porsche mobil 1 supercup · 17. speci†c regulations 18. safety 18.1 extrication exercise 18.2 pit...

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Porsche Mobil 1 SupercupRegulations 2018

Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG Porsche Mobil 1 Supercup Organisation Porschestraße 911 71287 Weissach Deutschland Telefon: +49 711 911- 84096 Fax: +49 711 911- 82920 www.porsche.de/supercup

Edition: 03/18 Printed in Germany

© Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG, 2018The Porsche wordmark and Porsche crest are registered trademarks of Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG.

Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG is a company registered at Stuttgart, Registriergericht HRB 730623.

General Regulations for Series run on Circuits / Automobile Sport(as on 12.03.2018 )

Name of the Series:Porsche Mobil 1 Supercup

DMSB Visa Number: 805/18

Status of the Series/Events

S International £ National A incl. NSAFP (National Series with FIA-Approved Foreign Participation)£ National A incl. NEAFP £ National A

Foreword: Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG, hereina�er called the Series Organiser, is hosting the Porsche Mobil 1 Supercup for 2018.

Organisation: Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AGPorsche Mobil 1 Supercup OrganisationPorschestraße 91171287 WeissachGermany

Contact: Oliver Schwab, Project Manager Porsche Mobil 1 SupercupTel.: +49 711 911- 84042Mobile: +49 170 911- 2976Fax: +49 711 911- 82920Homepage: www.porsche.com/supercupE-mail: oliver.schwab@porsche.de


Contents: Part 1: Sporting Rules

1. Introduction

2. Organisation2.1 Details on titles and awards of the Series2.2 Name of the parent ASN2.3 ASN Visa/Registration number2.4 Name, address and contact details of the Series Organiser (permanent o�ce)2.5 Composition of the organising committee2.6 List of O�cials (Permanent Stewards)

3. Regulations and legal basis of the Series3.1 O�cial language3.2 Responsibility, changes to the rules of participation and cancellation of the event3.3 General de�nitions

4. Entries4.1 Registrations/entries, entry closing date and obligation to participate4.2 Entry fees for the season and per event4.3 Competition numbers

5. Licences5.1 Required grade of license5.2 Conditions for entrants outside their national territory

6. Insurance, liability exclusion and disclaimer6.1 Organiser’s/promoter’s insurance6.2 Declaration by the entrant, driver and passenger on the exclusion of liability, Disclaimer of the vehicle owner


16. TV rights/advertising and television rights

17. Speci�c Regulations

18. Safety 18.1 Extrication exercise18.2 Pit lane safety 18.3 General safety


7. Events7.1 Calendar of events7.2 Maximum number of vehicles authorised7.3 Running of the events 8. Classi�cation8.1 Table of points8.2 Equality of points

9. Private practice and testing

10. Administrative checks10.1 Timetable for administrative checks10.2 Drivers’ meeting/brie�ng

11. Scrutineering/technical checks11.1 Repair, sealing and marking vehicle parts11.2 Timetable Scrutineering/ technical checks

12. Races12.1 Start procedure12.2 Wet race procedure12.3 Pit stop safety and applicant’s responsibility when starting from the pit area12.4 False Starts12.5 Safety Car12.6 Finish

13. Title, prize money and trophies13.1 Title overall winner13.2 Prize money and trophies

14. Protests and appeals

15. Exclusion of jurisdiction of a court and limitation of liability


Part 3: Attachments / drawings

Attachment 1: Badge Regulations 2018Attachment 2: Sticker Regulations 2018Attachment 3: Ballast weightsAttachment 4: Di¥erential lock ramp breakover angleAttachment 5: Di¥erential designAttachment 6: Control armsAttachment 7: Minimum ground clearance, rear and front axlesAttachment 8: Seat paddingAttachment 9: Accident Data Recorder (ADR)Attachment 10: Penalty Table

These Regulations consist of 117 pages incl. 10 attachments.


Part 2: Technical Regulations

1. Technical Series Regulations1.1 Summary of the eligible groups/classes1.2 Principles of the Technical Regulations 1.3 General/preamble1.4 Driver equipment1.5 General regulations1.6 Minimum weights and ballast1.7 Vehicle damage1.8 Emissions regulations1.9 Noise regulations1.10 Advertising on the driver’s equipment/on the race car and start numbers 1.11 Safety equipment 1.12 Fuel type and single fuel1.13 Technical de�nitions

2. Speci�c Technical Regulations2.1 General information2.2 Engine2.3 Power transmission (gearbox/di¥erential lock)2.4 Brakes2.5 Steering (steering wheel/hub extension)2.6 Wheel suspension2.7 Wheels (¦ange + rim) and tyres2.8 Bodywork and dimensions2.9 Aerodynamic devices2.10 Electrical equipment2.11 Fuel circuit2.12 Lubrication system2.13 Data transfer2.14 Miscellaneous


Part 1: Sporting Rules

1. Introduction

The Porsche Mobil 1 Supercup Series, herein a�er called the Series, is organised in conformity with the provisions of the International Sporting Code and its appendices (the Code) and the National Sporting Regulations of the DMSB. It will be run in conformity with these Sporting and Technical Regulations, the latter being in conformity with the safety prescriptions of FIA Appendix J (Article 277).

The Series will be run according to the above regulations. For the avoidance of doubt, should there be any inconsistency or con¦ict between the individual sets of regulations, then the order of priority shall be �rstly those of the International Sporting Code, then the Porsche Mobil 1 Supercup Regulations, followed by the DMSB Regulations and therea�er the Supplementary Event Regulations.

The Series in 2018 consists of 10 races organised as circuit races.

The Series is supported by the following companies*: - ExxonMobil Corporation – Mobil 1 - Michelin Reifenwerke AG & Co. KGaA - ZF Friedrichshafen AG - APP-TECH srl - Arai - Hazet - RECARO - Sacred - SCANIA

* Subject to change.

Regulations PMSC 2018 Part 1 I Sporting Rules


3. Regulations and legal basis of the Series

The Series is governed by the following regulations: - FIA International Sporting Code (ISC) and its appendices - Sporting and Technical Regulations of this Series and the DMSB approved modi�cations and supplements (bulletins)

- Supplementary Event Regulations including modi�cations and supplements issued by the DMSB or the Stewards of the Event (bulletins)

- DMSB Event Regulations - DMSB Circuit Rules, except where any special regulations are set out in the rules presented here

- DMSB License Regulation - DMSB Legal System and Code of Procedure (RuVO); FIA Legal Rules and Code of Procedure

- DMSB Decisions and Provisions DMSB Environmental Guidelines Anti-Doping Regulations of the National and International Anti-Doping Agency (NADA Code and WADA Code) as well as the Anti-Doping Regulations of the FIA

- The “Application for Entry” or the “Application for Guest Entry” signed by the entrant/driver

- FIA Code of Ethics and Code of Behaviour and DMSB Code of Ethics - Other FIA and DMSB regulations

3.1 O�cial languageFor the present regulations of the Porsche Mobil1 Supercup only the English text approved by the DMSB is binding, except for the relating DMSB regulations speci�ed in Art. 3 (Regulations and Legal Basis of the Series), for which only the German language is binding.In case of interpretation the DMSB jurisdiction is the responsible authority. The o�cial language of the International Sporting Code is stated within that document.

Regulations PMSC 2018 Part 1 I Sporting Rules


2. Organisation

2.1 Details on titles and awards of the SeriesDr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG, hereina�er called the Series Organiser, is hosting the Series in 2018.

2.2 Name of the parent ASNDMSB – Deutscher Motor Sport Bund e. V.

2.3 ASN Visa/Registration numberThe Series is based on these Sporting and Technical Regulations and has been approved by the Deutscher Motor Sport Bund on 12.03.2018 with visa number 805/18.

2.4 Name, address and contact details of the Series Organiser (permanent o�ce)Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AGPorsche Mobil 1 Supercup Organisation,Porschestraße 91171287 WeissachGermany

Contact: Oliver Schwab Project Manager Motorsport - Porsche Mobil 1 Supercup Tel.: +49 711 911- 84042 Fax: +49 711 911- 82920 E-mail: oliver.schwab@porsche.de

2.5 Composition of the organising committeeRefer to the Series Organiser (see 2.4).

2.6 List of O�cials (Permanent Stewards)(see also relevant Supplementary Event Regulations)Chairman – Richard Norbury (MSA 60288).Race Director – Peter Roberts (MSA 140949)

Part 1 I Sporting Rules


Both on and o¥ the race track, all those involved will: - treat the other participants, o�cials and organisers respectfully, - follow the laws and the rules of the sport, exemplify and promote fairness together with the rules of conduct,

- neither express themselves or behave in an insulting, o¥ensive or abusive way, nor tolerate such expressions or modes of conduct, either in direct conversations, inter-views, etc. or in other communication, e. g. press releases, posts in social media, etc.

- always behave in the interests of safety and permanently cooperate in e¥orts to reduce risks,

- use resources in a sustainable way, giving priority to the well-being, safety and satis-faction of others before their own personal goal,

- always comply with the purpose of the sport, - inform those involved who are involved if their conduct is not characterised by fairness, sportsmanship, respect and tolerance,

- cooperate with all other persons involved so as to develop and improve the Series and its status further on a continuous basis.

Participants who are found to have committed one or more of the following may be disquali�ed from the Series: - failed to comply with the rules of conduct; - breached any of the Regulations; - drawn attention to themselves through unsporting behaviour on and o¥ the track; - expressed themselves or behave in a disrespectful way towards other participants, o�cials, organisers, etc.;

- ignored the speci�cations, instructions, meetings of the Series Organisation and/or other o�cial bodies in the context of the organisation and holding of an event;

- ignored agreements that have been reached (including between entrants, teams and drivers) and do not meet obligations of performance;

- did not act in the interests of the sport and/or the recognisable objective of undertaking the activities seriously in accordance with the rules that have been acknowledged;

- brought the Series into disrepute.

Where a �ne is imposed, continued participation in the Series may not be permitted until any �ne imposed is paid in full.

Regulations PMSC 2018 Part 1 I Sporting Rules


3.2 Responsibility, changes to the rules of participation and cancellation of the event(1) The participants (entrants, drivers, passengers, vehicle owners, team members, registered keepers and team guests) attend and take part in the event at their own risk. They are solely responsible under civil and criminal law for any and all damage caused by them – or for damage to the vehicles used by them, as far as no exclusion of liability has been concluded.

(2) The Supplementary Event Regulations may only be changed by the ASN of the event. Once the event starts, changes in the form of bulletins may only be made by the Stewards of the Event.

(3) The Event Organiser and the Series Organiser reserve the right to cancel or relocate the event or individual races, subject to approval by the ASN concerned and the FIA where the calendar is a¥ected. Claims for damages or performance shall be excluded in all such cases.

3.3 General de�nitions

Porsche Mobil 1 Supercup code of conductThe Porsche Mobil 1 Supercup is a Series characterised by equality of opportunity and fairness in both technical and sporting terms. All those involved in the Series, i.e. participants, o�cials and organisation, make a signi�cant contribution to how the Series is perceived, both internally and by the general public and to the atmosphere in the Series through their conduct and their communication. All those involved are responsible for conducting themselves in such a way as to uphold and safeguard in the long term the professionalism that prevails in the Series, as well as the esteem in which the Series and its participants are held by the general public. Moreover, fair and sporting competition represents an important safety aspect for all participants, and is intended to avoid risk factors.

For this reason, all those involved agree to acknowledge the philosophy of the Porsche Mobil 1 Supercup and to comply with the rules of conduct of the Series.

Part 1 I Sporting Rules


All applications must be fully completed, signed by the entrant license holder, and must be sent to the following address:

Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AGPorsche Mobil 1 Supercup OrganisationPorschestraße 91171287 WeissachGermany

With the submitted “Application for Driver Entry” the driver must specify if he wishes to participate in the ProAm Classi�cation. The “Application for Driver Entry” must be signed by the driver and the entrant.

Overall Classi�cationThe Overall Classi�cation is the o�cial driver championship classi�cation of the Series.

ProAm Classi�cationThe ProAm Classi�cation is a separate classi�cation for drivers without a professional motor racing background. The minimum age to enter the ProAm Classi�cation is 35 years (the driver must be at least 35 by the closing date for the submission of entries 15. April 2018). Participation is based on the sporting résumé of a driver and requires written approval of the Series Organiser. For the ProAm Classi�cation to take place, a minimum of 5 and maximum of 8 applicable drivers must have permanently entered the Series. The slots will be allocated on a �rst come �rst serve basis. The points are allocated according to the points system of the Overall Classi�cation.

Within the “Application for Entry” to apply for entry to the Series an entrant must include at least one driver in the Overall Classi�cation, who cannot enter the ProAm Classi�cation.

The Series Organiser reserves the right to amend the allocation of the number of drivers to both classi�cations.

Nations League The Nations League Classi�cation is independent of the driver and team rankings.All permanent starters in the 2018 PMSC are automatically entered in the

Regulations PMSC 2018 Part 1 I Sporting Rules


4. Entries

4.1 Registrations/entries, entry closing date and obligation to participateApplication for entry to the Porsche Mobil 1 Supercup must be submitted by an entrant using the o�cial “Application for Entry” form, supplied by the Series Organiser and must be received by the Series Organiser by 15. March 2018. If the completed “Application for Entry” is received later than this date, it may only be considered at the sole discretion of the Series Organiser. An extension to an already accepted application of an entrant may be considered a�er the closing date. An additional “Application for Entry” for each respective entrant must be submitted in writing and requires written approval by the Series Organiser.

Each individual application by an entrant must be for a minimum of 2 and maximum of 3 vehicles. If an entrant wishes to permanently enter additional vehicles, he must have an additional entrant’s license. Exceptions from this regulation are guest entries for a fourth vehicle which may be submitted under one entrant license.

The “Application for Driver Entry” supplied by the Series Organiser must be received by the Series Organiser as a supplement to the “Application for Entry” by 15. April 2018.

Each entrant will be permitted one transporter and awning for a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 3 competing vehicles and must be parked in their designated Paddock area and may contain an area at the rear speci�cally for team seating and relaxation. Prior to making any change to the on-site set up and working appearance an entrant must submit a written request to, and receive approval from, the Series Organiser a minimum of 14 days prior to the �rst day of the event in question. No separate hospitality or entertaining structures will be permitted by Entrants/Drivers within the Paddock.

An entrant may not nominate more than two (2) substitute drivers for each vehicle per season for the �rst two vehicles entered. Each additional (substitute) driver must be entered under the regulations for guest drivers of the Series. There is no limit to the number of substitute drivers for the third permanently entered vehicle under one entrant license.

Part 1 I Sporting Rules


Guest drivers can apply for participation in single events no later than 4 weeks prior to the �rst day of the relevant event using an “Application for Guest Entry”. The Series Organiser reserves the right to accept or reject an “Application for Guest Entry” that arrives a�er this time limit.

Guest drivers participate with a vehicle that is entered for only one event and without a previously existing starting number for the entire Series. Guest drivers may participate in a vehicle that has been used by a previous guest driver with the same or di¥erent start number.

The Series Organiser may permit substitute drivers as well as guest drivers to partici-pate at individual events providing that each driver satis�es the conditions pertaining to the rules of participation for the respective classi�cation rounds. Registered en-trants and drivers are given priority with regard to their entitlement to race.

The entrant will receive a written con�rmation if his substitute or guest driver has been accepted. The Series Organiser reserves the right to refuse an “Application for Entry” or “Application for Guest Entry” or “Application for Substitute Driver” at its own discretion, stating the reason. There is no automatic entitlement to acceptance or participation in the Series.

The Series Organiser reserves the right to enter vehicles under its own “Application for Entry”.

With the submission of the “Application for Entry”, “Application for Substitute Entry” or the “Application for Guest Entry”, entrants authorise the Series Organiser to submit entry forms on their behalf for those events which form part of the races for the Series in 2018 (block entry). Direct nominations to the promoters by the participants are not permissible.

The entrant/driver agrees that Porsche AG has access to the reports and documents of the Technical Scrutineers at all times.

A driver may transfer from one team (entrant) to another during the season but having done so may not transfer back to the original entrant/team.

Regulations PMSC 2018 Part 1 I Sporting Rules


PMSC Nations League. The top three drivers representing a nation will score points based upon the points they achieve in each overall race classi�cation. Any country represented by one, two or three drivers will have their points totalled as illustrated in the example below:

Country Driver 1 Driver 2 Driver 3 Total

A 12 8 4 24 pts

B 14 7 - 21 pts

C 18 - - 18 pts

All results count for the �nal Nations League classi�cation; there are no void results. The country winning the Nations League classi�cation will be the one with the highest total number of points from all races. Nations League ranking points are awarded using the same points system as used for the driver ranking in each race classi�cation.

Porsche JuniorOnly one Porsche Junior can be registered as a driver per entrant, irrespective of the number of team licences and entered vehicles. A Porsche Junior is a driver o�cially nominated and supported by Porsche AG and who has successfully completed the Porsche AG selection process. The Porsche Juniors for the 2018 season of the Porsche Mobil 1 Supercup are Julien Andlauer and Thomas Preining. Only Porsche Juniors are permitted to use the Porsche Junior branding and labels.

Substitute drivers can apply for participation in single events using an “Application for Substitute Entry” form. Entries must be submitted to the Series Organiser 7 days prior to the start of the event concerned. The Series Organiser reserves the right to accept or reject an application for a substitute driver that arrives a�er this time limit.

Substitute drivers may only participate with a permanently entered vehicle under an already existing starting number in the Championship. This restriction may be removed at the sole discretion of the Series Organiser.

