polypharmacy in an elderly population: enhancing

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Polypharmacy in an Elderly Population: EnhancingMedication Management Through the Use of ClinicalDecision Support Software Platforms

Dorothy Keine . Mark Zelek . John Q. Walker . Marwan N. Sabbagh

Received: November 26, 2018 / Published online: March 21, 2019� The Author(s) 2019


Introduction: Polypharmacy is a growingproblem in the United States. The use of mul-tiple medications increases the likelihood that apatient will experience potential drug interac-tions and adverse drug reactions (ADRs). Thoseindividuals with dementia or Alzheimer’s dis-ease (AD) are at greater risk, due to age,comorbidities, and an increased likelihood ofbeing on a greater number of neuroactivemedications.Methods: uMETHOD Health (uMH) has devel-oped a precision medicine platform to addressdementia and mild AD through the creation ofpersonalized, multidomain treatment plans.Many interactions and ADRs may be observed,such as drug–drug interactions (DDIs), drug–gene interactions (DGIs), anticholinergic cog-nitive burden (ACB), and depression-inducingdrugs (DIDs). uMH’s algorithms can parse theseinteractions, rate them based on input fromopen-source databases, and then record all these

interactions in a generated treatment plan. Atotal of 295 individuals aged 65 and older wereincluded in this analysis.Results: Of 295 individuals, 97.59% were on atleast one medication, with an overall mean of11.5 medications per person; 83.66% were onfive or more medications. A total of 102 DGIs,3642 DDIs, and one high-priority DDI werefound in this population. There was a signifi-cant increase in the number of DDIs as medi-cations per person increased (P value\ 0.0001).Of the population, 65.86% were on one or moreanticholinergic drugs. There was a significantdifference in the ACB score between individualswith cognitive decline and those without. Intotal, 60.98% of the overall population were onDIDs, with a mean of 1.19 medications perperson.Conclusions: The results of this work show thatolder populations have a high medication bur-den. With the growing elderly and AD popula-tions, medication management forpolypharmacy is a need that grows direr everyyear. uMH’s platform was able to identify amultitude of polypharmacy problems thatindividuals are currently facing.Funding: uMETHOD Health.

Keywords: Anticholinergic drugs; Drug–druginteractions; Drug–genome interactions;Depression-inducing drugs; Machine learning;Polypharmacy

Enhanced digital features To view enhanced digitalfeatures for this article, go to https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.7739627.

D. Keine (&) � M. Zelek � J. Q. WalkeruMETHOD Health, Raleigh, NC, USAe-mail: dorothykeine@gmail.com

M. N. SabbaghCleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health,Las Vegas, NV, USA

Neurol Ther (2019) 8:79–94



Polypharmacy, defined as the use of five ormore medications [1], is a growing problem inthe United States [2]. Medication regimes com-prised of multiple medications increase thelikelihood that a patient will experiencepotential drug interactions and adverse drugreactions (ADRs) [3]. ADRs place many patientsin the hospital every year and can have life-threatening consequences. They are among thetop ten leading causes of death [2, 4].

These risks are even higher for the elderly,due to age-related changes of pharmacokinetics(PK) and pharmacodynamics (PD) of manydrugs. Changes in PK and PD are related to anoverall decrease in total body water whichdecreases the spread of hydrophilic drugs,increasing body fat that in turn increases thedistribution of lipophilic drugs, and a break-down in the blood–brain barrier that results in ahigher distribution of drugs that affect thecentral nervous system [3]. Moreover, age-re-lated diseases can further change patients’ PKand PD by increasing sensitivity to drug effectsand thus increasing their susceptibility to ADRs.

Among those taking any prescription medi-cation, half are exposed to two or more drugswith 5% exposed to eight or more [2]. This highrate of multiple medications is driven in largepart by people who have multiple chronicconditions. Approximately half of the US pop-ulation has at least one chronic condition, andone in four have multiple [5]. Those individualswith dementia or Alzheimer’s disease (AD) arealso at greater risk due to age, an increasednumber of comorbidities, and an increasedlikelihood of being on a greater number ofneuroactive medications. In one study, only8.7% of AD patients did not have a physicalcondition, compared to 15.9% of controls [6].

AD is a progressive neurodegenerative con-dition in which individuals exhibit memoryloss, dementia, and impaired metabolism. It iscommonly a late-onset disease, with symptomsdeveloping around the age of 65. AD is one ofthe most common forms of dementia,accounting for 50–80% of all dementia cases [7]and is a growing economic and social burden

[8, 9]. Early symptoms include difficulty inrecalling recent events, personality changes,trouble with problem-solving, and confusion.As the disease progresses, symptoms includemood swings, irritability, aggression, troublewith language, and long-term memory loss. Inthe late stages of AD, bodily functions are lost,leading to death. Life expectancy after diagnosisis 7 years [7]. Comorbidity and polypharmacyare both associated with worsening cognition,functional ability, and survival for patients withdementia [6].

