platinum gazette 09 december 2011

Post on 01-Dec-2014






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Local newspaper for Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad and surrounding villages in Limpopo Province, South Africa.


Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstademail:

Platinum GazettePlatinum GazetteTel 0832719151 (Editorial); 0835431676 (Advertisements)Fax 0865549031/013-231 7147

9 December 2011








Fanie Matshipademonstrates


One of the biggest highlights for Tubatse Chrome during 2011 wasFanie’s display of excellence in achieving second place in the Comradesmarathon. Every Tubatse Chrome employee were glued to their seatswatching how Fanie held on and achieved gold. What an incredibleachievement given that approximately 19000 athletes participated. Itwas his 5th Comrades, and he managed to finish in a time of 5:34:30.Well done Fanie! You make us proud.

Fanie: “Volgende jaar wil ek daardie cuphierna toe bring”.

(Fanie: Next year I want to bring the cup home)

Tubatse Chrome achieved a oneyear Critical Injury (CI) free statusduring 2011. Yet another example ofexcellence! Throughout the year theSHEQ department raised awarenessaround pro-active hazardidentification. On the 29th and 30th ofNovember, and on the 1st ofDecember, a SHEQ Road show washeld. The highlight of the road showwas an industrial theatre whichdepicted the Fatal Risk Protocols(FRCPs) employed by TubatseChrome. In addition, to celebrateAIDS day, every employee wasissued with a pack of playing cardswith AIDS awareness messagesprinted on them. Tubatse Chromewould like to extend theirappreciation to every singleemployee who makes safety theirbusiness.

Consistent with our theme ofexcellence during 2012, ourmanagement made an effort toassess the housekeepingstandards of all the differentdepartments at TubatseChrome. Safety is a core valueto the business, and goodhousekeeping is a critical

Theteamthatmade ithappen.

success factor thatcontributes to safety. TheTubatse Chrome WaterTreatment plant wasrecognised in November fortheir contribution to excellenthousekeeping.Well done guys, keep up thegood work!

Tubatse Water TreatmentPlant sets an example

One year CI free!

Below: Employees at the SHEQRoad show.

Left andabove:IndustrialTheatre wasused tobring thesafetymessagehome.

2 Tubatse Chrome Wrapper 9 DECEMBER 2011









Having a tight knit team is very importantfor Tubatse Chrome. One of our successfactors is the way in which managementsupports one another. On the 23rd & 24th

of August 2011, the management teamhad a fun filled team building event at theGecko Lodge doing Sky Trails and openvehicle safaris. The evening the teamhad time to reflect on what they learnednext to a camp fire at the Kruger ParkLodge. The next day DesmondMcManus, General Manager of TubatseChrome, held a strategic planningsession with his team. With input fromthe whole D and E band, major strategicfocus areas for 2012 were identified.

Tubatse Chrome believesin strong teams

Calvin Hamandishe, Schalk Bezuidenhout andCharles Sebata getting ready for some action.

Desmond McManus facilitating a strategic discussion with hisleadership team.

The health and wellness of our employees areclose to our hearts. A breast cancer awarenessday was celebrated on the 26th of October atTubatse Chrome Club. Dr Lorna Maphuthumaopened the event. After the ladies were educatedon Breast Cancer, Marissa Joubert, ChataRomana Image consultant, gave an excitingworkshop on hair, make-up and clothing which theladies thoroughly enjoyed.

Breast CancerAwareness Tea

Photo top left: Isobel Janse van Rensburg fromCANSA came to speak to the ladies.

Left: The ladies enjoying the CANSA event


All Tubatse Chrome Secretaries/Administrators were spoiled at theSummerfield Rose Spa on the 9th ofSeptember to celebrate Secretary’sDay. The ladies said they thoroughlyenjoyed the outing!

Tubatse Chrome’s Casual day celebrationwas held on the 16th of September 2011.Each department competed against the

others to raise money for thepeople at Lehlaba Proactiveworkshop which is a home fordisabled people. Everyone hadto dress according to the “WORN

TO BE WILD” theme.The total amountraised was R7286,74.HR raised the mostmoney with an amountof R2663,50.A special mention mustgo to the Admindepartment and HRteam for the spirit theydisplayed in making adifference.

Casual Day: Worn to be Wild

Left: TFC The Admin Department.

Left: Benjamin Moimaand Arrie Heyl gettinginto the spirit ofthings!

Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstademail:

Platinum GazettePlatinum GazetteTel 0832719151 (Editorial); 0835431676 (Advertisements)Fax 0865549031/013-231 7147

9 December 2011

Burgersfort, Morone CentreBurgersfort, Morone CentreBurgersfort, Morone CentreBurgersfort, Morone CentreBurgersfort, Morone CentreShop whereSouth Africa shops! TTTTTel: (013) 231 8090 or 087 151 1491el: (013) 231 8090 or 087 151 1491el: (013) 231 8090 or 087 151 1491el: (013) 231 8090 or 087 151 1491el: (013) 231 8090 or 087 151 1491

© P





TTTTTel: (013) 231 8090 or 087 151 1491el: (013) 231 8090 or 087 151 1491el: (013) 231 8090 or 087 151 1491el: (013) 231 8090 or 087 151 1491el: (013) 231 8090 or 087 151 1491OK Minimark TOK Minimark TOK Minimark TOK Minimark TOK Minimark Tel: (013) 231 7227el: (013) 231 7227el: (013) 231 7227el: (013) 231 7227el: (013) 231 7227

Morone Centre, BurgersfortMorone Centre, BurgersfortMorone Centre, BurgersfortMorone Centre, BurgersfortMorone Centre, BurgersfortPromotion: Until 11 December 2011.

