poems and hymns of saint liguori

Post on 02-Apr-2015






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a collection of hymns by Saint Alphonsus di Liguori (1696-1787) extracted from his complete ascetical works. Compiled by Jerald Franklin Archer


Poems and Hymns Of

St. Alphonsus Liguori (1696-1787)

A Prayer O my Glorious and well-beloved patron, Saint Alphonsus, thou who didst toil and suffer so abundantly to assure to men the fruits of the Redemption, behold the miseries of my poor soul and have pity on me. By thy powerful intercession with Jesus and Mary, obtain for me true repentance for my sins together with their pardon and remission, a deep hatred of sin and strength evermore to resist all temptations. Share with me, I pray, at least a spark of that fire of love wherewith they heart did ever burn; and grant that, following thy example, I may make the will of God the only rule of my life. Obtain for me likewise a fervent and lasting love of Jesus, and a tender and childlike devotion to Mary, together with the grace to pray without ceasing and to persevere in the service of God even to the end of my life, that so I may finally be united with thee in praising God and most holy Mary through all eternity. Amen (A plenary indulgence on the usual conditions if this prayer is said devoutly every day for a month.) Taken from the 1957 edition, The Raccolta Published by Benziger Brothers and Reprinted by St Athanasius Press 2003.

Hymns from the Way of Salvation

Let me but see Thy beauty nigh,

Then, if Thou wilt, then let me die. Ah ! let me speak, great God above ! Thou knowest all, save how to love;

For Thou art pitiless to me,

A heart that loves and pleases Thee. If, then, so great Thy love has been,

Why pierce my heart with dart so keen,

And leave me thus in bitter pain, Apart from Thee to pine in vain? Ah ! cruel, cruel One ! but no, Beloved! yes, I call Thee so ;

Thou knowst my one, one only thought

Is but to please Thee as I ought. Tis love thus leads my tongue astray ;

Senseless, I know not what I say:

That piercing dart of charity Makes me thus mad through love of Thee.

Dear object of my love alone, Thou one, one only love I own;

My God ! my All ! O Loveliness ! My Good, my Life, my Happiness ! My Treasure ! ah ! what can I do, Thy sweet and noble heart to woo?

Oh, speak, and tell me how I may Thy love with my poor love repay. Twere little in love s fiercest fire For Thee to languish of desire ;

Nor pain nor death could pay the debt;

To be consumed were little yet. And now, since words can say no more,

Accept, Beloved, I implore,

This unreserved gift from me, All, all I am I give to Thee.

------------------ HYMN.

The Soul introduced into the Wine-Cellar, and already inebriated with Divine Love. “ He brought me into the cellar of wine, he set in order charity in me”

Cant. ii. 4

Oh ! where am I ? What cell is this In which I breathe an air of bliss So heavenly that I burn and pine,

Consumed with flames of love divine?

Who led me to this garden fair, So rich with flowers of beauty rare,

Whose thousand-scented breaths impart A perfume sweet which fills the heart?

A sleep unearthly calms my heart ;

Vain creatures, wake me not, depart ! Ah ! leave me, leave me, I entreat, To sleep yet on, in peace so sweet.

A love all-pure embraces me, And sets my soul’s affections free

From earthly things; my heart, so blest, Now finds in God alone its rest.

I burn, and yet no fire is near;

A captive, yet no chains are here; No dart, yet I am pierced through; Tis past belief, and still tis true.

A thousand chains my soul have bound, A thousand darts my heart have found; A thousand wounds of love it feels; The Archer still himself conceals.

Sweet flames of love consume me now,

They death inflict, yet love bestow; Dying, I live, yet would I not

For lives a thousand change my lot.

Silence and solitude I seek, And yet of love would ever speak; I would repose, yet soar above,

And draw with me all hearts to love.

When most alone, tis then I see My best companion is with me;

And to my Love I most am bound When most detached from all around.

I seek abasement, yet I reign!

Though leaving all, my All I gain; I shun all pleasures, yet I find

A joy beyond all joys combined.

I burn, and evermore would burn; I yearn for God, and still would yearn;

I wish to live, I long to die, I know not well for what I sigh!

I seek in vain I know not what; I love, yet comprehend it not; Scarce only in my love, I seem

To know I love the Good Supreme.

Come, ye enamoured souls, and say What comfort can your pain allay,

When sick with love, you feel the smart Of those sweet flames that burn the heart.

But no one hears, not one replies;

And Thou, my Love, these burning sighs, These bitter tears which Thou dost see, But make Thee yet more deaf to me.

Come, Love ! for I am now Thy prey ;

Who art Thou ? and what will Thou ? say ! -------------------------

HYMNS from the Incarnation, Birth and Infancy of Jesus Christ

Ode on the Birth of Our Saviour Jesus Christ.

WHEN Jesus first appeared on earth A babe in Bethlehem,

The winter midnight of his birth Did fair as noontide seem;

Ne’er shone the stars so bright As on that wondrous night:

Swift to the East the brightest of them all Darts through the sky, the Magi kings to call.

Awakened by the unwonted light,

The startled songster birds Broke the lone stillness of the night

With songs like angels words;

While chirping in the field, The grasshoppers revealed

The joy of earth: “Jesus is born!” they cried; Our God is born!” the warbling birds replied.

Fresh, as when washed by summer showers,

Now bud the roses sweet; And thousand, thousand fragrant flowers

The Infant Saviour greet ;

While e‘en the arid hay That in the manger lay

Decked out with leaf and bloom the poor abode, And kissed the infant members of its God.

In fair Engaddi’s flowery clime Now blooms the fragrant vine,

And ripening grapes, ere nature s time, In purple clusters twine.

Sweet Babe! divinely fair!

Thou art Love s cluster rare! Coolness to burning lips Thou dost impart, And warmth of love divine to frozen heart.

Now gentle peace reigned far and wide, In joy and liberty;

The sheep and lion side by side Were pastured happily;

The kid, with frolic gay, Near tiger fierce can play,

And ox with savage bear secure from harm, And lambkin near the wolf without alarm.

Joy, too, awoke at Jesus birth, And roamed creation free,

In heaven, in every tribe of earth, O‘er every land and sea;

And many a sleeper smiled

As when a little child, And felt his heart rebounding in his breast,

While dreams of gladness mingled with his rest.

The watchful shepherds kept by night The flocks of Bethlehem,

When lo! an angel clothed in light Appeared, and said to them,

“Good shepherds ! do not fear, Our gladsome tidings hear;

For peace and joy upon the world arise, And sinful earth becomes a paradise!

To you this day in Bethlehem

A Saviour king is born; The long-expected, to redeem

And save a world forlorn.

Then haste, and you will find

The Saviour of mankind, An infant, swathed, and lying in a stall, Amongst the poor, the poorest one of all.

The angel choirs in glittering throng

From heaven to earth descend, And in one sweet melodious song

Their countless voices blend:

“ Glory to God above! Born is the King of Love!

Peace be, on earth, to men who have good will, Let grateful concerts earth and heaven fill! ”

Each shepherd s heart within his breast

Bounded with love inflamed, And eagerly unto the rest

His ardor thus proclaimed :

“ Why longer thus delay? Come, haste, away, away!

For ah! I languish with desire untold My Infant God and Saviour to behold!”

The shepherds o‘er the hill-top hie,

Like herd of startled deer; With joy they soon the cave descry,

And to the crib draw near;

They see that Infant sweet, With Mary at his feet,

And looks of love all beaming from his eyes Appear like rays of bliss from paradise.

Astonished, raptured, and enchained

At this great sight they saw, Long time the shepherds thus remained

In solemn silent awe;

Then sweet and loving sighs Deep from their hearts arise,

While mingled tears and words their love confess, And in a thousand fervent acts express.

Then entering the poor abode, With knees devoutly bent.

They humbly to the Infant God Their simple gifts present;

And Jesus does not scorn The poor and lowly-born,

But raising up to them his tiny hand, He smiles a blessing on this humble band.

