pioneer north 24-01-13.pdf

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Pioneer North 24-01-13.pdf


rTel: 011 485 2018/011 485 4461

7th Edition 24 January 2013MarlboroKelvin Buccleuch

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KOPANO SIBEKO AND TILO electricity box, which is tenants. “I have spoken to renting issue. He said that operational manager of times.Ward CouncillorMOKGOPO both illegal and dangerous. local council about this he was instructed by Pikitup, told the newspaper Lillian Kekana, could not

Plus this causes power cuts issue and it seems like council to evict his tenants that they are not responsible be reached for comment.e s i d e n t s o f

which is unfair to us,” said a there's nothing they can do but he would not let them for collecting rubbish in When Marlboro PioneerHollyhock Street,

neighbour who wanted to about it.” go until they find a place to open stands. first visited the property, theRMarlboro, are up inremain anonymous. “Some Jack dismissed the accusa- stay. “I'm not willing to “We only do litter picking area alongside the gate and

arms about the condition ofof his tenants are not tions thrown at him. send them to the gutter. along the road. We are not wall looked like a dumping

one of their neighbour'sworking, so they cause According to him, his They will leave when responsible for dirt caused site as waste and rats

home. According to thecrimewithin our communal neighbours are to be held they have a place to rent,” by people in their houses,” occupied the space.

complainants, the ownerspaces.” she added. responsible for the dirt. he added. He also cited he said. Several shacks were

(who is known only asAnother neighbour (who “My neighbours are the racism as a reason to the Dlamini promised to visible in the yard.

Jack) is illegally renting outalso preferred to be ones who caused this mess, allegations “My neigh- organize his team to come These structures are said

his house to more than 60unnamed) said that their not me. I will not clean it bours are racist, most of my and clean up themess. to be occupied by tenants.

people at the same time.environment has become u p ! ” h e p r o t e s t e d . tenants are black that's why He urged people to look By the second trip to Jack's

“The tenants are pullingunhealthy due to the filth However, he admitted that they are complaining.” after their environment and home, the area in question

e l e c t r i c i t y f r om theand rubbish caused by the he was wrong regarding the Mulawule Dlamini, the keep their yards clean at all was clear of the rubbish.

Marlboro Pikitup operational manager, Mulawule Dlamini, went to see the illegal dumping site in Holly Hock Street.PICTURE: Tilo Mokgopo

THE BEST OF 2012In the first edition of 2013, we look at Pioneer North's best stories of 2012. We thank you for your

support and we hope you continue to support us in the New Year.

PICTURE: Tilo Mokgopo


24 Jan 2013Pioneer PAGE 3North

illegally and my efforts to court order for the petition from the resi-KGADI JOHANNA LAMOLA

negotiate with them to eviction, re-installation dents' long time ago andpay the rent came to zero. of electricity and water the petition is now longbout 46 familiesThat's why they were meters . “No manga overdue.who allegedlyevicted. manga business here, The building is notAoccupied one ofThe structure has been everything was done council property, but I'mthe companies' buildings

th left tattered by some legally through the court. ready to assist whenever Iillegally at Corner 4 andst heartless people who These people were aware can,” said Ward 1081 Street in Marlboro,

forceful ly took out o f t h e e v i c t i o n s , ” Counc i l lo r , Deborawere evicted by Bramleywindow frames, ceilings explainedThendu. Fransisco.police on April 2, andand burglar doors,” said “No notice was served “Except the currentwithout haste invadedthe r ight fu l owner, to us, and we have situation, Marlboro isanother building not farGeorgeThendu. scattered all over the being turned into a villagefrom their evicted place.Thendu said that the p l a c e w i t h o t h e r s , with people collecting“I bought the place

self appointed owner had i l l ega l ly occupying rent from the innocent.from the legal owner andturned the place into a another building. The p l ace i s no thave all the legal docu-guesthouse and erected We hoped that the conducive and needs toments in my possession. Iadditional illegal struc- councilor will intervene, be developed, but theCitywill develop the placetures for renting and but no such action from of Joburg is unable to,in to a consp icuous

of damage has been done with over R200 000 thatmilking people of their her,” said some of the due to the tenants whobusiness hub. Since 2009and he has so far parted included: obtaining amonies. He said that a lot residents.“I requested a resist leaving the area.”the tenants were staying

“No manga manga business here, everything was done legallythrough the court. These peoplewere aware of the evictions”

Owner George Thendu said that the structure has been left tattered by some heartless people Picture: Kgadi Johanna Lamola



