plan cambodia for linked in

Post on 29-Jan-2018






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About CambodiaCambodia is one of the poorest countries in the world. One third of Cambodians live on less than 1 US dollar a day and 95% of the population are reliant on agriculture as their main source of livelihood.

Problems affecting the children of Cambodia• Poor quality education means many children drop out

of school before they finish their studies.

• 40% of people live in extreme poverty.

• Lack of awareness of children’s rights and child protection mean children are in danger of trafficking, violence and abuse

Plan’s priorities in Cambodia


• Implementing plans for each school in our working areas.

• Providing scholarships, teaching materials, remedial classes and developing curriculums.

• Building libraries and playgrounds.

• Watch: Heng's story: how breakfast is keeping hungry children at school.

• Picture: Plan-supported community preschool in Kampong Cham, Cambodia.

Plan’s priorities in Cambodia


• Educating teenagers on sexual and reproductive health.

• Improving local health centres and the services they provide.

• Increasing access to safe drinking water, promoting better levels of hygiene at home, in schools and communities.

Picture: Rural Cambodian’s refer to childbirth as “crossing the river”, a phrase that resonates with the uncertainties involved. Plan Cambodia supports community health volunteers and trains traditional midwives to lower the uncertainties during delivery.

Plan’s priorities in Cambodia


• Working with local partners to provide basic savings and loans services to poor families, improving farming techniques and exploring job opportunities with young people.

• Making children part of decision-making and protecting them from abuse

• Setting up youth groups and children’s clubs, where young people receive training on children’s rights and can have a voice in their community.

• Working to stop child trafficking and child abuse in schools

Picture: Ching has been provided a weaving loom by Plan. With the loom, she is able to add to the family's income. Each day she produces 1-2 scarves, making her about 25 cents US. "The income has helped my status in the family, there are fewer arguments between me and my husband now," she tells. The extra income also means the family may eat more and more nutritious food.

Funds raised from RAA is

going towards Plan’s Building Opportunities for the Poorest Families Project.

Aim: To make a positive difference in the lives of the poorest of the poor families in Cambodia.

Region: Siem ReapWhy: The families we work with are the

poorest of the poor: they do not own land, have had little or no education, have limited means of earning an income and are often stuck in a cycle of debt. In addition, destitution and untreated trauma suffered during the atrocities of the Pol Pot regime have contributed to the social isolation, poor self-image and depression experienced by these families.


Picture: Mrs Aiy San’s daughter helps her sell fruit at the local market

What are we doing?This project enables families to improve their lives by developing their personal empowerment, self-confidence and motivation. We provide practical support to the poorest families helping to increase their access to education and health services, and establish family income-generating activities. Since the project began in 2007, around 600 families in Siem Reap province have taken part. They have received counselling to address the stresses of social isolation, poverty and untreated trauma. They have also increased their incomes through activities such as vegetable growing, basket-making and raising livestock.

Literacy classes are provided for children and adults who are too old to enrol in school. In addition, the establishment of community centres has encouraged community members to come together, which has helped to decrease the stigma and isolation experienced by the poorest of the poor.

Picture: Voluntary teacher Vathana teaches at informal afternoon English class . "Going to school - any kind of schooling - builds confidence, security and valuable networks for the children. It is a win-win situation."

Through your donations you will help:

• provide vocational training for out-of-school youth from the poorest families

• provide ongoing family counselling to build self-confidence and address issues such as trauma and domestic violence

• cover the monthly stipend for a teacher to conduct literacy classes for children and adults

• provide learning and teaching materials for a preschool

• provide material support and training for families to establish sustainable income sources through agriculture, horticulture and handicraft production.

Picture: Girl in returning from school in Siem Reap, Cambodia.

If you would like to learn more about Plan please see or if you have any questions please contact Meg Hamilton on 03 9672 3664 or .au

Thank you

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