positive mantra - · pdf filepositive mantra about the book ... celebrating success and...

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About the Book Page 02

AIIMS of Positive Mantra Page 05

The Concept Page 06

About Auther and Prologue Page 08

Concent List (16 Chapters) Page 12

Chapter 1 Understanding Positive Mantra Page 17

Chapter 2 Being Precious - A leaf from my life Page 36

Thematic Index Page 49

About The Book (conceptual frame-work)

Today our world is rapidly changing and the entire global society is in the 'fast-mode'

of transition. Technology and the E-factor have penetrated every home and the world

of Corporate has become an ever advancing technological hub. Some brains are

successfully cruising through these advancements and some are marginalized as they

are unable to cope up and feeling the awe. Nevertheless, the progress of the

civilization is soaring high yet leaving behind the traces of conflicts, chaos and

contradictions as we see the stories of brains having great potential are undergoing

'Personality Crashes'. Isolations and loneliness have become human beings second


Moreover, in this world, negative forces emitting out of the 'marginalized situation'

are actually slowing down the progress as we always need the stimulants to invoke

positivism in our inner mind and put up a brave face to the world. This book-Positive

Mantra does this job of 'stimulant' in the larger sense of the word, and works as a

catalyst. Positive Mantra attempts to redefine Self Management. It facilitates a self

talking methodology with the objective of 'Art of Thinking and Science of Living'.

Positive Mantra provides a conceptual corridor to broaden our perceptions about the

life of the self. It also ties the loose ends of the inner-self and fragmented outer self.

The method of Positive Mantra is peeling off words and bringing about a series of

statements propelling from the given definitions of the very word. Yet, the proximity

of content and context never looses its sight while enlarging the dynamic insight. This

allows the process of learning and unlearning, celebrating success and absorbing

failures, alongside, exploring various elements of hidden talents of the self.

Introspection has all the answer to the self this is stressed upon by subtly opening up

of small windows of hidden wisdom within. Thus Positive Mantra allows a LIVE

connectivity with the inner self which are the corner-stone of our life and living.

Positive Mantra attempts to harmonize the outer world with the inner self and

becomes a friend in need and would prove to be a friend indeed and stays with you as

a companion for life! This book is a humble effort to enthuse and equip the army of

professionals, students and even mid-career people to achieve the excellence in life

and leave behind their imprints of creativity.

AIMS 0f Positive Mantra


Self empowerment

Ensuring self respect

Lifting the confidence level

Fighting out with inner complexities

Mission of What I want must be realized.

Attending to the personal short-falls

Nurturing an expression of our uniqueness

Altering the existing multi-fold ‘Mind Sets’ to have a focused vision.

Gathering strength from within

Eliminating self-doubts

Mind power must be re-understood.

Enforcing self-discipline

Negating emotional mental blocks

Tackling relationships for conflict resolutions

Positive Mantra---The Concept

Art of Thinking and Science of Living

Artfully redefining life and its scope

Rhythm of thought, expression and action

Training the mind for future and positivism

Open-ended mind set for constant self correction

Facing and coping up with reality

Thinker in you gets awakened

Hindrances and mental blocks are wiped out

Intuitions are taken for inner reference for outer events

Nurturing latent inner talents for showcasing the best

Kinetic inner energy is to be invented to empower the mind

Initiating a self dialogue for greater understanding of the self

Negotiating life from chaos to tranquil focused mind contemplation

Giving space to all and bridge the universal mind


Science of logic and probability are to be optimized and used.

Creatively laying out life style for a renewed endeavour

Essence of life is rediscovering a new meaning with renewed energy.

I in all of you do matter in life and be cultured with self love

Negotiating through life means adhering to the principles of conduct

Cater and adhere to the rules of the Nature to live in harmony

Emotions are to be tooled for the purpose of balancing the aspiration and realism

Occasions of all kind need to be converted into opportunity

Facing the world with appropriate response does matter.

Life style should be clean and sound and not dreamy or full of cravings

Initiative should be taken always to create the social fabric called harmony.

Vision of possibility and probability finally bring the contentment

Inner tranquility and outer composure are facilitated

Negations are withered with anew positive thinking

Getting along with self becomes easy with Positive Mantra

About The Author (conceptual frame-work)

Gautam Chatterji ( b.1958) is a writer of repute. Over two and a half decades he has been contributing articles to national and International media on various themes of human

concern. Academically he holds a PhD from Rabindra Bharati University,Calcutta on Reformation of Juvenile Delinquents from the stand point of social history! Over the decade

has scripted 13 pioneering books on various subjects from Culture to Spiritualism, from Safety management to sacred modes of reformation in Jail. Moreover, he has scripted some

200 hours of television software on culture and heritage for national and international

outreach. Recently has been made Member of Honour in Argentina Religion of Parliament. Being a quill driver he has been encountering people from all the strata and learnt the

lessons of life from various dynamic stand points and experiences. All these went towards scripting Positive Mantra. Hindustan Times writes 'the book{Positive Mantra} allows a re-

think for those who are at the cross-roads of life. It not only allows a self talk for drawing inner inspiration, but also to fathom one's hidden talents'.


Theme, Thought and Deliberations---Few Words

I recall when I, for the first time, talked about the concept of 'Positive Mantra' to the Hindustan Times, they in turn gave a very apt heading to the feature they published ---A

Fine Script of Life and Pain. Yes, I scripted Positive Mantra, with the many shaded experiences of my life. For me life has never remained a bed of roses, yet regrets could not

freeze my multilayered endeavour. Life has taught me the method of tiding over the time and I sprang back again and again amidst the anti-thesis of life.

Being a writer, I walked down the dusty roads and interacted with millions for over two and

a half decades. I talked to the road-side vendors, rag pickers, challenged children, struggling middle class youth, hardened criminals, top bureaucrats, corporate head, top

police officials, professionals and academicians of various disciplines. Again there were hordes of ascetics who are generally always willing to share provided you are keen to hear

them. My interactions started in my teens and my intention was always to learn the 'other

mind' with an element of deep quest about life and its reflections in varied times. Through this process socially I became the 'Father Confessor' and even on first meeting people

divulged their personal secrets and felt at ease while sharing. So I remained a listener and heard the world in their own terms. I shared more tears with people than their time of

happiness. But every drop of tear taught me a lesson. Every time, life surprised me with neo-understanding, as I could see the dynamic shades at every cross-road. Ever changing

shades were so subtle that those could only be experienced and internalized.

Today, I am knocking the door of 49th year of my life traverse, and I realize that my time

has come to share my knowledge and give back to the society who had taught me so much.

So I am scripting Positive Mantra to share the wisdom of civilization (not mine) which may

help individuals to navigate through life in right perspective and successfully.

I find the society is in transition, as technology is taking over life-modes, education systems to the corporate world have changed themselves with the e-factor, human ethos and moral

codes are changing fast as global perspective is getting deeply entrenched into every individual! Planet Earth is shrinking and geo political boundaries are fast vanishing and

political ideological walls are falling brick by brick.

All these movements of internationalism creating pools of shared creativity and dynamically all are complementally growing rather over-growing very fast. Again today humankind is

face to face with varied challenges and 'achievement' has become the buzz word for every soul. However, none has time for the self, which is otherwise the pivotal hinge of one's own

performance. Thus self gets marginalized and left to suffer.

Achieving and going further has become the code of conduct for the successful. Not so successful people are unable to handle themselves and every day they are facing their own

waterloo and becoming the victim of 'retreats'! The internal dilemma is ruling the roost!

Before long, every street will have 'Psychiatrist clinics' for providing 'respite' to the growing millions of techno-humans. Alongside, we are finding the spiritual market is expanding and

selling the product called 'solace' for both the haves and have-Nots. From middle class teens, struggling for commercially viable professional education, to the people who are

facing mid-career crisis are looking for some shoulder to cry upon after failing to negotiate a rightful turn in life!

Thus I thought to share my little and humble experience with people who all feel 'lonely'

though living amidst crowd. Again I am no story teller, and I am also not interested to even to create a shop of 'Emotions' with romantic story lines. Because down the ages from

mythology to the era called 'now' there are billions of stories to drive home the 'expected stand' but sordidly enough those are not functionally referred by people when they need to

retain and recall at the hour of crisis. Again case studies with manipulated truth do not

really empower people. Moreover, I never wanted to cook truth and become 'Chef Motivator'.

So I thought to drive home my ideas with a pun, and I concluded that there has to be a fun

method and I chose 'peel-off' method. Again these peel-offs are not done for the sake of it. Because every word is peeled off to find out a theme and to allow a flow of idea stream

within the dynamics of conceptual ring of the content in context. I always feel that every one on this earth is a 'Thinker' and firing their imagination can make all the difference.