AD patients may be at greater risk for ADRswhen it comes to neuroactive drugs comparedto a normal elderly population, due to theneurological damage that is characteristic of thedisease. According to Dr. Pasqualetti at theUniversity of Pisa, ‘‘the impaired neurotrans-mission in AD patients represents the majorpharmacological target (especially cholinergicsystem) for disease treatment, it might alsorepresent a point of weakness for AD patients’’[3].

Both chronic diseases and medication num-bers increase when considering a populationthat is 65 and older. Polypharmacy has beenshown to be a statistically significant predictorof hospitalization, nursing home placement,death, hypoglycemia, fractures, impairedmobility, pneumonia, and malnutrition forolder populations [10]. In the United States,30% of adults over 65 take 5 or more medica-tions [2].

Each drug has the potential to cause sideeffects and adverse events, but drugs alsointeract. These interactions can be so minor asto be recommended to ignore, or they can bevery serious, with the potential for death withconcurrent use [11]. Interactions and adverseevents can arise from multiple factors, includ-ing drug–drug interaction (DDI), drug–genomeinteraction (DGI), anticholinergic burden(ACB), and depression-inducing drugs (DIDs),creating new risks for the patient with eachadditional medication. Indeed, the inability ofpatients and providers alike to distinguish drug-induced symptoms from new disease symptomsoften results in the addition of more medica-tions to treat drug-induced symptoms, furtherincreasing the risk of DDIs and ADRs [3].

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DDIs occur when individuals are exposed tomedications that interact to produce an unde-sirable result. They fall into two categories: PKand PD interactions [12]. Exposure to potentialDDIs does not always result in a direct adversedrug event or measurable clinical effect, butthey can have an additive effect [12, 13]. AsKatie Quinn of Stanford University states in ‘‘Adataset quantifying polypharmacy in the Uni-ted States,’’ ‘‘exposure to multiple drugs putspatients at additive risk of each single drug’spotential adverse outcomes’’ [2].

Genetic factors also affect the PK and PD ofdrugs, altering patients’ response [14–16]. Inrecent years, databases have been created totrack and aid in the study of DGIs. This hasbecome known as the ‘‘druggable genome,’’ andis defined as ‘‘genes or gene products that areknown or predicted to interact with drugs, ide-ally with a therapeutic benefit to patients’’ [14].

Anticholinergic drugs block the neurotrans-mitter acetylcholine in the central and periph-eral nervous systems. They are indicated for usein many different disease states, includingdepression, gastrointestinal disorders, Parkin-son’s disease, urinary incontinence, epilepsy,and seasonal allergies [17]. In fact, many com-monly used drugs have anticholinergic proper-ties, including over-the-counter-medications.These drugs are widely available and includeantihistamines, drugs to reduce frequency ofurination, and medications for sleep distur-bances. The availability and number of non-prescription drugs with anticholinergic proper-ties is increasing in recent years [18]. Thecumulative effect of taking multiple medica-tions with anticholinergic properties is referredto as ACB [19].

Many studies have shown that anticholiner-gic drugs can adversely impact cognition,physical function, cause dizziness, delirium,confusion, falls, and increase the risk of mor-tality in elderly populations [19, 20]. ACB hasalso been shown to be a risk factor for devel-oping mild cognitive impairment (MCI) anddementia [17, 21–23]. Each definite anticholin-ergic drug has the potential to increase the riskof cognitive impairment by 46% over 6 years[21]. In addition, the odds ratio for a diagnosisof MCI was 2.73 for adults exposed to at least 3

anticholinergics for a minimum of 90 days. Theodds ratio for dementia was 0.43 [22].

Many cognitively impaired and AD patientsare simultaneously taking cholinesterase inhi-bitors along with anticholinergic drugs. Cho-linesterase inhibitors are one of the mostprescribed drugs types for dementia and ADpatients [24]. One study showed that 35.4% ofpatients received these two drug types in com-bination [25]. The use of these medications incombination is likely to decrease their phar-macological benefit as they counteract eachother [26], making their simultaneous use sel-domly appropriate due to the drugs’ invalidat-ing pharmacological effect [25].

Guidelines such as Beers and the ScreeningTool of Older Persons’ potentially inappropriatePrescriptions (STOPP) both state that the use ofanticholinergic drugs should be avoided inolder populations [17, 23]. Even with theseaccepted guidelines, physicians often prescribethese medications for their anticipated thera-peutic outcomes, overlooking the possible risks[19].

Anticholinergic drugs are also one of themost commonly prescribed DIDs. Numerousmedications and medication classes have beenclassified as depression-inducing. Other com-mon DIDs include sedative-hypnotics andanalgesics [27, 28]. Drug-induced depression ismore likely to occur in individuals who have ahigher risk factor for depressive disorder [29], asmay be the case for individuals with the APOEe4 allele and AD patients.

