plga based drug delivery systems: promising carriers for

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PLGA based drug delivery systems: Promising carriers forwound healing activity

Kiran Kumar Chereddy, PhD; Ga€elle Vandermeulen, PhD; V�eronique Pr�eat, PhD

Catholic University of Louvain, Louvain Drug Research Institute, Advanced Drug Delivery and Biomaterials, Brussels, Belgium

Reprint requests:Prof. V�eronique Pr�eat, Universit�eCatholique de Louvain, Louvain Drug

Research Institute, Advanced Drug

Delivery and Biomaterials, Avenue

E. Mounier 73, B1.73.12, 1200 Brussels,


Tel: 132 2 764 7309;

Fax: 132 2 764 7398;


Manuscript received: September 5, 2015

Accepted in final form: December 19,




Wound treatment remains one of the most prevalent and economically burdensomehealthcare issues in the world. Current treatment options are limited and requirerepeated administrations which led to the development of new therapeutics to satisfythe unmet clinical needs. Many potent wound healing agents were discovered butmost of them are fragile and/or sensitive to in vivo conditions. Poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) is a widely used biodegradable polymer approved by foodand drug administration and European medicines agency as an excipient forparenteral administrations. It is a well-established drug delivery system in variousmedical applications. The aim of the current review is to elaborate the applicationsof PLGA based drug delivery systems carrying different wound healing agents andalso present PLGA itself as a wound healing promoter. PLGA carriers encapsulatingdrugs such as antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, proteins/peptides, and nucleicacids targeting various phases/signaling cycles of wound healing, are discussed withexamples. The combined therapeutic effects of PLGA and a loaded drug on woundhealing are also mentioned.

Wound care is one of the major economic burdensomeproblems in the healthcare system.1 Pathological condi-tions such as diabetes, arterial, and venous insufficiencyand lymphedema may lead to serious chronic wounds andassociated complications.2 Consequently, wound manage-ment appears as one of the serious problems that the clini-cal sector is facing today.


According to Wound Healing Society, a wound is due tothe disruption of normal anatomical structure and functionand healing is a dynamic complex process involving resto-ration of anatomic continuity and function.3 Wounds havebeen classified based on their appearance, number oflayers disrupted, cause of injury and repair process. Inaddition, based on the repair process, wounds can be acute(complete healing and minimal scarring) or chronic (slowhealing and repetitive tissue insult). Acute wounds arecaused by mechanical and chemical injuries and differenttypes of burns like radiation, thermal sources, and soforth.4 whereas chronic wounds include diabetic ulcers likebedsores or pressure sores and leg ulcers because of ische-mia or venous reasons.5,6 The healing of wound is a com-plex biological process, which involves an interdependent,and overlapping sequence of physiological actions. Con-cisely, the important phases are as follows: inflammation,proliferation and maturation7 which have been displayed inthe Figure 1. The wound healing is initiated by the bleed-ing which flushes the microbes and antigens resulting inclotting and hemostasis.9 Clotting factors released start theclotting cascade. Clotting process is not merely a visible

event but also serves as a dynamic infiltration of incominginflammatory cells, fibroblasts and growth factors.10 Fibrinmonomers are produced by the proteolytic breaking of

CC Curcumin

ECM Extra cellular matrix

EGF Epidermal growth factor

EMA European medicines agency

FDA Food and drug administration

FGF Fibroblast growth factor

GMP Good manufacturing practices

GPx Glutathione peroxidase

H2O2 Hydrogen peroxide

HGF Hepatocyte growth factor

IGF Insulin-like growth factor

IL Interleukin

NO Nitric oxide

NP Nanoparticles

PDGF Platelet-derived growth factor

PEG Polyethylene glycol

PHD Prolylhydroxylase

PLA Poly(lactic acid)

PLGA Poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid)

PMN Polymorphonuclear cells

PMS-CM PLGA Microparticulate scaffolds coupled with


PPAR Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor

rhEGF Recombinant human epidermal growth


S1P Sphingosine-1-phosphate

TGF Transforming growth factor

TNF Tumor necrosis factor

VEGF Vascular endothelial growth factor

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fibrinogen by thrombin, cross link with each other andbind to platelets to form the clot. Also fibrin serves as arepository for growth factors and cytokines. Fibroblastgrowth factor (FGF)-2 and vascular endothelial growthfactor (VEGF) bind fibrin and stimulate angiogenesis,whereas insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-1 binds fibrin andstimulates stromal cell function and proliferation. Theinfiltrated platelets function as reservoirs for the growthfactors like platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), trans-forming growth factor (TGF)-b, FGF-2, VEGF, hepatocytegrowth factor (HGF), IGF, epidermal growth factor (EGF),and sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) which influence manycells- including fibroblasts, keratinocytes, and endothelialcells and participate in all phases of wound healing.11

Inflammation proceeds simultaneously involving a releaseof protein rich exudates leading to vasodilation. This stagelasts for about 24–48 hours after injury. Different cells areinvolved in various functions during inflammation phase:(1)Mast cells promote vasodilation by producing histamine andleukotrines C4 and D4; (2) Polymorphonuclear cells (PMNs)serve as early cleaners of cellular debris, bacteria and aremajor source of several proinflammatory cytokines, such asinterleukin (IL)-1a, IL-1b, IL-6, and tumor necrosis factor(TNF)-a; (3) Fibrocytes are involved in collagen and cyto-kine production; and (4) Eosinophils induce the productionof TGF-a leading to reepithelialization of keratinocytes.