Towards this I zeroed in the catch words 'Positive Mantra'. These are no words with religious dogmas but the concept has the fine thread of spiritualism with elements called Way of Life

philosophy of our civilization. Its essence centres around 'being righteous' and 'positive' which takes one to the height of excellence. The pair of words 'Positive Mantra' has 14

letters which gave 14 basic statements. These 14 statements give us fourteen chapters and allow further catch words within in a sequential fashion. All these go towards initiating self

talk and empowered consciousness which make us more fortified to deal with the givens of life.

These peeling off remain a brain teaser again it worked in its dynamic plain and allows to create a mental rim where concept within concept revolve and evolve, yet themes keep

their own proximity of understanding and branching out of new sapling within, every time

one contemplates. Positive Mantra is a no simple non-fiction book to be read cover to cover

in couple of days. The book can become a companion to grow in life. This book should be read in phases to start the learning and unlearning in the perspective of inner wisdom

accessed within the self.

The purpose of Positive Mantra is to play upon the known words, known truth in a different perspective to open up our windows of quest to journey through life. The philosophy of

'Know Thyself' is towed in this book and the objective is to make the reader 'aware' of themselves.

Here, self talking is the methodology, which paves the path for realization and self

exploration. The peel off allows springing up of statements within statements. In this process no storyline are added as it would deviate our mental contemplation. Because

within the self, we all are 'serious thinkers' and unnecessary romantic layering can dilute

our concept. Words straight from heart can reach out to the roots of any given chaos or problem and then solution propels from within in an involuntary fashion which is the basic

purpose of Positive Mantra!

From the stand point of educational system in vogue we find that there exists all kind of management schools available to cultivate scientifically all possible stream of corporate

specializations. Today world has many B schools and all are excellent and producing

intellectuals to cater to the corporate need. However, there is no school for 'Self Management'. Few classes of 'Personality Development' can hardly cover the real

requirements. At this juncture it must be understood that corporate management has become highly specialised endeavour and it spins many neo challenges at every step which

is to be absorbed internally by every individual. Here we find the 'Missing Links' because

best of the brains are well equipped to handle professional challenges yet they are unable to bear it internally and 'personality crash' has become the order of the day.

Here, Positive Mantra, is humbly providing a solution and trying to fill the gap! The aspect of

'Self Management' is as serious subject as any other academic streams. The book explores the two frontiers The Art of Thinking and Science of Living. This is all about self

management that has two corner stones - Perspective and Vision. This methodology is available within us. Cruising through the inner self and talking it out within leads to the

'realization and awareness' that indicate towards solution! The essence of Positive Mantra is

to discover the self, re-kindle the spirit, and tapping vast energy field within which guides and heals as well!

Every work of innovation sprouts from the seed. My mind-seed, remains my mother Smt

Gauri Chatterjee, who taught me how to pass through cloudy days which remained a regular visitor in my life. Her words and perspective to look at everything with a new

dimension was a matter of awe for me. She taught me to churn out new avenues whenever I thought I have reached the 'Dead End'. She taught me that sharp road bends from a

distance do sound like 'dead end' but in reality a new path opens up when we encounter the reality by facing the world.

My father Shri Jyotirmay Chatterjee, a man who manned writings of many illustrious

authors taught me how to play with words and create a fun even in serious writing. His concept of editing the write ups with 'Audio' perspective actually taught me that every word

in silence do actually sound in an unending fashion provided we know how to explore the words of expressions. My father at my upper teens, presented me with the complete works

of Vivekananda, to squarely base my mind perspective and facilitate its required growth.

Spiritually, the written texts of Swamiji Satyanandji Maharaj and practical guidance of

Swamiji Dr Viswa Mitterji took me through the various nuances of positive spiritualism. Words of my Guru made me realize that spiritualism is a functional phenomenon which

easily bridges the mind of materialism and the vision of spiritualism. While writing this book my Guru asked me to deal with Negative Mantra to put Positive Mantra in perspective. So I

have elaborately dealt with his vision to bring to the fore the aspect of positivism. I remain indebted to Param Guru Shree Ram and Gurus for allowing me to realize life and its essence

in a dynamic fashion.

A non-fiction writer, by choice, in India has to face non-stop struggling time. Thus penning the pleasure, pain or simple knowledge dissemination becomes the stumbling block for

eking out an honourable living. Well endeavouring through the rough sea was possible

because of my wife Dr Ruma Chatterjee, who being a Medico not only cured me but gave me the healing touch as well! She anchored my ship and I remain indebted to her so I must

once record my Gratitude and Thanks to her from core of my heart.

My scripting of Positive Mantra was a creative partnership with my son Barun Chatterjee, who at the age of 14 told me 'Your Positive Mantra has come out of millions of pain you

have suffered and yet you knew to keep your smile. And you could write these words of motivation as you could successfully face the 'negative world'. His creative inputs and

intellectually stimulating perceptions remain a big element in this writing endeavour!

While giving shape to the concept of Positive Mantra, I discovered a mind with divine

intonation---Smt Sunita Ganjoo. She struggled with my phased script writings and with great perseverance she computed the content which crossed over a year. For her it was no

mechanical work rather she helped me to reconstruct many a concept while developing the script which itself was a very tedious process. Her critical evaluation improvised my own

perspective of communication and theme contemplation while I was peeling off my life long exposures.

Thus the journey of Positive Mantra was really a team work. I remain indebted to many more souls, who walked with me shoulder to shoulder, especially during my rainy days. At

the end of the day I wish if I can create a spark in one mind then that soul would lead the revolution of Positive Mantra and liberate many minds and facilitate their own personal

successful endeavours. If solace reaches to one soul it would surely multiply manifold. This will help me to pay back to the world my intellectual and spiritual debts.

Finally, I request my readers---please forgive me if I have fumbled and again if you are

benefited then thank to the civilization who taught me what all I have scripted. Just be

positive and read the book slowly and use it as tool to help your peer group who might be feeling low. Because, Positive Mantra has all possible answers provided we are ready to

seek it honestly and sincerely!

Dr Gautam Chatterjee 11.9.06 New Delhi


Chapter 1: Understanding Positive Mantra 7

Positive Mantra--- Unveiled 10 Positive Mantra-Concepts within Concepts 13

Chapter 2: Being Precious - A leaf from my life 28

You are a Precious Person 37 You have a unique Personality 38

Steps towards rejuvenation and realization 40

Encounter Yourself 42 You have a Caring personality; Nurture it... 44

Culture Information and Nurture Wisdom 46 In search of Platform to Perform 48

Sound and Silence: A perspective 50 Culturing the perspective of analytical approach 52

Mind your Deliberations 54 Surging Ahead with Confidence 56

Towards Self Assurance 58

Fighting out Negativism 60

Chapter 3: Optimism Shies like Star 61 Tenacity to Experien

ce Success 65 Imaginative Self be tooled for futuristic movement 67

Culturing the Right Kind of Spirit 69 Empowerment with Processed Information 71

Meticulous Planning Dates with Success 73

Initiative makes you a winner 75 Memory of Success be Celebrated 79

Chapter 4: Counteracting Negativism 80

Solitudes and Isolations are Pit-falls 83 Realizing the hindrances of Negativism 84

Learning from 'Failures' 86 Understanding Pessimistic Indicators 88

Knot of 'No' be replaced with know 90

Handling Negative Emotions 91 Energizing yourself 93

Unshackle the Bonds of Your Personality 95 Culturing Self Belief for Combating Negations 97

Training Your Mind 99 Ignoring Self can tarnish 'self-presentation' 101

Success must be celebrated 103 Inspiring Self and drawing Motivation from Within 105

Safeguarding Your Innocence 107

Muster your Courage 109

Chapter 5: Ignite Your Passion for Activism 111

Process your thought for a Focused Vision 115 Assess Your Strong Points 117

Flag your 'Mental Blocks' for Self Analysis 119 Cap Your Weakness Effectively 121

Intuitions Can be your Skill 123 Value Other's Opinion but Act Yourself 125

Marching Towards a Focused Action 126 Failures are Temporary and not Permanent 128

Create a Safety Valve for the Alternate 129

Rational Thinking and Scoring Success 131 Avoid Over-dependence on Associates 133

Train Your Body, Mind and Soul 137 Evaluate While Journeying Towards Success 139

Imagine and Visualize Pragmatically 141 Ideals and Values are Your Strength 143

Searching Opportunities 145 Mission of Life 147

Chapter 6: Teach and Be Taught 149 Believe in Yourself 154

Planning our Lives and Styles of Living 156 Share Knowledge and Get Empowered 157

