pope francis invited 300 poor people for dinner at the … · 1530 jackson ave. • river forest,...

Post on 17-Sep-2018






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1530 Jackson Ave. • River Forest, IL 60305 • www.svfparish.org


“Behold, I stand at the door and knock, says the Lord. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door to me,

I will enter his house and dine with him, and he with me.”

Communion Antiphon for the Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Pope Francis invited 300 poor people for dinner at the Vatican on the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul, June 29.



Page Two Sixteenth Ordinary Sunday July 22, 2018


Telephone:(708) 366-7090 Fax:(708) 366-7092 www.svfparish.org Email: office@svfparish.org

Fr. Thomas McDermo OP, Pastor x 0 Fr. Raphael Chris anson OP, Parochial Vicar x113 Fr. Michail Ford, OP, Parochial Vicar x104 Jerome J. Trakszelis, Deacon John Gaughan, Deacon Camela Daley, Music Director x147 Jean Finnegan, CPA, Business Manager x114 Laura Finnegan, School Accountant x143 Chona Foellmer, School Office Mgr. x141 Kaitlin Hasenbeck-Meyer, Dir. of Religious Ed. x118 Sr. Immaculata Nneji DDL, Pastoral Minister x109 Sylvia Ochoa, Secretary x 0 Mary Saldana, Secretary x 0 Mary Sklenar, Administra ve Assistant x115 John Glimco, School Principal x140 (Email addresses can be found at www.svfparish.org)  

CHURCH: 7525 W. North Ave., River Forest, IL 60305 SCHOOL OFFICE: 1527 Lathrop Ave., River Forest, IL 60305 Tel (708) 771-5905 h p://www.svfschool.org/ RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE: 1527 Lathrop Ave., River Forest, IL 60305 Tel (708) 366-7090 X118 PARISH OFFICES/PRIORY: 1530 Jackson Ave., River Forest, IL 60305 Tel (708) 366-7090, Fax (708) 366-7092 Office Hours: Sunday 9:00AM—1:00PM Monday-Friday: 8:00AM—12:00PM 12:30PM—7:30PM Saturday: 9:00AM—1:00PM

MASSES: Saturdays: 8:00 AM and 5:30 PM Vigil Mass Sundays: 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM and 5:30 PM Mondays to Fridays: 7:00 AM and 12:00 PM noon Civil Holidays: Go to www.svfparish.org SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Weekdays: 11:30 AM—11:50 AM Saturday: 4:30 PM and by appointment


Fr. Raphael Christianson, OP Fr. Kevin Fane, OP Fr. Michael Garcia, OP Fr. Michail Ford, OP Fr. Peter Hereley, OP Fr. Richard LaPata, OP Fr. Thomas McDermo , OP Fr. Jack O’Malley, OP Fr. Ma hew Strabala,OP Fr. Tom O’Meara, OP Fr. Dennis Woerter, OP

“Lead with beauty” Parishioners frequently ask me about how to share their faith with others. Some mes they have a family member who no longer goes to Mass, or a co-worker whom they think might be recep ve to hearing about Catholicism, or even someone who is comba ve or dismissive of our Catholic faith. It is excellent to no ce the people

in our lives in need of faith, realizing that perhaps God put that person in our life for a reason, perhaps so we could somehow reveal something about the faith to them. But how should we go about sharing that faith? We might be tempted to want to use logical arguments and defend our faith through ci ng Scripture. That is an important approach, but a lot of mes that is not what people want or need to hear. And I am guessing most parishioners would not feel confident or capable of explaining the faith in that way. Chicago-na ve Bishop Robert Barron has some great advice. Bishop Barron o en uses the phrase “lead with beauty.” Everybody appreciates beauty, whether in art, music, or nature, regardless of their faith or lack thereof. People might not be ready to hear the truths of faith through defense and arguments, but they are recep ve to beauty. We are blessed with a beau ful church, so that our church itself does some preaching, through stained glass windows, statues, and other ornamenta on. When we interact with others and want to share our faith, we can think about leading with beauty. One approach could be sharing the beauty of our own experience, sharing with others what are some things that are meaningful to us. Not defending, just sharing something we can consider good and beau ful in our own lives. Maybe you want to talk about the Eucharist. Rather than explaining doctrine, instead talk about your own experience with the Eucharist, how it makes you feel close to God and strengthened by him. Or how going to Confession helps you feel relieved of burdens and gives you a feeling of renewed vigor. Or how praying to certain saints gives you a feeling of fellowship with all Chris ans through me, knowing we are brothers and sisters in one Lord. Share your faith through sharing the beauty of your experience of faith. Don’t always worry about convincing or defending; just share some things that are important to you and how they have made an impact in your life. Then leave it there. Let the other person listen to what you have shared about yourself, and let God take over. Perhaps what you have said will make them curious or pull at their heart. Plant a seed through sharing your experience; allow God to nourish the seed. If it seems appropriate, con nue the conversa on with that person again some other me. God calls all of us to be preachers of the faith through our words, deeds, and rela onships. O en the most effec ve way of preaching is through beauty and rela onship. Fr. Raphael Chris anson, O.P.