Migration and proliferation of fibroblasts and epithelialcells follow the inflammation phase. This stage occurs

Figure 1. Different phases of wound healing. There are three classic stages of wound repair: (A) Hemostasis and inflamma-

tion, (B) Proliferation, and (C) Maturation. (A) Inflammation. This stage lasts until about 24–48 h after injury. The wound is char-

acterized by clot formation and an internal hypoxic (ischemic) environment in which a fibrin clot has formed. Bacteria,

neutrophils and platelets infiltrate into the wound. Normal skin appendages (such as hair follicles and sweat duct glands) are

still present in the skin outside the wound. (B) Proliferation. This stage occurs about 2–10 days after injury. The picture illus-

trates a wound at 5-10 days and an eschar (scab) has formed on the surface of the wound. Most cells from the previous stage

of repair have migrated from the wound, and new blood vessels now populate the area. Epithelial cells migration can be

clearly observed under the eschar. (C) Maturation. This stage lasts for a days to year or longer. Disorganized collagen has

been laid down by fibroblasts that have migrated into the wound. The wound has contracted near its surface and the reepithe-

lialized wound is slightly higher than the surrounding surface. The healed region does not contain normal skin appendages.8

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about 2–10 days after injury. Fibroblasts produce collagenbased extra cellular matrix (ECM) that replaces the provi-sional fibrin based matrix and also aid in wound contrac-tion. Coupled with angiogenesis, ingrowth of capillariesand lymphatic vessels into the wound forms the granula-tion tissue and the fibroblasts synthesize collagen givingstrength and form to the skin.12 Local environmentalchanges in the wound such as increased lactate, decreasedpH, and low oxygen tension stimulate angiogenesis. Sev-eral growth factors particularly VEGF, FGF, angiopoietin,TGF-b and ECM, and cytokines, produced during theinflammatory phase of wound healing also stimulate andregulate angiogenesis.13

The reepithelialization process progresses with themigration and proliferation of keratinocytes from the closeproximity of wound edges and hair bulges. Factors such aslow calcium, high magnesium, produced peptides and pro-teins, pH changes and hypoxia contribute mostly to thekeratinocyte migration, proliferation and differentiation.Growth factors FGF-2, -7, -10 and TGF-b have positiveinfluence on reepithelialization.14

Maturation or tissue remodeling involves formation of cel-lular connective tissue and strengthening of newly formedepithelium.15 Macrophages and fibroblasts play a key role inremodeling. The clinical manifestations involved in matura-tion include wound contraction, decreased redness and thick-ness and increased strength. Cellular mechanisms involved inremodeling are extracellular matrix reshaping by cross-linking collagens, maturation of cells and apoptosis.16,17

Wound healing processes occur in a systematic way aim-ing to heal the injury. Healing process needs the active par-ticipation of keratinocytes, fibroblasts, endothelial cells,macrophages, and platelets and production of growth factorsand cytokines released by these cell types.18,19 The severedisturbances in the aforesaid cellular functions could poten-tially impair the wound healing in diabetic conditions. Thereare many known physiological factors that can contribute towound healing deficiencies in diabetic patients. Theseinclude decreased or impaired growth factor production,angiogenic response, macrophage function, collagen accu-mulation, epidermal barrier function, quantity of granulationtissue, keratinocyte and fibroblast migration and prolifera-tion, number of epidermal nerves, bone healing, and balancebetween the accumulation of ECM components and theirremodeling by MMPs.20,21 The distinctive feature of dia-betic patient is neuropathy and angiopathy, which could becausative for the impairment of healing. As the patients areunable to mount an adequate inflammatory response, theyalso lack ability to fight infections. This may lead to sepsisand require limb amputation.22


A successful treatment of wounds requires assessment ofthe patient condition and the wound in particular becausesystemic problems often impair wound healing; con-versely, nonhealing wounds may herald systemic pathol-ogy. For health care practitioners, the first step would beeducating the patient. In parallel, depending on the cause,type, age and severity of wound, presence of infection andother disorders/diseases, wound care and management areadopted. The current treatment options need repetitivedoses, changing bandages, attention of nurse, hospitaliza-

tion making them more and more expensive and limited.A major drawback is the frequent change of dressing, withan increased risk of infections. Particularly in case ofchronic wounds where there is insufficient blood flow andlocal edema, healing of wounds is very difficult withoutany active treatment.23 Different devices, dressings, drugsand delivery systems have been extensively investigatedaiming to accelerate wound healing and expanding theirapplicability to several kinds of wounds.

Both the scientific and industrial facts underline the urgentneed of research and development in wound care domain.Many potent wound healing agents were discovered but mostof them are fragile and/or sensitive to in vivo conditionsemphasizing that there should be an efficient delivery theseagents to improve the existing wound care treatments. Indeed,this reduces the cost and increases applicability to wide rangeof wounds/patients and higher efficacy. Poly(lactic-co-glycolicacid) (PLGA) is one of the best drug delivery systems availablefor these purposes.



