pioneering promotions and building loyalty · 2017-11-01 · examples of our industry-leading...

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The Corporate Magazine of Kuwait Petroleum International#41 Autumn 2017

Pioneering Promotions and Building Loyalty

2 Q8SAILS Autumn 2017

Message from the President

Editor:Manar Al-Muradmanar.almurad@q8.comShailendra Mohites.mohite@q8.comCopy Editor:Debbie

© Copyright 2017

Kuwait Petroleum International

Autumn 2017

Contributors: Joke Van Wieringen - Q8EuropePatrick Collins/ Arya Marafie - Q8AviationRossella Izzo - Q8ItalyKatia Van Bouwel - Q8NWEOndrej Luptak - Q8GlobalCardsAdri Van de Ven – Q8ResearchJesse Claessens - Q8Oils


Dear Colleagues,

As the seasons change and winter approaches, the business environment is also transforming.

Demand for oil and transportation fuels reached new levels in 2017. Global stocks are tightening; refineries have high utilisation rates and healthy margins, similar to 2015; and petrochemicals have favourable feedstock costs. A gradual rebalancing between oil supply and demand is benefitting both producers and consumers.

However, the oil price has been volatile, particularly in recent weeks, mainly due to the impact of hurricanes in the US Gulf Coast and Caribbean and of regional conflicts.

With encouraging performances in manufacturing and marketing volumes, and impressive financial results up to the mid-year, KPI has demonstrated great resilience in adapting to the tough conditions.

As our European operations continue to strengthen, KPI’s entry into Asia’s competitive refining and marketing sectors marks a proud moment and milestone towards our future goals.

The first shipments of KEC crude have been delivered to the flagship Nghi Son Refinery & Petrochemicals (NSRP) plant in Vietnam, which is currently undergoing commissioning.

In October, we inaugurated the first retail petrol station in the capital, Hanoi. KPI and Idemitsu Kosan (IKC) each hold a 50% share in the new retail marketing company, which operates under the ‘IQ8’ brand. IQ8 is one of the first foreign companies to invest in Vietnam’s retail petrol stations and will meet the needs of local motorists, for example by launching the country’s first prepaid fuel card.

Innovation is thriving across our Operating Units. For example, Q8Italy has launched both fast payments

and car sharing, while OKQ8Scandinavia’s innovative service station design has won the bid for several prime motorway locations in Denmark.

Success is the result of our employees’ dedication and it is essential to recognise your efforts. The 2017 ERA Awards are acknowledging and rewarding outstanding projects across the Operating Units. These new initiatives play an important part in growing our business as they drive greater efficiency and revenue enhancement.

While acknowledging these highlights and the encouraging prospects across our value chain, we must also gear up for greater challenges: these include energy security and the impact of growing demand on the environment, which are addressed in the KPC Downstream Strategy 2040.

I wish you even greater success in the autumn and winter months.

Bakheet S. Al-Rashid

Lisa Orqvist - OKQ8

3Q8SAILS Autumn 2017

ContentsQ8Sails Autumn 2017 Issue: 41

Q8Italy unites in an Agorà Major business win for Q8Global Cards


Page 4-5 Pioneering promotions build loyalty and protect the environment


Page 6-7 Leading the way in innovation

Page 8 Q8 on show at World Petroleum Congress


Page 9

Page 10

Fastest-ever payment system eases motorists’ journeys

New initiative steps up innovation and sustainability

Page 11 Introducing Q8’s first EU Ecolabel lubricant

Page 12 Enhancing efficiency at Antwerp blending plant

Page 13 Architect-designed service stations are a winning formula

Page 14 Meet the team: HR Director Q8NorthWestEurope

Page 15 Meet the team: Newcomers to Q8Aviation

Page 16 Major business win for Q8Global Cards

Page 17 New Shop & Go concept launched in Belgium

Page 18 Boosting sales at Tango

Page 19 Engagement survey drives positive change

Page 20 Q8Italy unites in an Agorà

Page 21 Welcoming families to RAM

Page 22 Cleaning up at the beach

Newcomers to Q8Aviation

4 Q8SAILS Autumn 2017

Pioneering promotions build loyalty and protect the environment

Q8Italy has long pioneered innovative promotions

to build loyalty. Its initiatives have given it a head

start in understanding the industry, its customers,

their needs and purchasing habits, as well as staying

a step ahead of its competitors.

It was the first oil company in Italy to offer promo-

tions on fuel sales. It was also the first to build strong

links with internationally-renowned brands, launch a

microchip loyalty card, StarQ8, and create outstand-

ing partnerships with respected companies.

It is making full use of technology to get closer to its

customers and in May took another significant leap

forward in the technological evolution by transferring

all StarQ8 loyalty transactions on line, which also cre-

ates greater cost efficiency.

“After years of development, this re-designed techno-

logical solution aims at reducing the time-to-mar-

ket of loyalty campaigns by up to 40%. Moving

from an off-line loyalty transactions manage-

ment system to a full on-line process is a

fundamental shift. This will have the ef-

fect of strengthening the processes of

real-time campaigns, making them

easier to manage, more efficient

and more secure against fraud,”

says Laura Stella, business inno-

vation manager at Q8Italy.