Then do the flames of heavenly fire,

Which in their bosoms glow, Such tender confidence inspire

As love alone can know.

They venture to embrace That Child of heavenly grace,

And on his hands and feet O happiness! A thousand times their fervent lips they press.

Then in their pipes these joyful swains Such heavenly music breathed, And rivalling angelic strains, With tuneful Mary wreathed

In sweetest harmony Such soothing lullaby,

That slumber o’er the infant eyelids crept, And Jesus closed his lovely eyes, and slept.

The lullaby these shepherds blest

To Jesus sung was this; Which gently, softly, lulled to rest

The Infant God of bliss.

But while I now repeat This cradle-song so sweet,

Think that with them beside the crib you kneel, And pray the ardors of their love to feel.

Gentle slumber, from above,

Hush to sleep your heavenly king, Born an Infant for our love !

Hasten, sleep, soft slumbers bring !

Lovely Jewel of my heart ! Would that I could be the sleep,

Softly, swiftly, to impart Closing eyes and slumbers deep.

But, if love of men to gain,

Thus a babe Thou deignst to be, Love alone can sing the strain,

Which can slumbers bring to Thee.

Since, then, love has power on Thee, Lo ! my heart and soul are Thine ! Yes ! 1 love Thee, love but see!

Sleep has closed those eyes divine.

Thee, my God, alone I love ! Treasure ! Beauty ! Love, I ..

(here 2 lines are missing in text)

Then breaking off their loving strain, All happy and content,

They hastened to their flocks again, Rejoicing as they went;

But such a heavenly fire,

So ardent a desire Of this dear Infant in their bosoms burns

That to their thoughts he evermore returns,

In hell alone, where mortal hate, Despair, and terror dwell,

And in the hearts as obstinate As demons loosed from hell,

The splendors of that night Awakened strange affright;

Hardened in guilt, they trembled with dismay; They hate the light which shows to heaven the way.

Jesus! Thou art a Sun of Love, Whence beams of mercy dart; Thy rays enlighten from above, And warm the sinner s heart.

Though black and hard his soul, As changed to earthy coal,

Yet if repentant once he turns to Thee, Thou showst still more Thy loving clemency.

But, sweetest child, ah! Jesus, say,

Why flow those infant tears ? Yes, tis that I may wash away,

My sins of bygone years!

Alas! what have I done ? Unkind, ungrateful one!

I sinned, I sinned, yet still Thou lovedst me: Would I had died ere I offended Thee!

Oh for a fountain flowing o’er With tears both night and day,

My sins unnumbered to deplore, And weep them all away.

To bathe my Infant s feet, And by my sobs entreat

His mercy! Then, oh, grant me once to hear The word Thou art forgiven; do not fear!

Thrice blest, thrice happy should I be

With this too favored lot ! All else on earth would seem to me Not worth one care, one thought.

Thou Hope of the distressed, Hear, Mary, my request !

Cease not to pray for this poor sinful one, Who asks to love once more thy Blessed Son !

The Madonna’s Lullaby.

Mary sings, the ravished heavens Hush the music of their spheres; Soft her voice, her beauty fairer Than the glancing stars appears: While to Jesus, slumbering nigh,

Thus she sings her lullaby:

Sleep, my Babe, my God, my Treasure; Gently sleep; but ah ! the sight

With its beauty so transports me, I am dying with delight;

Thou canst not Thy mother see, Yet Thou breathest flames to me.

If within your lids unfolded,

Slumbering eyes, you seem so fair; When upon my gaze you open, How shall I your beauty bear? Ah! I tremble when you wake,

Lest my heart with love should break.

Cheeks than sweetest roses sweeter, Mouth where lurks a smile divine,

Though the kiss my Babe should waken, I must press those lips to mine.

Pardon, Dearest, if I say Mother s love will take no nay.

As she ceased, the gentle Virgin Clasped the Infant to her breast, And, upon his radiant forehead Many a loving kiss impressed, Jesus woke and on her face

Fixed a look of heavenly grace.

Ah! that look, those eyes, that beauty, How they pierce the Mother s heart! Shafts of love from every feature Through her gentle bosom dart. Heart of stone! can I behold

Mary s love, and still be cold?

Where, my soul, thy sense, thy reason? When will these delays be o’er? All things else, how fair so ever, Are but smoke: resist no more! Yes! tis done ! I yield my arms Captive to those double charms.

If, alas, O heavenly beauty!

Now so late those charms I learn, Now at least, and ever, ever

With thy love my heart will burn, For the Mother and the Child,

Rose and Lily undented.

Plant and fruit, and fruit and blossom, I am theirs, and they are mine;

For no other prize I labor, For no other bliss I pine.

Love can every pain requite, Love alone is full delight.

St. Joseph addressing the Divine Child Jesus.

Since Thou the name of Father hast bestowed On me, my Jesus, let me call Thee Son.

My Son! I love I love Thee; yes, my God! Forever will I love Thee, dearest One!

Thou art my God! I humbly Thee adore; But, as my Son, ah! bid me kiss Thy face, And make my heart remain for evermore

Close bound with sweetest chains in Thy embrace!

Since Thou hast deigned to choose me here below The nurse and guardian of Thy life to be,

My sweetest Love! my Good ! Ah! let me know What wiliest Thou? what dost Thou ask of me ?

All, all I am, to Thee I now resign; My love I consecrate to Thee alone;

And know, my heart is mine no more Tis Thine; My very life I do not call my own.

Since Thou art pleased to share my humble home,

And be on earth companion of my love, Well may I hope, dear Jesus, to become

Thy loved companion in Thy home above. --------------------------------

To the Infant Jesus in the Crib

Oh, how I love Thee, Lord of Heaven above! Too well hast Thou deserved to gain my love; Sweet Jesus, I would die for love of Thee, For Thou didst not disdain to die for me.

I leave Thee, faithless world, farewell! depart ! This lovely Babe has loved and won my heart.

1 love Thee, loving God, who from above Didst come on earth, a Babe, to gain my love.

Thou tremblest, darling Child, and yet I see Thy heart is all on fire with love for me:

Love makes Thee thus a child, my Saviour dear; Love only brought Thee down to suffer here;

Love conquered Thee, Great God, love tied Thy hands,

A captive here for me, in swathing-bands; And love, strong love, awaits Thy latest breath,

To make Thee die for me a cruel death. ----------------------------------

To the Infant Jesus.

O King of Heaven ! from starry throne descending,

Thou takest refuge in that wretched cave; God of bliss ! I see Thee cold and trembling, What pain it cost Thee fallen man to save!

Thou, of a thousand worlds the great Creator, Dost now the pain of cold and want endure; Thy poverty but makes Thee more endearing, For well I know tis love has made Thee poor.

1 see Thee leave Thy Heavenly Father s bosom, But whither has Thy love transported Thee?

Upon a little straw I see Thee lying; Why suffer thus? Tis all for love of me.

But if it is Thy will for me to suffer,

And by these sufferings my heart to move, Wherefore, my Jesus, do I see Thee weeping? Tis not for pain Thou weepest, but for love.

Thou weepest thus to see me so ungrateful; My sins have pierced Thee to the very core;

I once despised Thy love, but now I love Thee, I love but Thee ; then, Jesus, weep no more.

Thou sleepest, Lord, but Thy heart ever watches,

No slumber can a heart so loving take; But tell me, darling Babe, of what Thou thinkest,

“ I think” he says,“ of dying for Thy sake”

Is it for me that Thou dost think of dying! What, then, O Jesus! can I but love Thee ? Mary, my hope! If I love him too little, Be not indignant, love him thou for me.


The Soul sighing for Jesus.

This heart of mine is sighing, And yet I know not why;

Its sighs with love are laden, But whither do they fly?

My trembling heart, oh, tell me, Wherefore these burning sighs

“I sigh for God, I languish For Jesus” it replies.

