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ssued Weekly.




$1.00 Per Year

No 20.


Interresting Letter From Mr. Harry P. Grier of Statesville.


The Citizens Succeeded III Forcing this Dangerous Monopoly from—Citizens Eactannge Most Popular With the Peo­ple.

There have been no new develop­ment in the telephone situation during the past week. The repre*- seutatives of the Bell Telephone Co. have visited points in the county in an*effort to secure a foothold. The following letter fiom Mr. H. P. Grier, the recently nominated mayor of StatesviIle, will be of interest to Courier readers:41r. E. II. Morris,

Mgr. A sheboro Telephone Co.,Awlichoro N. C.

Dear sir: -1 aui in receipt of information that the Bell Telepbouc Co., i* innking an effort to get into Ashclwiro, having made application for a franchise Io enitthliih a fjooth for long diMniu o business.

This is ihe wuy the Bell eoininenc. s its fighls to crush local Coiupouiis* und confis­cate the capital ef our citizens inxested in the telephone business Thus it I egau in Statesville years ago and to day, hut tor I he loyalty of our people, we would Ikj in the clutches of this grasping monopoly paying at least 50 per cent, more lor telephones than we are now paying und reeeiv ing 33 ]>cr cent less service.

How Ihe Wnr Urgnn.

A brief statement of conditions here and the devious doings of die Bell may he of interest to you. In die first place the Bell only asked for a franchise for a long distance booth, as I now recall the facts; this was some years ago and was granted.

Made False Claims.From that time on the Bell agents were continually at work to secure a franchise to establish its system; they would appear be­fore our board of Alderman and a'gueat length for a larger franchise, claiming thai our manufactures wanted long distance con­nection to save them the time and trouble it took to go to and from the booth, but no mat­ter how often they applied nor bow persist­ent their attorneys and representatives were our Aldermen always declined the fran­chise. We had a good local service at reasonable rates, our people were satisfiei, so the matter stood until last )ear. Something mnm than a year ago the owner of the lo­cal exchange (it was owned by one man) went before the board of Alderman and re­quested that a new franchise be granted him.

Tb; First Attack.He pointed out that as there was a limit iu

hii then franchise as to rates chargeable for phones he could not borrow money with which to enlarge his system to meet the de­mands for more phones and lietter service; that his business had outgrown his plant and that it was necessary to enlarge; that he hav­ing bought out his partners, still owed some money on the plant and would have to bor­row more in order to make necessary im provements. That no one would louu him sufficient funds with u franchise limiting charges for rental of phones The board be­ing anxious to help him, after looking into the matter granted him a new franchise in which no limit was placed as to what should be charged for phone service.

Won First Battle.

Here the matter rested for some 30 days or more, nothing being said but all believ ing that the local system would be enlarged. We awoke one morning to he told that the Bell bad purchased the franchise and system of the local Company and that henceforth that company was to be our master.

Began to Exercise Sovereign Rale.

Many representatives of the Bell came to our city and explained that they had under stood that seutiment here had undergone a change and that we were anxious for them to take o' er the phoDe business and that was why they mode the purchase; that had they understood we were still opposed to them they would not bnve bought out the independent company. We asked what the' retea would be but could get no definite statement for some time. Our people, real­ising that the Bell Co. held the vantage ground, and to teat the sincerity of their many statements regarding their intentions to deal fairly with us, attempted to make terms with them, agreeing that if they would establish reasonable rates and bind their Go. to maintain said rates, that we would not enter the field. This, after much delay, and dickering they at lastflatly refused to do.

People Sea Error anil Rebell.We thereupon organized the Iredell

Telephone Co with a capital of $20,000.00 end nave alnul inatalled a system the equal, if not the superior, of any Bell system in the State. We uuw have his tai led 402 phones, with futinH ready fur ub< ut 45 more to be inatalled just a< »i>on as we cun receive another anipmriit of phones The Bell hav­ing flatly refused to give us reasonable rates before we entered the field, now since our system is in, offer their phones at anv old price from thunk yru up to f 1.00 and $2.00 per mouth.Lwaal Company Upbelil>B<*ll Conqacred

The Bell had alnul 300 phones when we began putting in our phones. Today I dont km w nt a dozen plumes that they have in, although they claim to have mote than e dozen, We of courwo will have to he on iho watch coniinimllv u« the Bell has a fran­chise and has a system here which cost it more ihuu $30,00 - 00 to build o have hedqui e un experience wiili the Bell Co , and its ways of saving and doing und it is the deliberate judgment of our hu*in<*«M men and citizens generally that u community is

lietter off without its service. Ils cliarg'x , are excessive; it would cost Statesville pen- i pie from $3,000.00 to $5,000.00 more per year for its phones if tho Bell had the li»‘M than it costs now, Insides it meant th.it country lines were to be a thing of the ja-<t.Bell Will not Connect With County

nnd Private Lines.