Giorgio Tagliacarne, strategic

marketing manager, adds: “It

also allows us to create a cus-

tomer relationship management

strategy focused on personal inter-

actions. We can send out targeted

communications, offer tailored rewards

and create instant win games to develop

a one-to-one marketing approach.”

“Q8Italy is making full use of technology to get closer to its


4 Q8SAILS Autumn 2017

5Q8SAILS Autumn 2017


For one of its promotions this year, Q8Italy set up

a partnership with Chili, a leading streaming and

digital media distribution service. Launched in May

2017, the campaign includes highly-prized rewards.

Customers who fill up at a serviced Q8 site receive

a unique code on their fuel receipt which entitles

them to watch a film on Chili. As a bonus, drivers who

choose Q8Hi Perform also receive a free cinema tick-

et worth 15 euros. By the end of August, more than

1.5 million free film codes had been distributed.

The benefits of this new promotion do not stop there

and loyalty points are also awarded. Each month,

drivers returning to fill up at Q8 receive bonus points

which increase after each visit over consecutive

months, ensuring that those most loyal to Q8 are re-

warded with extra benefits.

Q8Italy continues to launch new promotional offers

and always goes the extra mile to meet customer

needs. For example, it recently signed an agreement

with major gas and electricity supplier E.ON Energia,

which offers great advantages. StarQ8 customers

who take out a contract with E.ON receive a 5% dis-

count on their energy bill and, every two months, are

awarded 10€ on their prepaid fuel card RecardQ8.

The promotion has wider benefits, as Giorgio Ta-

gliacarne explains: “E.ON plants a tree for each new

contract, so we are not only saving our customers

money but helping to protect the environment too.”

He concludes: “This partnership may take a further

step towards a green future in Italy by installing

charging stations for electric cars at Q8 stations, like

the initiatives by other operating units. It is all part

of our continuing strategy to focus on both our cus-

tomers and sustainability.”

Pioneering promotions build loyalty and protect the environment


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le prestazioni del motore,


La scelta che ti premia due volte.IL MEGLIO È SERVITO.




valgono doppioE anche i miei punti

Il motore



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6 Q8SAILS Autumn 2017

Innovation is at the heart of Q8. Outstanding innova-tions across the company are keeping Q8 ahead of our competitors, lowering costs, boosting revenue and en-hancing customer satisfaction. Here we showcase two examples of our industry-leading products and serv-ices.

Unique gas engine oil

Q8Oils produces some of the finest lubricants in the world. Backed by the world-class expertise of our lab-oratory in the Netherlands, these superb lubricants achieve the highest performance standards and meet customer needs, while demonstrating care for the en-vironment.

Among these is Q8Mahler GR8, a gas engine oil un-matched by any competitor. It was developed to solve a dilemma: manufacturers recommend using gas en-gine lubricants with a low ash level because this results in lower deposits and a cleaner engine; but customers prefer a higher ash level because it means longer in-tervals between oil drains. Through extensive research, working closely with major gas engine manufacturer GE Jenbacher, Q8Oils created a lubricant that combines a high ash level with clean technology. It is described by GE Jenbacher as “the best quality gas engine oil on the market.”

Remote assisted fuel deliveries in Italy

Q8Italy has developed an innovative so-lution that allows tanker drivers to make fuel deliveries to Q8 service stations with-out any on-site assistance. It is the only company in the Italian fuel distribution sector to offer this service.

Delivery drivers are provided with an ATEX-compliant smartphone, which is connected to a dedicated control room. The smartphone makes audio and video recordings of the unloading operation, which are transmitted in real time to the control room. It can be used if the driver needs assistance and sends

“People across Q8 are pushing the boundaries in developing

products and services that lead the


automatic alarms to the control room, for example ‘man down’ or ‘no motion’.

Completed in March 2017, remote as-sisted delivery project is fully-compliant with SSHE best practice and legal re-quirements. It also achieves significant cost savings. Trucks can do a double shift, which costs less than two individual de-liveries; sales losses are reduced because the service station is not blocked by deliv-eries during peak hours.

Unattended fuel deliveries are currently made to 420 service stations around Rome and Milan. The next stage is to investigate rolling out the service across Italy and to other Operating Units. This

approach has enormous potential and could be ex-tended to other operations, such as deliveries to refin-

Leading the wayin innovation

7Q8SAILS Autumn 2017


eries and depots.

KPI President Bakheet Al-Rashidi concludes: “We have many highly-skilled and committed people across Q8 who are pushing the boundaries in developing products and services that lead the industry. I am very proud of their efforts which contribute significantly to the suc-cess of our company.”

8 Q8SAILS Autumn 2017

KPIPresident Bakheet Al-Rashidi led a del-egation of Q8 speak-ers and exhibitors at the 22nd World Petro-leum Congress, held over five days in Istan-bul in July.