From Fr. Raphael Christianson  

July 22, 2018 Sixteenth Ordinary Sunday Page Three

Dominican Province of St. Joseph the Worker Nigeria & Ghana

Fr. Patrick Akunne, OP

Fr. Akunne teaches philosophy at the Dominican Institute in Ibadan, Nigeria. The Dominicans were established in Nigeria by two former faculty members

of Fenwick High School: Bishop Thaddeus Lawton, OP, and Bishop James Dempsey, OP.

Fr. Akunne will share with us the good news about the Church in Nigeria at all Masses the weekend of July 28 and 29.

A second collection will be taken up for the training of young Dominicans preparing for the priesthood and brotherhood.

Page Four Sixteenth Ordinary Sunday July 22, 2018


Monday, July 23rd Mi 6:1-4, 6-8 / Ps 50 / Mt 12:38-42

7:00AM +Merrill Sklenar 12:00PM +Patricia Papas Tuesday, July 24th Mi 7-14-15 / Ps 85 / Mt 12:46-50

7:00AM +Jeffrey Kestler 12:00PM +Louis Summaria Wednesday, July 25th 2 Cor 4:7-15 / Ps 126 / Mt 20:20-28

7:00AM +Walter Danielak 12:00PM +Joseph Borst Thursday, July 26th Jer 2:1-3, 7-8, 12-13 / Ps 36 / Mt 13:10-17

7:00AM Marivic Reighard 12:00PM Pascual, Angelina, and Emili Francisco Friday, July 27th Jer 3:14-17 / Ps Jer 31:10 / Mt 13:18-23

7:00AM +Jean Brennan 12:00PM Summaria Family Saturday, July 28th

Jer 7:1-11 / Ps 84 / Mt 13:24-30

8:00AM +Anna Santoro 5:30PM +Teresa Karnas

Sunday, July 29th 2Kgs 4:42-44 / Ps 145 / Eph 4:1-6 / Jn 6:1-15

7:30AM +Edward Daley 9:00AM People of the Parish 11:00AM Infant of Prague 5:30PM +Fr. Kevin O’Rourke


PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK: Corrine Albergo, Susan Albovias, Gina Bacon, Asuncion Beaupre, Gina Bra man, Barbara Capozzoli, Alexander Capraro, Linda Caputo, Debbie Carlson, John Cecala, Rica Conci, Sabrina Conforte, Rose Marie Cor le , John Dalicandro, Dorothy Elaine Dato, Veronica DelaTorre, Gerard DeTemple, Mary Ann DeVito, Nora DeVito, Rachelle Entler, Nico Felice, Alice Flanagan, Dorothy Frankel, Patricia Galecki , Carol Glab, Gemma Gotauco, Josie Karr, Elaine & Richard Kallal, Evelyn Kelly, Virginia Kielb, Stella Kowalczyk, Renee Kunkel, Marcella LaSpina, Frances Livich, Kazimierz Machalski, Kris na Maria, Benitzio Mar nez, Tiffany McGraw, Vedasto Mendoza, Sco Miller, Eleanor Milionis, Tyler Moebus, Eugenia Morales, Kaylo Nanni, Richard Necastro, Tina Piscopo, Ernest Raczkiewicz, Rosalie Rizzo, Joe Rose , Elisa Rusci , Dolores Sabatello, John Sheahan, Sco Skelly, Holden Sepe, Donata Serritella, Valen na Skreko, Nick Speziale, Mary Spitzer, Bill Steber, James O. Stola, John Summaria, Barbara Thome, Giovanna Urso, Pilar Valdes, Ralph Ventrella, Elizabeth Viola, Deacon Jerry Zych

May our prayers bring them strength, healing and peace. Please call our Parish Office to add a loved one’s name to our

parish prayer list. Names are removed a er four weeks unless the office is contacted.