Sigh on, my heart, and cease not

With sighs of love to swell; Spend all thy life in loving Him who loves thee so well.

Sigh on, and let thy Jesus Alone possess thy breast, And all thy hope in Mary With childlike spirit rest.

Send forth thy sighs like arrows To wound thy conqu’ror’ s heart Then hope for gifts the choicest

His goodness can impart.

My trembling sighs, ah, hasten, To Jesus haste away;

Then at his feet take refuge, And there forever stay.

Say that a heart all burning

With love has sent you there; And ask what it shall bid you, For he will grant its prayer.

To love with all its being

Is all the gift it sues; Ask, for to one that loves him No prayer can God refuse.

Aspirations to Jesus.

Jesus, my sweetest Lord! Jesus, my sweetest Lord!

My Good, my Spouse adored!

My God, O goodness infinite, My life s true life art Thou;

Flame of my heart, my Spouse most sweet, My love to Thee I vow.

Jesus, my sweetest Lord, etc.

Jesus, for Thee I pine away. My love, and my desire;

And, more enamoured day by day, I burn with heavenly fire.

Jesus, my sweetest Lord, etc.

Ah, Jesus, I would ever weep That I offended Thee;

Mine was ingratitude too deep, And basest treachery.

Jesus, my sweetest Lord, etc.

My Jesus, when I call to mind That such a wretch as I

Have crucified a God so kind, I fain of grief would die.

Jesus, my sweetest Lord, etc.

O Thou my hope, make me remain Faithful for evermore:

Better to die than be again As I have been before.

Jesus, my sweetest Lord, etc.

While night and day my foes allure, In Thee do I confide:

Take Thou and place my heart secure Within Thy pierced side.

Jesus, my sweetest Lord, etc.

With Thy sweet chains, O Jesus, bind My rebel heart to Thee

Till death ; my safety I will find In such captivity.

Jesus, my sweetest Lord! Jesus, my sweetest Lord!

My Good, my Spouse adored! ---------------

To the Infant Jesus.

Fair Child, how beautiful Thou art! No greater can Thy sweetness be. Thou hast possession of my heart; It burns with love alone for Thee.

Thy littleness, O tender Child! Is like a dart of love divine

That pierces with Thy sweetness mild, To-day, this hardened heart of mine.

My only Good ! Thy tears I see, And Thou art trembling now with cold, My heart that has been charmed by Thee

Is sad as I Thy grief behold.

Oh, may my heart Thy home e’er be, My Love, my Conqueror Thou art.

Oh, take the food I offer Thee, The food of love within my heart.


Hymns. From the Passion Of Jesus Christ

The Passion of Jesus Christ.

O ruthless scourges, with what pain you tear My Saviour's flesh, so innocent and fair!

Oh, cease to rend that flesh divine, My loving Lord torment no more;

Wound rather, wound this heart of mine, The guilty cause of all he bore.

Ye cruel thorns, in mocking wreath entwin'd

My Saviour's brow in agony to bind, Oh, cease to rend that flesh divine, My loving Lord torment no more ;

Wound rather, wound this heart of mine, The guilty cause of all he bore.

Unpitying nails, whose points, with anguish fierce, The hands and feet of my Redeemer pierce!

Oh, cease to rend that flesh divine, My loving Lord torment no more;

Wound rather, wound this heart of mine, The guilty cause of all he bore.

Unfeeling lance, that dar'st to open wide The sacred temple of my Saviour's side! Oh, cease to wound that flesh divine,

My loving Lord insult no more; Pierce rather, pierce this heart of mine,

The guilty cause of all he bore. -------------------------------

To Jesus in His Passion.

My Jesus! say, what wretch has dar'd

Thy sacred hands to bind ? And who has dar'd to buffet so Thy face so meek and kind?

Tis I have thus ungrateful been,

Yet, Jesus, pity take! Oh, spare and pardon me, my Lord,

For Thy sweet mercy's sake!

My Jesus ! who with spittle vile Profan'd Thy sacred brow?

Or whose unpitying scourge has made Thy precious blood to flow?

'Tis I have thus ungrateful been; Yet, Jesus, pity take!

Oh, spare and pardon me, my Lord, For Thy sweet mercy's sake!

My Jesus ! whose the hand that wove

That cruel thorny crown? Who made that hard and heavy cross That weighs Thy shoulders down?

'Tis I have thus ungrateful been,

Yet, Jesus, pity take! Oh, spare and pardon me, my Lord,

For Thy sweet mercy's sake!

My Jesus! who has mock'd Thy thirst With vinegar and gall!

Who held the nails that piere'd Thy hands, And made the hammer fall?

'Tis I have thus ungrateful been,

Yet, Jesus, pity take ! Oh, spare and pardon me, my Lord,

For Thy sweet mercy's sake ?

My Jesus! say, who dar'd to nail Those tender feet of Thine?

And whose the arm that rais'd the lance To pierce that heart divine?

'Tis I have thus ungrateful been,

Yet, Jesus, pity take! Oh, spare and pardon me, my Lord,

For Thy sweet mercy's sake!

And, Mary! who has murder'd thus Thy lov'd and only One?

Canst thou forgive the blood-stain'd hand That robb'd thee of thy Son?

'Tis I have thus ungrateful been

To Jesus and to thee ; Forgive me for thy Jesus' sake,

And pray to him for me. ------------------------

Cantata on the Passion (1760).

The Soul and the Redeemer.

The Soul.

Tell me, thou judge iniquitous, ah! tell me why Thou didst so oft my Saviour's innocence proclaim,

And yet, at length, condemn him to a death of shame, Like vilest criminal upon a cross to die?

Of what avail the barb'rous scourges, cruel blows, If, in thy heart, thou didst his future death decree? Why not at once have doom'd him to the bitter tree

When the first cry of hate from surging crowds arose? Since well thou knewest thou wouldst sentence him to die,

Why not at once make known his cruel destiny? But what do I behold? an angry crowd draws near,

Confused cries are heard, and threat'ning groans resound; Nearer still and nearer there comes a thrilling sound. What is this clam'rous music breaking on mine ear? Ah ! it is the trumpet, whose shrill discordant breath Proclaims aloud the sentence of my Saviour's death.

Now, alas! I see him : along the rugged road Painfully he's toiling with tott'ring step and slow,

Wounded, sore, and bleeding, he bears the heavy load Laid upon his shoulder by his relentless foe.

At ev'ry painful step he makes Fresh blood-drops mark the way he takes.

A cross of wood Upon his wounded shoulder rests;

His bruised flesh is staining it with blood: His venerable head a mocking crown adorns;

His aching brows are pierc'd with long and cruel thorns. Tis Thy unfathom'd love, my dearest Lord,

That makes Thee wear this crown of mockery. Where goest Thou, my God ador’d?

The Redeemer.

I go to die for thee.

The Soul.

Dear Lord, it is for me Thou goest forth to die?

How gladly, then, would I Lay down my life for Thee!

The Redeemer.

Peace ! till thy dying breath Think on My love for thee;

After My bitter death Forever love thou Me.

Remain, my turtle dove! For My Heart give me thine; My faithful one! be Mine,

And pledge Me all thy love.

The Soul.

My Lord ! I Thee adore, To Thee my heart 1 bring.

I'm Thine, my treasur'd King, I’m Thine for evermore !


HYMNS. From The Holy Eucharist

Holy Communion.

MY soul, what dost thou? Answer me-

Love God, who loves thee well: Love only does he ask of thee,

Canst thou his love repel?

See, how on earth for love of thee, In lowly form of bread,

The sovereign good and majesty His dwelling-place has made.

He bids thee now his friendship prove,

And at his table eat ; To share the bread of life and love,

His own true flesh thy meat.

What other gift so great, so high, Could God himself impart?

Could love divine do more to buy The love of thy poor heart?

Though once, in agonies of pain, Upon the cross he died,

A love so great, not even then Was wholly satisfied.