PLGA, the copolymer of poly lactic acid and poly glycolicacid, is one of the widely used biodegradable polymers inmedical applications. PLGA is approved by FDA and EMAfor parenteral administration because of its high biocompati-bility.24 The commercial availability of GMP PLGA, favour-able degradation in physiological conditions, possibility oftuning surface and physio-chemical properties, sustained drugrelease, presented PLGA as the most interesting polymericdrug carrier in many clinical applications.25 PLGA undergoeshydrolysis, breaking its ester linkages to form lactic acid andglycolic acid monomers that can be easily metabolized byKrebs cycle26 (Figure 2A). The increase in carboxylic endgroups facilitates the further autocatalysis. Any change inPLGA molecular weight, chemical composition and surfacemodification may lead to change in its rate of degradation.28

Effects of lactate in wound healing

Lactate plays an important role in wound healing processes.One of the physiological consequences during wound healingprocess is the hypoxia which arises due to the microcirculatorydamage and increased oxygen consumption by inflammatorycells.29 The hypoxia atmosphere promotes the anaerobic respi-ration involving glycolysis and produces large amount of lac-tate as one of the end products.30 The rapidly multiplyingnewly recruited and already existing cells and activated leuko-cytes and macrophages also release lactate due to oxidativeburst producing reactive oxygen species which is meant to killthe bacteria and other invasive microbes.31

Lactate also produced as a byproduct of glycolysis pathway.Thomas K. Hunt and colleagues revealed interesting findingsabout how lactate involve in the wound healing. Hunt statedthat increase in lactate levels in wounds was a major signal forcollagen synthesis and wound repair.32 The proposed mecha-nism was the activation of collagen prolylhydroxylase (PHD)in fibroblasts through a lactate-dependent decrease in PHDmono-ADPribosylation. Collagen prolylhydroxylase is anenzyme that controls procollagen hydroxylation and collagenmaturation processes.32 Lactate dehydrogenase 1 (enzyme

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catalyzes lactate to pyruvate) and cytoplasmic ADP-ribosyltransferase competes with each other resulting in limited avail-ability of NAD1 for PHD mono-ADP-ribosylation/inactiva-tion. In macrophages and endothelial cells, similar competitionoccurs that lead to decreased mono-ADP-ribosylation/inactiva-tion of VEGF. This is a major signaling agent for proangiogen-esis.33,34 Increase procollagen and VEGF transcription infibroblasts were found to be influenced by substrate competi-tion between LDH1 and nuclear poly-ADP-ribose polymer-ases.32,34 In vitro data suggested that lactate can stimulateproliferation, migration and capillary formation of endothelialcells.35,36 Evidences also showed that lactate induced angiogen-esis and recruitment of endothelial progenitor cells and vascu-logenesis in vivo.35,37

PLGA—itself a wound healing agent

Porporato et al. revealed that the application of exogenouslactate could accelerate angiogenesis and wound healingprocesses, suggesting PLGA as the most suitable polymersto supply lactate to accelerate reparative angiogenesis andwound healing.38 Thorough understanding of the physical,chemical and biological properties of the PLGA and poly(lactic acid) (PLA) helps in choosing PLGA. As lactic acid

is hydrophobic and hence lactide-rich PLA polymers areless hydrophilic, absorb less water and subsequentlydegrade more slowly.39 When PLA and PLGA tested forlactate release studies in vivo, PLGA showed significant4-fold increase in the plasma level of lactate compared tountreated mice and PLA did not release significantamounts of lactate indicating that PLGA can be exploitedfor sustained supply of lactate for the treatment of wounds.As oral administration of sodium lactate solution showedweaker activity than PLGA, Porporato et al. reported theuse of PLGA as one of the strategies to supply lactate toachieve the goal of angiogenesis and wound healing. Itwas observed that nearly 60% decrease in wounded area incomparison to control group after 10 days of injury. PLGAappeared therefore as a realistic way to supply lactatetherapeutically.38

PLGA as a drug carrier

Different drugs could be administered targeting differentphases or signaling cycles of wound healing where PLGAbased carriers could act as active drug carriers. Many inno-vative works have been reported in the literature, whichhighlighted the use of PLGA as a potential drug delivery

Figure 2. (A) Hydrolysis of PLGA. X and Y represent the number of units of lactic acid and glycolic acid respectively. (B) Com-

plex web picture showing different processes involved in drug release from PLGA.27

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system to carry highly potent and fragile drugs. Because ofits ability to deliver varied types of cargo efficiently andcompatibility with other polymers, PLGA can be a firstchoice carrier. Moreover, if the wound remains superficial,it is sufficient that the formulated PLGA carrier could stayon the wound surface and release the encapsulated drugpromoting the healing process.

Drug release profile plays an important role in determin-ing the dose and dosage. PLGA carriers have a typicalbiphasic curve for drug release. The encapsulated drugtype, concentration of drug and polymer hydrophobicitydetermines the rate of initial burst phase. During the sec-ond phase, the water hydrolyses the matrix and the drug isreleased progressively from the thicker layer of PLGAmatrix.40 Fredenberg et al. described the complex pictureof physicochemical process occurring within the PLGAcarrier polymer matrix leading to the release of drugs orbiomolecules (Figure 2B).27 The release profiles of drugmolecules from PLGA carriers play an important role inwound treatment.