This leading event for the global oil and gas industry brings together more than 5,000 delegates from 100 countries every three years. It gives

many opportunities to discuss important industry topics, while the World Petroleum Exhibition provides a unique platform to showcase products and services.

The Q8 delegation, co-ordinated by Stakeholder Man-agement, included representatives from Q8North West Europe, Q8Oils, Q8Aviation and IDS. They promoted Q8’s extensive offerings in the business-to-business and business-to-consumer markets and some of the delegates were also invited to speak at the congress.

At a CEO Panel, Bakheet Al-Rashidi focused on global sup-ply and demand, and the challenges faced by the down-stream industry. He explained that new refining projects are shifting from West to East. Investors from Asia and the Middle East are developing grass roots large-scale re-fining complexes; the trend is to integrate petrochemicals with refining to enhance competitiveness and improve margins. In contrast, smaller and less complex refineries in Europe are undergoing slowdowns, shutdowns and per-manent closure.

He commented: “More than 20 refineries in Europe and some OECD countries, with a total capacity of around 6.5 million barrels per day, could face the challenge of closure

by 2025. Asia and the Middle East however will continue to construct refineries. From now until 2040, worldwide re-fining capacity will reach 110 million barrels per day; this is an additional 30 million barrels per day.”

In another discussion group, Shailendra Mohite, senior operational planning engineer at KPI Head Office in Ku-wait, spoke on the topic of ‘Optimised product inventory for improving working capital management’, discussing alternative models for profitable and sustainable supply and distribution channels.

Finally, our youngest presenter, Manar Al-Murad from the Stakeholder Management team, gave a digital poster session entitled: ‘Can successful loyalty programs sustain profitability in the oil industry?’

The congress is organised by the World Petroleum Council (WPC), a neutral, non-political organisation that is dedi-cated to the promotion of sustainable management and use of the world’s petroleum resources. As one of the world’s leading oil producers, Kuwait has been a member of WPC for many years.

Q8 on show at World Petroleum Congress

9Q8SAILS Autumn 2017

Sophisticated technology developed by Q8Italy’s Business Innovation department is making it quicker and easier than ever for customers to buy fuel. Six million motorists can now use their Telepass account to pay not just for motorway tolls, but also fuel at 55 Q8 motorway service stations and 910 Q8easy outlets across Italy.

As Henry Ford said, “Real progress happens only when advantages of a new technology become available to everybody,” and this is certainly true of this major digital advance introduced by Q8Italy in July.

Telepass is an electronic system for automatically collecting motorway toll payments. It consists of a ground-based video camera and an ‘on board unit’ (OBU), which is a transponder fixed to the car’s internal rear-view mirror. At Q8 service stations, Telepass provides a link between the dealer’s point of pale system and the motorist’s OBU.

What’s more, this innovative fuel payment system gives Q8Italy a means of keeping in touch with six million Telepass users; this includes 600,000 digital customers who have set up a Telepass web account and use the Telepass app, which accounts for two million transactions every day.

Partners Q8 and Telepass have launched an extensive communication campaign, including radio and social media, to promote this new initiative. As well as toll and fuel payments, customers can also use Telepass to pay for other

services, such as parking or ferries.

Vincenzo Maniaci, cards and business innovation director at Q8Italy, says: “Telepass is a perfect partner for Q8 because we share a common vision of ‘mobility as a service’ as the future trend for travel within and between our cities. This new advance in mobile payments is in line with our company’s strategy of customer focus combined with constant innovation, which is making life simpler for motorists and easing their journey.”


“Through this innovative

system Q8Italy can keep in touch with six million

Telepass users.”


Fastest-ever payment system easesmotorists’ journeys

10 Q8SAILS Autumn 2017

A new agreement with car2go is another example of Q8Italy’s quest to stay at the forefront of innovation and sustainability and to offer its customers imaginative solutions to meet their different needs.

Car2go is the market leader in the free-floating car-sharing sector, providing mobility in cities around the world for people who need a car on-the-spot. Cars are available on the street and in designated lots around the city. Using a dedicated app to locate a car, customers pick it up and drop it off in an approved spot when they’ve finished, paying only for the time they have used the car.

Q8Italy is strengthening its involvement in this emerging trend by offering six new car2go parking areas at three strategically-located service stations across Rome. Plans are in hand to extend this initiative to other Italian cities where car2go operates: Florence, Milan and Turin.

Giovanni Romano, retail director at Q8Italy, explains: “We are keen to support the growing number of people who rely on car-sharing to get around. Associating the Q8 brand with this new mobility model reinforces our image as a company that is innovative, dynamic and flexible, and shows how we put sustainability at the heart of our business.”

This new parking slots agreement is part of an ongoing partnership between car2go and Q8 which

started in 2015. Every car2go vehicle in Italy comes with a CartissimaQ8 card for filling up at Q8 stations. By using this card, drivers do not have to pay for fuel, which is included in the rental price, and are also rewarded with ten minutes of free driving.