An increase in drug-induced depression isanother result of the increasing occurrence ofpolypharmacy [30]. Many studies that identifypotential DIDs are observational in nature, andresults have been contradictory. Nevertheless,DIDs should be considered as a potential causewhen new symptoms of depression occur [31].

The elderly are less likely to recognize ADRsfor what they are and can even be more likely tohave their concerns dismissed by medical pro-viders. Elderly people often have lower expec-tations for what their health should be, and aretherefore less likely to let their physician knowwhen they are experiencing new issues. Thosewith cognitive impairment may also be unableto recognize new symptoms or may have

Neurol Ther (2019) 8:79–94 81

difficulty communicating them. In some cases,ADRs are mistaken for the consequences of oldage [18].

The aging population along with the numberof people diagnosed with AD are quickly grow-ing in the United States. It is estimated that by2030, more than 20% of all US residents will be65 or older, compared with just 13% in 2010[32].

With the quick growth of these populationsand the ever-increasing number of drugs avail-able on the market, medication management isnecessary, but too complex to be handled by asingle physician. We propose that clinicaldecision support software (CDSS) withmachine-learning algorithms should beemployed in this complicated space to increasephysician effectiveness and patient safety.

CDSS is software created to provide treat-ment decision support to medical professionals.CDSS can process large amounts of informationin a quick and effective manner, creatingactionable recommendations to improve clini-cal decision-making [33, 34]. Because of thisability, the guidance provided is patient-specificinstead of generalized [34]. The output of CDSScontains guidance on the diagnosis, treatment,prevention, cure, or mitigation of disease [35].

Machine learning enables the CDSS plat-forms to make successful predictions based onpast experiences [36, 37]. There may be dozensof issues identified for one patient, so decision-theory techniques can be used to assignweights, priorities, and strategies to the issues.Next, interventions are selected. These inter-ventions have a wide range of costs, includingfinancial costs, pain, and effort by the personbeing treated which should be taken intoaccount by the CDSS platform. Many interac-tions may be observed, such as DDIs, DGIs, anddrug-to-diet interactions. Algorithms determinean appropriate path forward, given the manypotential conflicts.

This method would enable physicians tohave access to an automated, repeatable, andreliable analysis that can be applied to everypatient, is based on the latest clinical guidelines,and is personalized to the individual. It canprocess copious amounts of informationquickly, making it useful in a clinical setting.


Population Overview

A total of 295 individuals were included in thisanalysis. All of the data presented here was pre-viously collected for the purposes of creatingtreatment plans for patients with a family historyof AD, with mild cognitive decline, or mild AD.

Following the guidelines put forth in the21st Century Cures Act [35], CDSS is not regu-lated by the US Food and Drug Administration(FDA), and uMETHOD Health’s (uMH) treat-ment protocol does not include any investiga-tional drugs. Because of this, uMH’s precisionmedicine platform was taken straight to marketand did not need an approval by an ethicscommittee or board.

When participants were enrolled for thetreatment plan, uMH obtained permission fromevery individual to use their data for futureresearch purposes, in compliance with ethicsguidelines. uMH’s Terms and Conditions for thecommercially available treatment plan outlinedthat data would be saved and used only in a de-identified manner.

Each participant receiving a treatment planaccessed an online consent form or was given aprinted version if access was an issue, outlininguMH’s Terms and Conditions for the commer-cially available treatment plan. Individuals whopresented with cognitive decline were encour-aged by uMH and their physician to have acaretaker or family member review all docu-ments and consent forms before signing.

Before initial enrollment, all individualswere first evaluated by a physician to ensurethey were a good fit for the program. Cognitivetesting was done at baseline and these resultswere used to classify the individuals as eithercognitively normal or demented. Cut-off scoresfor dementia classification followed theUniversity of Ohio’s validity and normality datafor the Self-administered Gerocognitive Exami-nation (SAGE) with a score of 17–22 considerednormal cognition [38, 39].

uMH’s algorithm platform automaticallyassigns every participant a random eight-char-acter ID when they are first entered into the

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system to de-identify their information. All datawas collected under their randomly assigned ID,and the investigators here only had access tothis de-identified information.

Following the guidelines set out by ‘‘CodedPrivate Information or Specimens Use inResearch’’ by the Office for Human ResearchProtection [40], since the data presented herewas not collected for the currently proposedpolypharmacy research project and no investi-gator could ascertain the identity of the indi-viduals, the data presented here is not classifiedas involving human subjects.

