portland gazette, and maine advertiser. (portland, me.). 1812-12 … · 2020. 1. 2. · point,...

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wanderfd. that the Vice PreGdent e*

brought to the ba'lot b^x (at the

late cleaion of Reprefentative* to

Congrefs) the name of a candidate in

a different Diitria Even when

told of his error, the mifcrablc old

man, with his ufual obltmacy re-

fufed to be convinced. Sa l Uaz.


We have no doubt ol the success of

the Peace Jacket of Congressmen in

Vermont, though some Lu letters from

thence say, the fact cannot be fiomtaely stated until the official votes at e count

cd, which will he on Wednesday next,

by the democratic Clerl s of Counties

A Windsor letter o( Friday says, in 164

towns there is a net gain of 3240 lor the

Peace Ticket. There are 226 towns in

Vermonty without counting those which

have a less population than 100 sovls.

The democratic excess in September was 3209

N B The Washingtonian, received last evening, says,“ I here still remain to be heard from 47 towns, which gave in Sept, last a federal majority of 74

“ The federal net gain now stands at

g296_b8 over the democratic majority in Sept.—So that the election will be a

very close one. Had the County of Chi lender, and the northern paits of the State done their duty, our majority would ha\e been overwhelming.**

foreign 'Intelligence.

L \TEST FROM ENGL \ND. By the fhip George Waihington,

arrived at Philadelphia the Editors of the New-York Gazette have received their files of London papers to the

29th of O£lober inclutive, and have made fuch Extra&s irom them as ap- pear moll intcrelling.

In the London Courier of the 28th of Ocl >ber, we find the Princ: Re

grnt’s Proclamation, dated the 26th

declaiing all Engiifh failors fou d on

boarJ American veff Is ligh.ing a-

gainil thrir native country, or giving aid or iomforr to the enemies of H.

B. Majeiiy’s fubj ets, IR vlFORS. and “ liable to suffer death ”— l he fame paper contains a proclamation for tfit diilribution of Prizt6 during the War

Preparations were making at Ports mouth for the accommodation of the

Ruffim fleet, which was to be fent the it tor lafeiy.

Fitly Ihoufand Hand of Arms from England had arrived at St. Pe

terfburg, a large additional fupply was on its way there ; and, fays the Courier, 8o,oeo more are going.

The Arab floop of war was fitting lip at Yarmouth for the rcceprion of tne Spa"ilh Ambaffador, who is going to the Eourt of St. Peterlburg.

It will appear from our fc.xtra£l% that the Frencn army in the North was in an aukward predicament. The report of ihe death of the gal- lant Prince Bagration is confirmed

One of rhe oldest and moil refpc£l able Daniih houfes in the Daniih trade in London had failed

The news from Spain and Portu-

gal by this araival, is not fo late as

our former advices direfl. The miniilerial party in England

has been completely fuccefsful at the late Ele&ions in England, and it feemed to be determined to profecute the war againil this country with all

poflible vigor. Ext rat1 of d Utter from St. Peterjburgh,

dated Sept. 23* Bad news always spreads much

Suker than the good. The enemy has im omittrd publiihing his entry into Moscow as a conquelt, or a glorious vidfcory : I therefore haften to cor-

real that ad, and inform you of it as

it adually Itands. Mofcow was giv- en up after holding a Council of War, at which only one Omcut — »• «£ ®

pinion that the capital ought to be defended j all the others were unani- mous that it could not held out.

From the i^th to the 14th of Sept, the Prince Kuruf» fF took his pofition four wrelh behind Mofcow for the

purpofe of covering the roads to Rai- z»n and Taula : and on the 15th the

enemy entered the city, without any opposition ; and mutt have been as*

tonilhed at tinding it quhe eTipty and deferted. Immediately af er his entry he haftened to make propolals for

peace—Prince KutulofF replied, ! “ Hitherto it has been your iharc to 1

ctfenfivdy j it now comes to our

turn to do so ” The enemy will find

hue few resources in Mofcow, ruoi-

h^rs of the inhabitants having left the aher the affair at Smoleniko; and

on the 9th, ic, 11 and 12th, Sept, ev-

ery thing was carried otF, and gone

from thence. The provifions for the armed people in Mofcow, were all in boats ready to depart at the fir ft fignal, as the enemy will find no pro vifions there, he will, in a very fhort time, be forced to depart from thence and engage an army which ha* been for fome days pad drawn up in order of battle. The Courier who brought this intelligence met the Prince of braranofTs corps on the i7Ch, about thirty werfts from Mofcow, it would