WEDDING BANNS I Kimberly Hagen and Anthony Guidara II Lauren Stanek and Frankie Simonelli

PLEASE PRAY FOR THOSE SERVING IN THE MILITARY AND POLICE: Senior Airman Armando Chavez (Air Force) 1st Lieutenant Daniel Armstrong (USMC) Officer Robert Reeves and Staff Sergeant Stephen Sandoval Captain Kevin Zander HOLY FATHER’S PRAYER INTENTIONS FOR JULY: Priests and their Pastoral Ministry: That priests, who experi-ence fa gue and loneliness in their pastoral work, may find help and comfort in their in macy with the Lord and in their friendship with their brother priests.


Needed: $14,800


Online dona ons can be made to St. Vincent Ferrer

Parish at www.givecentral.org

July 22, 2018 Sixteenth Ordinary Sunday Page Five

Re lection on Sunday’s Readings

July 22nd, 2018

The Good Shepherd in ac on

First Reading (Jer 23:1-6). Jeremiah indicts the

official leaders for neglec ng their du es towards the

people. They must shoulder the blame for the

misfortune that has befallen the people. But God will

not let his people languish. He himself will assume the

mantle of leadership, and entrust the flock to good and

faithful shepherds.

The prophecy looks forward in par cular to the

coming of a king of David’s line (the Messiah), whose

reign will be characterized by wisdom, jus ce and

righteousness. All this es in with the gospel where

Mark presents Jesus as the messianic shepherd who

feeds his sheep.

Second Reading (Eph 2:13-18). Here Paul is

addressing himself mainly to the Gen le members of

the community. Christ has broken down the wall

between Jews and Gen les, and united all peoples as

children of the one Father. What is stated here is a

ma er of principle and of hope rather than of fact.

Gospel (Mk 6: 30-34). Here we see Jesus, the Good

Shepherd, in ac on. Firstly, we see his care for the

Twelve, who have just returned from their missionary

work and needed a break. Secondly, we see his care for

the ordinary people.

His a empt to go off to quiet place is frustrated, but

he doesn’t get annoyed with the people. Instead he is

deeply moved by their earnestness and by their need.

Since the people’s most pressing hunger was spiritual,

he began by teaching them.

Why Join the Parish? Here Are Some Reasons!

Approximately 50% of people who attend SVF Parish are not registered parishioners

W e strongly encourage everyone who attends Mass at St.

Vincent Ferrer to register as a member of the parish. By

doing so it means that you identify with the parish and, to some

extent, participate in its life and are not inactive or unknown to us.

It suggests that you take your faith seriously or at least want to

begin doing so.

The children of registered members are eligible to a special

tuition rate at St. Vincent Ferrer School or, if they attend public

schools, to enroll in our religious education program.

Registered parishioners can request the sacraments of

Matrimony, Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation. If you are not

registered here, you may be asked to obtain a letter of consent

from the Pastor in whose parish you live whether or not you

attend Mass there.

If you’re a registered parishioner and a loved one passes away,

no one here will say, “We didn’t know him / her. We have no

record of their membership in our parish.”

If someone asks you to serve as a godparent for baptism or to

be a sponsor for someone being confirmed, the Pastor will

normally be able to attest to your membership and participation

in our parish. If you are not registered we will not be able to sign

letters of recommendation.

R egistering as a member of the parish means that you take

seriously the obligation to support the mission of the parish

financially, morally and spiritually. For example, you may be asked

to help the parish by serving on a committee, the Parish Pastoral

Council, or by helping with the parish picnic.

Registering as a member means that you want to belong to the

parish family known as St. Vincent Ferrer Church. You will share in

the fruits of one Mass that is celebrated every weekend for all of

our parishioners.

Registration is done in person. To register, please come to the

parish office at 1530 Jackson Avenue, River Forest, any Sunday

between 9:00 AM and 1:00 PM. You will be asked to complete a

simple form and will be given a welcome packet with information

about our parish family.

Should Catholics have destination weddings?

When it's me to e the knot, couples should consider their es to a local parish.