KOO BakedBeans 410g




Hotdog orHamburgerRolls (for six)

599Sprite orFantaAssorted2 Litre




Sea HarvestFish Fingers800g


Photo sessionswith Santa:

17 Desember2011 from 09:00 -

15:00Cost: R70 per

session. Payableat the photo

session. This willinclude threephotographs.

Photographs willnot be available


Write to Santa and post yourletter at the Santa Post Box instore! You could be a winner!

Get competition detailsin store!

What are you givingthis Christmas?What are you givingthis Christmas?

Photograph: Bikers that Care (see article inside)


DeadlinesAdvertising deadlines are

on a Tuesday at 17:00.Editorial deadlines are on

a Wednesday 17:00.


Platinum Gazette contact details:

Editorial: William ZwartTel: 083 271 9151E-mail:

Advertising: Beánnla CelliersTel: 083 543 1676E-mail:

Fax: 086 554 9031/013-231 7147

Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150


Printers:Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, CityDeep Production Park, City Deep.

Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / orother material contained in the Platinum Gazette areexpressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the CopyrightAct (98 of 1978).

De Hoop update

The window of opportunity is “wide open” forSouth Africa to create hundreds ofthousands of new jobs and simultaneouslyobtain a source clean zero-emission power,Anglo American CEO Cynthia Carroll saidthis week in Durban at the COP 17Conference.

“With platinum at its heart, a fuel cellindustry would support South Africa’s drivefor jobs,” Carroll said.

Anglo American, through JSE-listedAnglo American Platinum, is the world’slargest producer of platinum.

Carroll outlined how Anglo American hadput an expert body to work in London, whichhad concluded that hydrogen fuel cells coulddrive development of a whole new industrialsector in South Africa and provide thecountry with the opportunity to become amajor player in the global green economy.“The country has an opportunity toprofoundly influence the climate changedebate well beyond COP 17.

While much of the talk of climate changeis understandably focused on mitigatingcarbon emissions, we mustn’t ignore thehuge opportunities that exist in a low-carbonworld,” Carroll added.

Addressing a function for the presidencyof the United Nations climate changeconvention’s 17th Conference of the Parties(COP 17), Carroll said that the findings ofthe UK’s Carbon Trust on fuel cellsdevelopment in South Africa were that:

• with the appropriate levels of deploymentof investment in manufacturing, insulationand maintenance activities, “hundreds ofthousands of new jobs” could be createdover the next 30 years;

• fuel cells produced could simultaneouslyhelp to meet existing energy securitychallenges and provide rural communitieswith energy, without any major expansion tothe national electricity grid; and

• there would also be clear potential toexport knowledge and products to the globalmarket.

Carroll said that South Africa wasalready funding and directing research intofuel cells as part of its hydrogen strategyand fuel cell demonstration projects wereunder way around the country, ranging fromthe powering of vaccine fridges in ruralclinics to providing heat and power forhospitals. Anglo American Platinum wasitself demonstrating a 150 kW zero-emissionfuel cell close to the COP 17 conferencevenue to highlight the green credentials ofplatinum, which is on the way to being usedin 95% of the world’s new cars to capturenoxious gas.Carroll reported that the R100-million fund to support users of platinum-group metals had made its first investmentto a US company that was manufacturingand marketing fuel cell systems in SouthAfrica and Sub Saharan Africa. The use offuel cells to power underground locomotivesand miners’ cap lamps wasimminent.Hydrogen fuel cells using platinumcatalysts were efficient, versatile andscaleable and represented a proventechnology that provided clean, reliable andcost-effective power.

“I know that the South Africangovernment is determined to seize thisopportunity,” Carroll said, adding that SouthAfrica could become a global leader in fuelcells.Fuel cells, which used hydrogen andoxygen to produce electricity and water andheat, could be used in their stationaryformat, with the source of the hydrogen fromcoal-bed methane, which could be used toproduce water and electricity.

Carroll also pointed out that light emittingdiodes (LEDs) used in flat screen televisionsets, smart phones and laptops usedsapphire crystals from iridium crucibles,which was creating additional demand foriridium, a platinum group metal sourcedmainly from South Africa.

Anglo American spells itout: Fuel cells andplatinum - the road ahead

Since the strike atthe De Hoop Damconstruction sitebetween Steelpoortand Roossenekal, alot of work has beendone and the damwall is nowdefinititelyprogressing at a fastpace. Thephotograph left of theroller compactedconcrete processwas taken from theofficial De Hopp Damwebsite.


Tubatse ChromeClub hosts Carols by

CandlelightTubatse ChromeClub held their annualCarols by Candlelighton Saturday lastweek. EmmanuelEscorcio, Sanet laGrange, Dianne Wol-

huter, Ria Olivier, Johan Potgieter, WilnaTheron were some of the voice that could beheard. Die Valleie Koor, Del Canto Choir andLaudate Singers all performed. The eveningwas interactive with those attending alsosinging along to the Christmas music makingfor a joyous musical evening.



Facts about intestinal wormsInfection by intestinal parasitic worms is widespread throughout the world, affecting millions of people. Childrenare particularly susceptible and typically have the largest number of worms, which cause a number of health problems;making them unwell, affecting their physical and mental development, and affecting their attendance andperformance at school.The worms Three of the most common kinds of worms that infect children are roundworm, whipworm and hookworm. Theseworms live in the intestines and their numbers build up through repeated infection. Children may often be infectedwith more than one kind of worm.

What problems do they cause?

