plb elements

Post on 28-Feb-2018






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  • 7/25/2019 PLB Elements


    PlumbingBusiness, trade, or work having to do with the installation,removal, alteration, or repaor of plumbing systems or partsthereof

    Plumbing systemIncludes potable water bldg supply and distribution pipes, allplumbing fuxtures and trals, all drainage and vent pipes, and allbuilding drains and building sewers, including their respectivejoints and connection, devices, receptors, and appurtenanxeswithin the property lines of the premises and shall includepotable water piping, potable water treating or using equipment,medical gas and medical vacuum systems, fuel gas piping, waterheaters and vents for same.

    orporation cock

    ! valve screwed into the street sewer main to supply the houseservice connection

    "oose neckPart of pipe curve like yhe neck of a goose, usually flexible

    urb stop! control valve for the water supply of a building, usually placedin case of emergency or should the water supply of thr buildingbe discontinued

    #ater meter! mechanical device to measure the volume of water passingthrough a pipe

    $eter stop! valve placed at the street side of the water meter and serves asa controlling device for the building installation

    %pfeed distribution system

    &irect up'feed system and pneumatic air pressure system aretypes of (((( water distribution system

    &irect up'feed system#ater is provided by the city water companies using normalpressure from public water main

    Pneumatic air pressure system

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    #hen pressure supplied by the city water supply is not strongenough

    &ownfeed distribution system)ype of water distribution system wherein water is pumped into

    a large tank on top of the building and is distributed to thefixtures by means of gravity

    *+$inimum temperature for sanitiing rinse

    -$inimum temperature for general purpose cleaning and foodpreparation

    /0 to /1$inimum temperature for showers

    %p'feed and gravity return)ype of installation in hot water distribution system that iscommonly used in residential buildings

    Permit circulation of hot water#hat is the purpose of up'feed and gravity return in hot waterdistribution system2

    3liminates water waste since hot water is circulated#hy is the circulating return of up'feed and gravity in hot waterdistribution system economical2

    %p'feed gravity and return)his type of hot water distribution sysyem works because of theunequal weights of two columns of heated water of uniformheight. )he inequality of weight is the result of a variation intemperature in the + columns

    4verhead feed and gravity return)he most efficient method of delivering hot water to fixtures

    4verhead feed and gravity return)ype of hot water distribution system commonly used in multi'storey buildings

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    4verhead feed and gravity return)ype of hot water distribution system that is dependent onnatural laws governing expansion and gravity

    !llows continuous circulation even if there is a mechanical

    defect in the system#hat is the advantage of overhead feed and gravity return2

    4verhead feed and gravitu return)ype of hot water distribution system wherein operatingprinciple is that water rises in a closed piping. !fter waterreached the highest point in the system, natural forces return itto the storage unit.

    Pump circuit system)ype of hot water distribution system that is used in buildingswhere it is impossible to produce a circulation of hot water

    Pump circuit system)ype of hot water distribution system wherein the circulation ofhot water to the plumbinh fixture is by means of centrifugalpump

    Pump circuit system)ype of hot water distribution system wherein rotary movementof impeller of centrifugal pump creates an even movement of hot

    water flow in the pipesBasicPiston pumps and centrifugal pumps are (((( types of pumps

    Piston pumpsBasic type of pump used on small water distribution system forelevating water in wells or other sources

    5ingle action

    #ater is drawn in with only 0 motion 6piston pump7&ouble action#ater is drawn in either stroke 6piston pump7

    entrifugal pumps

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    Basic type of pump used jn tall building water distributiin. #ateris drawn into the pump and discharged with a centrifugal force.

    8eciprocating pumps)ype of piston pumps with a controlled speed wherein discharge

    is pulsating and changes only when the speed of the pump ischanged.

    !ir chamberIntroduced in reciprocating pumps to regulate pulsation

    9et pumpsentrifugal pumps used for drawing water up from a well

    &eep well jet pumps

    )ype of jet pumps used in high volume applications5hallow jet pumps:or residential wells

    onvertible jet pumpsan be used for deep wells and shallow wells

    $iniature pumps)ype of jet pumps used for small applications

    8otary pumpsPiston pumps that make use of a pump driver thst can discharge1'0+ gpm. )hey are also more efficient for viscous fluids

    5ubmersible pumpsPumps designed to be fully immersible within a tank or othermedia storage receptacle

    )urbine pumps

    entrifugal pumps used for large applications because of theirmultiple impellers

    + gpm)urbine pumps can discharge up to

    "ate valve!ka full way valve

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    "ate valve)o completely close or completely open water line. &oes notcontrol the flow of water

    "ate valveBest suited to the main supply and pump lines wherein operationis infrequent

    #edge shape or tapered disc and double disc valve+ types of gate valves

    "lobe valveontrols the flow of water with a movable spindle. It can reducewater pressure. 4nly one side of the valve is an inlet.