Not till the hour when he had found

The sweet, mysterious way To join his heart in closest bond

To thy poor heart of clay.

How, then, amid such ardent flame, My soul, dost them not burn?

Canst thou refuse, for very shame, A loving heart’s return?

Then yield thy heart, at length, to love

That God of charity, Who gives his very self to prove

The love, he bears to thee. ----------------------

To Jesus after Communion.

O bread of heaven ! beneath this veil

Thou dost my very God conceal; My Jesus, dearest treasure, hail! I love Thee, and adoring kneel: The loving soul by Thee is fed

With Thy own self in form of bread!

O Food of life ! Thou who dost give The pledge of immortality! 1 live ; no, tis not I that live,

God gives me life, God lives in me: He feeds my soul, he guides my ways

And every grief with joy repays.

O bond of love! that dost unite The servant to his loving Lord!

Could I dare live, and not requite Such loving then death were meet reward

1 cannot live, unless to prove Some love for such unmeasured love.

O mighty fire! thou that dost burn To kindle every mind and heart!

For Thee my frozen soul doth yearn: Come, Lord of love, Thy warmth impart.

If thus to speak too bold appear, Tis love like Thine has banished fear.

O sweetest dart of love divine!

If I have sinned, then vengeance take: Come, pierce this guilty heart of mine,

And let it die for his dear sake Who once expired on Calvary,

His heart pierced through for love of me.

My dearest good! who dost so bind My heart with countless chains to Thee I

O sweetest love, my soul shall find In Thy dear bonds true liberty,

Thyself Thou hast bestowed on me, Thine, Thine forever I will be!

Beloved Lord ! in heaven above, There, Jesus, Thou awaitest me

To gaze on Thee with changeless love. Yes, thus I hope, thus shall it be: For how can he deny me heaven,

Who here on earth himself hath given? -------------------------

Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament enclosed in the Tabernacle.

O FLOWERS, O happy flowers, which day and night

So near to my own Jesus silent stay, And never leave Him, till before his sight

At length your life in fragrance fades away! Could I, too, always make my dwelling-place

In that dear spot to which your charms you lend. Oh, what a blessed lot were mine! what grace,

Close to my truest Life, my life to end!

O lights! O happy lights, which burn away, The presence of our Jesus to proclaim;

Ah! could I see my heart become one day Like you, all fire of love and burning flame, Then, as you waste away, so would I die,

Like you, consumed with fire of love divine; Oh ! how I envy you ! How blest were I

Could I but change your happy lot with mine!

O sacred pyx ! thou art more favored still, For thou my love concealed dost here enclose; What nobler, happier part could creature fill?

In thee thy very God deigns to repose! Ah ! were thy office but for one brief day

On this my poor and frozen breast bestow d, Then would my heart be melted all away, Of love and fire become the blest abode !

But ah, sweet flowers, bright lights, and pyx so blest!

Far, far more fortunate than you am I, When my Beloved comes within my breast,

All loving like a tender lamb to lie; And I, poor worm, in this frail host receive

My good, my all, the God of Majesty! Why then not burn? my life why then not give, Since here my treasure gives Himself to me?

Away, like fluttering moth around the light,

My raptured soul, about thy Jesus fly, Inflamed with faith and love; and at the sight

Of thy beloved ever burn and sigh! And when the hour arrives, and He is thine Whose very sight make Paradise above,

Oh, press him to thy heart with fire divine, And say thou wilt but love, love, only love!


The Visit to Jesus on the Altar.

WHEN the loving Shepherd, Ere He left the earth,

Shed, to pay our ransom, Blood of priceless worth,

These his lambs so cherish d, Purchased for His own, He would not abandon In the world alone.

Ere He makes us partners

Of his realm on high, Happy and immortal With Him in the sky,

Love immense, stupendous, Makes Him here below

Partner of our exile In this world of woe.

Lest one heart that loves him E’er should sigh with pain, Pining for his presence, Seeking him in vain,

He on earth would tarry Near to every one,

That each heart might find Him On His altar-throne.

Yes, upon that altar, Captive in His cell,

Burning with affection, Jesus deigns to dwell.

Thence He seeks to kindle With His heavenly fires Every heart that truly To His love aspires.

How that fire enkindles,

Piercing like a dart, He alone is witness

Who has felt its smart; Though the heart approaches

Cold as falling snow, Soon it melts and kindles From the furnace glow.

Say, ye souls enamour‘d,

What blest flames you feel: Say, what fiery arrows Pierce you as you kneel,

When you come to worship Where your Jesus lies, All your love awaiting, Hid from mortal eyes.

Jesus, food of angels! Monarch of the heart, Oh, that I could never From Thy face depart! Yes, Thou ever dwellest

Here for love of me, Hidden Thou remainest,

God of Majesty!

Soon I hope to see Thee, And enjoy Thy love,

Face to face, sweet Jesus, In Thy heaven above. But on earth an exile My delight shall be, Ever to be near Thee, Veiled for love of me

--------------------------------------- HYMN.

To the Holy Ghost.


BEGONE, ye vain hopes, ye attachments of earth; Give your joys to such souls as no higher can soar;

Away, far away from my mem’ry begone, For I seek you no longer, esteem you no more; God of my heart! make me love Thee alone.

Adieu, every creature ; I leave you with joy ; I no longer am yours nay, I am not my own: 1 belong but to God, from all else I am free;

I am thine, dearest Jesus, all Thine, Thine alone; My best-beloved good ! let me cling but to Thee.

O amiable Lord! let Thy sweet holy love Now possess my whole being and reign over me; Let Thy love in my heart every passion restrain;

In that heart which was once so rebellious to Thee, O amiable Lord! come, establish Thy reign.

O heavenly dew! that so sweetly dost fall, Of passions unholy Thou calmest the glow; Ah! make me forever enamour d of Thee, And live to seek only my God here below. O heavenly dew! descend gently on me.

O fire all divine! who with heavenly flames

Dost those souls where Thou glowest make holy and blest, Come Thou to my heart, make it worthy to burn

With Thy holiest ardors; inflame my breast; O lire all divine! for Thy ardors I yearn.

O infinite love! Ah, how blessed is he

Who beholds Thy sweet face there in heaven above! Oh! when shall I too come Thy beauty to see, And enjoy Thee forever in transports of love! O infinite love! haste to draw me to Thee.


HYMNS from the Victories of the Martyrs

On the Tomb of Alexander the Great.

BEHOLD the end of all the pomp of earth, All human greatness, beauty, noble birth! Worms, rottenness, a little dust, a stone, Close the brief scene of life for ev’ry one. Who gives his heart to God alone is wise,

Dead to the world already ere he dies. O thou that readest this ! thou, too, one day Must die; which lot dost thou prefer, I pray, To die a slave, and then in bliss to reign, Or die a king, and pass to endless pain?

Reflect, prepare; the present time flies fast; Repentance comes too late when life is past.

----------------------- Eternal Maxims.

WHY serve the world, thy enemy,

And from thy thankless heart dethrone That God whose love created thee To love and serve Himself alone?

Slave of a tyrant thou dost live;

He promises, and breaks his word, And for thy service nought can give

But bitter thorns as thy reward.

Remember, death will come one day; His touch thy fragile life destroys; Then, then, alas! will fade away

Earth’s cheating hopes and empty joys.

All worldly pleasures then will be To thee but weariness and woe;

The scene of life must close for thee, Thy part is played, and thou must go.

That body thou hast oft caress d

Such noisome stench shall send around, That all will fly the loathsome pest, And hide the carrion in the ground.

Forth flies the spirit from this clay, Alone before its God to stand;

The soul scarce yet has passed away, The judge already is at hand.

Sinner! Sinner! what wilt thou do, Standing before the awful throne? In vain for mercy wouldst thou sue, Stern Justice triumphs there alone.

Ah! miserable, thoughtless one !

Say, what excuse thou darest bring- Before that gaze of brightest sun, The face of thy offended King.

