plant facility diagnosis & optimized management[futuremain] exrbm...

Post on 22-Sep-2020






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Plant Facility Diagnosis & Optimized Management Platform

ExRBM launched by Futuremain is a patented software platformfor facility diagnosis and optimized management.


High Investment


Innovative Smart-Factory

ExRBM is the future of plant facility management.

Diagnosis & Optimization

Now, Make Technology Work For You.

ExRBM is a smart technology that converges professional engineering technology and IT.This advanced facility optimization technology will change your plant and facility remarkably.

You do not need to change anything about the machinery or infrastructure of your plant.All you need to do is just manage. Make your technology work for you.

Facility Optimization and Diagnosis Made Easier and More Accurate!

ExRBM is a software platform that can optimize both defect diagnosis and management of process and facility.Many companies face di�culties in facility-related decision-making due toinsu�cient time and data or excessive over�ow of data.

Wrong decisions bring about loss of time and facility.

ExRBM works as a perfect solution to these issues as it helps make faster and wiserdecisions by enabling correct diagnosis and usage of the obtained information.

A Single Platform Generates Various Values.

The one platform of ExRBM facilitates comprehensive plant management, starting from facility diagnosis to optimized management as well as future crisismanagement through prediction and preservation.

Each module of the platform monitors the conditions of facility and process, quickly carries out the diagnosis of defects when they occur, and enables predictionand preservation of facility by predicting life time and defects.

ExRBM reproduces facility condition data as more valuable and usable facility information,and provides a function to use them as statistics by saving all information and data.ExRBM removes uncertain future risk factors through the statistical analysis of stored datafor you to create your future as planned.

Precise diagnosis through analysis of defect mechanisms analysisthat no other software has been able to achieve

Facility defects lead to suspension of facility operation, and prolonged suspension of facility operation causes tremendous damage. A facility has a very complicated structure and various defect mechanisms, so it requires clear, in-depthdiagnosis with many di�erent possibilities taken into consideration. Thus, it takes much time to setup an appropriate diagnosis measure.

ExRBM performs professional diagnosis on facility defects through diagnosis algorithms formed by carefully analyzing numerous defect mechanisms based on theknowledge and data inputs of facility experts with more than 30 years of experience. As a result, it supports you to make fast and accurate decisions. In addition, it suggests appropriate response measures for defects, thereby reducing the time requirement for facility repair. This in turn can minimize the suspensionrate of facility operation as the �nal outcome.

Unlimited Expandability & Compatibility

ExRBM was designed to be used as a platform by technicians such as facility engineers, process engineers, maintenance managers, facility repair technicians, reliability technicians, etc. in diverse industries for any process and complicated facilities.

ExRBM is compatible with other systems such as SCADA, real-time monitoring system, optimized management system, etc. and can expect to generate high synergy e�ect when it is interconnected with these systems.

ExRBM has been developed �exibly so that it can be customized to any needs and demands of present and future customers.

ExRBM Features

Evolution from Simple Data to Valuable Information

Diagnosis Becomes Easier and Faster.

Going beyond merely collecting facility data, ExRBM provides a smart platform to create various values through the use of appropriate facility data.

It enables prediction and preservation of facility and process as it captures facility conditions using the collected data and predicts the life time and defects of the facility in advance.

Convenient Access atAnytime, Anywhere

ExRBM platform allows you to access data anytime, anywhere through a web browser. Its design is sturdy and stable, so it can be used without any crash with other programs.

ExRBM was developed with careful scrutiny and e�ortsto prevent problems such as system breakdown or crash from disrupting your plant operations.

Also, the clear mechanism of Futuremain’s own patented diagnosis-specialized algorithm is applied to enable more precise and accurate diagnosis of facility defects. The diagnosis results and stored facility information can be checked easily by each plant, process, and unitfacility through the statistics management module.

The information recreated and valuated through ExRBM platform can be built into a company’s big data system, and based on such information, the e�ciency of facility optimized management can be maximized in the future. In addition, the data built by the platform is provided to the company’s integrated managementsystem through the internal computer network, so it can be used for the company’s business management.

