plastic surgery content marketing

Post on 14-Sep-2014






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Plastic surgery practices must start implementing content marketing strategies to attract new patients, and to achieve high rankings in google. Content marketing is the "new" SEO! If your content doesn't educate, inform and resonate with your prospects, they will not hire your practice for any procedures. The cosmetic surgeon who provides valuable content in the form of articles (text), video and even audio will dominate their locale. They will be the perceived "authority" on plastic surgery in the area. If you want to implement a high ROI content marketing campaign for your plastic surgery practice, contact us today at 866-620-2646 or visit us at





Mike PedersenFounder, StrategicMedica.comInternet Marketing Strategist For Plastic Surgeons866-620-2646


Wouldn’t you like the woman above to be calling your plastic surgery practice after reading the content on your website?

I have spoken  to dozens and dozens of frustrated plastic surgeons regarding their ineffective websites… to help them better understand what they need to do moving forward to fix it.

Tip: Do you check your stats to see how long a visitor stays on your website?

This is a critical number as it tells

you if your content is resonating with your visitor. Find

out how one blogger gets visitors

to stay on his site for over 40 minutes.

Click here to read the blog

So many times I talk with plastic surgeonsand their

content is all about

them and not their reader.


You’re making a huge mistake if you don’t have a

strategic plan regarding content marketing

for plastic surgeons. A great read to help you

with this isEpic Content

MarketingBy Joe Pulizzi.Click here to read the blog

In the following post I’m going to show you how to make the most of your content,

get your visitors to stick around longer and take action,  and create raving fans for

your plastic surgery practice. Ones that will keep coming back, and more importantly tell all their friends.

So what will you get out of

reading this article, and

creating magnetic

content on your own website?

Achieving your goals, whether it be call your practice for a consultation, or sign up for your email content.A dramatic increase in engagementIncreased rankings in google and other search engines.More people coming back to your site and consuming your content.

Lets get on with it!

You Have A Golden Opportunity

I have reviewed hundreds upon

hundreds of plastic surgery

websites, and I can assure you over 90% of them are not getting


This is your opportunity to dominate your locale with strategically written content on

your website that informs,

educates and engages your website visitors.

Every WORD on your website

should be for the… benefit of your

READER…period. If you want to

see it in action, Ryan Hanley has rocked the Insurance world with his excellent content

marketing approach.

When you write new content,

evaluateevery word,

every sentence…to see if it is of

high value to your reader.

Does it connect with them emotionally

?Does it have an

empathetic tone to it? Are you addressing all

their concerns and emotions?

As you go along, if you can say it does, you now

will be viewed as the “authority”

in your marketplace.

According to Hubspot, one of the industries

top content marketing software

companies, 61% of people feel better about a company

that delivers custom content and are more likely to

buy from that company.

Another interesting study by Hubspot

showed, 73% of people prefer to get information

about an organization

through a series of articles rather than

in a traditional advertisement.

As you can see, with the proper content marketing strategy, you can virtually ensure the success of your website…resulting in more scheduled consultations, and ultimately patients.

Your Content Should Answer Your

Patients Most Pressing


A good theme throughout your

website should be to answer all the

cosmetic surgery questions you’ve ever

heard during a consultation.

Commonly referred to as FAQ’s

or Frequently Asked Questions.

Just imagine all the content you could come up with regarding all the questions for each and every

procedure you do in your practice. You’re talking hundreds if you get really specific with each procedure,

and plan it out strategically.

Every procedure has post op

issues that are critical for

someone to know ahead of time.

Then you’ve got “are you a candidate for… [fill in the blank]?”

That’s another few dozen or so.

It can go on-and-on.I know what you’re thinking…

“there is no way I or my staff has the time to do this huge


Fear No More

We have the best plastic surgery

content writers on our team. We can take this off your

hands completely.

We will produce, unique (not copied anywhere on the web) and valuable

content your visitors will consume, and more

importantly take action on.

And, equally important, we will promote it on

all social media channels,

and repurpose it, to leverage on many other

authority websites, giving you a wider

spread, and stronger search engine presence.

We will also show you simple

strategies to speed up this

process and still produce 

world class plastic surgery content for your website.

If You Want To Go It Alone

If you are either on a tight marketing budget, or

have someone on staff that wants to undertake

this plastic surgery content

marketing strategy, just do a

search in google for content marketing, and you’ll have your hands


Most Marketing Agencies Have It

Wrong! They Don’t Focus On Lifetime Value Of EVERY

Patient “Past And Present.”

Getting new patients is critical, but equally as important is increasing the

lifetime value of each patient; and turning them into

raving fans of your practice. We can help you achieve both to

maximize your ROI.

Click here to schedule yourSTRATEGY SESSION today!

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