What horror then the soul shall pierce, When, spurned away by heavenly ire,

Tis hurled into the torment fierce Of never, never-ending fire!

Then shall be closed upon thy pain

The gates of hope and liberty; Thou seekest death, in vain, in vain;

It flies and mocks thy misery.

That moment when this life shall fail, Or heaven or hell thy lot must be;

Eternal joys or endless wail, O moment! O eternity!

Think, then, ere yet this life is o’er, On that whereon thy ALL depends;

That EVERMORE or NEVERMORE, Eternity which never ends!

Paraphrase on the Words of St. Aloysius.

Recede a me, Domine. Depart from me, O Lord !

(These words St. Aloysius pronounced when he saw himself obliged by obedience to withdraw from the Blessed Sacrament.)

POOR heart, what art thou doing? say; Seest not how thy good Master deigns

To bind thee with love s strongest chains, And force thee here within to stay.

Where, O my soul, where wilt thou flee? How, thus transfixed with love s keen dart.

Canst thou from thy true life depart, Who on that altar stays for thee?

But ah ! my God, what meaneth this? Thou bindest first with such a chain,

Then forcest me to go with pain Away from Thee, my only bliss.

Must I then go? Yes, I obey; But here my heart shall stay with Thee,

True to Thy love still may it be: I go; then come with me away.

Alas ! I cannot tear away My soul from Thee, its very life; I start, I wait in saddest strife; I cannot leave, I dare not stay.

Between the two, in doubts and fears, I waver still from side to side; While agitated, tost, and tried,

Love s target my poor heart appears. What strife ! what tempest in my will !

Obedience bids me haste away; Thy love then binds and makes me stay,

It ravishes and holds me still. Thus, when the winds on ocean blow,

A ship among the billows lost By raging storms is fiercely tost, And dashed with fury to and fro.

With sighs and tears I moan and cry; Lov’d Jesus, in Thy mercy sweet, From this rude torment, I entreat Ah ! set me free, and let me die.

In heaven, where love alone doth reign, There, dearest Jesus, I shall be,

Close bound, united, tied to Thee, And never part from Thee again.


Affections to Jesus and to Mary.

IN this sweet Sacrament, to Thee, My God, be ceaseless praise! And to the name of Jesus be

All love through endless days!

And blessed, too, be Mary s womb, Which gave to us that Son,

More pure, more fair than lily-bloom- Jesus, the Blessed One.

Come now, my loving Lord, to me,

Oh, come into my heart; Inflame it all with love of Thee,

And never thence depart.

And let this wretched heart be Thine- Yes, Thine, dear God, alone!

And, Mary, may this soul of mine Henceforth be all thy own!


Lines Sung during the Missions.

LOVE God, who loveth thee, For love itself is He;

He bids the sinner weep; He saith: Poor child, from sin depart; Rest thee within thy Father s heart;

Turn to thy Shepherd, wandering sheep.

A messenger from God am I, Pardon and grace I offer thee;

Perchance thine hour of death draws nigh: For thy soul s sake, ah! list to me.

The God of mercy calleth thee;

Turn not deaf ear and rebel heart: If now His call rejected be

His grace He’ll ne’er again impart.

Poor sinful one! canst thou remain In God s disgrace, yet tremble not? Depart from sin and pleasures vain Ere hell becomes thy dreadful lot.

Long-suffering is thy Saviour dear,

But not forever will He wait; If suddenly thy death draws near, Say, sinner, what shall be thy fate?

Our Jesus is so sweet, so mild,

How canst thou turn from Him away? Haste, then, with God be reconciled; Poor sinner, make no vain delay.

How canst thou tranquil, joyous dwell;

Unmindful of eternity? And on the very brink of hell

Slight ev’ry grace God offers thee?

Ere long thy life must pass away; Know st thou the hour when thou shalt die?

Perchance ere dawns another day Thou wilt behold eternity!

My son, while yet thou hast the pow’r Reflect how soon thy life must end How on its last sad, solemn hour Eternal pains or joys depend.

If thou pursue thy careless way, He who is now despis’d by thee Will meet thee on that dying day And thy Eternal Judge will be.

Then, sinner, wilt thou trembling stand, Recalling past iniquity,

Dreading to fall into His hand Who wrathful stands in majesty.

They who so blindly risk’d their all, Nor thought on hell s eternal fire, Now after death too surely fall Into the abyss so dark and dire.

And when shall hell s sharp pains be o’er?

The insult to God s majesty Has been so deep that evermore Those pains shall last, eternally.

Think on that dread eternity

To which thou art hast’ning ever; Think of that long futurity

Of pains that will leave thee never.

--------------------------------------- Untitled Poem by St Alphonsus Liguori from Thursdays with the

Blessed Sacrament 1922

When the loving Shepherd, Ere He left the earth,

Shed, to pay our ransom, Blood of priceless worth, These His lambs so cherished,

Purchased for His own, He would not abandon In the world alone.

Ere He makes us partners Of His realm on high, Happy and immortal With Him in the sky,

Love immense, stupendous, Makes Him here below

Partner of our exile In this world of woe.

Jesus, Food of Angels! Monarch of the Heart! Oh, that I could never From Thy face depart! Yes, Thou ever dwellest

Here for love of me; Hidden Thou remainest,

God of Majesty.

Soon I hope to see Thee, And enjoy Thy love,

Face to face, Sweet Jesus, In Thy heaven above. But on earth an exile, My delight shall be

Ever to be near Thee, Veiled for love of me.


Hymns from Great Means of Salvation and Perfection --------------

Invocation of the Blessed Virgin in Time of Temptation

Haste, my Mother, run to help me;

Mother haste do not delay; See from hell the envious serpent Comes my troubling soul to slay.

Ah! His very look affrights me,

And his cruel rage I fear; Whither fly , if he attacks me? See, him, see him coming near!

Lo! I faint away with terror, For if yet thou dost delay,

He will dart at me his venom; Then, alas! I am his prey.

Cries and tears have nought availed me,

Spite of all, I see him there; Saints I can till I am weary,

Still he stands with threat’ning air.

Now his mighty jaws are open, And his forked tongue I see;

Ah! he coils to spring upon me.— Mother! Hasten, make him flee.

Mary! yes, the name of Mary

Strikes with dread my cruel foe, Straight he flees, as from the sunbeam

Swiftly melts the winter’s snow.

Now he’s gone, but do thou ever Stay beside me, Mother dear;

Then the hellish fiend to tempt me Nevermore will venture near.


HYMN. “I will lead her into solitude, and will speak to her heart”.—Osse 2:12

Fly hither from the storm that rages round; Fly, where true peace in solitude is found;

Where cares and strife and worldly troubles cease, Here I invite thee to repose in peace.

A gift awaits thee here: My light divine, To loving souls so dear, on thee shall shine; Here thou shalt see how vile in all the earth,

How sweet My love to those who know its worth.

Then from My lips that sweet inviting word, That bids thee love Me, shall by thee be heard; How much I always loved thee thou shalt see, And how ungrateful thou hast been to Me.

Sweet contrite tears thy wounds of sin shall heal, The ardor of my love thou then shalt feel. And here I wait thee to bestow in love A foretaste of the joys of heaven above.

---------------- HYMN.

To God the Creator

Why didst Thou not create my soul From all eternity,

Since from eternity, dear Lord! Thou always lovedst me?

For then to Thee a grateful love My heart could have returned

From that first moment all unsought Thy love for me thus burned.

I pine not now for the delights

Of paradise above, But only to behold Thy face, And gaze on Thee with love

I long to be forever fixed

In that blest changeless state, Where I might love Thee with a love

Immeasurably great.

I look around—amazed , I cry, Is it, alas! for this—

This lump of earth, this ant-hill vile— Men lose eternal bliss?

To suffer or to die, my soul! For if thou canst not gain

The battle to be fought on earth, In heaven thou canst not reign.

