pokemon x guide

Post on 18-Apr-2017






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Bonjour, and welcome to my first 3DS FAQ in a while. After having written a swathe of FAQs for a number of 3DS games over the summer (Mario & Luigi: Dream Team and Shin Megami Tensei IV being the most recent), I basically took a break and rewound a bit to some of my more arcane tastes - namely Japanese games on the NES. Of course, temptation would finally get the better of me as summer turned to fall with a game I had ordered over eight months prior: Pokémon X & Y!

Pokémon may very well be my favorite game series: ever since I was entranced with FireRed back in 2004, I eventually had played all of them by 2008 (that were out) and continued to pre-order more and more of them. Eventually, this got to the point of writing FAQs for each one of the mainstream games - an unrivaled feat met back in 2012. (I have a LOT of time on my hands. =P) Still, I suppose it can't be all good. Ever since Generations II & III, I've seemed to notice a rather odd trend in the mainstream "Version" games - while they've all gotten flashier, the gameplay has gotten less innovative and more repetitive.

Perhaps Pokémon X & Y can change that? The first mainstream titles for the 3DS have to offer *something* else that Diamond, Pearl, Black, White, and the swathe of others could not - beyond a new region and some new Poké's to catch, of course. Already, we've heard of the new "Fairy" type, and there's also the ability for Mega-Evolution. You can also take into account the fact that the game was released worldwide on October 12th, 2013, meaning that we Americans finally get a chance to beat the Japanese who don't have the whopping six-plus months to train that they usually do. =P

All of my mindless babbling aside, I hope you enjoy my FAQ as you explore the Kalos region!!


Notes (READ!)

Here, I will try to briefly describe some of the stuff you will see as you navigate through this FAQ/Walkthrough - primarily overly-technical stuff you'll find in tables at the start of sections so I don't have to pointlessly describe this stuff in an area using several paragraphs while only writing a two-word walkthrough. Plus, it's a nice quick-paste bank for me. =P If you don't see some of this stuff for a particular area, assume that means none of that is there: no Pokémon encounters table, no Pokémon.

LOCALIZATION: Pokémon X/Y had a worldwide release on October 12th, 2013, for the Nintendo 3DS. In correlation with that, each cartridge and download was given a variety of languages the player can play in: English, Spanish, Japanese, French, Gernman, Italian, and Korean. This guide was written from a North American release of the game, played in the English language, as a male character; if you're playing in another language, be prepared to use Google Translate a lot. Primarily - as in, except in version-exclusive details - this walkthrough was written from the viewpoint of Pokémon X. Pokémon Y was used, of course, but lightly, only for exclusive details (not necessarily just wild Pokémon...).

DIVISIONS: Each badge's section will begin with a sectional flowchart. This flowchart denotes the areas we'll go to whilst traversing to the named badge, and in the order named. These sections will be headed off with two horizontal lines above and below the section's name. Any sub-divisions from there, if any, will be denoted with ~ B2F ~.

TABLE INFORMATION: We'll finish off the rest of this section with an analysis on the type of data that you'll see throughout this FAQ. Most of the info not represented here (treasure checklists, shops, and the like) should be obvious enough to keep me from having to detail it. As for the table data? It's below. Take note that it is mostly fake; it's just to test column widths and such on my end. First, we'll cover the Wild Encounters data; it will be divided into individual methods (e.g. in the grass, Surfing) as needed; if not stated, assume the main thing in the area to be that method.


Pokémon Species Pokémon Type Abilities EV Yield Version

Magikarp Electric/Flying Static 1 Sp.Def. Both

Pikachu Electric Compoundeyes 1 Defense X

Zigzagoon NormalCompetitive 1 Sp.Atk., 1 Sp.Def. Y

Pokémon Species: Denotes what kind of Pokémon it is: it's default English name, really.

Pokémon Type: Type is used to determine extra damage multipliers when fighting.

Abilities: All Pokémon have some sort of ability that activates in battle (or rarely in the field) to help you out.

EV Yield: If you don't know what these are, just read up in Super Training: EVs Explained. It's dedicatedly there because Super Training really is meant to help with EV growth as well.

Version: There are two versions for this particular Pokémon release: Pokémon X and Pokémon Y. Depending on which you have, a number of things can vary: everything will be noted, don't worry. In this case, you'll see the letter for a version (X or Y) if the Pokémon is exclusive to it, or "Both" if it is non-exclusive.


Version Pokémon Given Pokémon Received Pokémon Type Likely Ability

Both Rayquaza Reshiram Fire/Dragon Turboblaze

X [none] Magikarp Water Rain Dish

Most of the info denoted here can be derived from the wild encounters table. This basically will note possible Pokémon trades or gifts in an area. The first row of the table denotes what a trade will look like, while the second is what a gift will look like: note how the second row as a "[none]" in the "Pokémon Given" column to note that it comes for free. As for the fifth column, note that it says likely - that means the most common ability for the Poké.


Trainer Name Money EarnedPokémon Party

Master KeyBlade999 $999,999,999 Rayquaza Lv. 1, Hydreigon Lv. 255, Missingno. Lv. 0

Youngster Billy $100 Zigzagoon Lv. 10, Pikachu Lv. 11

Biker Young $50 Snivy Lv. 20 (x2), Tepig Lv. 50 (x4)

Swimmer Aqua $200 Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, Torchic, Treecko; all Lv.


This table denotes some data on trainers in an area. Included are their name, the money earned from the battle, and their Pokémon party. No info is given on actual strategy as this info is usually very repetitive and pointless; except in a low-level game, you should be able to win the battles if you've progressed this far. Of particular note are some notations in the latter two rows. The "(x#)" notation means that there are # Pokémon of that species and level - not necessarily anything else - in that trainer's party. In the latter, that means that all five of those Pokémon are Level 20; it helps to save some room on both ends. Of course, this is placed only in an "If I have to" instance, since I'm writing this pre-format section pre-launch, so you might not even see 'em.