This partnership is consistent with Q8Italy’s dynamic approach to innovation and its commitment to offering high technological solutions. CartissimaQ8 is one of the most advanced cashless payment tools on the market and offers the highest level of security and reliability.

Through this partnership Q8Italy is taking steps forward in managing the business in a sustainable way and supporting the provision of sustainable alternatives to the traditional concept of mobility.

“This partnership is consistent with

Q8Italy’s dynamic approach to innovation.”

New initiative steps upinnovation and sustainability

11Q8SAILS Autumn 2017


Q8Research has achieved a significant ‘first’ by developing a Q8Oils lubricant that meets the stringent requirements of the EU Ecolabel, a voluntary scheme that recognises products with a reduced environmental impact.

Hydraulic oil Q8Holbein Eco 46, launched earlier this year, is biodegradable,

manufactured from renewable raw materials and contains minimal hazardous substances, making it safe to use in sensitive environments.

Launched in 1992, the EU Ecolabel scheme awards an environmental performance certificate to products which meet rigorous criteria. Scientists, industry and experts recommend these criteria, which are adopted by the European Commission.

Research scientist Anne Elise Lescoffit formulated Q8Holbein Eco 46 and this involved several years of intensive work.

Q8Research Director Albert de Bont commented: “Anne Elise did a superb job. Formulating a new oil

that meets EU Ecolabel criteria is very complex because environmental requirements must be met while at the same time achieving the required technical performance. This limits options and the two objectives are often in conflict.”

Substantial testing was carried out in-house and at independent

laboratories to measure performance, and EU Ecolabel representatives audited Blending Plant Antwerp, where Q8Holbein Eco 46 is manufactured, to assess its ability to blend eco-friendly products.

Q8Research submitted full data on the lubricant to

Anne Elise Lescoffit

Q8 Holbein Eco 46

the European Union and was granted the official EU Ecolabel licence in April 2017. Q8Holbein Eco 46 now appears on the EU Ecolabel website ( as an approved product.

Reinder Oosterhof, Q8Oils Commercial Director, says: “This is a great achievement by our colleagues in Q8Research; it widens Q8Oils’ portfolio and puts us at the forefront of offering environmentally-friendly solutions. This is especially important in countries where there is very high environmental awareness, such as Scandinavia, and this product is essential to help build Q8Oils’ reputation as a serious and credible company.”

He concludes: “Achieving the EU Ecolabel is a milestone in strengthening Q8Oils’ environmental image and shows Q8’s commitment to social responsibility and to meeting our customers’ growing demand for environmentally-friendly products.”

“Achieving the EU Ecolabel is a milestone in strengthening

Q8Oils’ environmental


Introducing Q8’s first EU Ecolabel lubricant

12 Q8SAILS Summer 2017 12 Q8SAILS Summer 2017

The recent introduction of new laboratory software marks another important milestone at our Antwerp blending plant. The new software is another step in enhancing the efficiency of this mega blending plant, which is one of the largest and most advanced of its kind in Europe following a

multimillion-dollar modernisation programme.

The laboratory’s original software had become outdated and unsuited for a state-of-the-art facility. Introduced in June, the new Laboratory Information Management

System (LIMS) is critically important to Q8Oils’ business. It is an integral part of the plant’s production function and quality management system, helping to ensure the consistency of every product and to maximise efficiency by reducing delays related to quality control processes.

Lab technicians are using LIMS to register samples, record results and hold specifications,

and to track and issue analysis certificates.

Work on the project started late last year with the appointment of a team of analysts from the external software supplier, Labware. Development work began in January and a thorough GAP analysis was carried out to make sure that the new system would meet the needs of every user. Following a successful test of the system in May, laboratory technicians underwent training and a manual was produced.

Bruno Palmaers, quality control team leader at Q8Oils who led the project, commented: “The new system went live in early June following a very smooth transition with no issues. We had great support throughout the project from many people in Q8Oils, our lab technicians and Labware, who all contributed to its success.”

He adds: “We now have a stable, future-proof system that will play its part in driving efficiency for many years. It is a great step and makes the picture complete: a state-of-the-art blending factory with a brand-new laboratory and now a new management system too.”

“We now have a future-proof system that will drive efficiency for many years.”

Screen shot of LIMS

Enhancing efficiency at Antwerp blending plant

Bruno Palmaers

13Q8SAILS Autumn 2017


OKQ8Scandinavia has won a large state tender to build seven new service stations, two manned and five unmanned, on prime locations next to motorways in Denmark. The two new manned sites are unlike any other service stations in Denmark. Architecturally-designed and with outstanding facilities, they are raising design and service standards

to a new level.

In recent years, the Danish Traffic Authority has invested heavily in expanding and improving the country’s motorways, which are under considerable pressure as the number of cars in Denmark continues to rise. This has led to increased demand for facilities where motorists can take a break from their journeys.

As a result, the Danish authority invited tenders for new locations and OKQ8Scandinavia was successful in winning the majority of these. According to the authorities, the exceptional design of the service stations was a decisive factor in awarding the contracts.

