policies and procudures manual 2010

Post on 17-Apr-2022






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Boise Blizzards Policies and Procudures Manual



Table of Contents Welcome 3

History 4

Mission Statement 5

Goals and Objectives 6

Code of Ethics 7

Policies and Procedures 9

Job Descriptions 20

Arena Layout 41

Budget 46


Welcome to the Boise Blizzards! The Boise Blizzards believe that everyone should have the opportunity to experience the thrill that is professional hockey. We feel that professional hockey offers fans an unforgettable opportunity to experience hockey at its highest level. We seek to foster an atmosphere of teamwork, dedication, respect, honesty, healthy living, accountability and success. The Blizzards offer many different services and opportunities within the organization, as well as throughout the greater Boise community, and it is our responsibility to provide the highest standard of service. This manual was put together to define our mission, goals, policies, procedures and objectives. Everyone involved in this organization, whether it be fans, players, coaches or employees, each has a unique position to ensure our success. We ask that you please read through this manual and become acquainted with our organization.

On behalf of the entire Blizzard organization, we would like to thank you for choosing to be apart of the Boise Blizzards.

Robert E. Camilleri Director of Operations



The Blizzards were formed during the summer of 2007. They moved into Qwest Arena, former home to the Idaho Steelheads. The Steelheads decided to relocate and thus the Blizzards moved into town. Ownership recognized that Idaho needed a hockey franchise and the Boise Blizzards were just the team to meet that need.

Over the past two seasons, the Blizzards have developed a rich and exciting hockey tradition in Boise. In the 2007-2008 season we exceeded all expectations and accomplished above and beyond organizational goals and objectives. The Blizzards drew a tremendous amount of fans to Q West arena, shattering the attendance goals set by the organization. The Blizzard fans and the Boise community were very supportive of the organization and their dedication caused the Blizzards to thrive. Despite not making the playoffs, the organization was thrilled at the success and potential that was seen within the organization. The 2008-2009 season was met with great anticipation by the Blizzards. With the fans and Boise community on board, the organization made some improvements to Q West arena. Now the fans would have a much more interactive hockey experience as they supported the Blizzards on ice ventures. The fan base grew and the previous attendance records were broken. The Blizzards found a bit more success on the ice, but came up short in their quest for the playoffs again. The organization was thrilled with the team and the overall performance of the organization as a whole and could not wait for the new season to begin.

As an organization, we are thrilled with our recent success and we strive to continually improve and reach new heights. We are always adapting and moving toward a better future and closer to perfection. It is ok to be where we are, but not ok to remain there.



Mission Statement

The Boise Blizzards strive to be active in the community and unite the greater Boise district through the medium of hockey, thus we are committed to delivering a personalized and unique hockey experience to each and every fan. We desire to bring a state of the art hockey experience to the fans in such a way as to captivate and create a team atmosphere in the arena and well beyond.


Goals and Objectives • All Front Office Employees will have a yearly evaluation with their direct

supervisor and General Manager. This meeting will cover past year success, failures, changes, problems and the future.

• The General Manager will meet with the front office staff in the offseason to discuss goals, objectives, marketing strategies, budgeting and future goals and dreams.

• Expand the Blizzards reach into the community, through the efforts of both the Front Office as well as the players. All Front Office employees are required to serve a total of 20 hours in the greater Boise community each year.

• Provide the Dallas Stars organization with a facility that can be utilized for excellence on and off the ice. We will work with the Qwest arena and the Dallas Stars in order to renovate and improve the facilities.

• Supply the parent organization, the Dallas Stars, with a superior minor league experience as to help build and boost the image of the Dallas Stars organization, through the success of the Boise Blizzards.

• Front office staff must attend a minimum of one professional conference per year.

• Season Ticket sales should account for 45% of ticket sales for the 2010-2011

season (>112,000).

• Season attendance will increase from the 2009-2010 season (>191,000).

• Increase the sponsorship funding from the 2009-2010 season (>$150,000).

• Increase group sales from the 2009-2010 season by 5% (>80,000, 913 groups).

• Work with local media outlets to establish strong media coverage throughout the northwestern corridor of the United States, including Television, Radio and Broadband Internet Video.

• Operate the organization in order to create revenue, and end the season with revenue.


