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December 2013

Toxics Reduction Plan -Summaries Port Colborne Refinery Arsenic Cadmium Cobalt Copper Lead Nickel Selenium Silver Chlorine Hydrochloric Acid Sulphuric Acid Particulate Matter 2.5 Particulate Matter 10

Port Colborne Refinery Toxics Reduction Plan Summaries

Toxic Substances Reduction Plan Summaries for Toxics Reduction Act at the Port Colborne Refinery (PCR)

1.0 Facility information NPRI identification number: 1471 NAICS identification number: 331410 NAICS (4) identification number: 3314 NAICS (2) identification number: 31-33 - Manufacturing Legal and trade name of company: Vale Canada Limited Facility Street Address: Port Colborne Refinery,

187 Davis Street, Port Colborne, Ontario L3K 5W2 Facility Mailing Address: Port Colborne Refinery,

P.O. Box 250, Port Colborne, Ontario L3K 5W2 Number of full time employee equivalents (2012): 165 Co-ordinate Location (based on NAD87) UTM x: 643688 UTM y: 4749279 Public Contact: Maria Bellantino Perco,

Senior Specialist, Environment 905-835-6445 187 Davis Street, P.O. Box 250 Port Colborne, Ontario L3K 5W2 Prepared Plan: Eric Azzopardi, Senior Environmental Analyst 905-835-6379 187 Davis Street, P.O. Box 250 Port Colborne, Ontario L3K 5W2

Port Colborne Refinery Toxics Reduction Plan Summaries

Highest ranking official: Daniel Young, Manager 905-835-6224 187 Davis Street, P.O. Box 250 Port Colborne, Ontario L3K 5W2 Toxic Substance Reduction Planner Who Made Recommendations on Plan Reports:

Mary Dubel Toxic Substance Reduction Planner: Mary Dubel Licence number: TSRP0118 Company information: Vale Canada Limited Business Number: 102475084 DUNS number: 200429306 Street Address: 200 Bay Street, Suite 200, South Tower, P.O. Box 70 Toronto, Ontario M5J 2K2 Parent Company:

Companhia Vale Do Rio Doce (Vale) Business Number: 102475084 DUNS Number: 200429306 26 Graça Aranha Avenue, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

2.0 List of Toxic Substances used and created at Port Colborne Refinery and CAS # of Substance

Arsenic and its compounds NA - 02 Cadmium and its compounds NA-03 Cobalt and its compounds NA-05 Copper and its compounds NA-06 Lead and its compounds NA-08 Nickel and its compounds NA-11 Selenium and its compounds NA-12 Silver and its compounds NA-13 Chlorine 7782-50-5 Hydrochloric Acid 7647-01-0 Sulphuric Acid 7664-93-9 Particulate Matter PM10 NA-M09 Particulate Matter PM2.5 NA-M10

Port Colborne Refinery Toxics Reduction Plan Summaries

3.0 Toxics Reduction Policy Statement of Intent At each of Vale’s Ontario Operations, there is a commitment to sustainable development – meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Vale believes in Zero Harm, to our people, to our workplaces, to the communities in which we operate and to the natural environment. Vale Canada Limited is committed to playing a leadership role in protecting the environment. When it is an undesired metal or reagent that is considered the toxic substance, mining, milling, smelting and refining activities will primarily focus on handling toxic substances responsibly and preventing release to the environment through end-of-pipe controls. Wherever feasible, Vale will adopt safer alternatives and technologies to reduce the use and discharge of toxic substances. Toxic substance reduction will be a continuing effort in our company and new technologically and economically feasible reduction options will be considered when opportunities occur. Where the toxic substance is an actual targeted metal of Vale Canada Limited, a sellable product that provides a material item to the world market, all efforts are made to efficiently extract and refine the metal or compound, using the minimal amount of reagents, and to minimize releases to the environment.

