pomona public school · 2020-03-20 · reading and writing skills. they have invented their own...

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We May Be Small But We’ve Got It All

Pomona Public School

Fortnightly Newsletter

Term: 1 Week: 8 20th March 2020

Principal: David McDonnell Phone: 03 5027 3486 502 Pomona Road Fax: 03 5027 3659 Pomona NSW 2648 Email: pomona-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au Website: https://pomona-p.schools.nsw.gov.au

Principal’s Report Hello everyone, The term is certainly getting away from us. Please check the calendar for upcoming events as many events have been either cancelled or postponed due to the Covid-19 virus. Don’t forget to join the footy tipping competition if you are interested. There is no cost involved and the prize is a trophy and bragging rights. Corona Virus (COVID -19) Update Currently social distancing is the new “normal” to help stop the virus from spreading quickly. All school activities, functions and gatherings will be reviewed as they are due to occur but at this stage unless directed otherwise these have either been cancelled or postponed. I have included in this newsletter a handout from the department for parents to help with supporting students surrounding the Corona (COVID -19) virus. Please read carefully. I will endeavour to keep you all up to date with current information as it is released from the department and NSW Health. Our school app and facebook/website pages will also contain updates to keep you informed. Here is a link to NSW Health with further information. https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/Infectious/diseases/Pages/coronavirus.aspx

We May Be Small But We’ve Got It All

Introducing the NSW Department of Education School Updates app. 🔔🔔🔔🔔 The NSW School Updates app allows parents and carers to receive operational status updates for NSW public schools. NSW families can now get notified when their school becomes non-operational, wherever they are. The app will complement the other means of communication available to parents and carers from schools and the Department of Education to ensure families receive timely, accurate information in a crisis.

The app is free and available now for iOS and Android users.

Download for iOS - App Store Download for Android - Google Play

Active Kids Voucher A note has been sent home with students regarding Active Kids Vouchers. Students are entitled to claim two $100.00 Active Kids vouchers in 2020 to help with sports fee and uniform cost. Pomona Public School has been given the opportunity to claim the Active Kids voucher from the NSW Government on behalf of our students to provide sporting programs in the school. Professional Development for Staff Last week staff spent 3 x 2 hour sessions with Math’s consultant Judith Selby after school participating in professional development training. The training was based on “Effective Teaching of Mathematics in the classroom”. Further training is planned for later on the year as follow up to these sessions. I thank Judith Selby for time she spent with staff at our school. P&C AGM AGM has been postponed until further notice. Skoolbag App Please find attached instructions below on how to install the skoolbag app. This app is used to communicate messages to the school community. If you are not receiving notifications and the app is installed try taking it off and reinstalling.

We May Be Small But We’ve Got It All

Cross Country Events At this stage all PSSA activities have been cancelled including our school cross country. Principal’s Award Each Friday during our whole school assembly Mr Mac announces a Principal’s Award for a student that has been following our 3 school values ‘Respect’, ‘Learning’ and ‘Safety’. Congratulations to Cooper and Lachlan. Regards

David McDonnell Principal

Important Dates For Your Calendar March Thurs 19th-Fri 20th – Principal’s Meeting in Broken Hill (Cancelled) 23rd March – NAPLAN Practice Testing – Yrs 3 & 5 Wed 25th – P&C Annual General Meeting (Postponed) Thurs 26th March – School Audit (TBA) Monday 30th March – Proposed Author Tim Harris Visit (TBA) April Wed 8th Apr – School Disco (Cancelled) Thurs 9th – Last Day of Term 1 Thurs 9th – Anzac Day Service (Cancelled) Fri 10th – Good Friday Tues 28th – Students First Day Term 2 May Fri 1st May – Pomona Cross Country 11:30am (Cancelled) Tues 5th May – M/D Cross Country – Euston (All PSSA activities have been ceased) Fri 8th May – Mother’s Day Morning Tea – 11:00am at school (Cancelled) Sun 10th May – Mother’s Day Tues 12th - NAPLAN Testing Online starts for students in Grades 3 and 5 Fri 15th May – Barrier Cross Country in B/Hill(All PSSA activities have been ceased)