PLGA delivery systems in wound management

PLGA nanofibers/membranes

PLGA nanofibers have been developed for many biomedi-cal applications because they are versatile, inexpensive,scalable and reliable.41 Particularly in wound care domainthey can also serve as a dressing material.42 PLGA nano-fibers have been produced with biodegradable polymersblended with active wound healing agents. The developeddrug blended nanofibers enhance thermal stability andminimize in vivo degradability of loaded drug. In a viewof a translational approach, PLGA nanofibers would be agood choice. Electrospinning has been widely used to pro-duce nanofibers of different morphology.43 Major chal-lenges associated with this technique are choosing a goodorganic solvent to prepare the drug-PLGA blend, optimiz-ing the condition of temperature, distance and voltagebetween spinneret and the fiber collector and other proc-essing parameters which influence fiber diameter, porosity,strength, thickness of scaffold, drug loading.44

Chen et al. reported PLGA based novel biodegradablesandwich-structured nanofibrous membranes, prepared witha mixture of PLGA, collagen and antimicrobials (vancomy-cin, gentamicin, and lidocaine). Electrospinning method wasused to produce these membranes with PLGA/collagen asthe surface layers and PLGA/drugs as the core. In vivorelease studies showed that the PLGA nanofibrous mem-branes exhibited a biphasic pattern with an abrupt initialburst phase followed by a sustained release. In a rat infected(Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli) wound model,the nanofibrous membranes were functionally active in treat-ing wound infections and significantly accelerated woundhealing in in the early stages of healing. Histological exami-nation of the wound tissues showed that the treated groupexhibited greater healing and reepithelialized epidermis withnewly synthesized fibrous tissue and sparse inflammatorycells in the dermis and subcutis.45 Similar in vivo studieswere performed to understand the interactions of fusidicacid-loaded PLGA ultrafine fibers with wound bacteria (S.aureus). Results showed that the incisions treated with theseultrafine fibers remained clean throughout the study indicat-

ing the early and sustained eradication of bacteria duringhealing process. This suggests that the PLGA ultrafine fiberswere able to deliver fusidic acid sustainably to the wound,protecting tissues from reinfection.46

PLGA membranes containing (1,3)-(1,6)-b-D-glucan(natural immune stimulatory molecule) membranes accel-erated wound healing by improving the interaction, prolif-eration of cells, and angiogenesis.47 Wounds covered byGinsenoside-Rg3 loaded hydrophilic PLGA electrospunfibrous membranes coated with chitosan showed fasterhealing and higher reepithelialization. These fibrous mem-branes also inhibited hypertrophic scars of the skin.48 Silkfibroin and PLGA electrospun fibrous scaffolds showedsignificant decrease in the wound area in excision woundmodel in diabetic rats than that of either pure silk fibroinor pure PLGA scaffolds.49 PLGA electrospun membranescontaining Epigallocatechin-3-O-gallate exhibited fasterwound healing in full-thickness wounds created in nudemice. The underlying mechanisms include enhanced cellinfiltration, reepithelialization, and angiogenesis50 PLGA-metformin electrospun nanofibrous membranes improvedwound healing and reepithelialization in diabetic rats rela-tive to the respective controls.51 The same group alsoreported that electrospun nanofibrous metformin-loadedcollagen/PLGA scaffold membranes were more hydrophilicthan collagen/PLGA membranes and exhibited a greaterwater-containing capacity. When tested in vivo,metformin-loaded collagen/PLGA membranes markedlypromoted the healing of diabetic wounds by increasingcollagen deposition and reepithelialization.52

PLGA microspheres

PLGA microspheres and their associated scaffolds are oneof the most promising carriers for the sustained release ofdrugs to wounds. Mittal et al. reported that porous PLGAmicroparticulate scaffolds coupled with cytomodulin(PMS-CM) showed increase in hydrophilicity compared tothe controls. In vitro studies on human dermal fibroblastsrevealed that cell distribution, cell spreading and actin pro-duction were significantly higher on PMS-CM than thecontrol groups. In a full-thickness wound mouse model,PMS-CM showed great wound healing effect by reducinginflammatory responses, enhancing fibroblast proliferationand early formation of the scar tissue. Thus, PLGA micro-particulate scaffolds ensured efficient delivery of cytomo-dulin to wounded area.53 Gainza et al. reported the use ofrecombinant human epidermal growth factor (rhEGF)loaded PLGA-Alginate microspheres for active healingdiabetic wounds. rhEGF-PLGA microspheres treated Wis-tar rats showed a statistically significant decrease of thewound area, a complete reepithelialization by day 11 andan earlier resolution of the inflammatory process.54

Co-delivery of different types of drugs both in terms ofactivity and chemical nature can be delivered with PLGAmicrospheres. PLGA microspheres simultaneously deliv-ered chlorhexidine and PDGF to wounds and stimulatedhealing of infected wounds in a rat model. The dual deliv-ery system decreased infection and induced higher levelsof mature vasculature.55 Thus, PLGA based drug deliverysystem can simultaneously deliver hydrophobic and/orhydrophilic molecules to wounds.