God sees me—and He is my judge;

The sentence, heaven or hell; And there where’er my doom decides,

Forever shall I dwell. ----------------

HYMN. Sighs of Love to Jesus Christ


World, thou art no more for me, World, I am no more for thee;-- All affection, dear or sweet, All are laid at Jesus’ feet.

He has so enamoured me Of His heavenly charity,

That no earthly goods inspire Aught of love or vain desire.

Jesus, Love, be Thou my own; Thee I long for,-- Thee alone; All myself I give to Thee,

Do whate’er Thou wilt with me.

Life without Thy love would be Death, O Sovereign Good! To me. Bound and held by Thy dear chains,

Captive now my heart remains.

O my Life! my soul from Thee Can henceforth no longer flee; By Thy loving arrows slain,

Now Thy prey it must remain.

If ungrateful worms like me Merit not the love of Thee,

Thou, sweet Lord, has well deserved To be ever loved and served.

Then, O God, my heart inflame; Give that love which Thou dost claim;

Payment I will ask for none, Love demands but love alone.

God of Beauty, Lord of Light! Thy good will is my delight;

Now henceforth Thy will divine Ever shall in all be mine.

Come, O Jesus, I implore,

Pierce my heart, ‘tis mine no more; Kindle in my breast Thy fire, That of love I may expire.

Ah! my Spouse, I love but Thee;

Thou my Love shalt ever be. Thee I love; I love and sigh For Thy love one day to die.


PRAYERS and Other Devotions

Prayer to St. Alphonsus

St. Alphonsus, loving Father of the poor and sick, all your life you devoted yourself with charity towards those who suffer sickness. I invoke you as the patron of those who suffer with arthritis, since you were afflicted with this disease in your lifetime. Look with compassion on me in my suffering. Full of confidence in your intercession, I come to you for help in my present need (mention your intention here). Amen.

Prayer of St. Alphonsus to Jesus Christ, to Obtain His Holy Love My crucified Love, my dear Jesus! I believe in Thee, and confess Thee to be the true Son of God and my Saviour. I adore Thee from the abyss of my own nothingness, and I thank Thee for the death Thou didst suffer for me, that I might obtain the life of divine grace. My beloved Redeemer, to Thee I owe all my salvation. Through Thee I have hitherto escaped hell; through Thee have I received the pardon of my sins. But I am so ungrateful, that, instead of loving Thee, I have repeated my offenses against Thee. I deserve to be condemned, so as not to be able to love Thee any more: but no, my Jesus, punish me in any other way, but not in this. If I have not loved Thee in times past, I love Thee now; and I desire nothing but to love Thee with all my heart. But without Thy help I can do nothing. Since Thou dost command me to love Thee, give me also the strength to fulfil this Thy sweet and loving precept. Thou hast promised to grant all that we ask of Thee: You shall ask whatever you will and it shall be done unto you. Confiding, then, in this promise, my dear Jesus, I ask, first of all, pardon of all my sins; and I repent, above all things, because I have offended Thee, O Infinite Goodness! I ask for holy perseverence in Thy grace till my death. But, above all, I ask for the gift of Thy holy love. Ah, my Jesus, my Hope, my Love, my All, inflame me with that love which Thou didst come on earth to enkindle! "Tui amoris me ignem accende." For this end, make me always live in conformity with Thy holy will. Enlighten me, that I may understand more and more how worthy Thou art of our love, and that I may know the immense love Thou hast borne me, especially in giving Thy life for me. Grant, then, that I may love Thee with all my heart, and may love Thee always, and never cease to beg of Thee the grace to love Thee in this life; that, living always and dying in Thy love, I may come one day to love Thee with all my strength in heaven, never to leave off loving Thee for all eternity. O Mother of beautiful love, my advocate and refuge, Mary, who art of all creatures the most beautiful, the most loving, and the most beloved of God, and whose only desire it is to see him loved! ah, by the love thou bearest to Jesus Christ, pray for me, and obtain for me the grace to love him always, and with all my heart! This I ask and hope for from thee. Amen.

St. Alphonsus De Liguori's Short Act of Perfect Love My God, I love Thee above all things, and in all things, with my whole soul, because Thou art worthy of all love!

St. Alphonsus Liguori's Rule of Life

as Outlined in His "Way of Salvation and Perfection" (very appropriate to practice especially during the Lenten Season)**

Rule 1: Every morning upon arising pray the following prayer: O my God, I adore You, I love You with all my heart and I thank You for all Your gifts, in particular for preserving me through the night. I offer You all that I shall do or suffer throughout this day, in union with the actions and the sufferings of Jesus and Mary. I intend to avoid every offense against You, but I ask that You extend Your protection to me so that I may continue to love You. Most Holy Mary, take me under your protection. My guardian angel and patron saints, come to my aid. Amen. Rule 2: As soon after arising and praying the above prayer, make a half-hour meditation in order to assist you in persevering in the grace of God throughout your day. Rule 3: Attend daily Mass if at all possible. If you cannot attend every single day, go as often as possible throughout the week. We participate in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass to honor God, thank Him for His gifts to us, atone for the punishment due to our own sins, and to obtain Divine Graces. Before Mass, during your time of prayer and reflection, pray: Eternal Father, in this Mass, I offer Jesus Christ, with all the merits of His Passion. I honor Your majesty. I thank You for all the gifts that You have given me. I attend this Mass because of my sins and the sins of all the living, and of those who have died in Your Grace. I pray for the graces necessary for salvation. Amen. Rule 4: Read a spiritual book for half an hour, or at least for 15 minutes each day. Reading the lives of the saints in particular helps us develop hope in God's mercy and love. Aside from webmaster: Always be careful of the author and publishing company--take great care to choose literature that is in conformity to Magesterium of the Roman Catholic Church.

Rule 5: Every day possible, make a visit to the Blessed Sacrament. Attending Benediction and Eucharistic Adoration is preferred, but in these times, many Catholic churches do not have Perpetual Adoration due to crimes against the faith and danger of sacrilege to the Blessed Sacrament. Just dropping into a chapel or church where there is tabernacle hosting Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist is actually sufficient. Rule 6: Every evening, make an examination of conscience, asking God for His forgiveness and mercy, and the spiritual strength to resist temptation in the future. Pray an act of Faith, Hope, and Charity. Rule 7: Frequent devout reception of the sacraments of reconciliation and the Holy Eucharist is recommended. Before your confession, pray: I thank You, O my God, for having waited for me until now. I hope, through the merits of Your Son Jesus Christ, for the pardon of all my sins. I am sorry for them, and repent of them with my whole heart. By my sins, I have lost heaven and have deserved hell. Above all I am grieved, to the depths of my being, and hate and detest my sins more than all evils, because they have offended Your infinite goodness. I would rather die than offend You any more. Amen. Rule 8: It is wise to choose a good confessor and to follow his guidance in spiritual matters and even in temporal matters of importance. St. Philip Neri also taught: "Let those who desire to advance in the way of God put themselves under the direction of an enlightened confessor, and let them obey their director as they would the Voice of God. Whoever does this may feel assured that they will never have to render an account to God of what they choose." St. Alphonsus Liguori agrees with St. Philip Neri, and that this teaching conforms to the words of Jesus in the Bible: "Whoever listens to you, listens to Me." (Lk 10:16) Rule 9: When you are tempted, do not trust yourself, and do not trust all the good resolutions and promises that you have made, but rely solely on Divine assistance. Have immediate recourse to God and the Blessed Mother. God