Code of Ethics This code of ethics applies to all persons who are employed by the Boise Blizzards, including but not limited to: executive board members, front office staff, coaches, trainers and any other persons responsible for technical, medical and administrative matters within the Blizzards organization. Great companies are judged by what they do, not by what they say. To be the best, we're going to keep pushing ourselves in new and exciting directions. These values will guide our every action. INTEGRITY Integrity is at the heart of everything the Blizzards do. We are honest, ethical and upfront because trust is at the foundation of our relationships with our customers, our communities, and each other. RESPECT The Blizzards know it is critical that we respect everyone at every level of our business. We champion diversity, embrace individuality and listen carefully when others speak. PERFORMANCE EXCELLENCE The Blizzards hold us to a very high standard of performance. We prize innovative ideas and the teamwork it takes to make them realities. We never stop asking ourselves how we can make the customer experience better, and every day, we find an answer. ACCOUNTABILITY The Blizzards take responsibility for actions as individuals, as team members, and as an organization. We work together, support one another and never let the customer — or our coworkers — down.

• Employees will show commitment to an ethical attitude while performing their duties. They shall pledge to behave in a dignified manner. They shall behave and act with complete credibility and integrity. Employees may not offend the dignity of a person or group of persons through contemptuous, discriminatory or degrading words or actions concerning ethnicity, race, culture, language, religion or gender.

• Do not use profanity, vulgarity or other offensive language. All employees are an

extension of the Blizzards organization and therefore should give off an image of utmost professionalism.

• A conflict of interest exists when a person’s private interest interferes in any way

with the interests of the Blizzards. It is almost always a conflict of interest for an employee to work simultaneously for a competitor, customer or supplier. Conflicts of interest may not always be clear-cut, so if you have a question, you should consult with your supervisor or manager.


• Employees shall behave honestly and ethically at all times and with all people.

They shall act in good faith, with due care, and shall engage only in fair and open competition, by treating ethically competitors, suppliers, customers, and colleagues. No one should take unfair advantage of anyone through manipulation, concealment, abuse of privileged information, misrepresentation of material facts, or any other unfair practice.

• The Boise Blizzards strive to be an organization that serves the public. We believe

our primary duty is to serve our clients well. We exist because of them and we thrive because we continually provide a high level of value to them. The Blizzards contribute time, money and other resources to selected charitable causes. We encourage our employees to do the same.

• Employees must maintain the confidentiality of confidential information entrusted

to them, except when disclosure is authorized by an appropriate legal officer of the Company or required by laws or regulations. Confidential information includes all non-public information that might be of use to competitors or harmful to the Blizzards or its customers if disclosed. It also includes information that suppliers and customers have entrusted to the Company. The obligation to preserve confidential information continues even after employment ends.

• Obeying the law, both in letter and in spirit, is the foundation on which the

Blizzards ethical standards are built. In conducting the business of the Blizzards, employees shall comply with applicable governmental laws, rules and regulations at all levels of government in the United States.

• All employees are expected to follow the above-mentioned Code of Ethics. If an

employee fails to comply with the Code of Ethics then upper management will convene and decide the proper punishment for the violation. If violations persist then the employee will be terminated.


Policies and Procedures

Meetings: Staff Meetings

Employees are expected to attend all scheduled office meetings. These meetings will be held once a month throughout the offseason and will be headed by the General Manager as well as the Assistant General Manager. These meetings are very important and all employees are expected to attend. When the season begins, game day meetings will be held every home game day. These meetings will also be lead by either the General Manager or Assistant General Manager. If you cannot attend a game day meeting, you must inform the General Manager or Assistant General Manager. Attendance will not be kept, but if numerous meetings are being missed, then you will be asked to meet with the Assistant General Manager.

Sales Meetings Sales Meetings will be held every Thursday. All employees who are responsible for sales and sponsorships will attend these meetings. The Senior Sales Director will lead these meetings. If you cannot attend a sales meeting, you must inform the Sr. Sales Director. Attendance will not be kept, but if numerous meetings are being missed, then you will be asked to meet with both the Sr. Sales Director as well as the Assistant General Manager.


Public Relations:

All employees are agents of the Boise Blizzards and in turn the Dallas Stars Organization. In turn, we continually strive to serve the general public and demonstrate professionalism in everything that we do. We recognize that we exist to serve the public and therefore we will do everything we can in order to deliver a hockey experience that will meet the needs of the greater Boise community. When interacting with the public, all employees should exhibit sincerity, integrity, courtesy and honesty.

The Blizzards seek to serve all publics who are related to the Blizzards organization. We will report all necessary information in a timely manner. We recognize that without the public, we would not be in existence and therefore understand that the public is an integral part of our organization. Below are listed and prioritized the publics that the Blizzards seek to serve.