Earn from Other's Experience 159 Understanding Information 161

Be Open-Minded to become Strong 163 Cruising Ahead Successfully 164

Search for Guru 166

Chapter 7: Towards Inner Journey 168

Making of the Informed Self 170 Inner Search is no Enigma 172

Exploring 'Self-Qualities' 173 In Search of Inner Energy 174

Reasoning and Beyond 176 A Journey Inward 178

Originality Resides within You 180

Silence and Utterance Towards Inner Journey 182 Culturing Righteousness 184

Nothingness can be our Springing Board 185 Inner Journey goes Towards Empowerment 186

Self Realization and Eternity 188

Chapter 8: Shelving of Vengeance and Negations 190 Love Yourself 192

Associates are our Trusted Pillars 194

Causes of Enmity be Shelved 196 Be Competitive as Sportsperson 198

Behaviour Reflects the Mind: Be conscious of it 200 Purity of Friendship 201

Disciplining the Mind 204 Kill Your Hidden Hatred 206

Culturing Objectivism 208

Liking-A Personality Trait! Balance it with Disliking 210

Avoid the Trap of Negations 212 Bank upon Peer Group to Grow 214

Depth of Trusts and Mistrusts 216

Chapter 9: Showcasing Empowered Energized Self 218 Exploring the Inner World 221

Motives and Positivism 223 Culturing Self Belief 225

Churning the Ocean Called Mind 226

Wishful Thinking 228 Evaluating Failures 229

Graceful Appearance 231 Emotions are Strong Point 233

How much we Deserve! 235 Towards Spiritual Contemplation 237

Say No to Intoxication 239 Knotting the Loose Ends 241

Frankly Speaking 243

Bridging Hope and Achievements 245 Marching for Rejuvenation 247

Art of Sharing and Caring 249 Explore Your Hospitality Skill 251

Wish for Others 253 Will Power Empowerment 255

Balancing Mind and Body 257 Attitude of Flexibility 259

World of Appreciation 261

Power of Mind 263 Determination Can Score Success 264

Chapter 10: A Canvas for Creative Visualization 266

Work on Blank Canvas 268 In Search of Rare Quality 270

Melody of Shades 271 Towards Synchronization 273

Alter Your Plan if need be 275

Culture Pragmatism 276 Tapping Vital Energy 277

Encountering Given Negatives 278 When Ego Plays 280

Monitoring the Self 282 When Idea Rains 283

Self Nurturing 284 Celebrating the Past 285

Its time to Spring Back 286

Rejuvenation 287 Keep Away the Thought of Fatalism 288

Towards Free Thinking 289 Shredding Impulsive Attitude 290

Map out the Future 291 Cross-over Emotional Speed Breaker 292

Chapter 11: Adhere to the Rules of Self Love 294

Towards Progressive Self Love 296 Being at the Centre 297

Never Crave for Sympathy 299 Be Your Best Friend 301

Living for a Purpose 303 Culturing Universal Love 305

Visualize the Self 307 Self and Plenty 308

Chapter 12: Nurturing Natural Talents Naturally 309 Cultivating 'First Love' 311

Reaching out to the Needy! 313 Power of Truthfulness 315

Expression Expresses our Personality 316 Looking for a Creative Behaviour 317

Attract Naturally 318 Latent Nature be Nurtured 320

Homing with Harmony 321

Children of the God 322 Making the Life Meaningful 323

Culturing Inner Innocence 324 Distancing from Unnatural 325

Talented Self 326 Towards Inner Bliss 327

Chapter 13: Absorbing Failure and Dispelling Fears 328

Never Fail Yourself 330

Identifying Reasons of Failures 331 Internalize Success and make it a Landmark 333

Never Be a Fatalist 334 New Dawn-New Opportunities 336

Minimizing Negative Memory 337 When Failure Ends there Success Begins 338

Erase the Baggage of Guilt 340 Inspiring the Self 342

Share Your Positive Breathe 343

Healthy Mind has all the Answer 345 Defeat the Defeatist 346

Taking Advantage of Initial Gains 347 Spiritual Self Nurturing 348

Chapter 14: Culturing Information 350

Marching Ahead with Info-enrichment 352 Read Between the lines of Information 353

Gathering Information 354

Handling Unfounded Information 356 Using Information 357

Deliver Information is Right Perspective 358 Receiving and Processing Information 359

Avoiding Planted Information 360 Information is for Share and Care 361

Avoiding Over-Reactions to any information 362

Re-discovering Own Potentials with Positive Mind 363

Chapter 15: Making Life Positive Through Systematic Action 364

Simplicity and Originality Ensure Success 366 Reason out Your Actions 367

Bridging thought and action 368 Being Omni-directional 369

Value other's View-points 370 Methodical Analysis 371

When Attitude Matters 372

Turn Around and Face the World 373 Imagine and Act 374

Map out your Future 375 Inner Wisdom towards Judicious Actions 376

Towards Focused Action 377 Facing the Failure 379

Steps Before Major Action 380 Obstacles and Opponents 381

Be Truthfully Yours 382

Chapter 16 Positive Mantra--- A Summing Up 383

Chapter 1: Understanding Positive Mantra


With every dawn we nurture new hope, new aspiration as we try to map out everyday with positivism. Yet, the struggle in life, conflicts of interests, contradictions within and without,

chaos do loom large over our life as evening caves in and night keeps on tossing on the beds of uncertainties where setbacks, failures, depression and pessimism share the bed of

woes. To combat this phenomenon, we were told, since our childhood days that after

darkness there will be a neo light and new awakening of the self. With this hope civilization grew.

As a student, we were taught to be positive and were told that one should try to analyze

everything objectively. Our positive thinking made us earn educational qualifications. The positive attitude fetched us job; Boss in the office, always asks us to be positive at the

deliberation level; we switched jobs for enhancements and furthering our positive deliberations. We make our home classy and colourful to have positive ambiance; our

weekends are frilled with entertainment to derive positive energy. We guide our children to

be positive and often drive them hard towards result-oriented-ness. At the spiritual level Guru asks us to be positive towards materialistic debacles and aspire for spiritual elevation.

Likewise positivism revolves in our life! Nay, we try to revolve, evolve and try constantly to re-discover positivism in our life. But often Positivism becomes an enigma in our struggle

studded life or this word is reduced to mere meaning found in the Dictionary. Let us begin our journey for the Dictionary only.

The Living Webster Encyclopedic Dictionary gives its etymological root to the old French

usage Positif or in Latin Positivus. With time, this word has gathered plenty of meanings and continuously incorporates newer perspectives as well. Some meanings are-laid down or

expressed; determined enactment or convention; as, positive proof; stated; definite; emphatic; confident in opinion; fully assured ; obsolete; actual existence ;read concerned

with or based on matter of experience as positive philosophy etc. etc. Again Positive turns

negative when we say AIDS POSITIVE or HIV PLUS!

Thus we see the word POSITIVE means or referred at many levels and remained enigmatic

with its rampant usages. Positive is a sound beginning; Positive is forward looking; Positive

is an inspiration, a hope; Positive is omni-directional benevolent energy field. Think further you will be able to define POSITIVISM in a newer way with every passing day. Thus the

word positive is no mere word to be defined in a restrictive fashion but Positivism is a phenomenon like space, sky or ocean. And we will be deciphering its many hidden nuances

to map out a vision which will pave the path for realization and revelations.

After this brief stopover in positivism, we have re-understood that positivism is a phenomenon and one must peel off many of its layers to gauge the lesser known nuances of

this word and would be utilizing those to cruise our life positively with positivism.

However, another part of our title is 'Mantra' which we should understand first before

proceeding further. Vedas, the oldest contemplation of the world has given us the concept

of Mantra. The concept of Mantra revolves around sound or articulated creation of sound

within the given grammar of rhythm, frequency, pause and phonetics. Nevertheless, Mantra revolves around sound which is said to be the cause and manifestation of cosmic creation.

In Indian tradition the primal sound of creation was denoted with various names and many mantras of hymns like Bhur and AUM were coined to define the first created sound. From

the textual tradition of Vedic Mantra or Sacred sound we find that Mantra revolves within the ether of the body and then comes out in the form of sound with varying frequencies.

The sacred sound is omnipotent in the guise of nama and rupa (name and form). It is said that the universe is created within the Sound and that Sound too leads the man to his

spiritual destiny. With the continuous chanting of Mantra a psychological atmosphere is

created which helps purifying the mind and body of a being.

Toeing this idea of Indian acoustic heritage the concept of Mantra has been borrowed to

give Positivism a different perspective. In the concept of Positive Mantra we at one level

decipher the positivism in its dynamic form or meaning and culture the concept of Mantra to bring about internal harmony of thought, concept at the unuttered stage and also to fathom

the idea of articulate utterance of anything with the discipline of Mantra.