    Plug type disc valve)ype of globe valve for throttling

    onventional disc valve or ball type)ype of globe vale for shutting

    omposition disc valve)ype of globe valve for steam.and hot water

    heck valve$ain function is to prevent reversal of flow 6backflow7 in the line

    heck valve5wing, lift, vertical, horiontal are type of ((((( valve

    !ngle valve4perates same w; globe valve 6disc and seat design7. %sed tomake 1 degree turn in a line. 8educes a number of joints

    :oot valve

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    5afety valve%sed in water heating systems, heating systems, compressed airlines =d other pipe lines with excessive pressure

    ompression cock

    )ype of faucets;bibbs that operates by the compression of a softpacking upon a metal sheet

    >ey cock)ype of faucet;bibbs that operates with a round tapering plugground to fit a metal sheet

    Ball faucet)ype of faucet;bibbs constructed with a ball connected to thehandle

    &rainage waste vent$eaning of dwv sys

    5oil drainage systemonveys discharge of water closets or fixtures having similarfunctions 6containing fecal matter7, with or without thedischarges from other fixtures

    #aste drainage system or sanitary drainage system8eceiving liquid discharge free of fecal flow

    5torm drainage system8eceives water clear water drainage fr leaders, downspouts,surface run'off, ground water, subsurface water, condensatewater, cooling water

    ?ent system8eceives flow of air to provide circulation of air to protect trapseals fr siphonage or back pressure

    %pperleanout should be located at (((((( end of every horiontalwaste or soil pipe

    ++.@ degleanout located at every change of horiontal direction of notmore than..

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    0.@mleanout located within ((((( inside the property line beforehouse sewer connection

    0@mleanout located at every (((( to a horiontal run of a soil orwaste pipe

    +A or +cm;m5lope of horiontal piping toward a point of disposal

    m5upport of horiontal piping every (((((

    #aste pipeoveys only wastewater or liquid waste free of fecal matter

    5oil pipeonveys discharge of water closet, unrinal with or withoutdischarges from other fixtures to the building drain or buildingsewer

    ?ent pipe:or ensuring the circulation of air in a plumbing system and for

    relieving the negative pressure exerted on trap seals?ent stack?ertical vent pipe for providing circulation of air to and from anypart of the soil, waste of the drainage system

    5tack?ertical main of a system of soilC waste or vent piping extendingthrough one or more stories and extended through the roof

    Branch!ny part of a piping sytem other than a main, riser, or stack

    Douse;Building &rain

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    Douse;Building 5ewer3xtends fr the house drain at a point .-m fr outside face of thefoundation wall of a bldg to the junction within the street sewer


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    &eep seal p'trap#ater seal is twice the sie of the common p'trapC used forextreme conditions because resealing quality is greater

    5tand trap

    %sed for slop sinks usually built low in the ground leaving verylittle space for a foundation and a trapC serves as water seal andstructural support for the fixture

    8unning trap%sed within the line od the house drain

    &rum trap

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    Portion of main soil and waste vent penetrating the roof

    $ain ventPrincipal artery of venting system to which vent branches areconnectedC support to the main soil and waste vent

    $ain vent!ka collecting vent line

    Idividual vent or back ventPipe installed to vent a fixture trap, connects with the vent sysabove fixture served or terminates in the open air

    %nit, common, or dual vent0 vent pipe F + traps

    8elief vent?ertical line for additional air circulation bet drainage and ventsys or as auxiliary vent for yoke vent

    Hoke vent or by'pass vent%pward fr soil or waste stacck 6below floor and horiontalconnection7 to an adjacent vent stack 6above the floor higherthan highest spill level7 for preventing pressure changes in stacks

    ircuit vent or loop vent!s battery of fixturesC downstream of the last fixture connectionand turning to a horiontal line above the highest overflow levelof the highest fixture connected