BOSS: Master KeyBlade999

Rewards: $999,999,999, Earth Badge

Pokémon Species Pokémon Type Level Conditions

Arceus Fairy Level 100 N/A

KyogreWater Level 53 N/A

Charizard Fire/Flying Level 50 Chose Bulbasaur as a starter

Venusaur Grass/Poison Level 50 Chose Squirtle as a starter

Blastoise Water Level 50 Chose Charmander as a starter

Pikachu Electric Level 66 Playing Pokémon X

Pichu Electric Level 33 Playing Pokémon Y

This blue box is used to denote relatively difficult boss battles: typically Gym Leaders and the like. Initially, you'll see the various rewards for the battle. Next is that trainer's party. Note that, like all mainstream games, the opponent's party may differ depending on the circumstances of the battle. For example, all of the mainstream games have have at least one of your rival's Pokémon differ depending on which starter you choose; Pokémon Black and White Versions even had that done doubly since you had two rivals and thusly all three starters distributed amongst you. (The rest of the table is pretty obvious.) Finally, below the table, will come some sort of strategy. As per my other Pokémon FAQs, it will primarily consist of several things: the Pokémon's type advantages/weaknesses, notably annoying moves, and perhaps Pokémon that would be ideal for this.

Bug Badge

Sectional Flowchart

Game Start-Up

Vaniville Town & Route 1

Aquacorde Town

Vaniville Town - You've Got Mail

Aquacorde Revisited!

Route 2

Santalune Forest

Route 3

Santalune City

Route 22

Santalune City Gym

Game Start-Up

Assuming you've bought a used copy, you may need to erase your save file: hold Up, B, and X as the game loads for that.

When you pop in the 3DS cartridge into your 3DS/XL/2DS for the first time, the game will briefly prepare for gameplay by prepping a save file. In conjunction with the worldwide release of Pokémon X/Y, you can play in a number of languages: English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, or Korean. Keep in mind that this choice is quite permanent, and I doubt you Americans wanna play 50+ hours of Pokémon in Korean. ... Right ...? Anyhow, pick whatever language you wish; I'll be using English.

After the brief 3D sequence, press Start at the title screen where the game gives a

dynamic view of ... well, you'll figure it out. You'll soon meet with Professor Augustine Sycamore - following the near-unintetrupted tradition of tree names on male professors. After a brief speech, you'll choose your character's gender and appearance ... and name, of course! Now, into the Kalos region we go!

Vaniville Town & Route 1

Your adventure will begin as you get awakened by a Fletchling that flies in an pecks you square in the gut. (Sadly, it's not yours. What a shame: they're quite useful when they evolve.) Head east and look in the mirror to get appropriately dressed - c'mon, even Ash Ketchum had to get out of his pajamas for his journey. Head south and downstairs to meet your mother, apparently the owner the Fletchling. She advises you to step out, so do so.

Once outside, you'll meet Serena/Calem and Shauna - which of the first two depends on whether you are playing a male or female; you'll get one of the opposite gender. They go off to meet Prof. Sycamore in Aquacorde Town. There's not much to do in Vaniville, so just go west and north to the next area. This takes you to Route 1, quite literally the shortest route in all of Pokémon ... but what a nice theme! *jigs*

Oh. Right. Aquacorde.

Aquacorde Town

The Kalos starters.


[_] Pokédex [_] Prof's Letter


Version Pokémon Given Pokémon Received Pokémon Type Likely Ability Notes

Both [none] Chespin Grass Overgrow You only get one!

Both [none] Fennekin Fire Blaze

Both [none] Froakie Water Torrent

Once in Aquacorde, go north and you'll eventually be shouted at. Head west from there to meet the other four "chosen ones" of Prof. Sycamore. You'll meet Tierno, Trevor, and you already met the other two. They quickly decide to nickname you. Choose what you will. After, Tierno brings out the Pokémon. Pictured to the right, you'll see Chespin, Fennekin, and Froakie. My analyses?

Chespin: Like all Grass-types, Chespin is weak to Fire, Ice, Flying, Bug, and Poison. It will have type-based advantages over Ground, Water, and Rock. Chespin will suffer early on as the first Gym type is Bug. He does evolve at Level 16. He will evolve again at Level 36 into Chesnaught. This Pokémon is of the Grass/Fighting type, which has weaknesses to Flying (4x), Fire, Ice, Psychic, and Fairy. This Pokémon will likely suffer the most throughout the game, and is recommended for series veterans. Then again, of all the Pokémon, he is the most likely to get an advantage over Fairy through Poison-type moves, but Bulbasaur's chain earned later on is better for that.

Fennekin: Fennekin the fire-fox Pokémon is weak to Ground, Rock, and Water while having type-based advantages over Steel, Ice, Grass, and Bug. Fennekin will do well in the first Gym, which is Bug, but will stumble with the second, which is Rock. However, by then you'll be able to counteract that weakness. Fennekin also evolves at Level 16, then again at Level 36. The final evolution into Delphox is Fire/Psychic, adding advantages to Fighting and Poison while adding weaknesses to Ghost and Dark. Fennekin is great for beginners.

Froakie: Ribbit. Froakie is weak to Grass and Electric solely, while being advantageous over Fire, Rock, and Ground. He will fine up until the four Gym, having only an advantage in the second until then - by then, the weakness is readily counteracted. Future Gyms, however, will take a toll on Froakie. He will evolve at Level 16, then later on to Greninja at Level 36, who adds advantages to Ghost and Psychic and weaknesses to Fighting, Fairy, and Bug (plus a Psychic immunity). He is good for the average player.

After having chosen your Pokémon - I chose Fennekin, simply because it's so cute~! - feel free to nickname it. Shauna will then pick the type yours is superior to (Chespin for me) and Serena/Calem chooses the last one who will likely murder your own (Froakie for me). You'll also receive the Pokédex, an item that can record data on all of the now-721 Pokémon of the world. This includes Kalos, which has been divided into the Coastal, Mountain, and Central regions, each housing around 150 species. You'll also get Prof's Letter for your mother. Go back to Vaniville Town and deliver it.

As you do so, however, you'll be shoved into a battle with Shauna! I was waiting for this! >:)

BOSS: Pokémon Trainer Shauna

Rewards: $500, free healing

Pokémon Species Pokémon Type Level Conditions

Chespin Grass Level 5Your Kalos starter is Fennekin

Fennekin Fire Level 5Your Kalos starter is Froakie

Froakie Water Level 5Your Kalos starter is Chespin

Chespin: This Pokémon is weak to Fire, Ice, Flying, Poison, and Bug. It notably knows Vine Whip, a Grass-type move.

Fennekin: This Pokémon is weak to Water, Rock, and Ground. It notably knows Ember, a Fire-type move that may burn.

Froakie: This Pokémon is weak to Grass and Electric. It knows Bubble, which is super-effective on Rock, Ground, and Fire.