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Due to its versatile properties, PLGA can be combined withother polymers to formulate different microparticle scaffolds topromote wound healing. A well-supported dermal substitutemade of PLGA knitted mesh integrated with collagen-chitosanscaffold to obtain a PLGA knitted mesh-reinforced collagen-chitosan scaffold showed enhanced angiogenesis and dermalregeneration in a full-thickness skin wound rat model. Thecombination use of PLGA mesh and collagen-chitosan scaffoldgreatly improved the mechanical strength and physicochemicalproperties of the delivery system.56 Similarly, a topical applica-tion of double-layer PLA-PLGA microparticles encapsulatingperoxisome proliferator-activated receptor b/d (PPARb/d) ago-nist GW501516 provided an earlier and sustained dose ofGW501516 to the diabetic wound and reduced the oxidativewound microenvironment to accelerate healing. The reportedmechanism was an early GW501516-mediated activation ofPPARb/d stimulated glutathione peroxidase1 (GPx1) and cata-lase expression in fibroblasts. GPx1 and catalase scavengedexcessive hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) accumulation in diabeticwound beds, thereby prevented H2O2-induced ECM modifica-tion and facilitated keratinocyte migration. These activitiesaltogether accelerated the wound healing process.57

PLGA hydrogels

Maintaining hydration of wound is one of the idea characteris-tics of wound treatment. A biocompatible moist PLGA baseddrug delivery system encapsulating antibiotics was developedto promote dermal wound healing. PLGA microspheresencapsulating gentamicin and serratiopeptidase were incorpo-rated into polyvinyl alcohol-gelatin slurry and casted intofilms to prepare multiphase hydrogel. The prepared hydrogelshowed biphasic release pattern. During in vivo studies, thehydrogel formulation showed greater wound contraction, ten-sile strength and reepithelialization.58 A thermosensitive gelloaded with KSL-W (cationic antimicrobial peptide) encapsu-lated PLGA microspheres showed antimicrobial activityagainst the targeted microorganism S. epidermidis effectivewound healing in combat-related injuries.59

PLGA has been described for gene delivery in a varietyof diseases and several PLGA-based DNA delivery systemshave been developed. The choice of the formulation meth-odology had a direct impact on the particle size and theencapsulation efficiency of DNA.60 Particularly in the con-text of DNA delivery in wounds, biodegradable thermosen-sitive hydrogels made of triblock copolymers of PEG-PLGA-PEG were successfully used for delivery of pDNA.These hydrogels were described as nontoxic and able tolocally deliver pDNA in skin wounds.61 By themselves, thePEG-PLGA-PEG hydrogels promoted wound healing bymoisture retention to maintain homeostatic environment.Moreover, an accelerated reepithelialization was induced ina diabetic mouse model when PEG-PLGA-PEG hydrogelswere loaded with a TGF-b1 encoding plasmid.62

PLGA nanoparticles

PLGA nanoparticles (NP) have been successfully proved asefficient carriers of drugs and biomolecules for the treat-ment of various ailments.63–65 PLGA NP are one of theapproaches to encapsulate the poorly soluble drugs orhydrophobic drugs.28 PLGA NP may present extensiveopportunities for exploration of new ways for sustained andcontrolled local release of loaded drugs for wound healing.

Direct delivery of VEGF and bFGF at the wound site ina sustained and controllable way without loss of bioactivitypromotes wound healing. Poly(ether)urethane-polydimethyl-siloxane/fibrin-based scaffold containing PLGA nanopar-ticles loaded with VEGF and bFGF (scaffold/GF-loadedNPs) were evaluated in diabetic mice (db/db) full-thicknessdorsal skin wound model. Treatment with scaffolds contain-ing growth factors induced complete reepithelialization,with enhanced granulation tissue formation/maturity andcollagen deposition compared to the other groups.66

Different studies have found evidence of demonstratedusing PLGA NP for the controlled release of antibioticsfor wound repair using PLGA NP. S. aureus causes severaltypes of infections ranging from minor to post-surgeryskin infections.67 Local administration of antibiotics atwound sites can provide limited dose and dosage, lowoccurrence of bacterial resistance, systemic toxicity andpatient adherence, particularly for children.68 Due to itslow cost and potent activity against Gram-negative bacterialike E. coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, gentamicin isstill a preferred drug for treatment of wounds, initial sus-pected bacterial infection and septicemia.69,70 However,the activity of gentamicin is limited by its poor intracellu-lar penetration and accumulation in lysozymes resulting inadministration of high dose regimen in order to achievetherapeutic concentration levels. Gentamicin loaded PLGANP have showed high tissue compatibility, reduced sys-temic toxicity and promising results by overcoming theforesaid drawbacks of gentamicin when applied locally inthe form of cream or ointment.68,71 Nitric oxide (NO)releasing PLGA-polyethylenimine NP composed of PLGAand polyethylenimine/diazeniumdiolate exhibited pro-longed NO release profile over 6 days without any burstrelease and a concentration dependent potent bactericidalefficacy against methicillin-resistant S. aureus and P. aeru-ginosa. Furthermore, these nanoparticles acceleratedwound healing and epithelialization in a mouse model of aMRSA-infected wound.72

Figure 3. PLGA-CC NP accelerated wound healing in non-

diabetic mice. Wounds closure over time was measured as

percent of original area (day 5 n 5 10; day 10 n 5 7; data as

mean 6 SD).88

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Until now, only a few studies were focused on PLGA-aided delivery of nucleic acids for wound healing. Genesilencing is another attractive therapy for wounds. siRNAdelivery using PLGA carriers to achieve gene silencing isunder serious debate. For instance, local p53 silencing usingan agarose gel containing siRNA resulted in faster woundhealing with wound closure in a diabetic mouse model.73

siRNA is extremely vulnerable and RNase as well as harshencapsulation methods can compromise its integrity. Also, asustained release is needed because silencing effect ofsiRNA is very short. Several strategies have been engagedsuch as the use of cationic excipients for improving theloading efficiency, cellular uptake and the endosomalescape of siRNA-containing PLGA nanoparticles.74


In the aforementioned literature, drug delivery usingPLGA based carriers showed significant higher activity

than the controls. But the major limitation of these workswas none evaluated the therapeutic activity of PLGA (lac-tate release) in wound healing. Hence, further sections ofthis review solely focus on combined therapeutic effects ofPLGA and the loaded drug on wound healing activity.

