political spectrum revisited

Post on 16-Apr-2017



News & Politics



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Political Spectrum

Anarchist Radical Liberal Moderate Conservative Reactionary Anarchist


Visualizing the Political Spectrum

Each Point on the Spectrum Represents....

An aspect of a culture's worldview

A philosophical tradition

Certain psychological attitudes

A partisan tradition and set of positions on current politcal issues.



All the world over, I will back the masses against the classes - William E. Gladstone


Mikhail Bakunin

Modern Anarchists

A philosophy of socialism demanding the end of government, capitalism and religion.

Revolution through Direct Action - Terrorism & Assassination

Smash the State - extreme violence

No planning of future society or economy

Against all forms of authority and private property

Sometimes fought Communists over who was more radical

Assassinated many world leaders in the 19th & early 20th century


One man with a gun can control 100 without one. - Vladimir Lenin

Revolutionary - conspiracy

Imaginary Future

Extreme Equality - socialism

Violent but methodical & rational

Anti-capitalist, illiberal, intolerant

Act on behalf of workers, poor & marginalized social groups

Marxist or other socialist ideas


Liberalism is trust of the people tempered by prudence. -Gladstone

Trust in the ability of government to reform society

Promote economic and social Equality

Ensure Fairness through regulation, social welfare programs, progressive taxation, affirmative action

Group or collective perspective

Sees History as a march toward progress

Strong government regulation of the economy

Big Government

Favor diplomacy over military force, unions over business, environmental concerns over private property rights, Gun control over gun ownership. For Abortion Rights but against the Death Penalty


The vital center - Arthur Schlesinger,Jr.

Patriotic, Practical and Patient not ideological or partisan

Value civility, compromise and flexibility

Focus on problem-solving & not abstract ideas or visions

Consider both sides values common-sense

Easiest group to persuade but dislikes conflict

Controls neither political party but is the Swing vote to win elections

Moderation in all things -Aristotle

The Right


Society is a partnership not only between those who are living, but between those who are living, those who are dead, and those who are to be born." -Edmund Burke

Seeks to preserve the best aspects of society and is skeptical of change, human nature and the government

More divided than are liberals paleoconservatives, religious conservatives, neoconservatives, libertarians....

Value Liberty, Order,Tradition

Human nature is unchanging. People with power are not to be trusted. Money is not to be wasted. Government should be small and limited. Strongly Anti-Communist

Conservatives favor low taxes, a strong national defense, tough laws against crime, free market capitalism, traditional family values, are against abortion but favor the death penalty & the Right to Bear Arms


The truth is that men are tired of liberty -Benito Mussolini

Demand a return to mythic, past, golden age

Value extreme Nationalism, Militarism, Religious Fundamentalism, Authority, Male Superiority

Believe in Inequality & superiority of their group Xenophobia, Racism, Elitism

Extreme Violence - Might makes Right!

In Revolt against Modernity

Irrational appeal to emotion, mythical visions, vengeance, ethnocentrism, tribal, racial or religious identity

Against democracy, liberalism, capitalism, socialism, individualism, minorities, free speech, women's rights and most cultural changes

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