Strategically, this is more of a practice battle. When the battle begins, you have four options: Fight (use an attack), Bag (use an item), Run (only works with wild Pokémon), and Pokémon (switch Pokémon). Hm. Since you're broke, are fighting a Trainer, and have only one Pokémon, that means violence is the solution, right? Lucky you, Shauna chose a Pokémon weak to your own, while both already know their elemental moves: Ember for Fennekin, Vine Whip for Chespin, and Bubble for Froakie. In fact, just use the aforementioned three moves until you win - it will only take two hits. (Take note that each use of a move costs one PP - this unit measures how much a move can be used before it needs to be restored with an Ether.)

As another note, your Pokémon will gain EXP. for winning. EXP. will let your Pokémon - eventually - level-up, and therefore power-up and maybe even evolve. So it's not a good idea to flee. Just FYI.

After the battle, continue back to Vaniville.

Vaniville Town - You've Got Mail


[_] Town Map

After the battle with Shauna, take your $500 and continue back south across Route 1 into Vaniville. Head into your house east of the entrance (c'mon, what other house has a big Rhyhorn in front of it!?) to find your mom. She rushes upstairs after reading the "love letter", handing you a change of clothes and a Town Map. Okey-dokey, then. Go ahead and leave. As you return back towards Route 1, your pet Rhyhorn will cuddle up to you, saying good-bye. Aww... Head back to Aquacorde.

Aquacorde Revisited!


[_] Potion


Item Name Cost Effect

Poké Ball $200 Catches Pokémon. Its base catch rate is the lowest at x1.0.

Premier Ball - It is like a regular Poké Ball, but free when you buy ten Poké Balls!


Item Name Cost Effect

Potion $300 Heals a Pokémon for 20 HP in the field or in battle.

This time when you re-enter the town, head north and past the staircase. Head on down it and speak with the dude at the bottom for a free Potion, used to heal your Pokémon's HP in (or out) of battle. In a building to the west, you can buy up some Pokéballs! Buy at least ten; that'll get you well-suited for the game for the next hour or so, plus also give you a free Premier Ball. w00t, I just shaved about 9% off your total bill. ^_^ East of that shop, you can find a place to heal Pokémon if hurt. And, south of there, you can buy Potions and such. Buy three or so before leaving.

As you head north of the fountain in the square, you'll be notified that standing and walking in tall grass can initiate wild Pokémon battles. (Wild Pokémon can be caught, unlike Trainers' Pokémon.) Cross onto Route 2!

Route 2


[_] Poké Ball x10


Pokémon Species Pokémon Type Abilities EV Yield Version

Bunnelby NormalPickup, Cheek Pouch 1 Speed Both

Caterpie Bug Shield Dust, Run Away 1 HP Both

Fletchling Normal/Flying Big Pecks, Gale Wings 1 Speed Both

Pidgey Normal/Flying Keen Eye, Tangled Feet, Big Pecks 1 Speed Both

Scatterbug Bug Shield Dust, Compoundeyes, Friend Guard 1 Defense Both

Weedle Bug/Poison Shield Dust, Run Away 1 Speed Both

Zigzagoon NormalGluttony, Pickup, Quick Feet 1 Speed Both


Trainer Name Money EarnedPokémon Party

Youngster Austin $120 Zigzagoon Lv. 5

POKÉMON EVALUATIONS: Ah, there's a lot of good Pokémon on this Route. Pidgey is a must-have for any Trainer, as anyone having played the Kanto games would know. He's good against Fighters, Bugs (our next Gym!), and Grass Pokémon, for example, not to mention is able to use Fly once you get the HM for it waaaay down the road. Fletchling is a good idea, and possibly a decent alternate if you're having trouble finding Pidgey, for it evolves into the Fire/Flying type Fletchinder - if you don't plan on getting Fennekin or Charmander anytime soon, that's a Pokémon to have! Weedle and Caterpie are known as well for being quick to evolve by Level 10 into Metapod-then-Butterfree and Kakuna-then-Beedrill, respectively, so there's something to look at for those wanting to fill their Pokédex. Then there's Zigzagoon. I recall a lot of times back in Ruby/Sapphire using him to slave for HMs, so that might be a good idea: plus, his possible Pickup ability can get you items as rare as Rare Candies. (No, seriously, there's a Pokémon Ruby TAS abusing that!) Finally, Bunnelby. Perhaps you want 'im, perhaps not; however, there's a trade to be had later you'll probably want to do anyways.

Go, Poké Ball!

CATCHING POKÉMON: Seeing as you probably don't know much about catching Pokémon at this point... To catch Pokémon, your initial goal is to weaken them by using moves and attacks - however, you don't want to kill them, just get HP as low as possible. (Later on, False Swipe or Super Fang (latter must be learned) can be made available to prevent such pointless deaths.) At that point, you also want to apply a status; this is what Bug Pokémon like the evolutionary chains of Weedle/Caterpie are good for. Ideally, Paralysis will do - this allows the catch rate to be further boosted. Frozen and Sleeping Pokémon have a 33% higher catch rate than those paralyzed, but those statuses are not permanent, and I don't think there's a non-damaging instant-Freeze move out there. From there, you throw Pokéballs - some Pokéballs are suited to certain situations, such as the Dusk Ball has a quadruple catch rate at night! That's the basics of it. You'll get a reiteration of this tutorial in a few moments, but mine's better.


Catching Pokémon will now allow you to gain what I believe is the same level of EXP. you would have gained as if you had simply KO'ed the Pokémon. In previous mainstream Pokémon games, such was not the case.

So, onto the walkthrough...

Once you enter the Route, go north and into the grass - I ended up finding a Pidgey, which is pretty quick for two grass tiles. =/ Past the grass, in fact, you'll meet Shauna and Serena/Calem. The latter will give a Pokémon capture tutorial against a Bunnelby (using a Fletchling). Pay attention, but I already outlined the main points above. (Wow! The Pokémon went INSIDE the Poké Ball!?) You'll earn ten Poké Balls before Serena/Calem flees.

Continue north and into and through the grass. Past it, you'll find a Youngster with a Zigzagoon to battle. Whenever you walk into the sight range - some Trainers are VERY shortsighted lol - of a Trainer, you will begin battle with him or her, so you know. These battles cannot be run from, and you cannot catch their Pokémon - it's a fight to the death as it were. Beat this guy - just use moves of your Pokémon's type for the STAB bonus - and move on into the forest. (If you need a heal, you can go back to Aquacorde and heal up in the northeast building of the square.)