We May Be Small But We’ve Got It All

K-2 Class: The students in the ‘Junior Class’ have been working extremely hard to improve their reading and writing skills. They have invented their own version of ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ by Eric Carle, planning and representing their story using a story map. After drafting their stories, Stage 1 students have used the iPad app ‘Pages’, to publish their stories in a book format. This has involved typing skills, and using search engines to find pictures to illustrate their story. During mathematics lessons students have been focussing on forwards and backwards counting, learning how to double numbers and they have also enjoyed adding prices together in our class shop. We have also begun coding instructions for the ‘Bee-Bots’ to follow during STEM lessons. We are continuing to study Pomona’s location within Australia and the world, as well as the special places around us. I hope everyone remains healthy and safe. Year 3-6 A reminder that Wednesday is library borrowing day for students. After recess Mrs Wall is timetabled to assist students to borrow books for reading at home. Students need to bring their library bag to school so they are able to borrow books. It is important that students select suitable reading material for their reading ability. They need to select a “just right book” To do this students need to:

• Choose a book • Do the five finger test and ask themselves; • Did my book have 1, 2 or 3 challenges? • Did I feel comfortable reading it? • Did I understand what I read? • Did my reading sound like talking? • Can I answer questions about my reading? • If you answered no to any of these questions go back to step 1. • If you answer yes to every question you have a ‘Just Right Book’

PBL Positive Behaviour for Learning: Positive Behaviour for Learning is an evidence-based process that assists schools to improve social, emotional, behavioural and academic outcomes for children. The 3 core values that our school have adopted are:


We May Be Small But We’ve Got It All

School Dress Code Reminders to help with Covid-19: • For safety reasons jewellery is to be limited to stud earrings and a watch. • Primary aged students are not wear nail polish or makeup to school. • Hair longer then shoulder length should to be tried up at all times while at school.

Picnic Cancelled The Lower Anabranch Sporting and Landcare Executive Committee have made the very hard decision to cancel the 2020 Anabranch Picnic. Along with other community events, the guidelines on social distancing as well as inadequate capacity to implement infection control measures have contributed to this decision. TENNIS TENNIS TENNIS Wentworth Junior Tennis practice will commence the 2020 season on Friday 13th March. No experience necessary, free coaching given to beginners. To be eligible for junior pennant tennis at Wentworth children must turn 8 by 31st December 2020 and no older than 17. Practice is from 4.00pm to 5.30pm. Pennant tennis is played on Saturday mornings and this year’s season commences on May 2nd. Also available is sub-junior tennis for 4 to 7 year olds (on a shorter court with small racquets, which are available for use.) Active Kids vouchers available again this for junior memberships. Anne can assist you with this. For more information contact Cheryl Vines on 0428 522 969 or for sub-juniors Anne Snow on 0400 113 549.

We May Be Small But We’ve Got It All

We May Be Small But We’ve Got It All

Coronavirus (COVID -19) Information for parents and carers to support children and young people How you can support your child It is perfectly normal for children to have questions about events that are covered in the media, such as the information currently being distributed about COVID-19. Children look to the significant adults in their lives for guidance on how to manage their reactions and you can help your child by remaining calm and reassuring them. There is a common misunderstanding that talking with your child about a topic such as COVID-19 may increase their anxiety. This is not the case. It is important to listen to your child and answer their questions as honestly as possible and correct any misunderstandings. This will help them feel informed and understand what is happening. Keeping up to date with the facts from reliable sources will help keep conversations calm, considered, and constructive. Provide information in words that are appropriate to the age of your child. Children can be distressed by hearing repeated stories so monitor how much your child is being exposed to television and social media and encourage them to talk to you about what they are seeing and hearing.

Some practical advice Some practical advice for your child includes reminding them to cover their nose and mouth when they cough or sneeze (coughing into their elbow is a useful strategy), keep their hands clean by washing them regularly with soap and water, and avoid touching their eyes, nose, and mouth before washing their hands. These are easy habits for children to adopt, and should help them feel as though they're able to exert some control over their circumstances. If your child must stay at home, it is important for your child to maintain a healthy lifestyle including proper diet, sleep, and social contact at home and by email and phone with family and friends

Communication is important • read the department’s response to COVID-19 for current information • read any information sent home by the school. contact the school if your child becomes unwell.

Where to get help Contact the school if you are concerned about your child’s wellbeing to discuss the most appropriate support. Support is also available through a number of agencies and community organisations. Parents and carers can: • call the National Coronavirus Health Information line (1800 020 080) • review the NSW Health COVID-19 website for the latest information and advice • obtain help and information from the local General Practitioner or Community Health Centre If you would like additional support, the following services are available • The school counselling service • Kids Helpline – 1800 55 1800 – kidshelpline.com.au • Headspace – 1800 650 890 – eheadspace.org.au • Parent Helpline – 1300 1300 52 • Beyond Blue – 1300 22 4636 • Lifeline – 13 11 14

We May Be Small But We’ve Got It All

We May Be Small But We’ve Got It All

We May Be Small But We’ve Got It All

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