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    &ry vent?ent that does not carry liquid or water'borne wastes

    5ide vent?ent connecting to a drain pipe through a fitting F/@ deg to

    vertical?ent stack?ertical vent pipe for providing circulation of air to and fr anypart kf drainage system

    +mm ; .@&iameter of individual vent not less than (((( nor less than((((( the diameter of the drain to which it is connected

    0@+mm3ach vent shall rise vertically (((( above the highest level rim ofthe fixtures served before offsetting horiontaly

    0 pipe sie?str shall be increased ((((( above the connection bet stackvent and horiontal vent

    +=o. 4f fixtures having same level inlet openings, may be servedby a common vertical vent pipe connected to an approved doublebranch fitting

    0@mm ; mm?str shall terminate vertically not less than ((((( above theroof nor less than (((((( from any vertical surface nearby

    m?ent opening fr any openable window

    .1m?ent opening above any openable window

    .1m?ent opening fr any lot line, alley, and street boundary lines


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    ?ertical vent pipes fr any part of the roof that is used for humanactivities shall be ((((( and shall extend not less than ((((((above such roof


    3ach soil or waste stack extending (((( or more storeys abovethe building drain shall be serves by a parallel vent stack

    5maller5ie of yoke vent shall not be ((((( than either soil stack orvent stack

    0mHoke vent connection at the vent stack shall be placed ((( abovethe floor level

    )rap seal loss&irect effect of minus and plus pressure attributed by siphonage,back pressure, capillary attraction, evaporation, wind effects

    8etardation of flow&ue to effect of atmospheric pressure and;or gravity

    &eterioration of materials&ue to formation of acids

    Indirect waste pipesoveys luquid wastes by discharging into plumbing fixture,interceptor or receptacle directly connected to the drainagesystem

    Douse trapsPlaced in house drain inside foundation wall of the building

    &rain tiles%sed to prevent groundwater fr seeping through the basementwalls and foundationC around perimeter of foundation connectedto house drain or sump pit

    Back flow valves%sed in house drain to prevent occurence of back flowsC similarto check valves

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    5ewage ejectorsPumps the wastes up fr the sump pit to the sewers usually inbasement levels

    &ug well

    4r shallow wellC most commonC dug manually 0@m deepBored well5imilar to dug constructed using auger driven by hand or w;power toolsC 0@mC J/m w; power tools

    9etted well%se of extreme water pressure not to affect foundationsC usesuction pumps

    9etted well!ka sand point wells

    &riven well%se iron rodC 0'0@m

    &rilled well:or drilling oilC 0m

    + most common sources of contamination in well

    5eptic tank;leach fields and livestock feedlots4verhead tanks=o pressure but relies on gravity to supply water

    isterns8c underground and connected with a supply water

    "ravity supply tanks%sed in overhead feed sys

    Pneumatic water tanks%sed in air pressure sysC used w; pumpC use pressure relief valve

    .E@m&ist of # to side wall

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    .E@m&ist bet #s c'c

    &irect flush valve:lushing action fr flush valve connected into the bowl

    8everse trap:lushes through siphon action in trapway

    5iphon jet

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    .m%rinal center to side wall

    .-m%rinal c'c spacing

    .E@mBidet center to side wall

    .E@mBidet c'c

    +'/A8eceptor floor drain slope

    @@1m#idth of door for thresholds

    .-sq.m$inimum area for shower compartment

    E-+mm5hower heads should encompass diameter of

    /.1m5pacing of drains for gang shower rooms

    0.E*m?ertical clearance of shower head to floor

    ast iron pipe$ost popular for drainage hub installationC affected by corrosionby acid formed by carbonC used in -s and Es

    +@%p to how many storeys for cast iron pipe2

    -cmommercial length of cast iron pipe

    @'0@ mm

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    &iameter of cast iron pipe

    5v type)ype of cast iron pipe generally used for bldg

    Lv type)ype of cast iron pipe that is extra duty used for undergroundinstallation

    ast iron and silicon!cid resistant cast iron pipe is made of alloy of

    !cid resistant cast iron pipesInstalled in chemical lab and industrues with acid wastes

    0.@m&ist of horiontal support bet acid resistant cast iron pipes

    !sbestos pipe$ade of asbestos fibers and portland cementC used as soil, waste,ventilation pipe and downspoutsC suited for concrete embedmentbecause of similar properties