Curcumin loaded PLGA nanoparticles

Curcumin (CC) is one of the well-known wound healingagents in Indian Ayurveda and Chinese medicine.75,76 Bothin normal and diabetic-impaired wounds when used topi-cally, CC has been reported as a promising wound healingand antimicrobial agent.77,78 The promotion of wound heal-ing includes increasing granulation tissue and enhancing thebiosynthesis of TGF-b1 and proteins in ECM.79,80 Also, itis reported that CC inhibits H2O2 induced oxidative damagein human keratinocytes and fibroblasts by inducing thedown regulation of PI3K/AKT/NFjB pathway.81,82 Themajor drawbacks associated with CC administration are itspoor water solubility, photosensitivity and low stability.83

CC when encapsulated in PLGA, has showed good dis-persion in water and no chemical interaction between

Figure 4. PLGA-VEGF NP

enhanced the angiogenesis.

Sections of nondiabetic and

diabetic wounds were

stained with CD34 immuno-

histochemistry staining. (A)

Representative pictures of

IHC staining of CD341

marking (Scale bar 5 100

lm, arrows indicate infiltrat-

ing blood capillaries), (B)

Quantification of vessel

area representing the

extent of CD341 marking

(mean 6 SD, n 5 3). Statisti-

cal significance compared

with untreated group.95

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encapsulated CC and PLGA polymer matrix.84 Drug releaseprofile of CC from PLGA NP also showed a biphasic phasethat includes the initial burst release and followed by thesustained release.85,86 PLGA NP provided a solution for theefficient delivery of CC for wound healing.40,87 PLGA-CCNP were capable of control and maintain the release of CCand lactate and significantly accelerated the wound closureby comprehensive healing which included down-regulationof inflammatory responses, expedited reepithelialization andimproved granulation tissue formation. Thus, PLGA-baseddrug delivery systems served dual role as a carrier by deliv-

ering the loaded drug and as a therapeutic agent throughlactate activity (Figure 3).88

PLGA nanoparticles encapsulating biomolecules

Many cellular mediators and biomolecules like hostdefense peptides, eicosanoids, cytokines, and growth fac-tors are involved in wound healing process. Rapid degra-dation by enzymes and short half-life time in vivo are thechallenges associated with the administration of biomole-cules and the other biological wound supplements. In

Figure 5. PLGA-LL37 NP

accelerated wound healing

and increased wound reepi-

thelialization and collagen con-

tent of granulation tissue. (A)

Representative images of

wounds of four tested

groups: Untreated, LL37,


(Ruler units in mm, n 5 10,

mean 6 SD). (B) Wound sec-

tions (n 5 3) were stained

with hematoxylin and eosin

(HE) and Masson’s trichrome

(MT). Representative images

of sections are presented for

all four groups. Scale

bar 5 200 lm).99

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addition, repeated administrations should be practiced toachieve the effective therapeutic levels.89 Hence, the strat-egy of polymeric encapsulation and local application couldsolve some of the foresaid problems.

PLGA-VEGF nanoparticles

Growth factors, which stimulate fibroblasts and keratino-cytes via transmembrane glycoproteins, have been studiedextensively more than any other biological wound healingproducts. A review by Werner et al. discussed the regula-tion of wound healing by growth factors and cytokines.11

VEGFa is a powerful therapeutic tool for proangiogenictherapy in many clinical settings. The multi-active woundhealing mechanisms of VEGFa reported so far were multi-ple activities including deposition of collagen, angiogene-sis and reepithelialization.90,91 But to acquire therapeuticeffect larger amount of VEGF and frequent dosing92 orgene therapy93 would be needed, suggesting the require-ment of efficient drug delivery systems for VEGF.

PLGA NP have been proved to be efficient carriers forVEGF and can accelerate angiogenesis.94 Exploiting the dualroles of PLGA in wound healing, PLGA-VEGF NP were for-mulated and evaluated for diabetic wound healing. PLGA-VEGF NP were able to supply lactate and VEGF sustainablyto wounds. Moreover, PLGA-VEGF NP significantly acceler-ated the wound healing compared to the control groups.PLGA-VEGF NP induced higher reepithelialization and gran-ulation tissue formation. Immunohistochemistry (CD341)studies revealed that PLGA NP and PLGA-VEGF NP treat-ments significantly promoted angiogenesis and blood capil-lary infiltration in wound sections than the other groups(Figure 4A and B). In conclusion, PLGA based VEGF deliv-ery systems can promote wound healing because of its lactateand the encapsulated VEGF activities.95

PLGA-LL37 nanoparticles

Host defense peptide LL37 belongs to antimicrobial peptides/host defense peptides which exerts broad antimicrobial activ-ity, antiviral and antifungal activity, endotoxin-binding prop-

erties, modulation of proinflammatory response, chemotaxis,influence on cell proliferation and differentiation, promotionof wound healing and angiogenesis, and so forth.96 Themajor difficulty associated with LL37 administration forwound healing is its instability in wound environment andthus the treatment may require high dose and repeateddoses97 or gene therapy98 to produce the therapeutic effect.