The Bell charges for connection being p o- hibitory to our country people. When the Bell Igiught out the local system the peo­ple in the country quit building and wen* ready to give up. N hen our company was got underway new lines were ready to commence, new associations formed nnd old lines are being improved throughout the county so that in the near future Iredell County will have throughout her I ion lorn, and extending into adjoining counties, splen­did telephone connections all owned ami operate I by our own home people, Il h the hope of our people that at no distant day wa will have a line connecting with H ay den’s syeiem thus bringing States! ille in touch with the town-, and cities in yours and adjoining counties We will build to Mooresville a metalic line (have a ground line now). z\ company Inis I e ji organized ami will build a matalic line to Taylorsville, put­ting iu exchanges at Taylorsville and points between this ci'v and Taylorsville, tl ii "ill give us Wilkesboro, Lenoir und uliur places. No Henson for Countenancing (lie Hell.

1 sec no reason for any town or city grant ing the Bell a franchise when to do -o means higher rates wilh a corres| o idiug dccr< a-e in service and ihe driving out of business of our home people and the eonliscatiou ol their property. 1 assure you that States­ville would be glad if she could revoke the franchise that has be mi grabbed by the Bell and there are other cities and to vus through­out the state that would gladly shake ihe Bril ruonop ly if under the law it could he done Turn why any town, not under its mastery, will give it a foothold is more than I can comprehend look at Winston, Asheville - what would those cities do it they could, hut the » ell holds them up and charges jiiBt what it pleases and makes them uweur they like it. I trust that the peop'o of Asheboro will not lie placed at the mercy of the Bell and that von will not make any contract with the Bell whereby your Compa­ny becomes its slave.Legislature Will be Appealed to for Re­

lief From This Greedy Monopoly.

The hext legislature of North Cnrolinawill no doubt pass a law requiring the Bell to make connection with local companies for re­ceipt and transmission of long distance busi­ness, but if not then in a few years wo will have connection by means of independent Co’s, building lines between various ex­changes, provided of course the Bell is not permitted to gobble up the field. »So in any event there is every reason to keep out tho Bell und almost none to admit it With best wishe® for your success in the Independent telephone work.

I am Yours truly, Babut P. OftEift.

$10,000 LOST IN MAILS.

Unless Found New York National BankMust Settle With Government For

Fifteen Dollars.United States Marshal Claudius

Dockery at Raleigh has been notified of a sensational steal connected with the mail service between Wilmington and New York in w hich a package containing $10,000 s^utby the New York Atlantic Bank is missing. The money disappi a~< d about a week ago. No clue has been found.

Iu this connection it is of interest to note that the maximum loss tbc t the government pays for registered packages is $15, so that the remain­der of the loss muse fall on the Atlantic Bank if the package is not found.

Mall Clerk Confesses.The mystery concerning the pack­

age of currency being sent by the Wilmington Bank to the Commerci­al National Bank, of New York, was cleared up Friday by the confession of Edward A. Nelson, mail clerk. He had buried the $9,400 recovered under his house. He was permitted to give bond in the sura of $5,000.


End Came Suddenly at Trinity Taeeday Evening.

Mrs. Eunice Scarboro, wife of Eawl Scarboro. died suddenly at her home at Trinity Tuesday evening. Mrs. S arhoro was engaging herself in her household duties when she suffered an attack at the heart, deatn resulting in a few minntes.

Mr. Scarboro had just left her in the morning for the eastern part of the State on business.

The deceased is a daughter of Rev. F. H. Wood, a niece of Col. W. P. Wood of Asheboro, and aeon sin of Mrs. W. A. Underwood, of Randleman and of Mrs. J. 0. Red­ding, of Asheboro.

Mr..Gregron Gaea to Panama.

W. J. Qregson has accepted a clerkship under the government at Pana ms. Mr. Gregson has been notified to report for duty as early as possible.

Gov. Glenn will deliver nn ><d dress at Albemarle o'i the Gth da\ of J unc. Pile occasion is the lay­ing f lb.- miner stone of the Nor mal and Collegiate Institute.


Popular Young Ladies in Piedmont Section of North Caro­lina and Randolph and adjoining Counties to Be Awarded Prizes to the Value of $4,050.00—Ministers Will Be Sest to the Jamestown Exposition—Go to Work Now for the Best Weekly Newspaper in the State.

