international movie quality with high

definition camera. It will be in 4K resolution using Ultra Prime 4k Lenses in 16:9 aspect, a benchmark used by

moviemakers all over the world.


The first of this series in Power of Thought will focus on a crisp presentation of how

Gandhi ji thought about bringing the reform and proved it thus.

This episode will also focus on reinstating the love and respect towards our national anthem and therefore to make the urban population

including the youngsters aware of the beauty of this tune, we our shooting the National anthem with upbeat and youthful music, with the über cool kids of today, showing the same spirit of

patriotism that the freedom fighters had.TM

We aim to air the movie in multiplexes across India by

26th January 2011, considering the importance the day holds for all of us


The Scope…

Power of Thought

Brought to you by 7th Plane communications

Compiled by Global Fashion Street

The scene starts with a centre court of an upmarket busy mall* where there is almost every kind of person from different levels of society:•There is the group of college boys and girls hanging out together, laughing and cracking jokes, a bike* is parked along side•Then there is the love-bird couple sitting close to each other, may be with an Archie’s* cards n teddy bear•There is the grandmother and her daughter along with her little boy/girl (4-5 yr old) who are heading towards a showroom,•There is a group of rock band who are practising, Yamaha keyboard*, bike* at the back drop•There are two security guards discussing something, security brand* •There is a sweeper cleaning the floor, ‘wet floor’ board by Domex*•There are four school boys 11th and 12th standard with bicycle* at the back leaning over the mobile tablet or laptop* on which the college boys are watching the final of the cricket match where India is playing.

We are looking for sponsors who will play a key role in the production of

this pilot episode in various unconventional ways.

We are aiming to give branding in-between shots or use the products as

props for the shots, for e.g. the college kids who are viewing the cricket

match could either use a laptop or a high-end mobile phone.


What’s in store for you…• A CSR effort in national interest

reaching out to an audience of 1, 35, 000 people everyday across Delhi and NCR

• Create Brand Recall by presenting product usage

• Definite footage for branding whenever the movie is aired

• Product promotion & Recognition

We are open to ideas on sponsorship from your end.

Since we are tight on schedule we look forward to

an early revert.


We thank you for your timewith best wishes,


On behalf of


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