The new manned service stations will be sited on the new Silkeborg motorway, which opened last year.

In addition to refuelling facilities, these strikingly-designed sites will provide shops and a lounge for up to 30 people. For those who enjoy taking exercise during their break, there are outdoor fitness facilities and a children’s playground on the roof.

“Our ambition is to meet the needs of people on the move, which is exactly what our two new service stations are designed to do. The architectural design is sympathetic to the natural surroundings of the location, proving that we can blend in with the environment, without dominating it.” says OKQ8Scandinavia’s head of unmanned sales & network, Finn Larsen.

He adds: “We take pride in creating architecture that helps motorway services and the natural environment work in harmony. This enables our stations to offer facilities that invite our customers to relax and enjoy themselves during their journey. This design concept was one of the aspects that the Danish Traffic Authority appreciated most in our submission.”

“Everyone in the project team is delighted to show our customers that OKQ8Scandinavia can adapt to aesthetic requirements and

meet customer needs and we are looking forward to welcoming the first customers to our new service stations.”

Work on the new service stations is expected to start this autumn with completion in 2018.

Exceptional design was a

decisive factor in awarding the


Architect-designed service stations are a winning formulaCGI of manned service stations

Finn Larsen

14 Q8SAILS Autumn 2017

Joachim Decock, who joined Q8 in September, takes on HR responsibility for around 700 employees across 18 countries in Q8North West Europe. Based in Antwerp, he replaces former HR Director Tom Stuckens, who is moving to the European Head Office as corporate HR Advisor. Fadel Al Faraj, managing director Q8North West Europe and Q8Oils says: “Tom made a great contribution and was a valued member of our team. We wish him every success in his new role and are delighted to welcome Joachim as his successor. Joachim’s experience will be of great benefit as we face the challenges arising from significant change in our industry.”

Q8Sails asked Joachim about his experience, new role and interests.

What is your experience and career to date?

I hold Master’s degrees in psychology, HR management and business economics. I started my career in HR with KPMG in Brussels, before moving to global finance company De Lage Landen (DLL), based in Eindhoven in The Netherlands. I rose to the position of vice president HR Europe and Asia Pacific, with HR responsibility for 2,500 employees across 30 countries, involving intensive intercultural management and frequent travel. My last role with DLL was vice president business transformation, overseeing change initiatives in Europe and business transformation projects.

What motivated you to join Q8?

I wanted to capitalise on my expertise and knowledge in a sector which is undergoing a fundamental transformation. Helping people navigate through change motivated me most to join Q8. I’ve always had an interest in this area; my father-in-law worked for Praxair and we often discussed the industry in family discussions. So, it’s a privilege to join the Q8 family!

What are your first priorities at Q8 likely to be?

I want to connect and learn about the Q8 family’s

needs. I will seize every early opportunity to bring people to work together across functions, roles and departments, as I strongly believe in the ‘networked organisation’. This will not happen overnight, but will form a strong foundation to face the upcoming changes in our marketplace.

What are the main challenges from an HR perspective?

Networked organisations need high-performing individuals and teams, with the right Q8 DNA, to

work in a way in which trust is key. This takes time and comes through learning and adapting. Attracting, developing and retaining talents will be a key HR focus. We will develop this new way of working with stakeholders across the Q8 community.

What do you enjoy most about the HR role?

My role is very broad and I have the privilege of working with each employee, teams and many internal as well as external stakeholders. There is

great satisfaction in realising people’s potential and fostering a culture where they can blossom and grow.

If you could help to achieve just one thing, what it would be?

It would be to help create a high-performance culture and one Q8 family focused on the same objectives. It is all about ‘we’ not ‘I’. To be strong and succeed in a changing environment means working together and benefitting from each other’s differences.

And finally, what do you do in your spare time?

As well as spending time with my family and two young sons, I keep healthy with mountain biking and running. I also enjoy dining with friends, cooking and travelling.

“There is great satisfaction in

realising people’s potential and

fostering a culture where they can

blossom and grow.”

Meet the Team

Joachim Decock, HR Director Q8 North West Europe

15Q8SAILS Autumn 2017

Recently announced as winner in the Best Performer and Record Breaking Profits categories of the Q8Excellence Recognition Awards, Q8Aviation is a challenging and exciting place to work. Over the past few months, it has welcomed three new members who are keen to join their colleagues in contributing to the success of this dynamic affiliate.

Callum Flaherty, assistant accountant

Callum, 26, produces financial accounts for Q8Aviation’s companies in Australia and Hong Kong and helps ensure compliance with corporate and finance policies. He has a degree in Accounting and Finance, and is currently studying for his Chartered Accountancy exams.

He joins from a billing role with international law firm Clyde & Co, which gave him a keen appreciation of the high standards needed to succeed.

Deciding to join Q8Aviation was easy. Callum says: “Q8 is an international company with an extremely interesting and complex product. My family has a history in the industry too; my dad was at BP for 30 years, and my sister now works there too.”