confcqutntly already on the 18th have joined another large army Sev- eral other corps of troops either have joined or are on the way t<* join Prince Kutufoff, who inftead of ex

pcfing his army in the defence of a

ci«y, which is unformed and is forty five werfts in circumference preferred taking an adva tageous pofition, in which he is daily ftrengthening him felf His an y ■ equal in ftrengih to the enemy w'ith repaid to numbers bur much fuperior to h m, confidcr- ing the courage where with it is ani- mated. The armed population of Mofcow, 60,000 men ftrong, march- ed out «'f that city with Count Raftop- chin We may cxpe& matters of the greatr ft cor.fequence, as Macdon- ald was called in (he greased hafte to the grand army ; Wi tgenftcin Sc hlion's corps which would be repla- ced at Riga, by other corps, will de- part to a£fc by the way of Witepak a

gainft bmol nlko ; and from another fide, lormaf ff and I echitschacuff have order to a& againft the same

point, whilft 30,(500 men under Gen. backen, & 24,000 men of toe ^eferve with the garrison of Bebruilk form

1 anotner army, deftined to act agaiuft j Mofcow, by the way of Smolenfko

Monday, December 28, 1812

English accounisto the 5th of Nov have been received by the way of Hali fax I he declaration of war on the part ofEngland which took place on the 13th ot October, caused very little animad 'eiMon in England Insunnce, on

Jturc ant vesse-s,,from London to Hali fax, is done at 12 per cent, to retut n 6.

Many in England are of opinion, that the war with this country, would be of short duration. It is to be hoped this opinion will prove correct But if we

may judge from the declarations of those connected with the ministry, this will not be the case Mr Canning in jn address, on his being elected repre sanative for Liverpool, says in sub stance, that in proportion as his sovtrn ment has conceded, the Executive ol the U. S. have risen in their terms

Massena having united the several divisions, by his advances, Lord Wei lington has been compelled to raise the

seige of Bui jos and retii e to Madi id.

THE WAR IN RUSSIA. Tho’ our accounts from Russia an

several days later than those heretofore published, they do not make mention ot

any event of great importance h.-ving ta.

ken place since Bonaparte took posse* sion of Moscow, which was on the 15th of September ; and he still continued there on the 9th of October, ot wltict time it is stated that the King of Naples1 guard was 20 leagues in advance ot

Moscow. None of the accounts eith er French or English make any men-

tion of proposition for peace bting made on the part ol Alexanui r. I lie spun of the Russian Government continues firm. 1 he St. Petersbuigh Gazette contains a notification from the Empe- ror, stating that precautionary measures

had been taken for removing heavy ar

tides of value from thence before the frost sets in, from whence we may con-

clude that some apprehension is enter-

tained of a visit from the enemy 1 he

Emperor concludes with declaring, that “ he is determined rather to drain the last drop of the cup of misery, than Uj o av.on«lulous peace to subject Russia to a foreign yoke.”

The London papers, of October the 27th represent the French army as con

fined to Moscow Sc surrounded by Rus- sian armies who are daily increasing in

strength, intercept supplies and in sev-

eral instances have driven back the

eiiem; ’s corps. Prince Bagration one of the bravest

and most able of the Russian Generals, died of the wounds he received in the

battle of Boradino

The harveft neglefiel—Accounts from all parts of Europe and the Weft Indies, agree in ttatmgihat the

demand for American produce is

great and that the price, were never

fo high- What a golden opportuni ty for difpofing of the products of the I

Country and the employment of ihi*> |

ping, the citizens of New' England are deprived of, io conference of

the deteftable war the nation is in- volved in, and which converts this 1

fection of the country into a commcr- | , cial prifon.

The Gcknefi among the troop* Rationed at

Burlington V:.j hat abated

lo the aiF«ir of honor between blufteriog Gen Smyth and eootradling Gen Porter, it it ft* ed that no U od wa* fpilt

The Committee of Way* and Mean* are

opp. led to the lowering the dune* ou prize i

goods l

) I Congref* have not decided what fhall be the fate o the Merchant’* Bind* On the queftion. in the Houfe for remitting th fe of a particular defrrip'ion, the Vaffachufett* ■

de-egation with the exception of Seumt voted on the fide of juliice Mr IVngtry i^okc in behalf of the Merchant in a manner which doe- him much credit

The Hon John Guiltj-i, is e'edfced Senator I iu Congret* from South Carolina for fix year* from the 4:h of March next

Americans in Canada An order ha< beeo fitted for all msrican*

in Canada who will not ake ar unqua iGed I oath to leave the province immediately

The 'egiflature of Mary'and have paded a

bill of divorce between Bhsabe-h and ferome Booapar*.