Part 1 I Sporting Rules


mitigating reasons may automatically be deemed a contravention of these Regulations. Failure to participate may result in a �ne of at least EUR 3,000 per vehicle and/or driver. The Stewards of the Event shall decide whether the entrant and/or driver shall be subject to a penalty, taking into consideration if the Series Organiser has previously received and accepted a request for non-participation from the entrant and/or driver.

4.2 Entry fees for the season and per eventThe registration/entry fees as well as any additional deposit are payable as speci�ed on the “Application for Entry”. The following registration/entry fees are payable by participants:

Until 15.Dec.2017 EUR 65.950,00A�er 15.Dec.2017 EUR 72.950,00

The registration fee/entry fee includes:

- Participation fee for 2 vehicles in all races - 10 3-day team catering tickets per event - 24 Support Event Paddock passes per event - 6 parking passes for the support event car park per event - Participation fee for 2 vehicles at the two o�cial season tests

The registration/entry fee as well as any additional deposit from each respective third vehicle of an entrant onward is payable as speci�ed on the “Application for Entry”. The following registration/entry fees are payable by participants:

Until 15.Dec.2017 EUR 23.950,00A�er 15.Dec.2017 EUR 26.450,00

The registration fee/entry fee includes: - Participation fee for 1 vehicle in all races - 5 3-day team catering tickets per event - 12 Support Event Paddock passes per event - 3 parking passes for the support event car park per event - Participation fee for 1 vehicle at the two o�cial season tests

Regulations PMSC 2018 Part 1 I Sporting Rules


Any driver wishing to transfer to another team (entrant) must complete an “Application for Substitute Entry” form and submit it to the Series Organiser.

A driver transferring to another team (entrant) may not take his car number with him, but instead must use either the number of a car already entered by the new team (entrant) or a new number if a new car is being entered by the entrant.

A team (entrant) may not replace a car that has already been entered and allocated a start number, unless the car has su¥ered signi�cant or irreparable damage at a preceding event or during an event. The entrant must make written application to the Series Organiser seeking permission to enter a replacement car and it shall be at the sole discretion of the Series Organiser whether to accept or reject the application.

The Series Organiser also reserves the right to permit additional entries to individual races. Should one of the named participants of an entrant not take part in a race, the entrant must notify the Series Organiser of the absence in writing no later than 48 hours before the start of the administrative checks. The Series Organiser may request the Stewards of the Event to penalise a failure to comply with this deadline.

The minimum license requirement for driver participation in the Porsche Mobil 1 Supercup is FIA International Grade C.

Commitment to participate Upon registration, an entrant undertakes to participate with each registered vehicle in all o�cial season tests and all races of the Series in 2018 without exception.

Overall, ProAm, Rookie Classi�cation Upon registration, a driver undertakes to participate in at least 6 events of the Series in 2018.

Failure to participateAn entrant or driver who fails or anticipates failing to ful�l these participation require-ments must inform the Series Organiser as soon as possible, stating any mitigating reasons. The Series Organiser may accept a request for non-participation from an entrant and/or driver. Any failure to inform the Series Organiser or to submit any

Part 1 I Sporting Rules


b) EntrantsEntrants wishing to register with the Series must be in possession of a valid International entrant’s license issued by an FIA-a�liated ASN and have paid the registration fees.

c) Sponsor CardSponsors who wish to be named in addition to the driver’s name in the o�cial program, as well as the list of nominations, starters and results, without assuming the role of an entrant can do so by purchasing a “DMSB sponsor card for companies, clubs, teams “(Only for DMSB-sanctioned events with the exception of FIA-sanctioned events).The Series Organiser will check for any restrictions in the validity of the DMSB sponsor card for events held in all countries identi�ed in the series calendar.

d) Guest driversThe Series Organiser may admit guest drivers with a valid International driver’s license in accordance with Item 5.1 a).Guest drivers may take part without being eligible for the points classi�cation on condition that they comply with the conditions of the Series Regulations and of the relevant Supplementary Event Regulations. Priority in the acceptance of entries will be given to the registered entrants.

e) Age regulations In compliance with the valid DMSB License Regulations.

5.2 Conditions for entrants outside their national territoryDMSB license holders and license holders by another ASN a�liated to the FIA have the right for participation and are entitled to score points for the series.

For every event foreign competitors/drivers must present the approval of their own ASN according Art. 3.9.4 of the ISC.

Regulations PMSC 2018 Part 1 I Sporting Rules


The Series Organiser will issue an invoice including VAT where applicable. An invoice will be issued a�er the Series Organiser has assessed the individual “Application for Entry”. The invoice is not a con�rmation of the “Application for Entry” or of entry to the Series.

Once the “Application for Entry” has been accepted and con�rmed in writing by the Series Organiser and the entry fee has been paid in full and in due time, the entry is valid and the entrant is entitled and obliged to participate.

4.3 Competition numbersThe participants will be allocated with competition numbers by the Series Organiser for the entire season and to guest drivers for each event. The starting numbers for returning teams (entrants) will be allocated based on their team championship stand-ing of the previous season. The entrant may choose which of the available numbers is allocated to each car. New teams (entrants) joining the season will receive starting numbers according to their date of entry.

5. Licences

5.1 Required grade of license

a) Drivers/substitute driversDrivers holding a valid International driver’s license for 2018 issued by an FIA-a�liated ASN, of Grades S A S B S C £ D £ C/D-historic, who are registered for the Porsche Mobil 1 Supercup 2018 and have paid the registration fees are eligible.

Employees of Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG and its subsidiaries are not eligible to participate.

Part 1 I Sporting Rules


Regulations PMSC 2018 Part 1 I Sporting Rules


6. Insurance, liability exclusion and disclaimer

6.1 Organiser’s/promoter’s insuranceThe insurance company and policy number will be stated in the Supplementary Event Regulations.

6.2 Declaration by the competitor (entrant) and driver on the exclusion of liability, disclaimer of the vehicle ownerIn accordance with DMSB Event Regulations.

Part 1 I Sporting Rules


31.08. - 02.09.2018FORMULA 1 GRAN PREMIO D’ITALIA 2018Monza (Round 8)

26.10. - 28.10.20182018 FORMULA 1 GRAN PREMIO DE MÉXICOMexico City (Rounds 9 + 10)

O�cial season tests:25.04. - 26.04.2018Season Test 1, Catalunya

13.06. -14.06.2018Season Test 2, Silverstone

* Subject to change.

Regulations PMSC 2018 Part 1 I Sporting Rules


7. Events

7.1 Calendar of events*11.05. - 13.05.2018FORMULA 1 GRAN PREMIO DE ESPAÑA 2018Catalunya (Round 1)

24.05. - 27.05.2018FORMULA 1 GRAND PRIX DE MONACO 2018Monte Carlo (Round 2)

29.06 - 01.07.2018FORMULA 1 GROSSER PREIS VON ÖSTERREICH 2018Spielberg (Round 3)

06.07. - 08.07.20182018 FORMULA 1 BRITISH GRAND PRIXSilverstone (Round 4)

20.07. - 22.07.20182018 FORMULA 1 GROSSER PREIS VON DEUTSCHLANDHockenheim (Round 5)

27.07. - 29.07.2018FORMULA 1 MAGYAR NAGYDÍJ 2018Budapest (Round 6)

24.08. - 26.08.20182018 FORMULA 1 BELGIAN GRAND PRIXSpa-Francorchamps (Round 7)

Part 1 I Sporting Rules


At the end of the quali�cation, all vehicles which participated in the quali�cation are subject to the Parc Fermé rules.

A driver will be admitted to a race by participating in the qualifying session and achiev-ing a qualifying time not exceeding 107% of the fastest driver in the qualifying session.

Any driver failing to meet the qualifying criteria and wishing to participate in the race must make written application to the Race Director. of the Event. Admission of drivers who have not quali�ed will be considered by the Stewards in consultation with the Race Director. Neither the Stewards of the Event nor the Race Director are under any obligation to accept any application from any driver who has not met the qualifying criteria.

Only one qualifying session of 30 minutes will take place at events with 2 races.The participants will qualify for race 1 with their fastest lap time in the qualifying session and for race 2 with the second fastest lap time in the qualifying session of the respective event.Drivers who do not achieve this quali�cation may be disquali�ed from starting. The �nal decision in this respect will be taken by the Stewards of the Event in consultation with the Race Director.

Should circumstances force the cancellation of the quali�cation session, then the times set in the free practice session will be used to determine the starting grid. The best free practice time of the driver in question determines the position on the starting grad for race 1, while the second-best free practice time of the driver in question determines the position on the starting grid for race 2.

Should circumstances force the cancellation of both the free practice session and the quali�cation session, then the current championship positions at the beginning of the event will be used to determine the starting grid for the race and for the second race where two races are held at an event (for the �rst event of the season, the order of the vehicles will be determined by a draw, guest entrants will be placed at the back in the order of their competition numbers).

Any driver causing a session to be stopped may be referred to the Stewards and may receive a penalty.

Regulations PMSC 2018 Part 1 I Sporting Rules


7.2 Maximum number of vehicles authorisedSubject to the maximum number of permitted vehicles being de�ned in the circuit license, the Series Organiser limits the maximum number of permitted vehicles for permanently entered starters to 28 and to an overall maximum of 32 including guest starters. Entries by the Series Organiser are excluded from the overall limit of 32.

7.3 Running of the events

a) PracticeOne free practice session of 30 to 45 minutes will be scheduled for each event.

The order of the vehicles in the pre-start is determined by the result of the preceding race.

For the �rst pre-start of the season, the order of the vehicles will be determined by a draw. Guest entrants will be placed at the back in the order of their competition numbers.

The free practice session time duration may be reduced in length should it be temporarily stopped for reasons of safety or Force Majeure.

Any driver causing a session to be stopped may be referred to the Stewards and may receive a penalty.

b) Quali�cationOne Qualifying session will be held at each event, normally of 30 minutes duration (the precise duration will be announced within the timetable of the respective event). All participants must qualify for the respective race. Admission to the starting grid and the races is dependent on the result of the qualifying session.

The order of the vehicles in the pre-start for quali�cation is de�ned by the results of the free practice session of the respective event. Should unforeseen circumstances force the cancellation of the free practice session, the pre-start order of the vehicles for quali�cation will be de�ned by the results of the preceding race (for the �rst pre-start of the season, the order of the vehicles will be determined by a draw, guest entrants will be placed at the back in the order of their competition numbers).

Part 1 I Sporting Rules


d) RacesThe 2018 Series consists of 10 races organised as circuit races. Each race will run over a distance of approximately 70 km. In each case this distance is converted into a certain number of laps for the classi�cation round(s) and indicated for each event in the Supplementary Event Regulations.

If the planned distance for the race has not been completed by the leading driver a�er 30 minutes, the leading driver will receive the chequered ¦ag the next time he passes the control (timing) line.

The control (timing) line applies both to the track and to the pit lane.

If a race is cancelled on account of force majeure or for safety reasons, the Series Or-ganiser reserves the right to reduce the number of races or to designate a replacement event. The Series Organiser is under no obligation to reschedule a race in its original format within an event.

Pre-startThe pre-start is the line-up of all vehicles before entering the circuit for the free practice, qualifying and races. All vehicles must be driven from the team awning/pit to the o�cial pre-start by the relevant driver. Any permitted exceptions will be announced by the Series Organiser at the start of an event. All drivers must be ready for collection in full racing clothing in their team awning/pit at the time de�ned in the schedule. Should an entrant or driver not be ready in time he may forgo the right to take part in the relevant session. The �nal decision on participation in the session is taken by the Stewards.

Any vehicle unable to leave the pre-grid area and enter the track with the rest of the cars will be given a further minute (60 seconds) to leave the pre-grid area and proceed to the grid. A�er this time, any vehicle which has not le� the pre-grid will not be permit-ted to do take up its position on the grid and must start from the pits if able to do so.

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Starting GridThe starting grid for the race will be determined by the fastest times achieved in qualifying as de�ned above and will be formally signed by the Stewards of the Event.

Should unforeseen circumstances force the cancellation of the 1st race then the 2nd race will be run with the grid times set for race 2.

If one or more drivers have not set a lap time (for reasons other than cancellation of the qualifying session), these drivers will be placed at the end of the starting grid in the following order:

a) the drivers who have started a timed lap; b) the drivers who have not started a timed lap from the pit lane.

Drivers whose entire lap times were cancelled by decision of the Race Director or the Stewards must, in all cases start the race behind the aforementioned drivers at the end of the starting grid. Should more than one driver have his entire times removed, their starting positions at the back of the grid will be determined by their best time in free practice.

The route from the Pre-Grid to the starting grid will be de�ned in the Drivers’ Brie�ng and must be followed. Driving one or more laps and through the pit lane is not permit-ted unless speci�cally ordered by the Race Director. The order of the vehicles in the pre-start is determined by the result of the starting grid for the relevant classi�cation.

On display of the 3-minute signal and/or any audible signal, all competition vehicles must be standing on their wheels on the track and must not be li�ed again.

On display of the 1-minute signal and/or audible signal, all personnel must clear the grid.

c) Starting modesAll races will be a standing start with staggered formation (GP start) unless amended by instruction of the Race Director.

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If a race is aborted or suspended a�er the leading car has �nished 2 complete racing laps, the race shall be deemed to be in two parts, the �rst of which �nished when the leading car crossed the control (timing) line for the penultimate time before the race was stopped: - The length of the second part will be the original race distance less the number of laps completed by the leader in race one and less two further laps.

- The grid for the second part will be a standard grid with the cars arranged in the order in which they �nished the �rst part. Gaps on the grid will be made up.

- Only cars which took part in the �rst start will be eligible and then only if they re-turned to the grid or pits under their own power by an authorised route.

- No spare cars or reserves will be eligible. - No refuelling will be permitted. - Cars may be worked on but only in the Pits. Any car in the Pits may start the race from the pit lane a�er all cars have started the race.

If a race is aborted or suspended a�er the leader has completed more than 50% of the scheduled racing laps (rounded up to the next whole lap) then the race may not be restarted.

If a race is stopped before the full distance or time has been achieved and the race is not restarted, then the results will be declared on the basis of the classi�cation order when the leading car crossed the control (timing) line for the penultimate time before the race was stopped. Should a race be initially placed under Safety Car conditions, but is then Red Flagged and does not resume then the results of the race will be determined by the passing of the control (timing) line by the leader and all following cars at the end of the lap before the Safety Car is deployed.

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Regulations in case of aborting or suspending a raceIf a race is aborted or stopped before the leading car has �nished 2 complete racing laps, the following rules will apply: - The start will be deemed null and void. - A�er the signal to stop the race has been given, all cars able to do so will proceed directly but slowly to the grid or to another position on the track as directed by the Race Director.

- Cars may be worked on but only in the Pits. Any car in the Pits may start the race from the pit lane a�er all cars have started the race.

- Retired competitors unable to take part in the restart of the race in their original car will be classi�ed as non-starters.

- All drivers having taken the original start shall be eligible for the restart in their original car (subject to judicial procedures).

- The length of the restarted race will be the scheduled race distance less at least two laps – the revised distance will be de�ned by the Race Director in consultation with the Stewards.

- The grid for the restart will be the original starting grid. - Empty starting places on the grid, caused by drivers unable to restart, will not be �lled. Empty starting rows will be �lled by moving up.

- Refuelling is prohibited.

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Allocation of pointsParticipants who satisfy the conditions for the allocation of points in the driver (Overall and ProAm Classi�cation) and/or team ranking for the individual classi�cation rounds shall be awarded the following points in the order in which they are placed in each race, in accordance with the rules for the driver (Overall and ProAm Classi�cation) and/or Team Classi�cation.

1st place: 20 points 2nd place: 18 points 3rd place: 16 points 4th place: 14 points 5th place: 12 points 6th place: 10 points 7th place: 9 points 8th place: 8 points 9th place: 7 points 10th place: 6 points 11th place: 5 points 12th place: 4 points 13th place: 3 points 14th place: 2 points 15th place: 1 point

Guest drivers under the entry “Porsche AG” will participate but not be included in the driver, team or prize money classi�cation.

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8. Classi�cation

8.1 Table of pointsThe winner of a race is the participant who has driven the speci�ed distance with his vehicle within the shortest time, taking account of all penalties.

The winner of a race regarding the awarding of points is the entered participant driving an entered vehicle/on an entered starting number who has driven the scheduled dis-tance with his vehicle in the shortest time, taking account of all penalties.

All participants who started the race will be classi�ed in accordance with the number of laps of the circuit covered, providing that they have completed at least 75 % of the distance covered by the winner (rounded up to the nearest whole lap). Drivers who have completed the same number of laps will be classi�ed in the order in which they last crossed the control (timing) line.

If the race distance is shortened or stopped and not resumed, the participants will be awarded the points as indicated, providing that at the time the race is stopped the leader has covered the following distance (based on the laps completed by the winner as shown in the o�cial race results):

At least 75 % of the scheduled distance = 100 % pointsAt least 50 % of the scheduled distance = 50 % pointsLess than 50 % of the scheduled distance = No points

The race distance is the number of laps speci�ed in the Supplementary Event Regula-tions for the race(s). No additional laps are added to the race distance if the Safety Car is used at any time in a race.

All laps of the race circuit covered a�er starting the race will be counted to obtain the distance covered. The warm-up, formation and slowdown laps do not count towards the distance.

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Organiser. No other vehicles from an entrant will be considered for the Team Classi�cation. If a substitute driver takes part in a vehicle registered in the 2018 Series, the entrant will receive the points in the Team Classi�cation achieved in accordance with the result in the race. Drivers classi�ed behind substitute drivers in the race results from an event will move up within the driver points ranking accordingly.

Results of guest drivers will not count towards the team classi�cation of the Series. Drivers classi�ed behind guest drivers in the race results from an event will move up within the driver and team points ranking accordingly.

