pipp 2011-12 module 2 'learning worlds' booklet

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PIPP 2011-12 Module 2 'Learning Worlds' Booklet



PIPP Module 2

‘Learning Worlds’

Programme and


Children’s Services

PIPP 2011-12: Module 2

Learning Worlds


PIPP Element 1: School improvement and performance courses

This suite of courses focuses on four key themes that are inextricably linked to those in PIPP module 1:

o A curriculum to be proud of

o Changing conditions for learning

o Learning worlds

o Inspiration at the core

PIPP Schools will be able to choose from:

Courses: 17 new course components, which will be available between the Summer term 2011 and Spring term 2012.

o Single schools will be able to access 5 places overall.

o Partnership/Network Schools will be able to access 5 places from the portfolio of courses.

Please Note Additional places on courses can be purchased at a rate of:

o LA Schools: £160 for a whole day or £90 for a half day (subject to capacity).

o External Schools/Academies: £180 for a whole day or £100 for a half day (subject to capacity).

PIPP 2011-12: Module 2

Learning Worlds


Element 1: Course Themes

o Theme 1: A curriculum to be proud of With the national curriculum for primary schools currently under review and the promise of new freedoms ahead, there is a golden opportunity to revisit our aims and what we consider important in our schools and communities. A time to remind ourselves that the curriculum, as Martin Hammerton HMI puts it, ‘is a key determinant of outcomes’ and that the most successful schools offer ‘a rich curriculum which provides memorable experiences and rich opportunities for high quality learning and wider personal development and wellbeing’ (Ofsted 2009). This theme draws on the best practice in approaches to teaching and learning in Norfolk and beyond. We hope to draw out the elements that make these approaches so inspirational and explore the potential impact on a broad range of outcomes.

o Theme 2: Changing conditions for learning What’s stopping your school becoming even better? Do you use the environment to it’s full potential? Are parents supporting the school in widening aspirations and in raising standards? These courses explore some of the ways in which schools have empowered children to think independently, take responsibility for their learning and have a real impact on the learning environment and their own learning.

o Theme 3: Learning Worlds This theme looks afresh at contexts for learning and teaching, building on the expertise and enthusiasm we have in Norfolk. Combining a broad and balanced curriculum with innovation and aspiration is sure to motivate staff and pupils alike. Using the Arts, technology, international links or the environment as a starting point, these courses aim to inspire you to greater heights.

o Theme 4: Inspiration at the core This theme takes a look at the approaches to teaching a broad range of basic skills to enable children to learn and apply their learning in a whole new way. Whether it’s science or phonics, we aim to help you put the enthusiasm back in the learning.

PIPP 2011-12: Module 2

Learning Worlds


PIPP Element 2: School-Based Advice and Support

All advice and support will be provided by experienced advisers and consultants, in whole or half day units (school(s) to decide).

Option 1 Schools may choose to follow up on the PIPP course themes or discrete course components. Please refer to the information contained within this booklet for a menu of suggested activities.

Option 2 Schools may choose from a variety of other available school based activities including:

Essential evaluation and moderation activities, post the School Improvement Partner role, including:

o Monitoring learning and teaching with members of the leadership team

o Pre-inspection support

o Post inspection support

o External moderation of self-evaluation evidence linked to school priorities

o Subject specific support

o Work scrutiny linked to school priorities

o Curriculum walks with headteachers/subject leaders

o Assistance with key appointments e.g. deputy head teachers

o Other advice and support identified by the school.

Schools may also choose to mix and match from options 1 and 2.

Option 3 This option is for a Partnership Model or a Network of between three and eight schools only. (Package ‘A’) It allows the collaboration to choose the focus of advice and support and the number of days required. This may range from one and a half days up to the accumulative total number available for the schools involved. Delivery of advice and support will be network-based rather than targeted at individual schools.