4.0 Description of Toxic Substance Use

4.1 Arsenic Arsenic arrives at Vale Port Colborne Refinery (PCR) as an impurity in feedstock. The arsenic units are naturally occurring in the ore which is the first stage of the Vale Ontario Operations flowsheet. Since arsenic is not a desired product of Vale PCR, the arsenic units received in the feed slurries of the Precious Metals Refinery (PMR) or Cobalt Refinery (CoR) progress through those stages where processes select against its inclusion in saleable products. Arsenic is not present in the finished nickel used by Nickel Processing (NiP). The arsenic used at the Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) is a result of barren flow, or process discharges from CoR or PMR.

4.2 Cadmium Cadmium arrives at Vale PCR as a trace impurity in feedstock. The cadmium units are naturally occurring in the ore which is the first stage of the Vale Ontario Operations flowsheet. Since cadmium is not a desired product of Vale PCR, the cadmium units received in the feed slurries of the PMR or CoR progress through those stages where processes select against its inclusion in saleable products. Cadmium is not present in the finished nickel used by NiP. The cadmium used at the ETP is a result of barren flow, or process discharges from CoR or PMR.

4.3 Copper Copper arrives at Vale PCR as an impurity in feedstock. The copper units are naturally occurring in the ore which is the first stage of the Vale Ontario Operations flowsheet. Since copper is not a desired product of Vale PCR, the copper units received in the feed slurries of the PMR or CoR are handled in a manner that facilitates their return to Vale Sudbury Operations. Copper is not present in the finished nickel feedstock used by NiP. The copper used at the ETP is a result of barren flow, or process discharges from CoR or PMR.

4.4 Cobalt The cobalt units received at Vale PCR are naturally occurring in the mined ore which is the first stage of the Vale Ontario Operations flowsheet. The cobalt is segregated from other undesired metals and compounds via various

Port Colborne Refinery Toxics Reduction Plan Summaries

mechanical and metallurgical processing stages and is purposely sent as feed to the Vale PCR Cobalt Refinery. The cobalt contained in the feed of the PMR is incidental to the processing stages in Vale Sudbury Operations, and is purposely reverted to Sudbury Operations with the intent to be redirected to the CoR via the Vale Ontario Operations flowsheet.

4.5 Lead The lead units received at Vale PCR are naturally occurring in the mined ore which is the first stage of the Vale Ontario Operations flowsheet. The slurry feed that is received by PMR contains lead at an average concentration (2011) of 9.8% dry weight. Lead feed to the CoR is a minor element and is not present in the finished nickel products handled by NiP. Lead is handled at Vale PCR as both a finished product and in by-products (revert material) as well as in releases, or losses in the process to air, effluent and to land via the cake produced by the PCR Effluent Treatment Plant.

4.6 Nickel Nickel arrives at Vale PCR as an impurity in feedstock and as a target feed. The nickel units are naturally occurring in the ore which is the first stage of the Vale Ontario Operations flowsheet and the units that arrive to PCR have simply not been captured by Vale Sudbury Operations, or were purposely sent as finished nickel products. While nickel is not a desired product of PMR or CoR, the nickel units continue through the flowsheets of various operations, where processes select against its inclusion in saleable products. Finished nickel feedstock is the sole feed used by NiP. The nickel used at the ETP is a result of barrens flow, or process discharges from CoR, PMR or NiP.

4.7 Selenium Selenium arrives at Vale PCR as an impurity in feedstock. The selenium units are naturally occurring in the ore which is the first stage of the Vale Ontario Operations flowsheet. The selenium is segregated from other undesired metals and compounds via various mechanical and metallurgical processing stages and is sent as feed to the Vale PCR Precious Metals Refinery, due to selenium’s association with other targeted metals. Selenium is a trace constituent in the CoR feed and is not present in the finished nickel feedstock used by NiP. The selenium handled at the ETP is a result of barrens flow, or process discharges from CoR, or more so the PMR.