Santalune Forest


[_] Potion [_] Antidote [_] Potion [_] Poké Ball [_] Poké Ball [_] Potion


Pokémon Species Pokémon Type Abilities EV Yield Version

Caterpie Bug Shield Dust, Run Away 1 HP Both

Fletchling Normal/Flying Big Pecks, Gale Wings 1 Speed Both

Kakuna Bug/Poison Shed Skin 2 Defense Both

Metapod Bug Shed Skin 2 Defense Both

Panpour Water Gluttony, Torrent 1 Speed Both

Pansage Grass Gluttony, Overgrow 1 Speed Both

Pansear Fire Gluttony, Blaze 1 Speed Both

Pikachu Electric Static, Lightningrod 2 Speed Both

Scatterbug Bug Shield Dust, Compoundeyes, Friend Guard 1 Defense Both

Weedle Bug/Poison Shield Dust, Run Away 1 Speed Both


Trainer Name Money EarnedPokémon Party

Youngster Joey $72 Scatterbug Lv. 3, Fletchling Lv. 3

Lass Anna $120 Pikachu Lv. 3

Lass Lise $96 Weedle Lv. 2, Bunnelby Lv. 4

POKÉMON EVALUATIONS: Let's say you miraculously manage to find Pansear, Pansage, or Panpour here. Veterans of the series probably remember Black/White Versions where you got a starter, then one of these simians to accompany it and cover some of its weaknesses in the first gym, right? A similar idea should work here, although you may have to work for it. Keep in mind that you do get another starter sooner or later, though. Fennekin users should aim for Pansage or Panpour, Chespin users want Pansear and Panpour, and Froakie users want Pansage and Pansear. In fact, Pansear (or a Flying Pokémon) is good given that our first Gym is Bug-typed. Pikachu is also a good one to stick around and grind for - Electric types, as always, are rare, and why not let your first be the series mascot!? Gym-wise, though, he won't have much use until the sixth or seventh Gym, but nonetheless.


If you've played Pokémon Yellow Version: Special Pikachu Edition, or some of the side-series games like PokéPark and Pokémon Channel, you probably recall those being some of the few instances where Pokémon used their voices from the anime that sounded like their own name ("Pika-pika!") rather than the generic static we mainstream gamers got. ... Now try finding Pikachu. ;) It'll make it worth it.

ALLIED TRAINERS: When some creepy person decides to tail you, you can speak with them to get freely healed: it's no longer automatic like in Black and White! Additionally, they may participate in double battles with you. (Double battles are two-on-two.)

Once you enter the forest, take a few steps north and Shauna will join you. Go northeast and grab the Potion from the Pokéball on the ground. Head far to the west and then north of the southwest corner to get the Poison-healing Antidote. Go back east to the kid trying to save his game (what?), then go north and west to find a Potion. Now return to the forest entrance and go east and north along the dirt path. As you bypass some of the dudes from Aquacorde, Shauna will suddenly decide to give you a Paralyze Heal - which is useful, since the Pikachus in this forest have Static, which mean contact moves like Tackle have a 10% chance of getting you paralyzed. Zzzap.

Continue along and you'll see a Youngster just hanging out near a ledge. Flyswat his Scatterbug. (Why the heck do I want to say Scuttlebug so freakin' much!? And why is a Youngster named Joey seemingly in every game!?) Head west and south from there and run along the path for a bit. As you turn west for the third time, a blond girl will run up to you in a craze - Pikachu, use Thun-- Oh. Never mind. Just speak with her to get a Poké Ball. Further along, you'll battle Lass Anna. Eventually, you'll reach a fork heading east and west. Go east to battle another Lass, Lise. Go east to find another Pokéball on the ground containing ... oh, wait, it is a Poké Ball. =/ Go west for a while to find a Potion, then head north to meet up with your friends. Continue on to Route 3.

Route 3


[_] Super Potion [_] Adventure Rules


Pokémon Species Pokémon Type Abilities EV Yield Version

Azurill Normal/Fairy Huge Power, Thick Fat, Sap Sipper 1 HP Both

Bidoof NormalSimple, Unaware, Sudden Impulse 1 HP Both

Bunnelby NormalPickup, Cheek Pouch 1 Speed Both

Burmy Bug Shed Skin, Overcoat 1 Sp.Def. Both

Dunsparce NormalRun Away, Serene Grace, Rattled 1 HP Both

Fletchling Normal/Flying Big Pecks, Gale Wings 1 Speed Both

Pidgey Normal/Flying Keen Eye, Tangled Feet, Big Pecks 1 Speed Both

Pikachu Electric Static, Lightningrod 2 Speed Both


Trainer Name Money EarnedPokémon Party

Preschooler Oliver $64 Caterpie Lv. 2, Azurill Lv. 4

Preschooler Ella $80 Pichu Lv. 5

Schoolgirl Bridget $192 Bidoof Lv. 6

Schoolboy Brighton $96 Pansage Lv. 3, Panpour Lv. 3, Pansear Lv. 3

POKÉMON EVALUATIONS: Here, there's not a whole lot you can capture for usefulness than what has already been possible. Pikachu, Pidgey, and Fletchling are the highlights here. Dunsparce isn't too bad of a Pokémon - its stats are about average except for HP, which is a bit high - especially given the varied types of moves you can get for it through TMs/HMs. Bidoof is also notable as an HM slave from Generation IV.

During the cutscene, you'll get the Adventure Rules. (As a note of trivia, "Adventure Rules" typically were found by examining your or your rival's home PC in previous games, but only showed two not ten rules.) Once you regain control, go north and you'll find some li'l kids to battle as well as some grass to chew on. (Another of the former is further north.) Past there, go north and west, then downstairs. After some rude motherf-- *ahem* Sorry.

Anyways, after the rude dude almost knocks you down on his rollerblades, go north. While you cannot go past here, do note that this green tree - much different looking than normal - can be cut down with the aptly-named Cut HM in the future. Go south of the

stairs for now to find Bridget. South of her, you can see a ledge. These can be hopped down as shortcuts or means of travel: all you need to do is run "into" it. With the southbound one, this will let you reach a Super Potion, which heals 50 HP. Go south, west, and north of there to find another Trainer to fight. Then just run on north into town.

Santalune City


[_] Great Ball [_] X Attack x3 [_] X Defense x3


Version Pokémon Given Pokémon Received Pokémon Type Likely Ability

Both Bunnelby Farfetch'd Normal/Flying Keen Eye


Item Name Cost Effect

Dire Hit $650 Raises the user's critical-hit rate until withdrawawl or win/loss.

Guard Spec. $700 Stops stat reduction on your party for five turns.

