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Serving the Glooscap Trail • From Truro to Advocate

Publications Mail™#40048924 - VOL. 21 NO. 7 JULY 2017

By Alan JohnsonThe Little Dyke Residents’

Association is heartened bythe fact more than 53 familiesand 10 government officialshave taken the time to pro-duce written statements aboutthe plan by Irving-ownedOSCO Aggregates to expandtheir Little Dyke gravel quarryinto a mega-pit.

The group’s Ian MacFad-den says comments showpeople are extremely upsetwith the way the Irving-con-trolled company is planningto push ahead. MacFaddenpoints out many people areexpressing their disbelief bysubmitting photographic ev-idence of suspected wrong-doing on what Irving-OSCOhas developed in theirsmaller pit over the past tenyears.

“The comments will serveus well as we secure a meetingwith the new EnvironmentMinister, Iain Rankin,“ saysMacFadden. “People aren’tgoing to roll over and let in-dustry ruin their lives any-more. This is a new generationof home-owners blended withlong-time residents in the Lit-tle Dyke area who know cor-

porations need to exist, butthey also know giant projectslike this one have to be donein consultation with peopleliving nearby. We just haven’thad a chance to make our-selves heard until now, so theMinister will definitely hearwhat we have to say from nowon. “

MacFadden says there arecurrently two meetings in theworks as residents mobilizetheir efforts into the early partof the summer.

He says “it’s especially use-ful that people who are com-menting on things as varied asthe water table disruption, de-struction of watercourses run-ning through the proposed

area, light and noise pollutionand wildlife habitat destruc-tion are adamant.”

“Some have even proposedlying across the road to blockthe project, “ says MacFadden,“which is expected to pro-duce dozens of new heavytrucks on the Little DykeRoad, Highway 2 and Highway4 near Masstown’s new inter-change. “

“We’ve only just begun toget this thing on the publicradar. Expect to hear moreabout this in the weeks tocome, he says. “The Irvings andOSCO have demonstrated noeconomic benefits with thisproject. It’s just not worth therisk.”

By Maurice ReesFiber or equally as fast in-

ternet service could be com-ing to all of ColchesterCounty if an Internet Im-provement Study and Plandetermines it’s feasible andpossible. Residents, includingconstant pressure fromCouncillor Tom Taggart, havebeen calling for improved in-ternet service for ages. At itscommittee meeting on June15th a recommendation will

go forward to council onJune 29th to undertake a$9,000 feasibility plan andstudy.

In a presentation to coun-cil committee by MarkAustin, acting Economic De-velopment Officer and staffresearcher, it was recom-mended Council Committeerecommend to Council staffundertake the work neces-sary to produce a ColchesterInternet Improvement Feasi-

bility Study and Plan; and,source external funds or allo-cate funds from the existingEconomic Development andCommunity Developmentoperating budgets to a maxi-mum of $9,000 to cover theexpenses and consultantfees. Staff will report back toCouncil on or before Novem-ber 2017.

In mid-May the County ofAnnapolis announced it wasborrowing $13-Million to im-

plement a county wide inter-net project. External fundingfor the $18-Million projecthas been received from otherlevels of government. It is an-ticipated the build-out willtake 18 months.

With a $14-Million alloca-tion being part of the provin-cial government’s budgetproposal and a $750-MilllionCRTC lead project undergo-ing regulatory development,it appears funding participa-tion might be possible. Staffwants to have a “shovel-ready” action plan in place assoon as funding allocations atthe federal and provinciallevel is confirmed.

Content of the Study andPlan will include: Mappingthe current state of availableservice and gaps in Colch-ester County; Mapping andidentifying ownership of ex-isting system infrastructure(backbone, middle mile, lastmile); Describing under-ser-viced areas according to sys-tem challenges andopportunities (includingproperty ownership and ter-rain mapping), number ofhouseholds/businesses/insti-tutions, gap solutions (withfuture-proofing perspective),jurisdictions, active ISPs inareas, and anticipated costs

Internet Feasibility Study Approved


STRESS RELIEF: The biggest lie I tell myself is...”I don’tneed to write that down; I’ll remember it.”

Senior Moments: A day or so prior to my recent birthdaymy youngest brother, baby of the family, thought he wasbeing a smartie and sent an email to his older brothers andsisters, with the following note: “You are older than me somaybe you can relate. I don’t get it! Lol!”. You will enjoywhat you find when clicking this link:https://www.youtube.com/embed/Xv1tMioGgXI?rel=0

The Shoreline Journal has complained to CBC aboutcopyright infringement when it posted an online story onJune 1st, which included a photo from the November 2013issue without seeking permission. The photo formed part ofits “Little Yorke Road” investigative story by Yvonne Colbertand Phlis McGregor. We called CBC Investigates to expressour disapproval for using the photo without seeking permis-sion. They replied stating, CBC News published the photofrom the Shoreline Journal, with credit to the photographerand the publication, under the fair dealing provisions of theCopyright Act. 

Fun in the Sun Day Camps registration will be held atMasstown Market on Wednesday, June 28th from 6-7PM.TheMunicipality of the County of Colchester’s Fun in the SunDay Camps are coming to you. We will be in Great Village, atthe Elementary School from July 24-28th. We will also be atDebert Elementary from August 14-18th. Both camps willrun from 9-3pm. You can also register at 1 Church Street,Truro, or print and mail forms at: www.colchester.ca/fun-in-the-sun-day-camps Feel free to call, email, or drop by formore information, 902-897-3185 or recreation@colchester.ca

continued on page 6

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Lawrence Nicoll enjoys taking landscape photos of scenic areas where artists like to paint or touristsenjoy stopping to take in the beauty. This photo of Five Islands would make a great postcard.

(Lawrence R. Nicoll Photo)

“We Have Just Begun” - MacFaddenBy Marlee Leslie

The Glooscap Bazaar is cel-ebrating its 40th anniversaryin a big way. A group of localvolunteers are pitching in tocelebrate the occasion and toraise funds for a new roof. Lo-cals are being encouraged toparticipate in the annual 75Km Yard Sale from Mingo’sCorner, Onslow to Parrsboro.

One of the volunteer organ-izers, Marlee Leslie says, “OnJuly 8th join us at the Econ-omy Rec Centre for ‘FundyFun Day’ to celebrate the 40thanniversary of the GlooscapCountry Bazaar. Following theyard sale and barbecuefundraisers, from 6:30-8pmwe’ll have all-ages activities,games, desserts, and refresh-ments”.

She added, “From 8:30 on-wards enjoy the bar and OldTime music at the EconomyRec Centre. As a fund raiser it’s$10 admission for adults, freefor children. Committee mem-bers have been busy arrangingfor a number of door prizes.Admission automatically en-ters you into many door prizedraws and proceeds go to-wards a new Glooscap Bazaarroof.

Also see our Tourism pages 9-15

Fundy Fun Day,Economy – July 8TH

continued on page 3

A little fox kit prances through the dandelions in the sunshine!(Harrington Photo)

The above photo shows the Canada Post boxes which wererelocated to the Belmont Ballfield now preventing people fromsitting in their vehicles to watch activity on the field. Residentshave complained but are reporting Canada Post has not been

cooperative to find another location for the boxes. We also wantto bring your attention to Councillor Doug MacInnes’ description

of this story on page 5 and 6. (Submitted)

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