It has been demonstrated that the encapsulation of LL37in PLGA NP significantly enhanced wound healing activ-ity as compared to PLGA or LL37 alone (Figure 5A). Theacceleration of wound healing by PLGA-LL37 NP andPLGA NP became highly significant from days 7 thanLL37 and untreated groups. This could be attributed to thelactate release from PLGA and its effects on wound heal-ing. In PLGA-LL37 NP treated group, the epidermal andsubepidermal layers were well organized (Figure 5B). Theextent of collagen deposition was significantly higher inPLGA-LL37 NP and PLGA NP groups and the depositedcollagen showed a compact and denser alignment com-pared to the other groups (Figure 5B). The healing effectsof PLGA-LL37 NP included higher reepithelialization,granulation tissue formation and immunomodulation. Theresults demonstrated that PLGA NP can promote woundhealing activities with its innate lactate activity and sus-tained release of bioactive LL37.99

Comparison of activity of drug loaded PLGA

nanoparticles in diabetic wound healing

By performing in vivo evaluation of all three types of drugloaded PLGA nanoparticles (PLGA-VEGF NP, PLGA-VEGF1PLGA-CC NP, PLGA-LL37 NP) and five controls

Figure 6. Drug loaded PLGA NP accelerated wound healing

in diabetic mice. Quantitative representation of wound areas

as a function of time (n 5 10, mean 6 SD).

Scheme 1. Schematic representation of possible mecha-

nisms of action of drug and PLGA (lactate) in wound healing


Kumar Chereddy et al. PLGA based drug delivery systems

Wound Rep Reg (2016) 24 223–236 VC 2016 by the Wound Healing Society 231

Table 1. PLGA based drug delivery systems for wound healing activity

Drug delivery system Loaded drug Class of drug Benefits after encapsulation Ref.

PLGA microparticulate


Cytomodulin Peptide Increase aqueous solubility and

stability, protection from photo-

degradation and physiological

pH, sustained and controlled



PLGA microspheres Chlorhexidine, PDGF Hydrophobic,

growth factor

Simultaneous and controlled drug

release and kinetics




rhEGF Growth factor Efficient delivery, protection from

in vivo enzymes and pH degra-

dation, sustained and controlled



PLGA microparticulate

knitted mesh inte-

grated with collagen-

chitosan scaffold




Protein (collagen) Improved mechanical properties

of CCS and angiogenesis and in

situ tissue regeneration


Double-layer PLA-PLGA


Peroxisome proliferator-

activated receptor b/d

(PPARb/d) agonist


Hydrophobic Increase aqueous solubility, sus-

tained and controlled supply


PLGA microspheres

incorporated into poly-

vinyl alcohol-gelatin

slurry and casted into

multiphase hydrogel

Gentamicin and


Antibiotics Efficient delivery, prolonged local

bioavailability and enhanced

pharmacological response,

reduced dose and systemic



Thermosensitive gel

loaded with PLGA


KSL-W Cationic antimicro-

bial peptide

Efficient delivery, protection from

in vivo degradation, sustained

and controlled supply


Thermosensitive PEG-

PLGA-PEG hydrogels

TGF-b1 pDNA Nucleic acid Efficient and sustained delivery,

protection from in vivo




PLGA-collagen nanofi-

brous membranes

Vancomycin, gentamicin,

and lidocaine

Antibiotics Efficient delivery, prolonged local

bioavailability and enhanced

pharmacological response


PLGA ultrafine fibers Fusidic acid Hydrophobic Efficient delivery, sustained and

controlled supply


PLGA membranes (1,3)-(1,6)-b-D-glucan Natural immune



Local sustained drug delivery and

wound dressing




Polyphenol Local sustained drug delivery and

wound dressing


Metformin Biguanid Local sustained drug delivery and

wound dressing


PLGA nanoparticles VEGF and bFGF Growthfactors Increase stability, protection from

invivo degradation and physio-

logical pH, sustained and con-

trolled kinetics


PLGA based drug delivery systems Kumar Chereddy et al.

232 Wound Rep Reg (2016) 24 223–236 VC 2016 by the Wound Healing Society

(untreated, VEGF, LL37, CC, PLGA NP) we attempted topresent a comprehensive comparative validation of theirpotential to promote wound healing (Figure 6, unpublisheddata). Compared to all the control groups, wounds treatedwith drug loaded PLGA NP showed a significantly fasterwound closure. From day 6 onwards drug loaded PLGA NPexhibited higher healing and by day 13 wound closure wasmuch evident. The healing percentage of different treatmentsat day 9 were, untreated 29% vs. LL37 25% vs. CC 26% vs.VEGF 30% vs. PLGA NP 39% vs. PLGA-VEGF1PLGA-CC NP 52% vs. PLGA-VEGF NP 47% vs. PLGA-LL37 NP58%. Untreated, LL37, CC and VEGF groups showed muchlower healing of wounds. Wounds that either untreated ortreated with LL37 or CC or VEGF alone showed poor heal-ing even at day 18 (untreated 64%, LL37 62%, CC 65% andVEGF 66%) and wounds completely recovered after 28days. It is worth mentioning that compared to untreated nega-tive controls, from day 7 onwards, PLGA NP and drugloaded PLGA NP treatment displayed its beneficial add oneffect of sustained lactate release to the wounds by signifi-cant accelerated healing. This is in strong commitment within vivo lactate release studies and other wound healing assaysreported in our previous work.