Please note: Additional Advice and Support can be purchased at a discounted rate of:

o LA Schools: £640 per whole day or £330 per half day.

o External Schools/Academies: £680 per whole day or £360 per half day

PIPP 2011-12: Module 2

Learning Worlds


PIPP Module 2: Course Components

Themes Courses Dates

o Learning from the best: reviewing and refreshing curriculum provision { 20

th September 2011

15th September 2011

(N) (W)

o A curriculum for all { 1st March 2012

28th February 2012

(N) (W)

A Curriculum to be Proud Of

o Learning through enquiry { 23rd

February 2012 22

nd March 2012

(N) (W)

o Learning behaviours: improving outcomes { 8th November 2011

1st November 2011

(N) (W)

o Primary classrooms without walls { 6th July 2011

8th July 2011

(N) (W)

o Developing the learning environment for child initiated learning in EYFS { 10

th January 2012

12th January 2012

(N) (W)

Changing Conditions for Learning

o Schools working with families to widen aspirations in your school { 23

rd May 2011

17th May 2011

(N) (W)

o Learning outside the classroom { 22nd

June 2011 (H)

o Virtual Worlds – places of learning { 20th May 2011

9th May 2011

(N) (W)

o Creating an international heart in your school { 17

th November 2011

1st December 2011

(N) (W)

o Inspiring the curriculum through music { 4th October 2011

5th October 2011



Learning Worlds

o Covering the curriculum through drama { 30th September 2011

7th October 2011

(N) (W)

o Science: from scheme to excitement { 10th November 2011

16th November 2011

(N) (W)

o Making the most of mathematics { 20th June 2011

16th June 2011

(N) (W)

o I’m a learner! Get me out of here! { Spring term 2012 tbc Spring term 2012 tbc

(N) (W)

o The book at the end of The Universe – supporting the reader’s journey { 14

th November 2011

24th November 2011

(N) (W)

Inspiration at the Core

o Come to the party! Planning phonics within themes for EYFS and KS1 { 11

th July 2011

14th June 2011

(N) (W)

Venue: (W) - West Norfolk PDC, (N) - Norwich PDC, (H) – Holt Hall Field Studies Centre

PIPP 2011-12: Module 2

Learning Worlds


Theme 1: A curriculum to be proud of

Course: Learning from the best – reviewing and refreshing curriculum provision

Date Time Venue Course Code

Event Ref.

20/09/2011 9.15-15.30 Norwich Professional Development Centre EPPD1 A 15/09/2011 9.15-15.30 West Norfolk Professional Development Centre EPPD1 B

Course Context and Audience: This is a course for practitioners and curriculum leaders interested in curriculum development. The main focus will be on sharing examples of dynamic and effective curriculum practice and exploring different models of curriculum organisation. It will draw on best practice in Norfolk and beyond. Objectives and Outcomes: By the end of the course, participants will: o be able to consider ways of organising the curriculum to improve outcomes for pupils o be kept up to date with any new National Curriculum developments o be able to draw on examples of best practice from Norfolk and beyond.

Tailored ‘Advice and Support’ options for individual schools or collaborations of 3 or more schools: A school/group of schools may request: o Accompanied visits to schools o Curriculum support tailored to needs identified by the school(s) o Support for policy development around teaching and learning.

PIPP 2011-12: Module 2

Learning Worlds


Course: A curriculum for all

Date Time Venue Course Code

Event Ref.

01/03/2012 9.15-16.00 Norwich Professional Development Centre EPPD2 A 28/02/2012 9.15-16.00 West Norfolk Professional Development Centre EPPD2 B

Course Context and Audience: With the national curriculum for primary and secondary schools currently under review, many schools are also reviewing whether their provision is fit for purpose in respect of meeting the needs of all their pupils. This course will look at the principles of a curriculum which attempts to reduce barriers to learning for all pupils, with a particular focus on vulnerable groups, including pupils with SEND, highly mobile pupils, pupils in receipt of free school meals and the pupil premium and gifted and talented. The course will draw on the latest research, including the Ofsted report review of special educational needs and disability published in September 2010. It will attempt to address those aspects of the education bill (January 2011) which will be highlighted in the new inspection framework. It will draw on the experience of schools in Norfolk using the revised index for inclusion. It will help teachers and school leaders evaluate how they provide for different groups of pupils and how well the school provides for the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils. Tools for capturing this provision and reviewing its purpose and impact will also be considered, including provision mapping. The emphasis of this course is upon the operational and practical skills of designing and implementing a curriculum for all. It compliments the ‘sister’ course entitled “Developing Leadership strategies to engage all learners” which has a greater strategic leadership focus. Objectives and Outcomes: By the end of the course, participants will have: o Greater understanding of the purpose and potential of a school designed curriculum o Tools to audit and structure provision according to pupil needs o Practical application of provision mapping o Knowledge of barriers to learning and strategies to reduce barriers.

