plant sheets rosaceae - november 2013 out of the wilds talk

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Garden information sheets used for talk 'A Rose is a Rose: the Family Rosaceae' - November, 2013


California Wild Rose – Rosa californica (RO-zuh kal-ih-FOR-nik-uh)

Family: Rosaceae (Rose Family)

Native to: S. Oregon to Baja California; usually in shaded woods, canyons, by streams.

Growth characteristics: clumping woody shrub mature height: 4-6 ft. mature width: 4-9 ft. Winter-deciduous rose that can form thickets in very damp areas. Stems with hooked prickles.

Leaves dark green.

Blooms/fruits: Blooms spring to fall. Five-petal pink roses in showy clusters. Fruits (hips) are

bright orange-red – showy in fall and well-appreciated by birds.

Uses in the garden: Most common native garden rose in CA. Easy to grow. Use as specimen plant

with interesting foliage and nice flowers. Excellent for barrier plantings, on slopes, along fencelines,

for hedgerows, soil stabilization and wildlife habitat. Lovely growing over walls, fences. Sensible substitute for: Non-native climbing roses.

Attracts: bees, butterflies. Excellent bird habitat plant that provides food, shelter.


Element Requirement

Sun Full sun to partial shade

Soil Any texture, including clays; any pH

Water Best with some summer water if planted in sunny place ; somewhat drought

tolerant near coast or in partial-shade once established

Fertilizer None needed


Management: Prune to remove dead stems and stimulate growth. May be severely prune in winter to shape. Remarkably disease-free for a rose.

Propagation: from seed: possible – requires pre-treatment by cuttings: moderately easy from

current year’s woody growth during the dormant season.

Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 1-3, 7-14, 16, 20, 21, 24, 26, 28 12/13/10 © Project SOUND

*Interior/Woods’ Rose – Rosa woodsii ssp ultramontana ( RO-zuh WOOD-zee-eye)

Family: Rosaceae (Rose Family)

Native to: Species native to much of w. N. America from British Columbia/MT to AZ, NM. In CA, ssp.

ultramontana native to Sierras, San Gabriel/San Bernardino Mtns., desert ranges; usually in seasonally moist places in Yellow Pine, other Forest types, or wetland-riparian, 3500-11500 feet.

Growth characteristics: woody shrub mature height: 4-6+ ft. mature width: spreading

Typical spreading wild rose forming mounds or thickets (with abundant water). Stems are straight, red to grey-brown, with rather sparsely spaced straight prickles. Leaves are compound, similar to

but smaller than garden roses. Plants are fast growing and may be long-lived.

Blooms/fruits: Blooms in late spring/early summer, usually May-June in w. L.A. county. Flowers

are lovely single roses, usually medium to pale pink. Individual flowers are short-lived, but plant

many be covered with blooms for a month or more. Sweet scent. Flowers and fruits (hips) are among the best tasting of any wild rose – used for tea, jelly, syrup, potpourri, etc.

Uses in the garden: Commonly used restoration plant on steep slopes at higher elevations. Makes a

nice specimen plant. May be grown for its fruits. Excellent addition to a habitat garden. Can be

used as a barrier plant. All parts used medicinally as well as for herbal teas, other edibles. Could likely be grown in a large container. Very sensitive to sulfur dioxide (SO2) air pollution.

Sensible substitute for: Non-native roses.

Attracts: Excellent habitat: provides cover and fruits. Loved by native insect pollinators.


Element Requirement

Sun Afternoon shade except along immediate coast.

Soil Best in medium to coarse soils; any local pH.

Water Quite drought tolerant but best with occasional summer water (Zone 1-2 to 2).

Fertilizer Would gladly take ½ strength fertilizer – just don’t overdo.

Other Organic mulch is fine.

Management: Prune out dead stems. Can cut back to rejuvenate. May want to contain – or water only occasionally to limit growth rate. Don’t over-water; check for disease.

Propagation: from seed: requires rose-type pre-treatment by cuttings/layering: yes

Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 8, 11, 13 11/29/13 © Project SOUND

*Baja Rose – Rosa minutifolia (RO-zuh my-noo-ti-FO-lee-uh )

Family: Rosaceae (Rose Family)

Native to: Endemic to Otay Mountain (San Diego County) and n. Baja CA ; in chaparral and dry,

north-facing Diegan Sage Scrub. Rare in U.S. but quite common in Baja.

Growth characteristics: woody shrub mature height: 4-6 ft. mature width: 4-5 ft.

A true wild rose bush – with a few novel features. Leaves extremely small (leaflets < ¼ inch), hence the name minutifolia. Drought deciduous in nature, re-leafing with the first rains. Mounded

form; new stems are often red-tinged. Plant is extremely prickly: stout, straight prickles, dense on

the stem. Wear gloves to prune!