    Bituminous fiber sewer pipeheapestC light in weight, slightly flexible, can take slight soil

    movementC suited for house sewer and septic tankC may besoftened;damaged by excessive hot water or chemical flow

    ?itrified clay pipe4ne of the oldestC highly resistant to most acids


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    Better than steel pipe for plumbingC more resistant to acid waste

    opper pipe4ldest pipe like leadC smooth interior surface

    > typelass of copper pipe which is heaviest recommended forunderground installations

    < typelass of copper pipe which is lighter available in both rigid andflexible formC for residential water supply line and radiantheating installations

    $ type

    lass of copper pipe which is thinnestC rigidC small water supplylines and radiany heating installations

    Brass pipe$ost expensive made of inc 60@A7 and copper 6*@A7C resistantto acidsC smooth interior

    Plastic or synthetic type"ermany 601@7C fr synyhetic resinsC superior type since it weighsless, easy to cut, flexible smooth interior surface, cheapernthansteel

    .+Prohibited lead content for joints in copper tubing solders andfluxes

    =eoprene rubber rings5eal of asbestos cement sewer pipe joints

    ompression coupling!sbestos cement sewer pipes joined by

    E-mm to 0+mm3nlargement considered as obstruction in joinys

    /ft&ist of supports in cast iron pipes

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    :riction clamps5upport the weight of cast iron pipe at each floor level

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    0G05lope in digestion chamber of septic tank

    +$in no. 4f manholes in septic tank

    @*mm$in dimension of manhole in septic tank

    4ver inlet and outlet

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    );:G )he inspector is not required to determine whether thewater supply is public or private.:alse

    );:G )he inspector is required to determine the existence ofpolybutylene plumbing in a home.:alse

    !B5 stands for ((((((((((.acrylonitrile butadiene styrene

    )he unobstructed vertical distance through the freeatmosphere between an outlet and the rim best describes

    (((((((((((.an air gap in the drainage system

    !ir'admittance valves protect traps from (((((((((.siphonage

    )he vertical, upper portion above the top'most fixture throughwhich gases and odors escape the sanitary drainage system,carrying no liquids or solids, best describes ((((((((((.a vent stack

    ! lavatory is ((((((((((.a bathroom or washroom sink

    ! (((((((((( is an anchoring ring secured to the floor, anda toilet is secured to this ring with bolts.water closet flange

    ! toilet or commode is referred to in plumbing standards as a((((((((.water closet

    )he flow of liquids in potable water distribution piping inreverse of its intended path caused by back'siphonage or back'pressure best describes ((((((((.backflow

    Dot water is (((((((((((.

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    water at a temperature of 00M : or higher

    )here should be a space of at least ((((((( in front of thewater closet, lavatory and bidet to any wall, fixture and door.+0 inches

    loset bolts are often made of (((((( because they resistcorrosion.Brass

    )he waste from an automatic clothes washer must discharge itswater through a6n7 (((((((( into a standpipe or into alaundry tub.air break or air gap

    If a standpipe for an automatic clothes washer is used, thestandpipe and its trap should be at least ((( inches indiameter.+

    Plastic bathtubs are made with ((((((((( in case ofaccidental exposure to a plumberNs'resistant chemicals

    !n exterior window at an exterior wall must be made of safetyglaing unless the bottom exposed edge of the glass is((((((((((((((((( above the tub floor surface.- inches or more

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    ((((((((( are best described as short lengths of pipeattached directly to a fixture by means of a flange forconnection to other piping or traps.)ailpieces

    5praying the water into the atmosphere through jets or passingit over rough surfaces to remove entrained noxious gases suchas carbon dioxide or hydrogen sulfide!38!)I4=

    !ddition of coagulants, such as ferrous sulfate and lime, to thewater which cause the larger suspended particles to form agelatinous mass which precipitates readily. )he precipitate isgathered in large dumps and disposed of.4!"%

    #ater is passed through layers of sandand gravel in concrete basins in order toremove the finer suspended particles.:I

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    hence sometimes referred to asK5and'Point #ellsK.93))3& #3

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    8otary Pumps can discharge from 1 to 0+ "P$8otary Pumps are more efficient for viscous fluids84)!8H P%$P

    5ubmersible Pumps are designed to be fully immersible within

    a tank or other media storage receptacle.$any common types of pumps can be designed bymanufacturers tobe submersible5ubmersible Pump

    are used in applications where excess water must be pumpedaway from a particular area.5ump pumps, in general, is a category that encompasses anumber of styles of pumps that are used to pump out collectedfluid

    5ump pumpsare centrifugal pumps used for large applicationsbecause of their multiple impellers)urbine Pumps can discharge up to + "P$)urbine Pumps

    &oes not have any pressure concernsbut relies on gravity to supply water tofixtures below .