'I he contest is on.Every-mail blings numbers of

letters of inquiry un I several have hem received instructing us to niter their nanres in the contest for tire grand prize, the Kimball P m •.

T he piano run be seen at Wood & Moiiugs et »re. . Every one who has seen ir are |..ud in th»ir praise of the instrument, and evidences point iu mi interesting and heat <1 contest. No hesitation shod Id be felt about entering,Tor all hold an equal chalice to win.

The contest for the six prizes is open to acy pre boh in the Predm mt s-ctiou. Th*n the trips to the Ja nestown Exposition are coulined to the fo lowing districts:

District No. 1. Asheboro and all Randolph county west of the old Pl.iiik Road. The four '• igliesfc in this disirict will be awarded trip> to the Junrestown Exposition. P.o.id ed that tlrey- do not receive one ot the first six prizes.

District no. 2—All the territory west of the Old Plank Road excepi Asheboro. Four trips with the same provision.

DISTIHCT no 3—Montgomery and Moore counties, oue trip.

district no. 4—Davidson and Guilford counties, one trip.

The winners of the trips to the Exposition wi'l have all expenses paid.


Miss or Mrs.

TO FIVE VOTES--------IN THE--------

Piano and Jamestown Contest

Not Good After May 14, 1907.

As announced in our last issue the ministers coutest is also con­nected and irips will be awarded as follows, in the given territories:

District nc. 1—For Randolph county, three.

District no 2—Montgomery and Moore counties, one.

District No-3—Davidson conn-! the hospitable home of Mrs. P.| R. EcFayden and a most enjoyable afternoon was spent by those in at­tendance.

Following the current events a very instructive and well prepared article on “The War < t the Roses” was read by Mrs. MeFadyen.

The unique “Colonial Contest,” arrunged by the genial hostess was entered into with a spirit of much interest and enjoyment which ended in Miss Bowden winning the prize— a pretty Poet Card album. An elegant course of ices wus served after which the Club adjourned thanking the hostess for a most de­lightful aftemoon. The Misees Dicks will he at home to the Club at “Waverly” Friday May the 3d.

District no 4—Anywhere except the territory embraced in the fore­going territories.




Not Good After May 14, 1907.

Every young white woman (mar­ried or single) who reads The Cour­ier or hears of this contest, is an eli­gible candidate foi the capital prize —a $400 Kimball Piano. The con test closes July 31st, 1907, which means that the worker who wins re­ceives a salary of moie than a hun­dred dollars a month for her labor.

Schedule of Votci.VOTES

<( <<u <(

The Courier 1 yr at $1 in April May June July



Dwelling of Mrs. McDade Destroyed By Fire Friday.

The home of Mrs. McDade, at Henrietta, and all furniture was de­stroyed by fire last Thursday night. The most iwful feuurejof the fire was tbc loss of two children, who were sleeping in a room upstairs, and latter the death of two sons of Mrs. McDade, from burns receive

Hillsboro one of the oldest towns in the State and considered one of th? least progressive took a long

in trying to rescue thejtwo children 8teP forward the other day when whose ages were 4 and 6 years. 'I he theie was au election Io determine mother may die as a fifth victim. whether there should be an issue of

bonds to macadunzi the public A. It. Hicks aud D. J. Matthews, roads of Hillsboro township. Not

of the Iola Mine, near Candor, spent a vote was cast ajaint the proposi- Monday night in Asheboro. tion.


Mr. J no. Ilrudy Evplrr* nt Ail Age ofNO Yenro.

M'. .l.diu Ilrudy died af bis home at K imrteiir. on last Satii;d iv at the advanced aye of 86 year”, the resul; of a stroke of paralysis Luo weeks ago before which reudered him unable io swallow any food.

The dec used was a ie-peeled citi­zen, the father of ninete?u children, twelve of whom arc living. They are, Mesdames Jane Brower, Mary M.uiess, Cirey Cheek, Luzeua Welch and Margaret Oa;s, of Pleasant Grove township: Mrs. Charily Pow­ers, of Moore county: Mrs. Emma Smith, of Ramseu:; Mrs. Lovey Brown of Spiay aud Miss Mattie Brady, Artemus and Ambrose Bradv, who lived at the old home place.

The deci a”ed was married twice; his second wife also surviving him the fnneraljwas conducted Sunuay ut Pleasant Grov° church.

The Death Roll

Steven Hinshaw died at his home near Randolph• Saturday morning, and was buried at Shepherd church Sunday. The deceased was 75 yrs. old. He is survived by several children, among them Jesse Hin- shaw and Mrs. L. A. Tadlpck, of High Point. His wife preceded him just a few weeks ago.