By Catherine O'Connell-Cahill

“I don’t understand why they just can’t get married here!” lamented the grandmother who was being force-marched 2,800 miles to Mexico for her grandson’s wedding. “We spent $2,000 on the trip, if you can believe that,” said a friend who returned with her husband from a family wedding in Hawaii. A mom whose two oldest are ge ng married in the coming year kept me regaled me with horror stories about the booming nup al trend of des na on weddings. Her daughter got socked with expensive airfare and hotel costs when standing up in several weddings in far-off locales, in addi on to the usual bridesmaid outlay (dress, shower and wedding gi s, bachelore e party). Of course she had to go solo because she could no more afford to bring a guest to these affairs than she could afford to buy the tropical islands on which they were held. Des na on weddings are creeping up to 25% of weddings na onwide, o en held in beachy spots such as Mexico or the Caribbean. “You might be dreaming of a barefoot ceremony on a white sand beach,” says a website dedicated to these affairs. “But maybe you want something completely out of the ordinary like waterfalls, mountains or even an erup ng volcano as your backdrop.” Just be sure to head for the hills

before the lava ruins the bride’s pedicure. Two groups who love des na on weddings unreservedly are the couples themselves (we’ll get to them in a minute and advice columnists, who relish the steady stream of irate emails from those expected to take me off work and shell out big bucks to a end. Like the one couple who wrote to Miss Manners a er being browbeaten into taking a week off work to a end a week-long cruise wedding of a friend’s daughter. (Cruise weddings star in the Des na on Wedding House of Horrors.) The bride called off the wedding with three weeks to go, but the travel insurance didn’t care and wouldn’t cough up, so the two guests were stuck with an unwanted cruise. Miss Manners, they asked, do you think the bride and her family would reimburse us for the money we laid out? Miss Manners politely laughed up her sleeve. Why do couples choose des na on weddings? Pop culture eggs them on, for one thing. The magazine Des na on Weddings and Honeymoons trumpets, “You’ll stand out from the pack…[Y]ou won’t have to choose from the same old hometown spots all your friends have booked.” Such as that parish church where you had your First Communion. The culture of individualism in which we live insists that you must be unique above all. It’s true that many guests must travel to a wedding regardless, simply because of the mobility of our society. That’s how des na on weddings got started--if you have to travel anyway, why not travel to a fun loca on? I get it. The family can spend a few vaca on days together. But driven by consumerism and can-you-top-this, they o en escalate into a self-centered extravaganza. And is it not be er for at least one of the marrying pair to be at home, with the ability to invite at least some of the folks who would never think of (nor could afford) flying to Cozumel for the wedding? Wedding websites say that a des na on affair can save you about $3000 over the average wedding bill of, gulp, $26,000. How? Couples well know that only about half of those invited will actually come, so going to the Bahamas is a way to clandes nely prune your guest list without appearing to do so. A friend told me of a bridal couple appalled to learn that the groom’s en re extended family decided to a end en masse, planning a family reunion to coincide with the wedding. Um, that wasn’t exactly the plan. Des na on weddings usually mean no church wedding, unless the couple is diligent enough to scout out a Catholic church at the wedding loca on and get permission to marry there. Few do. More common nowadays, as the Mexico-bound grandmother soon discovered, is that a friend of the couple officiates. “I went up to this girl who performed the ceremony and I asked, what are your qualifica ons?” said the grandma. “She said to me, ‘I just went online!’ I’m thinking to myself, ‘And we came all the way here to see you?’” The wedding-planning site TheKnot.com lists churches that will ordain someone “instantly via the Internet” and presto, you too can do a wedding for your pals.

Page Six Sixteenth Ordinary Sunday July 22, 2018

July 22, 2018 Sixteenth Ordinary Sunday Page Seven

A wedding in your local parish beats the beach hands down. The parish, even if the couple hasn’t been inside since high school, is where the community gathers to eat—and become—the Body of Christ each week. To marry in church locates the marriage within this Chris an community, drawing in not only your own family and friends, but perhaps also more casual neighbors and other parishioners to pray with you and for you, to witness your public commitment. Just like a bap sm or a first communion, a wedding is a sacred event that is also public—it’s not just about you. A priest friend who has long worked with young adults says Catholic couples who choose des na on weddings do so because their genera on has never really been told why they should go to church, why they should get married in church, and what is it about a church wedding that’s important. Also many of them have heard so many nightmares about church weddings that they want no part of it, he says. Church weddings are seen as dull compared to the sandy variety (imagine how frumpy they appear compared to the volcano weddings). During the wedding of my friend’s daughter last summer, the celebrant, Father John Cusick, told all of us to fix our eyes on the bride and groom because that’s what God’s love looks like. “To see the face of love is to see the face of God,” he said. The wedding was not in Cancun but in steamy St. Louis, in the summer. The bride and groom were radiant--they “stood out from the pack” all right, not because they had planned a wedding in a rainforest but because they were clearly in love and stood before God and a church full of their family and friends to say so. Their relaxed demeanor (they got married in the church at St. Louis University where they had met and a ended Mass together) telegraphed that they somehow knew the truth—that their wedding day was not really all about them. The promises they made to each other, in the presence of God and a few hundred witnesses, doubtless strengthened the marriages of all the couples present—because we Catholics really believe there is something to this business of being one body in Christ. When we gather around as a young couple pledge themselves to each other in front of a priest, it puts an obliga on on all of us to help that couple keep their commitment when year 7 or year 25 rolls around and the going has go en tough. A failed marriage hurts us all; a successful marriage gives us all hope. So yes, it’s be er to be married where you can stand before those who have helped to form you, who loved you when you were a bra y kid, who stuck by you even in your Goth phase. Who tends to be excluded from des na on weddings? The old, the ill, the broke, and the very young. The very people whom Jesus urged us to take special care of. The very people who should be at our weddings--both for their own sake and for the sake of the bride and groom. Marriages a er all unfold not on the beach but on the streets of real life—