Rookie Classi�cationThe Rookie Classi�cation is independent of the driver and team rankings.A rookie is a driver participating in his �rst season in the Series who has participated in no more than 5 races of the Porsche Mobil 1 Supercup in previous years. Only drivers who enter the series in accordance with article 4.1 and who take part in at least 6 events per season will be classi�ed.The maximum age for participation in the Rookie Classi�cation is 25 years (the driver must be no more than 25 at the �nal date of entry). All results count for the �nal Rook-ie Classi�cation; there are no void results. The winner of the Rookie Classi�cation is the driver with the highest total number of points of all races.Porsche Junior drivers are not eligible to enter the Rookie Classi�cation.

For the avoidance of doubt, drivers will score points according to their places in the �nal race results; this will be irrespective of which ever classi�cation they are in. Points will be awarded in accordance with the ‘Allocation of Points’ as set out in article 8.1 Table of Points.

Points for the ProAm Classi�cation will be awarded separately using the same ‘Alloca-tion of Points’, hence the highest placed ProAm Classi�cation driver will be awarded 20 points in the ProAm Classi�cation, and so forth.

Points for the Nations League will not be awarded separately but will be based upon the points scored in the o�cial race classi�cations.

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Driver Classi�cation, Overall and ProAm Classi�cationAll results of the individual races count towards the �nal classi�cation at the end of the year, there are no void or ‘dropped’ results. The Overall and ProAm Classi�cation are listed separately. The winner of each classi�cation is the entered driver with the highest total number of points of all races. The winner of the 2018 Series is the entered driver with the highest total number of points in the Overall Classi�cation from all the races.

It is permitted for a driver to change teams during a season and to continue scoring points for the drivers’ championship (Overall or ProAm). It is permitted for a driver to use a car already registered and entered by a team, however if the driver intends driving a new car then the entrant must submit a new “Application of Entry” and the appropriate fees to the Series Organiser.

The driver named in the “Application for Driver Entry” must take part in at least 6 events in order to be included in the �nal classi�cation for the year.

Substitute drivers will be awarded points according to their results, however if they participate in 5 or less events they will not be included in the �nal classi�cation at the end of the season.

Guest drivers will not be awarded points but may participate in any podium ceremo-nies as applicable.

Team Classi�cationThe Team Classi�cation is independent of the Driver Classi�cation. The points of two vehicles entered under the same entrant license are added for the team ranking. Points for the Team Classi�cation are awarded according to the o�cial overall race result, irrespective of classi�cation.

If there are more than 2 vehicles entered under one entrant license, the team must nominate two eligible team scoring drivers for the corresponding event in writing before the end of the administrative checks at each event of the Series. Should the entrant fail to nominate two drivers then the two respective drivers with the lower two competition numbers will be nominated automatically for that event by the Series

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The Series Organiser’s information board serves as the o�cial medium for announce-ments.

10.1 Timetable for administrative checksSee relevant Supplementary Event Regulations or o�cial notice board.

10.2 Drivers’ meeting/brie�ngThe time and location of the drivers’ meeting/brie�ng will be published in the Supplementary Event Regulations of the event. The Season Brie�ng notes and the event speci�c notes issued by the Race Director are formal documents which must be complied with.

Any non-attendance or late attendance (according to the list of signatures of attendees) will result in a minimum �ne of EUR 200 by the Stewards.

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Points for the Rookie Classi�cation will not be awarded separately but will be based upon the points scored in the �nal race results, as in previous years.

Prize for fastest race lapsThe driver who has achieved the highest number of fastest race laps of all events will win this classi�cation. If the highest number of two or more drivers is equal, the decision is made based on the better race results. Porsche Design Timepieces AG is the o�cial sponsor of this classi�cation.

8.2 Equality of pointsIf an equal number of points is achieved by more than one driver, the positions in the �nal classi�cation are based on the highest number of �rst place results, then second place results and possibly all further results achieved in the 2018 Series. If, a�er appli-cation of this rule, the number of points is still equal, the decision is made based on the better results of the �nal race.

9. Private practice and testing

There is no restriction on private practice or testing.

10. Administrative checks

The entrant and driver must ensure that all the necessary documents as set out in the organiser’s rules of participation are submitted by the correct date and time for license veri�cation. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in disquali�cation from the event. The following documents must be presented by the driver/entrant:S Entrant’s licenseS Driver’s licenseS Possible ASN con�rmation (if required)S Medical aptitude formS Authorisation to take part in relevant events abroad

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The vehicles and drivers’ safety equipment are to be shown to the Technical Scrutineers for technical and visual examination during the stated inspection periods. The inspection periods are to be strictly adhered to.Once pre-event technical scrutineering is completed, the vehicles may only leave the paddock with the permission of the Series Organiser. Any vehicle that is permitted to leave the paddock must be presented again to the Technical Scrutineers before taking any further part in the event. It is the entrant’s responsibility to present the vehicle to the Technical Scrutineers.No vehicle may take part in an event until it has been passed by the scrutineers.

Unless a waiver is granted by the Stewards, Competitors who do not keep to the set time limits will not be permitted to take part in an event.

Scrutineering during an eventA�er qualifying and each race, the vehicles are to be brought to the Parc Fermé area by the route described in the Drivers’ Brie�ng. The Parc Fermé area of the Series will be identi�ed in the Supplementary Event Regulations for each event or in the notes from the Drivers’ Brie�ng. The route from the �nish line to the Parc Fermé is subject to the Parc Fermé provisions. All vehicles must be driven by the relevant drivers in full racing equipment to the Parc Fermé a�er qualifying and racing; this does not apply to the Technical Scrutineers and their assistants.All vehicles are subject to Parc Fermé conditions until the end of the protest period. During this time, no works of any kind may be performed on the cars. Once in the designated area, no vehicle may be removed without the permission of the Technical Scrutineer / Race Director. No individual may enter Parc Fermé without the permission of the Technical Scrutineers.

Vehicles that have been involved in an accident at any time during an event are to be presented to the Technical Scrutineers. Any repairs identi�ed by the Technical Scruti-neers must be undertaken by the entrant and the vehicle represented to the Technical Scrutineers. It is the entrant’s responsibility to do so before taking part in the event again.The Stewards, Race Director or the Chief Medical Officer can require a driver to have a medical examination at any time during an event.

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11. Scrutineering/technical checks

Before and as required, during each event all vehicles will be inspected by one or more Technical Scrutineers licensed by an FIA-a�liated ASN. The names of the scrutineers are stated in the Supplementary Event Regulations or in a Stewards’ Bulletin. They may be provided by the promoter or by the Series Organiser. Any vehicle can by selected at any time by the Stewards for a further technical examination, including examination outside the event venue.The Technical Scrutineers are entitled to check any aspects of the vehicles in competi-tion at any time during the event.The Technical Scrutineers are responsible for the operation of the Parc Fermé and are the only persons authorised to give instructions to the Competitors.

Entrants and drivers shall at all times follow the instructions of the Technical Scrutineers regarding the checking and re-inspection of vehicles.

11.1 Repair, sealing and marking vehicle partsSee Part 2: Technical Regulations.

11.2 Timetable Scrutineering/ technical checks

Scrutineering before the start of an event Before the commencement of each event, the entrant must present his race vehicle and the driver must present the compulsory driver’s safety equipment at technical scrutineering at the published times. The vehicle must be presented in the con�gu-ration as it will be used in the competition (including starting numbers) and it is the entrant’s responsibility to ensure that the vehicle fully complies with the applicable Technical Regulations at all times throughout the event, commencing with pre-event scrutineering. The presentation of a vehicle for scrutineering will be deemed an implicit statement of conformity.The following vehicle documents must be presented:– Technical passport– Certi�cate for rollover structure

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12.2 Wet race procedure1. A wet race or wet track is announced based on a decision by the Race Director/

Clerk of the Course by displaying the “wet race” or “wet track” board (messages will also be displayed on the electronic timing screens where possible). In this case, the decision is le� to the entrants/drivers as to whether they wish to take appropriate measures (change tyres).

2. In all cases, once the cars have le� the paddock area and taken position in the pre-start, the pit crew equipment and tyre trolleys will go from the paddock into the pit lane.

3. If a wet race or wet track is displayed or announced before the race starts, the start process is subject to the following conditions:

a. During the pre-start procedure i. The Race Director will con�rm where tyres may be changed and the procedure for doing so. ii. The normal start procedure will then begin from the 5-minute signal. If the weather conditions continue the Race Director may elect to start the race behind the Safety Car. b. During the start process (on the grid) before the formation lap i. The competitors are shown the Start Delayed board. ii. The Race Director will decide where teams may change tyres and issue instructions accordingly. iii. The normal start procedure will then begin from the 5-minute signal. If the weather conditions continue the Race Director may elect to start the race behind the Safety Car. c. During the Formation Lap i. The start is aborted. ii. The Race Director will decide where teams may change tyres and issue instructions accordingly. iii. The normal start procedure will then begin from the 5-minute signal. If the weather conditions continue the Race Director may elect to start the race behind the Safety Car.

Once a race has started, the teams and drivers are free to choose slick tyres or wet-weather tyres at any time without waiting for the Race Director to declare a “Wet Race” or “Wet Track”.

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Any vehicle that is permitted to leave the paddock for repairs a�er an incident must be presented again to the Technical Scrutineers before taking any further part in the event. It is the entrant’s responsibility to present the vehicle to the Technical Scrutineers. An engine or gearbox change must be approved in advance by the Series Organiser in writing.It is not permitted to drive the competition vehicles on public roads at any time (the only exception to this is at the Monaco event).The Stewards will publish the results for each vehicle scrutineered. These results will not include any speci�c �gures or data except where a vehicle is found to be in breach of the technical regulations.

12. Races

See also Article 7.3 d.No Driver may start a race without having taken part in a qualifying or practice session unless authorised by the Race Director.

12.1 Start procedureCars will be driven from the Pre-Grid area to the starting grid using the route described in the Drivers’ Brie�ng. The count down to the start of the race will be from the 5-minute signal. At the end of the count down, all cars will begin the Formation Lap. At the end of the Formation Lap, all cars shall promptly take up their grid positions. Once stopped in their grid positions, cars must not move until the race start signal is given.a. The Starter will use the Formula 1 light sequence to start the race.b. Should a driver be in an incorrect position on the grid or move forward from his

grid position before the race start signal is given (red lights out), this may be recorded as a ‘False Start’ and be referred to the Stewards.

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overtaking is prohibited. The Safety Car will then be deployed to pick up the leader and all cars must remain within �ve metres of the car in front. Once the Race Director is satis�ed that racing may resume, the Safety Car lights will normally be switched o¥ at the timing line Sector 2 (refer to the event circuit map) and as the car enters the pit lane, all ‘SC’ boards and yellow ¦ags will be replaced with green ¦ags. A driver is not permitted to overtake another car until the driver has passed the green ¦ag at the �nish line.

12.6 Finish1. The end-of-race signal will be given at the Line as soon as the leading vehicle has

covered the full scheduled race distance or has covered the greatest distance within the scheduled race time.

2. Should for any reason (other than when a race is aborted or suspended in accor-dance with Article 7.3d) the end-of-race signal be given before the leading vehicle completes the scheduled number of laps, or before the prescribed time has been completed, the race will be deemed to have finished when the leading vehicle last crossed the Line before the signal was given. Should the end-of-race signal be delayed for any reason, the race will be deemed to have finished when it should have finished.

3. A�er receiving the end-of-race signal all vehicles must proceed on the Circuit directly to the Parc Fermé without stopping and without any assistance (except that of the marshals, if necessary).

Any classified vehicle which cannot reach the Parc Fermé under its own power will be placed under the exclusive control of the marshals who will take the vehicle to the Parc Fermé.

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If the start or re-start of the race is made behind the Safety Car, due to the weather conditions then the use of wet-weather tyres is compulsory until the Safety Car has returned to the Pits. The start or re-start may be from the Pit Lane.

A race will not be stopped in the event of rain unless the circuit is blocked, or the Race Director considers it unsafe to continue.See Part 2: Technical Regulations Article 2.7 regarding the use of wet weather tyres

12.3 Pit stop safety and applicant’s responsibility when starting from the pit areaThe outer (fast) lane is to be kept unobstructed to allow safe passage of cars at all times. The onus shall be on all drivers to take due care and drive within the Pit Lane speed limit. Drivers must respect the designated pit entry and must not cross the white line at pit exit, details of which will be provided in the Drivers’ Brie�ng.All equipment must be kept in a safe position towards garages as soon as cars leave their Pits at the start of and during practice, qualifying and races.Entrants, team members and drivers are responsible for the conduct and safety of their guests in the Pit Lane area. Guests must carry the correct credentials at all times. Any guest found in the Pit Lane without the correct pass will be excluded from the Pit Lane and the entrant will be reported to the Stewards.Entrants, team members and drivers must ensure that their guests respect the Pit Lane regulations and be vigilant at all times. To this end, it is the responsibility of each entrant and/or driver to give a brie�ng to each individual guest regarding Pit Lane safety.

12.4 False StartsThe Race Director and/or Stewards may use any video or electronic means to assist them in reaching a decision regarding false starts.

12.5 Safety CarThe Safety Car will be deployed under the instruction of the Race Director, to neutralise a race in accordance with FIA ISC Appendix H Article 2.9. For the �rst lap of a race the Safety Car will be positioned before the last corner. If the start/�nish straight is com-pletely blocked, a marshal with an arrow board or sign will indicate that cars should follow the Safety Car through the pits.The Safety Car procedure will be that �rstly, waved yellow ¦ags with stationary ‘SC’ boards will be displayed around the circuit. All cars must slow down immediately –

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Drivers racing under the “Porsche AG” entry are excluded from receiving any prize money. Drivers placed a�er such guest drivers move up the prize money system ac-cordingly.

The prize money will be paid 6 weeks a�er the last race of the Series. In each case, the prize money will be paid to the entrant named in the entry, provided that the entrant/driver does not owe outstanding amounts to Porsche AG and its subsidiaries, all entry conditions and conditions of participation have been adhered to and no sports disci-plinary proceedings are outstanding that could in¦uence the �nal tally of points.

Prizes in kindThe Series Organiser can also remunerate the drivers with a prize in kind for their suc-cessful participation.

The prize in kind in its net amount (exclusive of VAT) is the consideration remunerated by the Series Organiser in return for the successful participation of the driver with the highest number of Overall Classi�cation points (barter transaction according to Sec. 3 Para. 12 sentence 2 German VAT Law). Thus, an exchange of supply and consideration takes place between the Series Organiser and the driver.

The driver must indicate if he acts as a non-entrepreneur or an entrepreneur for VAT purposes. If he acts as an entrepreneur for VAT purposes, he must indicate his tax number or VAT identi�cation number.

The Series Organiser issues invoices for the supplied prizes in kind plus VAT, if appli-cable. In return, the Series Organiser issues self-billed invoices to the drivers for their successful participation, plus VAT if applicable.

Any applicable VAT shown on the invoices of the Series Organiser for the prizes in kind must be paid by the driver to the organiser. Only if for the supplied service of the driver also German VAT becomes due and is credited in the self-billed invoice of the Series Organiser, no payment of the VAT element is due.

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13. Title, prize money and trophies

13.1 Title Overall WinnerThe driver who has scored the highest number of points in the Overall Classi�cation a�er all respective events of the 2018 Series will be awarded the title:

“2018 Porsche Mobil 1 Supercup Champion”

13.2 Prize money and trophies

Prize moneyThe prize money is paid by the Series Organiser exclusively to the competitors (en-trant).

The prize money is paid in return as a consideration by the Series Organiser to the participants for their successful participation. Thus, an exchange of supply and consid-eration takes place between the organiser and the participant.

The prize money is paid plus VAT if VAT should arise according to the applicable VAT Law. In order to check if VAT is to be charged as per the applicable VAT Law, the par-ticipants con�rm their status as entrepreneurs for VAT purposes by indicating their tax number and respective VAT identi�cation number.

The organizer issues self-billed invoices, plus VAT if applicable, for the successful participation of the participant.

Prize money is awarded at each event for positions 1 to 15 (Overall Classi�cation) and for positions 1 to 5 (ProAm Classi�cation) of each o�cial race result.

Substitute drivers using a starting number entered in the 2018 Series are entitled to receive prize money.

Guest drivers entered in the 2018 Series are entitled to receive prize money.

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ProAm Classi�cation 1st place: EUR 800.00 2nd place: EUR 600.00 3rd place: EUR 500.00 4th place: EUR 400.00 5th place: EUR 300.00

Team Classi�cationThe awards for the end-of-year team rankings will be as follows: 1st place: EUR 60,000.00 2nd place: EUR 45,000.00 3rd place: EUR 30,000.00 4th place: EUR 20,000.00 5th place: EUR 15,000.00 6th place: EUR 12,500.00 7th place: EUR 10,000.00 8th place: EUR 5,000.00

Rookie Classi�cationThe end-of-year results of the “Rookie of the Year“ classi�cation will be awarded as follows: 1st place: EUR 12,000.00 2nd place: EUR 8,000.00 3rd place: EUR 5,000.00

The winner of the Rookie Classi�cation 2018 will additionally receive a prize of EUR 30,000.00. This additional prize money will only be paid out to the entrant that enters this driver in the following season of the Series and is classi�ed in the end-of-year ranking. Otherwise, the winner of the Rookie Classi�cation has no right to receive this prize money.

Prize for fastest race lapsThe driver with the highest number of fastest laps from all races will receive a watch. If two drivers achieve the same number, the prize will be awarded to the driver who �nishes in the higher position in the overall results at the end of the 2018 Series.