Publics Prioritized • Consumers (families, students, sports fans)

• Community (teams, clubs, chambers of commerce)

• Media (print, broadcast, local and national)

• Special Organizations (local interest groups, activists, churches)



The governing guideline for hiring within the Boise Blizzards organization is that each employee will be hired based upon being the best person for the job and organization as a whole. Those who are hiring will base this qualification on appearance, interviews, education, experience, job specific skills, ability to work with others and external recommendations. The Blizzards especially value ambition, experience, interpersonal communication skills and a desire to work within a team environment.

• Applicants will be asked to submit a cover letter, resume and three references in

order to be considered for the position.

• Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.

• Applicants will be interviewed by their potential direct supervisor as well as either

the Assistant General Manager or the General Manager. This ensures that multiple

opinions and evaluations of candidates are taken into consideration when hiring.

• Applicants will be contacted within 48 hours of their interview to be notified of

the Blizzards decision.


Scheduling/Facility: The Boise Blizzards do not own Qwest arena and thus we must schedule with their

administration for the se of the facilities. The Blizzards have a great relationship with Qwest and therefore do not have any problems with scheduling. Our Operations manager

is responsible for working with Qwest in scheduling the arena. You must fill out the appropriate form and submit it to the Operations Manager 2 months ahead of time. They will then review it and if there are no questions or revisions then submit it to the Qwest staff for final approval. Regardless of Qwest’s decision, the Operations Manager will

then contact the individual making the request to go over the final decision. Again, The Blizzards will always seek to work with Qwest in order to meet all accommodations

regarding the facility.


Affirmative Action:

It is the policy of the University at Albany to provide equal opportunity in education, employment and upward mobility for all qualified persons, to prohibit discrimination in employment because of age, color, handicap, marital status, national origin, race, religion, sex or sexual orientation, and to promote the full realization of equal employment opportunity through a positive, continuing, result-oriented program of affirmative action within the Blizzards organization. This policy includes, but is not limited to, requirements of Federal Executive Orders 11246 and 11375 as amended, the Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972, the Equal Employment Opportunity Plan, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, 503 and 504 Regulations of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.

• Analyzes the current workforce composition

• Shows appropriate comparisons by race/sex/disability/veteran status/job

categories, etc.

• Identifies labor force availability of affected groups qualified to fill positions in

employer’s workforce by job group

• Identifies job groups where affected groups are underutilized

• Establishes written percentage and numerical goals aimed at eliminating the


• Names persons responsible for achieving the goals

• Identifies barriers to employment and what actions the employer will take to

eliminate such barriers


Sales/Sponsorship Offerings: All employees of the Boise Blizzards are responsible for sales and sponsorships. As soon as the season ends, each employee becomes a full time sales executive. The Blizzards are driven by sales and sponsorships, and without these two vital contributions, the organization will not be successful in the long run. All employees are expected to meet their prescribed sales/sponsorship requirements by the end of the regular season.

(SALES/SPONSORSHIP REQUIREMENTS) Guidelines have been established for sponsorship deals and employees can work with these guidelines in order to establish a contract with potential sponsors. If the employee must deviate from the pre-described guidelines, they must get the permission of the Sr. Sales Director.


Hours Worked Policy: Full Time Employees

Office employees are all paid on a salary basis. Salary details are outlined in each employee’s individual contract. In the Off Season employees are expected to contribute 40 hours per week in the office. Attendance at the mandatory staff and sales meetings is required unless otherwise notified. Employees have the flexibility to adjust their work schedule accordingly, but must be in the office between the hours of 10 A.M. and 2 P.M. Monday through Friday. In Season hours will differ from day to day and due to the nature of our limited product, hours may be extreme during the season. All employees are expected to work every home game day, regardless of the day of the week. Employees will accumulate 1.5 days off per 40-hour workweek that can be used on away game days throughout the season. Employees are still expected to contribute 40 hours per week with addition to game day hours. Employees will decide their necessary hour contribution in order to complete their tasks required in order to deliver the Blizzard product in the most professional manner.

Interns Interns will also be paid on salary basis. Salary details are outlined in each employee’s individual contract. Interns are expected to attend game day staff meetings and sales meetings upon request. Attendance at the mandatory staff and sales meetings is required unless otherwise notified. Interns are expected to contribute 50 hours per week, including game day hours. Intern supervisors will work with their interns in order to set up a work schedule for each week. All Interns are expected to work every home game day, regardless of the day of the week. Interns will accumulate 2 days off per 40-hour workweek that can be used on away game days throughout the season.