Tailored ‘Advice and Support’ options for individual schools or collaborations of 3 or more schools: A school/group of schools may request: o Developing good practice to create an inclusive curriculum for highly mobile pupils, including

children with English as an Additional Language (EAL) and Gypsy Roma Traveller (GRT) children.

PIPP 2011-12: Module 2

Learning Worlds


Course: Learning through enquiry

Date Time Venue Course Code

Event Ref.

23/02/2012 9.15-16.00 Norwich Professional Development Centre EPPD3 A 22/03/2012 9.15-16.00 West Norfolk Professional Development Centre EPPD3 B

Course Context and Audience: This course will enable participants to practically explore and reflect upon several initiatives that are enquiry based, including Philosophy for Children, Drama as Enquiry and Children as Researchers. The course will draw on the direct experience and testimony of schools who are already successful with enquiry based approaches. Objectives and Outcomes to: o raise awareness of a range of enquiry based approaches o give experience of working through enquiry o consider how enquiry based approach develop independent learners o share examples of best practice.

Tailored ‘Advice and Support’ options for individual schools or collaborations of 3 or more schools: Through enquiry style questions that are open ended and rigorous, learners are offered the opportunity to develop their thinking skills, exploratory talk and the careful use of reasoning. The ‘community’ embodies co-operation, care, respect and safety. “We talked about whether everything could fly, but some birds can’t fly as they have different kinds of defences and we learned this” (Year 4 pupil) A school/group of schools may request: o Half day follow up in school o Developing effective questioning strategies o Planning to implement a community of enquiry in the classroom o Sharing practice network.

PIPP 2011-12: Module 2

Learning Worlds


Theme 2: Changing Conditions for Learning

Course: Learning behaviours – improving outcomes

Date Time Venue Course Code

Event Ref.

08/11/2011 9.15-16.00 Norwich Professional Development Centre EPPD4 A 01/11/2011 9.15-16.00 West Norfolk Professional Development Centre EPPD4 B

Course Context and Audience: The importance of children behaving as learners is fundamental to school improvement. This course explores a range of proactive approaches, from Early Years to Year 6, to create a positive learning environment and will enable schools to examine their own policy and practice around promoting positive behaviours for learning. We will explore a range of practical strategies which can be put into use immediately across the school as well as examining the longer term planning necessary to ensure a shared vision around behaviour and learning is established. Delegates should bring a copy of their school’s current behaviour policy as the development of policy into practice will be an important component of the day. Audience: Head teachers, deputy head teachers, senior leaders, teachers, staff with specific responsibilities regarding behaviour. Objectives and Outcomes: By the end of the course, participants will: o Be informed about relevant research and practice regarding creating positive conditions for

learning o Have a range of ‘ready to use’ strategies to promote positive behaviours for learning o Be able to map steps necessary to ensure long term effective provision.

Tailored ‘Advice and Support’ options for individual schools or collaborations of 3 or more schools: A school/group of schools may request: o Teaching behaviours for learning o Reviewing your Behaviour & Discipline policy o Developing the role of governors o Indoors and outdoors – creating positive learning environments, Early Year and beyond o Taking ownership of behaviour – developing pupil voice o Developing skills across all staff groups.

PIPP 2011-12: Module 2

Learning Worlds


Course: Primary classrooms without walls

Date Time Venue Course Code

Event Ref.

06/07/2011 9.15-12.15 Norwich Professional Development Centre EPPD5 A 08/07/2011* 9.15-12.15 West Norfolk Professional Development Centre EPPD5 B

*Originally advertised incorrectly as 07/07/2011

Course Context and Audience: This is an opportunity for teachers principally in Key Stage Two to consider how to extend learning opportunities by taking the curriculum beyond the classroom into the school grounds and /or accessible local area. Encourage pupils to be more involved in initiating their own learning and teachers to look at how assessment may be redesigned to see how children are applying what they are learning. Objectives and Outcomes: As a result of attending the course teachers and teaching assistants will have considered; o The range of learning experiences to provide and the opportunities for children to make

choices from the activities available o The balance of indoor and outside activities provided o The balance of activities that have a specific focus and those that are more open ended o The balance of activities that are adult directed and those that are child initiated o How assessment by adults and children supports learning.