Ancient tribal society or group of aboriginals or indigenous people world over has remained a sound centric society. On plain hearing those sound, one finds them, unintelligible but

those carried their own essence and meanings and even perhaps successfully bridged this world and the other through mystic sound phenomenon.

The power of sound which became Mantra cruised over some 5000 years and sustained its

identity and currency. Thus Mantra remain an internal chord which not only communicates but ensures an inner blending as well as we find many references of Sadhus, sages and

seers from all religions who mustered the sound and showed the world their miraculous


Within these operative backgrounds of Positivism and Mantra-the sound phenomenon the concept of Positive Mantra finds its square base. Positive Mantra as a concept works as tool

to 'Know Thyself'. It fashions an inroad journey to understand the self as a personality, fathoms one's own nature both as 'precious original' self and as societal reflective identity in

this world.

Thus Positive Mantra is a holistic journey towards self-discovery and self discipline. It would bring self awareness measures to re-live life and plan successful endeavour touching the

mortal and other world. The inherent 'guna' or qualities are to be brought to the fore which remains a point of strong advocacy of Positive Mantra. In the next phase we will spell out

the fourteen letters phenomenon P O S I T I V E M A N T R A which will lead to several

hundred entry points to understand the self and help us a more meaningful stay in this world.


'Positive Mantra' is a philosophy which has many hidden nuances and we would be

experiencing the self through the process of self discovery. Because we are not talking only

about positive thinking/attitudes and not limiting our mind sets to 'winning' and becoming

successful. Rather we are going to travel towards our inner-self and discover the unique

dynamics of our mind-power and talents.

Positive Mantra distinguishes the natural inner-self and the cosmetic 'masked' outer-self. It

would take up contradictions of the self and try to bridge and nurture the inner-self which

has purity, piousness, innocence and deep spirituality.

Positive Mantra would highlight the thinking process and try to touch upon the harmony of

'inner being' and 'outer-being'. It would probe and try to open windows to realize one's own

precious qualities which if brought out at the outer level can change the whole personality.

Positive Mantra would try to fathom the concept of silence and sound make one feel how both are our armor of communications. It would touch the sound of thought process to its

logical further journey of utterance and action.

Positive Mantra would try to drive home the idea of 'self-making' elements by overhauling the minds sets from 'complex' self to 'confident' self. The idea of success, inspiring self and

tapping unending spiritual energy would be indicated through simple concepts.

Positive Mantra would unveil the dynamics of spiritual self. Utterance of sacred name from any religious belief systems do help to us combat the concept of 'doubts and negations'

within which normally works as speed breakers then stammering and fumbling come to the

fore front and personality submit itself to the 'self-hate and guilt'. Thus through the measures of sacred utterances within creates an internal ambiance of 'solace and

tranquility' that allows 'self talk' and 'self delving'.

However, for now, we are trying to fathom the broad defining outlines of Positive Mantra through the entry points of the fourteen initial letters i.e. P.O.S.I.T.I.V.E. M.A.N.T.R.A.

Precious Person you are!

Optimism you imbibe to be the Shinning Star.

Shrink your negativism!

Ignite your passion for activism.

Teach and be taught!

Inner Journey should be sought.

Vengeance and even self-hate be shelved.

Empowered and energized self be showcased.

Mission of life should be a creative visualization.

Adhere to the rules of Self-love for smooth navigation

Nurture your natural talents and serve others.

Try and try again to see failures wither.

Respond and culture all information on all occasion.

Arrange your inner and outer-selves for systematic action!

Thus we have seen that the pair of words 'Positive Mantra' is no mere innocent letters or a gimmick. The two words define the broad spectrum of our self and also incorporate points of

corrections in our attitude and personality. These fourteen entry points create a platform to

understand the self, but this is not the end but a beginning of our quest. Discovery of the self would take centuries of study and contemplation. Even then we do not know where we

will reach! Because knowing the self is a riddle and surely a journey through contradictions as varied thoughts, concept and ideology keep on popping up and spring dynamic surprises

within our oceanic mind.

Nevertheless, the relativity of truth remains dormant. Once Subhash Chandra Bose contemplated on 'relativity of truth' and wrote: 'No truth is absolute but relative, related to

our common mental constitution'. So the idea of broadening our mental constitution would help us to understand the bigger horizon of truth which changes its own perception as we

grow and encounter different Time and Space. To fathom the greatest philosophy-- 'Know Thyself' is our concern at present through the Positive Mantra. We are going to tool the

spiritual concept and fathom natural law to discover self and then successfully navigate

through materialism.

The chaos and contradictions are to be harmonized within to shape our mind and life for a

successful cruising and towards this 'Positive Mantra' can help us as it bridges materialistic

and spiritual contours of our lives. Now we will further peel off the 14 statements and discover 198 concepts. Again these will be only few entry points to broaden our mental

constitution. Once we discover these two hundred odd concepts then in the following 14 chapters we will feel many more concepts within concepts and link our inner mind for a

successful outer endeavour.

POSITIVE MANTRA - Concepts within Concepts

Concepts within concepts and discovering content at various levels are the play of this book.

Thoughts are subtly linked by the exercise called marshalling of facts. The journey of

Positive Mantra is all about exploring our inner truth and correcting our perceptions by

simple methods of contemplations. Let us begin our journey and explore many colours of Positive Mantra. For ready reference we are repeating the positive mantra with bit added

inputs [given in italics] in the peeled-off perspective and relate the content for a further sequential journey.

Precious Person you are! Purity of mind, inner creativity propels your personality.

Optimism shines like Star. A journey from darkness to light begins with hope.

Shrink your negativism by imbibing a positive approach towards everything.

Ignite your passion for activism like a warrior to take on any war any time.

Teach and be taught! The life is all about constantly learning and un-learning.

Inner Journey should be sought. Self talk allows a fruitful journey within.

Vengeance and even self-hate be shelved. Because these elements pull us down


Empowered and energized self be showcased. Because only strong can have their


Mission of life should be a creative visualization. Life is a canvas of aesthetics.

Adhere to the rules of Self-love for smooth navigation. Love has great healing power.

Nurture your natural talents and serve others. Life is living in complementary style.

Try and try again to see failures wither. Absorb failures as earth sucks rain water.

Respond and culture all information on all occasion. This is information millennium.

Arrange your inner and outer-selves for systematic action and purposeful living.

NOTE: Fourteen letters of POSITIVE MANTRA are taken up individually with every letter given in



Precious Person you are!

Personality of yours is unique.

Rejuvenation is matter of self-realization.

Encounter yourself to discover your talents.

Caring Personality you have---culture it; express it.

Information makes your personality unique. Discover the power of Knowledge.

Offer yourself a platform to perform.

Utterance or creating a sound---realize its power.

Silence is a communication, but long silence decays your personality.

Perspective and analytical approach be cultured.

Ensure demonstrative deliberations of your precious qualities.

Research and self-analysis allows self assurance.

Surge ahead bravely and face the world with positive attitudes.

Offer graceful acknowledgements to your talents.

Never allow nestling of your personality in negativism.


Optimism shines like Star.

Occasions of all kind are to be taken in right spirit.

Process all information for progress, self benefit and self guard.

Tenacity to strive you must have! Then experience success.

Imaginative self be tooled for futuristic movement.

Meticulous planning should be undertaken before taking action.

Initiative makes you a winner.

Sorrow, sadness and failures should be lessons for striking back.

Memory of success be nurtured and used for self-assurance.


Shrink your Negativism

Solitude if becomes our nature then we move towards isolation. Be Aware!

Hindrances of negative thinking should be realized.

Resolutions of Positivism should be your mantra.

Incidence of failures be termed as history and be erased.

No, never, nothings are some of the pessimistic/negative indicators. Avoid them.

Knot of ‘No’ be replaced with ‘Know’.

Negative emotions injure your soul again and again.

Energize yourself spiritually to combat negativism.

Go and unshackle the bonds of your personality.

Assurance of ‘self-belief’ and not ‘self-pity’ should be cultured!

Train your mind to reduce ‘self-hate’ and ‘self-guilt’

Ignoring ‘Self’ in terms of dress, behaviour can damage your self-presentation.

Victories and successes, even the small ones, must be celebrated.

Inspiration and motivation be drawn from within.

Safeguard your innocent personality from social attacks.

Master your courage to face the uncertain negative world around us.


Ignite your Passion for Activism

Process the self- thought process towards a Mission

Assess you strong points before action.

Serialize your thoughts which are your mental blocks! Then argue inwardly to negate!

Stop for a while on your weaknesses and then try to control them effectively.

Intuitions are skills; use them for your advantage. But be aware of superstitions.

Opinions of others be heard patiently but action should be your own choice.

Notion of passion is nothing but a focused action.

Failures you must accept but definitely not as a permanent defeat.