    '%sually made of galvanied steel,stainless steel, or reinforced concrete,it can come in various shapes and sies4verhead )ank

    %sually built of reinforced concreteunderground and connected with a pumpI5)38=

    %sed in the !ir Pressure 5ystem. 4ften used with a pump. !lsomakes use of a pressure relief valve, which relieves pressure

    automatically if necessary .P=3%$!)I #!)38 )!=>5

    %sed mainly to completely close orcompletely open the water line6does not control flow of water7. Best suited to the main supplyand pump lines wherein operation is infrequent .

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    "!)3 ?!

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    4perates with a round tapering plug ground to fit a metalsheet. NDose bibbK'has grooves fit for a hose>ey ock

    onstructed with a ball connected to the handlekey cock

    a knocking in the pipes caused whenfaucets in the lower levels are shut offabruptly or automatically the force exerted by the deceleratingwater causes the pipes to shake and rattle#ater Dammer

    the flowing back of used, contaminated or polluted water from

    a plumbing fixture or vessel into a water supply pipe due to anegative pressure in such pipeBack 5iphonage

    the flow of water or other liquids, ,mixtures, or substances intothe distributing pipes of a potable supply of water to a tank,plumbing fixture, or other device and the flood level rim of thereceptacle.B!> :

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    #ater is taken form a drilled well orunderground water .Involves individual special mechanicalequipment.Indirect Pressure &istribution

    pipe from the street water main orother source of water supply to thebuilding served538?I3 PIP3

    device used to measure in liters or gallons the amount of waterthat passes through the water service.#ater $eter

    the principal water distribution pipe running from the watermeter from which the various branches and risers to thefixtures are taken.Doriontal 5upply $ain

    a water supply pipe extending vertically to one full story ormore to convey water into pipe branches or plumbing fixtures8iser

    the water supply pipe between thefixture supply pipe and the water'

    distributing pipe:ixture Branch

    used for control, isolation and repairof the water distribution systemontrols ?alves

    #ater is provided by the city water companies using normalpressure from public water main&irect %pfeed

    #hen pressure supplied by city watersupply is not strong enough.' ompressed air is used to raise andpush water into the system!ir Pressure 5ystem 6Pneumatic7

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    #ater is pumped into a largetank on top of the building and isdistributed to the fixtures bymeans of gravity.&ownfeed 64verheadfeed7 or "ravity 5ystem

    %sed for Dot #ater 5pace Deating 5ystem5ystem 8elief ?alve

    %sed for Dot #ater 5upply 5ystem)emperature Pressure 8elief

    )he standpipe is a pipe installed in buildings not as part of thewater supply or waste disposal system but primarily for use aswater conveyor in case of fire&8H 5)!=& PIP3

    Deight of &ry stand Pipe0.+ meters

    )he minimum diameter for a wet standpipe is (((( for thoseless than (((( form the fire service connection@0 mm ' 0@meter

    :or those wet stand pipe more than (((( from the fire serviceconnection, the minimum diameter is ((((0@ meters ' -mm

    overage of 0 sprinkler head for

  • 7/25/2019 PLB Elements


    of the bowl' Das a bulge on the front' Das a small amount ofstanding water' ost less but is least

    efficient and noisiest#ash &own

    :lushes through a siphon action created in the trapway8everse )rap

    ' Das a larger trapway making it less likely to clog' Quieter flushing action' 8etains a large amount ofstanding water5iphon 9et


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    foul air or methane gas without materially affecting the flow ofsewage or wastewater through it.)8!P

    the vertical main of a system of soil, waste or vent pipings

    extending through one or more stories and extended thru theroof.5)!>

    any part of the piping system other than a main, riser or stack.B8!=D

    part of the lowest horiontal piping of a plumbing systemwhich receives the discharges from the soil, waste and otherdrainage pipes inside of a building and conveys it to the housesewer outside of the building.Douse;Building &rain

    extends from the house drain at a point .- meters from theoutside face of the foundation wall of a building to the junctionwith the street sewer or to any point of discharge, andconveying the drainage of one building site.Douse;Building 5ewer

    use /@M wye branches, combination wye ' 0;* bend branches,or other approved fittings of equivalent sweep