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According to § 50a EStG, entrants, who are not registered in Germany, must currently pay 15.825% of the prize money, also team prize money & special prizes, won in German events to the German tax o�ce. The prize money to be paid out will therefore be reduced by this tax amount and currently amounts to 84.175% of the prize money. This procedure will also be applied for the prize of kind. As such, for points scored in German races, the winner will have to pay tax based on the value of the prize.

Driver Classi�cationParticipants who satisfy the conditions for claiming their successes in the prize money classi�cation for each race are awarded the following prize money in the order in which they are placed, in compliance with the Regulations for prize money classi�cation:

Overall Classi�cation 1st place: EUR 7,000.00 2nd place: EUR 5,500.00 3rd place: EUR 4,500.00 4th place: EUR 4,000.00 5th place: EUR 3,500.00 6th place: EUR 3,250.00 7th place: EUR 3,000.00 8th place: EUR 2,750.00 9th place: EUR 2,500.00 10th place: EUR 2,250.00 11th place: EUR 2,000.00 12th place: EUR 1,750.00 13th place: EUR 1,500.00 14th place: EUR 1,250.00 15th place: EUR 1,000.00

The 2018 Porsche Mobil 1 Supercup Champion also receives a special prize, which will be determined by the Series Organiser. The respective drivers are responsible for the taxation of the prizes in kind.

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15. Exclusion of jurisdiction of a court and limitation of liability

1. The jurisdiction of a court is excluded for decisions of the FIA, the DMSB, their jurisdictions, the Stewards, the Series Organiser as judge in terms of § 661 German Civil Code.

2. No claim for compensation of whatever kind may be derived from actions and decisions of the DMSB or its jurisdiction as well as of DMSB representatives or the Series Organiser, except in the case of a damage caused on purpose or by gross negligence, except for damage or harm to life, body or health resulting from the deliberate or negligent breach of duty, including a legal representative or agents of the group of persons released from liability, and except for any other damage resulting from the deliberate or grossly negligent breach of duty, including a legal representative or agent of the group of persons released from liability.

3. Implied exclusions from liability shall remain una¥ected by the above exclusion of liability clause.

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14. Protests and appeals

The FIA International Sporting Code is applicable for protests and appeals, DMSB Event Regulations and the DMSB Legal System and Code of Procedure as well the FIA Legal Sys-tem and Code of Procedure for FIA appeals.

Protest deposit - payable to the DMSB: International status: will be published in the Supplementary Regulations of the relevant event.

Appeal deposit – payable to the DMSB: International status EUR 1,500.00

Appeal to the FIA – payable to the FIA: EUR 6,000.00An additional fee of 3.000,00 € charged by the DMSB shall become due for an international appeal (FIA).

(Protest and appeal deposits are exempt from VAT)The Series Organiser shall be entitled to be party to any Appeal.

In accordance with article 15.1.3 of the FIA International Sporting Code, the Series is regis-tered with the FIA by the DMSB which is the competent sporting tribunal for Appeals.

In accordance with the FIA International Sporting Code Article 12.2.4, appeals may not be made against any element of decisions resulting in the application of the following penalties applied by the Stewards or the Race Director:

a) “Drive through” or “Stop/Go” penalties including those imposed during the last laps of a race or a time penalty (in lieu of a Drive Through Penalty) a�er the race.

b) Penalties stating or implying the cancellation of a number of practice or qualifying lap times.

c) Penalties stating or implying a drop of grid positions for the race.d) Time penalties added to the whole race time during the race.

Should a “Notice of Intention to Appeal” be submitted to the Stewards, then the Appeal deposit shall also be submitted at that time.

Regulations PMSC 2018 Part 1 I Sporting Rules


17. Speci�c Regulations

PaddockThe image of the Series and the participating teams must be to a professional standard at all times. This includes, for example, team clothing, articulated lorries, awnings, pit walls and antistatic ¦oor coverings (explicitly no carpet ¦ooring). Each team is required to provide an articulated lorry with a working awning in accordance with the FIA standard (maximum width: 8 m; maximum length: max. articulated vehicle length excluding the tractor unit). In exceptional cases, the Series Organiser reserves the right to restrict the length of the awning to include the length of the tractor unit as well. This needs to be considered when planning for the awnings. At least 2 competition vehicles must be accommodated in each working awning. Furthermore, every entrant must ensure that all safety relevant aspects of its team’s working processes are ful�lled and observed.

Only the team trucks shall have access to the Series paddock. Small trucks and trailers shall only have access to the Series paddock for the purposes of loading and unloading during the o�cial set-up and dismantling periods. Passenger cars, motorhomes and other vehicles are strictly forbidden and shall not have access to the Series paddock at any time. Unless decided otherwise by the Series Organiser, it is permitted to start dismantling the paddock a�er the Formula 1 race has started.The precise times for setting up and dismantling the paddock will be determined by the Series Organiser for each event and will be advised in writing at the latest 24 hours before the start of the event in the form of a “Team Information“ notice. These times must be strictly adhered to.

All trucks must be washed before they are parked in the paddock. The use of trucks and trailer roofs as well as li�ing platforms as spectator platforms is prohibited. 2 or 3 national ¦ags (one per driver) must be ¦own from each team truck at a height of 7 m from the ground. The size and the layout will be de�ned by the Series Organiser prior to the �rst round.

With the exception of Porsche Team Catering, all other kinds of catering are prohibited in the paddock of the Series.

Part 1 I Sporting Rules


16. TV rights/advertising and television rights

All copyright, sound and picture rights lie with Formula One World Championship Limited (FOWC), including the pictures which are adopted by television broadcasts in the 2018 Series. All television rights of the 2018 Series, including terrestrial broadcast as well as cable and satellite television broadcast, all video rights and all rights on the use of the complete electronic media, including internet, lie with Formula One World Championship Limited (FOWC). Any kind of recording, broadcast, repetition or reproduction for com-mercial purpose, particularly also distribution via social media platforms, without written agreement of the Formula One World Championship Limited (FOWC) is prohibited and can lead to high claims for compensation.

The Series Organiser is entitled to use exclusively all rights of the entrants, teams and their drivers, particularly names, logos, team equipment and vehicles, for the production of interactive games of the Series and to assign the rights to a third party for this purpose.

Regulations PMSC 2018 Part 1 I Sporting Rules


Podium ceremonyDuring the entire podium ceremony, except for the time during which the national an-thems are being played, the drivers on the podium must wear the caps of the tyre manu-facturer on their heads with the logo at the front.

The ceremony starts with ascending the podium and ends with leaving the podium a�er the group pictures for the press.

Any violation of this regulation will be penalised with a �nancial penalty of at least EUR 2,500.00 by the Stewards. The payment of the penalty does not preclude any further penalty.

It is mandatory for the winner of the Grand Prix de Monaco to attend the Championship Dinner of the ACM together with his Team Manager. Participants must bring a suit and tie.

Stewards’ InquiriesThe Stewards of the Event may hold inquiries into incidents observed by them or referred to them by the Race Director, Technical Scrutineers, Series Organiser or other parties. The Stewards may seek evidence from any source they choose – in the case of incidents on track the Race Director shall present any video evidence available and at any time requested by the Stewards including during inquiries with entrants and drivers.

Incidentsa) “Incident” means any occurrence or series of occurrences involving one or more

drivers, or any action by any driver, which can be reported to the Stewards by the Race Director (or directly noted by the Steward) which:

i. Necessitated the suspension of a session (red ¦ag) ii. Constituted a breach of these Sporting Regulations or the Code. iii. Caused a false start in a race by one or more cars. iv. Caused a collision. v. Forced a driver o¥ the track. vi. Illegitimately prevented a legitimate overtaking manoeuvre by a driver. vii. Illegitimately impeded another driver during overtaking.

Unless it was completely clear that a driver was in breach of any of the above, any incidents involving more than one car will normally be investigated a�er the session.

Part 1 I Sporting Rules


As part of Formula 1 race meetings, catering for guests is available exclusively in the Formula One Paddock Club or in the team catering area provided by the Series Organ-iser. Tickets can be purchased through the Series Organiser.

The Series Organiser will announce speci�c information regarding paddock set-up for the season �nal event in form of a “Team Info” notice.

Pit lane allocationTeams will be allocated a working area in the pit lane in front of the F1 team garages. Using the Team Classi�cation order at the end of 2017 to establish priority, each team may choose a F1 team garage to work in front of for the season. Guest teams will be allocated a working area by the Series Organiser.

Instructions of the Series OrganiserInstructions of the Series Organiser shall be followed at all times. In the event of failure of any entrant, team, team member, driver, guest or other individual to comply with these Regulations, the Series Organiser will notify the Permanent Steward who may impose a penalty including a �ne of at least EUR 500.00 and up to disquali�cation from the event.

Team managers’ meetingThe time and location of the Team Managers’ Meeting is speci�ed in the internal event schedule. This is additionally displayed on the o�cial information board. Participation is mandatory. An established non-participation or incomplete participation (according to the sign-on sheet) may incur a �ne.

O�cial meetings / press conferences / Representation meetingsThe time and place for all o�cial meetings, press conferences and representation meetings (autograph session, photoshoots, etc.) are speci�ed in the internal event schedule. Any established non-participation or incomplete participation (according to the sign-on sheet) may incur a �ne being imposed by the Stewards of the Event.

Publication obligationThe nationality of the issuing license authority must be stated for publications and podium ceremonies.

Regulations PMSC 2018 Part 1 I Sporting Rules


at an Event impose a penalty upon a driver that takes the driver’s penalty points to 12 or more then the Stewards will impose a further penalty that the driver must start the next two races he participates in, at the back of the grid.

Should the Stewards decide to impose either a Drive-Through or a Stop-Go penalty, the following procedure will be followed:i. The Steward will give noti�cation of the penalty which has been imposed to the competitor concerned by means of a message on the timing monitors. The Race Director will also announce the penalty to the driver through the radio system.ii. From the time the Stewards’ decision is noti�ed on the timing monitors the relevant driver may cross the control (timing) line on the track no more than twice before entering the pit lane. In the case of a Drive-Through penalty he must proceed down the pit lane and re-join the race without stopping. In the case of a Stop-Go penalty, the driver must stop in the designated area where he shall remain for the period of the penalty. When the time penalty period has elapsed the driver may re-join the race. However, unless the driver was already in the pit entry for the purpose of serving a Drive-Through or Stop-Go penalty, he may not carry out the penalty while the Safety Car has been deployed. The number of times the driver crosses the control line behind the Safety Car will be added to the maximum number of times he may cross the control line on the track. Whilst a car is stationary in the pit lane as a result of incurring a time penalty it may not be worked on. However, if the engine stops it may be started a�er the time penalty period has elapsed.iii. Should either a Drive-Through or Stop-Go penalty be imposed and noti�ed during the last �ve laps/ten minutes or a�er the end of the race, or cannot be imposed for operational reasons, then at the discretion of the Stewards the procedure at (ii) above may not apply and an alternative time penalty of 30 seconds in the case of a Drive-Through penalty or 40 seconds in the case of a Stop-Go penalty may be added to the elapsed time of the car concerned. iv. Any breach or failure to comply with the above procedure may result in the car being disquali�ed.

Part 1 I Sporting Rules


b) It shall be at the discretion of the Stewards to decide, upon a report or a request by the Race Director, if a driver or drivers involved in an incident shall be penalised.

PenaltiesAt the individual events the Stewards of the Event (and the Race Director where speci�ed in these regulations) are responsible for imposing penalties to the participants, including entrants, teams and drivers.

In addition to the cases listed in the International Sporting Code, these Regulations and the DMSB Regulations, the following circumstances or o¥ences may also be punished by refusing permission to participate, or disqualify a participant from the event:

- Non-compliance with the prerequisites for participation - Non-compliance with the Regulations in the code - Advertising for brands that compete with the Series sponsors - Unsporting behaviour - Failure to comply with the instructions of the Series Organiser - Refusal to undergo a vehicle check that has been ordered

If any special examinations or investigations are required and ultimately lead to a penalty being applied by the Stewards of the Event, then the costs of such examinations or investigations shall be met by the entrant.

The fact that penalties have been imposed by the Stewards of the Event does not rule out more extensive penalties by the relevant ASN or the FIA. These disciplinary bodies shall also be entitled to disallow points won in races in the 2018 Series races.

In the case of disquali�cation from an event, the points gained and the prize money for the relevant race shall be forfeited. In the event of disquali�cation from participating further in the Series, all points and prize money won up to that point shall be forfeited.

Whilst the Stewards may impose any penalty they consider appropriate for a breach of the regulations, Attachment 10 contains a set of guideline penalties that will be taken into account, up to and including disquali�cation from participating in the next event. It should be noted that some penalties also carry penalty points. Should the Stewards

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E¤ectiveness of the regulations and rankingIn the event of a con¦ict between the entry documents and these Regulations, then the current version of these Regulations shall take precedence.

18. Safety

18.1 Extrication exerciseAt each event, the Series Organiser, in conjunction with the event medical personnel, may elect to hold an Extrication Exercise. The Series Organiser shall, by rotation, nominate a team and driver to take part in the exercise. The team and driver must comply with this request and have the nominated car and driver, with all racing equipment, available at the designated date and time in the Series paddock, in full race condition. Failure to comply with this regulation may result in a penalty.

18.2 Pit lane safetyThe maximum speed in the pit lane during practice, qualifying and each race is speci�ed by the promoter in the Supplementary Event Regulations (usually 60 kph) and will be monitored by the Race Director and the Stewards. Drivers exceeding the permitted maximum speed during free practice and in qualifying sessions shall be �ned EUR 200 plus EUR 25.00 for each km/h over the speci�ed limit. Drivers who repeatedly exceed the permitted maximum speed in the pit lane during free practice and qualifying may face additional penalties for speed limit violation. Drive through penalties may be issued if the permitted maximum speed in the pit lane is exceeded during a race. During the last laps of a race where a Drive Through Penalty cannot be served, a Post-Race Time penalty of 30 seconds may be imposed, in lieu of the Drive Through Penalty.

The use of safety stands (securing the car from dropping unintentionally from the air jacks) for any type of work underneath the car is strictly enforced. Any non-compliance will be reported to the Stewards and penalized at the full discretion of the Stewards.

Part 1 I Sporting Rules


The trackDrivers must use the track at all times and may not leave the track without a justi�able reason. For the avoidance of doubt: a) The white lines de�ning the edge of the track are considered to be part of the track. b) A driver will be judged to have le� the track if all four wheels of the car go beyond the white line. c) Any kerbs installed beyond the white lines are not considered to be part of the track.

The following penalties may be applied:

Practice a) Any driver identi�ed by a Judge of Fact as having le� the track (unless for reasons beyond his control) may have that lap time deleted by the Race Director. b) Any driver who repeatedly leaves the track may be reported to the Stewards who may impose a penalty, the minimum being a Stop/Go penalty of 5 minutes in the following qualifying session.

Qualifying a) Any driver identi�ed by a Judge of Fact as having le� the track (unless for reasons beyond his control) may have that lap time deleted by the Race Director. b) Any driver who repeatedly leaves the track may be reported to the Stewards who may impose a penalty up to and including a deletion of all lap times.

Race a) Any driver identi�ed by a Judge of Fact as having le� the track (unless for reasons beyond his control) on a number of occasions will be shown the Black & White ¦ag as a warning. b) Any driver who repeatedly leaves the track may be reported to the Stewards who may impose a penalty, the minimum being a race time penalty of 5 seconds. It is not a condition that the driver must have been shown the Black and White ¦ag before a penalty is applied.

Regulations PMSC 2018 Part 2 I Technical Regulations


Part 2: Technical Regulations

1. Technical Series Regulations

1.1 Summary of the eligible groups/classesThe Porsche Mobil 1 Supercup is a one-make Series with no group/class classi�cation.

Only vehicles of the type/model Porsche 911 GT3 Cup, type 991 II (a special series produced by Porsche AG), of the model year 2017 and 2018 which fully comply with these Regulations are eligible to participate.

The vehicles must meet the technical speci�cations of these Regulations and Appendix J of the International Sporting Code in full and must possess a valid and registered DMSB vehicle pass or the corresponding document of another ASN associated to the FIA.

A change of vehicles must be applied for in writing by the entrant and must be approved in written form by the Series Organiser prior to the change. The decision to approve a change of vehicle is at the absolute discretion of the Series Organiser.

Vehicles submitted by “Porsche AG” may deviate from the Technical Regulations for development purposes. The deviations shall be referred for approval to the DMSB by the Series Organiser before the vehicle is used and shall not involve any safety-critical modi�cations.

Part 1 I Sporting Rules


18.3 General safetyDrivers are strictly forbidden to drive their vehicles in the opposite direction to the speci�ed direction unless this is necessary in order to move the vehicle from a dangerous position. A vehicle may only be pushed to remove it from a dangerous position as directed by the marshals.

At any time whilst on track, drivers may only use the track and must at all times ob-serve the provisions of the International Sporting Code and these regulations relating to driving behaviour on circuits.

If a vehicle stops during practice or a race it must be removed from the track as quickly as possible so that its presence does not constitute a danger or hinder other Competitors. If the driver is unable to drive the vehicle from a dangerous position, it shall be the duty of the marshals to help; however, if any mechanical assistance is required to move the vehicle then the vehicle will not be permitted to re-join. A d river who abandons a vehicle must leave the steering wheel with the vehicle.

The vehicle’s lights must be illuminated at all times when it is running on treaded tyres and/or on a track that has been declared wet. The Technical Scrutineers may check the lights at any time until 15 minutes before the green flag. No penalty will be imposed if the lights fail during a race, nor need the vehicle be stopped.

If a driver is involved in an incident, he must not leave the Circuit without the consent of the Stewards.