ExRBM also enables prediction and preservation to setup a response measure in advance before a serious malfunction occurs, which can enhance the operating e�ciency, safety and reliability of the facility, reduce maintenance cost, energy cost, and operation cost, and increase facility stability at the same time,there by contributing to the overall improvement of plant productivity.

Main Functions of ExRBMLet us introduce the main functions of ExRBM, a smart solution that enables integrated and optimized facility management for the smart plants of future.

Evaluation of Facility Conditions : Evaluates the facility condition based on the vibration quantity

ExRBM provides a function of measuring and evaluating the vibration quantity of facility and divides the facility conditions based on 4-standards, including the international ISO standards and the domestic standards.

Bearing vibration evaluation (ISO-10816)

Bearing Vibration Evaluation Result

Large-scale land steam turbine generator set exceeding 50MWIndustrial machine having over 15kw of rated output

Large-scale machine (300kW~50kW), electric machine (Shaft height H = 315mm or more)

Medium-scale machine (15kW~30kW) electric machineCentrifugal, mixed or axial �ow pump (15kW or more, actuator separated from the multi-blade impeller)

Centrifugal, mixed or axial �ow pump (15kW or more, actuator connected with the multi-blade impeller)

Gas turbine-driven set





initialization Result


Facility Search

RPMRated Revolutions

Vibration velocity

BearingVibration Evaluation

ShaftVibration Evaluation

BearingVibration Evaluation

NEMAVibration Evaluation

KSVibration Evaluation

Futuremain Co., Ltd. > Busan Plant > FD Fan No.3 > Motor

Futuremain Co., Ltd. > Busan Plant > FD Fan No.3 > Motor

Excessive faulty

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Defect Frequency Calculation : Calculates the defect frequency of facility components

Based on the input speci�cations of the facility components, ExRBM calculates the defect frequency to help with the early detection of facility defects.

Planet-gear Fault Frequency Calculation

Planet-gear Fault Frequency Calculation Result (Hz)

Planet-gear Frequency

Faults Frequency

Fault Frequency Calculation


Simple Gear

Planet Gear

Fan / Blade






initialization Result

SearchFacility Search Futuremain Co., Ltd. > Busan Plant > FD Fan No.3 > Motor

Futuremain Co., Ltd. > Busan Plant > FD Fan No.3 > Motor

Gear Shaft No.

Gear Shaft No.



Input Revolution

Gear Set No.

Planet geartype

No. of ToothInput Condition

Total Gear Rate

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Facility Faults Diagnosis : Precisely analyzes the characteristics of vibrations occurring from the facility and quickly diagnoses facility defects.

Aided by the algorithm based on the analysis data of precise vibration frequency and expert knowledge, ExRBM accurately diagnoses facility faults and suggests an appropriate measure, helping non-experts respond quickly and properly to faults.

Faults Diagnosis (Example Page)

Faults Diagnosis Reault

Faults Diagnosis

Faults Diagnosis

SearchFacility Search Futuremain Co., Ltd. > Busan Plant > FD Fan No.3 > Motor


Power Frequency Power Frequency

Bearing Frequency Bearing Frequency Bearing Frequency Bearing Frequency

Power Frequency Power Frequency

Futuremain Co., Ltd. > Busan Plant > FD Fan No.3 > Motor

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Next Result






1. It occurs from a rotating machine that uses the journal bearing and mainly occurs in a machine prone to the oil wheel phenomenon.2. Oil wheel frequency has unstable vibration caused by self-excited circumduction at twice the risk speed.

1. Use the tilting pad bearing.2. Adjust the rotation machine to drive at less than half of the risk speed.3. Make sure there is no excessive in�ow vibration from outside.

Facility Defect Prediction : Predicts the defect and lifespan o�acility and calculatesthe lifespan of the bearings

ExRBM analyzes the various factors that in�uence facility defects such as the installation & load condition and the lubrication state, predicting the defect type andcalculating the life time of facility and bearings to predict and prevent possible issuesand preserve the facility.