As numbers of worms build up over time, many of the health problems caused by these worms are chronic and canbe long lasting. The worms can cause malnutrition, as they rob the body of food through loss of appetite so thechildren eat less, or through stopping the food being absorbed properly once it has been eaten. Children withchronic worm infections and large numbers of worms may be stunted and underweight. Heavy infections withroundworm can also cause bowel obstruction. Intestinal worms can also contribute to anaemia, especially hookworm,which causes bleeding in the intestines and loss of blood. The larger the number of worms, the more likely they areto make the children ill, which can also lead to the children missing school, and doing less well when they are atschool. Chronic infections can lead to long term retardation of mental and physical development, and in very severeinfections, even death.What are the symptoms of intestinal worm infection?The different kinds of worms can cause different symptoms, and children with only a few worms probably won’tnotice any symptoms. However, with heavier infections, common symptoms in children with one or more kind orworm may include:Loss of appetite, Distended abdomen, Painful abdomen, Coughing, Fever, VomitingDiarrhoea, Listlessness and generally feeling unwellHow do people become infected with intestinal worms?People become infected with intestinal worms through contact with soil that has been contaminated with humanfaeces from an infected person. For roundworm and whipworm people can become infected when they ingest theworm eggs, either by eating contaminated food (e.g. fruits or vegetables that have been watered with water containingcontaminated soil), or by geophagic activity (ingesting contaminated soil directly). For hookworm, people becomeinfected when the larvae burrow through the skin of bare feet.What are the benefits of treatment?Benefits of treatment to individual children are: generally feeling better, an improved appetite and loss of many ofthe symptoms of worm infection described above. By having their worm infection treated, children should haveimproved nutrition, better school attendance, and be able to concentrate better when they are attending school.

Treatment of school age children will also benefit the local community, since children notonly carry the greatest burdens of worms, but can also be a major source of infection.

The Second Limpopo Valley ToyRun under the auspices of BikersThat Care took place on 19 and 20November at Mapochs ClubRoossenekal. The event wasattended by about 100 motorcyclesand 300 people. This turnout wasrealisd despite miserable bikingweather in the area. Peoplecontributed both toys (970), cashand much goodwill at the event.The toys are now distributed andthanks to the collective effort,Bikers That Care say they will beable to make Christmas a littlebrighter for 1195 children inLydenburg, Burgersfort,Steelpoort and surrounding areas.

5Advertorial9 DESEMBER 2011

Community will get a tar road

Bringing water to the thirsty

Smokey Hills Mine on Friday lastweek launched community projectsthat will not only be a contribution tothe economic upliftment of thecommunity, but also make life easierfor everyone traveling on the currentgravel road.Phokathaba Platinum(PTY) Ltd underwhich Smokey Hills is licensed will betaking on the responsibility for theconstruction of approximately 2.5kmof tar road from the circle atMaandagshoek, to the turn-off to themine.The contractors, BIGEN Africa willstart constructing a by-pass before the15th of December and hopes tocomplete the new tar road within fivemonths.At the ceremony, Mr Piet Kleynhanson behalf of Smokey Hills Mine toldthe community and governmentrepresentatives that they’ve heard thecall for a tar road. They also askedthe community to be patient during theconstruction phase.Municipal and community re-presentatives all thanked the SmokeyHills for the road that will be coming.During a ceremonial sod turningceremony, the mine representatives,government representatives andcommunity representatives dug intothe very hard gravel surface with ashovel and pick. It was however withsmiles on their faces that they did theirbit of hard labour for the day.

Smokey Hills Mine licenced under Phokathaba Platinum (PTY) Ltdhas shown their goodwill towards the community that had been sufferingwithout water.The Mahubane Section of the Maandagshoek area now has runningwater at taps in different sections of the community. The mine firstdrilled for water to provide the community with borehole water, but thewater was not fit for human consumption. Plan B then kicked into

action and the community reservoir is now fed directly from themine’s supply. This is a temporary measure until the SekhukhuneDistrict Municipality’s water pipeline reaches the community. In themean time the Mine has appealed to the community to take care ofthe line. Illegal connections into homes diminish the pressure andthen the supply cannot reach all areas of the current pipeline.They’ve also asked that the community not take the taps or pressure

valves from the line. Municipal officials thanked Smokey Hills fortaking the initiative to provide the community with water fromtheir own source. The community in turn expressed theirappreciation, but also urged government to provide sections notserved with the new line with water as soon as possible.Thehand-over of the project was celebrated by Mr Piet Kleynhans ofSmokey Hills with a drink from the tap!

Running water at Mahubane section.

A ceremonial sod turning ceremony took place at CrossongSection in Maandagshoek. A section of the gravel road will betarred over the coming months.


Notice was given earlier this year that the MSA Group has been appointed by Veremo Minerals (Pty) Ltdto undertake the various authorisation processes required for the proposed establishment of an open pitmagnetite mine. It is Veremo’s intention to mine weathered, free-dig magnetite-rich ore for a period ofapproximately 30 years. The proposed mine will be located approximately sixteen (16) kilometres northof Stoffberg and twelve (12) kilometres west of Roossenekal, Limpopo Province, on a portion of portion 2of the farm Paardekloof 176 JS, the remaining extent of the farm The Wedge 175 JS, and Portions 1, 2,3, 4, 5 of the farm Duikerskrans 173 JS.

This notice serves to inform you of progress with the abovementioned applications. In summary,authorisation is required for the project in terms of the following legislation:1. The Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act (Act 28 of 2002), as amended (MPRDA).

Sections 22 and 39(1) of the MPRDA require the submission of an application to obtain a MiningRight from the Department of Mineral Resources (DMR). The draft Environmental Impact AssessmentReport (EIAR) and Environmental Management Programme (EMP) as compiled in terms of Section49 of the MPRDA were made available for public comment from 15 April 2011 – 12 May 2011.These reports have subsequently been finalised and submitted to the DMR for inspection, as perthe timeframes prescribed in the Act (LP 30/5/1/2/3/2/1/202 EM).

2. The National Water Act (Act 36 of 1998) (NWA). Section 21 of the NWA requires the submission ofan application for an Integrated Water Use License (IWUL) from the Department of Water Affairs(DWA). This application process is currently underway.