Institutional review board approval was notrequired as data are recorded in such a mannerthat subjects cannot be identified, directly orthrough identifiers linked to the subjects.Meeting these conditions makes this researchexempt from the requirements of 45 CFR 46under the Department of Health and HumanServices (HHS): Research, involving the collec-tion or study of existing data, documents,records, pathological specimens, if these sourcesare publicly available or if the information isrecorded by the investigator in such a mannerthat subjects cannot be identified, directly orthrough identifiers linked to the subjects.

For the purposes of this analysis, only indi-viduals who were aged 65 and older wereincluded. Our population was 55.25% female(n = 163). See Tables 1 and 2 for a full analysis ofthe research cohort.

Bioinformatics Platform

uMH has developed a precision medicine plat-form to address dementia and mild AD throughthe creation of personalized, multidomain

treatment plans [41]. Large data sets are col-lected and analyzed for each patient to generatea treatment plan. Each treatment plan isreviewed by a trained physician before beingdelivered to the patient. uMH’s platform iden-tifies and addresses active issues, and createsrepeatable and practical treatment plans for usein doctors’ practice.

Many interactions and ADRs may beobserved, such as DDIs, DGIs, ACB, as well asDIDs. uMH’s algorithms can parse these inter-actions, rate them based on input from open-source databases, and then record all theseinteractions in the person’s generated treatmentplan. This allows a physician to easily reviewand amend a patient’s medication regime.

The internal software of the bioinformaticsplatform is written in the Python language. Itinterfaces to an external portal, used by themedical, care, and coaching teams to gather

Table 1 Population overview

Variable Mean Standard deviation Minimum Maximum

Age (years) 75.51 7.31 64.92 102.46

Education (years) 16.11 3.48 5 24

BMI 26.45 5.17 17.4 45.9

Total medications 11.53 8.83 0 67

SAGE score 16.23 4.60 0 22

BMI body mass index, SAGE Self-administered Gerocognitive Examination

Table 2 Cognitive status

Cohort Cognitive state Frequency % of population

All Normal 109 49.1

MCI 91 41

AD 22 9.91

Female Normal 52 43.3

MCI 56 46.7

AD 12 10

Male Normal 57 55.9

MCI 35 34.3

AD 10 9.8

MCI mild cognitive impairment, AD Alzheimer’s disease

Neurol Ther (2019) 8:79–94 83

input and return reports written in PHP andJava. External medical databases support theinternal rules-processing algorithms. These aresourced from bodies such as the NationalInstitutes of Health (NIH), FDA, pharmaceuticaltrade groups, and consortia focused on topicssuch as genetics or allergies.

The initial data input for a person is oftenabout one million data points. This count canvary (generally upwards), depending on severalinput categories: (1) the completeness of thegenetic exome data, (2) the resolution andnumber of images and image files, (3) the numberof historical biospecimen lab results and cogni-tive assessments, (4) the granularity and historyof wearable data samples, and (5) any attachedphotos, scans, and faxes. Natural language pro-cessing (NLP) techniques are used throughoutthe input steps, particularly for precise identifi-cation of lab tests, medications, drug indications,and comorbidities. A range of NLP techniques areemployed to normalize input data.

The algorithms that implement this infor-mation platform go through a consistent set ofsteps each time they load a person’s input togenerate a new set of reports. These steps arerules-based, so the logic and evidence sourcescan be tracked (and evaluated). When ADRs aredetermined, the issues are described in detail,and the physician and care team are alerted.

Every word in every report is generated bythe bioinformatics algorithms. Natural lan-guage generation (NLG) techniques assure alltext, tables, and images are human-readable, inhigh-quality natural language (such as Ameri-can English). Multiple versions of the reportsare generated suited to the presumed education(e.g., physician), reading ability (e.g., thoseunder treatment and their caregivers), andvocabulary (e.g., dietitian, coach, physicaltherapist) of the readers.


Data was collected using either paper forms oruMH’s online portal depending on the indi-vidual’s computer skills and access.

Personal medical histories were gathered fromforms completed by the individual or their care-giver. This information includes current

medications, nutraceuticals, over-the-counterdrugs, comorbidities, past procedures and surg-eries, allergies, imaging such as MRI, EEG, or PETscans, immunization history, and family historyof dementia or cardiovascular conditions.

Lifestyle data, information on sleep, diet,stress, educational attainment, physical activ-ity, quality of life, activities of daily vitals, andbiometrics were also supplied by the individual,their caregiver, and/or the physician.


All medications, including prescriptions, vita-mins, and over-the-counter drugs, reported werecounted toward each person’s total medicationnumber. Three medication categories were cho-sen for statistical analysis due to their largeprevalence, and in some cases accepted guidelinesfor avoidance, in older and AD populations: neu-roactive medications, anticholinergics, and DIDs.