4.8 Silver The silver units are naturally occurring in the ore which is the first stage of the Vale Ontario Operations flowsheet. The silver is segregated from other undesired metals and compounds via various mechanical and metallurgical processing stages and is purposely sent as feed to the Vale PCR Precious Metals Refinery. Silver is not contained in the feed of the CoR or NiP. The silver used at the ETP is a result of barren flow, or process discharges from PMR.

4.9 Chlorine Chlorine gas is a reagent utilized at Vale PCR’s Precious Metals Refinery (PMR) and Cobalt Refinery (CoR). Chlorine is not utilized at the Nickel Processing department (NiP) or the Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP). It is the goal of the PMR refining process to remove the unwanted impurities from the various feedstocks to produce the targeted valuable metal products, which are platinum group metals, other precious metals, such as gold and silver

Port Colborne Refinery Toxics Reduction Plan Summaries

sands, and other metallic compounds, such as selenium cake. It is the intent of CoR to refine the feedstock to form electrolytic cobalt metal.

4.10 Hydrochloric Acid Hydrochloric acid is a reagent utilized at Vale PCR’s Precious Metals Refinery (PMR). Hydrochloric acid is not utilized at the Nickel Processing department (NiP) or the Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP). The Cobalt Refinery (CoR) reports hydrochloric acid in some exhaust gas, however it is not directly used in the process. The hydrochloric acid present at CoR is a result of creation via transformation, due to the presence of chlorides in materials that become acidified. It is the goal of the PMR refining process to remove the unwanted impurities from the various feedstocks to produce the targeted valuable metal products, which are platinum group metals, other precious metals, such as gold and silver sands, and other metallic compounds, such as selenium cake. It is the intent of CoR to refine the feedstock to form electrolytic cobalt metal.

4.11 Sulphuric Acid

Sulphuric acid is a reagent utilized within all stages of the Vale PCR flowsheet, particularly at the Cobalt Refinery (CoR) and to a lesser degree at the Precious Metals Refinery (PMR), Nickel Processing department (NiP) and the Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP). However, at the PMR sulphuric acid is received in the feed slurry, but is destroyed in the initial process steps and is not reintroduced as a reagent. It is the goal of the PMR refining process to remove the unwanted impurities from the various feedstocks to produce the targeted valuable metal products, which are platinum group metals, other precious metals, such as gold and silver sands, and other metallic compounds, such as selenium cake. It is the intent of CoR to refine the feedstock to form electrolytic cobalt metal. Vale PCR also handles finished nickel products, cleaning and packaging them for sale to world markets. The ETP treats all process discharges and other waters, prior to discharge to the natural environment.

4.12 Particulate Matter PM10 Particulate Matter, size equal to or less than (<=) 10µm (PM10) is created in the Vale PCR flowsheets of Precious Metals Refinery (PMR), the Cobalt Refinery (CoR) and the Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP). The creation occurs in the ventilation system of these stages, due to the mixing, agitation, heating and movement of in-process materials at the PMR and CoR. The ventilation systems draw the Particulate Matter into the draft generated by the pollution abatement equipment. The various pollution abatement devices provide ventilation of process equipment that might evolve emissions that could be harmful to worker health and safety, in contravention of the Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act. The creation of PM10 at the ETP is a result of operation of the lime silo baghouse. This baghouse serves to limit the release of particulate to the natural environment.

4.13 Particulate Matter PM2.5 Particulate Matter, size equal to or less than (<=) 2.5µm (PM2.5) is created in the Vale PCR flowsheets of Precious Metals Refinery (PMR), the Cobalt Refinery (CoR) and the Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP). The creation occurs in the ventilation system of these stages, due to the mixing, agitation, heating and movement of in-process materials at the PMR and CoR. The ventilation systems draw the Particulate Matter into the draft generated by the pollution abatement equipment. The various pollution abatement devices provide ventilation of process equipment that might evolve emissions that could be harmful to worker health and safety, in contravention of the Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act. The creation of PM2.5 at the ETP is a result of operation of the lime silo baghouse. This baghouse serves to limit the release of particulate to the natural environment.