After just a month, Callum is enjoying his new role: “It is a great place to work with a hard-working and open atmosphere. The management team is very supportive and wants everyone to succeed, which is perhaps why everyone stays here so long.”

Callum plays football five times a week, including with the Q8Aviation team, and is a season ticket holder for Newcastle United.

Lucy Newman, revenue and payables assistant

Lucy, 39, is responsible for the day-to-day running of purchase ledgers for aviation companies, and has the important task of issuing invoices and ensuring they are paid on time.

She has a strong administrative background, with 16 years’ office experience including working in a high street bank. She latterly worked in a team at Places for People Leisure Management, which develops and manages leisure activities.

Lucy says: “I wanted to join a much larger, international organisation to gain experience in a new environment. This role interested me as it gives me the opportunity to learn about revenue as well as payables, which is quite rare.”

With plenty of help, she has settled in quickly. “Everyone in the team has made me feel very welcome. I have received very good training, which helped me grasp the basics of my role quickly.”

Lucy has three sons and in her spare time enjoys walking her dog and watching matches at her local rugby club.

Abdulrahman Aldakhil, supply operations analyst

Abdulrahman, 30, joined Q8Aviation in May and shares responsibility for co-ordinating the movement of jet fuel from terminals to airports in the ARA (Amsterdam, Rotterdam, and Antwerp) region, as well as Germany. A graduate in Marketing from Kuwait University, he joined Q8 as a graduate trainee and is progressing through roles in different operating units and countries to develop his experience and skills. He initially worked in sales in the Kuwaiti private sector, managing accounts in the government and private sector, before moving to Q8’s European Head office in The Hague for three years as a corporate brand and business analyst.

His new role is in sharp contrast to his previous work. Abdulrahman says: “As a corporate analyst I had a ‘helicopter view’, but now my work is operational and hands-on. Before I looked at the numbers and now I’m making them!”

Like his colleagues, he appreciates the ambience and openness at Q8Aviation: “We all work in an open space and this makes it very easy to approach people and work together,” he says.


Meet the Team:

Newcomers to Q8Aviation

16 Q8SAILS Autumn 2017

Q8Global Cards Business (GCB) has won a major contract with Waberer’s, one of Europe’s leading road transport operators. Under the contract, which has already started, International Diesel Service is supplying up to 53 million litres of fuel over 12 months to truck drivers in Belgium and France.

The agreement was officially signed at our European head office in The Hague and its importance was reflected by the high-level attendance including Khaled Mubarak Al-Mushaileh, VP Europe, Azzam Al Mutawa, (then) managing director Q8North West Europe and Vincenzo Maniaci, Global Cards Business director. Representing Waberer’s were

CEO Ferenc Lajko and Deputy CEO Barna Erdélyi.

Waberer’s is Europe’s largest full truck load carrier and in the top five of all truck operators with a fleet of more than 3,600 trucks across central Europe. It is market leader in Hungary

and its business is growing fast in Benelux, where it has set up a subsidiary in the Netherlands.

Winning the contract was a team effort for GCB involving Ondrej Luptak, commercial manager; Martijn Hazebroek, strategy & market manager; Mohammed Ali, network development manager; Zoltan Szoke, territory manager Hungary and colleagues from other departments, including legal and finance.

Ondrej Luptak comments: “The tendering process took more than

Major business win for Q8Global Cards

a year. We ran a six-month trial to iron out any problems and prove that we could deliver on our commitments and when this was successfully completed, we issued 3,000 IDS cards to Warberer’s truck drivers.”

He adds: “Waberer’s chose IDS not only for competitive pricing, but also for our swift communication and user-friendly online system iAccount, which gives full control over drivers’ use of IDS cards.”

The success of the contract is already evident as IDS has secured more than 60 per cent of the diesel volume used by Warberer’s outside Hungary.

“Winning the contract was a team


Selection of images of signing ceremony.

17Q8SAILS Autumn 2017

The recent renovation of a prime Q8 service station in Belgium, sited on the expressway near Lokeren, includes innovations to the shop that enhance the customer experience and set the standard for future sites in Belgium and Luxembourg.

Totally revamped inside and outside, the new shop offers a wide choice of food and drink from Q8’s partners Delhaize, Panos and Nespresso. The aroma of freshly-baked bread greets customers as they enter the store, where they can buy fresh and convenience foods, and enjoy a coffee.

The Panos bakery corner is an important feature and popular with customers. It is the first to benefit from ‘next generation’ design, which reduces waiting times and will enable the store to offer home delivery of bakery products in future.

Q8 is the first oil company in Belgium to move tobacco products from behind the cash desk to a vending machine in the store. The free space is now used to store bakery products ordered by customers and premium items such as chocolates or gifts. There is also an open cooler offering fresh products to encourage impulse purchases. The protective ‘cage’ of the cash desk has been replaced

by an open counter which improves customer contact.

Philip Van Laer, non-fuel performance manager, says:

“The store is open 24 hours a day which gives us a strong competitive advantage and attracts customers during the night when other stores are closed.”