Drug–Drug Interactions

Information on each person’s current medica-tion regimes was collected through uMH’spatient questionnaires or supplied by physicians.

uMH’s CDSS platform utilized existingnational databases to determine interactions.DDIs were determined using the NIH RxNormdatabase, including the ‘‘ONC High’’ subset(ONC is the Office of the National Coordinatorfor Health Information Technology). TheRxNorm database is a normalized naming systemfor generic and brand-name drugs produced bythe National Library of Medicine [42]. TheRxNorm system is used by hospitals, pharmacies,and other organizations nationwide to recordand process drug information through computersystems. The goal of RxNorm ‘‘is to allow com-puter systems to communicate drug-relatedinformation efficiently and unambiguously.’’The RxNorm database covers clinical drugs anddrug packs. Each drug in the RxNorm databasereceives a RxNorm concept unique identifier(RxCUI). The RxCUI is normalized to a numericcode that computers are able to parse [42].

DDIs are determined pairwise, using theRxNorm RxCUI code for each of the two drugs.

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The RxCUIs identify the specific brand of medi-cation (if supplied by the participant), or theirgeneric form (if no brand name was supplied).uMH’s bioinformatics platform has a Represen-tational State Transfer (REST) open application-programming interface (API) to the RxNormdatabase. Results are cached to speed processing.

DDI priority was derived from the Lexicomprating system [11]. Lexicomp’s DDI risk-ratingscale stratifies risk to provide medical profes-sionals with relevant information about thepotential urgency associated with each interac-tion. The informatics platform examines allDDIs. Those that have a rating of C or above areidentified to physicians in uMH’s reports asclinically significant. Those with a rating of D orX are considered high-priority DDIs, as thesedrug combinations are contraindicated.

Drug–Genome Interactions

uMH’s platform mines publicly available data-bases to check for DGIs in each individual.Individuals’ raw data files of genomic informa-tion were collected from consumer-focusedcompanies such as 23andMe or Ancestry.com.Alternatively, a full-exome VCF file of genomicdata can be read. The platform analyzes morethan 2000 single nucleotide polymorphisms(SNPs) per individual, some of which pertain toDGIs, and others are used to quantify the geneticrisk of AD as well as other genetic diseases.

DGI information was drawn from threesources of pharmacogenomic information: theClinical Pharmacogenetics ImplementationConsortium (CPIC) effort [43], DrugBank[13, 44], and SNPedia’s SNP and genoset com-pilations [45, 46]. DGIs are looked at in twocategories: genetics that influence how enzymesmetabolize each drug, and relationshipsbetween specific genes and drugs. Each medi-cation a person is currently taking is comparedagainst a table of genes that affect it, and thesegenes are, in turn, compared to those in theperson’s genome. CPIC rates each DGI on ascale from A to D, where prescribing action isrecommended for levels A or B, but not neces-sarily for levels C or D. No DGI priorities areassigned in the DrugBank or SNPedia databases.

Anticholinergic Burden

ACB is measured using the ACB scale. This scalewas created by expert consensus to rank eachmedication with known anticholinergic activityfrom high to low. Each drug that has anti-cholinergic properties is assigned a score of 1–3depending on the severity. The list is currentlycomprised of 195 different medications [19, 21].

Drugs with possible ACB are assigned a valueof 1, and those with definite anticholinergicsare given a value of 2 or 3. To get the total ACBscore for a patient, the value attributed to eachmedication is summed. Each point a patient hason the ACB scale has been correlated to adecline in mini-mental state examination(MMSE) score of 0.33 over 2 years [21].

The use of the ACB scale in clinical practice isburdensome and challenging, which limits itsuse in physicians’ offices. Although some elec-tronic health systems do flag drugs with ACB,most physicians would have to look up the drugsand their ratings. Hospitals and care homes aremost likely to use the scale. The scale is often usedfor research purposes as well [47–51].

uMH’s platform examined each medicationbeing taken by a person, and determined the ACBscore for each. A score (0 through 3) is assigned toeach current medication. The cumulative scorewas calculated, and an estimate was made of howmuch these drugs might be lowering someone’sMMSE score. Definite ACBs (those with a score of2 or 3) are tabulated, as those can directly con-tribute to cognitive decline. A meta-review ofACB medications, which are implemented in thisinformatics system, can be found in ‘‘Anti-cholinergic burden quantified by anticholinergicrisk scales and adverse outcomes in older people:a systematic review’’ [19].

Depression-Inducing Drugs

DIDs were identified using ‘‘Prevalence of Pre-scription Medications with Depression as aPotential Adverse Effect Among Adults in theUnited States’’ [30]. The DIDs listed here werecoded into uMH’s informatics platform so thateach person’s medication list could be checkedagainst this published list by the algorithms.

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Each person’s information was analyzed by theinformatics platform and compared to stan-dardized databases, peer-reviewed publications,and reference tables to generate treatment rec-ommendations. Databases and referencetables used were sourced from the Centers for

Disease Control, FDA, NIH, DrugBank, and theOnline Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM)catalogue. The information in these databasesand tables relates to SNPs, DDIs, DGIs, drugindications, and diagnostics.