PAGE 4 Pioneer24 Jan 2013 North


th th rdKGADI JOHANNA LAMOLA of any of these evictions, and Maphakela of Bramley The squatters were awareinformed in writing on 20 6 and 3 Street forcedthey've struggled a lot last police said that the suspects that they have invaded theJune 2012 by JMPD to squatters to stage a protest,

he squa t t e r s i n week to accommodate those (nine women and seventeen place. We had a meetingevacuate the land and break barricading streets withMarlboro Industrial e v i c t e d f r o m t h e i r men) were arrested and with these people ondown all their illegal burning tyres. The tensionTs i t e w e r e l e f t .shacks.“This time as the c h a rg e d w i t h p ub l i cstructures,” said JMPD was worsened by the arrival 22February 2012 after we

stranded on August 13 after leadership, we are not going v i o l e n c e . “My R7000Spoke s p e r s on Wayne of police, who shot rubber were elected as councillors."the Johannesburg Metro to decide for the residents, furniture has been dam-Minnaar. bullets and teargas in an "The JMPD representativesPolice evicted them from six but to hear from them. The aged,” protested ZandileMinnaar said that the attempt to disperse the angry were also present to informold buildings. This was the number of homelessness is Nxumalo while Augustinebuilding materials confis- mob."Twenty-six people them of the by-laws wheresecond phase of evictions now too huge for us to Madondo added: “We werecated from the illegal were arrested during the theywere told that no shacksthat were carried out by the handle because from each not informed of the evictionsoccupied spaces were taken protest and appeared before or invaders are allowed inpolice in two consecutive building there are about and others have lost theirto the Marlboro Police the Randburg Magistrates' Marlboro area. People whoweeks . The squa t te r s 2 0 0 0 p e o p l e , ” s a i d belongings as they were atpound and will not be Regional Court 12 on keep on bringing others inoccupying empty spaces Buthelezi.“We are doing work at the time of thereleased to the owners. August 7 of which nineteen Marlboro must see to finishwere evacuated and had their follow up raid today (13 incident.” Ward 108The first evictions and were out on R500 bail each what they do with them andshacks demolished last August) and as long as there Councillor Debra Fransiscodemolition of shacks at No. while seven were remanded there are also those who sellweek. Marlboro Committee rd thare shacks in the Marlboro said: “We were aware of thein custody until their court empty spaces. There will be777-Corner 3 and 5 Street,member Wanda Buthelezi rd thIndustrial site, the evictions evictions because we haveappearance on August 27 in no alternative accommoda-No. 985-Corner 3 and 4said they were not informed will never stop. People were future plans for Marlboro.the same court.” Moses tion for them,” she added.Street and No 1008 Corner

“My R7000 furniture has been damaged,” protested Zandile Nxumalo whileAugustine Madondo added: “We were not informed of the evictions and others

have lost their belongings as they were at work at the time of the incident”


Pioneer PAGE 5North 24 Jan 2013

The principal responded:“unlike a public school weare a private school whereparents are offered a choiceto enrol their children, ourfees are lower than allprivate schools as well asthe model C schools,within our area and we are

convinced that our schoolprovides value formoney.Parents are alwayswilling to provide a

better education for theirchildren and for this reasonmany prefer to enrol themat private schools such asours, where learner/teacherratio is much lower.

No additional money ispaid towards stationery orcomputers.”It is no surprisethat the general opinionfrom most parents, is thatthe school is performingextremely well taking intoENOS MOKGOPO are in the pipeline. only our third year in year is a clear indication and will serve as a privateconsideration of its veryUpon our arrival at the existence.” “Through the t h a t t h e commun i t y school.

ithin three years recent establishment. Theschool, Pioneer North grace and mercy of the appreciate the hard work “However, as a schoolof its establish- school operates through afound a group of gifted Almighty and the tremen- that the school is doing in w h i c h f o l l o w s a n dWm e n t , t h e Board elected by thelearners, clad in their white dous support of the many terms of providing quality promotes an Islamic ethos,

response from parents parents and in accordanceand khaki hijabs (uni- parents, we have experi- education. “Currently we we are affiliated to theindicates that the achieve- to its Islamic ethos, makesforms) involved in art enced phenomenal growth have 10 teachers. All Association of Muslimments of the Abdullah Bin dec i s i ons th rough awork. Mu'allima Zahida and this augurs well for our female and who have Schools (AMS),” she said.Salaam Islamic Centre consu l t a t i ve p roces sMayet, the school head- future.”“In 2010 we started experience in tutoring in Much as the school is(ABSIC) are exceptional. (mashwera).master, cordially wel- off with only 43 learners, public schools for many successful, some parentsSituated in Kelvin, on They operate weekdayscomed us and proceeded in a n d c u r r e n t l y h a v e years.”According to the are concerned at the highHammoniaway, the Islamic from 07h30 to 13h30 andproviding a tour of the increased to 153 learners,” headmaster, the school is in school fees. However, notschool caters for children accept all learners regard-facility. She told the s h e e x p l a i n e d . T h e the process of being all is good news andfrom grade 0 to grade 6 and less of their race andnewspaper that “We are a continued increase in the r e g i s t e r e d w i t h t h e especially where money isextensions to other grades religion.fairly new school. This is number of learners each Department of Education involved.