Tailored ‘Advice and Support’ options for individual schools or collaborations of 3 or more schools: Advice and support may include: o Leading a staff meeting to explore opening up existing curriculum planning, outside the

classroom activities o Working with key staff (senior management or curriculum leader or key stage leader) to

develop a planned cycle of learning beyond the classroom o As above with some of these threads

- Assessment that supports learning outside - Establishing protocols for child initiated/staff led experiences.

PIPP 2011-12: Module 2

Learning Worlds


Course: Developing the learning environment for child initiated learning in EYFS

Date Time Venue Course Code

Event Ref.

10/1/2012 9.00-12.15 Norwich Professional Development Centre EPPD6 A 12/1/2012 9.00-12.15 West Norfolk Professional Development Centre EPPD6 B

Course Context and Audience: Support teachers in EYFS to develop the learning environment. Good provision indoors and outside will promote child initiated activities across all areas of learning. Objectives and Outcomes: o How continuous provision can be developed to support young children's learning in the EYFS o How to plan for continuous provision o How to develop practical ideas for continuous provision.

Tailored ‘Advice and Support’ options for individual schools or collaborations of 3 or more schools: A school/group of schools may request: o Developing continuous provision planning o Using the outdoor learning environment o Developing the learning environment for independent learning across KS1 and KS2.

PIPP 2011-12: Module 2

Learning Worlds


Course: Schools working with families to widen aspirations

Date Time Venue Course Code

Event Ref.

23/05/2011 9.00-16.00 Norwich Professional Development Centre EPPD7 A 17/05/2011 9.00-16.00 West Norfolk Professional Development Centre EPPD7 B

Course Context and Audience: The new Equality Bill places a clear obligation on local authorities to make narrowing the gap a policy objective. Schools report that in raising standards for all, one of the greatest challenges is the ‘low aspirations’ of some children and their parents which impact adversely on these pupils’ motivation to succeed. This course for headteachers, teachers and governors explores the implications for schools, parents and children of ‘widening aspirations’. It also offers accessible, practical models for schools to work in partnership with families to extend aspirations for their children and themselves. Objectives and Outcomes: By the end of this course, participants will: o be informed about recent, relevant research on aspiration in children and their families o learn of and share effective practice in engaging children and their parents in wider learning

opportunities both locally and nationally o feel secure in planning and running a programme of events and activities to widen aspiration

for both pupils and their families. In addition schools will be able to: o further develop the capacity to engage with all parents o enable parents to become familiar with and participate in a range of learning opportunities for

both themselves and their children and thus begin to positively shape aspiration.

Tailored ‘Advice and Support’ options for individual schools or collaborations of 3 or more schools: Advice and support activities could include: o Staff meetings o Input to governor meetings (could be cluster activity) o Planning activities with key staff (could be cluster activity) o Support in setting up and running an initial activity with parents.

PIPP 2011-12: Module 2

Learning Worlds


Theme 3: Learning Worlds

Course: Learning outside the classroom

Date Time Venue Course Code

Event Ref.

22/06/2011 9.30-16.30 Holt Hall Field Studies Centre EPPD8 A Course Context and Audience: Eco-Schools is a programme that supports pupil leadership and active citizenship. It encourages wise resource use and the development of a healthy sustainable school. High quality outdoor learning is good for all children and supports the development of confidence, self esteem, raised achievement and personalised learning. This course involves an initial exploration of the philosphical overview for taking an integrated approach, shares existing research with staff and provides opportunity for discussion. Participants will understand what is required to support their primary, infant or junior school to embed high quality Outdoor Learning and a whole school, pupil led approach to Eco-Schools. Overall aim: To enable the use of imaginative outdoor learning and environmental contexts to support personalised learning and improved achievement.