Poké Ball $200 Catches Pokémon. Its base catch rate is the lowest at x1.0.

Potion $300 Heals a Pokémon for 20 HP in the field or in battle.

Premier Ball - It is like a regular Poké Ball, but free when you buy ten Poké Balls!

X Accuracy $950 Raises accuracy until battle's end or the Pokémon's withdrawal.

X Attack $500 Boosts Attack in battle until battle's end or the Pokémon withdraws.

X Defense $550 Boosts Defense in battle until battle's end or the Pokémon withdraws.

X Sp. Atk. $350 Boosts Special Attack until battle's end or the Pokémon's withdrawal.

X Sp. Def. $350 Boosts Special Defense until battle's end or the Pokémon's withdrawal.

X Speed $350 Boosts Speed in battle until battle's end or the Pokémon


As you enter town, go north and into the red building to find the Pokémon Center. Similar to Pokémon Black/White onward, within is also a PokéMart. Basically, the Pokémon Center is now a one-stop shop for healing, shopping, PC usage, and fine dining. [Disclaimer: Fine dining offer invalid after October 11th, 2013.] Shop and heal, then leave.

Next door is a shop for clothing, if you're the type to waste money on your character's appearance. -_- If you head due west from the Pokémon Center into the southwesternmost building, the girl walking around can detail the effects of the Gym Badges if you like. The woman in the house next door can tell you in general how Happy a Pokémon is - some Pokémon evolve based on having a high-enough level of Happiness, heightened through certain items, using the Pokémon, walking around with it, and so on.

If you go northeast to the Roselia fountain, then east and into the house, you can get a Great Ball. The Great Ball is like a normal Poké Ball, but its catch rate is 50% higher (x1.5, not x1.0). They'rrrrrre great! If you head into the house to the far west of the fountain, then you can trade a Bunnelby for a Level 10 Farfetch'd. That's rather far-fe-- *smack* Anyhow, traded Pokémon earn more EXP. during battles, plus ... well, I'm certain you don't have it. Additionally, Farfetch'd has Aerial Ace, a 90-Power (on him) no-miss Flying-type move that will DOMINATE in the next Gym. However, if a traded Pokémon gets too high of a level, it won't obey you, so watch out! (Your own Pokémon from this file will always obey.) If you don't have a Bunnelby, exit the city to the northeast onto Route 22 - you can find some there.

North of the fountain is the Trainers' School, which ... well, it mostly explains basics. Within, you can speak with the elderly man for three X Attacks and three X Defenses. That's about it. You can head out onto Route 22 for some extra training, which I wholesomely recommend. If not, just head onto the Santalune City Gym.

Route 22


Pokémon Species Pokémon Type Abilities EV Yield Version

Azurill Normal/Fairy Huge Power, Thick Fat, Sap Sipper 1 HP Both

Bidoof NormalSimple, Unaware, Sudden Impulse 1 HP Both

Bunnelby NormalPickup, Cheek Pouch 1 Speed Both

Farfetch'd Normal/Flying Inner Focus, Keen Eye, Defiant 1 Attack Both

Litleo Normal/Fire Rivalry, Unnerve 1 Sp.Atk. Both

Psyduck Water Cloud Nine, Damp, Swift Swim 1 Sp.Atk. Both

Riolu Fighting Inner Focus, Steadfast, Mischieveous Heart 1 Attack Both


Trainer Name Money EarnedPokémon Party

Rising Star Louise $420 Psyduck Lv. 6, Litleo Lv. 7

Lass Elin $144 Goldeen Lv. 6, Marill Lv. 6

Rising Star Loïc $540 Riolu Lv. 9

Schoolboy Rabbie $160 Pidgey Lv. 7, Metapod Lv. 5

Schoolgirl Mickenzie $256 Bunnelby Lv. 8

Lass Elsa $192 Flabébé Lv. 8

POKÉMON EVALUATIONS: Eh. Litleo is suitable, if leveled up some (they come around Level 6) to fight the Bug-type Gym ahead if you didn't get ANY of the numerous Pokémon I've requested: Pidgey/Pigeotto, Fletching/Fletchinder, Fennekin, Pansear, Farfetch'd... (I recommend the Farfetch'd from the trade in Santalune, NOT the one found in the wild on Route 22. The former has Aerial Ace and comes at Level 10.) Bidoof still remains a good choice for HM slavery after he evolves into Bibarel. Riolu would also make a great addition for the second Gym if you can get his Happiness high enough and level him up during the daytime to make him Lucario (or just get Force Palm around Level 15); the final Gym also would see success in Lucario.

As you enter the route, go east and north to find Rising Star Louise. Defeat her Pokémon, then go east to find another Trainer to battle. Battle in some of the grass nearby if you want, then head east past the sign to battle a Rising Star. (Dude has Riolu. Lucky...) A Schoolboy can be found in the grass to the south of there, with a Schoolgirl to the southeast. If you continue south from there, you can see a ledge to the west. The guy next to it describes what Poké-vets already know: if you leap over that by running over it, it's one-way.

Anyhow, continue south to the Lass and beat her. That'll finish off this area. To the south is an area you need Surf to cross. To the east is Victory Road (which you need eight Badges to enter, and you haven't even one) and more of Kalos (which you are too weak to take on). So, return to Santalune and heal.

Santalune City Gym


[_] Roller Skates [_] TM83 (Infestation) [_] Bug Badge


Trainer Name Money EarnedPokémon Party

Roller Skater Rinka $244 Zigzaggon Lv. 7

Youngster David $240 Ledyba Lv. 10

Youngster Zachary $240 Spewpa Lv. 10

Lass Charlotte$216 Kakuna Lv. 7, Combee Lv. 9

Once you have healed your Pokémon and made a party advantageous to Bugs (Fire, Flying, Rock), head to the building in the northeast corner of Santalune. Defeat Roller Skater Rinka - the girl in front of the Gym - to earn a pair of Roller Skates. A substitute for the Bicycle, the Roller Skates are automatically used when you use the Circle Pad: the D-Pad now is for walking. Doesn't really matter, though. ^_^

Well, except that you almost have to walk into buildings. >_< Enter the Gym already. Hop on the pole like the person you wanna be. ... What? I meant the person who enters the Gym.

When you arrive on tha-- oh, my, my arachnophobia. *curls up in a nonexistant corner* Anyhow, head southeast alone the white web (you can only travel on the white ones) and you'll fight David. From here, if you go to the edge, southwest to the south-center, north until you can go west, then go northwest and north to the west-center, west, to the edge, north and northeast to the northwest-center, southeast and immediately northeast, then east to battle a Lass. From there, you can go north to the Gym Leader. (You can

battle another Youngster for EXP. if you head southwest where I last made you turn northeast.)