    Doriontal to Doriontal change in direction/@M wye branches or other approved fittings of equivalentsweep?ertical to Doriontal change in direction

    use /@M or -M wye branches, combination wye '0;* bendbranches, sanitary tee or sanitary tapped tee branches, or otherapproved fittings of equivalent sweeps.Doriontal to vertical change in direction

    ! lavatory discharges ((((, which is equivalent tothe :ixture%nit 6:.%.7./E liters;sec or +*. liters;min 6E.@gallons per min or 0 cu ft per min7

    $inimum slope or pitch of horiontal drainage pipe+A or +mm;m 6RK per foot7

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    )raps used for lavatories, kitchen sinks,laundry tubs, urinalsommon P')rap

    #ater seal is about twice the sie of)he common P'trap&eep 5eal P')rap

    %sed for fixtures such as slop sinksthat are usually built low in theground, leaving very little space for afoundation a trap5tand )rap

    %sed within the line ofthe house drain8unning )rap

    %sed for fixtures that discharge large amount of water6bathtubs, shower or floor drains7&rum )rap

    3ach fixture trap shall have a trap seal of water of not lessthan(((((and not more than (((( 6except where a deeperseal is found necessary by the !dministrative !uthority forspecial conditions.@0 mm ' 0+ mm

    )he vertical distance between a fixture outlet tailpiece and thetrap weir shall not exceed (((( in length..- meters

    )he developed length of the trap arm 6measured from the topof closet ring to inner edge of vent 7 of a water closet orsimilar fixture shall not exceed ((((

    0.* meterslean out distance is (0@ meters

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    a pipe installed to vent a fixture trap, thatconnects with the vent system above thefixture served or terminates in the open airIndividual ?ent or Back ?ent

    a vertical vent line that provides additional circulation of airbetween the drainage and vent systems or to act as an auxiliaryvent on a specially designed system such as a Kyoke ventKconnection between the soil and vent stacks.8elief ?ent

    a pipe connecting upward from a soil or waste stack below thefloor and below horiontal connection to an adjacent vent stackat a point above the floor and higher than the highest spill levelof fixtures for preventing pressure changes in the stacks.Hoke or By'pass ?ent

    a group vent pipe which starts in front of the extreme 6highest7fixture connection on ahoriontal branch and connects to the vent stack.ircuit ?ent

    a vertical vent connection on a horiontal soil or waste pipebranch at a point downstreamof the last fixture connection and turning to a horiontal lineabove the highest overflow

    level of the highest fixture connected there%sed in spaces without partitions

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    5tack ?ent

    the vertical vent pipe installed primarily for providingcirculation of air to and from any part of the soil, waste of thedrainage system. )he uppermost end above the roof has

    traditionally been referred to as ?ent 5tack )hrough 8oof6?5)87.?ent 5tack

    )he diameter of an individual vent shall not be lessthan(((((nor less in sie than (((( the diameter of thedrain to which it is connected.+mm 60'0;/K7 ' 0;+

    &irect effect of the $inus Plus Pressure inside the systemdue to inadequate ventilation of traps)rap 5eal

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    Brick lining shall have a minimumPrivate 5ewage &isposal 5ystems compressive strength of0E++@ kPa.

    oldest form of disposal of organic waste. onsists of a vault

    constructed of concrete for the collection of raw sewage and awooden shelter4utside Privy

    Installed in chemical laboratories, industries and otherinstallations where acid wastes are being discharged!cid 8esistant ast Iron Pipe

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    Brass Pipe

    5uperior type of pipe because it weighs less, is easy to cut,isflexible, has a smooth interior surface, and is cheaper thansteel

    $ost are produced from synthetic resins

    B8!=D ?3=)! vent connecting one or more individual vents with a vent stackor stack vent.

    I8%I) ?3=)! branch vent that serves two or more traps and extends from infront of the last fixture connection of a horiontal branch to thevent stack.

    4$$4= ?3=)! vent connecting at the junction of two fixture drains andserving as a vent for both fixtures. ! single vent that ventilatesmultiple traps, in the case of back to back fixture.