Mis. Will Ledwell died at her home in Asheboro Fr'day evening. The fuueral was conducted Satur­day, lollowed by the interment in the M. E. chinch cemetery. Her busbaud and hx children survive, the oldest child being 12 years aud the youngest fon r weeks.

TL infant of Mr. and Mrs. John Rich died last week at their h >me near Asheboro. The interment was in the M. E. church cemetery.

Miss Artemitia Brown, daughter of Reuben Brown, died last week at the home of her father near Brow era Chapel. The funeral was con­ducted from Blowers Chapel Tues day. The deceased was 16 years of age.

Round Dozen Book Club.

The Randleman Round Dozen Book Club met Friday from 4 to 6

Faster Neat Munday.Mr. Niel Summers, of I recell

county, who is pretty good authority on any subject he discusses, has turned some light on the unseason­able weather. The landmark quotes Mr. Summers:

•‘Easter haaei’t come. Accord­ing to the Dutch sign, says Mr. Summers, Easter comes on the first Sunday after the fourth full moon of the year and this year Easter will fall on the 28th of April, a week from next Sunday. After that time we may expect warmer weather. Mr. Summers thinks the freeze and frost of Sun­day night about finished the wheat. He says the odor from the wilted wheat was very noticeable yesterday after the sun had shone on it for a little while.”


The People'sTrlrpliont* ('« n| l(ain*eur llelng Organized

The Secretary of State has char­tered the People’s, Telephone Com pany of Ramseur. The company is bc'ng organized with a capital stock of $20,000. E. C. Watkins and others are among the stockholders appearing as incorporators. The c 'Dipany will operute an exchange in Ramseur and also construct long distance lines.

C hart eis are also issued for the <limit Lumber Co., of No»’th Wilkes­boro, capita, $125,00. bv <1. M. Bamhardt, E. P. Wharton and otheis ami Cleveland Irmi Woiks i .ncorporuted) changes ph name to the Shelby Machine and Supplv C<>.. and increme cipita, from $10,000 to $1od,ooo, ,1. E. Sc'ieulken is president.


Program ol I.xerrl*i'». Beginning May lOlli— Graduating t'lui**— .llai-Nhall und Manager*.

'file Courier acknowledges receipt of an invitation to the eleveuth annual commencement of the Liber­ty Normal College, May 10-14. '1’lie program wai published in a recent issue of t’.e Courier, the graduating class is as follows:

nnu»i vrr.s. i.m.ium nti•viitmi-.st.Mr. C. I’. Ibaiison, Graham, N, C ; Mr.

A L. IhIi v, Builiiignui, N C; Mr C’liurm Kimrey, Burlington, N. C.; Mr. K. L. Trox- ler, Elon College N. C ; Miss Lora Bowinun, I.ibelly, X. C.


Miss Nellie Spoon, llartslioiD, X.C.; Miss Hallie Ashburn, Liberty, X C.

MVRSIIAI.S ASl) MANAGERS.Murwhuls—Mr T. S. Stafford, Chief, Cedar

Cliff, X. C.; Mr E. (J. Priteheti, Browns Summit, X. C ; Mr W. I. Myrick, Worth­ville, X. C.; Mr. H. V. Clnrke, Hillsboro, X. C ; Mr. Counor Blackwell Elon College, N.c»

Managers—Mr. Joe Hamlin, Chief, Ran­dleman, X C.; Miss Stella Kiger, Jolliet, Miss liuttie Ashburn, Liberty, N. H. Miss Annie Stalling, Korshee, X. C.;Misa Bessie Murchison, Liberty, X. L.


H.C. Miller Whirled to Death In CityRoH^r Mill Building at Statesville

if. C. Miller, who, w'th his broth­er, owns and operates the City Roller Mills, at Statesville met a tragic death at the mill Saturday morning. By some means he became entangled in some of the machinery, The fireman heard him scream and call for help. When found be was being rapidly whirled around by the ina chine, splatering blood in every direction. The machinery was stop ped and the body taken to the hos­pital where death occurred a few minutes after reaching there. Mr. Miller was 28 years of age and oue of Stattsville’s euterprisiDg young business men.


Asiatic Russia, Mexico, and SouthernEurope Shaken by Awful Upheavels.

Last week severe earthquake shocks were felt over the eutire globe caus­ing the loss of thousands of lives and the destruction of millions of dollars of property.

