poct: making the point

Post on 22-Oct-2021






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Making The PointSeptember 6-7, 2021Auditorium Campus X - Rome - Italy

Congress President

Adeli Khosrow - CANADA President of International Federation Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (IFCC)

Abulo Anila - ALBANIAPresident of Albanian Society of Clinical Biochemistry & Laboratory Medicine President (ASoLaM)

Erasmus Rajiv - SOUTH AFRICA Public Relations Coordinator of Communications and Publications Division (CPD) IFCC

Gouget Bernard - FRANCE Chair of Mobile Health and and Bioengineering Laboratory Medicine Committee (C-MHBLM) ETD IFCC

Gruson Damien - BELGIUM Executive Committe of Emerging Technologies Division (ETD) IFCC

Haliassos Alexander - GREECE Treaurer of Interantional Federation Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (IFCC)

Hedili Abzerradek - TUNISIA Arab Federation Clinical Biochemistry Representative at the IFCC Executive Board

Homsak Evgenija - SLOVENIA Chair Profession Committee European Federation Laboratory Medicine (EFLM)

Isbell Scott - USA Critical and Point of Care Testing Division of American Association Clinical Chemistry (AACC)

Jarvis Paul - UK Committee Point of Care Testing (C-POCT) IFCC

Khan Adil - USA Chair of the Committee on Point of Care Testing (IFCC)

Kost Gerald - USA Committee Point of Care Testing (C-POCT) IFCC


Bernardini Sergio - ITALY Chair Emerging Technologies Division (ETD) IFCC

Lai Leslie - MALAYSIA Past Chair of of the Education and Management Division - IFCC Makris Konstantinos - GREECE Executive Committe of Scientific Division (SD) IFCC

Nichols James - USA Committee Mobile Health and and Bioengineering Laboratory Medicine (C-MHBLM) ETD - IFCC

Oliver Paloma - SPAIN Committee Point of Care Testing (C-POCT) IFCC

Orth Matthias - GERMANY Committee on Clinical Laboratory Management (C-CLM) EMD - IFCC

Ozben Tomris - TURKEY President Elect of European Federation Laboratory Medicine (EFLM)

Randell Ed - USA Committee on Clinical Laboratory Management (C-CLM) EMD - IFCC

Sandberg Sverre - NORWAY Committee Point of Care Testing (C-POCT) - IFCC

Sciacovelli Laura - ITALY President of Italian Society Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine (SIBioC)

Sharma Praaven - INDIA Chair of Committee on Clinical Laboratory Management (C-CLM) EMD - IFCC

Shaw Julie - CANADA Committee Point of Care Testing (C-POCT) - IFCC

Stankovic Sanja - SERBIA Committee Mobile Health and and Bioengineering Laboratory Medicine (C-MHBLM) ETD - IFCC

Trenti Tommaso - ITALY President Elect of Italian Society Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine (SIBioC)

Vaubourdolle Michel - FRANCE Committee Point of Care Testing (C-POCT) - IFCC

Yenice Sedef - TURKEY Executive Committee Education and Management Division (C-EMD), Chair VLP IFCC

Zima Tomas - CZECH REPUBLIC Executive Committee Education and Management Division (C-EMD) IFCC

ProgrammeDay 19:00-9.30 Registrations and Welcome coffee

9:30-10:00 Authorities Welcomes Orazio Schillaci - Dean of the Tor Vergata University Giuseppe Quintavalle - General Manager of Tor Vergata University Hospital Laura Sciacovelli - SIBioC President

10:00-10:45 Opening Lecture POCT in Pediatrics - K. Adeli

1st SESSION Quality Assurance (Chair: T. Ozben)

10:45-11:15 QC in POCT: where are the gaps we need to fill there? - S. Sandberg

11:15-11:45 Proficiency testing-ensuring quality in all aspects of POCT - A. Haliassos

11:45-12:15 POCT accreditation ISO 15189 and EN ISO 22870: making the point - P. Oliver

12:15-12:45 Identify and reducing errors in POCT - J. Shaw

12:45-13:45 Light Lunch

13:45-14:30 Guest Lecture Sensor systems for the analysis of volatile metabolites at point of care C. Di Natale

2nd SESSION Training for POCT (Chair: E. Homsak and S. Stankovic)