Port Colborne Refinery Toxics Reduction Plan Summaries

5.0 Reduction Options to be Implemented

5.1 Arsenic Due to its natural occurrence in the mined ore and its association with precious metals which are the target metals of the PMR, Vale PCR does not intend to reduce the use of arsenic at the facility. Vale Canada Limited is also in the business of supplying Canada and the world market with high quality precious metals and metallic compounds. As such, reducing arsenic’s input into the process is not practicable, in terms of valuation to Vale, and the economy of Ontario. Vale PCR will continue its efforts to reduce the release of arsenic into the environment and to streamline the handling of feed materials, products or revert materials.

When considering the prescribed seven reduction options, Vale PCR was unable to identify any option which satisfied feasibility criteria (Section 8.2), or subsequently the technical and economic feasible criteria (Section 9) to reduce arsenic. The mined ore is targeted for its nickel and precious metals content, of which arsenic is grouped together with, for eventual delivery to the PMR and production of platinum group metals, other precious metals, such as gold and silver sands, and other metallic compounds, such as selenium cake for market. Arsenic is contained in the CoR feedstock as only a minor concentration due to selective processes at Vale Sudbury Operations. By selectively treating the feedstock through metallurgical processes, Vale PCR responsibly uses the arsenic received via the Vale Ontario Operations flowsheet. 5.2 Cadmium

At this time, Vale PCR does not intend to reduce the use of cadmium at the facility and no opportunities to manage cadmium more efficiently were identified. When considering the prescribed seven reduction categories, Vale PCR was unable to identify any option which satisfied feasibility criteria, or subsequently the technical and economic feasible criteria. Cadmium is incidentally present in the ore that is mined and subsequently remains in trace amounts in the feedstock of the PMR. Existing technology and processes remove a significant amount of cadmium found in the ore, through processes at Vale Sudbury. It is not possible to completely segregate cadmium from the feedstock, so trace amounts might be present the feedstock, which maintain Vale PCR as a viable operation. 5.3 Copper

At this time, Vale PCR does not intend to reduce the use of copper at the facility and no opportunities to manage copper more efficiently were identified. When considering the prescribed seven reduction categories, Vale PCR was did identify a potential reduction through material feedstock substitution. Copper is utilized as a reagent at the PMR, in the form of pure copper powder. The option of exchanging the powder containing copper with powder that contains iron as the reducing agent was researched. The metallurgy involved with the replacement of iron for copper was unsuccessful. The task of precious metals scavenging was not as thorough as when copper was utilized, thus downstream valuable product was impacted through loss and the selenium cake product in the same stage, was contaminated with precious metals that were not drawn out. This would lead to financial loss to Vale PCR and the division as a whole as precious metals are a highly valued product and the less-pure selenium cake would also not meet current customer specifications. As such, this reduction option failed to satisfy the technical and economic feasibility criteria. Copper is incidentally present in the ore that is mined and subsequently remains in the feedstock of both the PMR and CoR. Existing technology and processes remove and retain the vast amount of copper found in the ore, through processes in

Port Colborne Refinery Toxics Reduction Plan Summaries

Sudbury, however many of Vale PCR’s target metals are associated with copper and so it is not possible to completely segregate copper from the feedstock, without also limiting or degrading the target metals and compounds in the feedstock, which maintain Vale PCR as a viable operation.