readily supplies the strength that we need to all that ask; the person who fails will fall prey to the evil enemy. Rule 10: If you commit a venial sin, make an act of love and of contrition to renew your firm purpose of amendment to avoid such near occasions of sin in the future, and then continue on with your day in the peace that comes from believing in God's mercy. Rule 11: In all the sufferings of life, such as illness, loss, and persecution, always be aware of the necessity of resigning yourself to the will of God and reflect on these words: "God wills it, and so I will it also." Every person has to endure some sort of suffering during their lifetimes, whether they accept it or not; and, if they resist it, by their impatience, they suffer even more greatly. Rule 12: Be very careful to observe a tender and obvious devotion to our most holy Mother Mary, by performing each day some exercise of piety in her honor. Upon arising daily, pray three Hail Marys in honor of her spiritual purity, imploring her to keep you from all sin. Pray the rosary, her litanies, and read something--regardless of whether it's a chapter or a few lines--about the Blessed Virgin. Attend the First Saturday Masses if at all possible and make novenas in honor of her feast days. Especially honor and invoke Our Lady in a special way at Christmas, Pentecost, and the feast days of our Patron Saints. Rule 13: Say a daily prayer to Jesus Christ to obtain His holy love and mercy: My crucified Love, my dear Jesus, I believe in You, and confess You to be the true Son of God and the Redeemer of all mankind. I adore You from the abyss of my nothingness, and I thank You for the death You suffered for me so that I might obtain the life of Divine Grace. My beloved Redeemer, to You I owe all of my salvation. Through You I have escaped hell and received pardon for my sins. But I am so ungrateful that, instead of loving You, I have repeated offenses against You. I deserve to be condemned, so as not to be able to love You any more; but, no, my Jesus, punish me in any other way, but not in this. If I have not loved You in times past, I love You now, and I desire nothing but to love You with all my heart. Without Your help, I can do nothing. Since You have commanded me to love You, give me also that strength to fulfill this sweet and loving commandment.

My Lord Jesus, You have promised to grant all that we ask of You. I ask, first of all, pardon for all my sins; and, I repent, above all things, because I have offended You, O infinite Goodness. I ask for holy perseverance in Your grace until my death. But, above all, I ask for the gift of Your holy Love. Ah, my Jesus, my hope, my love, my all, inflame me with that love with which You came upon this earth to light! For this end, make me always live in conformity and uniformity with Your holy Will. Enlighten me, so that I may understand more and more how worthy You are of love, and that I may know the immense love You have for me, especially in giving Your Life for me. Grant then, that I may love You with all my heart, and may love You always, and never cease to beg of You the grace to love You in this life so that I may one day come to love You in all eternity. O Mother of beautiful love, my advocate and my refuge, Mary who are of all creatures the most beautiful, the most loving, and the most beloved of God, and whose only desire it is to see God loved, by the love that you have for Jesus Christ, pray for me, and obtain for me the grace to love Him always, and with all my heart. This I ask for and hope for from you. Amen.

Prayer to Obtain the Grace of Being Constant in Prayer O God of my soul, I hope in Thy goodness that Thou hast pardoned all my offenses against Thee, and that I am now in a state of grace. I thank Thee for it with all my heart, and I hope to athank Thee for all eternity. I know that I have fallen, because I have not had recourse to Thee when I was tempted, to ask for holy perseverance. For the future, I firmly resolve to recommend myself always to Thee, and especially when I see myself in danger of again offending Thee. I will always fly to Thy mercy, invoking always the most holy names of Jesus and Mary, with full confidence that when I pray Thou wilt not fail to give me the strength which I have not of myself to resist my enemies. This I resolve and promise to do. But of what use, O my God, will all these resolutions and promises be, if Thou dost not assist me with Thy grace to put them in practice; that is, to have recourse to Thee in all dangers? Ah, Eternal Father! Help me, for the love of Jesus Christ; and let me never omit recommending myself to Thee whenever I am tempted. I know that Thou dost always help me when I have recourse to Thee; but my fear is, that I should forget to recommend myself to Thee, and so my negligence will be the cause of my ruin, that is, the loss of Thy grace, the greatest evil that can happen to

me. Ah, by the merits of Jesus Christ, give me grace to pray to Thee; but grant me such an abundant grace that I may always pray, and pray as I ought! O my Mother Mary, whenever I have had recourse to thee, thou hast obtained for me the help which has kept me from falling! Now I come to beg of thee to obtain a still greater grace, namely, that of recommending myself always to thy Son and to thee in all my necessities. My Queen, thou obtainest all thou dost desire from God by the love thou bearest to Jesus Christ; obtain for me now this grace which I beg of thee,-----namely, to pray always, and never to cease praying till I die. Amen.

Prayer to be said Every Day, to Obtain the Graces Necessary for Salvation Eternal Father, Thy Son hast promised that Thou wilt grant us all the graces which we ask Thee for in His name. In the name, therefore, and by the merits of Jesus Christ, I ask the following graces for myself and for all mankind. And, first, I pray Thee to give me a lively faith in all that the holy Roman Church teaches me. Enlighten me also, that I may know the vanity of the goods of this world, and the immensity of the infinite good that Thou art; make me also see the deformity of the sins I have committed, that I may humble myself and detest them as I ought and, on the other hand, show me how worthy Thou art by reason of Thy goodness, that I should love Thee with all my heart. Make me know also the love Thou hast borne me, that from this day forward I may try to be grateful for so much goodness. Secondly, give me a firm confidence in Thy mercy of receiving the pardon of my sins holy perseverance, and, finally, the glory of Paradise, through the merits of Jesus Christ and the intercession of Mary. Thirdly, give me a great love towards Thee, which shall detach me from the love of this world and of myself, so that I may love none other but Thee, and that I may neither do nor desire anything else but what is for Thy glory. Fourthly, I beg of Thee a periect resignation to Thy will, in accepting with tranquillity sorrows, infirmities, contempt, persecutions, aridity of spirit, loss of property, of esteem, of relatives, and every other cross which shall come to me from Thy hands. I offer myself entirely to Thee, that Thou mayest do with me and all that belongs to me what Thou pleasest. Do Thou only give me light and strength to do Thy will; and especially at the hour of death help me to sacrifice my life to Thee with all the affection I am capable of, in union with the sacrifice which Thy Son Jesus Christ made of His life on the Cross on Calvary. Fifthly, I beg of Thee a great sorrow for my sins, which may make me grieve over them as long as I live, and weep for the insults I have offered Thee, the Sovereign Good, Who art

worthy of infinite love, and Who hast loved me so much. Sixthly, I pray Thee to give me the spirit of true humility and meekness, that I may accept with peace, and even with joy, all the contempt, ingratitude, and ill-treatment that I may receive. At the same time, I also pray Thee to give me perfect charity, which shall make me wish well to those who have done evil to me, and to do what good I can, at least by praying, for those who have in any way injured me. Seventhly I beg of Thee to give me a love for the virtue of holy mortification, by which I may chastise my rebellious senses and cross my self-love; at the same time, I beg Thee to give me holy purity of body, and the grace to resist all bad temptations, by ever having recourse to Thee and Thy most holy Mother. Give me grace faithfully to obey my spiritual Father and all my Superiors in all things. Give me an upright intention, that in all I desire and do I may seek only Thy glory, and to please Thee alone. Give me a great confidence in the Passion of Jesus Christ, and in the intercession of Mary Immaculate. Give me a great love towards the most Adorable Sacrament of the Altar, and a tender devotion and love to Thy holy Mother. Give me, I pray Thee, above all, holy perseverance, and the grace always to pray for it, especially in time of temptation and at the hour of death. Lastly, I recommend to Thee the Holy Souls of Purgatory, my relatives and benefactors; and in an especial manner I recommend to Thee all those who hate me or who have in any way offended me; I beg of Thee to render them good for the evil they have done, or may wish to do me. Finally, I recommend to Thee all infidels, heretics, and all poor sinners; give them light and strength to deliver themselves from sin. O most loving God, make Thyself known and loved by all, but especially by those who have been more ungrateful to Thee than others, so that by Thy goodness I may come one day to sing Thy mercies in Paradise; for my hope is in the merits of Thy Blood and in the patronage of Mary.

O Mary, Mother of God, pray to Jesus for me! So I hope; so may it be!