Tailored ‘Advice and Support’ options for individual schools or collaborations of 3 or more schools: A school/group of schools may request: o To explore outdoor learning and learning for sustainability and their relevance to you, your

school, your pupils and your community o To examine research into outdoor learning and learning for sustainability so as to inform your

own practice o To identify existing sustainable practice in your school and to identify ways of further

embedding learning for sustainability o To provide ideas for a range of outdoor learning activities that could be used to support

various areas of the curriculum (literacy, maths, science, geography, D&T, ICT, SEAL) o To provide individual staff with skills appropriate to their area of responsibility and interest, in

the areas of outdoor learning and learning for sustainability o To help school staff understand the Eco-Schools process and/or the Sustainable Schools

Framework o To inspire your school to take action in Eco-Schools topic areas including: energy, water,

transport, waste, litter, global perspectives, biodiversity, school grounds and healthy living and thus becoming more resource-efficient.

PIPP 2011-12: Module 2

Learning Worlds


Course: Virtual worlds – places of learning

Date Time Venue Course Code

Event Ref.

20/05/2011 9.15-16.00 Norwich Professional Development Centre EPPD9 A 09/05/2011 9.15-16.00 West Norfolk Professional Development Centre EPPD9 B

Course Context and Audience: This course will look at how online resources can be used to enrich and engage learners both in and out of school. A range of resources will be covered including Google Apps for Education, Video Conferencing and Games Based Learning. This course will be appropriate for staff in all primary schools. Objectives and Outcomes: o Understand how Virtual Worlds can be used to enrich and engage learners o Explore the educational uses of available resources such as Google Apps for Education,

Video Conferencing and Games Based Learning o Share examples of best practice from within the county and around the world o Participants will be made aware of online resources available in school.

Tailored ‘Advice and Support’ options for individual schools or collaborations of 3 or more schools: A school/group of schools may request: o Making the most of what you have got (software and hardware) o Exploring new technologies o Using the Self Review Framework to audit and improve provision.

PIPP 2011-12: Module 2

Learning Worlds


Course: Creating an international heart in your school

Date Time Venue Course Code

Event Ref.

17/11/2011 9.30-16.00 Norwich Professional Development Centre EPPE1 A 01/12/2011 9.30-16.00 West Norfolk Professional Development Centre EPPE1 B

Course Context and Audience: Initial presentation; Choice of workshops , Plenary o International School Award: Case studies, concrete examples from Norfolk schools, activities,

templates, evidence of success o UNICEF award: Rights Respecting School o A Languages Day/Week: timetables, ideas for activities, case studies. PL airlines o Comenius partnerships with Europe: case studies from Norfolk schools o Global twinning examples: o Etwinning and Video conferencing with a school abroad

Tailored ‘Advice and Support’ options for individual schools or collaborations of 3 or more schools: Half day equivalent adviser support: Half day visit, phone calls, documents and emails related to one of following: a. Developing a Comenius partnership: helping with the paperwork! b. Creating a partnership with a Toulouse school: finding a suitable partner, liaising with

Toulouse counterparts, suggestions for initial links and activities e.g. letter exchanges, e-twinning, video conferencing

c. One teacher from your school applying to job shadow in a Toulouse school Liaising with Toulouse advisory service and your school; help with EU application forms; Pre visit group twilight: suggestions to make the most of the visit Post visit feedback; Links to the ISA (above); etwinning video conferencing

PIPP 2011-12: Module 2

Learning Worlds


Course: Covering the curriculum through music

Date Time Venue Course Code

Event Ref.

04/10/2011* 9.30-15.30 Norwich Professional Development Centre EPPE2 A 05/10/2011* 9.30-15.30 West Norfolk Professional Development Centre EPPE2 B

* Originally advertised incorrectly as July 2011

Course Context and Audience: Too many children in state schools are denied the opportunity to learn to play a musical instrument. Evidence suggests that learning an instrument can improve numeracy, literacy and behaviour. But more than that, it is simply unfair that the joy of musical discovery should be the preserve of those whose parents can afford it. Michael Gove Following recent investment in music education this course will start with a subject update and explain how Norfolk schools and children can access and benefit a range of musical opportunities both in addition to the curriculum and as part of the curriculum. Helping children to make the links between music in school, the artists they hear on the radio and the songs they download is an important theme throughout the day, along with making connections between learning in music and how it can support learning in other subjects. A series of activities will illustrate the opportunities described with appropriate repertoire and teaching notes. All the activities are suitable for KS1 and KS2 children, all those interested or involved in music education are involved and delegates do not need to be able to read music. As well as it being important to learn skills in music for its own sake the benefits don’t stop there. Immersion in music can lead to improved social skills and educational success, with behaviour, well-being, confidence, team working and concentration skills all proven to improve with good music provision. Darren Henley Classic FM Objectives and Outcomes: o to update and improve subject knowledge o to offer a high quality ‘arts for learning’ experience in Music o to support evaluation of music in terms of learning.