Along with treatment recommendations, theinformatics platform also looks for any and alldrug interactions or potential ADRs (see Fig. 1).

Fig. 1 Example report: medication interactions

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Separate care plan reports generated by thesoftware are optimized for the physician, theperson under treatment, and their coachingteam—with the goal of suggesting what can bestbe achieved in a clinical setting in the long-term, taken in three-month segments.

Statistical Analysis

All statistical analyses were performed using SASUniversity Edition. Significance was determinedusing a 95% confidence interval.

Power calculations for independent, two-sided t tests were completed to compare popu-lation means. Either pooled or SatterthwaiteP values were used based on equality of variancetesting.

Means, standard deviations, and frequencieswere established using SAS. One-way analysis ofvariance (ANOVA) testing was completed tocompare mean values between independentgroups with categorical and continuous analysisvariables. Linear and multiple linear regressionmodels were completed for continuousresponse variables and singular or multiplecontinuous explanatory variables.


Of the 295 people analyzed in this group, 97.59%of them were on at least one medication, with anoverall mean of 11.5 medications per person;83.66% were on 5 or more medications (seeTables 3, 4). No significant differences werefound between the total number of medicationsfor people with normal cognitive status versusthose with cognitive decline.

A higher percentage of people with cogni-tive decline were taking medications in all thedrug categories reviewed: neuroactive medica-tions, anticholinergic drugs, and DIDs. Thosewith cognitive decline also took more medi-cations for these drug classes compared tothose with no cognitive decline (see Tables 5,6, 7).

A total of 102 DGIs, 3642 DDIs, and onehigh-priority DDI were found in this popula-tion. Only ten people on medications did nothave any observed DDIs or DGIs. There was asignificant increase in the number of DDIs asthe number of medications per person increased(P value\ 0.0001; see Fig. 2).

Table 3 Medication totals

Cohort Mean (SD) Min. Max. N % of population

All 11.52 (8.77) 0 67 294 97.59

Cognitively normal 12.88 (10.26) 0 66 108 95.41

Demented 11.30 (9.19) 0 67 109 97.22

Table 4 Number of patients on medication

Cohort Medications N % of population

All Total 287 97.59

5 ? 240 83.66

Cognitively normal Total 103 95.41

5 ? 82 75.97

Demented Total 106 97.22

5 ? 93 85.3

Neurol Ther (2019) 8:79–94 87

Neuroactive Medications

A total of 97.23% of people were on at least oneneuroactive medication, with a mean of 2.82medications per person. Females were on a sig-nificantly higher amount of neuroactive medi-cations than males (3.03 vs. 2.55, P value 0.02;see Table 5). Those with cognitive decline werealso on more neuroactive medications thanindividuals with normal cognition (3.00 vs.2.16, P value 0.0004; see Table 5).


Of the population, 65.86% were on one ormore anticholinergic drug. There was a

significant difference in the ACB score betweenindividuals with cognitive decline than thosewithout (2.39 vs. 1.28, P value 0.01). Femaleswere also placed on more anticholinergic drugsthan males (1.67 vs. 1.13, P value 0.002), andhad a higher ACB score (2.50 vs. 1.71, P value0.006; see Table 5).

Depression-Inducing Drugs

Females were on a significantly higher numberof DIDs than males (1.34 vs. 0.99, P value 0.01).In total, 60.98% of the overall population wereon DIDs, with a mean of 1.19 medications perperson (see Table 5).

Table 5 Medication categories

Cohort Variable Mean (SD) Min. Max. % of population

All Neuroactive 2.82 (2.02) 0 11 97.23

ACBs (count) 1.43 (1.48) 0 7 65.86

ACBs (score) 2.15 (2.47) 0 12 NA

DIDs 1.19 (1.31) 0 7 60.98

Female Neuroactive 3.03 (2.15) 0 11 98.75

ACBs (count) 1.67 (1.55) 0 7 74.22

ACBs (score) 2.50 (2.62) 0 12 NA

DIDs 1.35 (1.39) 0 7 66.04

Male Neuroactive 2.55 (1.83) 0 9 95.31

ACBs (count) 1.13 (1.34) 0 6 55.47

ACBs (score) 1.71 (2.20) 0 10 NA

DIDs 0.99 (1.19) 0 5 54.68

Cognitively normal Neuroactive 2.16 (1.56) 0 7 95.47

ACBs (count) 0.85 (1.06) 0 4 54.55

ACBs (score) 1.28 (1.66) 0 6 NA

DIDs 0.88 (1.11) 0 5 54.55

Cognitive decline Neuroactive 3.00 (2.07) 0 10 97.25

ACBs (count) 1.67 (1.58) 0 7 73.39

ACBs (score) 2.39 (2.61) 0 12 NA

DIDs 1.31 (1.46) 0 7 63.3

ACB anticholinergic burden, DIDs depression-inducing drugs

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The results of this work show that older popu-lations have a high medication burden. Patientshad an average of ten DDIs alone. The meanduration of a physician visit in the United Statesis 21.07 min. [52], most of which is spent dis-cussing a person’s current health and not theirmedication regime. The numbers presentedhere as well as in other publications show that

physicians and patients need more support toensure medication regimes are safe.