PAGE 6 Pioneer24 Jan 2013 North


MOKGOPO TILO in Marlboro and also poor “It might not be enoughfamilies in Alexandra but that loafmeans not going

ar lboro based Township. to bed hungry.”n o n - p r o f i t Like many non-profit Ebrahim told theMo rg a n i z a t i o n , organizations, Bhaitum newspaper that the organiza-

Bhaitun Khair, is renowned Khair is also experiencing tion works closely to thefor its exceptional social financial difficulties but that d i s a s t e r managemen tresponsibility programmes. cannot stop the dedicated company and one of theEstablished over two members. targeted areas isAlexandra.

decades ago, the organiza- “Yes, we are experiencing Few weeks ago, Pioneertion hasmadewonders in the f i n a n c i a l p r o b l ems , ” North newspaper waslives of many people, confirmed one of the invited to join the organiza-especially the poorest of the members, RashidaEssop. tion as they donated somepoor. “However, that does not blankets and other goods to

Bhaitun Khair organiza- meanwe cannot use the little the less fortunate.tion has 4 selfless members resources we have at our On 9 and10 June Bhaitunwho are dedicated in houses to help those in Khair, donated blankets tochanging the lives of many need,” she added. Banakekeleni Hospicepeople, Lee Ebrahim, Rashidah told Pioneer Centre patients and familiesRehana Kadwa, Rashida North that many people see who were victims of fire inEssop and Amina Vally are their organization as their Alex.The families could notthe brains behind the last hope and failing them is hold back their excitementorganization and were all not an option. a n d e x p r e s s e d t h e i rborn and bred in Alexandra Lee Ebrahimwas quick by gratitude.Anyone who isbut had to move out of the adding that they always do willing tomake a donation toTownship due to apartheid everything they can to help. the organization, it can be ingovernment's Groups Areas “Sometimes we cook soup a form of cash, blankets,Act. Since its inception, the and buy hundreds of loaves clothes or food, can contactprogramme has immensely for the beggars by the robots Lee Ebrahim on 082 9388benefited a vast majority of here in Marlboro,” he 804 or Rehana Kadwa onunderprivileged individuals explained. 083 5911 258.

Lee Ibrahim giving a warm hug and a blanket to one of the patients PICTURE:Mokgopo Tilo


24 Jan 2013

Tel: 011 485 2018 / 4461, Fax2 e-mail: 086 658 1415, E-mail:


Pioneer North

“I asked the care taker to draft the letter and give it to the security sothat they could open up for the teams but he claimed to have ‘forgotten’”

MOKGOPO TILO for them because she the security so that they has been through a lot by had to face the grip of the open up the gate because itreceived no order from the could open up for the teams being “victimized by the winter only to find out that was both devastating and

09 June 2012 management telling her to but he claimed to have community”. But when the they could not play at the extremely cold for the kidsMarlboro stadium top let anyone use the facilities. 'forgotten'. I did not know newspaper tracked down s t a d i u m , ” h e to be standing there but hemanagement confessed that As such, the little ones that the care taker failed to the care taker, Petros, he explained.Ebrahim said den i ed c i t i ng “ l ega lt h e hum i l i a t i o n and were denied entrance. write the letter until I got denied ever being told what was more disappoint- implications”.devas ta t ion tha t l e f t Parents were furious as swearing SMSes from the (either directly or indi- ing was the fact that the 19 July 2012 PioneerMarlboro F.C. gardens their children were visibly community while I was in rectly) by the councillor to community contributes to North was informed thatunder 7 soccer team upset. the Eastern Cape,” he write any letter before he the maintenance of the indeed the meeting tookmarooned outside the 11 June 2012 added. left for the Eastern Cape. “I facilities and now the very place andmanagement tookstadium's locked gates was Pioneer North contacted He, however, failed to was never asked to write same community is denied the blame for what hap-their fault.The team was set the person responsible for answer the question that if it any let ter,” said the access.He told the newspa- pened. “I can confirm thatto have their match at the the day to day running of the was the caretaker's fault, surprised care taker.Lee per that he will raise the we had themeeting and theystadium by as early as 7 am stadium, Lucas, and he why the little ones had to Ebrahim from the sports issue in the committee (management) apologizedon Saturday 9 June but upon said:“It was our fault on suffer the consequences of committee could not hold meeting as soon as Lucas is and vowed not to repeat thetheir arrival they were what happened on that day,” themanagement's fault. back his disappointment: a v a i l a b l e .Wa r d 1 0 9 mistake of the samegreeted by a lock. The the region E councillor, When asked i f the “It was extremely sad to councillor, Lilian Kekana, c h a r a c t e r , ” Eb r a h imsecurity guard told them to explained to the newspaper. newspaper could perhaps watch those kids go through confirmed that she knew of explained. He furthermorereturn back home as she “I asked the care taker to talk to the care taker, he said such pain. They woke up the situation and asked the said that they accept thecould not open up the gate draft the letter and give it to “no” because the caretaker early in the morning and caretaker in her capacity to apology.

No entrance- Marlboro F.C. gardens denied entrance at the Marlboro stadium. PICTURE Mokgopo Tilo


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