! Carttl—Wednelday »a'f, put into thi* port, for a harbour, the Cartel fhip Regu u>,

Cap*. Ailifou, from Quebec, bound to Button, having on board 230 Uni'ed State* troop*, prif mere, belonging to Col Scoit’-. regimen-, | who were taken at the battle of Quee ftown !

We u .deritand «he men are very uck'y w th the dyfiemary, and deheieut of emitting mauy of hem having heeo compelled to couvert

their blanket* into coat* and other garments.


In our last we mentioned the loss of the British Biig Plumper At the time the vessel struck upon the rocks, there were 74 pci sens (the names of whom are published in a bt. Johns paper) on

board, 44 of whom perish’d from the

wreck, including all the Officers (ex- cept Mr Hall Midshipman) and a num

ber of Passengers. I he Plumper had on board 20,000 dolls, in specie.


Vermon El-'.tions,—The votes in il.e north- era part ot i»ie Sin. arc lot so favourable for j the federal ticket as was at ti^st calculated up- j on Some conductors of newspapers appear frequently to found their suietneais of elec tions upon their wishes rather than lac s.

\V should be glad, m this instance, it it

should prove, in ihe end, that none of

political friends, have hoitooed before they got out of ihe woods.

Gen. Peter B Porter in a letter to the t.ditor of the Buffalo Gazette says :

‘‘In ascribing, as I shall not Hesitate to

do, the late disgrace on the frontier, to

the cowardice of Gen. Smyth” and “ that any military attempt under such

a leader must, in all human probability, prove disgraceluL'*

A correfpondent from the Coun- try enquires whether Congrefs have acted upon the bill, reported to the Houfc the lalt feili m, for laying a

dirtft tax (land tax) during the prel- ent feffion ? In anfwer to which vve

can ltatc that by the journal of the

proceedings in Congrcls, thus far, as

they have been pub.ilhed, the lubjeft of rurw taxes, as yet, has not been called up. ih refult of th .ecaut c-

lections n New England will un-

doubtedly operate as a death blow to

the land tax, and wc hope, wd! pro duce rtie fame cff.dt upon all others which are or may be propoled for the purpofe of fupporting the prefeni fyltem of meafures, which impole 6c email rum and dillrefs upon the '


In the statement ot duties published in the last Gazette us paid on Hum was

incorrect, it applies only to spirits dis- tilled from grain, such as gin &c The following are the duties on impoited mm. , i

Peace duties War duties Putri 1st fjf firoef 25 50

3J „ 28 56 4th „ 32 6-1


I The sloop Union, He we s, from N Yok|

to Norfolk, laden with po.aioes, onion*, up* pies, cider, Sic. was captured on the 8 h

ta ti>« E ot G CUarlft. and in 15 iaih* omi water by the British fnga.e Maidsiom, and after taking out the whole ot her c*ig ,

pui 10 prisoners on board the sloop, 9 ric.I) charging cspt. Hewes to put into Philadel- phia. He however proceeded on his voytg. and on the •daesday following, abou, \i o'clock, the w.nd blowing a gde, came

anchor in Lynnhaven Bay ; but Ins *nch< s

not holding, had to cu ti.e c*ble and run

shore. /The prison® s who came in .health,, sta e that the Maidstone ass in co. wuli

squadron consisting ot a 74, tie Ac»s»» In*

gate, (he Sophia sloop, *nd a brig, and di they had been ct uiaing off. lie ca, t a fur son e

time. The officer* of the M«id»iuoe a k

Capt Hewrs a great m ay questions b u

Com llecaiur whom they washed veiy much to tall in with-


Arrived at Norfolk on 'he 9th inst. B'it* is i ship A "go, t>te Walker) m.dsh pms Ro*e, prize ms.er, taken by the U b.ir

^-jte Congress Oct»3l,lat 34, long The

\rgo was bun d to L mdon tiom a whal n*

—moan s 10 guns and swiveis beside a large numbei of small arms w*s nav g co

as 26 men, and her cargo cunsis ot 14Jo

casks whale oil, and 15 tans whale-bone.

