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Post on 05-Aug-2015






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Titling Sequence Research

Psychological thrillers

Rear Window• Duration: 90seconds.• Over black/ image: still images are used in the background- not film. • Font style and color: the font style is very classic (georgian) its is oranges and red- matches the colour

scheme of the background image. • Ordering of cast/crew: the actors are put first, and the crew follow. The headlining actor 1st then down to

the least interactive characters and the director comes 2nd and last. • Speed of titles: the titles come every few seconds. And finish at 1.30mins. • Titles in story or prior to story: the titles come before the storyline begins. • Transitions: the transitions fade into eachother, from the first second to 1.30mins there are always • Sound: music that sounds a mixture of a high tempoed thrilling music and silent movie music- for a fast

jolly town.

SE7EN• Duration: 2.08mins• Over black/ image: some of them are over black and others are over images. • Font style and color : the fonts are small and typewritten like courier. • Ordering of cast/crew: director, most famous actor, other actors, movie name,

crew.• Speed of titles: the titles come up every three seconds but last about four seconds• Titles in story or prior to story: titles are prior to story.• Transitions: hip hop montage • Sound: eerie sound- not suttle. Very thrilling straight away.

Inception• This film defies all of the other thrillers that we have looked at so far. It doesn’t have absolutely any titles, credits,

names or anything in the first two minutes of the film. It opens straight away with the establishing shot of as close up on a washed up shore and from there- nothing. There are subtitles in the opening but not of anything to do with none involved in the film or the production of the film and this makes me ask the question, where did they get the idea to do this? Are the defying conventions on purpose and is this something we should take a risk in doing? The fact that they do not have any titles at all defys the coventions of the thriller which is something we are avoiding, we are trying to stick to the conventions as much as possible.

• Sound: the sound is mainly diagetic and there isn’t a soundtrack in the opening two minutes; again

Panic Room• Duration: 1.48mins• Over black/ image: they are all over still images.• Font style and color : the anamatic looking font is beveled and reflects that of the panic room.• Ordering of cast/crew: the famous actors come first, followed by the movie name and thereafter

less famous cast and rounded off by the crew. • Speed of titles: the titles come up every three seconds but last about four seconds• Titles in story or prior to story: titles are prior to story.• Transitions: jump shots.• Sound: horn instruments- eerie. A still sound- not much happening.

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