Blooms/fruits: Blooms in late winter/early spring – usually Feb.-Apr. but may be earlier. Flowers

are beautiful pink single roses, usually a bright pink and fragrant. A beautiful spot of color in the early spring garden. Flowers and fruits (hips) are edible.

Uses in the garden: Most often used as a specimen plant, where a rose is desired in a water-wise

garden. It’s unique foliage makes it unique among wild roses. Forms an effective barrier hedge.

Great choice for erosion control on dry slopes. Pair with Wooly Blue Curls, CA Buckwheat and

White Sage for an attractive, life-friendly combination.

Sensible substitute for: Non-native roses.

Attracts: Excellent habitat plant: provides cover, pollen/nectar and fruits for food. Good plant to encourage native pollinator insects.


Element Requirement

Sun Full to part sun.

Soil Adaptable: any local texture, pH.

Water Occasional summer water, especially in August (Water Zone 1-2) is best.

Fertilizer None needed, use organic mulch.

Other Thin organic mulch is fine.

Management: Prune back when dormant in fall to stimulate new growth. Don’t over-water – very drought tolerant. Watch for signs of disease and prune out using sterile pruners if needed.

Propagation: from seed: yes; may require pre-treatment by cuttings: like other wild Rosa

Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 8, 11, 13, 14 10/28/13 © Project SOUND

Holly-leaf/Catalina Cherry – Prunus ilicifolia ssp. ilicifolia & lyonii (PROO-nus ill-is-i-FO-lee-a ly-OWN-ee-eye)

Family: Rosaceae (Rose Family)

Native to: Central CA coast to Baja (ssp. lyonii on Channel Islands only); along streams (riparian

vegetatin), canyons & north-facing slopes, oak woodland, chaparral, and coastal scrub communities.

Growth characteristics: Woody shrub/tree mature height: 10-25 ft. mature width: 10-20 ft.

Many-branched evergreen woody shrub or small tree. Foliage is an attractive glossy green with holly-like toothed leaves. Branches are gray to red-brown with a pronounced bitter almond odor and

taste. Slow-growing; very long-lived for shrub/small tree – to 100 years or more.

Blooms/fruits: Blooms Mar.-May. Flowers are feathery, white, showy and sweet scented. Fruits

are red-black, edible with thin sweet flesh & large seed. Seeds toxic if eaten in large quantities.

Fruits ripen from November to December.

Uses in the garden: Most often used as an ornamental hedge or screen. Does well on slopes &

banks. Can be trimmed as a small tree for small gardens. Does fine in large planters. Great along roads, between houses. Berries will stain concrete.

Sensible substitute for: Non-native medium to large evergreen shrubs (particularly those used for

large hedges & screens).

Attracts: Excellent bird and small animal habitat: provides cover and seeds for food. Berries are

readily consumed by many songbirds. Bees and butterflies utilize the nectar.


Element Requirement

Sun Full sun to part shade; probably better with some shade

Soil Any well-drained soil; any local pH (4-8)

Water Deep watering once a month in summer is ideal (once established); fairly tolerant of garden watering as long as soils are well-drained

Fertilizer Not needed, but probably ok with light fertilizer


Management: Can be pruned to any height (once or twice a year – like any horticultural shrub), or

left to grow naturally. Quite disease and pest-free. Requires little care.

Propagation: from seed: fresh seed; may require cold treatment by cuttings: softwood & layering

Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 1, 7-9, 11-14, 19, 20, 24-26, 28 12/4/10 © Project SOUND

Redshanks – Adenostoma sparsifolium (ad-en-OS-toh-muh spar-si-FOH-lee-um)

Family: Rosaceae (Rose Family)

Native to: Southern CA from San Luis Obispo county to n. Baja, with largest populations in Riverside, San Diego counties. Locally in Santa Monica Mtns.; dry, well-drained slopes and mesas at elevations from 1,000 to 7,000 feet in Chaparral.

Growth characteristics: woody shrub/tree mature height: 6 -15 ft. mature width: 8-12 ft. Woody shrub, mostly evergreen, often with multiple branches. Leaves are very narrow, linear,

glandular. Old bark is red-brown, shreddy, hence the name ‘Redshanks’.

Blooms/fruits: Blooms in summer. Small pale-yellow or cream flowers in open clusters. Very

showy in bloom – literally covered with blooms. Flowers attract native insect pollinators.

Uses in the garden: Most often used as a specimen plant or in chaparral-themed gardens. Can be

pruned up to make an interesting multi-trunk tree – has lovely natural shape. Good habitat for birds. Thrives in hot, dry places. Good on slopes. Note: NOT FIRE-RETARDANT.

Sensible substitute for: Non-native Acacias and other drought tolerant trees/large shrubs.