3. The National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act 107 of 1998) (NEMA), as amended.Section 24(2) and 24(D) NEMA, as read with Government Notice R543 (Regulation 26 to 34) andR545 of the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations, 2010, requires that an application forEnvironmental Authorisation be submitted to the relevant competent Authority, in this instance theLimpopo Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism (LEDET). Thisapplication has been lodged with the LEDET on 29 September 2011 and reference number 12/1/9/2-GS15 was allocated.

4. The National Environmental Management: Waste Act (Act 59 of 2008) (NEMWA). Section 19(1)and 20(b) of NEMWA, as read with the Government Notice No. 718 Category B requires that anapplication for a Waste Management License is submitted to the National Department of

Environmental Affairs (DEA). This application was lodged with the DEA on 13 October 2011 andreference number 12/9/11/L745/5 was allocated.

Please be advised that the Draft Environmental Scoping Report as compiled in terms of therequirements of both the NEMA and NEMWA, is available for comment. Copies of this report areavailable for inspection at the following venue, from 9 December 2011 – 27 February 2012:-Roossenekal Public Library from 7h30 to 16h15 Weekdays (excluding Public Holidays) at 143 HugoStreet, Roossenekal (Contact Person: Rachel Malatjie (013) 273-0056.

Note that the draft Environmental Scoping Report can also be accessed on MSA’s

Should you wish to become involved in the project, please register as an Interested and/or Affected Party(I&AP) as soon as possible and/or forward your comments on the draft Scoping Report to The MSAGroup, on or before Monday, 27 February 2012. Attention Robert Kruger / Elmarie van der Walt PO Box81356, Parkhurst, Johannesburg, 2120. Tel: (011) 880 4209 Fax: (011) 880 2184 and/or








Tsebišo e filwe pele ngwaga wo gore MSA Group e thwetšwe ke Veremo Minerals (Pty) Ltd go diraditshepedišo tša tumelelo tše mmalwa tše di nyakegago ka go hlongweng ga moepo wa maknethaete wo obulegilego wa nkoti wo o šišintšwego. Ke maikemišetšo a Veremo go rafa borale bjo bo humilego kamaknethaete bja go epša bonolo bjo bo gogolegilego mo lebakeng la nako ya mengwga e 30. Moepo wo ošišintšwego o tla ba dikhilometara tše di ka bago tše lesometshela (16) ka leboa la Stoffberg le dikhilometaratše lesomepedi (12) ka bodikela bja Roossenekal, ka Phrobentsheng ya Limpopo, karolong ya karolo ya 2ya polasa ya Paardekloof 176 JS, bogolo bjo bo šetšego bja polasa ya The Wedge 175 JS, Dikarolo tša 1,2, 3, 4, 5 tša polasa ya Duikerskrans 173 JS.

Tsebišo ye e le tsebiša ka ga kgatelopele ka ga ditirišo tše go boletšwego ka tšona ka mo godimo. Kakakaretšo, tumelelo e a nyakega go protšeke go latela melao ye e latelago:1. Molao wa Tlhabollo ya Methopo ya Diminerale le Phethroliamo (MPRDA) (Molao wa 28 wa 2002),

ka ge o fetošitšwe (MPRDA). Dikarolo tša 22 le 39(1) tša MPRDA di nyaka gore go romelwe kgopelo yago hwetša Tokelo ya Moepo go tšwa go Kgoro ya Methopo ya Diminerale (DMR). Sethalwa sa Pego yaTekolo ya Seabe go Tikologo (EIAR) le Lenaneo la Taolo ya Tikologo (EMP) ka ge di ngwadilwe go latelaKarolo ya 49 ya MPRDA di ile tša fiwa setšhaba gore se fe ditshwaotshwao go thoma ka la 15 Aprele2011 – 12 Mei 2011. Dipego tše ka morago di ile tša phethwa gomme tša romelwa go Kgoro ya Methopoya Diminerale (DMR) go hlahlobja, go ya ka dinako tše di beilwego ka Molaong (LP 30/5/1/2/3/2/1/202EM).

2. Molao wa Meetse wa Bosetšhaba (Molao wa 36 wa 1998) (NWA). Karolo ya 21 ya Molao wa Meetsewa Bosetšhaba (NWA) e nyaka gore go romelwe kgopelo ya Laesentshe ya Tšhomišo ya Meetseye e Kopantšwego (IWUL) go tšwa go Kgoro ya Merero ya Meetse (DWA). Tshepedišo ya kgopelaye e tšwela pele mo lebakeng le.

3. Molao wa Taolo ya Tikologo wa Bosetšhaba, wa 1998 (Molao wa 107 wa 1998) (NEMA) ka ge ofetošitšwe. Karolo ya 24(2) le 24(D) NEMA, ka ge o badilwe le Tsebišo ya Mmušo ya R543 (Molawanawa 26 go fihla ka wa 34) le wa R545 wa Melawana ya Tekolo ya Seabe go Tikologo, ya 2010, e nyakagore kgopelo ya Tumelelo ya Tikologo e romelwe go ba Taolo ba maleba bao ba nago le bokgoni, molebakeng le e lego Kgoro ya Tlhabollo ya Ekonomi, Tikologo le Boeti ya Limpopo (LEDET). Kgopelo yee išitšwe go Kgoro ya Tlhabollo ya Ekonomi, Tikologo le Boeti ya Limpopo (LEDET) ka la 29 Setemere2011 gomme nomoro ya tšhupetšo ya 12/1/9/2-GS15 e filwe.