Internet/Blogging/Social Media Usage:

If you are developing a Web site or writing a blog that will mention your company and / or our current and potential products, employees, partners, customers, and competitors, identify that you are an employee of your company and that the views expressed on the blog or Web site are yours alone and do not represent the views of the company. Unless given permission by your manager, you are not authorized to speak on behalf of the company, or to represent that you do so. Confidential Information Component of the Blogging Policy You may not share information that is confidential and proprietary about the company. This includes information about trademarks, upcoming product releases, sales, finances, number of products sold, number of employees, company strategy, and any other information that has not been publicly released by the company. These are given as examples only and do not cover the range of what the company considers confidential and proprietary. If you have any question about whether information has been released publicly or doubts of any kind, speak with your manager and the Public Relations department before releasing information that could potentially harm our company, or our current and potential products, employees, partners, and customers. Respect and Privacy Rights Components of the Blogging Policy Speak respectfully about the company and our current and potential employees, customers, partners, and competitors. Do not engage in name-calling or behavior that will reflect negatively on your company's reputation. Note that the use of copyrighted materials, unfounded or derogatory statements, or misrepresentation is not viewed favorably by your company and can result in disciplinary action up to and including employment termination. Your company encourages you to write knowledgeably, accurately, and using appropriate professionalism. Your Legal Liability Component of the Blogging Policy Recognize that you are legally liable for anything you write or present online. The company for commentary, content, or images that are defamatory, pornographic, proprietary, harassing, libelous, or that can create a hostile work environment can discipline employees. You can also be sued by company employees, competitors, and any individual or company that views your commentary, content, or images as defamatory, pornographic, proprietary, harassing, libelous or creating a hostile work environment. Media Contact Component of the Blogging Policy Media contacts about our company and our current and potential products, employees, partners, customers, and competitors should be referred for coordination and guidance to the Public Relations or Human Resources department. This does not specifically include your opinions, writing, and interviews on topics aside from our company and our current and potential products, employees, partners, customers, and competitors.


Dress Code: The Boise Blizzards objective in establishing a business casual dress code is to allow our employees to work comfortably in the workplace. Yet, we still need our employees to project a professional image for our customers, potential employees, and community visitors. Even in a business casual work environment, clothing should be pressed and never wrinkled. Torn, dirty, or frayed clothing is unacceptable. Any clothing that has words, terms, or pictures that may be offensive to other employees is unacceptable. Clothing that has the company logo is encouraged. Guide to Business Casual Dressing for Work

This is a general overview of appropriate business casual attire. The lists tell you what is generally acceptable as business casual attire and what is generally not acceptable as business casual attire. No dress code can cover all contingencies so employees must exert a certain amount of judgment in their choice of clothing to wear to work. If you experience uncertainty about acceptable, professional business causal attire for work, please ask your supervisor or your Human Resources staff. Slacks, Pants, and Suit Pants

Slacks that are similar to Dockers and other makers of cotton or synthetic material pants, wool pants, flannel pants, and nice looking dress synthetic pants are acceptable. Inappropriate slacks or pants include jeans, sweatpants, exercise pants, Bermuda shorts, short shorts, shorts, bib overalls, leggings, and any spandex. Shirts, Tops, Blouses, and Jackets

Casual shirts, dress shirts, sweaters, tops, golf-type shirts, and turtlenecks are acceptable attire for work. Most suit jackets or sport jackets are also acceptable attire for the office, if they violate none of the listed guidelines. Inappropriate attire for work includes tank tops; midriff tops; shirts with potentially offensive words, terms, logos, pictures, cartoons, or slogans; halter-tops; tops with bare shoulders; sweatshirts, and t-shirts unless worn under another blouse, shirt, jacket, or dress. Shoes and Footwear

Conservative athletic or walking shoes, loafers, clogs, sneakers, boots, flats, dress heels, and leather deck-type shoes are acceptable for work. Wearing no stockings is acceptable in warm weather. Thong sandals, flip-flops, slippers, and any shoe with an open toe are not acceptable in the office. Conclusion

If clothing fails to meet these standards, as determined by the employee’s supervisor and Human Resources staff, the employee will be asked not to wear the inappropriate item to work again. If the problem persists, the employee may be sent home to change clothes and will receive a verbal warning for the first offense. Progressive disciplinary action will be applied if dress code violations continue.



