plate tectonics

Post on 22-Mar-2016






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Plate Tectonics. A Path To Victory!. 1. What is happening here?. Answer 1. Divergent boundary, 2 oceanic plates, mid-ocean ridge forming!. 2. How did these mountains form?. Answer 2. Folded mountains form when 2 continental plates converge—collide. 3. How did this most likely form? . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Plate Tectonics

A Path To Victory!

1. What is happening here?

Answer 1

Divergent boundary, 2 oceanic plates, mid-ocean ridge forming!

Answer 2

• Folded mountains form when 2 continental plates converge—collide.

4. What is happening here?

Answer 4

• Rift valley forms when continental plates diverge.

5. What causes this?

Answer 5

Subduction: When heavier plate dives beneath less dense plate.

6. What types of plate subduct?

Answer 6

• Oceanic plates subduct beneath continental plates or other oceanic (less dense) plates.

7. What crustal features form at subduction zones?

Answer 7

• Trench, volcanic mountain

8. What is forming here?

Answer 8

• Mid-ocean ridge volcano!

9. What type of boundary is this?

Answer 9

• Divergent: 2 oceanic plates pulling apart.

10. Where do trenches form?

• ??????

Answer 10

• At subduction zones.

11. What are 2 ways volcanoes can form?

Answer 11

• Mid-ocean ridge Subduction

12. What powers plate tectonics?


Answer 12

• Convection in the mantle!

13. Name 3 supports for continental drift

Answer 13

14. How does subduction form volcanoes?

• ???????

Answer 14.

• Subducting plate melts then “bubbles up” to form volcano.

15. How did these possibly form?

Answer 15

• Aleutian Islands

16. How did this form?

Answer 16.

• Two oceanic plates diverging-mid ocean ridge.

17. What do you think this is?

Answer 17.

• Iceland! Part of mid-ocean ridge (Atlantic)

18. What is this?

Answer 18

• Ring of fire! Subduction zones around the world form this ring.

Answer 19.

They get older…they move closer to subduction/trench.

Answer 20.

• Rocks formed at ridge record earth’s magnetic field reversal.

21. What will most likely form at boundary of Antarctic plate and Cocos plate?

Answer 21.

It’s 2 oceanics diverging, so mid-ocean ridge.

22. What is causing the Himalayas to form?

Answer 22.

2 continental plates converging.

23. Where is oceanic crust destroyed?


Answer 23

• Subduction zones!

24. Upwelling here shows what forming?

Answer 24.

• New ocean floor/rock

25. Where in the U.S. would we find a transform boudary?

• ?????

Answer 25

• San Andreas fault in California

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