    4=)I=4%5 ?3=)! vertical vent that is the continuation of the drain to which thevents connect.

    &8H ?3=)

    ! vent that does not serve as drain and is located where if is notexposed to back up of waste from a drainage pipe.

    "84%P ?3=)! branch vents that performs its functions for two or more traps.

    I=&I?I&%!< ?3=)! pipe installed to vent, a fixture trap and w;c connects with thevent system above the fixture served or terminates in the openair.

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    Is a pipe on the fixture side of the trap through which vapor orfoul air is removed from a room fixture.

    $!I= ?3=))he principal artery of the venting system to which vent

    branches may be connected.83 ?3=))he extension of a soil or waste stack above the highesthoriontal drain connected to the stack horiontal drain, theuppermost end above the roof.

    #3) ?3=)! vent which also serves as a drain.

    H4>3 ?3=)! pipe connecting upward from a soil or waste stack to a ventstack for the purpose of preventing pressure changes in the stack.

    B!>: 5IPD4=!"3Is the backflow of used, contaminated or polluted water from aplumbing fixture due to negative pressure.

    B!))38H 4: :IL)%838efers to any group of two or more similar adjacent fixtureswhich discharge into a common horiontal waste or soil branch.

    B :

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    I=?38)Is the lowest portion of the inside of any pipe or conduit that isnot vertical.

    P 83

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    ! passage under a road, embankment or canal which allow forthe flow of water.

    B #!)38)he third kind of water after the storm water and area water.

    833553&)he type of bathtub other than sunken, square, free standing.

    #DI)3olor coding of high pressure steam.

    Bolor coding for fuel oil division.

    )8!P 48 #!)38 53!I=" :4%=)!I=

    +K:0 0;+K5I=>5 6&I5D#!5D387


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  • 7/25/2019 PLB Elements


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  • 7/25/2019 PLB Elements



  • 7/25/2019 PLB Elements


    8atio of water closets for male population for elementary andsecondary school.

    8!)I4 4: 0GE@8atio of urinals for elementary schools.

    8!)I4 4: 0GE@8atio of water closets for female population for principal worshipplaces.

    8!)I4 4: 0G@8atio of lavatory to number of occupants.


  • 7/25/2019 PLB Elements


    93)! water pump for a +ft driven well to deliver 0gpm against+ft. It is located at the surface.

    83IP84!)I="! pump motor installed on the surface attached to a lift and pusha rod to activate a submerge piston.

    )4 :!I

  • 7/25/2019 PLB Elements


    * mm 60 0;+K75tandard sie of wet standpipe outlet for each floor.

    #H3 :I))I="! type of pipe fitting for yoke vent.

    -K)he minimum horiontal clearance of vent branch immediatelyabove the flood level rim of the fixture.

    0 0;+K)he minimum sie or trap of a bidet.

    ;*K5upply valve tank type for water closet.


  • 7/25/2019 PLB Elements


    In water distributon system which constantly rely its pressurefrom the main water pipe apply only if the main fixture is supplycontinously with the flow rate and minimum required workingpressure.

    P! suitable type of water pump for deep well /K or -N casing todeliver @gpm against /@ ft. total develop height.


  • 7/25/2019 PLB Elements


    :itting in water closet in its order of sequence from the floordrain to the soil branch.

    / x + #H3 !=& +K 0;* B3=& 4$BI=!)I4= or/ x / #H3 !=& /K 0;* B3=& 4$BI=!)I4=

    :itting installed at the branching tee from a horiontal soilbranch to a horional waste branch.

    ?3=) 5IS3 I5 !)

    :IB38 3$3=) PIP3Pipe not used as water service pipe.

    !5B35)45 PIP3

  • 7/25/2019 PLB Elements


    3xception of fixture to be connected into a single trap.

    0+ ?!

  • 7/25/2019 PLB Elements


    "I fitting to join two threaded fittings as close as possible but notexceeding three inches.

    :IL3& )3$P38!)%83 D3!) &3)3)48:ire detector installed in a fire alarm system, which uses low

    melting point solders or metals that expand when exposed toheat to detect a fire, 0@deg'01Edeg :.

    83?3853 45$45I55tage in water purification which removes mineral deposits,slats, heavy metal, totally dissolves solids while some usefulminerals are retained.


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