The current review emphasized the PLGA as a potentialdrug delivery system for wound healing applications andalso combined therapeutic effects of PLGA (lactate) andloaded drug for wound healing (Scheme 1). Due to its ver-satile mechanical properties, different forms of PLGA baseddrug delivery systems were formulated and studied. PLGA

carriers offer various benefits for the encapsulated drug(Table 1) such as protection from enzyme and pH degrada-tion, enhanced bioavailability, solubility and stability andefficiently deliver different drugs to promote wound healingwith a reduced dose. Also, PLGA carriers can increase theefficacy of wound treatments by releasing the therapeuticagent at a controlled and sustained rate. Moreover, therapeu-tic application of PLGA via lactate mechanism increased itsuse in wound treatments. Lactate, one of the byproducts ofPLGA degradation showed positive effect on wound healingprocesses. Thus, combined therapeutic effects of lactate anda loaded drug can aid in active healing of wounds.

A few challenges associated with PLGA formulationspresent new opportunities to research and optimize for betterutilization. PLGA carriers often yield in high encapsulationefficiencies but the drug loading is generally poor (�1%,which means that NP contain 1 mg active ingredient per100 mg of polymer). This could be a problem in case ofbulk production of PLGA-based carriers.65 Aggregation ofPLGA carriers and acidic environment created by byproductsshould be prevented. Careful optimization of formulation, NPsize, surface modification, addition of stabilizers and othercopolymers could potentially overcome the aforementionedchallenges and present PLGA-drug loaded carriers as a prom-ising combination therapy for wound treatment.

Current active wound care primarily includes one ormore of the following depending on the wound intensity:dressing, antimicrobial and stimulant for healing. Any ther-apy that presents all these three critical needs in one dosageform would greatly cut down the expenses and acceleratethe healing of chronic wounds. Development of single mul-tifunctional PLGA dosage form that possess the entire ideal

Table 1. Continued.

Drug delivery system Loaded drug Class of drug Benefits after encapsulation Ref.

siRNA and DNA Nucleic acids Protection from enzymes and local

environment, increased cellular

permeability and molecular



Gentamycin aminoglycoside


Enhanced tissue biocompatibility,

reduced systemic toxicity


Nitric oxide (NO)

releasing PLGA-

polyethylenimine NP

Active NO No burst release, sustained and

controlled release


Curcumin Polyphenol Increase aqueous solubility and

stability, sustained and con-

trolled delivery, combined effect

with PLGA


Host defense peptide Peptide Protection from in vivo enzymes

and degradation, sustained

delivery, combined effect with



VEGF Growth factor Sustained delivery and enhanced

bioactivity, combined effect

with PLGA


Kumar Chereddy et al. PLGA based drug delivery systems

Wound Rep Reg (2016) 24 223–236 VC 2016 by the Wound Healing Society 233

characteristics such as antimicrobial, protect hydration,allow exchange of gases and stimulate active healing wouldbe a great achievement and it may cut down the expensesand accelerate the healing of chronic wounds.

Many researchers widely used rodents as animal woundmodels because of their availability and the fact that theyare easy to maintain even at small animal facility. Majorlimitations, as rodents are loose skinned animals and theirwound heals mainly by contraction, resulting in biased out-comes. In a translational point of view, pig is the mostpreferred large animal model that is commonly used indermatology experiments due to its similarities with thatof human skin. A thick epidermis and subdermal adiposetissue, dermal collagen and elastic content, distribution ofhair follicles and blood vessels, similar physical andmolecular responses to various growth factors and bothheal primarily by reepithelialization are the close similar-ities that human and swine skin share.100 To generate valu-able conclusions, the effects of PLGA on wound healingshould be extensively investigated in swine models.

Concerning translational approaches, FDA and EMAalready approved PLGA as an excipient. In our currentwork, PLGA acts as a sustained source of lactate, which ishaving therapeutic activities as opposed to the normalproperties of an excipient. So, it may require some moretime to find PLGA as an approved therapeutic agent.


Conflict of Interest: The authors declare no conflict ofinterests.

Disclosure: Kiran Kumar Chereddy is an early stageresearcher (ESR) employed by FP7 Marie Curie NANO-DRUG network. Ga€elle Vandermeulen is a PostdoctoralResearcher of the Belgian Fonds National de la RechercheScientifique (F.R.S.-FNRS).

Source of Funding: This research work is completelysupported by the European Commission and Marie CurieActions (grant number: PITN-GA-2011-289454).


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PLGA based drug delivery systems Kumar Chereddy et al.

236 Wound Rep Reg (2016) 24 223–236 VC 2016 by the Wound Healing Society

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