He concludes: “People clearly appreciate the changes we have made and we are attracting many new customers

which means that our sales results are more than satisfying.”


“Innovations enhance the

customer experience and set the standard for future sites.”

New Shop & Go concept launchedin Belgium

18 Q8SAILS Autumn 2017

A collaboration with the Dutch motorist union ANWB is boosting sales at unmanned Tango fuel stations in The Netherlands.

Effective 25th July, Q8 is offering the 750,000 ANWB members who hold a ANWB Visa card a discount on the

pump price at all Tango sites. Technical handling is provided by Q8’s strategic partner, card specialist XXlmo.

The Royal Dutch Tourist Federation ANWB provides roadside assistance, car insurance, traffic information, leisure activities and holidays; it also lobbies on behalf of

Dutch motorists. It is the largest association in the Netherlands with 4.2 million members, representing 5.9 million vehicles.

Edwin Van Walsum, customer value proposition expert for Tango, says: “ANWB has a similar agreement with

Texaco, Firezone and Esso, which means that ANWB cardholders receive discounts at a network of 700 service stations. With 190 fuel stations within this network, Tango can capture a very high share of the ANWB members.”

He adds: “We have already seen the positive impact of this agreement with indications of an uplift in sales at Tango sites.”

Boosting sales at Tango

“We have already seen the positive

impact of this


19Q8SAILS Autumn 2017










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Q8North West Europe is driving improvements in customer focus, social responsibility and employee development, the focus areas highlighted for special attention following last year’s internal Q8Engagement Survey. It has set up a dedicated team to champion each area. The teams work closely together as their activities are linked, sharing regular updates on each area at management meetings and employee gatherings. Marjolein Piesssens, HR business manager, who oversees and co-ordinates the activity, says: “This is work in progress. The challenge is not only to maintain interest and momentum, but also to ensure that great ideas are captured, reported and translated into action plans. Follow through is very important.”To strengthen customer focus, a survey has been carried out to gain a deeper understanding of customer needs and how our service should adapt. Whiteboard meetings keep everyone in touch and interdepartmental sales meetings are held to ensure that everyone speaks to the customer with one voice and to achieve economies of scale. Q8North West Europe is driving improvements in customer focus, social responsibility and employee West Europe has a strong record of social responsibility and is keeping it high on the agenda. Recent initiatives include boosting awareness of road safety. An event, attended by the Vice President Europe and by the local management team, raised awareness of safe driving towards partners and customers, while the Responsible Drivers Club promotes road safety amongst employees and their families. Continuous learning and development are fundamental to developing a single Q8 family. Existing initiatives are being promoted and new ones introduced. For

example, efficiency courses will enhance people’s efficiency, both working individually and as part of a team and organisation. Q8North West Europe is also extending its coaching p r o g r a m m e , believing that this is another important development tool; it not only encourages personal growth, but also increases individuals’ visibility and enables them to build networks within the company. Underpinning this great work are initiatives to enhance communication and collaboration. The Q8 family

programme brings employees together in a host of different ways, through meetings, visits, talks and training. It is creating an open and interactive work environment that promotes excellence, continuous learning and team spirit. Earlier this year, an Idea Generation Platform was launched to encourage employees to share ideas to improve the business or wellbeing at work. Since its launch in February, it has attracted more than 80 ideas. Johan Embregts, business integration and corporate quality manager,

comments: “This platform is very valuable in helping us capture fresh ideas from people across the company. We are making sure that good ideas are implemented quickly and monitoring the status of every proposal we receive.”Marjolein concludes: “We are beginning to see the difference. There’s no doubt that working more closely as a family not only improves the business but makes daily working life more enjoyable.”

Discussing ideas at a Whiteboard meeting

“We are making sure

that good ideas are

implemented quickly.”

Engagement survey drives positive change

20 Q8SAILS Autumn 2017

A Town Hall, titled ‘Agorà’, was held by Q8Italy in Rome on 11th July to share its achievements over the past year.

‘Agorà’, from the ancient Greek, is a very apt name. It means a public square at the heart of civic life, where people gather to share experiences and feel part of a common project.

The themes of sharing, participation and involvement ran throughout the meeting, which brought together more than 500 people from the Rome head office and employees from 21 locations across Italy, who joined in via video confer-ence.

A welcome address by Piero Merola, HR and external relations director, was followed by an update on the oil industry scenario by Alessandro Gilotti, president Q8It-aly. He highlighted how Q8Italy has built a strong com-petitive advantage through being part of one of the world’s leading national oil companies, which is strongly committed to achieving its 2040 Long Term Strategic Plan.

The many challenges Q8Italy faces were de-scribed by Azzam Al-Mutawa, managing di-rector Q8Italy. These include the growth of alternative energy sources, including natural gas, bio fuels and electricity, and the chang-ing competitive scene as non-fuel offerings improve. There is also constant pressure to innovate through business development and new approaches to marketing.