4. Molao wa Taolo ya Ditlakala tša Tikologo wa Bosetšhaba (Molao wa 59 wa 2008) (NEMWA). Karoloya 19(1) le 20(b) tša NEMWA ka ge di badilwe le Tsebišo ya Mmušo ya Nomoro ya 718 Legoro la B enyaka gore kgopela ya Laesentshe ya Taolo ya Ditlakala e romelwe go Kgoro ya Bosetšhaba ya MereroTikologo (DEA). Kgopelo ye e išitšwe go Kgoro ya Merero ya Tikologo (DEA) ka la 13 Oktoboro 2011gomme nomoro ya tšhupetšo ya 12/9/11/L745/5 e filwe.

Ka kgopelo o tsebišwa gore Pego ye e Thadilwego ya Tekolo ya Tikologo ye e ngwadilwego golatela dinyakwa tša Molao wa Taolo ya Tikologo wa Bosetšhaba (NEMA) le Molao wa Taolo yaDitlakala tša Tikologo wa Bosetšhaba (NEMWA), bjale e a hwetšagala gore batho ba direditshwaotshwao. Dikhopi tša pego ye di hwetšagala mafelong ao a latelago go lekodišišwa go thoma kala 9 Desemere le 11 – 27 Feperware 12:-Bokgobapukung bja setšhaba bja Roossenekal go thoma ka 7h30 go fihla ka16h15 Matšatšing a garega beke (go sa akaretšwe Matšatši a Maikhutšo a Setšhaba) ka 143 Hugo Street, Roossenekal (Mothoyo le ka ikgokaganyago le yena: Rachel Malatjie (013) 273-0056)

Pego ye e Thadilwego ya Tekolo ya Tikologo le yona e ka hwetšwa wepsaeteng ya MSA

Ge o ka nyaka go kgatha tema ka protšekeng, o kgopelwa go ingwadiša bjalo ka Motho yo a nago leKgahlego le yo a Amegago ka pela ka fao go kgonagalago le/goba o romele ditshwaotshwao tša gago ka gaPego ye e Thadilwego ya Tekolo ya Tikologo go MSA Group, ka la goba pele ga Mošupologo wa la 27Feberware 2012 o dikela. Go Robert Kruger / Elmarie van der Walt PO Box 81356, Parkhurst, Johannesburg,2120. Mogala: (011) 880 4209 Fekese: (011) 880 2184 Emeile: le/

Mr Titus Nkgudi, Ms Lucia Shabangu and MrKarabo Masinga said: “It is very good thatnational government is taking charge. Theirfocus must be on better control overspending. Audits must be done on aquarterly basis. The loophole was on theaudit side”.

Ms Khuliswa Bomoyi, Mr Patrick Aphane andMs Bongiwe Mlilwana said: “People who arein politics in high positions misuse the moneyfor themselves instead of helping where themoney must go. The problem is they takepeople who have not gone to school andmake them their leaders. SA will be likeZimbabwe very soon”.

Mnr Rassie Snyman en me. Arlette Snymansê: “Dit gaan alles oor geld. Sodra geld ‘nissue raak dan hardloop party mense sekoppe met hulle weg. ‘n Mens moet dienasionale ouens ‘n fair kans gee en kyk ofhulle die provinsie kan uitsorteer”. By hulle isRuben en Samantha.

Mnr Pieter Oosthuizen en me. ElizeOosthuizen sê: “Hulle sal iemand moet krywat kan toesig hou, maar jy sal nooit weet ofhulle ook korrup is nie”. By hulle is Janine enGertjie.

Ms Mabotsha Mankge and Ms MantwaneMothapo said: “The problem is that theyappoint people who are not properlyqualified. They need to restructure and getpeople who are qualified to do the job.People who can see things like this coming”.With them is Refentse Mankge.

Me Rachel Mangaba en Genevieve Ferrissê: “Hulle moet mense met regtekwalifikasies kry. Hulle moet fokus op dieregte dinge doen. Hulle spend te veel geldop onnodige dinge. Ons is bly daar isingegryp”.

Me. Annemariede Koker sê:“Ek hoop dit salnou betergaan”.

The Limpopo provincial government wasplaced under partial administration this week.The affected departments are the Treasury, theDepartment of Education, the Department ofRoads and Transport, the Department of PublicWorks and the Health and Social ServicesDepartment.The provincial government has allegedly usedup their 757.3 million overdraft facility. Thissevere financial trouble comes just halfway intothe 2011/2012 financial year. Limpopo has nowrequested the SA Reserve Bank to increasetheir overdraft facility to R1.7 thousand million(billion). Cabinet will now take over theresponsibility for the departments who wereplaced under administration.The partial administration of the provincialgovernment was greeted with mixed feelings.The ANC Youth League said that the move wasaimed at “reducing the confidence of ANCmembers in the current leadership” shortlybefore the party’s provincial conference nextweek.Cosatu and the SA Communist Party bothwelcomed the decision. Cosatu called for the“arrests and the dismissal of the culprits behindthe mess”. Opposition parties felt that the ANC’sdeployment of comrades to the provincescontribute to their financial trouble.

We asked readerswhat they thinkabout the wholea d m i n i s t r a t i o nsituation”.

What do you think about Limpopo’s


Supply ChainManagement Unit

Address: Kastania Street, BurgersfortPO Box 206, Burgersfort, 1150Tel: 013 231 1000Fax: 013 231 1467Website:

H.L PhalaMunicipal Manager



Compulsory Briefing Session: Old Municipal Building’s Chamber, Burgersfort on the 15December 2011 at 09H00


Bids shall be evaluated and adjudicated in accordance with the Greater Tubatse Municipal SupplyChain Management Policy as amended, Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act 5/2000,responsiveness to the bid document (s), and on a 90/10 points system, of which 90 point is for priceand10 points for B-BBEE Level Contribution as determined on the B-BBEE Certificate.


1. Bid documents will be on sale as from the 13 December 2011 at the cashiers’ office, LowerGround, Greater Tubatse Municipal Civic Centre Building from 08h30 to 15h00 during weekdaystill the closing date as stated below.