5.4 Cobalt At this time, Vale PCR does not intend to reduce the use of cobalt at the facility and no opportunities to manage cobalt more efficiently were identified. Vale Canada Limited is in the business of supplying Canada and the world market with a high quality cobalt product, as such, reducing cobalt’s input into the process is not practicable, in terms of valuation to Vale, the economy of Ontario and the need for the commodity cobalt metal. Vale PCR will continue its efforts to reduce the release of cobalt into the environment and to streamline the handling of feed materials, products or revert materials. When considering the prescribed seven reduction options, Vale PCR was unable to identify any option which satisfied feasibility criteria (Section 8.2) or subsequently the technical and economic feasible criteria (Section 9) to reduce cobalt. The ore that is mined is targeted for its nickel and cobalt content for eventual delivery to the CoR and production of cobalt metal for market. Cobalt is contained in the PMR feedstock due to imperfect selective processes at Vale Sudbury Operations, however the processes are very efficient. Vale PCR specifically targets cobalt as a product, selectively treating the feedstock through metallurgical processes to yield a high purity metallic cobalt product which is sold to world markets. 5.5 Lead

Due to its natural occurrence in the mined ore and its association with precious metals which are the target metals of the PMR, Vale PCR does not intend to reduce the use of lead at the facility. Vale Canada Limited is also in the business of supplying other Canadian refineries with a high quality lead product, as such, reducing lead’s input into the process is not practicable, in terms of valuation to Vale, the economy of Ontario and the need for the commodity lead metal. Vale PCR will continue its efforts to reduce the release of lead into the environment and to streamline the handling of feed materials, products or revert materials. When considering the prescribed seven reduction options, Vale PCR was unable to identify any option which satisfied the technical and economic feasible criteria (Section 9) to reduce lead use. The mined ore is targeted for its precious metals content, of which lead is constituent, grouped together with, for eventual delivery to the PMR and production of a lead carbonate cake for market. Lead is contained in the CoR feedstock as only a minor concentration due to selective processes at Vale Sudbury Operations. By selectively treating the feedstock through metallurgical processes and subsequently creating a marketable product, lead carbonate cake which is sold to other Canadian refineries, and to act as a bleed for lead, Vale PCR responsibly uses the lead received via the Vale Ontario Operations flowsheet.

5.6 Nickel At this time, Vale PCR does not intend to reduce the use of nickel at the facility. Vale Canada Limited is in the business of supplying Canada and the world market with high quality nickel products, as such, reducing nickel’s input into the process is not practicable, in terms of valuation to Vale, the economy of Ontario and the need for the commodity nickel metal. Vale PCR will continue its efforts to reduce the release of nickel into the environment and to streamline the handling of feed materials, products or revert materials. When considering the prescribed seven reduction categories, Vale PCR was unable to identify any option which satisfied feasibility criteria (Section

Port Colborne Refinery Toxics Reduction Plan Summaries

8.2), or subsequently the technical and economic feasible criteria (Section 9) to reduce nickel. The ore that is mined is targeted for its nickel content and subsequently remains in the feedstock of both the PMR and CoR, and is the sole feed for NiP. Existing technology and processes at Vale Sudbury Operations, while efficient, do allow some nickel units to pass through their flowsheet and be contained in Vale PCR feed. Vale PCR does not specifically target nickel as a product, but maintains the nickel units for return to Vale Sudbury Operations so that it can be transformed to a high purity nickel product and sold to world markets.

5.7 Selenium Due to its natural occurrence in the mined ore and its association with precious metals which are the target metals of the PMR, Vale PCR does not intend to reduce the use of selenium at the facility. Vale Canada Limited is also in the business of supplying Canada and the world market with a high quality selenium product, as such, reducing selenium’s input into the process is not practicable, in terms of valuation to Vale, the economy of Ontario and the need for the commodity selenium metal. Vale PCR will continue its efforts to reduce the release of selenium into the environment and to streamline the handling of feed materials, products or revert materials.

When considering the prescribed seven reduction options, Vale PCR was unable to identify any option which satisfied feasibility criteria (Section 8.2), or subsequently the technical and economic feasible criteria (Section 9) to reduce selenium. The mined ore is targeted for its nickel and precious metals content, of which selenium is grouped together with, for eventual delivery to the PMR and production of metallic selenium cake for market. Selenium is contained in the CoR feedstock as only a minor concentration due to selective processes at Vale Sudbury Operations. By selectively treating the feedstock through metallurgical processes and subsequently creating a marketable product, selenium cake, which is sold to world markets, and to act as a bleed for the system, Vale PCR responsibly uses the selenium received via the Vale Ontario Operations flowsheet.

