portfolio unit iii

Post on 02-Apr-2016






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Nataly Mejia 4th CCLL B KEY:12


Word Meaning Sentence PictureFickle No constant or

loyal in affections or character

Some persons are fickle

Word Meaning Sentence

Volatile Tending or threatening to break out into explosions.

Chemicals are volátiles when are exposed to fire.

Word Meaning Sentence PictureHyper Connectivity

To connect your self into different information and social streams

Today we need to be hyper connected

Word Meaning Sentence PictureTransparency Allowing light to

pass tought its substance.

All companies need to be transparency

Word Meaning Sentence


Extrinsic Value

The actual value of a company on an underlying perception of true value.

The value es 4.5 per pound

Word Meaning Sentence Picture

Intristic Value The actual value of a company on an underlying perception of its true value.

The intristic value of oragensis 4.50 pound

Word Meaning Sentence PictureWarrantees

 a person to whom a warranty is given

Apple is a company that gives warrantee.

Word Meaning Sentence PicturePerceived Value A costumer

opinión of products value to hi mor her.

The perceived value of Mc donalds are good.

Word Meaning Sentence PictureValue Relative worth

or importance significance.

This work have a lot of value

Word Meaning Sentence PictureIntangible That cannot

be touched or felt impampable

Buying software becomes intangible .

Word Meaning Sentence PictureCredibility The state or

quality of being trusted

If you want to be a good person you have to be credibility

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