Aspirations and Thoughts by St. Alphonsus Liguori

O God! Who knows what fate awaits me? I shall be either eternally happy or eternally miserable. Of what worth is all the world without God? Let all be lost, but let not God be lost. I love Thee, my Jesus Who didst die for me! Would that I had died before I ever offended Thee!

I will rather die than lose God. Jesus and Mary, Thou art my hope. My God, help me, for the love of Jesus Christ! My Jesus, Thou alone art sufficient for me! Suffer me not to separate myself from Thee. Give me Thy love, and then do with me what Thou pleasest. Whom shall I love, if I love not Thee, my God? Eternal Father, help me, for the love of Jesus! I believe in Thee, I hope in Thee, I love Thee! Here I am, O Lord; do with me what Thou wilt! When shall I see myself altogether Thine, my God? When shall I be able to say to Thee, My God, I can lose Thee no more? Mary, my hope, have pity on me! Mother of God, pray to Jesus for me! Lord, who am I, that Thou shouldst desire to be loved by me? My God, I desire Thee alone, and nothing more. I desire all that Thou dost will, and that alone. Oh, that I might be annihilated for Thee, Who wast annihilated for me! Towards Thee alone, my God, have I been ungrateful! I have offended Thee enough, I will no longer displease Thee. If I had died then, I could not have loved Thee any more. Let me die before again offending Thee. Thou hast waited for me that I might love Thee. Yea, I will love Thee. I consecrate the remainder of my life to Thee. O my Jesus, draw me entirely to Thyself! Thou wilt not leave me; I will not leave Thee. I hope that we shall always love each other, O God of my soul! My Jesus, make me all Thine before I die! Grant that when Thou shalt come to judge me, I may see Thee with a benign countenance. Thou hast done more than enough to oblige me to love Thee. I love Thee, I love Thee! Deign to accept the love of a sinner who has so often offended Thee. Thou has given Thyself all to me; I give myself all to Thee. I desire to love Thee exceedingly in this life that I may love Thee exceedingly in the next. Teach me to know Thy great goodness, that I may love Thee very much. Thou lovest those that love Thee. I love Thee, do Thou also love me. Give me the love Thou requirest of me. I rejoice that Thou art infinitely happy. Oh that I had always loved thee, and had died before I had offended Thee. Grant that I may overcome all things to please Thee.

I give Thee my whole will; dispose of me as thou pleasest. My pleasure is to please Thee, O Infinite Goodness! I hope to love Thee for all eternity, O eternal God! Thou art omnipotent; make me a Saint. Thou didst seek me while I was flying from Thee; Thou wilt not drive me away now that I seek after Thee. I thank Thee for giving me time to love Thee. I thank Thee, and love Thee! Let me give myself entirely to Thee this day, punish me in any way, but deprive me not of the power of loving Thee. I will love Thee, my God, without reserve. I accept all sufferings and all contempt, provided I may love Thee. I desire to die for Thee, Who didst die for me. I wish that all could love Thee, Who didst die for me. I wish that all could love Thee as Thou meritest. I wish to do everything that I know to be Thy pleasure. I care more to please Thee than for all the pleasures of the world. O holy will of God, Thou art my love! O Mary, draw me entirely to God! O my Mother, make me always have recourse to thee; it is for thee to make me a Saint; this is my hope.

To the Incarnate Word by St. Alphonsus Liguori The Beloved of the Eternal Father, The Blessed of the Lord, The Author of Life, The King of Glory, The Savior of the World, The Expected of Nations, The Desire of the Eternal Hills, The Bread of Heaven, The Mediator between God and Man, The Master of Virtues, The Lamb without Spot, The Man of Sorrows, The Eternal Priest, The Victim of Love, The Home of Sinners, The Fountain of Graces, The Good Shepherd, The Lover of Souls, Alphonsus the Sinner Consecrates this Book.

Dedication to Jesus and Mary by St. Alphonsus Liguori

O INCARNATE WORD, Thou hast given Thy Blood and Thy Life to confer on our prayers that power by which, according to Thy promise, they obtain for us all that we ask. And we, O God, are so careless of our salvation, that we will not even ask Thee for the graces that we must have if we should be saved! In prayer Thou hast given us the key of all Thy Divine treasures; and we, rather than pray, choose to remain in our misery. Alas! O Lord, enlighten us, and make us know the value of prayers, offered in Thy name and by Thy merits, in the eyes of Thy Eternal Father. I consecrate to Thee this my book; bless it, and grant that all those into whose hands it falls may have the will to pray always, and may exert themselves to stir up others also to avail themselves of this great means of salvation. To thee also do I recommend my little work, O Mary, great Mother of God: patronize it, and obtain for all who read it the spirit of prayer, and of continual recourse in all their necessities to thy Son, and to thee, who art the Dispenser of graces, the Mother of mercy, and who never leavest unsatisfied him who recommends himself to thee, O mighty Virgin, but obtainest from God for thy servants whatever thou askest.

The Litany of St. Alphonsus Liguori Doctor of the Church

Lord have mercy on us. Christ have mercy on us. Lord have mercy on us. Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us. God, the Father of Heaven, have mercy on us. God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us. God the Holy Ghost, have mercy on us. Holy Trinity, One God, have mercy on us. Holy Mary, Virgin Immaculate, pray for us. St. Alphonsus, model of piety from tenderest youth, pray for us. St. Alphonsus, scourge of heresies, pray for us. St. Alphonsus, defender of the Catholic Faith, pray for us. St. Alphonsus, always occupied in evangelizing the poor, pray for us. St. Alphonsus, tender comforter of the afflicted, pray for us. St. Alphonsus, instructed in the Divine art of converting sinners, pray for us. St. Alphonsus, enlightened guide in the path of perfection, pray for us.

St. Alphonsus, who became all things to all men, to gain all for Christ, pray for us. St. Alphonsus, new ornament of the Religious state, pray for us. St. Alphonsus, bold champion of ecclesiastical discipline, pray for us. St. Alphonsus, model of submission and devotion to the Sovereign Pontiff, pray for us. St. Alphonsus, who didst watch unceasingly over the flock committed to thee, pray for us. St. Alphonsus, full of solicitude for the common good of the Church, pray for us. St. Alphonsus, glory of the Priesthood and of the Episcopate, pray for us. St. Alphonsus, shining mirror of all virtues, pray for us. St. Alphonsus, full of tenderest love for the infant Jesus, pray for us. St. Alphonsus, inflamed with Divine love whilst offering the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, pray for us. St. Alphonsus, fervent adorer of Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist, pray for us. St. Alphonsus, penetrated with lively compassion while meditating on the sufferings of our Divine Savior, pray for us. St. Alphonsus, specially devoted to the Blessed Virgin Mary, pray for us. St. Alphonsus, favored by apparitions of the Mother of God, pray for us. St. Alphonsus, leading an angelic life, pray for us. St. Alphonsus, a true Patriarch in thy paternal solicitude for the people of God, pray for us. St. Alphonsus, endowed with the gift of prophecy and miracles, pray for us. St. Alphonsus, an Apostle by the extent and fruit of thy labors, pray for us. St. Alphonsus, a Martyr by thy austerities, pray for us. St. Alphonsus, a Confessor by thy writings full of the Spirit of God, pray for us. St. Alphonsus, a Virgin by thy purity of soul and body, pray for us. St. Alphonsus, a model of Missionaries, pray for us. St. Alphonsus, founder of the Order of the Most Holy Redeemer, pray for us. St. Alphonsus, our tender father and powerful protector, pray for us. Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, Spare us, O Lord. Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, Graciously hear us, O Lord. Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, Have mercy on us. V. Pray for us, St. Alphonsus, R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray: O God, Who by the Blessed Alphonsus Maria, Thy Confessor and Bishop, inflamed with zeal for souls, has enriched Thy Church with a new progeny: we beseech Thee, that taught by his saving counsels, and strengthened by his example, we may happily come to Thee. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.



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