5.8 Silver At this time, Vale PCR does not intend to reduce the use of silver at the facility and no opportunities to manage silver more efficiently were identified. Vale Canada Limited is in the business of supplying Canada and the world market with a high quality silver product, as such, reducing silver’s input into the process is not practicable, in terms of valuation to Vale, the economy of Ontario and the need for the commodity silver metal. Vale PCR will continue its efforts to reduce the release of silver into the environment and to streamline the handling of feed materials, products or revert materials.

When considering the prescribed seven reduction categories, Vale PCR was unable to identify any option which satisfied feasibility criteria (Section 8.2), or subsequently the technical and economic feasible criteria (Section 9) to reduce silver. The ore that is mined is targeted for its precious metals content, of which silver is grouped together with, for eventual delivery to the PMR and production of silver sand for market. Silver is not contained in the CoR feedstock due to selective processes at Vale Sudbury Operations. Vale PCR specifically targets silver as a product, selectively treating the feedstock through metallurgical processes to yield a high purity silver sand product which is sold to world markets.

5.9 Chlorine At this time, Vale PCR intends to continue to research methodologies which might reduce the use of chlorine at the facility, primarily through increasing the precision of reagent usage. Vale Canada Limited is in the business of supplying Canada and the world market with a high quality metallic products, as such, reducing the ability of Vale

Port Colborne Refinery Toxics Reduction Plan Summaries

PCR to refine its target metals, or produce products desired by word markets is not practicable, in terms of valuation to Vale, the economy of Ontario and the world’s need for commodities. Vale PCR will continue its efforts to reduce the release of chlorine into the environment and to streamline the handling of feed materials, products or revert materials. When considering the prescribed seven reduction categories, Vale PCR was not able to identify any options which would satisfied the technical and economic feasible criteria (Section 9) to reduce the creation or use of chlorine. The ore that is mined is targeted for its metals content, for eventual refinement to a value-added state. Chlorine is utilized as a reagent at the PMR and CoR to facilitate the refining process of various metals forming transient chloride compounds.

5.10 Hydrochloric Acid At this time, Vale PCR intends to continue to research methodologies which might reduce the use of hydrochloric acid at the facility, primarily through increasing the precision of reagent usage. Vale Canada Limited is in the business of supplying Canada and the world market with a high quality metallic products, as such, reducing the ability of Vale PCR to refine its target metals, or produce products desired by word markets is not practicable, in terms of valuation to Vale, the economy of Ontario and the world’s need for commodities. Vale PCR will continue its efforts to reduce the release of hydrochloric acid into the environment and to streamline the handling of feed materials, products or revert materials.

When considering the prescribed seven reduction categories, Vale PCR was not able to identify any options which would satisfied the technical and economic feasible criteria (Section 9) to reduce the creation or use of hydrochloric acid. The ore that is mined is targeted for its metals content, for eventual refinement to a value-added state. Hydrochloric acid is utilized as a reagent at the PMR to facilitate the refining process of various metals forming transient chloride compounds. Due to the use of chlorine and sulphuric acid at CoR, hydrochloric acid is incidentally created in various production steps where acid is mixed with chloride ions.