Faults PredictionFaults Prediction

Faults Prediction

Bearing LifespanCalculate

Machinery Lifespan Estimate

SearchFacility Search Futuremain Co., Ltd. > Busan Plant > FD Fan No.3 > Motor

Futuremain Co., Ltd. > Busan Plant > FD Fan No.3 > Motor

Futuremain Co., Ltd. > Busan Plant > FD Fan No.3 > Motor

Reset Result


Estimation of Bearing Life-span

Replacement within 6-month Order spare parts

Estimation of Life-span Result




RemarkAction PlanRisk Index


Sliding Bearing Faults

Gear Faults

Seal Faults

Coupling Faults

Belt Faults

Motor Faults

Pump Faults

Fan / Blower Faults

Centrifugal Compressor Faults

Reciprocating Air Compressor

Turbine Faults

Ball-and-roller Bearing

1. Processing failure

2. Tolerance failure

3. Assembly & Installation failure

4. Material selection fault

5. Rotor system failure

6. Pre-load failure

7. Seal fault

8. Alignment defect

9. Storage condition or handling defect

10. Normal installation

Manufacturing &Installation

Load Condition


Environment & Operating Condition

A One-Stop Solution for takes Care of Everything from Facility Defect Diagnosis to Prediction!

You can easily and quickly identify the facility condition through the warning on the facility monitoring status board.

Just by click, ExRBM can diagnose faults accurately if there is an abnormal symptom in the facility

Suggests measures against the defect to respond quickly to facilityfaults engaging only internal manpower.

Futuremain Co., Ltd. > Busan Plant

Turbine & Generator Simulator

Provides the Functions of Accurate Data Statistical Analysis and One-Click Report Output.

ExRBM provides the statistics analysis function that enables use of the valuablebig-data of the facility which is stored automatically and built into the database andgenerates an automatic report for one-click output. By doing so, it helps work to be easier and more e�cient.

Faults Diagnosis Reault


Futuremain Co., Ltd.Copmany


Report Term Report Day


Manager Name

Futuremain Co., Ltd. > Busan Plant

Daily Condition Report





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Facility Condition Statistics

Facility Statistics Report

Busan Plant Turbine No.3

Turbine No.3 A:New Machine B: Shorttermoperaton

C: Longtermoperaton D: Damage

1. It occurs from a rotating machine that uses the journal bearing and mainly occurs in a machine prone to the oil wheel phenomenon.2. Oil wheel frequency has unstable vibration caused by self-excited circumduction at twice the risk speed.

1. Use the tilting pad bearing.2. Adjust the rotation machine to drive at less than half of the risk speed.3. Make sure there is no excessive in�ow vibration from outside.

You can realize a signi�cant investment e�ectwithin a year of installing ExRBM installation.

Amazing rate of investment return

ExRBM enhances facility stability and ensures your safety.A single abnormal symptom, or one small, weird symptom can

paralyze an entire system.

Also, an unforeseen breakdown of facility brings about economic loss

and could lead to an accident or serious disaster.

ExRBM prevents an unexpected suspension and breakdown of

facility operation through predictionand preservation,

and reduces facility defects that can a�ect people and the surrounding environment.

Optimization of Repair Costs

ExRBM can monitor facility conditions, realizing reduced maintenance costs to repair

the facility when it has a minor problem.

It suggests measures through the diagnosis of facility defects

and the analysis of fundamental cause, enabling fast and accurate repair without trials and errors.

Furthermore, it optimizes repair costs through an e�cient

maintenance plan that carries out repair only when necessary.

E�cient Cooperation by Sharing Data

Just move your data.You do not need to move.

You can enable fast, e�cient, and true cooperation

by conveniently sharing important data among the interrelated departments.

Also, you can have theintegrated management of

facility and plant through statistics.

It also increases the hidden potential rate of return.