Professional Development: The Blizzards fully support their employees and encourage them to continue their education. We understand the importance of maintaining on the cutting edge and we feel that continuing education is the very best way to do so. As a result we will help fund the continued education of our employees. We will pay for 6 credits per traditional semester (fall or spring) in order to help support the further education of our employees.

Employees must fill out the furthering education form and submit it to the general manager 2 months prior to the beginning of the semester. The General Manager must sign off on the form and will return the form to the employee in a timely manner. When the bills for the course/courses arrive, the employee must submit it to the General Manager and he will present them with a check for the balance.


Job Description

Director of Media Relations

Salary $50,000

Description of Work

Will be responsible for all interaction between the Blizzards organization and all forms of media. In charge of coordinating advertising as well as promotional campaigns. Create a positive view of the Blizzards in all aspects of the media. Will be responsible for all in game media and maintaining a professional media experience at Blizzards games. Is also expected to sell allotted amount of tickets, groups and sponsorships.

Supervision received:

Will be overseen by the Assistant General manager as well as the General Manager of the Blizzards. The Assistant General Manager is your direct supervisor, who will be met with on a monthly basis to discuss the Media Relations department.

Supervision exercised:

Will be responsible for the instruction and leadership of the Media Relations Intern for the duration of the season. Also, will be in charge of game day camera crew.

Major Duties and Their Definitions (In order of Importance):

1. Respond to requests for information from the media and act as a liaison between the blizzards and the media

2. Run and maintain the Blizzards web site as well as other social media outlets.

3. Sell the specified amount of groups, tickets, and sponsorships each year

4. Create and or supervise the creation of in game video, highlights, sound bits, ect…

5. Arrange interviews with the media, television spots, and radio appearances

6. Work with advertising agencies to create promotional campaigns in all types of media

7.Produce and coordinate advertisements, commercials and promotions


Minimum Qualifications

Required knowledge, skills, and abilities:

Proficiency in video editing software; Microsoft Office; Photoshop; web design; critical thinking; public speaking; journalism; sales; time management; organization; coordination.


Must have a bachelor’s degree in Communications, Sport Management, Media Relations or another related field.


Must have at least 2 years of experience with media relations.


Job Description

Director of Community Relations and Fan Experience

Salary: $50,000

Description of Work

Will be responsible for organizing, coordinating and maintaining proactive and comprehensive public information program including communications, marketing and community relations. Plans and coordinates community programs and events. Monitors and responds to the public’s requests and complaints. Works to distribute publications and advertisements for the Blizzards. Is responsible for coordinating and bringing new organizations in contact with the Blizzards.

Supervision received:

Report directly to the Assistant General Manager and indirectly to the General Manager. Will meet with the Assistant General Manager once a month to ensure that duties are being fulfilled.

Supervision exercised:

Will be responsible for the Community Relations/Fan Experience Intern for the duration of the season. Will also be in charge of the game day promotions staff.

Major Duties and Their Definitions (In order of Importance):

1. Work to implement the public relations policy of the Blizzards and ensure that all employees understand this policy

2. Working with the greater Boise Community and involving the Blizzards in local events

3. Sell the specified amount of groups, tickets, and sponsorships each year

4. Work along side the other staff members to create a highly synergetic fan experience at Blizzards games, through the use of promotions such as giveaways and discounts

4. Coordinate efforts in order to bring the Blizzards staff, coaches and players out into the Boise community

6. Develop and maintain the Little Blizzards Club


Minimum Qualifications

Required knowledge, skills, and abilities:

Proficiency in Microsoft Office; critical thinking; sales; public speaking; journalism; time management; organization; coordination.


Must have bachelor’s degree in Public Relations, Communications, Sport Management or other relating fields.


Must have at least 2 years of experience within the field of public relations.


Job Description

Sales Director

Salary: $50,000

Description of Work

Will be responsible for providing guests with a positive ticketing experience at Qwest Arena. This experience is created by aiding guests with accurate event information and assisting them in purchasing and/or picking up tickets to Blizzards contests. This position is expected to work cohesively with all Blizzard employees of in order to maintaining an extreme level of guest service.

Supervision received:

Report directly to the Assistant General Manager and indirectly to the General Manager. Will meet with the Assistant General Manager once a week to ensure that all sales and sponsorships are being filled.