Options must be kept open to allow a flexible switch-over while targeting any action

Rational thinking and cohesive behaviour are must for success.

Associates and partners are a requirement. But over-dependence can cause problems.

Carry your emotions as your strength.

Train your body, mind and soul for cohesive performance.

Inroad to success must have halts for assessment and mapping-out the course of


Visionary you must be. But visualize pragmatically.

Ideals and value systems are your strength. Never Compromise.

Search for opportunities always as chances seldom repeats.

Mission of life must not be missed.


Teach and be Taught

Believe in yourself.

Ensure a proper planning for living a meaningful life.

Talk it out and share your knowledge for others’ benefits.

Allow others to express so that you can learn from them. Life is an open book and that

must be read by all.

Understand the philosophy of information which empowers your strength of


Gather information with ‘open mind’ to become strong in life.

Hoist the flag of your knowledge at the right occasion! Do express relevantly to

become successful.

Teachers are real guides so search for Guru who would inspire you every time.


Inner Journey should be sought.

Information about the self (from within) and informed self (by begetting knowledge

from outside) are few first steps for inward journey. All these allow introspection.

Not this! Not This and moving ahead attitude should be experimented for inner


Negations about ‘self-qualities’ are speed breakers.

Energy of your soul and power of your personality should be understood properly.

Reasoning is essential for inward journey. But even this reasoning would even cease

after sometime so don’t get surprised.

Journey inward is an inner delving. Don’t search for solutions from outside.

Originality is within you; feel your strength there.

Utterance of sacred name ensures smooth inner journey. Divine names are seat of


Rhythm of introspective thought process is an eternal floating experience.

Nothingness and vacuum are your springing boards to fathom your own depth.

Empowerment of self originates from deep within.

Yield to God and realize yourself. Mirror your divine power and perform powerfully.


Vengeance and even Self hate be shelved.

Hate the hate! But never hate yourself and even others!

Associates of your life should not be doubted.

Treachery, Vengeance begets enmity. Shelve it for ever.

Envy should be a competitive spirit like of a sportsperson.

Behaviour should not reflect negations of mind.

Entertain friendships but never become slave to others.

Strict self-discipline stops aberrations of mind.

Hidden hatred can make your personality a cynical one.

Ensure positive and objective mind sets.

Liking and disliking are part of personality. But never spread disliking.

Vicious circles of negations are a trap. Be aware.

Enjoy friendliness of your peer group. It facilitates growth.

Debacles repeat when we nurture deep mistrust.


Empowered and Energized self be showcased.

Empowerment is an internal phenomenon

Motto and motives be positive and un-harmful at the intentional level

Passion for ‘Self Belief’ should be cultured.

Ocean of mind that be churned! Nectar is you that should be realized.

Wishful thinking and healing touch can unveil your personality.

Examine your failures and correct them to gather strength.

Retain your physical strength for the show and graceful appearances.

Emotions need to be expressed to row over life successfully

Demand as much you deserve. To understand how much do we ‘deserve’ use the

yardstick of contentment.

Spiritual contemplation and materialistic aspirations are Karma-realized!

Enslavement to intoxications kills before one mortally finds death.

Loose ends of our stray thoughts should be knotted positively.

Free and frank attitude (non-attacking) are mater of natural self.

Between the words HOPE and ACHIVEMENT, the bridge is ‘serious effort’

Enjoy and live happily to reduce tensions of life.

Share and care should be your functional spirits of life

Hospitality means to communicate your warm attitudes towards others.

Offer help and pray for others. Then all will love you involuntarily.

Will power is your strength; use it as a rowing stick.

Carry your mind and body cohesively as body language matters.

Allow flexibility in your approach and attitude. Rigidity breaks you for good.

Shower your appreciations on others.

Energy of self comes from mind power. Cultivate inner composure.

Determination of inner kind assures success.


Mission of life is creative visualization!

Create your mission as an artist does on a blank canvas.

Rare quality of yours is your strength. Be focused.

Ensure a melody of colours and harmony of shades in your life-canvas.

Acoustic synchronization of mind, body and soul ensures a sound creation.

Tear the canvas if you have dreamt the unachievable mission for yourself.

Instincts, intuition, initiative and pragmatic imaginations are must.

Vital energy—the power of soul must not be ignored.

Encounter your given negatives! Make it positive to live though life happily.

Vanity and ego do matter. But never nurture attacking ego.

Imagine Mission within Mission. Achieve and celebrate them to move on.

Surveillance on self aberrations should be kept. Check self-indiscipline.

Urgent attention should be given when ideas are received ‘out of blue.’

Assurance to self-- ensures self nurturing.

Landmarks of past achievements must be referred while striving for new mission.

I like, I love myself be the springing board for your mission.

Zeal or fresh enthusiasm should be nurtured for fresh bout every time.

Astrology you may believe in but never become a fatalist.

Tensions are internal phenomenon. Meditate for a while to RELAX and think freely.

Impulsive attitudes must be shelved. Be rational and decide about future.

Onslaught of negative past creates hindrance for mapping the future.

Nervousness is an emotional speed breaker. Believe in God to be strong.


Adhere to the rules of self-love for smooth navigation.

Self love assures progressive nourishment.

Enjoy life being at the center and not on the periphery.

Let you not suffer from self-pity and crave for sympathy from others.

Friendliest person on earth is you and only yourself. Remember it.

Love and respect to others give a purpose to perform.

Offer help to helpless beings and creatures. It will beget love.

Visualize yourself as pious person. Pretend and act in life accordingly.

Easy money, easy glory can cause problems of plenty. Be aware.


Nurture your Natural talents and serve others.

Nature should be your first love. Nature can inspire you best.

Alertness should be maintained to understand ‘Who needs you most now?’

Truthfulness is your original nature. Nurture it and get appreciation from all.

Uttering injurious words can endanger your personality. Remember it.

Ruthless attitude would invite trouble. Mind it.

Attract others naturally without the cosmetic touch.

Latent nature of spiritual cravings should be nurtured.

Tensions are results of clashes of inner thought and outer action. Realize it by

bringing harmony in life.

Attachment to others should be on equal footing. All are children of God.

Life is yours; but living should be for others. Serve all.

Ensure your inner innocence to strain and strive ahead in life.

Never behave against nature or what is unnatural.

Talents of self and others are delved and recognized

Satisfaction finally means containment. Strive for it.


Try and Try again to see failure withers.

Failures are part of life. But never fail yourself.

Answer and try to find reasons of your failures for fresh rejuvenation and action.

Internalize success but not failures.

Luck matters but never be fatalist.

Ushering new dawn means new day, new opportunities.

Retention of negative memory should be minimized.

Ending the concept of failure is beginning of success.

Why I did so? Don’t reason out your past deeds but try to erase the guilt.

Inspiration should be from within. Inspire yourself throughout the journey

Transmit and share your positivism to allow all to become enthusiastic.

Health, mind and body must cohesively negate the negativism.

Ensure a defeat to your failures.

Reach out first and fast for making initial gains.

Spiritualism is the best abode for self-nurturing and rejuvenation.


Respond and culture all information on all occasion.

Information is the catch word of this century. Cultivate info-enrichment.

No information is useless. Search for meanings in any information.

Follow your instinct and gather information from all around.

Original information matters and must be treated, checked and trusted.

Retain and use information swiftly. Ignore none.

Mind your expressions! Make sure information is used in perspective.

Attention span matters while receiving information. Think before you react.

Trifling information and planted information may spoil image. Be aware.

Information you must care and share for overall good of all.

Over-reaction to any information can expose your thinking process.

Nostalgia with positive mind helps you to discover your talents.


Arrange your inner and outer-self for systematic action.

Simplicity of your mind is your originality. Bank on it.

Yield to logics and reasons before any processed action.

Symmetry in thinking and action beget successful action.

Techniques of thought process should be omni-directional.

Entertain and value the elder’s viewpoint before a major plunge.

Methodological written analysis before any action should be must.

Attitude matters for successful implementation of any action plan.

Torn self, torn mind can cause failures before any action. Face it with Positive Mantra

Imagine and act with perfect planning.

Cartographer you should become to map-out your own future.

Act judiciously and do hear your inner wisdom

Categorical and focused action assures success.

Train your mind to face failures as well.

Iron out differences at your own home/business front before contemplating a major


Obstacles are caused by opponents. Try to figure-out who is your real opponent.

Never shy away from truth. Because divinity is truthfulness so act truthfully only.

Chapter 2 : Being Precious - A Leaf from my Life

Being Precious - A leaf from my life

You are a Precious Person

You have a unique Personality

Steps towards rejuvenation and realization

Encounter Yourself

You have a Caring personality; Nurture it...

