polwatchers orientation new

Post on 16-Aug-2015






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  1. 1. WELCOME!
  2. 2. I. RegistrationII. Opening/IntroductionIII. Voters EducationIV. Mock VotingV. Pollwatchers Guide (Legal Matters)VI. Open ForumVII. Administrative MattersVIII. Raffle
  3. 3. (2010 NATIONAL ELECTIONS )
  4. 4. Under Sec. 15, Article II of COMELECResolution 8786 Promulgated on March 4,2010, each candidate and registeredpolitical party or coalition of political partiesduly registered with the Commission andfielding candidates in the election as well asduly accredited citizens arm may appointtwo watchers to serve alternately. However,candidates for senator and sanggunianbelonging to the same ticket or slate shall
  5. 5. A. QUALIFICATION OF WATCHERSIs a registered voter of the city ormunicipality comprising the precinctwhere he is assigned;Is of good reputation;Has not been convicted by finaljudgement of any election offence or ofany other crime;
  6. 6. A. QUALIFICATION OF WATCHERSKnows how to read and write Filipino,English or of the prevailing localdialect; andIs not related within the fourth civildegree of consanguinity or affinity tothe chairman or to any other memberof the BEI in the polling place where
  7. 7. B. GUIDES IN THE CHOICE OF WATCHERS While the law does not require a watcher to be a registeredvoter of the barangay where he/she may serve, it is crucialthat he/she is assigned to a barangay where he/she isactually a resident for the following reasons:a) The watcher can efficiently review the Certified VotersList and identify discrepancies in it such as theretention of names of deceased persons, voters whohave long transferred residence and have alreadyregistered in other precincts, and those suffering fromcertain disqualifications.
  8. 8. B. GUIDES IN THE CHOICE OF WATCHERSb) The watchers familiarity with the residents of thebarangay puts him or her in a better position todetect and challenge illegal voters who may offerto vote but are not registered there, are using thename of another person, or suffering from certaindisqualifications.c) The watchers proximity to the polling place wherehe or she is assigned is important as he or she hasto be at the polling place on election day before
  9. 9. C. RIGHTS OF WATCHERSUpon entering the polling place, the watchers shall deliver tothe Chairman their appointment as watchers and their names shallforthwith recorded in the minutes.The watcher shall have the right to:1) Witness and inform themselves of the proceedings of BEI;2) Take note of what they may see or hear;3) Take Photographs of the proceedings and incidents, if any,during the voting, counting of votes, as well as of the generatedelection returns and of the ballot boxes;
  10. 10. C. RIGHTS OF WATCHERS4) File a protest against irregularity or violation oflaw which they believe may have been committedby the BEI or by any of its members or by anyperson;5) Obtain from BEI a certificate as to the filing ofsuch protest and the resolution thereof; and6) Watchers shall not speak to any member of theBEI, or to any voter or among themselves in sucha manner as would disturb the proceeding of the
  11. 11. PREPARATION OF POLL WATCHERS KITThe pollwatching kit is an important weapon ofthe pollwatcher. The absence of a completepollwatching kit can significantly diminish his or herefficiency. This is often referred to as thefrontliners survival kit on the day of the elections. Itcontains the materials, forms, identification cardsand papers and other documents that thepollwatcher would need in the performance of hisor her tasks.
  12. 12. POLL WATCHERS KIT1. The pollwatchers written authorization orappointment as pollwatcher (two copies, i.e,one for the BEI and the other to be retainedby the pollwatcher);2. Authority to receive the Election Returns3. The pollwatchers IDs (one issued by theparty and the other issued by the Comelec);
  13. 13. POLLWATCHERS KIT4. Copy of Posted Computerized Voters List(PCVL) and Election day ComputerizedVoters List (EDCVL) List of Voters withvoting records.5. Inventory Sheet;6. Certificate of Challenge or Protest andDecision of the BEI7. Paper or Notebook;
  14. 14. POLLWATCHERS KIT8. Forms of the Certificate of Votes;9. Pollwatchers Guide Handout10. Election Report11. Flashlight with batteries12. Calculator, if available13. Camera, if available
  15. 15. INVENTORY SHEETThe Inventory Sheet referred to in No. 5 is a form that willbe filled up by the pollwatcher with the following information:Barangay Precinct numberNames of the chairman and two members of the BEI;Number of the pads of ballots;Serial Numbers of the official ballotNumber of registered voters in the precinct;Number of those who actually voted;
  16. 16. E. PHASES OF POLL WATCHINGThe tasks and responsibilities ofpollwatchers on the day of theelections may be divided into twophases, namely: a) before the votingstarts; b) during the voting
  17. 17. Pre-Testing and Sealing of thePCOS Machine1. Know the schedule of the Comelec forthe pre-testing and sealing of the PCOSMachine in their precinct.2. Pollwatchers must be present during thepre-testing and sealing of the PCOSmachine
  18. 18. 3. Participate in the pre-test and make surethat: The PCOS machine is properly working The machine can read, scan,consolidate and transmit the results The electronic count result of the PCOSmachine should match with the manualcount results
  19. 19. Should watch the PCOS machine untilits opening on the election day The main memory card of the PCOSmachine has a serial number and mustmake note of the serial number. If themain memory card has no serial number,must request that the main memory cardmust be labeled with the precinct #, pollcenter#, brgy, city, province
  20. 20. Pre-Election DayBe duly accredited and designated as pollwatcher of the party.Poll watchers accredited must meet thequalifications required by law.Have read and understood thepollwatchers guidelines and has attendedthe seminars for poll watchers.