If you're confused, here's a map. Blue is the main path, green is the optional battle path, and the center is the start.

BOSS: Gym Leader Viola

Rewards: $1,920; TM83 (Infestation); Bug Badge

Pokémon Species Pokémon Type Level Conditions

Surskit Water/Bug Level 10 N/A

VivillonBug/Flying Level 12 N/A

Surskit: Surskit is weak to Grass, Electric, Flying, and Rock. It can use the Water-type Bubble to hurt Fire-types namely, as well as Rock-types and Ground-types. Its Water Sport will strengthen this move.

Vivillon: This one is weak to Rock (4x), Fire, Flying, Electric, and Ice, and is immune to Ground. The main problem here is Infestation: it deals damage continually and prevents switching out. When you KO Surskit, it is ideal to put in a fresh face for that reason.

Strategically, this battle is pretty easy if, again, you've done as I've recommended in the past. Those with Fennekin or Pansear should keep that Pokémon out of the battle momentarily in favor of Chespin, Pikachu, Pansage, or Pidgey/Pigeotto. Farfetch'd would also be great for a first Pokémon because it knew Aerial Ace - always hits - and it would be able to put a good dent in Vivillon before Harden roughs it up later. (See, we need something that has an advantage over Surskit, but not that opposite way around. Fire is out for your lead Poké.) After that, just continue going: you should have at least two or three Pokémon at Level 12+ that are able to deal with this bug problem.

After winning the battle, you'll get the Bug Badge! This first Badge of the Kalos region lets traded Pokémon up to Level 30 obey you. You'll also receive TM83, which teaches Infestation, preventing enemies from leaving the battle while taking Bug damage. Additionally, like in Black/White, TMs and HMs here get infinite uses instead of the one use from HeartGold/SoulSilver going back all of the way to Red/Green.

Anyhow, use the stairs behind Viola to get outside.

Cliff Badge

Sectional Flowchart

Yeah, this is going to be a long one. ;)

Leaving Santalune

Route 4

Lumiose City: Kanto Starters!?

Lumiose City: Exploration

Route 5

Camphrier Town

Route 6

Parfum Palace

Route 6 - Unkempt Zone

Route 7 - In Full

Connecting Cave

Route 8 - Cliffside

Ambrette Town

Glittering Cave

Ambrette Town Revisited

Route 8 - Oceanic Route

Cyllage Town

Cyllage Town Gym

Leaving Santalune


[_] Exp. Share

Once you've finished up with the first of eight Gyms, heal up in the Pokémon Center and shop if needed. If you haven't visited the dead-end Route 22, now's a pretty good time if you're looking for extra levels. Anyhow, in the northwest corner of Santalune, you'll meet the elder sister of Viola, Alexa. She'll hand you an Exp. Share.

About the Exp. Share and How to Use It

The Exp. Share is an immensely useful Key Item that divides the EXP. among ALL Pokémon in your party. (It's not a hold item like before: six Pokémon in a party means six Pokémon gain EXP.) This is very useful in leveling up weak Pokémon that you got from Route 2 or so; series veterans probably recall also using it on their Magikarp in the ol' days because he was useless until he hit Level 20 -- then watch out! =P

However, some people don't like to use it for whatever reason. Okay, whatever. In that case, consider the Pokémon you mainly use in battle: for me, that's my Braixen (evolved Fennekin). If you want to power them up more -- remember, if the Pokémon is traded and above Level 20, it won't obey! -- you can give a battle participant the EXP. Share. This boosts the EXP. said Pokémon earns in battle by ~50%! However, I've yet to do the math on this matter and am assuming that your Pokémon is alone.

Additionally, the Exp. Share divides up the Effort Values - see the Super Training: EVs Explained section for some more details - earned by Pokémon equally. This can help in more precise addition of EVs if you're looking for that, or just as a note that you don't really have to use the Pokémon at all if you don't to. I'm not sure how it would divide partial EVs, though. If the values are truncated, then you're really screwed since no Pokémon gives more than 3 EVs to one stat.

So, in short? If you want to level up weak Pokémon, take out most of your non-useful Pokémon now and put in one or two to power-level without battling. To the curious, my party now is Braixen, Pikachu, and Pidgey. If you do not want to use the Exp. Share, turn it off in the Key Items menu. Frankly, if you want preserve the challenge of the game, turn it off - if you're like me and plan on using your starter throughout the whole game, using the Exp. Share will bring them to Level 85+ by the Elite Four.

Phew! Anyhow, go north of where Alexa was onto Route 4.


- You must have beaten the game so you can access the Friend Safari, which is in Kiloude City

- You need a friend safari that has dittos. Dittos caught in the friend safari always have at least two perfect IVs, are are indispensable when breeding. Unfortunately, the word has gotten out that friend safaris with Dittos are valuable, so some people have become stingy with them. Note that the person does not need to KEEP you on their friend list, they just need to see you online once, afterwards they can delete you and you can still continue to access the Ditto friend safari to your heart's content.

- Once you have a friend safari with Dittos, go into it and catch a lot of them. This is super easy, put a Magikarp that only knows Splash (use the move deleter, you can fish for them with the Old Rod on Route 3) and holds the smoke ball in your first slot. If you find a Ditto, just let it transform into magikarp, switch to someone with False swipe, and start throwing pokeballs. If the wild pokemon is not a Ditto, just run away. The goal is to get a ditto having every nature (except all the neutral ones). If you can't find a specific one, you can try using a ralts that only knows growl and has synchronize and the right nature instead of the Magikarp.

- Once you have a set of Dittos, take them to the IV checker in the Kiloude City pokemon center (see below for how to understand what he tells you). Use the marking system to track what perfect IVs they have. There's 6 marks and 6 stats, so just mark them off in this order: HP, Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, Speed. If any of them have 3 or more perfect IVs, those ones will be especially useful, but 2 is good enough.

- Catch a fletchling (with its non-hidden ability Big Pecks) and evolve it. Teach it Fly. This will be your egg hatcher. When this pokemon is in your party, eggs hatch twice as fast. It can also fly you between Kiloude and Camphrier, which you'll be doing constantly.

- You must obtain the Everstone from an NPC in Geosenge Town, and the Destiny Knot

from an NPC in Cyllage City.

