plimoth plantation

Post on 19-Jul-2015






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Plimoth Plantation

Mrs. Mirabito’s class trip

November 2014

The Mayflower was a merchant ship meant to store cargo, not people. The Mayflower was not a cruise ship, but carried 102 people from Europe to America.

The Mayflower

On the Mayflower there were 102 people. Kids and and adults. The kids slept on the floor and the adults slept on beds.

Plimoth Plantation is surrounded by a Palisade to protect the community.

Pilgrims attended religious services at their Meeting House

Pilgrim’s Gardens

Pilgrim’s Gardens

Pilgrim gardens often included chickens

How the Wampanoag made food:

There is a corn smasher that makes grain. The ducet is cooking under the fire. There are also some purses hanging up.

This is a Wampanoag person cooking

The wetu is a summer home for a Wampanoag family.

Wetu: single families live in wetus in the summer

The wetu roofs were made of cat tail weeds

The Longhouse

The LonghouseGroups of families lived together. The outside was made of tree bark.


Inside a longhouse you will find long benches made of branches with animal skin and fur on top for sleeping.

The Wampanoag are picking blueberries with a village in the back.

The mishoons were so light, the Wampanoag transported mishoons by carrying them from place to place.

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