Tailored ‘Advice and Support’ options for individual schools or collaborations of 3 or more schools: A school/group of schools may request: o A whole day or half day with all staff on music in the curriculum o A whole day or half day with all staff on singing o A workshop in school working with children for staff to observe followed by discussion.

PIPP 2011-12: Module 2

Learning Worlds


Course: Covering the curriculum through drama

Date Time Venue Course Code

Event Ref.

30/09/2011 9.15-15.30 Norwich Professional Development Centre EPPE3 A 07/10/2011 9.15-15.30 West Norfolk Professional Development Centre EPPE3 B

Course Context and Audience: Drama can be highly engaging to many children and a powerful way of approaching learning across the curriculum. This one-day course for teachers enables participants teaching in Drama and through Drama. The day will open with a subject update for Drama after which delegates will be led through a series of practical activities surrounding Drama 4 Learning, coming back together to reflect on the learning of the day and the implications for their own practice and next steps in their schools. Objectives and Outcomes: o to update and improve subject knowledge o to offer a high quality ‘arts for learning’ experience in Drama o to support evaluation of drama in terms of learning.

Tailored ‘Advice and Support’ options for individual schools or collaborations of 3 or more schools: A school/group of schools may request: o A whole day or half day with all staff on drama in the curriculum o A workshop in school working with children for staff to observe followed by discussion.

PIPP 2011-12: Module 2

Learning Worlds


Theme 4: Inspiration at the Core

Course: Science – from scheme to excitement

Date Time Venue Course Code

Event Ref.

10/11/2011 9.15-16.00 Norwich Professional Development Centre EPPE4 A 16/11/2011 9.15-16.00 West Norfolk Professional Development Centre EPPE4 B

Course Context and Audience: With an increased emphasis on knowledge and understanding in science, there is a danger that the investigative, enquiry aspects of science may have a lower profile. This day for subject leaders and class teachers will look at innovative ways of teaching the “difficult” aspects of science through investigation and enquiry. Objectives and Outcomes: Participants will: o Enjoy different ways of using everyday objects and materials to engage learners in

investigating and thinking scientifically o Explore a variety of ways of teaching the parts of science that are difficult to deliver through

investigations o Take a variety of activities back to the classroom that can be easily used.

Tailored ‘Advice and Support’ options for individual schools or collaborations of 3 or more schools: A school/group of schools may request: o Schools may request twilight CPD for the whole staff team in one school or across the cluster o Individual support with the subject leader looking at any aspect of science o Monitoring of science teaching and learning.

PIPP 2011-12: Module 2

Learning Worlds


Course: Making the most of mathematics

Date Time Venue Course Code

Event Ref.

20/06/2011 9.00-15.30 Norwich Professional Development Centre EPPE5 A 16/06/2011 9.00-15.30 West Norfolk Professional Development Centre EPPE5 B

Course Context and Audience: At a time when the embedding of the Renewed Framework for mathematics has at least started and is fairly well established in many schools, this day aims to engage participants with ways of approaching the subject more creatively. We will look at cross-curricular opportunities to use and apply the knowledge, skills and understanding from a mathematics starting point and also using other areas of the curriculum as a basis. A range of stimuli will be considered as well as opportunities for assessment. The day will be a combination of input from the presenters and workshop activities. Audience: Class teachers, mathematics subject leaders, leadership team members. Objectives and Outcomes: To consider: o the contextualisation of mathematics o mathematics within other subjects and possible cross-curricular links o a range of stimuli for teaching mathematics o the gathering of appropriate assessment information.

Tailored ‘Advice and Support’ options for individual schools or collaborations of 3 or more schools: A school/group of schools may request: o Follow up in-school sessions might include support with a selection from the following:

- Planning a sequence of teaching - Developing one or more whole-school theme(s) - The identification of cross-curricular opportunities within longer term curriculum

planning - Resourcing thematic mathematics work across your school - Working alongside individual teachers or year groups to develop contextualisation - Gathering, monitoring and evaluating assessment information.