shouldn’t the wedding reflect this, with your diabe c great uncle and crying babies in a endance, as you stand and make your promise to be part of this very community, to do your part as a couple to build up the Body of Christ? Of course for young couples even to consider a Catholic wedding, they have to have some experience of the church that is posi ve and life-giving. That stretches back to the years long before young people are ready to get married. But at least when young adults approach a Catholic parish for a wedding—o en their first real encounter with the church as an adult—let us throw open our arms to welcome them, to rejoice with them. Let us not allow people to answer the phone whose first ques on will be, “Are you registered?” Let us not permit the parish secretary to say of the priest, “He’ll never marry you.” The people answering the phone and the door at our parishes are the first-responders in evangelizing the young people who phone, email, or visit about a wedding. Let’s get rid of the dragons at the gate. If given the chance, I bet we could persuade many young people why a church wedding is superior to their gal pal marrying them on the beach as the sea turtles and dolphins look on. Star ng your life together as a married couple is a momentous event—it’s exci ng and solemn; it prompts you to look both backward and forward, to God and to the genera ons that brought you forth, to the children you will bring into the world. Catholics call it making a “covenant”—a word that we might have to unpack for young people, that reaches back into the Old Testament to the moment where God promised never to forsake the Israelites. Our promise on our wedding day is that big. That’s way more exci ng than any volcano. www.uscatholic.org

The Parish Office is open every Sunday

from 9:00am to 1:00pm? Why not stop by and register as

a parishioner at SVF? (Entrance is on Jackson facing Fresh Thyme.)

Page Eight Sixteenth Ordinary Sunday July 22, 2018

July 22, 2018 Sixteenth Ordinary Sunday Page Nine


Saturday, July 28TH

and Sunday, July 29TH

Saturday, July 28th 5:30 PM (Vigil Mass) Lector: Anita Spina EMC: Cindy Mastalarz, Roger Mastalarz, Pat Champagne, Marie Macaluso, Mary Jo Petrone, Frank Giglio Servers: Bella Daley, Lonnie Daley, Jaxon and Madelyn Entler, Grace Mullen-Buss Sacris an: Sylvia Zamora

Sunday, July 29th, 7:30 AM

Lector: Terry Shaker EMC: Mary Andreoni, Bill Andreoni, Arlene Connell, Rose Felipe, Ron Catanzaro Servers: Eddie Romano Sacristan: Mario Dato

Sunday, July 29th, 9:00 AM

Lector: Gigi Barne EMC: Joe Johnson, Zeny Figueras, Anthony Barne , Anne Barne , Gigi Barne , Pawel Nowak Servers: Luke Barnett, Marie Barnett, Billy Rogus

Sacristan: Dolores and Robert Boveri

Sunday, July 29th, 11:00 AM

Lector: Alex Duran EMC: Bill Hardy, Jeanne Hardy, Myriam Escobar, Charles Doherty, Chuck Doherty, Jim Pla , Cathy Pla Servers: Jamon Graham, Alex Quinones, Katherine Smyla Sacristan: Astrid Duran

Sunday, July 29th, 5:30 PM Lector: Bob Sassetti EMC: Daughters of Divine Love, Christie Sergo, Nicole Browne Servers: Gianni Bertacchi, Grace Miceli, Michael Riccio, Vincent Vayda Sacristian: Christie Sergo

Dominican Brother Jordan Coonen of Blessed Sacrament Priory in Madison, WI, has been

making beautiful religious plaques for more than

forty years. He will be in the vestibule

(lobby) of the church with his artwork after all Masses on the

weekend of July 28 and 29.