  21. 21. Pre-Election DayHave the contact numbers of the networkshead in the area, the numbers of thelawyers and paralegals assigned in thearea.Must know the assigned precinct.Must visit and inspect the precinct site forfamiliarity.
  22. 22. Pre-Election DayMust know the composition of BEI and thebackground.Must attend the pre-testing and sealing ofthe PCOS machine in the assignedprecinct/clustered precinct.Must know the other poll watchers andsupporters assigned in the same precinct.
  23. 23. Before Opening of the PrecinctBe at the assigned precinct at least twohours from the opening of the precinct andinspect the surrounding of the precinct .Bring water and food and othernecessities for the whole day.Bring notebook/paper and pen to makenotes on what is going on within andoutside the precinct and for making notes
  24. 24. Before Opening of the PrecinctBring celfone or camera forcommunication and recording of incidentsMust bring the pollwatchers kitMust wear green shirt and officialwatchers IDAssist in the bringing of our voters earlyin the morning
  25. 25. Before Opening of the PrecinctMust assist the voters in looking for theirnames and corresponding number in thePCVL list posted outside the precinct.Assist in giving sample ballots or someform of kodigo
  26. 26. Upon Opening of the PrecinctMust register with BEI before the start ofthe voting properMust be familiar right away in the layout ofthe precinctMust be familiar with names and faces ofthe pollwatchers of the other partiesassigned in the same precinct
  27. 27. Upon Opening of the PrecinctWhen the PCOS Machine is beingunsealed, must make sure that the sealwas not broken and resealed.The ballot box is emptyThe package of official ballot and book ofvoters are sealed
  28. 28. Upon Opening of the Precinct When the BEI activates the PCOS Machine, thefirst print out report is the zero report which thepollwatcher must see that all candidates haveO counts at the right side of their names andsigns the zero report Must watch every step as the BEI activates thePCOS Machine. Only the BEI can activate thePCOS Machine. No one else. Not even theSmartmatic Technician.
  29. 29. Voting ProperRules to be observed during the voting Voters shall vote in the order of their arrival in thepolling place; No watcher shall enter the place reserved for thevoters and the BEI, nor mingle and talk with thevoters; No person carrying any firearm or any otherdeadly weapon, except those expresslyauthorized by the Commission, shall enter the
  30. 30. Voting Proper There shall be no crowding of voters anddisorderly behaviour inside the polling place; and The ballot box shall remain locked during voting Report to the BEI any signs of delaying tactics ofvoters inside the precincts so as to prevent othervoters outside to cast their votes during thevoting time. Be alert in making protest to the BEI on thegrounds of illegal composition of the BEI, or anysigns of illegal proceedings, or any violations of
  31. 31. WHAT TO PROTEST Illegal composition of the BEI or BOC Illegal proceedings
  32. 32. ILLEGAL COMPOSITION OF THE BEI OR BOC :If- BEI Member is not qualified under ComelecResolution 8739 Conflict of interest due to a candidate/spouse
  33. 33. ILLEGAL PROCEEDINGS: If- Voter not registered in the precinct is allowed tovote. Voter who voted already is allowed to vote again If the Smartmatic Technician--Is not officially designated by the CommissionIs not officially assigned to the particularprecinct
  34. 34. Is not summoned by the BEI Chairman tomake any repair on the PCOS in the event thatthe machine does not work properly, yet thetechnician on his own touches or repairs thePCOS MachineDoes not repair the PCOS Machine asinstructed
  35. 35. ILLEGAL PROCEEDINGS: If Other grounds that might be irregular/unusualcommitted by the BEI or any person within theprecinctPollwatchers must consult anytime the lawyerassigned, or paralegals, or network headsMust secure a certificate from the BEI of theprotest made/filed and give to the lawyer ornetwork heads
  36. 36. END OF THE VOTING PROPER Watch as the BEI initiates the closing function of thePCOS Machine Watch as the PCOS machine starts to count andconsolidate the results Only during the transmission of the election resultsshould the transmission cable be attached to thePCOS machine. During the printing of the electionresults, the transmission cable should not beattached to the PCOS machine The printing of the 8 copies of the election results