9 d

H.U was the first prize the frigates had •ken sl ice the capture of the Swallow

The brijr Mary-^nn, Duncan, horn N~w- vuryport for Baltimore w.s stranded on

£*pe Henry on tlve nifht of thursdav 2** nst. and billed —the water communicating with a quantity of un«l irked nine in the told, aetthe vesael on fire and she waxen

irely consumed The crew o* k to the >oa &. were aaved. [This ia the tressei re-

[>orted tube the Poic’n r

Haifax, D c. 11 Arrived since our last, H. M »ch P.i. Lt. l)um?re->q, with the Am. privateer Re en^e, captured just oH he h »i*lx>r. The privateer had ( * ken briu Bacchus, for Pictou, and retaken an Amen nan ach’r, taken by the Liverpool-Packet —-

[The Favorite, of Ellsworth ] Sailed H. M. S. St. Dmniago, Ad. Sir J. B. Warren. Capt Gilt, Junon and S-tir, hi^a'es, and Wanderer shnip cf war, win* u convoy for Bermuda

Th * C idetasl opofwa hss ar, »t B rmu* da. The 1 Ins has caniedan Am priva- teer m o B rmud».

Sch. Hanmh. S'*aw, from PoitUnd, 14 da>», <ir. at N. Yo k.

At die Annual rr» eunj? t the Portland M trine SodctytDec. 15, 1812 <he foil win£ Olii ers were chosen, ami * mui.tev a ap pointed for rhe enduing \t-a

Cap*. Envch P-e'»le, Pr-sident Capt R ibe t IUley, Vice P exuient. Mr. S e -hen H *i *• 2* t usurer. J-.hn YVoodm«o, Secre a-r.

Capts. D.ioel rn~krr, Joseph H. Inj'a. iiam, J >el Hall, h:i n s tJiowii, and Lv in uel Ylomly, Q mmi re f relief

C.p $. Le-nu 1 \1 d , J el H ll, and R >beri M t e Cvnimt ee of Observation- vl-sars. Tho’s. Browne, J ihn Wi son, and Samuel 1 ra^k, Cmu *n t < c of Accounts,

la Raymond. Mr*. Po'ly ^ymond*, confort of M- F ancis Symond* a»ed 55

In Cape-Elizabeth. 9 h u’t Benjimlo W >iwye , Ion «*f Capt. Lemuel and Mr*, 'ophia •Sawer, aged 2 yea'* and 3 mou hv Thu* the tond hope* of the kind and aoiiou* pare ts, are fuddenly blafted in one of the f. ir( ft fl .weri

’l wa- God - hat raid’d the r comfort* high, *.nd funk them in rhe g-ave; He gave and ,b'effed be hi* name :) He took buf w'iar he g-tve Id thi* town, Maj frt»jil LaneaHe*, aged 33,

Hi* remain* were intered on Saturday Hit with Matonic Honor*

COMMUNICATION. biko—In this.own, on Saturday, Mr John

Evans, from a wound received on board t*ie 1 eater. Sept. 6; a grape fltot havi- g patted through hi* thigh fracturing the bone the e .f On hi> being brought on thure, which was

thirty day* from the accident, the furgeon un der wh »fe care he wa« placed wa* of opinion (in which nv>ft of the faeu ry agreed) that am

puta'ton wa* he on!y remecy wa* pteoa'ing for the operation, when the patient and hi* connections difmittVd him, fay« g that hi* leg cou'd he cu-ed with u-, and hat a DoCtor had undertaken it Thi. prefum tuous and unpo li e mterfe eice, ha* in all probability been a mean oi depriving the patient of a cure which might have bceu performed in three week* by the operation—inftead of which, a long and tediou* coufinemen:, with a profufe difeha-ge from hi* w unds (aature making every effort to throw ••ff the injury) and as it were tuvi

ting art to grant her affi:taoce, wh.ch being withheld it compelled at length to fink under the bur hen—a notable in'.tance of he »e«gth of time i! takes to reduce a young and hea'thy confti u too by a copious difeharge from a wound of the limbs; and give- luffic.ent proof that he had force of life lufficieut to have borne die intended operation.

FR SH FLOUR. HEZFKl VH WIMSLOW ha* juft received

and for lale at No. 10, Union Wharf

500 bbls, Superfine FLOUR. 26 do. fine do.

400 buflielsRYE. Portland, Dec. 28.

PORTLAND Book-Binding Manufa&ory.