Throughout all sessions there will be a green/red light at the pit exit. Vehicles may only leave the pit lane when the green light is on.

Any driver intending to leave the track or to go to his pit or the paddock area must signal his intention to do so in good time making sure that he can do this without danger.

Regulations PMSC 2018 Part 2 I Technical Regulations


Frontal Head Restraint System (FHR; HANS or comparable system)The use of an FIA-approved head restraint in compliance with FIA list No. 29 is compulsory for all races and events within the championship as well as for all races outside the championship which are organised according to these Regulations.

Responsibility for the necessary modi�cations to the driver’s equipment in order to enable use of such a system and installation of same in the vehicle in compliance with the manufacturer’s instructions lies solely with the participant. The relevant manufacturer’s certi�cate is to be presented during technical scrutineering. Drinking systemA drinking system without an electric pump may be used. Prior to installation it must be approved by the Technical Scrutineers.

Cooling systemA cooling system with cooling vest may be used. Prior to installation it must be ap-proved by the Technical Scrutineers. The installation according to the manufacturer’s instructions is the sole responsibility of the participant.

Part 2 I Technical Regulations


1.2 Principles of the Technical RegulationsIn accordance with:S Art. 251–253 of Appendix J (FIA ISC)£ Technical Regulations for DMSB group(s) S General provisions, de�nitions and clari�cations regarding the technical rules (DMSB Manual, blue part), see also article 1.11 concerning safety equipment in events abroadS These Technical RegulationsS Technical manuals of the eligible vehiclesS Technical information of Porsche AGS Spare parts catalogues of the eligible vehicles

1.3 General/preamble

Everything that is not expressly permitted in these Regulations is prohibited. Permitted modi�cations must not result in any illegal modi�cations or infringements of the Regulations.

1.4 Driver equipmentIt is compulsory to wear overalls in compliance with the FIA 8856-2000 standard as well as underwear (with long sleeves and legs), balaclava, socks, shoes and gloves in compliance with FIA Regulations.

Furthermore, wearing a helmet in compliance with the FIA Regulations (Appendix L of the ISC) is compulsory.

Furthermore, use of a head restraint (e. g. HANS) is compulsory.

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1.6 Minimum weights and ballastIt is the entrant’s responsibility to ensure that at all times during the event the mandatory minimum combined weight of the vehicle with empty fuel tank, driver equalisation weight and the driver (together with all driver equipment) is reached.

The mandatory minimum combined weight of vehicle, driver equalisation weight and driver (together with all driver equipment) will be announced per bulletin at the end of technical scrutineering of the �rst event.

The minimum weight must also be observed when the levels of operating liquids are under minimum level.

The Technical Scrutineers shall specify a weigh scale for the checking of weight of the vehicles and drivers. It is referred to here as the “o�cial scale”.The o�cial scale is located in the Series technical scrutineering tent or in an alternative designated place. This is also the weighing area.The “o�cial scale” will be checked annually and calibrated by either the certi�cated Porsche Testing Laboratory or any other o�cially certi�cated Testing Lab.The installation of ballast is permitted. Only original Porsche ballast components must be used. These must be installed in the provided holders at the position of the passenger’s seat in accordance with the illustration in Attachment 3. The ballast weights are identi�ed by spare part numbers (part numbers: 997.504.848.00 / 997.504.848.01 / 997.504.848.02). or 991.504.848.00 / 991.504.848.01 / 991.504.848.02.

Minimum vehicle weightAt no time during an event is the weight of a vehicle permitted to be less than the mandatory minimum weight. The minimum weight of a vehicle will be announced per bulletin at the end of technical scrutineering of the �rst event. The minimum weight of a vehicle shall consist of: - the weight of the vehicle with empty fuel tank; - the weight of the inboard camera (surveillance camera and/or FOM TV camera), the radio system assigned by the Series Organiser or the weight of the respective substitute ballast;

- the installed additional weights (excluding driver equalisation weight).

Part 2 I Technical Regulations


1.5 General RegulationsPermitted modi�cations and installationsThe only work which is permitted to be carried out on the vehicles is that necessary for its normal servicing, or for the replacement of parts worn through use or accident.

The limits of the modi�cations and installations permitted are speci�ed hereina�er. Any part worn through use or accident may only be replaced by identical Porsche Genuine Parts that are assigned to the eligible vehicles in compliance with Item 2.1. The Porsche Genuine Parts are speci�ed in the valid spare parts catalogue in each case.

The use of components manufactured by Porsche AG for other groups of vehicles (e.g. Porsche road vehicles) is also prohibited.

The use of any items described as “optional” in the parts catalogue is prohibited, if their use is not speci�cally permitted by these technical regulations.

Throughout the vehicle, the standard fastening components such as nuts, bolts, washers, lock washers, spring washers and splint pins must only be replaced by Porsche Genuine Parts.

The service and replacement intervals and adjustment values speci�ed by Porsche AG (see Technical Manual) are to be observed.

The Series Organiser may permit modi�cations that do not correspond to the series produc-tion status on all or individual vehicles, providing these do not permit a competitive advantage (e.g. for the attachment of cameras; radio installations, etc.). The entrant must make written application to the Series Organiser and receive written authorisation before making any such modi�cation.

Regulations PMSC 2018 Part 2 I Technical Regulations


Veri�cation of the minimum weights by the participants on the o�cial scaleEntrants have the opportunity to check the weight of their vehicles and drivers during the event on the o�cial scale with the permission of the Technical Scrutineers. Only the measurements recorded by the Technical Scrutineers shall be deemed accurate for the purposes of compliance with the regulations.

Personal protective driver equipment during weighingDuring the weigh-in, each driver must wear his complete driver apparel as set out in Annex L, Chapter III of the ISC, plus the mandatory head restraint system.

Weighing of vehiclesThe vehicles are weighed as follows:

- Weighing of vehicles is carried out regularly on the o�cial scale. - During the free practice and qualifying, weighing can also be done by the Technical Scrutineers on the scale of FIA, which is at a �xed location in the pit lane. Any di¥erences between these scales are taken into account by the Technical Scrutineers. If the weighing on the FIA scale indicates that the vehicle in question might be found underweight on the o�cial scale, this vehicle, the driver and his protective equipment must again be weighed on the o�cial scale which is the only result to be taken into consideration and to be binding.

- If a driver is given the signal that his vehicle has been selected for weighing, he/she must take the shortest route possible to the weighing area/FIA scale and turn o¥ the engine.

- The driver or a team member will receive written con�rmation of the measured weights. During weighing the driver is not permitted in any way to in¦uence the weighing result.

If a vehicle cannot reach the weighing area under its own power, it must be brought to the weighing area solely by marshals. If this is not possible, then the Technical Scrutineers can assign other persons for this purpose.

Leaving the weighing areaWithout the consent of the Technical Scrutineers, the driver is not permitted to leave the weighing area and the vehicle is not permitted to be removed.

Part 2 I Technical Regulations


Minimum driver weightThe minimum weight of a driver will be announced per bulletin at the end of Technical Scrutineering of the �rst event. The minimum weight of a driver consists of: - the driver; - the personal equipment of the driver as it is in the vehicle at the time when the weighing is ordered;

- the driver equalisation weight if applicable.

It is the driver’s responsibility to ensure that the sum of the installed equalisation weight plus his actual weight (including the parts of his personal equipment in the vehicle at the time of the order to weigh the vehicle) is reached at all times.

Determining the total weight of the driver and vehicleThe vehicle and driver are weighed separately.

The two weights plus 2.0 kg of weighing tolerance for the car and 0.5 kg of weighing tolerance for the driver weight shall be added and the product shall be referenced against the mandatory minimum combined weight, which must be reached.

Prior to weighing a vehicle, the Technical Scrutineers shall remove the remaining fuel from the fuel tank, a�er taking a fuel sample.

Weight changes during qualifying and raceDuring the qualifying and race, the weight of the vehicle is only permitted to be altered by:

- Changing from slick tyres to wet tyres or vice versa; - Consumption of consumable materials and ¦uids.

On the way from the circuit to the Parc Fermé and in the Parc Fermé itself, and on the way to the post-race technical scrutineering under no circumstances is weight permitted to be added to the vehicle or the driver.

Regulations PMSC 2018 Part 2 I Technical Regulations


Parc Fermé rules for vehicle weighingVehicles that have been speci�ed for weighing are subject to Parc Fermé Regulations. It is forbidden to add or remove any substance to/from the vehicle a�er it has been selected to be weighed. The same applies during the weighing process and a�er the end of the race. Excluded are actions of the Technical Scrutineers.

Weighing in below the minimum weightIf, during the post qualifying or post-race weighing procedure, the combination of the separate weights taken of the vehicle and driver (including driver equipment) is found to be below the currently applicable combined minimum weight, the vehicle will immediately be weighed for a second and a third time on the same scales and in the same condition a�er the same session and with the same measuring method.The maximum value of the 3 vehicle weights recorded is regarded as the actual vehicle weight. The driver weight shall be added to form the combined weight of vehicle and driver (including driver equipment).

Falling below the minimum weight during the qualifying session will be penalised with the cancellation of the quali�cation times achieved by the driver concerned. The driver is permitted, however, to take up the race from the last place on the starting grid.

Falling below the minimum weight in the race will result in disquali�cation from the points classi�cation for the race.

Bringing the vehicle to the weighing areaIt is the entrant’s responsibility to ensure that the race vehicle entered by him can be brought directly to the weighing area when instructed by the Stewards or the Technical Scrutineers at any time during the event. In any case, Parc Fermé rules apply to the vehicle from the moment of the order until the termination of the weighing process.

Regulations on the route to and in the weighing areaMoreover, Parc Fermé rules apply to the route to the weighing area and in the weighing area itself. In addition to the Technical Scrutineers, only the responsible sporting mar-shals and their helpers are permitted to enter the weighing area. In this area, the only activities on the vehicle are those expressly permitted by the aforementioned persons. If a vehicle is not presented for weighing despite a request, the Technical Scrutineers will inform the Stewards.

Part 2 I Technical Regulations


Weighing a©er breakdown and vehicle remaining on circuit during qualifying and raceIf a vehicle breaks down during the qualifying session or the race and the driver leaves his vehicle, he/she must go directly to the weighing area to determine his weight.

Determining the driver weightsA�er every free practice, qualifying and race, all drivers must go immediately and within 20 minutes of the end of the session (unless amended in the Drivers’ Brie�ng notes) on a direct route from the Parc Fermé to the weighing area to determine their weight (together with all driver equipment). Drivers who are approached by the TV partner for an interview may interrupt their walk to the weighing area for the duration of the interview. Drivers who go to the podium are permitted to be weighed on the FIA scale. Any di¥erences between the FIA scale and the o�cial scale are taken into account. Drivers who do not go directly to the weighing area to be weighed will be reported to the Stewards of the Event. The Stewards of the Event will take the �nal decision regarding a punishment.

The drivers will be weighed individually and will receive a weighing report on the deter-mined weight. Any appeal against the observed weight must be immediately submitted to the Technical Scrutineers a�er receiving the report.

Replacement and loss of vehicle partsAll vehicle parts that were replaced during the free practice, qualifying session and race must be presented to the Technical Scrutineers without request for inspection. The parts that were removed from the vehicle will be marked by the Technical Scrutineers if necessary and are not permitted to be modi�ed in any way a�erwards. These parts must remain in the pit or in the technical scrutineering tent in sight of the Technical Scrutineers or their assistants until released by the Technical Scrutineers. These parts can be considered when determining the weight instead of the replacement parts.

In case of a loss of coolant, the �nal weight of the car may be only determined by drain-ing all remaining coolant liquid (from engine, coolant reservoir, all radiators, all coolant hoses and connectors) and adding 25 kg to the measured weight of the car.

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Any breach of these Regulations may result in the participant concerned being disquali�ed from classi�cation. All advertising surfaces that are not occupied as speci�ed in the Sticker Regulations are available for the entrants’ own advertising labels. The clearance between such advertising and the mandatory labels and starting number shall be a minimum of 30 mm.

Vehicles of a team with virtually identical liveries must have clearly di¥erent wing mirror colouring. The mirror colours used to identify the vehicles are to be retained for the entire season.

The registered entrants will be informed about their starting numbers before the �rst race. The starting numbers remain the same for all races.

The drivers’ names, starting numbers and national identi�cation markings must be �xed on all competition vehicles throughout the entire event. The size, type, quantity and positioning of the identi�cations shall be determined by the Series Organiser and noti�cation is given in the “2018 Sticker Regulations” (Attachment 2).

The team (entrant) is responsible for ensuring that the stickers on the entered vehicles comply with the applicable legal regulations.

IMPORTANT: Any variations of the FIA/DMSB Regulations are subject to a special waiver issued by the DMSB.

AdvertisingTeams (entrants) must not enter into partnerships with companies who are either in competition to Porsche AG, its parent or partner companies, the o�cial Series partners of Porsche AG or who are involved in a legal dispute with Porsche AG or a company associated with Porsche AG. The teams (entrants) are therefore obliged to notify po-tential partnerships to Porsche AG in advance. Porsche AG is entitled to prohibit teams (entrants) from entering into a partnership if the potential partner falls into one of the above two categories.

Part 2 I Technical Regulations


1.7 Vehicle damageShould a vehicle be presented for weighing with lost or damaged parts it shall be at the sole discretion of the Technical Scrutineers to determine the parts that should be replaced prior to the vehicle being weighed.

1.8 Emissions RegulationsThe vehicles must be equipped with a catalytic converter as supplied by Porsche AG and in accordance with the DMSB exhaust gas emission regulations.

1.9 Noise RegulationsThe maximum permitted noise limits are 144 dB (A) measured in compliance with the LWA- procedure and 112 dB (A) in compliance with LP-procedure.

The noise level will be determined in compliance with the DMSB-pass-by measuring method (mandatory for all circuit events)

The current DMSB-noise regulations (see DMSB Manual, blue part) must be respected.

1.10 Advertising on the driver’s equipment/on the race car and start numbers The current FIA/DMSB prescriptions for starting number and for advertising on the driver’s equipment/on the race car and start numbers (see DMSB Manual, blue part) must be respected. The provisions set out under Item 16, Part 1 of this regulation also apply.

Under consideration of the FIA/DMSB prescriptions for starting numbers and adver-tising on vehicles, the following advertising is compulsory on the race vehicle (see Attachment 2):

The advertising decals, logos, driver name and starting numbers as speci�ed by the Series Organiser, must be a�xed to all competing vehicles during the free practice, qualifying sessions and races of the Series. The size, type, quantity and positioning are determined and announced in the “2018 Sticker Regulations”. The sticker regulations are agreed on with the DMSB.

The “2018 Sticker Regulations” are part of these Regulations (see Attachment 2).

Regulations PMSC 2018 Part 2 I Technical Regulations


1.11 Safety equipmentThe vehicles must possess the following safety equipment.The article numbers refer to the current Appendix J of the ISC unless stated otherwise. S Art. 277, category “II–SH”

Note:For events held in all of the countries listed in the series calendar (article 7.1), the Series Organiser is responsible for observing and implementing (or agreeing any deviation from) any additional safety regulations of the respective ASN.

1.12 Fuel type and single fuel

The following single fuel must be used:The only permitted fuel is commercial, unleaded fuel in compliance with Art. 252.9 of the Appendix J (ISC) which must comply with DIN EN 228 and must be from a supplier speci�ed by the Series Organiser. A new supplier can be designated for each event (fuel pumps, tanker, or similar). Only this fuel is permitted to be used for the duration of the event.

1.12.1 Fuel controlsThe Technical Scrutineers shall be entitled to take fuel from a participant’s vehicle at any time during the event. At any time of the event until the end of the protest deadline (subject to removal of fuel for the weighing procedure), the Entrant must ensure that a minimum amount of 2 kg of fuel can be taken from the corresponding removal point (fuel removal valve) in the luggage compartment. These samples must be identical to the reference fuel taken from the petrol pumps designated above. If the Technical Scrutineers order that a car be defueled (for example to check the minimum weight of the vehicle without residual fuel), a fuel sample must be taken prior to defuelling the vehicle.

1.12.2 Refuelling, refuelling installations and controlAll additives are prohibited. Fuelling and refuelling of the vehicles during free practice, qualifying and the race is forbidden. All chemical changes to the fuel are forbidden.

Part 2 I Technical Regulations


The use of advertisements for companies, their products, services or brands that are competitor products, services or brands of Porsche AG, their associated companies or the Series sponsors on vehicles, helmets, race suits and other driver equipment, on team vehicles or on team clothing or any other kind of advertising for these companies, products or services is strictly prohibited.

The use of advertisements for companies in the tobacco and sex industry, or political or religious advertising, or private betting and gambling operators on vehicles, helmets, race suits and other driver equipment, on team vehicles or on team clothing or any kind of advertising for these companies, products or services or anything that may be deemed by Porsche AG to bring the Series into disrepute is strictly prohibited.

The advertising guidelines of the FIA and DMSB as well as general or legally regulated advertising bans must be observed.

The team (entrant) is obliged to notify the Series Organiser of all potential partners/sponsors and obtain written approval from the Series Organiser to their use. The Series Organiser is entitled to prohibit teams (entrants) from displaying or promoting in any manner the details of any unapproved partners/sponsors.

A team partner/sponsor must not support more than 2 teams with 2 vehicles in each case and therefore must not be included in the stickers of more than 4 vehicles. Team partners/sponsors must be registered with the Series Organiser no later than 7 days before the start of an event. If team partners/sponsors are either registered late or not at all with the Series Organiser, then the entrant may be �ned by the Series Organiser. The entrant and team partners/sponsors shall grant to the Series Organiser and the Series sponsors all materials depicting the championship and/or rights to use sporting success for advertising purposes, without paying separate fees for this purpose.