The 2016/17 results were presented for the first time in a new way with 11 employees,

each representing a different business line or depart-ment, describing the achievements, projects and chal-lenges related to their area.

The financial results reflected the enormous effort that has been made over the past year to reduce costs. These cost savings and the positive impact of PEP projects have partially offset the impact of adverse market conditions. From the many Q8Italy projects, 30 were singled out for awards in recognition of their contribution to enhancing excellence and competitive-ness.

Q8Italy strives for constant improvement in every part of its business and a presentation on the Q8Engage-ment Survey Action Plan showed how it is improving its performance in the areas of internal communica-tion, empowerment, development and career opportu-


The meeting closed with a question and answer session with the top management team, allowing the audience to delve deeper into issues arising from the presentations.

Azzam Al-Mutawa commented: “Our new more informal format, combined with concise and effective presenta-tions, encouraged excellent audience

participation and gave people greater awareness of how our company is committed to deploying the best resources and projects to meet market challenges and stay ahead of the competition.”


Q8 Sails – approved Naser Ben Butain/Fadel Al-Faraj

Q8Italy unites in an Agorà

Azzam Al Mutawa and Alessandro Gilotti

Employees presenting the 2016/17 results

21Q8SAILS Autumn 2017

Luca Franceschini presenting to visitors

Our Milazzo Refinery (RAM) in Sicily has been opening its doors to employees’ families this year and inviting them to find out more about the plant.

Luca Franceschini, HR and external relations manager at RAM, explains: “This initiative is part of our social responsibility policy and inspired by our keenness to build good relationships with the community. People know about the refinery through their relatives who work here, but these events give them a much fuller picture of our company, operations and vision.”

To meet demand for this popular event, ten Open Refinery days were held between April and the end of June. They were very well attended and more than 500 people were welcomed to the refinery. Through presentations and guided tours, they learned more about the refinery, plant and production processes, as well as RAM’s outstanding record of health, safety and environmental protection. They were also interested and very proud to see the offices and other places where their relatives work.

The many children joining in created a joyful and lively atmosphere. They were hugely excited to visit the control room and new fire station. Flashing lights, loud alarms and climbing on board the firemen’s trucks were enjoyed by the youngsters - as well as their parents!

Luca Franceschini says: “This was a very successful initiative and greatly appreciated by our employees and their families. The questions and comments from visitors were very valuable in giving us a further insight

into how the refinery is perceived externally. Events like this help us to build a shared identity and reinforce a sense of belonging among colleagues, their relatives and the wider community.”


Welcoming families to RAM

Visitors in the control room

22 Q8SAILS Autumn 2017

A team from Q8 Europe in The Hague enjoyed a Saturday at the beach in August – picking up litter!

Nine colleagues gave up their free time to join other local volunteers clearing rubbish from a 12.5 kilometre stretch of beach from Scheveningen to Wassenaar. It was part of a national initiative held in The Netherlands over two weeks every August when thousands of people turn out to clean up their local beach.

Corporate Learning and Development Manager Joke Van Wieringen said: “Over the past year we’ve taken part in several activities to support the community and environment. We do this because we care and it helps important causes, but it’s also a great way of getting to know each other better and having a lot of fun too.”

Waste investigations carried out by non-profit organisation Stichting De Noordzee, which co-ordinates the national beach clean-up, has found that on average there are 375 items of waste for every 100 metres of beach in The Netherlands. Most of the waste collected was plastic, including empty drinks bottles, tops and balloons. Volunteers also looked out for cigarette filters, which contain tiny parts of plastic

that can damage the marine environment.

Jurriaan van den Hoek, regional internal audit manager, led the Q8 team in picking up four huge bags of rubbish. He said: “We picked up waste for more than five hours and found some unexpected items, such as shoes. Our team removed more than 600 kilograms of waste from

the beach, which was very rewarding and worth the effort.”

Over the two weeks, the 2,748 volunteers picked up a total of 14,920 kilograms of waste from the Dutch beaches. The event was reported in the local press and some of the Q8 team appeared in the photograph, clearly identified by their Q8-branded caps!

Q8 Europe is already looking at other activities where it can make a valuable contribution. Earlier this year colleagues took part in a charity run in The Hague to raise funds for The Forgotten Child, a charity which supports children living in shelters across The Netherlands. The organisation plans to convert an office space in a shelter for women and children into a playroom and Q8 Europe will help refurbish the playroom over a weekend and donate materials, furniture and toys. Watch this space!

Cleaning up at the beach

“We do this because we care and it

helps important causes.”

Left to right: Mohammed Hajeyah, group reporting analyst; Mohammad Al-Baddah, group treasury analyst; Joke van Wieringen, corporate learning & development manager; Wouter Naaktgeboren, IT specialist & project coordinator; Erwin van Doorn, senior internal auditor; Jurriaan van den Hoek, regional audit manager; Jeroen Kneppers, senior internal auditor; Galid Chiraqali, treas-ury analyst; Khalid Al-Hajji, team leader succession planning & talent management.



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