2. All bids will be closed and opened in public on the 30 December 2011 at 12H00 and must befully priced, signed and sealed in an envelope appropriately marked the name of the bid proposingand must be deposited into the Municipal Tender Box which is accessible 24 hours and 07 daysa week at the Reception of the Greater Tubatse Municipality, 1st Floor, 1st Kastania street,Burgersfort. No late, faxed, e-mailed, telephonic or electronically-submitted bids will be acceptedfor consideration.

3. Only Bidders with a CIDB contractor grading of 3CEPE or higher are eligible to submit bids.Bidders must have in their employ, staff satisfying the requirements of Labour IntensiveInfrastructure Projects (Act No. 75 of 1997) as promulgated in Government Gazette NoticeNo. P64 of January 2002.

4. The municipality is under no obligation whatsoever to appoint any bidder and reserves the rightto appoint individually and/or collectively to execute the above contracts to the Greater TubatseMunicipality and negotiates further conditions and requirements with the successful bidder.

5. In terms of National Treasury’s Regulation, no bid will be accepted from the persons in theservice of the state and bidders failing to comply with the requirements of the bid document willbe submitting non-responsive bids. 90 working days after the bid closing date is our bidvalidity period.

6. Successful bidders who are outside the area of jurisdiction of the Greater TubatseMunicipality shall be required to sub-contract at least 30% of the total scope of work to alocally-SMME-based contractor registered on the municipal database.

7. All enquiries relating to the bidding procedure should be directed to Mr. O N Mosoma at 013 2311000 / 1231, e-mail as from 07H30 to 16H00 and technical enquiriesto Mr. R Muravha at 015 291 2112.

Ms Phindile Nkosi said: “With nationalgovernment handling things it will be muchbetter. There was a lot of corruption”.

Mnr Johan Albertyn sê: “As hulle net diekorrupsie kan uitsorteer sal dit beter gaan.Daar is soveel korrupsie in die land dat eknie weet of hulle die regte mense sal kan kryom dit uit te sorteer nie. Daar was baietenders vir tjommies en familie. Almalprobeer beter doen, kry niks reg nie enintussen word die geld uitgemors”.

Mr Nicholas Jones and Mr Howard Magopasaid: “It is a good thing that they have takenover. People of politics don’t deliver services,they want to enrich themselves. We hope itwill be all right now”.

Mnr Albert Schoeman en me. Chantelle vanHeerden sê: “Hulle moet die onbekwames enkorruptes uitkry en mense insit wat die job kandoen. Gee geld op die belangrike goed uit”.

Mr Thulani Cele said: “It is not good for thefuture. The problem is that we haveincompetent people in critical positions. Howdo you over spend 1.4 billion and then justgo to national government for a handout?You have to have competent people like inthe private sector. What happens in theprivate sector if you overspend? You getfired! We should start running governmentlike a business in the private sector. Thefailure to do so will see us heading for adisaster”.

Mnr James Letsoalo, Mnr Isaac Mothoa, Mnr Andries Ebersöhn, Mnr Richard Khoza en Mnr.Eddie (Casanova) Krause sê: “Dis wonderlik dat daar oorgeneem is, maar dit sal nie betergaan nie. Ons soek Trevor Manuel hier om die over-spending te kom uitsorteer. Hy kansommer vir 2 jaar in Burgersfort kom bly”.

Ms Patience Mahlake said: “It is good ifnational government takes control. Whenprovincial run themselves things don’t workout because people tend to look after theirrelatives even though they don’t have thequalifications.” With her is Fahlogelo.

Ms Thelma Matlala said: “I don’t think it’sgoing to be better now. They can putwhoever they want there, but there iscorruption everywhere”.

Ms O’Dilhea Keulder en Me. YolandeKoekemoer sê: “Hulle sal moet kyk na diekorrupsie en die onbekwame mense. Kyk naal die ongemagtigde tenders wat vir pêllegegee word. Daar sit mense in poste watomtrent nie eens hul name kan spel niemaar besluite moet neem. Mense is moeg virhoe hulle belastinggeld spandeer word. Ditlyk of 80% van die regering korrup is en dieander 20% maklik deur hulle beïnvloed kanword”.

Mr Frank Napo said: “We’ve heard from themedia that there are a lot of unqualifiedtenders that were given to friends and familyof officials. I am a teacher and every schoolreceives what we call ‘Norms and standardsfees’ with which you have to run the school.It usually comes in two allocations. The onearound May and the other December. We’venot received anything yet and I’m afraid wewill not get it. Where it comes to moneynational government have to interveneotherwise the civil servants will not get paid”.

partial administration this week?

10 NEWS 24 October 2008

Klein Advertensies • SmallsPlaas jou klein advertensie by Phelo Pele Pharmacy in die Khadima Sentrum of by Burgersfort Apteek in die Marone Sentrum of doen dit elektronies d.m.v. e-pos of faks. Place your small at Phelo Pele Pharmacy in the Khadima Centre or

at Burgersfort Pharmacy at the Marone Centre. You could also place it via e-mail or fax. Enquiries: 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031


1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs2.Betrekking/Vacancy

3.Dienste/Services4. Oornag Akkommodasie/Overnight

accommodation5. Troeteldiere/Pets

6. Persoonlik/Personal7. Allerlei/Miscellaneous

8. Gesoek/Wanted9. Te Huur/To Let

10. Te Koop/For sale

Springkastele te huur.Vyf verskillende

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10. Te Koop/For Sale

9. Te Huur/To Rent

Supply ChainManagement Unit


1. Molawetsi Access Bridge MIG/LP1223/R,ST/11/13 R200.00 15 December 2011, at 09H00 at Greater

Tubatse Old Municipal Chamber

2. Dresden Access Bridge MIG/LP1228/R,ST/11/13 R200.00 Same as above

3. Alverton Access Bridge MIG/LP1232/R,ST/11/13 R200.00 Same as above

4. Motlolo Access Bridge MIG/LP1230/R,ST/11/13 R200.00 Same as above

EVALUATION AND ADJUDICATION CRITERIABids shall be evaluated and adjudicated in accordance with the Greater Tubatse Municipal Supply Chain Management Policyas amended, Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act 5/2000, responsiveness to the bid document (s), and on a 90/10points system, of which 90 point is for price and10 points for B-BBEE Level Contribution as determined on the B-BBEECertificate.