Contravention of these RegulationsContravention of any of the advertising regulations may result in a �ne of at least EUR 1,000, and/or refusal to participate in any event or disquali�cation from the event, in each case at the discretion of the Stewards of the Event.

Regulations PMSC 2018 Part 2 I Technical Regulations


Smoking and hot works are prohibited when any operation involving fuel, or the fuel cell is in progress.

1.13 Technical de�nitionsIn addition to the de�nitions in the “General Regulations, De�nitions and Clari�cations regarding the Technical Regulations” (DMSB Manual, blue part) the de�nitions set out in Appendix J (Art. 251 ISC of the FIA) shall apply.

2. Speci�c Technical Regulations

2.1 General informationTechnically identical vehicles with the designation Porsche 911 GT3 Cup (type 991 II), built by Porsche AG in a small production run based on the Porsche 911 GT3, shall be used for the Series. Only vehicles of model year 2017 and 2018 (see following general vehicle description) are permitted.

Certain special parts used in the Porsche 911 GT3 Cup cannot be obtained via the Porsche dealer organisation but instead can only be obtained from the Motorsport Parts Sales Department at Porsche AG, Weissach.

Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AGAbteilung Sportteileverkauf/EMV23Lüssenweg 1671701 SchwieberdingenGermanyTel.: +49 711 911- 83738Fax: +49 711 911- 82808E-mail: raceparts@porsche.de

The vehicles must comply with the requirements of these Technical Regulations. Technical acceptance of the vehicles is undertaken by the Technical Scrutineers.

Part 2 I Technical Regulations


Throughout the event the temperature pro�le of the outdoor air temperature will be recorded by the Technical Scrutineers with the use of a special temperature recorder de�ned by the Series Organiser. The minimum value of the last 24 hours will be posted on the o�cial notice board before the �rst session of each day. At no time is the fuel temperature permitted to be less than the lowest outdoor air temperature as posted on the notice board.

Any operations involving the handling of fuel require the proper grounding to earth of the vehicle and all equipment involved; in addition, there must be two 9kg ABC Dry Powder or alternatively two 5kg CO2 �re extinguishers present in the area of the fuel operations. Fuel may only be added or removed into or from the fuel cell of the car using a closed circuit fuelling system manufactured by a specialist company (the Series Organiser reserves the right to inspect any system being used and approve or disapprove its use) . The exact speci�cation of the closed circuit fuelling system may be chosen by the team according to their needs (size, pump speed, etc.) however no safety aspect of the system is permitted to be changed. The fuel will only be supplied in drums and may only be added and removed from the drums with the same closed circuit fuelling system speci�ed using a suction pipe.

Should there be any circumstances where a team is unable to use the closed circuit fuelling system, then any fuel operations must be performed outside the team tent in a fenced and gated area of at least 5m in each direction of the car. All personnel working in this area must wear full �reproof clothing (including shoes, gloves, googles, balaclavas, etc.). The car and all equipment must be grounded to earth properly and at least two 9kg ABC Dry Powder or alternatively two 5kg CO2 �re extinguishers with stand-by personnel (not involved in any fuel operations) must be present in this area. Under no circumstances must members of the public, entrants, team guests or unauthorised personnel be permitted in this area at any time during the fuelling operation; it is the responsibility of the team (entrant) to ensure that such persons are excluded from the area.

Any work requiring the fuel cell to be opened may only be performed a�er all fuel has been completely removed from inside the fuel cell and with appropriate protection and �re extinguishers being present at the respective work place.

Regulations PMSC 2018 Part 2 I Technical Regulations


Any work on the engine that requires the seal to be opened is only permitted to be undertaken at Porsche AG. An engine change must be approved in writing by the Se-ries Organiser prior to the change. Engines can be called in and inspected at the instructions of the sports Stewards.

Before the engines are delivered and re�tted, a new seal shall be a�xed at Porsche AG.

Engine electronic control unitsThroughout the entire event, only the Bosch Motronic electronic control units coded and sealed by the Series Organiser for the event are permitted to be used.

The Motronic electronic control unit incl. the complete wiring harness must be used without modi�cations. The Series Organiser or the Technical Scrutineers reserve(s) the right to check or exchange the Motronic electronic control unit or record the engine characteristic data at any time during the event. The Series Organiser reserves the right to reprogram the Motronic electronic control units and to seal the plug-in connectors for reading the electronic control units at any time of an event. It is thus ensured that the status of the program and data is identical for all participating vehicles.

2.2.1 Exhaust systemContrary to the general vehicle description (see Item 2.1), the exhaust system, starting from the manifold, for the Porsche Mobil 1 Supercup will be modi�ed completely with the parts listed in the valid parts catalogue for the respective vehicle and model year to the version “exhaust system without silencer” (general linguistic usage as “Supercup exhaust system”).

Part 2 I Technical Regulations


In addition to the Technical Regulations forming Part 2 in the Series Regulations, the following speci�c Technical Regulations are applicable.

General vehicle descriptionPorsche 911 GT3 Cup (type 991 II), MY 2018

Concept: Single-seated, near-standard race vehicle based on the Porsche 911 GT3.For further general descriptions, the entrant shall refer to the respective paragraph of this technical regulations.

2.2 Engine

General descriptionAluminium six-cylinder rear-mounted boxer engineSealed3,996 cm³; stroke 81.5 mm; bore 102 mmMax. power: 357 kW (485 hp) at 7250 – 8000 rpmMax. rpm: 8,500 rpmSingle-mass ¦ywheelWater cooling with heat management for engine and gearboxFour valves per cylinderVariable cam phasing (Intake & Exhaust)Direct fuel injectionRequired fuel quality: minimum 98 octane, unleadedDry-sump lubricationElectronic engine management (Bosch MS 4.6 NG)Race exhaust system with regulated race catalytic converter Rear silencer with centred exhaust pipesElectronic acceleration pedal

The engines are sealed at Porsche AG prior to delivery. A vehicle with an unsealed engine or with a damaged seal is not permitted to participate in the Series under any circumstances.

Regulations PMSC 2018 Part 2 I Technical Regulations


Engine oil quick re�llThe use of the optional “oil quick �lling kit” as shown in the catalogue is permitted, as long as the mounting is compliant with the Porsche AG`s o�cial mounting instructions. The hole in the engine lid necessary to �t the quick oil �ll must be fully covered by clear heli tape. The use of the engine oil quick �ll in pit lane during any Porsche Mobil1 Supercup event is prohibited.

2.4 Brakes

General descriptionTwo independent brake circuits with brake pressure sensors for front and rear axle, adjustable by the driver via brake balance system Derivative sensors & harness for retro�tting an ABS systemFront axle:Six-piston aluminium racing calipers in mono-bloc design with “anti-knock-back” piston springsVentilated and grooved steel brake disc 380 mm diameter with aluminium disc bellRacing brake padsOptimized ventilation routingRear axle: Four-piston aluminium racing calipers in mono-bloc design with “anti-knock-back” piston springsVentilated and grooved steel brake disc 380 mm diameter with aluminium disc bellRacing brake padsOptimized ventilation routingOnly vehicles with the brake callipers are permitted that correspond with the delivery conditions. It is not permitted to modify the vehicle to endurance brake calipers, even if they might be listed in the parts catalogue.Only standard master brake cylinders are permitted for the 2 brake circuits on the

– Front axle: (diameter: 17.8 mm, part number: 991.355.170.8C or 991.355.170.8E) and

– Rear axle: (diameter: 17.8 mm, part number: 991.355.170.8C or 991.355.170.8E).

Part 2 I Technical Regulations

2.3 Power transmission (gearbox/di¤erential lock)

General descriptionPorsche six-speed sequential dog-type gearboxSealed (for warranty purposes only)Gear ratios:Ring & pinion gear 14/22 i = 1.571Final drive 17/41 i = 2.4121st gear 13/41 i = 3.1542nd gear 17/40 i = 2.3533rd gear 19/36 i = 1.8954th gear 19/29 i = 1.5265th gear 24/30 i = 1.2506th gear 34/35 i = 1.029

Internal pressure-oil lubrication with active oil cooling by oil-water heat exchangerMechanical limited slip di¥erentialTriple-disc sintered metal race clutchPneumatic gear shi� activation (paddle shi�)

Ramp breakover angleThe ramp breakover angle of the di¥erential lock is 52° (traction) and 30° (overrun). The ramp angles are determined from the axis of rotation (Attachment 4). The number of friction plates and the assembly order shall correspond to the image shown in Attachment 5, and must not be changed. The �tted friction plates must comply in terms of part number, allocation and speci�cation (see parts catalogue).

Transmission emergency functionA�er the transmission emergency function has been switched on by the driver, the vehicle must immediately return to the pit lane. The vehicle is not permitted to leave the pit lane again until this function has been deactivated.


Regulations PMSC 2018 Part 2 I Technical Regulations


The complete brake lines and all connections must remain original at all times during a race event of the Series. At the Series Organiser’s discretion and when being asked, every competitor must remove also the permitted components.

2.5 Steering (steering wheel/hub extension)The position of the steering rack on the front axle control arm is determined by spacer washers with a thickness of 8.5 mm (part number le�: 991.341.613.7B; part number right: 991.341.613.8A).

Hub extensions may only be used a�er prior written individual approval of the Series Organiser. Furthermore, the parts used must be original Porsche parts. The standard longitudinal and height adjustment facility is permitted to be used.

Line 991.347.775.8A of the steering gear must be equipped with a vibration damper 8K0.611.797.E or alternatively 8K0.611.797.F, see delivery condition.

2.6 Wheel suspension

General description front axleMcPherson suspension strut, adjustable in height, wheel camber and track Forged struts:Optimized sti¥nessDouble shear track rod connectionHeavy-duty spherical bearingsWheel hubs with centre lockRacing shock absorbers, non-adjustableForged & adjustable top mountsDouble-blade-type anti-roll barElectrohydraulic power steering with external control function for easy car manoeuvring Tire pressure monitoring system

Part 2 I Technical Regulations


Front axle:– Aluminium 6-piston �xed callipers, one piece– Internally vented brake discs, diameter = 380 mm, 32 mm thick, part number: FL: 991.351.105.8A FR: 991.351.106.8A– Racing brake pads, part number: 991.351.942.8A

Rear axle:– Aluminium 4-piston �xed callipers, one piece– Internally vented brake discs, diameter = 380 mm, 30 mm thick part number: RL: 991.352.107.8A RR: 991.352.108.8A– Racing brake pads, part number: 991.352.942.8A

A knock-back spring must be installed in each case under each brake piston of all brake callipers. External thermal or chemical treatment of these springs is prohibited. Only the following parts are permitted to be used: Part number:Front axle: 991.351.963.8ARear axle: 991.352.963.8A

The use of any system working like an ABS system is strictly prohibited. For easier handling and more versatile use of the cars beside the Porsche Mobil 1 Supercup, it is permitted to have the following parts of the ABS system o¥ered by Manthey Racing still in the car during the o�cial race meetings of the Supercup, as long as all compo-nents are �tted complying with the o�cial Manthey Racing mounting instructions:

- MTH355205: main cable loom ABS system Cup 991 II - MTH355210: rear cable loom ABS system Cup 991 II - MTH355220: multi position rotational switch ABS system Cup 991 II (centre con-sole)

- MTH355225: dummy block ABS system Cup 991 II - MTH355063 MBC1 replacement brake line - MTH355062 MBC2 replacement brake line

Regulations PMSC 2018 Part 2 I Technical Regulations


Shims are permitted to be used to compensate for the axial clearance of the anti-roll bars on the front and rear axles. These are available in the following versions:

1 mm with the spare part number 991.343.761.8A2 mm with the spare part number 991.343.761.8B

Other shims or methods for axial clearance compensation must not be used. However, the overall axial clearance must not be less than 2 mm referred to each anti-roll bar.

Shock absorbers/springsOnly the factory-installed type Sachs shock absorbers and H&R chassis springs in their original condition are permitted to be used. The following number is stamped on the bump stops of the rear vibration dampers: 0049 5111 0 250. The original delivery condition of the bump stops of the front and rear dampers must not be modi�ed in any way.

Part numbers:Vibration damper

Front: 991.343.045.8DRear: 991.333.051.8A

Bump stopFront: 991.343.677.8A Rear: 991.333.677.8A

Main springFront (240 N/mm): 991.343.531.8CRear (260 N/mm): 991.333.531.8C

Helper springFront (75/60/45): 996.343.537.90Rear (80/60/60): 997.333.537.90

Part 2 I Technical Regulations


General description rear axleMultilink rear suspension, adjustable in height, wheel camber and track Forged struts:Optimized sti¥nessDouble shear track rod connectionHeavy-duty spherical bearingsWheel hubs with centre lockRacing shock absorbers, non-adjustableForged top mountsDouble-blade-type anti-roll barTire pressure monitoring system

The suspension is permitted to be modi�ed within the scope of the speci�ed setting range. All genuine parts must be retained. The maximum permissible thicknesses of the spacer washers in the front and rear axle control arms are:

- Front axle: 18 mm - Rear axle: 15 mm

Furthermore, it is optional to �x the camber shims with aluminium tape.

The trailing arm axle bearing points of the front and rear control arms must be le� in the position in which they are delivered.

Additionally, the screw positions of the trailing arms at the wishbone bearing points may not be modi�ed (see Attachment 6).

The wheelbase on the le� and right sides of the vehicle must be 2,456 mm +/-15 mm.

The measuring points are the centres of the wheel hubs.

Anti-roll barsThe anti-roll bars are only permitted to be unhooked provided that no parts are re-moved in the process. Only the setting options for which the technical speci�cations have been provided are permitted to be used.


Porsche AG suggests that all competitors follow the recommendations and instructions of Michelin regarding tyre pressures and set-up. Only atmospheric air is permitted to be used to in¦ate the tyres. It is not permissible to rotate the tyres on the rims. It is permitted to re�t tyres, but the re�tting must be performed by the o�cial Michelin tyre supplier (Bardi).

Should the tyre manufacturer prescribe a rotational direction for its tyres, then any departure from the manufacturer’s recommendation is prohibited.

Route to and from the pit laneThe route to and from the pit lane for the free practice may be taken on rain tyres. The route to and from the pit lane for qualifying session may be taken on marked rain tyres.

Tyre markingAt each event, and for the duration of the event, a maximum number of sets of slick tyres for the front axle and rear axle of each vehicle can be marked by the Technical Scrutineers at a speci�c time as per the table shown below. This is valid for events with 1 as well as 2 classi�cation rounds. The point of time for tyre marking and release is published in the Internal Event Schedule (e.g. tyre marking, slick tyres, tyre marking rain tyres, tyre pick-up).Additionally, at every event the maximum number of sets of rain tyres for the front axle and rear axle of each vehicle can be marked by the Technical Scrutineers at a speci�c time as per the table shown below. Rain tyres that were marked in a previous Porsche Mobil 1 Supercup event may be presented again for marking. Rain tyres must be prepared and ready at the start of the rain tyre marking session (see respective Internal Event Schedule) in the respective team awnings. Furthermore, the start numbers must be displayed on the tyres clearly.

Ordering of tyresThe tyres for the relevant event must be ordered from Michelin in good time – at least 10 working days before the start (= set-up day) of the event – using the o�cial order form.

Regulations PMSC 2018 Part 2 I Technical RegulationsPart 2 I Technical Regulations


2.7 Wheels (ªange + rim) and tyres

General descriptionFront axle:Single-piece light-alloy rims according to Porsche speci�cation and design with centre lock, 10.5J x 18 ET 28Treaded Michelin transportation tires; tire size: 27/65-18Rear axle:Single-piece light-alloy rims according to Porsche speci�cation and design with centre lock, 12J x 18 ET 53Treaded Michelin transportation tires; tire size: 31/71-18

WheelsThe use of any other wheels than the originally speci�ed wheels is prohibited. All wheels must be �tted with original tyre pressure and temperature sensors. Only the use of valve caps mentioned in the respective spare parts catalogue is allowed and strictly enforced for all races.The rims are permitted to be painted. It is prohibited to paint or treat any functional surfaces (rim bed, contact area of wheel nut, mounting surface of the wheel). Rims may be repaired. The friction strips on the inside of the rim must stay functional and must not be treated in any way.

TyresOnly the version of Michelin tyres approved for the Series with the following speci�cation and supplied by the o�cial supplier announced by the Series Organiser is permitted to be used for the duration of the events and the o�cial tests.

Slick tyresFront: 27/65 R 18 Porsche Cup N2#Rear: 31/71 R 18 Porsche Cup N2

Rain tyresFront: 27/65 R 18 P2LRear: 31/71 R 18 P2L

Regulations PMSC 2018 Part 2 I Technical Regulations


Rule 1 Rule 2 Rule 3Race Event

Opening event (�rst event of a permanent starter with a late entry or �rst event of a guest entrant)

Every additional event except the season �nal event (from the second entry of a guest entrant)

Season �nal event (Overseas event)

Slick tyres

Max. amount: 3 sets Tyre marking: max. 1 set before free practice session, max. 2 sets before qualifying session

Used slick tyres must not be used.

Max. amount: 2 sets Tyre marking: max. 2 sets before the qualifying session

For the free practice session only marked tyres which are allo-cated to a start num-ber and which were used in a previous event of the Porsche Mobil 1 Supercup 2018 can be used.

Max. amount: 4 setsTyre Marking: max. 2 set before free practice session, max. 2 sets before qualifying session

Used slick tyres must not be used.

Rain tyres Max. amount: 2 sets Tyre marking: max. 2 sets before qualifying session

The use of unmarked rain tyres in free practice is permitted.