PIPP 2011-12: Module 2

Learning Worlds


Course: I’m a learner! Get me out of here!

Date Time Venue Course Code

Event Ref.

Spring term 2012 TBC

PM Norwich Professional Development Centre EPPE6 A

Spring term 2012 TBC

PM West Norfolk Professional Development CentreEPPE6 B

Course Context and Audience: This session led by Gary Wilson, a national speaker with a particular interest and experience in the development of boys’ learning, will explore with the audience attitudes and strategies for bringing out the best in learners. This course is intended for senior managers, subject leaders, teachers (KS1 and KS2). Objectives and Outcomes: o To explore the way in which attitudes and preconceptions can influence pupils’ learning o To offer a range of strategies for developing school learning ethos.

Tailored ‘Advice and Support’ options for individual schools or collaborations of 3 or more schools: A school/group of schools may request help with: o In school support for subject leaders who wish to understand pupils' learning better. This

session will be adviser led and involve modelling the use of 'Learning Conversations' with pupils, then will develop subject leader's approach to action planning using Learning Conversation data

o Training session (half day) either in school, for cluster or at central venue on using the school council and pupil voice to develop curriculum planning

o In school support session for English subject leaders who want to adapt planning and resources to generate enthusiasm for learning amongst boys and quiet girls.

PIPP 2011-12: Module 2

Learning Worlds


Course: The book at the end of The Universe – supporting the reader’s journey


Time Venue Course Code

Event Ref.

14/11/2011 9.00-12.30 Norwich Professional Development Centre EPPE7 A 24/11/2011 9.00-12.30 West Norfolk Professional Development Centre EPPE7 B

Course Context and Audience: Engage the school community with activities to support the reading experience. This session gives practical, tried and tested strategies for developing active and interactive readers. It will include presentations from a range of Norfolk schools, and examples from the national context. This course is suitable for senior managers, English subject leaders and teachers. Objectives and Outcomes: o To present examples of practical strategies for engaging children as readers.

Tailored ‘Advice and Support’ options for individual schools or collaborations of 3 or more schools: A school/group of schools may request: o Extended staff meeting / closure day half day session: focused on 'Reading journals, blogs

and logs' o Subject leader support session: focused on 'Getting started with running a children's book

group’. (Could be run in school for individuals or at a central location for a group of subject leaders)

o 'It's the way I tell 'em'. Storytelling session run by an adviser in school to model for staff storytelling techniques, followed by optional staff meeting. This might be a useful session to include as part of a book week.

PIPP 2011-12: Module 2

Learning Worlds


Course: Come to the party! Planning phonics within themes for EYFS and KS1

Date Time Venue Course Code

Event Ref.

11/07/2011 9.00-12.30 Norwich Professional Development Centre EPPE8 A 14/06/2011 9.00-12.30 West Norfolk Professional Development Centre EPPE8 B

Course Context and Audience: Party phonics? Circus phonics? Seaside phonics? Are you already teaching structured phonics sessions using a systematic phonics programme? Do you want to develop planning for your phonics teaching alongside your children’s interests and wider curriculum themes? This course for EYFS teachers and KS1 teachers is designed to support pupils to make good progress in phonological knowledge and skills with sessions delivered linked to their own interests and cross curricular themes. During the session you will focus on developing strategies for planning phonics activities based securely within the principles of Letters and Sounds phase progression. Very important: This course assumes that delegates have a secure phonics subject knowledge, and does not include sessions on phonetic knowledge and skills. Objectives and Outcomes: o Demonstrate how phonics teaching can be delivered through themes, making links to other

areas of learning and the curriculum, ensuring that pupils are supported to apply phonics into speaking and listening, reading and writing

o Spend time in practical sessions developing sequences for teaching phonics, linked to children’s own interests and wider curriculum themes, whilst maintaining progression.

Tailored ‘Advice and Support’ options for individual schools or collaborations of 3 or more schools: A school/group of schools may request: o An adviser to run a repeat of the training in school. This could be for one school or organised

within a cluster o Support sessions provided in school to support teachers planning themed phonics for their

pupils' interests o Subject leader support with monitoring of phonics planning, and teaching.

PIPP 2011-12: Module 2

Learning Worlds


Now return to the PIPP Information and Guidance booklet for instructions on how to

purchase a PIPP package or make a booking for a course or school-based session.

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