M ore thao 1000 lives were lost in Mexico aud portions of many towns were swallowed in thereuts of the earth. The most shocks were in the vicinity of Colima volcano, which is in violent erupti >n.

Terrifying, earthquakes were re­ported in Russia, Southern Europe, and a volcano in Chile has begun startling eruption.

Loami to Cauuty Schools.R. D. Connor, of the State De­

partment of Instruction announces that $18,785 hus been loaned to several counties in the state from the State School Loan Fund. Loans have been made as follows

Wake, $2,360; Wilkes, $850; Gas­ton, $2,500; Anson, $300; Wayne, $1,250; Forsyth, $2,500; Cumber­land, $1,100; Richmond, $800; Mecklenburg, $550; Stanley, $200; Pamlico, $475; Randolph, $2,000; Buncombe, 3,000.

Montgomery Schools Cloze.The Public School at Troy closed

April 9th. The year has been most successful. The enrollment at the close was 155 pupils, and a good average was made both in scholar­ship un I attendance.

'Ebe school at Uwharrie, taught bv Misses Lillie Bruton ami Lucy Iluusucker closed Abril 10th. R. T. Poole, of Troy, delivered the ad­dress.

REDUCTION WORKS.Plant For Treating Mineral Ores

Will Locate Here,


New Knferprliie To lie Lorntcd Ou The Mine Properly ZVorlli of The City- Will De n Custom Redaction Workz.

During the past few days a deal has beeu on foot to locate a mineral on* reduction works at Asheboro, and Munday it was consummated, l’he plant will be erected on the premises <»f the Asheboro Copper Mining Company, about two miles north of the citv. It w;lPoe erected by Mr. Milton I. Beard, of Pittsboro Pa., at a cost of $10,000 an d Mr. Beard hopes to have the plant in operation bv the last of September.

An electrical process will be iq stalled similar to that used in the west and successfully operated in New Jersey. All kinds of ores cau be reduced just as taken from the mine after it has teen crusbel and the treatment saves all the minerals as well as the Ijv-products, separat­ing and concentrating the metals in their respective channels as treat­ed.

Sometime ago a proposition was made to locate a smelting plant here, but this is considered fur superior to that process because of the fact that the waters of the cieeks will not become contaminated Lora it and vegetation around the works will not be affected by fumes of sulphur, etc, that pervade the air lor great distances around largo smelting woi ks, resulting in the com­plete destruction of vegetation in the vicinity. By the electrical pro­cess the sulphur as well as the minerals is saved for its commercial value.

The plant will be a custom reduc­tion works and will handle ores sent to it to be treated.

Having been idle for several weeks the Asheboro Copper Mining Co. will rrsume operation at once and bank its ore for treatment when the

Slant is completed. This ' f inpany as recently purchased the John

Bailey farm adjoining the mine property, which gives the right of way for a siding to be run from the railroad to the Reduction Works and thence to the mine. Ore is ex­pected from many other points to feed the new enterprise.


The FlrM National Organized With $2<*»,OO(> Paid in.

The First National Bank has been organized at Thomasville with a paid in capital of $25,000. C. F. Lambeth was elected president. Sheriff J. T. Finch was elected vice- president and A. H. R«g n cashier. The following compose ihe board of directors; J. Elwood ('ox, of High Point; Dr. C. H. Phillips, t? Full­ers; C. L. Harris, F. 8. Lambert, T. J. Finch, E. W. Cates, J A. Green, C. F. Lambeth and E. C. Stray horn, of Thomasville.

New Company For High Point.

The Secretary of State has grant­ed a charter to the Guilford Realty & Insurance C., of High Point, with an authorized capital stock of $50,000. The company hai Iiegua business with $5,000 paid in, and will handle real estate, insurance und loans. Incorporators of tho company are Messrs. H. A. Millis, J. H. Millis aud W. A. Ragan.

To Unlld Can.

The report is current that the Southern will at once eularge its shops at Spencer and place a full equipment of machinery for the manufacture of locoruotiv p. Power will be secured from Ihe Yadkin river. It is also rumored again that pul man cars will also be built at Spencer at i u early date.

New Dope Acadeiuv CommcncemenUHon. W. W. Kitchen, Representa­

tive in Congress from the Fifth North Caroliuu District will deliver the literary add less at Niw Hope Ae idemy Commencement on May 15, 1007.

Mr. Kitchen is one of tire most popular epeukvre in the S ile.

Vlrglulu Woo.

Two thousand people witnessed i the game ot ball between the Uni- versity of N r h Caro'iua and the Unixersity of Virginia at Greensboro Saturday. Vi i gin a won bv a score of 5 to 2.

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