Those with cognitive impairment face aneven higher burden than the average elderlypatient, taking more medications that canadversely impair their cognitive abilities andmood.

Females in this population were placed on ahigher number of neuroactive and mood-alter-ing drugs. Females are already at a higher risk ofdeveloping AD [53–55], nearly two thirds of ADpatients are women [56]. While our researchcannot say if a higher risk of cognitive declineresults in more medications or a more complexmedication regime, it is apparent that femalesare at greater risk of drug interactions and ADRs.

With the growing elderly and AD popula-tions, medication management for polyphar-macy is a need that grows direr every year.Studies have shown that adding a medical pro-fessional with the sole job of medication reviewto reduce the use of ineffective medicationsincreases patient safety [1], but this remains

Table 6 Drug interactions

Cohort Variable Mean (SD) Min. Max. % of population

All DGIs 0.63 (1.11) 0 6 34.82

DDIs 10.70 (10.73) 0 72 93.08

High-priority DDIs 0.004 (0.06) 0 1 0.36

Female DGIs 0.59 (1.05) 0 5 32.81

DDIs 10.90 (11.21) 0 72 90.58

High-priority DDIs 0.00 (0.00) 0 0 0

Male DGIs 0.66 (1.17) 0 6 36.63

DDIs 10.45 (10.11) 0 51 95.14

High-priority DDIs 0.01 (0.09) 0 1 0.83

Cognitively normal DGIs 0.66 (1.20) 0 6 34.44

DDIs 8.13 (7.77) 0 33 81.53

High-priority DDIs 0.01 (0.10) 0 1 0.97

Cognitive decline DGIs 0.47 (0.98) 0 6 34.82

DDIs 12.13 (12.46) 0 72 93.21

High-priority DDIs 0.00 (0.00) 0 0 0

DGIs drug–genome interactions, DDIs drug–drug interactions

Table 7 Drug interactions for patients taking5 ? medications

Variable Mean (SD) Min. Max.

DGIs 0.61 (1.14) 0 6

DDIs 12.19 (10.89) 0 72

High-priority DDIs 0.00 (0.06) 0 1

DGIs drug–genome interactions, DDIs drug–druginteractions

Neurol Ther (2019) 8:79–94 89

unrealistic in the real world due to cost andpersonnel constraints. CDSS does not face thesame concerns though.

uMH’s CDSS was able to identify a multitudeof polypharmacy problems that individuals arecurrently facing. With the added knowledgethat this type of algorithmic analysis can pro-vide, physicians will have the tools and infor-mation needed to amend a person’smedications to avoid interactions and ADRs,and to more closely monitor patients forexpected reactions.

While the use of electronic medical records(EMRs) is becoming more prevalent in largehospitals and even private practices, it does notmean that physicians are taking more actions toprevent drug interactions in their patients.Studies have shown that between 33% and 96%of medication-related EMR alerts are overriddenand ignored [57]. This is referred to as ‘‘alert

fatigue.’’ Even clinically significant alerts arebeing ignored [57, 58].

The reports generated by uMH’s informaticsplatform do not allow physicians to dismissalerts, as it is provided in an un-editable PDFformat as opposed to a dismissible alert in anEMR. uMH’s report format allows for review ofthe recommendations and findings before apatient visit, and presents alerts and recom-mendations in a consistent format, allowingphysicians to focus on whatever piece of thereview is relevant at the time and return toothers later.

The population presented here was com-pared to the National Alzheimer’s CoordinatingCenter’s (NACC) database to check how closelythey resemble a more generalized population.Only those aged 65 and older in the NACCdatabase were used to match the age range forthe population presented here. We found thatour population was comparable in both educa-tion, BMI, and age at visit. uMH’s populationwas on more total medications than those inthe NACC’s database (see Table 8).


This informatics platform has immense poten-tial for use in clinical practice and helps fulfillthe need of increasing patient medicationregime safety. It could be further improved bythe addition of actionable recommendations forhow physicians can safely reduce the medica-tions causing interactions and ADRs. Theserecommendations could include stoppingmedications (with information on how to safelywean patients off specific drugs), dosage chan-ges based on precision medicine, and formulary

Fig. 2 Comparing number of medications to number ofDDIs

Table 8 Comparative normative data

Variable uMH data, mean (SD) NACC data, mean (SD)

Education (years) 16.11 (3.48) 15.01 (3.54)

Total medications 11.53 (8.83) 5.77 (3.76)

BMI 26.45 (5.17) 26.62 (5.08)

Age (years) 75.51 (7.31) 75.72 (6.88)

BMI body mass index

90 Neurol Ther (2019) 8:79–94

alternatives that would provide the same phar-maceutical benefit without the potential forinteractions.