- The Power Items (Power Brace, Power Band, Power Anklet, etc) from the Battle Maison are useful but optional, you can make do without them, it will just take slightly longer.

- There are two other things that can speed up the process a little. The first is the Oval Charm, which is given to you by Professor Sycamore for seeing every Pokemon in the Kalos Dex. It makes Eggs generate a little faster. The second is the Hatching O-Power, which is given to you by Mr Bonding in Introversion Cafe in Lumiose City after you have all the other O-Powers and maximum Style. It makes Eggs hatch a little faster. You can do without both of these things but they do speed things up a bit.

Breeding Basics

- Every pokemon has 6 IVs, one for each stat, and they range from 0 to 31. These are determined when a pokemon is born (or encountered in the wild) and can never be changed. An IV of 31 is considered a perfect IV, as it gives optimal stats.

- Under normal circumstances IVs are chosen randomly, but when breeding you can pass down IVs from parents to babies. There are many ways to manipulate what gets passed down, and if done properly, you can get 5 perfect IVs fairly easily.

- Under normal circumstances, babies inherit 3 random IVs, each chosen from a random parent. However, if the parents hold certain items, these passed IVs can be manipulated. Holding a Power Item guarantees that parent will pass down that stat, for example if the mother holds Power Anklet her Speed IV will always be passed down. However, only one parent can hold a Power Item, you cannot pass 2 IVs this way. If a parent holds the Destiny Knot, 5 IVs are inherited instead of 3.

- Every Pokemon also has a nature, which raises one stat by 10% and lowers another by 10%. If you lower a stat your pokemon doesn't need, this basically amounts to a 10% boost to a chosen stat, so having the right nature is essential for raising strong pokemon. Natures are chosen randomly when pokemon are born, but if either parent holds the Everstone, every baby will have the parent's nature. When encountering a wild pokemon, if the first pokemon in your party has the ability "Synchronize", all wild

pokemon have a 50% chance to have the same nature as that pokemon.

- To breed two pokemon, leave both of them with the Day-Care Couple on Route 7, which is west of Camphrier Town, and bike back and forth along that route. When the man outside turns to face you, he has an egg for you, bike around some more until it hatches.

- Not all pokemon can breed with each other, each pokemon belongs to one or more "Egg Groups" that determine what it can breed with. The exception is Ditto, who can breed with any pokemon except those who cannot breed at all. Due to the fact that he can breed with anyone, Ditto is immensely valuable when passing down IVs. Genderless pokemon can only breed with Ditto if at all.

- When you breed pokemon, the baby is always the same species as the female. If breeding with a ditto, the baby is always the same species as the pokemon that isn't Ditto. Dittos cannot breed with other Dittos, so you can never hatch a Ditto.

- Every Pokemon also has an ability that affects how it battles. For every pokemon, at least two abilities are possible, and many have 3 possibilities. Of these abilities, one is always the "hidden ability" (or HA) which is special because it can't be found through normal encounters. Pokemon possessing their hidden ability can be found in the friend safari and through horde battles, and a Pokemon that knows its hidden ability can pass it down to a baby of their own species. You can not pass down hidden abilities to babies of a different species, for example an HA male Lucario and a non-HA female Fennekin cannot hatch an HA Fennekin. Ditto can also never pass down its hidden ability.

- When breeding, the ability babies are born with is random, but it is heavily weighted towards the female's ability (or the non-ditto's ability if using a Ditto). This means that you should try to use pokemon with the desired ability for breeding stock.

- How fast pokemon produce eggs depends on their species and OT. Pokemon caught or bred by you of different species (for example, a pokemon you hatched and a ditto you caught) have the worst breeding rate ("The pokemon don't seem to like each other much"). The breeding rate can be improved if you either got the pokemon in a trade or if the pokemon are the same species. "They seem to get along very well!" is the optimal

breeding rate, but even "They seem to get along" (use the same species) is a fairly big boost.

- Pokemon can also inherit moves when they are born. If both parent pokemon know a move, and the baby can learn it via level up or TM, it will be born with it. More importantly, though, Pokemon can be born with some moves they would not normally learn (called "Egg Moves", check Serebii.net to see what Egg Moves are possible for each Pokemon) if one of the parents knows the move. Since Pokemon cannot learn these moves normally, the way to create a baby pokemon that knows this move is to breed a female of your desired species with a male of another species in the same egg group that knows the desired move. Note that females can now pass down egg moves too, so you can bring in multiple egg moves by breeding them onto a female and then changing the male pokemon.

Checking IVs

- The IV Checker can be found in the Kiloude City Pokemon Center. He tells you a ton of information about your pokemon, and understanding it all is essential to creating good pokemon.

- The first thing he tells you is the overall potential of your pokemon. This is simply a measure of all of your IVs added together and is not particularly helpful. "Outstanding" is the highest grade that isn't totally perfect.

- Next, he will tell you your best IV or IVs. All of the IVs he mentions here have the same value, and are higher than any of your other IVs.

- Next, he will tell you how good those stats are. If he says "Stats like that, they can't be beat", it means they are 31. So if he named HP, Attack, and Defense, then said they can't be beat, you have 3 perfect IVs.

- Finally, if you have any IVs that are 0, he will mention them at the end. Otherwise, the last part is the end of what he tells you.

- Go to the Pokemon Storage System afterwards and use the Marking System to mark the perfect IVs on your pokemon. This will be useful when breeding.

Chain Breeding for Perfect IVs

- The key to creating a perfect Pokemon is chain breeding. The basic idea is to incrementally create better and better babies each generation and have them become the new parents.

- Note that this part of the guide assumes you want perfect IVs in all useful stats, but there are some rare instances where 0 is desired instead of 31. You can pass 0s in exactly the same way as 31s, you just can't easily catch Dittos that have them and will likely have to roll them randomly.

- The first step is to obtain a pokemon of the species you want. The only thing about this Pokemon that matters is its ability. If you want the hidden ability, you must get a hidden ability pokemon to start with. If you want one of the standard abilities the ability does not matter either.

- Next, we're going to breed for Nature and Egg Moves. Select the Ditto that has the appropriate Nature, and give it the Everstone, then breed this with your pokemon. If your pokemon and the Ditto have great IVs, you can give your pokemon a power item or the Destiny Knot to speed things up a little, but this is not vital in the long run. The result will be a baby with the correct nature, which will replace your original parent. Note that if you are breeding for hidden ability, you must breed until you get a baby that retains the hidden ability (this will be the case at every step). If you want Egg Moves, you must breed until you get a female. Once you have the female, breed it with the male pokemon that has the egg move you want to hatch a baby with the right nature and egg move. If you want multiple egg moves, you must get another female and continue bringing in the egg moves until you have them all.