Max. amount: 2 sets Tyre marking: max. 2 sets before qualifying session

The use of unmarked rain tyres in free prac-tice is permitted.

Max. amountl: 4 sets Tyre marking: max. 2 set before free practice session, max. 2 sets before qualifying session

From total allocation, 1 set of new rain tyres must be brought to the event mounted on the vehicle. The use of further rain tyres in free practice, qualifying or race is not permitted.

Part 2 I Technical Regulations


Free practiceFor the free practice session, only slick tyres and rain tyres as shown in the table must be used. In addition to the rules below, speci�cally and only for the third round of the Porsche Mobil 1 Supercup at the event of the GRAND PRIX DE MONACO, one additional set of new slick tyres may be marked before free practice for every competitor. The set is only eligible to be used during the free practice session of this round and during all free practice sessions of the future events of the series, except for the last championship round of the Mexican Grand Prix.

Qualifying and raceOnly the tyres marked for the relevant event are permitted to be used for the respective qualifying and race (slick and rain tyres). See table below. Only correspondingly marked tyres are permitted to be taken into the pit lane for qualifying and the race of the respective event.

Guest driversThe �rst event for guest drivers with a start number is the �rst time the start number is entered into the 2018 season of the Porsche Mobil 1 Supercup. The tyres rules as per the below table apply. For guest entrants who enter under the same start number for a second or more guest entries, rule 1 applies.

Substitute driversAs tyres are allocated to a start number and not to a driver, the tyre rule for already entered start numbers applies.

Late entriesFor entrants who enter into the Series at a later point of time and enter the car for the �rst time, the same tyre rules as for guest entrants apply.

Regulations PMSC 2018 Part 2 I Technical Regulations


Tyre logsAll barcodes of the marked tyres will be recorded in lists, the so-called tyre logs, which will be handed over to the entrants. The entrants must compare the barcodes of the tyres with those of the tyre logs and sign to con�rm agreement.

All tyre logs must be presented signed to the Technical Scrutineers before the start of the respective session for which the tyres are permitted to be used.

No tyre is permitted to be used that is not listed on a signed tyre log that has been handed over to the Technical Scrutineers before the respective session.

2.8 Bodywork and dimensions

General description Lightweight bodywork with smart aluminium-steel composite constructionWelded-in roll cage, in compliance with FIA Homologation Regulations for safety cagesFront bonnet with two air intake ducts for cockpit ventilation and quick release fastenersRemovable roof section in compliance with the latest FIA safety regulationsPre-equipped �xation point for centre safety net attachment Pickup point for li�ing deviceModi�ed and widened 911 GT3 fendersModi�ed rear wheel archesModi�ed and widened 911 GT3 front-end with spoiler lipModi�ed 911 GT3 rear-end with integrated rain light, in compliance with FIA Homologation Regulations

Part 2 I Technical Regulations


Tyre damageIf a marked tyre is damaged during qualifying or in a race, should the entrant wish to change the tyre then he must notify the Technical Scrutineers up to a maximum of two hours a�er the end of the Parc Fermé. Damaged tyres can only be exchanged with the approval of the Technical Scrutineers and in agreement with Michelin. In this case, marking of the tyres by the Technical Scrutineers is necessary.

If more than one tyre needs to be replaced throughout the duration of an event, the relevant vehicle/driver will start from the last position on the starting grid (means only the replacement of one single tyre is permitted throughout a complete race weekend without a penalty). The Stewards of the Event will make the �nal decision regarding the severity of punishment. The vehicles that quali�ed behind the respective penalized driver will move up the grid by one position. If several vehicles are subject to the above rule, the corresponding vehicles/drivers will be lined up at the back of the starting grid in the order of their qualifying results.This applies for slick as well as rain tyres.

TreatmentAny chemical, mechanical or thermal treatment of the tyres is prohibited. The mechanical removal of rubber abrasion and stones is permitted. Cleaning of the rims is permitted. The usage of heat guns or any similar devices of any kind to help the removal of rubber abrasion and stones (“tyre scraping”) is prohibited. The use of heated covers, materials or other means that change the temperature of the tyres is prohibited for the entire duration of an event. From the time of the pre-start until the end of the session for the event approved tyres are not allowed to be covered. This applies for slick as well as rain tyres.

Regulations PMSC 2018 Part 2 I Technical Regulations


Overall vehicle dimensions and overhangs:

The overall length of the vehicle is 4,577 mm.Total width: 1,978 mmTotal height: 1,248 mm

The front overhang is 1,046 mm, measured from the middle of the wheel of the front axle to the leading edge of the vehicle (�rst point in the direction of the longitudinal axis, incl. front lip).

The rear overhang is 1,075 mm measured from the middle of the wheel of the rear axle to the rear edge of the vehicle (last point in the direction of the longitudinal axis, including the exhaust, rear wing excluded).

a) External bodywork (including windows)The delivery status of the bodywork must be preserved.

WindscreenIn addition to the original part, windscreens of the 911 GT3 Cup MY 2013-2017 with the part number 991.541.911.00 are permitted to be used, as well as windscreens of the Porsche 911 GT3 street car with part number 9P1845011C. Heated windscreens with part number 991.541.111.8B are permitted. The wind-screen is permitted to be connected to the electrical system of the vehicle and the heating function is permitted to be used.

To protect the windscreen and as a safety measure, ‘tear-o¥’ screens are permitted to be attached to the windscreen. Fitting will be checked during technical scrutineering and must be removed where applicable on request of the Technical Scrutineers.

Side and rear windowsOnly the genuine Porsche 911 GT3 Cup side and rear windows in their original version are permissible.

Part 2 I Technical Regulations


Lightweight exterior:Carbon-�bre-reinforced plastic doors with sport-design rear-view mirrorsCarbon-�bre-reinforced plastic rear engine lid with quick release fasteners Carbon-�bre-reinforced plastic adjustable rear wing (9 positions)Polycarbonate door windows and rear side windows with ventilation openingsPolycarbonate rear windowRear under¦oor with NACA ducts for brake and drivesha� cooling

Modi�ed 911 cockpit:Magnesium sub-frame in light weight designErgonomic driver-oriented centre consoleSwitch mask with ¦uorescent letteringSteering wheel with quick release coupling, control panel and shi� paddlesAdjustable steering column with steering angle sensorRace bucket seat with longitudinal adjustment:Homologated to latest FIA requirementsIndividual padding system (delivery with size M)Shock absorbing roll cage safety cover for leg protection at drivers’ foot wellSix-point racing safety harness 100 litre fuel cell (FT3 safety fuel cell) and „Fuel-Cut-O¥“ safety valve in accordance with FIA regulationsBuilt-in air jack system (three jacks) with valve mountable on both sides of the carWater-based paintExterior: white C9AInterior: white �ller-coat, no clear-coat �nish

Regulations PMSC 2018 Part 2 I Technical Regulations


Safety netsAdditionally, every car must be equipped with the a�er-sales safety nets as speci�ed in the valid spare parts catalogue and mounted complying with the Porsche AG mounting instructions.

c) Additional roof hatch accessoriesThe vehicle has an opening in the roof in order to make using the KED system easier should it become necessary to rescue the driver. The roof hatch is located directly above the driver and with the dimension of the open-ing 565 x 475 mm.

The roof hatch is connected to the roof via 7 livelocks which must be accessible at all times (no foiling or painting of live locks is permitted).

d) Ground clearance of vehicleThe minimum ground clearance of the ready-to-drive vehicle (with the driver in the vehicle and slick tyres in compliance with Article 2.7, at 2.0 bar ±0.1 bar air pressure) must not be less than the speci�ed dimension, as measured at the speci�ed measur-ing points, at any time during the event.

For the entire duration of the event the ground clearance of the front axle is to be a minimum of 78 mm and the clearance at the rear axle a minimum of 100 mm. The measuring points (see Attachment 7) at the front axle are the mounting bolts (M12x105) of the cross member/bodywork in relation to the reference surface and the machined rear surface in the direction of travel on the side section of the rear axle in relation to the reference surface. The ground clearance is permitted to be changed within the existing adjustment range.

Part 2 I Technical Regulations


Additionally, the rear window must remain �xed with the original type of �xing at all times.

b) Cockpit

SeatThe adaption of the seat by removing or adding of original Recaro seat padding is forbidden in the areas of the seat shown in green colour on the illustration of attach-ment 8.Any modi�cation of the seat padding shown in green colour is strictly prohibited. The use of the di¥erent sizes paddings is permitted, also in the areas shown in green co-lour, as long as they are not modi�ed.Upholstery in the bottom part of the seat on top of the paddings shown in green (see illustration in attachment 8) is permitted, as long as the original padding is not modi-�ed or removed.

Upholstery of the areas shown in yellow colour on the illustration of attachment 8 is permitted by either using original Recaro paddings or using a foamed seat insert, as long as the insert is made of �reproof material, coloured in black and its maximum thickness at any point does not exceed 50 mm in size. The use or change is subject to approval by the Series Organiser.

The preferred supplier for padding components is the seat manufacturer (Recaro).The original seat mounting (seat rails and bracket) must be retained and must not be modi�ed.

Ventilation in the passenger compartmentOnly the factory-�tted ventilation pipe (NACA-intake on the front opening hood) is permissible for cockpit ventilation. The ventilation of the windscreen must not be a¥ected. For additional ventilation of the passenger compartment only the existing original ventilation openings in the rear back windows are permissible.

The dimension of the NACA-intake port on the driver’s side is permitted to be changed by taping.

Regulations PMSC 2018 Part 2 I Technical Regulations


2.9 Aerodynamic devices

The original position of the wing section is permitted to be changed within the speci�ed scope for adjustment.

One strip of transparent adhesive tape (max. 80 mm long, 20 mm wide) is permitted as a �xing element on the headlights, the tail lights, the front wheel covers at a 90° angle in relation to the particular gaps that are taped over.

Furthermore, entrants are permitted to tape over the full area of the headlight lenses with transparent Heli tape, without thereby taping over a slot in the bodywork.

Apart from the above, taping over of any slots in the bodywork, wings or other permanent parts, joints and openings is not permitted.

Any alteration or amendment outside the above set parameters will render the vehicle non-compliant with the Technical Regulations and may be subject to penalties from the Stewards.

2.10 Electrical equipment

General descriptionCOSWORTH colour display ICD with integrated fault diagnosisCOSWORTH electrical system control unit IPS32Electronic throttle systemFire extinguishing system (extinguishing agent: gas)Battery 12 V, 70 Ah (AGM), leak-proof, placed in the co-driver foot wellAlternator 175 A Fan in light weight designWiper with direct drive (intermittent and high speed function)

Part 2 I Technical Regulations


Measuring methodThe minimum ground clearance of the ready-to-drive vehicle is checked using a measuring plate and appropriate height gauges for the axle to be measured in each case. The measurement is checked with the ready-to-drive vehicle incl. the driver on board, standing on the measuring plate. If the measuring gauges can be accessed under the measuring points described above, the requirement to comply with the minimum height is satis�ed. Any measuring tolerances will be taken into account by the Technical Scrutineers.

The Technical Scrutineers may at any time in their absolute discretion check the ground clearance measurement with any set of tyres allocated to the respective start number used during the session that the check is performed during or a�er. The Technical Scrutineers may also use instruments such as calipers or depth gauges to determine the vehicle height.

Measurement locationThe measurement is conducted on the measuring plate during technical scrutineering. The measuring plate is available to the participating teams to check the minimum ground clearance during this period a�er consultation with the Technical Scrutineers. A check can also be made in the pit lane for the duration of the qualifying session.

Failure to reach minimum heightFailure to reach the minimum height during the qualifying session will be penalised with the cancellation of the times achieved by the driver concerned. The driver is per-mitted, however, to take up the race from the last place on the starting grid. Failure to reach the minimum height in the race will result in disquali�cation from the points classi�cation for the race.

Regulations PMSC 2018 Part 2 I Technical Regulations


2.11 Fuel circuitOnly the fuel system permitted for the Porsche 911 GT3 Cup vehicles of model year 2017 and 2018 is permitted to be installed.

Additionally, to the original fuel system, every car must be equipped with the af-ter-sales defueling appliance consisting of the following parts:– breakaway coupling: 2x 9971101918C– sealing washer: 2x 9912018839A– support washer: 2x WHT004800– adapter piece: 1x 9F0201156– drain hose: 1x 9F0201627– clamp: 1x 90017101401

The running of the car using the service position of the fuel pumps is prohibited, unless there is a technical issue with the system. The system may not be used with any of the pumps switched to service position for more than one lap.

2.12 Lubrication system

LubricantsEngine:Mobil 1 0W-40 engine oil is compulsory. All additives are prohibited.

Transmission:Mobilube 1 SHC 75W-90 transmission oil is compulsory. All additives are prohibited. There must be a minimum of 2.7 litres of transmission oil in the gearbox at all times during the event.

Part 2 I Technical Regulations


Lighting system:Bi-xenon-headlightLED daytime running lightLED rear lighting system and rain light in compliance with the latest FIA Homologation RegulationTwo additional switches in the centre console for additional power consumers CAN connection (data logger, video system)From the “pre-start” to the end of the “Parc Fermé“ during qualifying and racing, only the Series Organiser and personnel nominated by the Series Organiser are permitted to connect laptops/computers to the vehicles. For the same period, no external connection (also wireless) may be made between the car and any external equipment other than the cars equipment to read from the antennas of the tyre pressure monitoring system. It is not permitted at any time for any competitor to read any sensors with any equipment, which are not allocated to the competitor’s own team. Any breach of this regulation may result in the vehicle being disquali�ed from qualifying or racing.

Optionally, the usage of the following electrical equipment is permitted: - oil level indicator (1x 9916411399A, bracket 1x 9916414738A) - charging cable (1x 9916125057A, bracket 1x 9916117319A, plug 1x 9914508418A)

- cockpit illumination (1x 9916415778A) - starting number illumination (1x 9916127777A, with only the loom being permitted to stay in the car).

Regulations PMSC 2018 Part 2 I Technical Regulations


Data recordingUse of the factory-�tted data recording system manufactured by COSWORTH is compulsory. The COSWORTH system is assigned to the vehicle chassis number and must not be exchanged. Only the setups approved by Porsche are permitted to be used for the duration of the event.

All recorded data relating to the free practice, qualifying or race must be made available to the Technical Scrutineers or the Series Organiser.

Any additional electrical connection to the vehicle wiring harness is not permitted. Installations set up by the Series Organiser are exceptions to this rule.

Correct installation of the vehicle radio must be approved by the Technical Scrutineers; the only exception is the usage of the built-in tyre pressure monitoring system, which uses radio transmission for its functionality.

Other radio-based or electronic devicesThe use of other radio-based or electronic devices in the vehicle (e. g. telemetry, mobile phones) is prohibited.

Part 2 I Technical Regulations


2.13 Data transfer

Radio systemOnly the radio system made available by the Series Organiser is approved for use. The driver must be connected to the radio system during free practice, qualifying and the race and must be able to receive instructions from the Race Director or the Series Organiser from the point of leaving the pre-start area until the vehicle is parked in the Parc Fermé.

The choice of hardware for radio reception from the “Earplug” port to the driver is optional, but must be checked and approved by the Technical Scrutineers. When mounting �xed speakers in the driver’s helmet, the FIA helmet regulations must be strictly observed. In the case of any ambiguity, the driver/ entrant must produce proof that the components used are suitable for use in the vehicle (�re prevention, etc.).

Modi�cations to the system are not permitted. Extra equipment is only permitted to be coupled with the radio system by the Series Organiser.

On written request by the entrant, the Series Organiser can also release the communication between team and driver. However, only the radio system provided by the Series Organiser with the corresponding modi�cations is permitted to be used. The Series Organiser has the right to listen to voice radio communication between the team and the driver separately.

Should the radio system not be operational by the start of a session (free practice, qualifying or race), the Race Director can bar the vehicle concerned from participating in the session. Malfunctions or damage to the system must be reported immediately to the Technical Scrutineers.

The radio system is the property of the Series Organiser and must be returned to the Series Organiser in proper order a�er the last race of the season.

The use of other radio-based information transmission in the vehicle (e. g. telemetry) is forbidden, the only exception is the usage of the built-in tyre pressure monitoring system, which uses radio transmission for its functionality.

Regulations PMSC 2018 Part 2 I Technical Regulations


CamerasOnly in-board or on-board cameras which have been approved by the Series Organiser and/or FOWC for legal sporting matters and TV purposes are permitted to be used. All participants are obliged to �t and use the TV cameras assigned by the Series Organiser and/or FOWC in the respective vehicle at the de�ned place according to the FOWC standards. Installation shall take place in the team’s working awning by trained personnel of the Series Organiser and/or FOWC sta¥.

The memory cards can only be removed from the cameras by the personnel nominat-ed by the Series Organiser. Any breach of this regulation can result in the vehicle and driver being disquali�ed from event.

For image rights and copyright, see Art. 16 Part 1: Sporting Rules.

The camera system provided by the Series Organiser fully remains the property of Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG at all times. Any damage to the camera system will be repaired at the expense of the initiator of the damage / entrant.

NotesEverything that is not expressly permitted in these Regulations is prohibited. Permit-ted modi�cations must not result in any illegal modi�cations or infringements of the Regulations. Any adding or removal of material, heat treatment or coating to alter a parts properties and/or dimensions  is forbidden. Mounting a part in a di¤erent way or location then original delivery condition is forbidden.Any permitted changes may only serve the intended purpose. The decision of the Series Organiser shall be �nal regarding any interpretation of these Regulations. The Series Organiser reserves the right to amend and extend these rules (in consultation with the DMSB).