Supervision exercised:

Will be responsible for the Sales Intern for the duration of the season. Will also be responsible for Sales Executives as well as all employees with sales responsibilities.

Major Duties and Their Definitions (In order of Importance):

1. Senior sales manager in charge of all sales activities, departments and personnel involved in Sales and Marketing for the Company

2. Provides leadership to the day-to-day operations of the sales department, while maintaining focus on the company’s strategic goals

3. Establishes performance goals for all sales department employees, and monitors performance on a continual basis

4. Develops, or participates with the Senior Staff, in the development of the Strategic Marketing Plan for the Company

5. Seeks out and targets new customers and new sales opportunities, initiates action plans to approach and secure new business for the Company

6. Collaborate with all other departments in order to create synergetic sales throughout the Blizzards organization


Minimum Qualifications

Required knowledge, skills, and abilities:

Proficiency in Microsoft Office; critical thinking; interpersonal communication; strategic planning; sales; leadership; time management; organization; coordination.


Must have bachelor’s degree.


Must have at least 5 years of proven sales experience.


Job Description

Box Office Manager

Salary: $50,000

Description of Work

Will be responsible for providing guests with a positive ticketing experience at Qwest Arena. This experience is created by aiding guests with accurate event information and assisting them in purchasing and/or picking up tickets to Blizzards contests. This position is expected to work cohesively with all Blizzard employees of in order to maintaining an extreme level of guest service.

Supervision received:

Report directly to the Assistant General Manager and indirectly to the General Manager. Will meet with the Assistant General Manager once a month to ensure that all ticketing duties are being fulfilled.

Supervision exercised:

Will be responsible for the Box Office Intern for the duration of the season. Will also be in charge of the game day Box Office staff as well as money counters.

Major Duties and Their Definitions (In order of Importance):

1. Provide all guests a positive first impression of the Qwest Arena by offering superior, individualized guest service

2. Accurately operate the Ticketmaster computer ticketing system to sell tickets for Blizzards games

3. Sell the specified amount of groups, tickets, and sponsorships each year

4. Problem-solve by effectively communicating with guests to locate and deliver will-call/guest list tickets

5. Provide information regarding Qwest Arena events and facilities via face-to-face communication and telephone

6. Assist with miscellaneous box office projects as directed by supervisor

7. Provide superior customer service to all internal and external clients


Minimum Qualifications

Required knowledge, skills, and abilities:

Proficiency in Microsoft Office; Ticketmaster Ticketing System; money handling ability; critical thinking; sales; time management; organization; coordination.


Must have bachelor’s degree.


Must have at least 4 years of box office experience.


Job Description

Facilities Coordinator

Salary: $50,000

Description of Work

Will be responsible for ensuring that processes needed to produce and coordinate the products of the Blizzards, run smoothly and without unnecessary interruption. This job involves measuring and monitoring a variety of operations and, when necessary, intervening appropriately to prevent or resolve problems.

Supervision received:

Report directly to the Assistant General Manager and indirectly to the General Manager. Will meet with the Assistant General Manager once a week to ensure that all facilities duties are being met.

Supervision exercised:

Will be responsible for the Facility Intern for the duration of the season. Also, will manage game day Winter Wonder Land staff as well as game day ushers.

Major Duties and Their Definitions (In order of Importance):

1. Coordinating the Blizzards operations schedule with the front office staff of Qwest arena

2. Review the existing facilities and plan/strategize with Qwest officials in order to make necessary changes to improve fan experience and safety

3. Sell the specified amount of groups, tickets, and sponsorships each year

4. Plan and direct game day staff as well as Qwest Arena employees

5. Work with companies in order to have the finest facilities for fans and the Blizzards

6. Establish and maintain Winter Wonder Land for children to play in at Blizzards games

7. Work along side other departments in order to create a synergetic Blizzards experience for fans


Minimum Qualifications

Required knowledge, skills, and abilities:

Proficiency in Microsoft Office; critical thinking; technical expertise; human resource management; interpersonal communication; sales; time management; organization.


Must have bachelor’s degree.


Must have at least 2 years of experience.


Job Description

Assistant General Manager

Salary $65,000

Description of Work

Will be responsible for supporting the General Manager with all aspects of the Blizzards operations. The Assistant General Manager must also demonstrate strong communication skills and superior leadership abilities. Will serve as the liaison between the general manager and the rest of the Blizzards front office staff. Will work with each department to develop, challenge and motivate in such a way as to create synergy within the Blizzards organization.