Improved Reliability of Facility Operation Rate

A healthy facility means a facility that can be operated at any

time when necessary. To run a healthyfacility,

it must be possible to initiatea quick response when the facilityis showing an abnormal symptom.

When an abnormal symptom or

defect is found, ExRBM suggests a measure by quickly diagnosing the problem and identifying the

cause before it causes the suspension of facility operation

that leads to costly loss. By doing so, ExRBM improves the

operation rate and reliability of the facility, protecting the company

from tremendous loss occurring from the suspension of facility


Your work becomes simpler.

Improved PotentialRate of Return through Increased Productivity

Through productivity increase which is another way of increasing a company’s pro�t, ExRBM enables

a company to increase its pro�t.

ExRBM’s ‘One Click’ module enables fast and accurate

diagnosis of facility faults andsuggests appropriate repair

measures to respond quickly to defects.

By doing so, it allows the problem to be solved before the facility is

suspended depending on the circumstances or cuts downon the period of suspension,

thereby reducing the idle period.

Customized Automatic Facility Management

Customized facility management and automatic report writing!

ExRBM provides the statistics

management function, for each facility condition, defect frequency,

and facility type.

Through management of the statistical data, the frequency

and condition of defects can bechecked at once for each facilityand plant for more e�cient and

customized management.

Also, the platform takes care ofthe di�cult task of report writing!

The report output function automatically creates and

outputs a report.

We will provide various services and support for healthy operation of the customers’process andfacility.

Consigned Facility Management Service

By enabling all services from platform installation to facility condition management, defect diagnosis and prediction, to appropriate response, ExRBM provides a consigned facility management service that enables e�ective and economical operation and management of facility. The consigned facility management service through the ExRBM platform enables specialized and stable facility management and develops a database of all facility information generated through the consigned facility management, which is then provided your company. Your company can access and check the data any time 24/7, 365 days. The facility and process related data stored through the statistics management service facilitates the formulation of prediction, preservation, and maintenance plans and future strategies of a plant and company and makes it easier. The consigned management service brings to light the fundamental cause and suggests appropriate response measure; one of our professional engineers is assigned to accurately diagnose the facility defects once they occur. A professional facility consulting report is provided every month to ensure that your company facility is always run at the optimal conditions. ExRBM provides the ideal solution for companies that need e�cient and professional management of facility,or want to appropriately use the collected data andbe built their own database.

Experience ExRBM that stands out from the existing consigned facility management services!

Evaluation of Opportunities and Risk Factors

You do not need to worry about whether all the newly adopted systems are used e�ciently.

System Installation

Futuremain’s ExRBM is not merely a software program. It will eliminate the crashes and errors with other systems during the whole installation process of essential parts and the integration and adjustment of other automatization control systems and the monitoring system, and even modify the machine environment. In addition, we also systematically support all technologies so that ExRBM can be used without any inconvenience.

Provides Diagnosis Report and Consultation

You can receive a facility and process consulting report by the professional facility diagnosis engineer of Futuremain every month. Also, if a facility defect occurs or if diagnosis or repair is necessary, our consulting team will directly visit you and provide precise diagnosis and maintenance consultation on the defect.

Provides Professional Training

We provide high quality training service including facility-related professional knowledge and diagnostic methods, etc. covering all aspects from the basic usage to all functions of each module of ExRBM, a platform software, so that you can use all functions e�ectively and correctly.

Our engineer will also identify where the highest performance can be realized andmake sureit is applied. Also, by identifying the risk factors andutilizing all opportunity factorsand synergy e�ects that can be obtained from using ExRBM, a safe and healthy facility can be maintained consistently. This will help your facilities and processes realize the highest performance.

Once ExRBM is applied, our professional consulting team will visit you directly and closelyexamine the facility and maintenance status to �gure out which process or facility can generate the highest e�ciency.

ExRBM always strives for the optimization of customer asset management.

Futuremain Co., LTd.#711,Gwanggyo Business Center, Gwanggyo-ro 156, Yeongtong gu, Suwon, Gyeonggido, Korea

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