Culture Information and Nurture Wisdom

In search of Platform to Perform

Sound and Silence: A perspective

Culturing the perspective of analytical approach

Mind your Deliberations

Surging Ahead with Confidence

Towards Self Assurance

Fighting out Negativism

BEING PRECIOUS - A Leaf from My Life

Every individual is rare and unique. Your mind and thought process, behaviour, communication skills or response system are unique in their own ways and they don't have

parallels. Your unique soul, intellect has precious qualities and your endeavour towards life and people are broadly unmatchable! Just think it over! In our life between two individuals

we search deep for similarities but we realize that un-similarities are more. We seldom come across meeting points between two individuals. This shows every individual is a

unique being and the endeavour of each being is different, so they are naturally referred as different personality.

The precious qualities of the self are matter of realization. This phenomenon called "precious

self" can be gauged by fathoming within. A method of self contemplation would facilitate the process. Mind it your uniqueness is awaiting a re-discovery by you so that you can strive for

achieving your rare feat! Towards the concept of self-discovery one should trace back one's

journey from childhood! Because in our early life we have succeeded for our "preciousness"

and we have been tooling our "rare" self to combat failures as well. Thus at both the ends, be it achieving success or facing failure bravely, one does require one's own uniqueness.

Here nostalgia matters to know yourself better from the hind side perspective.

In a family when a child is born, sound of celebration resounds. The atmosphere gets charged with musical pulses and jubilation rent the air, as congratulations, felicitations

pours in. This is the time when parental aspiration touches a major fulfillment. The precious soul - the new born child becomes the center of celebrations. So do you understand how

precious you were when you appeared on this earth!

But sometime the newly born is physically or mentally challenged. In those houses celebration withers, drummers choose silence. No illuminations are opted for by people

around. Parental hope crashes as they shudder while thinking about the child's future.

Society offers lip sympathy and move away from the parents who reel under pain, agony and confusion.

Before long, parents get education about these classes of children. They realize that their

children are not alone in this world. Parents muster courage to take care of the "precious children" who are often referred as "Special children". Special care, attention and love are

showered on them and constant efforts are done to mainstream them with other children. These special children grow and prove their worth to the world. Through their endeavour

they tell to the world that they are also unique, gifted and need to be loved as precious beings. In today's world there is no dearth of special children who had outshined even the

so called normal child.

I know a lady, who became a lawyer incidentally she is visually handicapped. There is a boy who was by birth hearing impaired and no school initially wanted to admit him. Today he

has become a successful computer professional. Thus we must realize that "Special children" are also precious person and preciousness is matter of understanding. Just

remember nobody is worth to be neglected including those unfortunate "downtrodden" and

orphans. I know, a boy Salim, who became orphan at the age of five as both the parents died in a devastating fire in Jahangirpuri in New Delhi during 1988. He became marginalized

and forced to become a rag picker to eke out a living. One NGO picked him up and trained him, even mainstreamed him into regular schooling. Today, he is a teacher-trainer and

trains slum children as elevating those "unfortunate" lot has become his passion. If given a chance boy like Salim could have become Doctor and heal the society who suffer from fear,

phobias and inhibitions.

We are talking about birth and childhood of fortunate and unfortunate children. Now we take up precious "girl child" who as a class, in India, often termed as not so precious! This is

most unfortunate aspect of our society.

I recall one of my friends got fourth "girl child" consecutively. Though my friend was hopeful of one boy child but he took this fourth birth with stride and spirit. When he distributed

sweets in his office and amongst his relative people were very conspicuously reluctant and hesitantly accepted sweets!

Some relatives and friends went to his house to console the family and most common

utterance was, "It is all God's wish." Now my friend wanted to unnerve the "hateful psyche" against a girl child and decided to host a big celebration and gala party. In the gala evening

he declared, "I have named my fourth child as Aashima (one who has no boundary)

because we as parent feel Girl is that being who has no stipulated border of tolerance; a girl

can care and nurse the world in an unending fashion; a girl can become the Nightangle, Sarojini Naidu, Rani Jhansi, Aruna Asafali, or Indira Gandhi or the space explorer Kalpana

Chawla. We cannot draw the limit that is why we have named her Aashima."

It was a party with a difference and shaken the society who sympathized him on the birth of his fourth daughter. My friend could boldly pronounce that a girl child is as precious as the

boy child. Girls in ancient vedic society and there after became intellectual and sages; in modern world they became Air force pilots, astronauts, scientists and even they scaled

Himalaya. These girl children grow up as daughter, sister, friend, wife, mother and grand

mother and through their life traverse they prove their "preciousness" in whatever role they have to play in life.

Thus for God's sake don't term them as "weaker sex" and impose gender bias. In this era

we do not call "mankind" rather we term our civilization as "human kind". The gender bias against female children is narrow contemplations and one should unshackle this redundant

belief system. Thus girl child are precious and we have seen how "Aashima" was showered with precious love by my friend though she was his fourth daughter. So we find our birth

itself is a matter of celebration as we remained "precious" for our parents. Just sit back and trace other aspects of our "preciousness" and realize our importance and destiny of our life.

After the birth, we are all given a beautiful name. Parents and relative do deep

contemplations to search out the name. Some draw inspirations from nature, some like

ethnic names traced out from mythology and some like to baptize a child with the names of saints and some opt for character's names from great works of literatures and epics. Even

some fall out for names from natural world be it ancient city, forest, flower, tree, river etc.

Shakespeare wrote "What's in a name?" I respond to this by saying everything of every being and the journey from growing up to the aspects of life endeavour and destiny the

name remains. The fact is, we are "Precious person" for those who conceived us! This preciousness we carry through symbolically throughout our life barring few cases whose

name appears in the classified ads titled "Name change"! Nevertheless, you carry name of

parental imagination or out of self love you rename yourself.

As a child most of the people grow with "precious care" and extreme love is bestowed on us

as we grow day by day! Since our childhood we were physically and mentally nurtured!

While passing through schooling some children excel in academics, sports, music etc. and others are often termed as "slow learner" and suffer from some neglect or other! However,

in most of the cases, in childhood days our talents are not recognized because we employ the uniform yardsticks to judge every child! But every child is unique and different. Their

talents expressions, nurturing are placed at different level. By utilizing the common barometer to judge our "uniqueness and preciousness" leads to burying of talents in the

backyard of school lanes. But, please do not conclude that this is the end of one's preciousness. Stop blaming your parents as there was never any intentional neglect from

parental side and it was a problem of perspective to understand the child's quality and

ability. It is the destiny when our unique preciousness is discovered by the self or by others. But importance of realizing the self preciousness is must for all and one must strive and

strive hard towards this. This journey of self-discovery should start at the right earnest.

For all, schooling times are not excellent. Some undergo traumatized academic performance; some suffer physically and emotionally too! These are common hiccups and

must be understood by all be as a student or as parents. Because of "slow performance" one is classed separately and earns the back-bencher status. But just remember that

because of all these none has right to reduce your preciousness to "nothing"! As everybody

will be allowed to leave his/her own bench mark sometime or other in life, provided one does not accept the 'stigmatization or neglect' as absolute truth of 'social verdict' and sinks

into psychological complexities.

We are discussing that we are "precious person", and we need to fall back and travel through nostalgic lanes to conclude this statement. Now, in the following passages I am

going to share my childhood exposures to cite how traumatized I was and how care and love had rescued me time and again.

In terms of school academics, I was not so "bright" star! I recall when I was studying in

Nursery, my father took me to Rashtrapati Bhawan to show Mughal Garden and while strolling by the flowery garden, he told me that the President of India was Dr.

S.Radhkrishnan and he was very highly educated. I wondered and asked "He knows all! Can he count 1 to 100 like me?" My parents laughed! This was my knowledge level when I was 3

plus! Or you can say how confident I was with my shallow understanding about the world. Again, perhaps I had my own innocent belief system which I nurtured within.

I started growing up within the given formal atmosphere, but from my heart I never liked classroom and always felt that in gardens we should be taught. When I was in class IV, I

learnt that Kabiguru Rabindranath Tagore also never liked the classroom approach so he created Shantiniketan later and education was classed beneath the tree on the spread of

green. I started envying. But I knew I was not Rabindranath Tagore so I was not to have such luxurious imagination. I always wondered why Maths, history, science were taught; I

could not think how laterally to solve problem sums or had hardly any patience to mug up the theories of SAS geometrical Theorem. I wondered why Ashok became Great after killing

so many in the Kalinga War! I wanted or at least dreamt to be "Pele" in my football career

but I knew not haw to become one! Since I was 5 years I used to have a small notebook and two inch pencil to jot down something even registration numbers of vehicles, I knew

not why I did so because quill driving was to come some 15 years later.