Supervision received:

Will report directly to the General Manager in regards to all areas of the organization.

Supervision exercised:

Will be responsible for all areas of the organization. Will assist all front office employees in creating synergy in the Blizzards organization.

Major Duties and Their Definitions (In order of Importance):

1. Oversee all departments within the Blizzards organization

2. Develop creative and cutting edge improvements throughout the organization and then work to make these dreams come true

3. Work along side department heads in order to develop, challenge and motivate

4. Sell the specified amount of groups, tickets, and sponsorships each year

5. Mediate any problems within the Blizzards organization. Encourage employees to work together to solve problems and encourage communication

6. Work with the general public to improve the public opinion of the Blizzards

7. Communicate and arrange necessities with the parent organization (Dallas Stars)


Minimum Qualifications

Required knowledge, skills, and abilities:

Proficiency in Microsoft Office; Photoshop; web design; critical thinking; public speaking; journalism; sales; creativity; internal and external communication skills; time management; organization; coordination.


Must have a bachelor’s degree in Communications, Sport Management, Media Relations or another related field.


Must have at least 5 years of experience within professional hockey management. Previous experience as an assistant general manager preferred, but not required.


Job Description

General Manager

Salary $70,000

Description of Work

Will be responsible for directing and overseeing the operations of the Boise Blizzards. Including Media Relations, Community Relations, Sales, Box Office and Operations. Will be responsible for planning, directing and coordinating all aspects of the Blizzards. He will ensure that operations run smoothly and according to company policy. The general manager will delegate day-to-day operations to managers, while he/she will be responsible for the overall well being of the organization.

Supervision received:

The General Manager will be held accountable by the president/owner of the Blizzards. He will consult with the President whenever they request a meeting.

Supervision exercised:

Will oversee all departments within the Blizzards organization, in order to maintain the wellbeing of the Blizzards organization.

Major Duties and Their Definitions (In order of Importance):

1. Provide leadership and vision to the organization by assisting the Board and staff with the development of long range and annual plans, and with the evaluation and reporting of progress on plans

2. Develop short term and long term business strategies and work to implement them within the Blizzards organization

3. Develop new business opportunities and work with Blizzards management to implement them

4. Sell the specified amount of groups, tickets, and sponsorships each year

5. Develop, implement and oversee the Blizzards yearly budget

6. Hiring and firing of Blizzards front office staff


Minimum Qualifications

Required knowledge, skills, and abilities:

Proficiency in Microsoft Office; critical thinking; public speaking; sales; creativity; internal and external communication skills; time management; organization; coordination.


Must have a Masters degree in Business Administration, Sport Management, or another related field.


Must have at least 8 years of experience within professional hockey management. Previous experience as an assistant general manager or general manager preferred, but not required.


Job Description

Administrative Assistant

Salary $40,000

Description of Work

Will be responsible for supporting a workplace as well as the top executives of the Blizzards. They have responsibilities such as coordination of administrative activities, retrieving, organizing and disseminating information to staff and clients, supervising their clerical coworkers and reviewing income memos. The typical job duties include planning and scheduling meetings or appointments, organizing hard copy and electronic files, conducting research and managing projects.

Supervision received:

Will be overseen directly by the General Manager of the Blizzards. All departments of the Blizzards will be able to use the offerings of the Administrative Assistant.

Supervision exercised:

Will work with each department to accomplish select tasks.

Major Duties and Their Definitions (In order of Importance):

1. Oversee all aspects of the office coordination

2. Interact with Clients, Vendors and Visitors of the Blizzards

3. Perform general clerical duties, such as bookkeeping, copying, faxing, emailing, mailing and filing

4. Create and modify documents such as invoices, reports, memos, letters and financial statements using word processing, spreadsheets, database and/or presentation software such as Microsoft Office and QuickBooks

5. Read and analyze incoming memos, submissions, and reports to determine their significance and plan their distribution

6. Open, sort, and distribute incoming correspondence, including faxes and email

7. Manage and maintain executives’ schedules


Minimum Qualifications

Required knowledge, skills, and abilities:

Proficiency in Microsoft Office; QuickBooks; critical thinking; creativity; time management; organization; coordination.


An associate’s degree in secretarial studies at minimum. A bachelor’s degree is preferred, but not required.


Must have at least 1-year experience as an Administrative Assistant. Knowledge of professional hockey is preferred, but not required.


Job Description


Salary: $40,000

Description of Work

Will be responsible for applying accounting principles and procedures to analyze financial information, prepare accurate and timely financial reports and statements and ensure appropriate accounting control procedures.