JOHN PRATT, informs hit friends and cuf- tomers, th.t he continues to carry ou the hUuK-BllWhSG JWSL\r.M,

in all it* various branches, (o; puli e Mr Rob ert Boyd'., bead of Exchange Itreet) where Account B ok* of all faze* ate ruled and bound to any pa icru, at ihe ilioneft notice. Oa hand and for fate an atibrtment of \ccount Book* and tWatiouaiy; Almanacks for 181 3 ; Back gammon tables, &c ail of which he will fell fot calh as low at can be purchafed elle- where.

i-mith and Jones’ HYMN BOOKS, a new socket edition, juft received and for fale as

shove N B — Being near the clofe of the year, he

‘equelts ail who have a*.y accounts open with rnn to call and have them adjuited.

Portland Dee 28

Regiiiers for 1813, Are received and for lale by

Hyde, Lord & <Jo. Alfo—The works of Riberr Treat Fame,

un • ft] ; C'atk's 1 rave • io Rullia ; Srliman'a IVare t j Alilou on Taite; C-mpi-ellV Fh»i„l

>phy * f Rhetoric, toge her wi.h maty new & ■nierta’Qii.g biftones fc?V

%* Juft received for fa!e as above a very teat eui ion of Doddridge Rife aud Progrel* if Religion in the *ooi, at 75 cents

FietPONT S Foim, de ivered before the Vafhiugou Benevo ent Society in Newbury o,t—une jf the belt production* th»» country iai ev*r p oduced Gee. ad.


BETWEEN Long Wharf and U ion Wharf on Tuefday Islt, an ANCHOR—the own

is detired to prove piopeity, pay rhaiges nd take it away App y to

RaCKLEFF 15* COOK. Pottlamd, Dee $8

• HE Members of the Foreign Miffionary * Soc e y of Portland and ‘he Vicii i y a>e

ereby notified .hat their annua1 meeting for le choice of < ffierr*, will be hi Iden at the

aptift Meeting houf* in Po^uand, on Tutf

»y uex , a; 2 o'clock P. M. Dec. id. W. hTORER, ;r. Set y.



THE Fropne or* of fiid Library are not if • ed.tbat heir anrual meeting »i I be bo d*

en at the Office of toe Su^fc-iber on Tuetday the >h day of Jamvy a* 6 o'lloa P M


VI f HERF.AS my left and fome of my fam *' have circuited a report bat Joel Ha;i,

of Portland, who brought to (bit country about e ght yean frnce from Guadahmpe, a hoy by the name of Fe'ecian Sagne, and tha* (aid Kail recei red wi h him money at rhe time, aod a' fuadiy time* ftuce for hi* 'uppor* and education I have dace written faid >agues mo'her and find the report io he without any foundation in tru'h. aod I have on reafoo to thiuk faid Hall ever received one ceoi for or ou accouut of faid Felectan Sagne

SILAS HALL. Falmouth Det. 24. 1512

VVrHfcRfe \ 5 a report hat beer m etreu’a- vv riou o-he nju-y of Mifu t Imir Mernl,

through mifun'ie fla ding, A by the fa f. b *od of a cetta n ft) Ilia C-bh, and hr ftihfc iber ha*

i been prole. u ed for a repetition * f he il. ,der of which repetition hecntiMTe* he has t ern guil- ty; Hede* with* u: hehtatn o decide ibai n« be irve* h fe repo t- ro be u ter y falft that he ha» the molt profoun 1 retpeid t »r >be young ady a d fin e e c m* d uo of h muo- ce. cei, and her right <o the latrrft repe itioa. And enter an* the ml u feigned lorrow lha *nv h.ng y hi mean t ha trar-pi ed wiichmiyhtve woui ded be burnt, r he fee’n.g of her f tends -tod I c >nl u ,aac t hi- ha I be made public in .ny way which the friends of the young L«i‘ym*y Irak pro- per JAMti H \LL,

Wimcfs OfcORiiE THArCHc.fi Portland, Dec 16, .812 m

^HIS ’8 I'iciUUiin ail er« »na ag» nst pur- rhas- g , note of hand f,r §167 16.* Kn d by lie subsc ibers, m dr pay ante o N t •! Ba ton, of G »rhum, d .ttd Po tl.nd, D- c-25, 1812,— .» mi c <tn ensation has been recciv d !o* *.. d note, we have deit-rnimed ay no part of it. THO.Vi S$\NI>S,

Elijah owen, WILLI iM Ml id Jr.

