porthcawl & st joseph’s of arimathea, kenfig hill … · 1 day ago · porthcawl & st...

Post on 29-Aug-2020






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A parish in the Archdiocese of Cardiff - a Registered Charity No. 1177272

Parishes of St Mary’s Catholic Church, Bridgend , Our Lady Star of the Sea, Porthcawl & St Joseph’s of Arimathea, Kenfig Hill


Priest: Fr. Tim McGrath 01656 652034 & Fr. Silvio Briffa (retired) Parish Deacons: Rev. Philip Manghan philip.manghan@rcadc.org

Rev. Robert Coyne Tel: 01656 783540 & Rev. Anthony Martin Tel: 01656 746648

Parish Administrator: Sarah Kearns bridgend@rcadc.org

Apart from Tuesday, the Masses listed are live streamed from St Mary’s.

The links for this are available on the home page of both websites.

*If you wish to attend weekend Mass in person at St Mary’s or the Tuesday Mass at Our Lady Star of the Sea

you MUST BOOK a space. This is due to the 2m distancing rule that is still in place, meaning that the number

of people that can be accommodated in our churches is very limited.

Please email or telephone before 4.00pm each Friday.

Thank you to all for your continued support. Stay safe. God Bless. Fr Tim

Date Mass Time Intention

Sat 29th Aug 4.30pm live stream only Vigil Mass 6.00pm*

People of the Parish, our frontline & NHS workers Lesley Stokes (anniversary)

Sun 30th Aug

22nd Sunday

10.00am live stream only Mass 11.00am* Mass 6.00pm*

Joan Hughes (Margaret Thomas) Des Lloyd Get Well Soon (N Kershaw) People of the Parish, our frontline & NHS workers

Mon 31st August NO MASS TODAY


Funeral of Ursula James. May she rest in peace. Amen.

Our Lady Star of the Sea Mass 10.00am *

followed by Adoration until 1.00pm

Wed 2nd Sept Devotions 6.30pm followed by Mass 7.00pm

James McVerry RIP (TJ&A Marsh)

Thurs 3rd Sept NO MASS TODAY Funeral of Stephen Rock. May he rest in peace. Amen.

Fri 4th Sept Mass 10.00am John & June Reagan J& P Lockett)

Sat 5th Sept 4.30pm live stream only Vigil Mass 6.00pm*

Stephen Rock RIP (JVC) Kath Hammond (G O’Mahoney)

Sun 6th Sept

23rd Sunday 10.00am live stream only

Mass 11.00am* Mass 6.00pm*

People of the Parish, our frontline & NHS workers Ursula James (A & D Quinn) Bill & Maureen Connick (Connick family)

‘The words of the Gospels echo through the centuries precisely because they speak afresh in every generation. Ever ancient, ever new, this story of transformation invites us to be transformed and gradually conformed to the likeness of the one who was the gift to others. Not dead words on a page, but a living message addressed to each of us personally.’ The Rt Revd. Peter M Brignall Bishop of Wrexham

Please continue to remember all those who are sick and housebound in your prayers: Mary Bryan, Anne Colson, Eileen Coyne, Ryan Dixon, Angela Ellis, Barbara Fentham, Elsie Freeth, Catherine Grills, Margaret Jarvis, John Lewis, Mary Maguire, Robert Morrison, Maureen Pritchard, Marcus Rossini and David Watkins

We pray for the sick and housebound of our parish, our friends, relatives and those who have asked for our prayers:Anna & Bronislaw, Conall & Siobhan, Eddie, Emma, Garry, Helle, Jamie, Keith, Margaret, Maria, Martin

Ginnelly, Mike, Peter (please email bridgend@rcadc.org if you would like to add a name to the list)

Opening Times for St Mary’s and Our Lady Star of the Sea

St Mary’s is open for Mass. Please see the timetable on the front of the newsletter. Please continue to email or

telephone the office before 4pm on Friday each week. If you have not booked please DO NOT ATTEND.

Volunteers are now being asked to come forward to populate the steward/cleaning rota for September.

You must be below the age of 70 with no underlying health conditions. Many thanks.


Our Lady Star of the Sea Mass on each Tuesday followed by Exposition until 1pm.

If you wish to attend Mass, please contact us on porthcawl@rcadc.org or telephone 01656 652034 option 2 to

book a place. If you have not booked or had your place confirmed please DO NOT ATTEND.

At present there are only 8 volunteers who have come forward to steward. For more Masses to resume more

volunteers are needed. Please contact us if you could help.


On the website there is an update on what to expect at Mass as we get used to this ‘new normal’.

In each church, there is a one-way system. The stewards will seat you and this is unlikely to be in your usual

place, please follow their instructions. Please adhere to the strict social distancing guidelines and use the hand

sanitiser provided. There will be no toilet facilities available in church.

If you have any COVID-19 symptoms please stay home.

(sore throat, cough, fatigue, lack of senses of taste or smell)

Ursula James RIP

Please remember Ursula and her family in your prayers.

There will be a service taking place at St Mary’s Church on Tuesday 1st September.

Due to Covid-19 this funeral is by invite only. Please do not attend Church unless you have

been contacted by the family.

May she rest in peace. Amen

Stephen Rock RIP

Please remember Stephen and his family in your prayers.

There will be a service taking place at Coychurch Crematorium on Thursday

3rd September. Please do not attend unless you have been contacted by the family.

May he rest in peace. Amen


In order for Mass provision to continue, particularly weekday Mass provision, more volunteers are needed

to help steward and clean. This is because many of our volunteers are now returning to work or going to university and yet we still have to abide by the strict Covid-19 risk assessments that were undertaken to allow us to reopen. This new way of doing things is

going to be for the long term so please if you can help out see Fr Tim or the Deacons or contact the office.

Booking for Mass on a Weekly Basis. This is going to have to continue for the foreseeable future. Please can you try to

let us know before 4pm on a Friday. If you have booked for Mass please do

make every effort to attend.

Adoration - Could you ‘watch an ‘hour with Him’?

From Thursday 10th September Adoration at St Mary’s,

following Mass, will unfortunately finish at 11.00am.

This is because there are an insufficient number of

adorers to allow it to continue until noon.

Adoraton in Our Lady Star of the Sea will continue

after Mass until 1.00pm.

Please keep in your thoughts and prayers our schools as staff and pupils return this September.

It is likely that the school day will be very different to that of previous years.

Joyce Patricia Davies RIP

Please remember Joyce and her family in your prayers.

There will be a service taking place at Coychurch Crematorium on Wednesday

2nd September. Please do not attend unless you have been contacted by the family.

May she rest in peace. Amen

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