  37. 37. Must secure a copy of the election results fromthe BEI and give it to the network head Make sure that the PCOS Machine is completelyshut down by the BEI after printing (8and 22copies) and the electronic transmission of theelection results, then surrenders the PCOSMachine to the technician assigned to theprecinct Must make sure that the ballot box is sealed andsecure, and accompany its delivery to the citytreasurer
  38. 38. NOTE:At any point during the day, if thepollwatcher leaves his post, he must havea reliever. No pollwatcher post must bevacated or left without a pollwatcher
  39. 39. c.) Manner of VotingVoting shall be conducted in the followingmanner:1. The voter shall, using a ballot secrecy folderand the marking pen provided by theCOMELEC, fill his ballot by fully shading theoval beside the names of the candidates andpolitical party participating in the party listsystem of representation of his choice;
  40. 40. c.) Manner of Voting2. The voter shall then approach the PCOS,insert his ballot in the ballot entry slot andwait until message CONGRATULATIONS.YOUR VOTE HAS BEEN REGISTERED.APPEARS ON SCREEN. The BEI shallmonitor the PCOS screen to make sure thatthe ballot was successfully accepted.Thereafter, the voter shall return the ballotsecrecy folder and marking pen to the
  41. 41. c.) Manner of Voting3. The BEI shall apply indelible ink at the baseand extending to the cuticle of the rightforefinger nail of the voter, or any other nailif there be no forefinger nail;4. The voter shall affix his thumbmark on thecorresponding space in the EDCVL; and
  42. 42. d.) Rejected Ballots ProcedureBallots may be rejected by the PCOS during scanning.There will be three (3) different types of messages whenthe PCOS rejects a ballot. For each message, the BEI shallobserve the following procedures;1) AMBIGUOUS MARKLet the voter review his ballot and ensure that theovals opposite the names of candidate/party voted for arefully shaded.2) MISREAD BALLOTLet the voter re-feed the ballot in 4 different
  43. 43. d.) Rejected Ballots Procedure3) INVALID BALLOTI. Verify if the ballot belong to the precinct. Ifthe ballot belong to another precinct, the votershall return the ballot to the chairman whoshall proceed to Step 4 and 5 hereof;II. If the ballot belongs to the precinct, let thevoter refeed the ballot in 4 different
  44. 44. d.) Rejected Ballots Procedure4) In all cases, if the PCOS rejects a ballot, thevoter shall return the ballot to the Chairmanwho shall:I. Distinctly mark the back thereof asREJECTEDII. Require all members of the BEI to sign atthe back thereof, and place inside theEnvelope for Rejected Ballots
  45. 45. d.) Rejected Ballots Procedure5) No replacement ballot shall beissued to a voter whose ballot isrejected by the PCOS;6) Any party objecting to the rejectionof the ballot shall reduce hisobjection in writing, which the BEIshall attach and note in the Minutes.
  46. 46. Other NotesON BALLOT: One ballot One voter policy. The voter must no make any marks, or erasureson the ballot or must not commit any mistake inshading or in the choice of candidates. No over-voting. It will invalidate the segment withthe over-voting. The ballot is bar-coded, color- coded, andnumber-coded.
  47. 47. ON PCOS MACHINE: The PCOS Machine rejects previously scannedballots, fake ballots, marked ballots or authenticballots but not configured for the specificprecinct. Voter is allowed 4 tries to insert his ballot on thePCOS. If it still fails, either the ballot is marked orthe PCOS Machine is not working properly. If the PCOS Machine is not working properly,these are the steps
  48. 48. Steps:Request for replacement of the PCOSMachine by a back-up PCOS Machine.If no back-up PCOS Machine, the currentPCOS Machine will be repaired by theassigned technician upon instruction of theBEI.If cannot be repaired, wait for the PCOSMachine of the nearest precinct and have itreconfigured.
  49. 49. ON MAXIMUM NO. OF VOTERS INCLUSTERED PRECINTThe number of voters in aprecinct/clustered precinct should notexceed 1,000 voters.