Schooling was so mundane I always preferred not to answer, as I could not convince myself why I have to answer in the "Oral test". Before long I became a back bencher and my

journey of being "introvert" started and nobody noticed it. So in short, if I have to go for schooling today then I would invite a modern title "slow learner" and would be attending

child psychologists counseling sessions. Nevertheless, I continued to grow and from one

class to another class I was 'promoted' and my mundane schooling went on.

It was 14th November, the Nehruvian day of "catch them young" when I was eleven year

old I was "caught" with disease called meningitis typhoid. After months of hospitalization, I

survived physically but I lost most of my memory, even alphabets to some extent. Doctors advised complete mental rest and my schooling was aborted for a year or so! It was a blank

phase for me! Medical advice was not to stress the mind in any way!

However, my mother never liked the situation that I would be reduced to vegetable. She wanted to revive my memory and it was a towering challenge too! Though she was just a

matriculate, but she could coin a method to revive my memory which may not be a ball game even for medicos.

One day she got me beautiful shinning drawing sheet and Camlin poster colours. She asked

me to draw anything I wished. I replied "What should I draw, I do not recollect anything very clearly". She then asked "You recall, you spent time in Hospital. Do you recall how

Dr.Banerjee used to do check-ups, how nurses loved you. Do you recall your hospital bed,

hanging glucose bottles?" I immediately replied "Yes". This was the beginning of my drawing and she helped me to recollect everything right from hospital bed to the days of my

early childhood. She exhibited all those drawings in house walls and I was appreciated by all the visitors as if they came to 'art gallery' and opined about their responsive feelings to me.

It was my first phase of recollection. I did it successfully. I was rejuvenated and started

believing in myself. It was my journey of recalling my memory and I could recollect even what I have not read or experienced in this life. This was also a very mystique phase as far

my memory recollection goes. I was presented with complete works of Vivekananda by my

parents. After reading few pages I felt that I had read it earlier. This process continued time and again! This remained an unsolved mystery in my life.

My quill driving also started; alongside I drew and continued my memory recollection

process. My mother insisted to hear news and write them on my notebook. Later I realized she was reinforcing information about the world and trying to develop my expression power.

All these happened when I was confided to the bed under medical advice.

This was the silent beginning of my writing endeavour long before I scribed for national dailies. Today, I recall, how I used to write something and get it corrected by my father who

was Editor by profession. The corrected paper looked "red" all around and I used to get agitated and at times tore off those write up. As a human tendency nobody likes corrections

so I hated my works to be corrected heavily as I was in mid-teens. Because for me I was

the best! It was almost a routine that after the protest against "Editing" I used to retire to bed. At night my mother used to collect my torn papers and pasted them for me.

Next morning I used to find those torn pages re-woven on my study afresh. Slowly, but

very soon I realized that those red marks of Editor were necessary and I could distinguish the role of writer and editor before I crossed my teens.

These personal anecdotes I have referred above, as case study of self, to substantiate how

precious I remained for my parents. They could salvage me out from a very "special negative condition". This was part of realization of self-preciousness. My mother, when

faced with challenge could evolve a methodology to regain my lost memory which could have been possible after years of efforts by clinical psychiatrists. So this is how she

discovered her own preciousness from within.

Thus, we all are precious beings and do have extra-ordinary qualities within to navigate life. In your life too there were extra-ordinary situations, so try to recollect how you might have

responded to those situations in your own unique ways. Your preciousness is matter of

discovery rather than self-rediscovery. So we must not neglect the "self" rather we must love ourselves for inner discovery.


Every individual is rare and unique this we have already understood. Being precious and

appreciating others' preciousness is matter of re-learning. Your unique soul, intellect has

precious qualities and your endeavours towards life and people are broadly unmatchable. If we know how to appreciate 'preciousness' of the self and others then our life can become a

fruitful journey with high levels of sensitivities. However, we hardly ponder over it. Let us

peel off 'Precious Person" and understand the hidden meanings of this simple pair of words.

Personality of yours is unique as you don’t have parallels.

Rejuvenation is matter of Realization. Do draw your strength from within.

Encounter yourself to discover your USPs.

Caring personality you have! Do you culture it and express it?

Information you love and knowledge you enhance and then wisdom dawns.

Offer yourself a platform to perform.

Utterance or Sound can make all the difference. Realize its power.

Silence is also a communication. But long silence can decay your personality.

Perspective to view a thing matters. You have that uniqueness!

Ensure demonstrative deliberations of your precious qualities.

Research and self analysis allow growth of self belief.

Surge ahead bravely and face the world with positive attitude.

Offer a graceful acknowledgement to your talents.

Negate the negativism.

In these peeled-off 14 concepts we have seen many hidden elements which will help you to

show the world that you are a Precious Person. Again you have also found, what are the measures to be taken that can lead to the enhancement of your abilities, with a touch of

focused vision and endeavour. Now we will take up your unique personality. Rest for a while

and breathe afresh. Till then think and act with positivism.


Have you ever realized that you are a unique being with special qualities? Perhaps yes or

perhaps not! If you have realized then you must be delivering your uniqueness by now. But,

if you are yet to realize then try to re-look at yourself and analysis again the simple pair of words - "Unique Personality". This can enhance your perspective and empower your


Uniqueness of self is to be discovered from within and mirrored in society.

Nurture your thinking process to find out your USPs which is uncommon and hardly

talked about.

Introspect and find out the latent uniqueness which you have been ignoring for

long Quest to do something different matters in the search of uniqueness.

Understand yourself. Have the confidence to act and show the world.

Eternally you are destined to deliver something uncommon and pave a new path. Believe in it.

Pragmatic approach towards life matters most.

Enforcing strict self-discipline ensures smooth endeavour.

Ranges of emotions should be controlled and stop them turning into rages.

Search-within for finding methodology that allows adoption of better life-combat


Optimism facilitates the success to dawn early.

“No” be replaced with “to know”. As knowledge can counter act ignorance perfectly.

Alertness enhances our response system. Sharp and quick responses do matter.

Latent talents need to be awakened. This starts with deep introspection.

Intimacy matters in human management. Find out the closeness.

Treasure your energy and fire at right time.

Yield to your “inner voice” but act judiciously.

After the peeling off we do realize that soul searching has just begun through these 17

statements. We are in a way actually understanding what are the elements which make our personality unique. Personality is also not restricted to our look or way of dressing but our

mind which takes us to our destiny. However, the world is a complex phenomenon and we do encounter failures. But that’s not the end as now we are going to take up how to go

about Rejuvenation and inch towards Realization. So keep thinking and maneuver to find

out your uniqueness. Take care of your unique personality.


Nowadays, our life has become full of uncertainties as complex concepts fleet through our

mind constantly. Life has turned into battlefield and struggle has become a way of life. This constant and tough endeavour makes our individuality sluggish and

mundane. Here starts the role of self-realization and rejuvenation. Let us try to decipher

some of the hidden messages out of the two words – “Rejuvenation & Realization”, which will facilitate our understanding with a greater insight.

Reach out to the nature to discover your natural affinity.

Entertain your lighter sides to live a lighter life with fun.

Jubilation and celebration enthuses a forward journey. Celebrate your life.

Use your talents for hobby culturing.

View the sky, inhale fresh air to gather inner strength.

Ensure that you require a break from mundane – take time to relax.

Nature is a powerful stimulant. Breathe the freshness of natural surroundings.

Affections and love for children be nurtured. Allow this natural love.

Try to appreciate and recollect your past success for developing self-faith.

Inward journey allows rejuvenation of mind, body and soul.

Offensive behaviour creates “self guilt” and leads to depression.

Natural self has in-built natural harmony. So don’t be anti-nature.


Retrospection can guide you to the future. Just be focused.

Energy field of self is the power of mind! Grab it, use it.

Assure yourself repeatedly to awaken self-confidence.

Light up the lamp of knowledge for self-fortification.

Insight is a spiritual phenomenon, culture it.

Zeal ensures a positive action.

Active self and disciplined life pattern help the personality development.

Teachers or Guru can pave the path. Search your Guru. If you have one, trust your

Guru completely.

Illusive vision invites failures. Be pragmatic in approach.

Operational hazard in life and profession should be watched closely.

Never say “No” as social response. It destroys the spirit of action

These 23 statements peeled off from two words have helped us to zero in fundamental

concepts which go towards realization and rejuvenation. Think further as you have already started self culturing. In our next phase we will encounter our inner self and understand the

self further. Till then try to be a thinking human being and take good care of your life.


Till now we have been contemplating and searching inside. We have discussed about

preciousness, unique personality and talked about rejuvenation and realization. However the process of introspection starts with words like Mind and Memory and Introspection. Let

us start peeling off process to imbibe a new insight.

Mission of life should be harmonious to self capabilities and talents.

Imagination and action in life be based on ground reality.

Navigate life with logical thinking. Reason out whatever you contemplate.