Attracts: Excellent bird habitat: provides cover and seeds for food.


Element Requirement

Sun Full sun.

Soil Adaptable; fine in clays. pH 6.5-7.5.

Water None to little summer water once established (Water Zone 1 to 1-2]

Fertilizer Not needed; light dose OK.

Other Like organic mulch.

Management: Pretty easy. Prune out dead/diseased branches as needed. Can prune as tree.

Propagation: from seed: acid or smoke treatment by cuttings: probably – semi-soft wood

Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 8, 10, 13, 14, 15, 20 10/29/13 © Project SOUND

*Douglas/Rose Spiraea – Spiraea douglasii (spy-REE-uh dug-LASS-ee-eye )

Family: Rosaceae (Rose Family)

Native to: Alaska to N. CA & east to OR/MT; moist places in Redwood Forest, Red Fir Forest, wetland-riparian between 0 and 6400 feet .

Growth characteristics: woody shrub mature height: 3-6+ ft. mature width: spreading

Woody shrub with many upright stems. Winter-deciduous. Spreads via rhizomes – forms thickets in very moist conditions. Oblong leaves are dark green on top, lighter below. Note: all parts may be mildly toxic under certain conditions.

Blooms/fruits: Blooms in summer – June to Sep. in native range. Extremely showy bloomer.

Many small, fragrant red-pink flowers in dense, wand-like clusters. This plant is a real show-stopper and is used in gardens in the Pacific Northwest. Dry seed capsules remain on plant through winter.

Uses in the garden: Primarily used as an accent plant for its lush foliage and wonderful blooms.

Provides a woodsy look under pines, redwoods. Good source of pink flowers in summer habitat

garden. For moist areas like rain gardens in natural/informal gardens. Would work in a large container. Nice for cut flowers.

Sensible substitute for: Non-native perennials.

Attracts: Excellent pollinator habitat: attracts insects, butterflies, hummingbirds. Birds enjoy the

seeds, particularly in winter.


Element Requirement

Sun Part-shade; dappled sun.

Soil Any local texture; fine with acidic soils (pH 4.5 – 8.0)

Water Moist soils/regular water (Water Zone 2-3 to 3); tolerates seasonal flooding.

Fertilizer Not needed if organic mulch used.

Other Organic mulch.

Management: Can spread aggressively in moist soils. Contain (best) or keep pruned back.

Propagation: from seed: fresh seed or 2-3 mo. cold-moist pre-treat by cuttings: fairly easy

Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 8, 11, 13, 14 10/31/13 © Project SOUND

*Large-leaved Avens – Geum macrophyllum (JEE-um mak-roh-FIL-um )

Family: Rosaceae (Rose Family)

Native to: Much of Northern America from AK to Baja and east to Great Lakes. Locally in San

Bernardino Mtns.; in moist forests, meadows, stream banks, springs and seeps from 3500 to about 10,000 ft. Locally in Yellow Pine forest, but in other types of coniferous forests in other parts of CA.

Growth characteristics: clumping perennial mature height: 1-3 ft. mature width: 1-3 ft.

Herbaceous perennial that dies back in winter in cold climates. Basal leaves are upright, compound

with a kidney-shaped terminal leaflet much larger than the other leaflets. Growth habit somewhat like a strawberry – short stem and short underground stems (rhizomes). Not a fast spreader.

Blooms/fruits: Blooms mid- to late spring – April to June. Flowers resemble bright yellow

strawberry flowers or buttercups. They have nectar ‘spots’ (invisible to human eye) to guide insect pollinators. Pretty in bloom with a woodsy charm. Fruits: round capsules - appear bristly.

Uses in the garden: Usually used as a groundcover, particularly in areas with more precipitation.

Can become almost lawn-like. Plant with water-loving grasses/sedges for a mixed lawn. Charming

in containers. Good in any area of the garden that receives regular water ore overspray. Works

well as a groundcover around shrubs that need summer water. Important medicinal plant where ever it grows: leaf poultice for cuts/boils/muscle aches; leaf tea for stomach ache; much more.

Sensible substitute for: Non-native herbaceous groundcovers.

Attracts: Excellent bird and pollinator habitat: provides seeds and nectar for food.


Element Requirement

Sun Best with afternoon shade in our area.

Soil Any local texture; not for highly alkali soils (pH >8.0).

Water Regular water to slightly less – Water Zone 2-3 to 3. Tolerates seasonal flooding.

Fertilizer Fine with occasional ½ strength fertilizer.

Other Leaf mulch is appreciated.

Management: Re-seeds readily in moist soil – remove spent flowers if you don’t want this. Remove spent leaves as needed to tidy.

Propagation: from seed: fresh seed or2-3 mo. cold-moist treatment by cuttings: ??

Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 13 10/29/13

© Project SOUND

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