The authors thank the participants in thisstudy. The NACC database is funded by NIA/NIH grant U01 AG016976. NACC data arecontributed by the NIA-funded ADCs: P30AG019610 (PI Eric Reiman, MD), P30 AG013846(PI Neil Kowall, MD), P50 AG008702 (PI ScottSmall, MD), P50 AG025688 (PI Allan Levey, MD,PhD), P50 AG047266 (PI Todd Golde, MD,PhD), P30 AG010133 (PI Andrew Saykin, PsyD),P50 AG005146 (PI Marilyn Albert, PhD), P50AG005134 (PI Bradley Hyman, MD, PhD), P50AG016574 (PI Ronald Petersen, MD, PhD), P50AG005138 (PI Mary Sano, PhD), P30 AG008051(PI Thomas Wisniewski, MD), P30 AG013854(PI M. Marsel Mesulam, MD), P30 AG008017 (PIJeffrey Kaye, MD), P30 AG010161 (PI DavidBennett, MD), P50 AG047366 (PI Victor Hen-derson, MD, MS), P30 AG010129 (PI CharlesDeCarli, MD), P50 AG016573 (PI Frank LaFerla,PhD), P50 AG005131 (PI James Brewer, MD,PhD), P50 AG023501 (PI Bruce Miller, MD), P30AG035982 (PI Russell Swerdlow, MD), P30AG028383 (PI Linda Van Eldik, PhD), P30AG053760 (PI Henry Paulson, MD, PhD), P30AG010124 (PI John Trojanowski, MD, PhD), P50AG005133 (PI Oscar Lopez, MD), P50 AG005142(PI Helena Chui, MD), P30 AG012300 (PI RogerRosenberg, MD), P30 AG049638 (PI SuzanneCraft, PhD), P50 AG005136 (PI Thomas Gra-bowski, MD), P50 AG033514 (PI Sanjay Asth-ana, MD, FRCP), P50 AG005681 (PI John Morris,MD), P50 AG047270 (PI Stephen Strittmatter,MD, PhD).

Funding. All funding for this study wasprovided by uMETHOD Health. No funding orsponsorship was received for the publication ofthis article. All authors had full access to all ofthe data in this study and take completeresponsibility for the integrity of the data andaccuracy of the data analysis.

Authorship. All named authors meet theInternational Committee of Medical JournalEditors (ICMJE) criteria for authorship for thisarticle, take responsibility for the integrity ofthe work as a whole, and have given theirapproval for this version to be published.

Disclosures. Dorothy Keine is employed by,had a previous financial relationship with, and/or holds stock in uMETHOD Health. Mark Zelekis employed by, had a previous financial rela-tionship with, and/or holds stock in uMETHODHealth. John Q. Walker is employed by, had aprevious financial relationship with, and/orholds stock in uMETHOD Health. MarwanSabbagh is employed by, had a previous finan-cial relationship with, and/or holds stock inuMETHOD Health; he is also Editor in Chief ofthe journal.

Compliance with Ethics Guidelines. Fol-lowing the guidelines set out by ‘‘Coded PrivateInformation or Specimens Use in Research’’ bythe Office for Human Research Protection, thework presented here does not qualify as humanresearch. The investigators utilized existing, de-identified data from patients who gave previousinformed consent to have their data used infuture research, but did not involve the patientsin any therapy or intervention. Institutionalreview board approval was not required as dataare recorded in such a manner that subjectscannot be identified, directly or through iden-tifiers linked to the subjects. Meeting theseconditions makes this research exempt from therequirements of 45 CFR 46 under the Depart-ment of Health and Human Services (HHS):Research, involving the collection or study ofexisting data, documents, records, pathologicalspecimens, if these sources are publicly availableor if the information is recorded by the inves-tigator in such a manner that subjects cannot beidentified, directly or through identifiers linkedto the subjects.

Data Availability. The data that support thefindings of this study are available from uME-THOD Health, but restrictions apply to theavailability of these data, which are proprietarycompany information, and so are not publicly

Neurol Ther (2019) 8:79–94 91

available. Data are however available from theauthors upon reasonable request and with per-mission of uMETHOD Health.

Open Access. This article is distributedunder the terms of the Creative CommonsAttribution-NonCommercial 4.0 InternationalLicense (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/), which permits any noncommercialuse, distribution, and reproduction in anymedium, provided you give appropriate creditto the original author(s) and the source, providea link to the Creative Commons license, andindicate if changes were made.


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