5.11 Sulphuric Acid At this time, Vale PCR intends to continue to research methodologies which might reduce the use of sulphuric acid at the facility, primarily through increasing the precision of reagent usage. Vale Canada Limited is in the business of supplying Canada and the world market with a high quality metallic products, as such, reducing the ability of Vale PCR to refine its target metals, or produce products desired by word markets is not practicable, in terms of valuation to Vale, the economy of Ontario and the world’s need for commodities. Vale PCR will continue its efforts to reduce the release of sulphuric acid into the environment and to streamline the handling of feed materials, products or revert materials. When considering the prescribed seven reduction categories, Vale PCR was not able to identify any options which would satisfy the technical and economic feasible criteria (Section 9) to reduce sulphuric acid. The ore that is mined is targeted for its metals content, for eventual refinement to a value-added state. Sulphuric acid is utilized as a reagent at the CoR to facilitate the refining process of various metals forming transient sulphate and sulphide compounds. It is utilized at NiP as a cleaning agent for some of the finished nickel products, and at the ETP as a reagent to adjust pH and counter-act organic complexes. The PMR receives sulphuric acid in the feedstock delivered from Vale Copper Cliff operations only, it is not utilized as a reagent in the process.

Port Colborne Refinery Toxics Reduction Plan Summaries

5.12 Particulate Matter PM10 At this time, Vale PCR does not intend to reduce the creation of PM10 at the facility and no opportunities to manage PM10 more efficiently were identified. When considering the prescribed seven reduction categories, Vale PCR was unable to identify any option which satisfied feasibility criteria (Section 8.2) or subsequently the technical and economic feasible criteria (Section 9). PM10 is created in the ventilation systems that maintain hygienic working conditions, in support of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, or in the treatment of emissions processed by best-practice pollution abatement control devices.

5.13 Particulate Matter PM2.5 At this time, Vale PCR does not intend to reduce the creation of PM2.5 at the facility and no opportunities to manage PM2.5 more efficiently were identified. When considering the prescribed seven reduction categories, Vale PCR was unable to identify any option which satisfied feasibility criteria (Section 8.2) or subsequently the technical and economic feasible criteria (Section 9). PM2.5 is created in the ventilation systems that maintain hygienic working conditions, in support of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, or in the treatment of emissions processed by best-practice pollution abatement control devices.

6.0 Timeline for Estimated Reductions Vale PCR did not identify any reduction options for either of the Toxics Reduction Act (TRA) toxics which are used or created at Vale PCR. Therefore, a timeline for estimated reductions is not required.

7.0 Description of Why No Reduction Options are to be Implemented At Vale, the concept of sustainability has been incorporated into our mining, milling, smelting and the refining practices at Vale Port Colborne Refinery. Vale Canada Limited’s operations in Ontario are based in Sudbury and Port Colborne. When exploring the concept of toxic substance reduction, it must be understood that metals can only be mined or recycled. The mined ore naturally contains many elements, some of which have been classified as toxic under the Toxics Reductions Act. There is no opportunity to reduce the levels of these substances in the ore, and conversely there is no desire to eliminate highly useful and recyclable metals from our economy, which is not the intent of the legislation. The feedstock which Vale PCR receives from Vale Sudbury Operations contains arsenic, copper, cobalt, lead, nickel, selenium and silver. The toxics chlorine, hydrochloric acid and sulphuric acid are utilized at various stages in the refining process. Vale PCR’s primary strategy is to reduce emissions to the environment and ensuring efficient handling of the targeted metals and compounds, as well as the undesired metals and compounds which are incidentally present in the feedstock, and proficient use of reagents required in the refining process. The targeted metals and compounds have a marketable value for Vale and represent the commodities that enhance our society. Vale Canada Limited is however dedicated to researching safer alternatives or more environmentally-friendly technologies with regards to the handling and use of toxics.

Port Colborne Refinery Toxics Reduction Plan Summaries

8.0 Plan Summary Statement

This plan summary is an accurate synopsis of the content of each toxic substance reduction plan for arsenic, cadmium, copper, cobalt, lead, nickel, selenium and silver; the reagents chlorine, hydrochloric acid and sulphuric acid each used at Vale Port Colborne Refinery. This plan summary also includes details of the toxic substanc reduction plan for particulate matter classified as PM10 and PM2.5. This document has been prepared for Vale Canada Limited, Port Colborne Refinery, dated December 2013. The content of the summary is up to date and reflects the current version of the toxic substance reduction plans.

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