Defeat the defeatist mind meaning combating negations within.

Mindfully learn what you listen from your inner self.

Express yourself truthfully out of your memory & mind.

Move ahead and expand your knowledge base.

Optimism will facilitate retention of memory. Don’t doubt you memory ever!

Refer, revise and repeat what you have been learning.

Yes I can remember, I know, I can do are some of the desired attitudes, which allow

perfect recollection.

Inward journey allows one to fathom the innocent, pious innermost self.

Nostalgia is the first step for self-exploration.

Teething problems for inner exploration recedes when we break mental blocks.

Righteous self and pious life-style helps you towards self-empowerment.

Origin of our self should be the quest. Ask what we are? And what we are up to!

Sustained contemplation and deep meditation can help self-encountering.

Precise approach and focused vision or contemplation can make all the difference

Endurance is the required quality of being successful.

Cautious words and thoughtful action do matter.

Tryst with destiny must have innermost support system of the self.

Inner callings, intuitions and ideas are up to mapping out your future.

Occult and superstitious believe system keeps you away from inner journey.

Not this! Not this! Be our approach to break inner mental blocks.

In these 23 peeled off statements we have tried to fathom our mind, memory and start the

journey of introspection. Sometime very known facts can be re-understood through a new perspective is the play of these peeling off method! But we should keep the content and

context in our mind. Now we will understand how to nurture our caring personality and till then keep on introspecting and remain healthy!


When we see a poor scantly dressed child braving the chill of weather, then we feel

bad and try to extend a helping hand to salvage the child from this acute situation.

Thus we have the caring heart which is always ready to help. But at times due to

compulsions we are divided and unable to nurture our inherent caring attitude. Let us

try to redefine "caring attitude" through our peeling off method.

Caring others as mine – means everybody is part of almighty.

Attention you pay to others’ need actually goes towards self-contentment.

Reaching out to others is the humane phenomenon.

Inner self means Soul which is part of the Supreme soul. Caring others means

ensuring God’s care.

Never be selfish or live a self-centric life. Love all in self-less manner.

Generosity is an inbuilt mechanism. Keep it awakened and alive.

Affluence is God’s grace share it.

Teachers of the world have universal message which mainly talks about ‘serving


Traverse of life means you receive, offer, share and care with your fellow brethren.

Instinct which is basic – teaches us to be helpful always.

Turning your face away from pathos and sufferings around is actually switching off

the spirit of life.

Ushering dawn be welcomed. Go for enlightenment and dispel darkness.

Diminish arrogance to culture the humbleness which resides inside you.

Essence of life is praying for others! In return you will be rescued form miseries of


These 14 layers out of the pair of words - "Caring Attitude" means quite a lot of things than

that the words express themselves. Caring self and catering to the world with benevolence give the contentment which cannot be gotten with power and money. Inner solace allows

any individual to fly high and visit many new areas of the world. Now once we are conscious of our humane nature we should now move to the areas of information which makes the

personality more fortified.


(Following are the catch words which are contextually peeled-off in the 16 chapters.

This provides you a short-cut method to reach out to your present requirement at the

conceptual level then explore them further by matching other catch words or

statements appearing in the following alphabetical manner)


Aberration of Mind 204

Acoustic Synchronization 273-274 Act Judiciously 376

Act Truthfully 382

Appreciate 261 Assess your strong points 117-118

Associates not be doubted 194-195 Assurance of Self Belief 97-98

Attitude Matters 372 Attract Naturally 318


Be Taught 343

Beginning of Success 338 Behaviour 317

Being at the Centre 297-298 Believe in Yourself 154

Blending Hope and achievement 246

Body Language 385 Breathe Positivism 343


Caring Attitude 44

Carry Mind Body Cohesively 257-258 Carry Your Emotions 135

Cartographer 375 Categorical Action 378

Celebrating Success and Victories 103-104 Children of the God 322

Combat Self Hate and Guilt 99-100

Composure 66 Competitive Spirit 198-199

Confidence 62 Confidence, Surge Ahead 56-57

Contentment 327

Contemplate on Blank Canvas 268-269

Courage 62 Crave for Sympathy 299


Deep Mistrusts and Faith 216-217

Defeat Failures 364 Delivery 358

Demonstrative Deliberations 54-55 Determinations 264

Dressing the Self 384


Earn from other's experiences 159-160 Ego Matters 280

Emotions be Expressed 233-234

Emotional Speed-breaker 292-293 Empowerment 186

Empowered Self to be Showcased 219 Encountering Given Negatives 278-279

Energy of Soul and Self be understood 174 Energize Yourself 93

Enmity be shelved 196 Enjoy life reduce tension 247-248

Enslavement and Intoxication 239-240

Entertain Friendship 201-202 Examine your failures 229-230

Experiencing Life and Knowledge 151-152


Face Failures 394 Failure Withers 329

Final Meaning 353 Flexibility in Approach 259-260

Follow Instincts 354

Focused Action 126 Free Frank Natural Self 243

Fresh Enthusiasm 287 Friendliest Person 302


Graceful Appearance 232


Harmony of Shades 271

Hate be Shelved 191

Healthy Mind 345 Help the Helpless 305

Hidden Hatred 207 Hindrances 84

Hoist your knowledge flag to cruise ahead 164-165 Hospitality is Communication 251-252


Ideals and Values 143

Ignore none 357 Imagine Mission 281

Imaginative Self 68

Impulsive Attitude 290 Incidence of Failures 86

Info-enrichment 352 Information 351

Information, Knowledge and Wisdom 46-47 Informed Self 170

In Road to Success 139-140 Initial Gains 347

Inner Journey 169

Inner Innocence 324 Initiative Winner 75

Inspiration and Motivation 105 Inspire Yourself 342

Internal Phenomenon 222 Internalize Success 342

Intuitions 123 Iron out Differences 380


Journey Inward 178


Knot of Know 9 Knowing fully 359


Landmarks of Past 285

Latent Nature 320 Learning and Unlearning 112

Lessons for Future 78 Life and Living 156

Liking and Disliking 210 Logics and Reasons 367


Mapping Future 291

Meaningful Life 323 Memory of Success 79

Mental Blocks 119 Meticulous Planning 73

Mind, Memory and Introspection 42-43 Mind Power 263

Mission of Life 147

Motives be Positive 224


Natural Talents 310-311 Nectar is Yourself 226-227

Negations of Mind 200 Negations are Trap 213

Negativism 60 Negative Emotions 91

Negative Memory 337 Negative Mantra 80

Never Be Fatalist 288 and 334

Never Fail Yourself 330 Never Hate Yourself 193

Never Toe Unnatural 325 New Dawn 336

Nothingness 185 Nurture the First Love 312


Objective Mind Set 208-209

Obstacles 381

Occasions 69 Omni-directional 369

Open Mindedness 163 Opinions 126

Options for Switchover 130 Optimism 61

Originality 366 Originality Resides Within 180-181

Out of Blue 283

Over Reaction 362


Passion for Activism 114 Peer Group facilitates 214

Perfect Planning 374 Pessimism 61

Pessimistic Indicators 88

Perspective and Analytical Approach 52-53 Pious Person 307

Plated 360 Platform to Perform 48

Positive Energy 63 Positive Mind 363

Pragmatic Imagination 276 Pray for others 253

Precious Person 37

Process Information 71 Process Your Thought 116

Problems of Plenty 308 Progressive Self Love 296

Purpose to Perform 304 Positive Energy 63


Rare Quality 270

Real Guide be Searched 166 Reasons of Failures 331

Reasoning and Beyond 176-177

Rejuvenation and Realization 40-41 Resolutions 85

Right Spirit 69-70 Righteousness 184


Safeguarding Innocence 107

Solitude and Isolation 83 Search for Opportunities 145-146

Self Assurance 58 Self Belief 225

Self Love 295

Self Nurturing 284,348 Self Presentation 101

Self Qualities 173 Self Surveillance 282

Share and Care 250 Short Comings of Mind Set 113

Shrink Negativism 82 Silence and Utterance 182-183

Sound Silence and Communication 50-51

Springing Board 286 Spiritual Contemplation 237-238

Stopover on Weaknesses 121 Successful Action 368

Systematic Action 365


Talents of the self 326

Teachers and Student 149-150 Tear the Canvas 275

Tenacity 65 Thoughts be knotted 241-242

Time Management 383 Train your Body Mind and Soul 137

Turn Around 373

Truthfulness 315


Understanding Information 161-162 Unique Personality 38

Un-shackle Bonds 95


Visualize Pragmatically 141-142 Vital Energy 277


Who Needs You Most 314

Will Power is Strength 255-256 Wishful thinking 228

Written Analysis 371


Yield to God 188

You Deserve 235

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