planning in a day care centre

Post on 07-Dec-2014






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Presented by:Lianne DiasSonal Jani

References:Early Childhood Care and Education – M. Sen GuptaExploring the child – Ruth KhonPre-primary education – G. PankajamLow – cost, no- cost teaching aids – Mary Ann Das GuptaAV Instruction, Technology media & methods – Brown, James W & others ,

PlanningIntroduction:Planning is essential for effective teaching and learning.

It should consider that the school atmosphere provides:• feeling of security, sense of belonging and affections for

achievement, creativity recognition for social interaction, motor manipulation, language exploration and for emotional release of children.

• To achieve the overall goal of child development, the planning should concentrate on the concrete purposes of specific activities and experiences, the teaching materials and equipments required, festivals to be celebrated, field trips to be undertaken, parent education programmes to be conducted availability of finance etc.

Strategies of Programme Planning:• Be Flexible• Balance between group and individual activities• Balance between Free Play and Guided Activities• Active Play to Follow Quiet Play• Be Functional and Meaningful

Types of Programme Planning:Planning the curriculum may be of Long-term, Short-term, Weekly and daily, each type of planning leads to the other.

Long-Term Planning:• What a 3 to 4 years old child should learn and

achieve during the whole year is thought of in the yearly or annual plan.

• The objectives, concepts to be developed, the learning experiences to be provided, the trips to be organized, the vacation period, the parent education programme and other activities such as celebration of festivals, nature walk etc. are noted down for the whole year.

• Annual plan also includes the date of re-opening of the school , date of admission, criteria of admission, fees structure, expansion of programme of any additional facilities required, equipment needed etc.

Short-Term Planning:i.e. break up of the curriculum into different units may be of 3 months or 4 months duration or monthly programme- more details of different activities to be undertaken during the month.

Weekly Planning:On the basis of the progamme planned for the month, the teacher plans the activities for the week.

Daily Planning:i.e. every day plan of all the activities

CHILD DIRECTED ACTIVITIES : Children select and initiate their

own activities from a variety of learning areas prepared by the teacher . Areas usually dramatic play , blocks, science, math , games ,puzzles, books, recording, art and music.

Children are involved in concrete 3 dimensional learning activities .

Child directed group activities: During these periods also children

may choose one of three or four different activities.

Teacher also move from one group to another group , noticing , encouraging giving an informal demonstration lesson.

NEED AND VALUES:The expectation of the child-directed

activities is that children will be motivated to explore when exposed to an environment rich in variety of stimulating materials and events.

To enhance child’s sense of self- direction and self confidence.

Example: Sand play & water play


Teacher-directed classroom activities are those in which the teacher introduces the activity and guides the students through the process until they are complete.

Some activities are formal and less formal.

Teacher directed group activities are those which the class joins in as a whole , with the teacher as leader.

NEEDS AND VALUE: Children must not only

learn to choose for themselves , but also to realize that they must conform in certain ways to the society around them and do things that someone else suggests.

Listening to good music and singing by oneself from an early age encourage the child to appreciate good music.

It helps the child to control his voice for pitch and tune. To listen carefully and imitate.

Teaching AidsMeaning:A teaching aid is a tool used by teachers, facilitators

or tutors to explain the concept thoroughly.

Values: Teaching aid is an act of creation. It is an

affirmation that I as a teacher care about the pupils and believe that with the help of these learning aids, they can learn. It is an act of love.

Teaching aids provide a stimulus for exploration and thinking with the added input of verbal, personal communication with an adult, interaction and discussion arise….and these are crucial to real, activity based learning.

Uses of Teaching Aids:•To help children improve reading and comprehension skills•Illustrate or reinforce a skill, fact, or idea, and •Relieve anxiety, fears, or boredom, since many teaching aids are like games.•To stimulate interests, display can call attention to products or practices.•To encourage student’s participation – displays may be studied and discussed by students as a part of class activity.•To help children to communicate ideas visually.•To be used to set a theme.

Types of teaching aids

Flash card:A flash card is part of a set of cards on which are

written items to be studied. They are “flashed” (shown quickly) one by one to a learner to elicit a quick response.

Flash cards are useful for drilling new letters, syllables, words, and other information.

Flip chart:A flip chart is a collection of large pages which are

bound together at the top. The pages are “flipped” or brought up and to the back as they are used.

Like flash card, flip chart can use to teach different concepts.

Story Book:Story book can be a ready available in the

market or handmade. Through story book new concept can be taught easily. Books with colorful pictures have a visual appeal to children which is more effective than words, it reinforce a child’s knowledge of what is around him and expose him to many new things.

Flannel Board:Flannel board is a board made out of mount board,

felt cloth or felt paper. It can be use to teach different concept.

Puppets:Puppets can be usefully manipulated to foster children’s

development. They not only entertain children but also help children in the development of their language capabilities, imagination etc.Puppets can be made in different forms such as:Glove puppet, finger puppet, box puppet, paper bag puppet, sock puppet etc.

Pictures:Picture stimulates children’s interest. It can use to give general knowledge like railway station, hospital, festival etc.

Story Telling:Children at the early childhood

stage are very fond of listening to stories. They keenly look for every opportunity to listen. Story telling is a rewarding experience to children.

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