14:30-15:00 Training and competency strategies for point-of-care testing - S. Yenice

15:00-15:30 Quality and Clinical use POCT for Covid-19 - S. Sandberg

15:30-16:00 Leading POCT networks: Operating POCT programs across multiple sites and vast geographical areas - E. Randell

16:00-16.30 The AACC Certification Process - T.S. Isbell

16:30-17:00 Brief Coffee Break

3rd SESSION Technological innovation (Chair: A. Hedili)

17:00-17:30 Wearable technologies and mobile applications for health care - B. Gouget

17:30-18:00 Connectivity strategies in managing a POCT testing Service - R. Erasmus

18:00-18:30 Wearable responsibility and security concerns for mHealth apps and devices - D. Gruson

18:30-19:00 Direct to consumer laboratory testing, opportunities and concerns - M. Orth

Day 29:00-10:00 1st IVD Round Table: IVD contribution to Tecnological Innovation (Chair: A. Abulo and T. Zima) The Technological evolution in blood gas analysis - Davide Colombo (Werfen) Expediting the diagnosis of heart attack: Atellica VTLi Patient-side Analyzer for first fingerstick high sensitivity troponin I at the point of care - Niels Kramer (Siemens Healthineers) The POCT Quality System in the Connectivity Era - Germano Ferrari (Nova Biomedical) TBD (Cepheid)

4th SESSION POCT on the field (Chair: K. Makris)

10:00-10:30 Medical economics -Blood product management at the point-of-care? M. Vaubourdolle

10:30-11:00 Best laboratory practices regarding POCT in different settings (hospital and outside of hospital - A. Khan

11:00-11:30 Brief Coffee Break

11:30-12:00 Management of chronic hearth failure patients: integrating POCT in the cardiology journe - P. Jarvis

12:00-12:30 Public Health Education Should Include POCT—Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic - G. Kost

12:30-13:00 POCT in Developing Countries - P. Sharma

13:00-13:30 How POCT could be an useful tool for migrants and refugees health? S. Bernardini

13:30-14:30 Light Lunch

5th SESSION POCT market and sustainability14:30-15:00 Utilizing POCT to Optimize Care - J. Nichols

15:00-15:30 Does a synergy is possible between POCT and laboratories consolidations? - T. Trenti

15:30-17:00 2nd IVD Round Table: IVD contribution to Tecnological Innovation (Chair: B. Gouget) Randox POCT solutions and related products - Andrea Filippi (Randox) Radiometers contribution to Technological Innovation - Anne Skurup (Radiometer) Insights into rapid diagnostic solutions for respiratory infections Jürgen Becker (Quidel) The role of POTC in molecular diagnostics and immunodiagnostics: new technologies and new opportunities - Giovanni Mantero (Immunospark) TBD (Abbott)

17:00-17:30 Conclusions and Take home messages Sergio Bernardini and Leslie Lai






General informationOfficial Language:The official language of the Congress is English.

Registration fees:All delegates must register to attend the congress. Registration fees as follows (VAT included):Early Registration fee 200 EUR Late Registration fee 250 EUR (from 1st June 2021)Onsite Registration fee 300 EUR (from 30th August 2021)On-site registrations must be paid only by credit card or cash.

Click HERE to register.

Congress venueAuditorium Campus X - Rome - ItalyVia di Passo Lombardo 341, Municipio VII, Roma, 00133https://campusx.it/en/

How to reach the venueCiampino Airport 5.9 km

By Car: From the GRA (Grande Raccordo Anulare) A90, take exit 20 “La Romanina”, direction Frascati, until Via di Passolombardo 341, Roma. Large car park with 24hr surveillance available.

From Termini Station: Take the undersground A and get off at Anagnina stop. Then take bus 506 (direction Vanvitelli) or 507 (direction Tor Vergata-Palosci); continue on Via Berkley for about 600m.

How to book a room

The hotel accommodation suggested is the CAMPUSX Hotel in Torvergata University.For your reservation please contact:info.roma@campusx.it

Note: please refer to the conference title during your booking.

Organizing Secretariat MZ Congressi srlVia C. Farini, 81 - 20159 MilanoTel. 02/66802323 int. 920www.mzcongressi.come-mail: ester.licandri@mzcongressi.com

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