- Eventually you should have a pokemon with the right nature and egg moves. We are now going to breed for IVs. First, take the everstone from the Ditto and give it to your pokemon. Now, check your Pokemon's IVs (you will also do this at every step), and choose a Ditto that has desirable perfect IVs that your pokemon doesn't. The more perfect IVs the Ditto has, the better. If the number of different perfect IVs between your pokemon and the Ditto is 3 or less, have the Ditto hold a power item. Otherwise, have

the Ditto hold Destiny Knot.

- All of the babies you hatch will still have the right nature and Egg Moves (make sure to withdraw your pokemon from the daycare occasionally to change the order of the moves, when a pokemon learns a new move by level up, the move in the top slot is lost, so keep the egg moves at the bottom), and they may have some perfect IVs. Take them to the IV checker and mark any perfect IVs that they have. If a baby has more perfect IVs than a parent, replace the parent (give the everstone to the baby) and continue breeding. You should switch out your dittos for ones with different perfect IVs once your babies inherit some of the perfect IVs the Ditto has. Once your Pokemon and the Ditto have 4 different perfect IVs between them, switch to the Destiny Knot.

- As you continue to replace the parent pokemon with superior babies, you will eventually reach the point where between your baby and the ditto you have all desired perfect IVs, and your babies are hatching with 3-4 perfect IVs each. At this point, your goal is to phase out the Ditto. What you need now is to find a male and female baby that have 3-4 perfect IVs each and have all of the desired perfect IVs between them. The female also must have the correct ability (the male can have the wrong ability, the male's ability no longer matters at this stage). Once you have this, replace your parents with these two. One must hold the everstone, and one must hold the Destiny Knot, but which holds which does not matter.

- Up until this point, there hasn't been too much luck involved in the process. You should generally get a baby with the desired IVs at each stage within 5 pokemon or so unless you're doing something wrong, but now luck is a factor. What you want now is to hatch a Pokemon with 5 perfect IVs in the desired stats. If both of your parents have 4 perfect IVs (if they don't, replace them with 4 perfect IV parents ASAP), the odds to hatch a pokemon with all 5 perfect is about 1 in 24. There is nothing you can do to speed this part up, just keep breeding and checking every baby until it finally happens.

- You will eventually find one with 5 perfect IVs. If it has the right ability, congratulations, you're done (seriously, don't attempt all 6 perfect, most pokemon don't even use their 6th stat). If it has the wrong ability and is male, replace the male parent with this one, you can now breed another 5IV one much easier than you could before. If it has the wrong ability and is female, life sucks, try again.

- If you really, really want to get a totally perfect Pokemon, you must breed a male and a

female pokemon with 5 perfect IVs, ideally in different stats, and the female must have the right nature. Breed these two together until you finally get a perfect one. You have about a 1 in 80 chance of a hatched baby being completely perfect (there's no way to pass down a 6th stat, so the last stat will always be determined randomly and it must simply happen to be perfect as well). Good luck.

- If you ever get an all 6 perfect Pokemon, you can breed more of them a fair bit easier than you got the first one by replacing one of the 5IVs with the 6IV. Even though you can't pass down all 6 stats, there's no longer the chance that the Destiny Knot will pick the non-perfect IV to pass down, improving your odds to 1 in 64 or 1 in 32 if both are 6IV.

The Masuda Method

- Every Pokemon can also come in two possible colours, the standard one, and an alternate colour that is referred to as a "Shiny". The colour does not affect their battle performance in any way, it is purely cosmetic.

- Shinies are ludicrously rare (about 1 in 4000), but there is a way to hatch them with slightly better odds. If you breed two pokemon from different regions, you now have a 5 in 4000 chance to get a Shiny.

- You can combine this with IV breeding if you have a parent pokemon from a different region. The best way to do this is to get to the final step, then find someone on the trading boards from a different region and swap high-IV male pokemon. Remember, you only need to find a pokemon from the same egg group for Masuda breeding.

- Unfortunately, you can't replace this traded pokemon with a superior baby if you want to get the Shiny, because every egg generated from your daycare is always considered to originate from your region. And be warned that even using the Masuda method, Shinies are still extremely rare.

- And no, there's no way to pass down Shininess to a baby. Shiny Pokemon aren't any more likely to have Shiny babies than anything else.

Breeding for Hidden Power

- The move "Hidden Power" allows a pokemon to have a base 60 special attack of any possible type, which is very useful for giving some pokemon better type coverage, but the type each pokemon has access to depends on its IVs. You can check the hidden power type your pokemon can learn by talking to an NPC in Ainstar City.

- The way the game determines which one you have is by checking whether your IVs are odd or even. Certain combinations of odd and even IVs create different hidden power types.

- Of course, perfect IVs are always odd. This means that if you want a specific type of hidden power, you can't have perfect IVs in all stats. Check the chart below to see which stats can be perfect, and focus on passing those down. If you're aiming for a type that can't have many perfect IVs, you might want to stick to Power Items rather than the Destiny Knot.

Allowable perfect IVs by Hidden Power Type (Star indicates perfect IV is allowed)

Type HP Attack Defense Special Attack Special Defense Speed

















- Even then, passing the right IVs is not a guarantee you'll get the correct hidden power, you need the rest of the IVs to be even-valued (note that you do not have to pass all of the starred IVs, they just have to get an odd value)

- As this process always involves generating at least a few IVs randomly, you'll just have to breed a lot and hope you get lucky. Don't be too picky about the IVs if you get the right one, or you may be here a LONG time.

How Long Does It Take?

- Luck is always a factor, and so is how long a pokemon's eggs take to hatch and the ratio of male to female pokemon for that species. On average, once you are set up, a 4 perfect pokemon should take about 30-45 minutes, and a 5 perfect takes about 2-4 hours. 6 perfect will probably take about 5-10 hours. Aiming for a specific Hidden Power varies on the type, but usually not longer than 4 hours. A shiny could be the rest of your natural life.



This site is the #1 resource on all things pokemon. It shows the full list of moves for each pokemon and has tons of information about anything you could ever want.

http://www.metalkid.info/Pokemon/Calculators/IV.aspx This calculator can let you calculate your IVs when you need more information than the Kiloude Judge gives you


Bulbapedia also has loads of information and I had to consult their breeding guide a couple times for minor points of clarification.

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