Does your home have any religious art?

Does it have a crucifix? We encourage you to come and meet Brother Jordan!

“Faith is not a light which scatters all our darkness, but a lamp which guides our steps in the night and suffices for the journey. To those who suffer, God does not provide arguments which explain everything; rather, his response is that of an accompanying presence, a history of goodness which touches every story of suffering and opens up a ray of light.”

— Pope Francis

July 24 (Tuesday): 6:30pm Al-Anon (Spanish) in

the Sinsinawa Room and Alateen in the Siena

Room on the 2nd floor of the Parish Center

(enter through the Cabrini Room); 7pm Financial

Peace University in Kyte Hall.

July 26 (Thursday): 7pm Great Adventure Bible Study on the

Book of Revela on in Kyte Hall.

July 27 (Friday): 12:30pm “Lord, Teach Me to Pray” (Women’s

group) in Kyte Hall.

July 28 – 29 (Saturday and Sunday): Fr. Patrick Akunne, OP, of

the Nigerian Dominican Province to speak at all Masses;

Religious plaques handmade by Brother Jordan Coonen, OP, on

sale in the church ves bule a er all the weekend Masses.

August 5 (Sunday): 3pm organ concert by Nicole Simental in

the church.


BAPTISMS: Infant bap sms are celebrated on Sundays imme-diately a er the 11:00 AM Mass. A endance at a bap smal prepara on class is required. For more informa on go to: www.svfparish.org—Sacraments—Bap sm.

FUNERALS: Call the parish office at (708) 366-7090 x 0. Also, look at

www.svfparish.orgSacramentsFuneral Resources. (If applicable, read Crema on Guidelines). WEDDINGS: Marriage prepara on with a priest should be started at least one year in advance of the proposed wedding date. For more

informa on go to www.svfparish.orgSacramentsMatrimony.

ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Contact the parish office before major surgery or in case of serious illness. Tel: (708) 366-7090 x 0.

R.C.I.A. (Rite of Chris an Ini a on for Adults). Contact the parish office at (708) 366-7090 x 0.

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Contact Kaitlin Hasenbeck-Meyer, Director of Religious Educa on, at (708) 366-7090 x118

FIRST HOLY COMMUNION: Usually done in the 2nd grade. Contact Kaitlin Hasenbeck-Meyer, Director of Religious Educa on, at (708)366-7090 x118 or khasenbeck@svfparish.org

SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION: Usually conferred on our youth in the 8th grade a er 2 years in the parish's Religious Educa on program. For more infor-ma on, contact Kaitlin Hasenbeck-Meyer, Director of Religious Educa on, at (708) 366-7090 x118 or khasenbeck@svfparish.org

SPRED: Faith forma on for adults and children with developmental disabili es. For more informa on, go to

www.svfparish.org Educa onSPRED or contact Sylvia Za-mora at zamorasyl@msn.com

HOMEBOUND PARISHONERS: Any homebound parishioner who would like to receive Holy Communion should contact Sr. Immaculata at inneji@svfparish.org

EUCHARISTIC ADORATION CHAPEL: Mondays and Tuesdays 12:30pm - 8:30pm Adora on Chapel in Kyte Hall

FAMILY MASS: The 9:00 AM Mass on Sundays is the Family Mass. There is a separate Liturgy of the Word for children during the homily.

ROSARY: Daily before the 12:00 noon Mass.

Page Ten Sixteenth Ordinary Sunday July 22, 2018

NOVENA TO OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP: Tuesday a er Noon Mass. PERPETUAL NOVENA TO ST. JUDE: Every Friday at the end of the 7:00 AM and 12:00 noon Masses. BLESSING OF THE UNBORN AND THEIR PARENTS: A er any Mass by prior arrangement through the parish office (708) 366-7090 x 0. NEW PARISHIONERS:

Go to www.svfparish.orgWelcomeJoin the Parish or come by the parish office to meet the staff and priests. (See office hours on page 2)

BULLETIN SUBMISSION: Ar cles and no ces should be submi ed at least one week in advance to office@svfparish.org or by going to the parish office. CALENDAR SUBMISSION: For parish ac vi es to appear on our parish calendar online and in the bulle n: calendar@svfparish.org or by going to the parish office.

All of the above events are open to all parishioners. For a more detailed schedule of all events, please go to

svfparish.org community events calendar.


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