Part 2 I Technical Regulations


2.14 Miscellaneous

SealsThe following seals are a�xed at the works:

– Engine: – Valve cover, le� (1x) – Valve cover, right (1x) – Oil pump bottom (1x) – Motronic control unit: Connector for control unit wiring harness (2x)

If seals and marks are applied to the vehicle by the Technical Scrutineers or Porsche, these must not be damaged, changed or reproduced. If one or more damaged or missing seals or markings are discovered, the vehicle can be disquali�ed from the event.

If one of the seals on the engine control unit is opened to allow welding work to be carried out, the control unit must then be taken to the Technical Scrutineers for an additional inspection and then be resealed, without being requested to do so. The removed seal(s) must be handed over to the Technical Scrutineers.

Seals that have fallen o¥ during the race or are damaged must be noti�ed to the Technical Scrutineers in writing no later than one hour a�er closure of the “Parc Fermé”.

Part 3 I Attachments/Drawings


Part 3: Attachments / drawings

Attachment 1 – Badge Regulations 2018*In due time prior to the �rst event, all teams (entrants) entered for the 2018 Series will receive an adequate number of the obligatory badges for their drivers’ racing overalls. All obligatory badges must be sewn onto the drivers’ overalls in accordance with the speci�cations.

Please note that for the embroidery and a�xing of badges to drivers’ overalls homologated in accordance with FIA Standard 8856-2000 the following applies:

Embroidery sewn directly onto the driver’s overalls shall be stitched onto the outermost layer only. Use of the ¦ame-retardant material (NOMEX) in conformity with ISO 15025 is recommended.

The backing used for a�xing the badge to the overalls shall be made of ¦ame-retardant material (NOMEX) in conformity with the ISO 15025. Embroidery thread used to a�x badges shall be ¦ame-retardant (NOMEX) in conformity with ISO 15025. It is also advisable that embroidery thread used for badges shall be ¦ame-retardant (NOMEX) in conformity with ISO 15025. When a�xing badges and signs to overalls, heat-bonding shall not be used. Any embroidery or a�xing of badges not complying with these conditions will result in the cancellation of the homologation of the overalls concerned.

Regulations PMSC 2018 Part 3 I Attachments/Drawings


Please use the following positions for the a�xing of obligatory badges:

A) Porsche Mobil 1 Supercup Logo (Width 130 mm)B) Mobil 1 Logo (Width 130 mm)C) Michelin Logo (Width 130 mm)D) Reservation Porsche AG (Width 130 mm)

* Subject to amendments.

Porsche Mobil 1 Supercup Organisation Badge Regulations T+49 711 911 84096 F+49 711 911 82920 Page 1 of 1 Status 26.02.2018

Porsche Mobil 1 Supercup 2018 Badge Regulations*

In due time prior to the first race event, all teams entered for the Porsche Mobil 1 Supercup 2018 will receive an adequate number of the obligatory badges for their drivers’ racing overalls. All teams are obliged to affix these obligatory badges to their drivers’ racing overalls as prescribed for the entire race duration. Please note, that for the embroidery/affixing of badges to racing suits (FIA Standard 8856-2000) the following applies:

Embroidery sewn directly onto the overall shall be stitched onto the outermost layer only. Backing material of badges shall be flame proof and in conformity with the standard ISO 15025 (NOMEX).

The backing used for affixing the badge to the overalls shall be flame proof and in conformity with the standard ISO 15025 (NOMEX). Embroidery thread used to affix badges shall be flame proof and in conformity with the standard ISO 15025 (NOMEX). It is also advisable that embroidery thread used for badges shall be flame proof and in conformity with the standard ISO 15025 (NOMEX).

When affixing badges and signs to overalls, heat-bonding shall not be used. Any embroidery or affixing of badges not complying with these conditions will result in the cancellation of

the homologation of the overalls concerned.

Please use the following positions for the affixing of obligatory badges:

*Subject to amendments

A) Porsche Mobil 1 Supercup Logo (Width 130 mm) B) Mobil 1 Logo (Width 130 mm) C) Michelin Logo (Width 130 mm) D) Reservation Posche AG (Width 130 mm)




Regulations PMSC 2018 Part 3 I Attachments/Drawings


Attachment 2 – Sticker Regulations 2018* + - - racespirit.de

Bestellung: Andrea HagenbachDesign: af/fr

Datum: --Version: 2.2M: 1:10

Projekt: Sticker Regulations EN PMSC Job Nr.: PAG-





Driver name

726 2525 8


14 141230 3031 13



24 24



(for Rookie drivers)


15 19 20 21 22 23


4 5 27



19212223 15






Reservation Porsche AG

Porsche Mobil 1 SupercupManufacturer / Series Specifications, Series Partners






Driver name

Driver name





er n








Driver name

Driver name




Reservation PMSC Junior

+ - - racespirit.de

Bestellung: Andrea HagenbachDesign: af/fr

Datum: --Version: 2.2M: 1:10

Projekt: Sticker Regulations EN PMSC Job Nr.: PAG-





Driver name

726 2525 8


14 141230 3031 13



24 24



(for Rookie drivers)


15 19 20 21 22 23


4 5 27



19212223 15






Reservation Porsche AG

Porsche Mobil 1 SupercupManufacturer / Series Specifications, Series Partners






Driver name

Driver name





er n








Driver name

Driver name




Reservation PMSC Junior

Part 3 I Attachments/Drawings


Attachment 2 – Sticker Regulations 2018* + - - racespirit.de

Bestellung: Andrea HagenbachDesign: af/fr

Datum: --Version: 2.2M: 1:10

Projekt: Sticker Regulations EN PMSC Job Nr.: PAG-





Driver name

726 2525 8


14 141230 3031 13



24 24



(for Rookie drivers)


15 19 20 21 22 23


4 5 27



19212223 15






Reservation Porsche AG

Porsche Mobil 1 SupercupManufacturer / Series Specifications, Series Partners






Driver name

Driver name





er n








Driver name

Driver name




Reservation PMSC Junior

+ - - racespirit.de

Bestellung: Andrea HagenbachDesign: af/fr

Datum: --Version: 2.2M: 1:10

Projekt: Sticker Regulations EN PMSC Job Nr.: PAG-





Driver name

726 2525 8


14 141230 3031 13



24 24



(for Rookie drivers)


15 19 20 21 22 23


4 5 27



19212223 15






Reservation Porsche AG

Porsche Mobil 1 SupercupManufacturer / Series Specifications, Series Partners






Driver name

Driver name





er n








Driver name

Driver name




Reservation PMSC Junior

* Subject to amendments.

Regulations PMSC 2018 Part 3 I Attachments/Drawings

Number Quantity Size (in mm) Colour Logo/Symbol Positioning

17 2 Reservation Porsche AG

Fender le� and right

18 2 Reservation Porsche AG

Rear bumper le� and right

19 2 Reservation Porsche AG

Sill le� and right

20 2 Reservation Porsche AG

Sill le� and right

21 2 Reservation Porsche AG

Sill le� and right

22 2 Reservation Porsche AG

Sill le� and right

23 2 Reservation Porsche AG

Side area le� and right

24 1 120 height Reservation Porsche AG / APP-TECH ROOKIE for Rookie drivers

Rear window top

25 2 61 x 361 MICHELIN origi-nal colours

MICHELIN Le� and right of number plate

26 1 61 x 275 MOBIL1 original colours

MOBIL1 Rear bumper, a�xed on delivered plate

27 2 110 width white Reservation Porsche AG

Bucket seat in the headrest area le� and right

28 1 180 width white Reservation Porsche AG

Rear of bucket seat

29 2 344 x 113 National ¦ag Rear side window le� and right

30 2 black Masking only permit-ted when central radi-ator has already been completely masked, please refer to the technical manual

Side radiator mesh, le� and right

31 1 background: black, logo: white

Isolated team logo permitted. No further branding

Center radiator mesh

* Subject to amendments.107

Part 3 I Attachments/Drawings

Number Quantity Size (in mm) Colour Logo/Symbol Positioning

1a, 1b 2 100 / 220 height white Driver's name + starting number

Windscreen top right + rear window top center

2 2 50 height black or white Driver's name Roof rail

3 2 160 height black Starting number Le� and right door, starting number plate

4 2 308 x 360 white with black frame

Starting number plate, incl. Porsche logo, Supercup identi-�cation + title sponsor (MOBIL 1)

Le� and right door

5 2 35 x 533 black or white www.porsche.com/supercup

A-pillar le� and right

6 2 19 height white www.pmsc.info Lower window frame le� and right

7 1 black or white PORSCHE-lettering Rear lid

8 1 black or white GT3 Cup Rear lid

9 1 red-black Flash for current interrupter+ Letter "E" for extinguisher

Front bonnet le�

10 2 red with white outline

mounting of integral two-mount rescue device


11 1 131 x height MOBIL1 original colours + 70 Years Logo black

MOBIL1 + 70 Years Porsche Sportscar Together

Windscreen top

12 1 97 x 527 Reservation Porsche AG / Only team logo permitted

Front bumper

13 1 120 x 557 MICHELIN original colours

MICHELIN Front bumper

14 2 Reservation Porsche AG

Area above daytime running light unit

15 2 70 x 290 MOBIL1 original colours

MOBIL1 Le� and right front bumper

16 2 Reservation Porsche AG

Le� and right front bumper


Attachment 2 – Sticker Regulations 2018*

Regulations PMSC 2018 Part 3 I Attachments/Drawings


Exclusivity rule:Entrant / Team sponsors who are competitors of the o�cial Series partners of Porsche AG are not permitted under any circumstances. It is prohibited to communicate adver-tising on the vehicle for companies and products that are in competition to Porsche AG or its Series and cooperation partners.

With regards to the exclusivity of the Series and cooperation partners of Porsche AG the following rules apply (the exclusivity rule refers either to the industry sector or to the de�ned product range of the company):

1. Mobil 1 is the exclusive partner for the product area “Lubricant”. The teams (entrants) are therefore prohibited from communicating advertising for companies and products that are in competition with Mobil 1 lubricants.

2. For the product area “Fuel”, teams (entrants) are permitted to advertise for other companies only under the following conditions and a�er submitting a written request to Porsche AG: - The product brand “Fuel” must be clearly distinguishable from the group brand. Only the product brand “Fuel” is permitted to be communicated. Examples: V-Power or Ultimate.

- Maximum of one team with up to 3 vehicles is permitted to be supported for each product brand.

3. No exemption is possible for partners of exclusivity category 1. For partners of exclusivity category 2, one release is possible on written request per product category and per team. The classi�cation in exclusivity 1 and 2 will be de�ned individually per partner and is published in the separate list.

This is not valid for the 2018 season if the Series or cooperation partner cannot be communicated to the teams (entrants) by the �rst event. The date of the contract signing with the partner is pivotal.

The current status can be requested from the Series Organisers where necessary. In case of questions, please contact the Porsche Motorsport Business Relations Team, e. g. Ms. Annedore Frisch (annedore.frisch@porsche.de).

*Subject to amendments.

Part 3 I Attachments/Drawings


Please note:1. The sticker positions 1–31 are strictly reserved for Porsche AG.2. The obligatory stickers are to be obtained only from Porsche AG.3. The distance between stickers must be at least 30 mm.4. If positions 16, 17 and 18 are not used by Porsche AG, they shall be available until

availability is revoked by Porsche AG. Such revocation shall be announced in good time by the Series Organiser, at least 4 weeks prior to the revocation taking place.

5. All advertising surfaces in direct visibility of the on-board camera(s) in the interior and exterior areas of the vehicle are reserved for marketing purposes by Porsche AG and cannot be used by the teams (entrants).

6. All drivers nominated for the Nations League will receive a di¥erent door number panel for position 3 & 4 as shown in the example below. Display of the nominated country’s ¦ag is mandatory.


Regulations PMSC 2018 Part 3 I Attachments/Drawings

Attachment 5 – Di¤erential design

Attachment 6 – Control arms


Part 3 I Attachments/Drawings


Attachment 3 – Ballast weights

Attachment 4 – Di¤erential lock ramp breakover angle

Regulations PMSC 2018 Part 3 I Attachments/Drawings

Attachment 8 – Seat Padding


Part 3 I Attachments/Drawings


Attachment 7 – Minimum ground clearance, rear and front axle


Part 3 I Attachments/Drawings


Attachment 9 – Accident Data Recorder (ADR)

All participating race cars in the series shall be out�tted with an ADR to be provided and installed by the series. The deployment of the ADR is a cooperation between the series and the FIA. The ADR is not to be tampered with, nor removed from the vehi-cle at any time without prior approval from the series. Please observe the following in-conjunction with the ADR:

The ADR is mounted to a bespoke bracket by three screws. In-turn, the bracket is mounted via riveted nuts and oval-head screws towards the rear of the body-shell’s centre tunnel forward of the shi�ing valve-block, as depicted in the images to the le�. The position of the ADR installation in the vehicle shall under no circumstance be altered.

Under normal operating conditions, the ‘Power’ LED should illuminate green.

Please inform the series technical sta¥ if, the ‘Status’ LED is blinking red, the ‘Data’ LED is illuminated blue or ‘Power’ LED is not illuminated.

O¤ence Regulation Practice Qualifying Race Points


Not attending or too late to Drivers Brie�ng

CR 10.2 200 € minimum (350€ minimum second time)

1 - 2

Disobeyed marshals instructions CR 3.3 350€ / loss of lap times Drive Through Penalty

1 - 2

Did not respect the 3 minute warning

CR 7.3 500 € 0

Teams did not clear grid before 1 minute warning

CR 7.3 500 € 0

Overtook during Safety Car operation

CR 12.5 Drive Through Penalty

1 - 2

Not wearing Michelin cap at podium

CR 17 2.500 € 1

Display of unauthorised spon-sorship badges at podium

CR 3, Attachment 1

2.500 € 2

Failure to attend post session driver weighing

CR Tech 1.6 500 € �ne Disquali�cation 2 - 4

For any o¥ence where a Formal Reprimand is issued

1 - 2


Weight of car does not comply with regs

CR 1.6 Loss of times Disquali�cation 0

Contravention of regulations regarding wheels & tyres

CR 2.7 500 € & disqualify from practice

Fine and/or Loss of times

Fine and/or Disquali-�cation



Reversed car under own power in pit lane

CR 18.3 500 € Drive Through Penalty


Speed over 60kph in pit lane CR 18.2 200 € plus 25 € per kph over speed limit

Drive Through Penalty


Crossed over white line at pit exit CR 12.3 500 € Drive Through Penalty


Breach of Parc Ferme regulations CR 11.2 Fine and/or Loss of times

Fine and/or Disquali-�cation

0 - 2

Regulations PMSC 2018 Part 3 I Attachments/Drawings

Part 3 I Attachments/Drawings


Regulations PMSC 2018 Part 3 I Attachments/Drawings


O¤ence Regulation Practice Qualifying Race Points


Pushed another car - very minor (1st o¥ence)

CR 17 5- minute Stop/Go

Loss of fastest lap time

Formal Reprimand

1 - 2

Caused a collision / contact - minor

CR 17 Black Flag and/or Fine

Loss of times or drop of 3 grid positions

Drive Through Penalty or 3 grid place penalty for next race

2 - 3

Caused a collision / contact - intermediate

CR 17 Black Flag and/or Fine

Loss of times or drop of 5 grid positions

30 seconds Stop-Go / 5 grid place penal-ty for next race

3 - 4

Caused a collision / contact - major

CR 17 Black Flag and/or Fine

Loss of times or drop of 10 grid positions

1 minute Stop-Go / 10 grid place penalty for next race


Le� track and did not re-join at the same place or rejoins in an unsafe manner

CR 17 Warning Loss of times Drive Through Penalty

0 - 1

Exceeding Track Limits CR 17 Loss of lap times. 5 minute Stop/Go in qualifying for repeat o¥ences

Loss of lap time. 3 grid place penalty for repeat o¥ences

5/10 second race time penalty for repeat o¥ences.

0 - 2

The above penalties are guidelines which will be taken into account by the Stewards. However,

the Stewards may impose any penalty they consider appropriate for any breach of the PMSC Regulations.

O¤ence Regulation Practice Qualifying Race Points


Practice starts on track Drivers' Brie�ng

500 € 1

False start CR 12.1 Drive Through Penalty

1 - 2

Overtook before the re-start of the race (Safety Car)

CR 12.5 Drive Through Penalty

1 - 2


Did not slow down under Yellow ¦ag

ISC App H 2.4 3-5 place grid penalty for race. Increase to 5+ for repeat o¥ence.

3-5 place grid penalty for race. Increase to 5+ for repeat o¥ence.

Drive Through Penalty

1 - 2

Did not comply with Blue ¦ag ISC App H 2.4 500 € 750 € Drive Through Penalty

1 - 2

Overtook under Yellow ¦ag ISC App H 2.4 3-5 place grid penalty for race. Increase to 5+ for repeat o¥ence.

Loss of all times

Drive Through Penalty

1 - 3

Failed to respect Black & Orange ¦ag

ISC App H 2.4 1.000 € Fine and/or Loss of times

Fine and/or Disquali-�cation


Did not comply with Red ¦ag

ISC App H 2.4 1.500 € Fine and/or Loss of times

Fine and/or Disquali-�cation

2 - 4

Took Chequered ¦ag more than once

ISC App H 2.4 350 € 500 € 1

Porsche Mobil 1 SupercupRegulations 2018

Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG Porsche Mobil 1 Supercup Organisation Porschestraße 911 71287 Weissach Deutschland Telefon: +49 711 911- 84096 Fax: +49 711 911- 82920 www.porsche.de/supercup

Edition: 03/18 Printed in Germany

© Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG, 2018The Porsche wordmark and Porsche crest are registered trademarks of Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG.

Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG is a company registered at Stuttgart, Registriergericht HRB 730623.

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