1. Bid documents will be on sale as from the 13 December 2011 at the cashiers’ office, Lower Ground, Greater Tubatse MunicipalCivic Centre Building from 08h30 to 15H00 during weekdays till the closing date as stated below.

2. All bids will be closed and opened in public on the 30 December 2011 at 12H00. Bids must be fully priced, signed and sealedin an envelope marked the relevant access bridge name and number and must be deposited into the Municipal Tender Boxwhich is accessible 24 hours and 07 days a week at the Reception of the Greater Tubatse Municipality, 1st Floor, 1st Kastaniastreet, Burgersfort. No late, faxed, e-mailed, telephonic or electronically-submitted bids will be accepted for consideration.

3. Only Bidders with a CIDB contractor grading of 3CE or higher are eligible to submit bids. Bidders must have in their employ,staff satisfying the requirements of Labour Intensive Infrastructure Projects (Act No. 75 of 1997) as promulgated inGovernment Gazette Notice No. P64 of January 2002.

4. The municipality is under no obligation whatsoever to appoint any bidder and reserves the right to appoint bidders to maintainAccess Bridge at Marapong to the Greater Tubatse Municipality and negotiates further conditions and requirements with thesuccessful bidder.

5. In terms of National Treasury’s Regulation, no bid will be accepted from the persons in the service of the state and biddersfailing to comply with the requirements of the bid document will be submitting non-responsive bids. 90 working days after thebid closing date is our bid validity period.

6. Successful bidders who are outside the area of jurisdiction of the Greater Tubatse Municipality shall be required to sub-contract at least 30% of the total scope of work to a locally-SMME-based contractor registered on the municipal database.

All enquiries relating to the bidding procedure should be directed to Mr. O N Mosoma at 013 231 8530, ext. 12, as from 07H30 to 16H00 and technical enquiries to TS Consulting at 015 291 4365.

Address: Kastania Street, BurgersfortPO Box 206, Burgersfort, 1150Tel: 013 231 1000 Fax: 013 231 1467Website:

H.L PhalaMunicipal Manager

10. Te Koop/For Sale

R 255 000 Standwith single garage on

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Supply ChainManagement Unit

Address: Kastania Street, BurgersfortPO Box 206, Burgersfort, 1150Tel: 013 231 1000Fax: 013 231 1467Website:

H.L PhalaMunicipal Manager


1. All the contractors in the Greater Tubatse Municipality are invitedto a training workshop to be conducted by Treasury which isintended at exposing everyone in business the TENDERINGTECHNIQUES and the training workshop is scheduled as follows –

1.1 Venue: Greater Tubatse Old Municipality Chamber.1.2 Date: 14 December 2011.1.3 Time: 10H00.

2. Those wishing to attend should confirm their attendance withMokota K Z (Procurement Officer) at 013 231 1000 / 1156 orMosoma O N (Supply Chain Manager) at 013 231 1000 / 1231 onor before the 13 December 2011.

Hope in Heels Walk for charityTubatse Chrome hosted the Hope in Heels Walk for Charity onWednesday this week.More than 300 entries were received for this good cause. All themoney raised with the event will be going towards the fightagainst the abuse of women and children.Every participant received a medal, umbrella and coolbag. Afterthe walk snacks and cooldrinks were served while the white andpink helium balloons were untied to fly away. The symbolism ofthe balloons is that people can break free from the circle of abuseand fly high to triumph over bad circumstances.Tubatse Chrome thanked every participant, sponsor andwaterpoint participant who helped to make a success of the day.Eastern Plant was the waterpoint winnersfor the day. This annual event is onenot to be missed in 2012! See morephotographs on page 10.

Photograph: Iain Zwart.

Below: Ruben Zwartwas the firstparticipant to finish.

Big and smalltook part.


Walkingfor a good

causeTubatse Chrome’s Hope in Heels Walk was well attendedon Wednesday this week. Read more about this eventand see more pictures on page 9 of this week’snewspaper.

Some participantswalked and someran.Despite a quickthunder storm duringthe afternoon, thetemperature was still36 degrees when thewalk started.This made thewaterpoints along theway one of thehighlights.

Makua Marathon or Daniel, one ofTubatse Marathon Club’s oldest membersis a well-known motivator in thecommunity.Every year he gives a message ofencouragement and well wishes for theChristmas holidays.This year he said: “Road safety is veryimportant this season. People should bevigilant 24 hours a day. Lives areimportant and you could lose your home,brothers, sisters and spouses if you arereckless. Don’t drink and drive or use yourcell phone while driving. Pedestriansshould look before they cross the road.People should respect the road signs.A merry Christmas to everyone and happyNew Year. May you have a prosperous2012. Remember to look after yourbodies. Run and keep fit”.

Makua Marathon’s message


On Saturday, 03 December 2011,Eastern Chrome Mines (ECM) playedsoccer against Wesetern ChromeMines (WCM) at Mooinooi.The results for the first game, was ECM4 and WCM 4. A second game wasplayed, and the results were ECM 3and WCM 0.(Photographs and information: MariskaStickling, Eastern Chrome Mines).

EasternChrome Mines

vs WesternChrome Mines

The ECM players ready for action.