I Buxton, Di*c. 27, 18W *

9DUON iqnJUied 3^6^ •sn if jjvj ifvj Mjj priv

rr«'' E late fi m t O V -od 1 V »N>, ha» 1 been d.ff.ved J4 Vlmth* and at ihofc perfoui that a e mdeb ed o the a e firm her by Bonk or No e-*, are -eijueft-d i „y

eithe-of he Subfcnber. wi hm 9 Aty j they wiib to fave coft af et that tin/ ha Notes and accounts wilt be let w.h n tor» ney'for Collection. D'NIEL HOW

WILLI M LV NS. Portland, 2ftt!i Dec 1812.

Com non wealth of Maffachuferrs, Lincoln ff *

AT a Pro ate Court at Topihim in and for ‘ * ^e county of Lincoln or he wenty (ec* ond day of vugu<I AD* 2—O dered «hat Lydia Tho«pf.«, wtd w of John Th mpfon,

i late “f Bowdom iu laid coao y, yecraa. de* cea ed w o >s named a* fciecurnx in a cc tain ioftrurnent purpor lug o *<e he all w II au<J tefiamet t of laid deceafed li ed in the Pro: a e Office for faid couo y and has oflV ed for al. lowance and approbation—give notice io the heir* of faid deceafed, that he .'u j* <5* of allowv >ng and at p oving of (aid inftrument as the laft will and teftament of fad deceafed, will be coofidered and taken up at a P-oba e to be held a the dwelling houlc of Francis Tucker, in Topfham, io fa d county, on the Sjou day uext before • he fir ft i uelday of Maich ierc ar ten of the clo k in the forenoon, by pub- lifhi g this Order to one of the nrw'paperg priced to Portland, three week* fuccetti ey the lafl publication to be ihurydays befo f the faid Saturday ; whea and whe^e an per. fous intereHed may appear if they ft*, caule

SILAS LEE, ’Judge e/ December 10

Samuel Downing's Will V'OTICE i* hereby given that the lift WjJL

and Tcfi ment of

SAMUEL DOWNING, (ate of Minot in'he Coun y of Cumberland Yeoman deceafed has been presented to me for Probate by Richard Derby Downing the Ex," ecu or rher>in named—and that ihe ft u l, wednelday of January next a- ten o’, kck in the toreooon i* afligned to take proof of <ht fame at thet flice ol Jt bo Froih.nglum 1 f*j in Portland in faid L urty ; when and where ad perfoo . on erned may be prefect, to llaew caufe if ary hey have, why the laid will fluiu d or fhould ooi be ap >r*>ved and a'low. ed. Dated D cember 23, f8l2.

SAM, FREEMAN Jwg* / jut a Ctutf,

'T'HEfubfcriber* hereby give public notice * to ail concerned, that thty have been duly

Appointed and have taken upon themfe ve> the trull of Eaecuior* of the lad will and left?'* ment of

benjamin Bailet, late of Fa n ou h n he county of Cumberland Gen le an, decea.fd, by giving bond the law diredls-.they therefore requefts a'l perlon who are iudeb ed to tbe la d beceafed'* efla e, o

make immediate payment; and thole who have any demand* the eon to eihibit the lame to thomas bailey

JaREMI h bailey. Not. 26, 1318.


CANCERS. TY ESPECTFUL not cc is hereky g’ven to the ^ Public, that the Su fcriber refidec in PoaTLAND, Me hav*t.g recently obtained an appointment from Dr. fos»ru andiui, of Portfmouth n. a for ufntg he Skil he pof- feflet in curing the Ma ady ca et C tNCl R by he fuccefitu! applies ton of hit ce ebraied CaNCia Plastcb; he i* ready to execute, with fidelity a* d all pra&icab e fan' y the Charge comm ted b bin*. nd a belief is enterta oed, ihat the Ca*ceout Prjtm wh reads thete lines. a* one «lf cted by a f rm dable D feate, will fee aaxmu* of psrfirtpa ng in ihe advantage* denvabte from a Remedy n ted for it* (ana ive Vo ue*, par.icu «rty to the Sou hward and Wettward, wnere it* e«re eacc

has been confirmed by a long /cries < f ex. en-

ment', ar d eftabliilieii oo if>e firm bait* of P*6- tu C- Jiiente.

Pt -p'» 'ivi' g a* a difiance, will be furn (lied wi h the above Remedy wrb luita e D ec-

,ioo* for •** app‘i-’a *ou

JOSHUA 1.E VITT, P»ACT*a Pmv-iq. Pmtiama. l>*t ?. *8 T tf; •.•For Genera Rema k« mi iiir /»# o*

Zameer, Ceriihcatet of Cures etc lee Hand H lh

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