  50. 50. e) Prohibition on votingIt shall be unlawful for a voter to:1. Bring the ballot, ballot secrecy folder ormarking pen outside of the polling place;2. Speak with anyone other than as hereinprovided while inside the polling place;3. Prepare his ballot without using the ballotsecrecy folder or exhibit its contents;4. Fill his ballot accompanied by another, exceptin the case of an illiterate or person with
  51. 51. e) Prohibition on voting5. Erase any printing from the ballot, or put anydistinguishing mark on the ballot;6. Use carbon paper, paraffin paper or othermeans of making a copy of the contents of theballot, or other wise make use of any otherscheme to identify his vote, including the use ofdigital cameras, cellular phones with camera orsimilar gadgets; and7. Intentionally tear or deface the ballot.
  52. 52. g) Challenge against illegal votersAny voter or watcher may challenge anyperson offering to vote for:1. Not being registered;2. Using the name of another; or3. Suffering from an existingdisqualification.
  53. 53. In such cases, the BEI shall satisfy itself asto whether or not the ground for the challenge istrue by requiring proof of registration, identity ordisqualification. The BEI shall identify the voterthrough his photograph, fingerprint, or specimensignatures in the VRR or EDCVL. In the absenceof any of the above-mentioned proof of identity,any member of the BEI may identify under oath avoter, and such act shall be reflected in theMinutes.
  54. 54. h) Challenge based on certain illegal actsAny voter or watcher may challenge any voteroffering to vote on the ground that he:1. Received or expects to receive, paid, offered orpromised to pay, contributed, offered orpromised to contribute money or anything ofvalue as consideration for his vote or for thevote of another; or2. Made or received a promise to influence thegiving or withholding of any such vote; or3. Made a bet or is interested directly or indirectly
  55. 55. h) Challenge based on certain illegal actsIn such case, the challenged voter shall takean oath before the BEI that he has not committedany of the acts alleged in the challenge. Upontaking such oath, the challenge shall bedismissed and the voter shall be allowed to vote.In case the voter refuses to take oath, thechallenge shall be sustained and the voter shallnot be allowed to vote.
  57. 57. Roles & ResponsibilitiesCluster Head (CH) Spearheads the cluster team Secures the pollwatchers kit Submits Watchers Appointment to the BEI Oversees the whole voting procedure Secures the Election Returns for submission to theHeadquarters thru the BC/L Initiates the filing of protest (when needed) Reports/ communicates to the Headquarters updates
  58. 58. Roles & ResponsiblitiesCluster Aids (CA) Assist the Cluster Head in overseeing allprocedures inside the precinct Document/ take pictures of anomalousincidents inside the precinct CH & CA must participate in the pre-testingof PCOS
  59. 59. Roles & ResponsibilitiesRunners (Rnr)Should be visible in the vicinity of the polling precinct to: Identify voters and guide them to their polling precinct Assist voters locate their names in the voters list Provide information on the automated votingprocedure Provide sample ballots Traffic/guide voters to fall in line and to maintain order Document and Report to the CH or CA anomalous
  60. 60. Administrative MattersTIME OF DUTY All poll watchers should be at the polling placebefore 6:00 am. The Runners may be dismissed atthe close of polling precincts at 6:00pm. The CH and CA shall stay at the polling precinctsuntil the Election Returns is secured. They shall alsoaccompany the BEI & the ballots until these areofficially turned over to the City Board of Canvassersat the City Hall. The Brgy. Captains/Leaders will be responsible for
  61. 61. Administrative ConcernsTHE POLLWATCHERS KIT There will be one pollwatchers kit per cluster. The Cluster Head shall pick up the kit from the Brgy.Captains/leaders the day before election day (or onMay 9, 2010) who shall check for its contents andensure that all forms and materials needed arecomplete. The Cluster Head shall also be responsible inreturning the kit to the Brgy. Captains/Leaders and
  62. 62. The Pollwatchers KitAdditional Contents: Headquarters Telephone Directory Acknowledgement Receipt to be signed uponreceipt & return of the kit Pollwatchers Guide
  63. 63. Important Items to Bring The CH & CA should bring inside theprecinct at least one (1) cellphone with camera(w/ battery full) to document significantincidents in the precinct. The CHs cel numberindicated in his/her biodata submitted will bethe official Packedco mnetaaclst naunmd bderirn okfs the cluster. Medicine for LBM or headache
  64. 64. Compensation Each pollwatcher will be well-compensated. The compensation package will be placed ina sealed and signed envelope with thepollwatchers name. Compensation includes The envelopes will be released through theBrgy. Captain/Leader at the end of the day of
  65. 65. RemindersEach pollwatcher will get either a free shirt or cap to beworn on election day to be easily identified.These will be distributed through the Brgy.Captains/leaders together with the PW Kit.IDs should be worn at all times during the votingperiod.
  66. 66. RemindersWe represent the candidates/party thatwe protect.Be vigilant.Be assertive.But remain courteous, cool andcalm at all times.

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