They played atMooinooi

Maatlopo United will aim to collect sixpoints this week when they hostSekhukhune Arsenal on Saturday andTubatse United on Sunday.All the games will start at 15:30 atMoroke Stadium.“We are compelled to beat the defendingChampion (Tubatse United) in order tobe the champions of the 2011/2012season,” said Mr Jimmy Makola, theteam’s spokesman. “Come Sunday, theboys will be separated from the men,” headded.Last week Maatlopo played at SeshegoStadium in the Nedbank Cup play-offs.They beat Waterberg 5-3 on penalties. Intheir second game they were beaten byVhembe district 4-2. Mopani District wonthe playoffs by defeating the hostsCapricorn 3-1 andVhembe 5-2 in thefinal game.Enquiries: Jimmy Makola, 082 407 6226.(Compiled by: Jimmy Makola)

Maatlopo Unitedto face thedefendingchampions

Smoking hot soccer tournamentThe Smokey Hills Mine soccertournament, sponsored by PhokathabaPlatinum (Pty) Ltd kicked-off lastweekend.Teams played at the Sehlaku andDigabane soccer fields close to themine.Get all the results and the new fixtureson page 12 of thisweek’s news-paper.

12 9 DESEMBER 2011

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We are openover thefestive


Smokey Hillssoccer heating up

On Saturday and Sunday last week local teams started thebattle to win the Smokey Hills Mine soccer tournament.The tournament is sponsored by Phokathaba Platinum (Pty)Ltd. under which the Smokey Hills Mine is licensed.On 3 December games were played at Digabane SoccerField and at the Sehlaku Soccer Field. At Digabane, Maapeathe Peters won 1- 0 against Crossong Flying Birds. SehlakuNaughty Boys won 5-4 against Digabane Love & Peace.At Sehlaku, Mamphahlane Nigeria won 4-2 against SwaleJunior Stars. Mamphahlane Home Stars won 2-1 againstMpuru Bakone Stars.

On Sunday the games at Digabane were: Sehlaku All Four One whowon 3 - 1 over Maapea Dangerous Dakkies. Motomelane FC won 1-0 against Digabane Baroka FC. At Sehlaku soccer field the SehlakuBlack Stars won 2-1 against Mamphahlane Juventors. TheBalotsaneng FC won 5-3 against Sekiti Black Movers.This week the fixtures are: Sekhlaku Naughty Boys vs BalotsanengFC at 10:00. Sehlaku Black Stars vs Motomelane FC at 12:00.Maapea The Peters vs Sehlaku All Four One at 14:00. MamphahlaneNigeria vs Mamphahlane Home Stars at 16:00. All these games areon the 10th of December. The final will be on Sunday 11 December.Enquiries: Joseph Mohlala, 082 925 277.

The photographs on this page was taken on Saturday last week when Maapea The Peters faced CrossongFlying Birds and Digabane Love & Peace faced Sehlaku Naughty Boys.

3Tubatse Chrome Wrapper9 DESEMBER 2011

Tubatse Chrome is proud to haveestablished a Carwash on the 5th ofSeptember 2011 as part of communityinitiative under Enterprise Development.We have employed 5 young localgentlemen to run and manage theproject.The idea behind the establishment of thisinitiative is to develop entrepreneurs whowill be able to start their own businessesand create jobs. WRAPPER








2011 was clearly a year ofexcellence for Tubatse Chrome. Tothank employees for their hard workand personal contribution to thesuccess of the Company, TubatseChrome held a year end function forall employees and their families.The highlight was the hugeChristmas tree and Santa whomade the children’s day.

Supporting entrepreneurship with economic development

2011 has cometo an end

Photo far right: The new entrepreneurs.

Just right: Mr Andries Nieuwoudt ofTubatse Chrome at the new car wash.

Gifts and treats with Santa arriving inan emergency vehicle.

4 Tubatse Chrome Wrapper









On the 9th of November TubatseChrome took some time out with theirleadership team to have a strategiclook at the year behind us and the oneto come. Heykie Berg, well knownactor who currently performs inBinnelanders and who won Survivor2011 inspired the team with greatwords of wisdom. He highlighted thateveryone in life should have a clearpurpose and that one should takeaction to make your purpose happen. One should not compare yourself toothers and ask why they achievedwhat they have, but rather ask howyou can go about it to achieve yourpurpose. Desmond McManus, theGeneral Manager of Tubatse Chromefollowed on by sharing the slogan for

On the 17th of November TubatseChrome held a Gala Dinner toaward their best performingemployees. Desmond McManus,General Manager of Tubatse

Chrome congratulated allthe winners andemphasized that each ofthese winners are starsshining their light. And that

they should keepup the good work.W a l t e rMajaramhepo, alsoArtisan of the Year,was awardedEmployee of theYear.P r o d u c t i o nOperator of theYear was ThomasPaile, SMEOperator of theYear was HlupiNkosi andSupervisor of theyear was ChrisOosthuizen.

Tubatse’scream ofthe crop

2012 TubatseChrome will

make it happen!Tubatse for the year 2012 which is“MAKING IT HAPPEN”. Heemphasized that Tubatse really pulledtogether to achieve their slogan for2011 which was “a year of excellence”. He thanked everyone for their inputsduring 2011 and encouraged theleadership team of Tubatse Chrome byclosing off the session with thefollowing inspirational words: “Togetherwe will grow, together we will make adifference. We will make it happen!”

Above: Heykie Berginspired the team!

Left: Mr DesmondMcManus sharing the2012 slogan and vision.

WalterMajaramhepo andMr DesmondMcManus. Walteris the Employee ofthe Year.

SME Operator of the Year was Hlupi Nkosi Supervisor of the year was Chris Oosthuizen.Production Operator of the Year was ThomasPaile


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