Supervision received:

Will report directly to the General Manager of the Boise Blizzards.

Supervision exercised:

Will work with all departments in order to maintain good financial status for the Blizzards.

Major Duties and Their Definitions (In order of Importance):

1. Compile and analyze financial information to prepare financial statements including monthly and annual accounts

2. Ensure financial records are maintained in compliance with accepted policies and procedures

3. Continuous management and support of budget and forecast activities

4. Ensure accurate and appropriate recording and analysis of revenues and expenses

5. Analyze and advise on business operations including revenue and expenditure trends, financial commitments and future revenues

6. Analyze financial information to recommend or develop efficient use of resources and procedures, provide strategic recommendations and maintain solutions to business and financial problems

7. Ensure accurate and timely monthly, quarterly and year end close


Minimum Qualifications

Required knowledge, skills, and abilities:

Proficiency in Microsoft Office; QuickBooks; attention to detail and accuracy; planning and organizing; strong communication skills; information and task monitoring; problem analysis.


Must be a certified CPA in the state of Idaho. Must have appropriate accounting degree.


Must have a minimum of 3 years experience in the management of financial systems and budgets, financial reporting, financial data analysis, auditing, taxation and providing financial advice.


Job Description

Sales Executive

Salary: $40,000

Description of Work

Will be responsible for selling Blizzards to new as well as existing customers. Their customers may be businesses, individuals or groups. They are also involved with identifying new markets and business opportunities for the Blizzards.

Supervision received:

Will report directly to the Sr. Sales Director.

Supervision exercised:

Is responsible for working with all other departments to ensure the success of the Blizzards organization.

Major Duties and Their Definitions (In order of Importance):

1. Sell the specified amount of groups, tickets, and sponsorships each year

Listening to customer requirements and presenting appropriately to make a sale

2. Maintaining and developing relationships with existing customers in person, and via telephone calls and emails

3. Arranging meetings with potential customers to prospect for new business

4. Acting as a contact between a company and its existing and potential markets

5. Negotiating the terms of an agreement and closing sales

6. Representing the organization at trade exhibitions, events and demonstrations

7. Gain a clear understanding of customers' businesses and requirements


Minimum Qualifications

Required knowledge, skills, and abilities:

Proficiency in Microsoft Office; critical thinking; public speaking; sales; creativity; internal and external communication skills; time management; organization; coordination.


Must have a bachelor’s degree.


Must have at least 2 years of sales experience. Professional Hockey sales are preferred, but not required.


Job Description


Salary: $12,000

Description of Work

Will be responsible for assisting their supervisors with any and everything relating to the success of the Boise Blizzards. Their duties will vary from day to day, and will most likely be involved with every aspect of the Blizzards Organization.

Supervision received:

Will report directly to their direct supervisor.

Supervision exercised:

Is responsible for working with all other departments to ensure the success of the Blizzards organization.

Major Duties and Their Definitions (In order of Importance):

1. Assist direct supervisor in anything that they need assistance with

2. Help out the Blizzards in any aspect imaginable in order to ensure success

3. Work long and strenuous hours for months at a time

Minimum Qualifications

Required knowledge, skills, and abilities:

Proficiency in Microsoft Office; critical thinking; creativity; internal and external communication skills; time management; organization; coordination.


Must have or be working towards the completion of a bachelor’s degree.


Must have at least 1 year of experience in desired field of work.


Qwest Arena Ticket Layout


Qwest Arena Executive Suite Layout


Qwest Arena Founder Suite Layout


Blizzards Parking

Blizzards Front Office Layout



Boise Blizzards 2010 Budget Total 4,127,000

Number Line Item Justification Amount ($)

5101 Stadium Upgrades Renovate suites, improve seating 750,000

5102 Front Office Salaries Salary for 11 full time staff 545,000

5103 Office Supplies Paper, Staples, Folders 250,000

5104 Travel Expenses Winter Meetings, Conferences 88,000

5105 Intern Salary Salary for 5 full time interns 60,000

5106 Merchandise Jerseys, T-shirts, Foam Fingers 750,000

5107 Officials Officials for 40 home games 32,000

5108 Arena Rent Rent for 40 home games 252,000

5109 Promotional Items Give Away Items 500,000

5110 Print Publications Flyers, Advertisements 750,000

5111 ECHL Dues Cost to be a member of ECHL 150,000

Total 4,127,000

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