piloting wert in greece rovies, evia in march 2012

Post on 31-Dec-2015






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in Greecein Greece

Rovies, EviaRovies, Evia

In March 2012In March 2012


• Identified a local leader – a woman with a wide network of contacts and a rich history of local community involvement (Marina)

• Identified a teacher with a long history of animation and encouragement for rural development, and an impressive track record of helping women in rural areas to set up cooperatives or enterprises (Leonidas)

• Marina recruited 25 women from North Evia (the wider area of her village)

• I asked Marina to explore with the women what they would like to learn

• Marina and Leonidas knew and respected one another, and they talked about the participants and their needs well before the seminars took place.


Two sessions were planned: on 10th and 17th March, from 14:30

to 20:30. These sessions were meant as an introduction to the full

course, which the participants would take online or on paper, if

they preferred.

The teacher prepared three ppts

•An introduction to all units

•Activity1. Marketing – commercial and financial issues (because

the participants had expressed strong interest in this) followed by

the exercise “make your own marketing plan”

•An introduction to the value of cooperation and collective action

(the win-win-win concept) followed by a game of collective




25 women expressed their interest in the seminars, 21 attended both


The local paper was present in the first seminar and included a long

article in their next issue, presented also in the municipal website

The Local Council leader was also present – his wife was one of the


Marina offered the space for the seminars in her hotel, and prepared

herbal tea from her garden

The participants brought home made cookies

The first seminar was conducted as planned, i;e; lasted 6 hours

The second seminar started at 14:30 and ended at around 11:00 at

night – the women could not stop asking questions, discussing and

making proposals



A diversity of businesses:

Agrotourism accommodation of various types

Handicraft production, both traditional and modern, of many types

(weaving, jewellery, decorative objects)

Delicatessen and sweets


Dance therapy


The teacher’s view1. The theoretical introduction to all units was well received and many

questions were asked – the women participated actively

2. The session on marketing attracted more interest, and the marketing plan was composed by all the participants together, for a real case: one of the participants planned to start a new business making aromatic vinegars.

3. The collective game asked the question: what incentives would you give to your clients under the present crisis, to minimise your loss? (most of the participants had lost at least 40% of their business over the past year). All answers were posted on a panel and then each participant had to choose 6 proposals, other that hers, that were on the same lines/philosophy as hers. This made clear how the participants’ opinions converge and in which way they can help each other to overcome the crisis. Many cooperations were discussed as a result, after the game. This gave the participants a good example of how their individual decisions affect the development of their community and their area.



The teacher’s view1. The composition of the group was ideal – all ages, established

enterprises and new or emerging ones, cooperatives, individual and family businesses; are very keen to learn

2. The seminar came at the right moment: the women were worried by the crisis and looked for methods to promote their products and services, and a better marketing policy

3. The women were very active during the seminar – they were continuously asking questions and discussing things

4. They participated very seriously in the marketing plan and showed maturity and a real wish to help their co-learner who planned to start a vinegar-making business

5. They participated actively, all the participants, in the game of collective decisions and discussed the results for long

6. It is not very likely that they will carry on with the e-learning course – most seemed to lack computer skills or access to a computer. Those who would go on with the e-leaning will definitely need help


The participants’ comments

Most useful1. Many different opinions and proposals of seminar participants

2. A lot of information and advice was given about starting a business – the practical bit (marketing plan was the best)

3. Learned about the value of social networking as a marketing tool

4. The presence of so many different views and experiences was very interesting

5. The teacher was exceptional, full of enthusiasm, he kept us going, operated as a catalyst in the group (2)

6. the dialogue and discussion among participants was the best part – we received answers and found solutions

7. The swot analysis – you can see what you want to do and what you can do

8. an opportunity to exchange views

9. Met other interesting and energetic women – cooperation opportunities emerged


Least useful

1. The theoretical introduction

2. Lack of time for deeper analysis

3. There was nothing that was not useful (2)

4. The financial issues of marketing because were known to me

5. Too theoretical and very little implementation advice

6. Too much volume of information in a very short space of time



1. More time to analyse each topic in depth (3)

2. Every unit to be taught separately in a different session and include more practical exercises

3. To make the material simpler and more comprehensible for those women who do not have any knowledge of entrepreneurship

4. A stricter selection of the theoretical material, so that we concentrate on fewer topics – the theory was useful up to a point


Action to be taken

1. Organise my thoughts on paper, to think about dangers and not only about the achievements

2. Think over what I learned and make them happen in my business

3. I will gather the proposals of all the participants, I will evaluate them and I will try to implement those which are more feasible for me

4. Analyse my own business and take the necessary decisions

5. At present I do not have the opportunity for a new entrepreneurial initiative

6. I will make contacts with more people in my area and I will try to develop synergies


Other comments

1. I found the game of collective decisions very useful, it will help me to improve my involvement in local societies

2. A big thank you for organising this seminar

3. The teacher was excellent –bright, joyful and very encouraging

4. The linkage of the exercise of collective decision (the game) with the present crisis made it much more interesting and gave us ideas

Follow upFollow up

14 women (from 21) had access to a computer and internet, and requested passwords for the e-learning platform

So far only two are using the platform. One of them has sent me her work on Activity 1 for comments

A 3rd seminar is being discussed, to provide help to the e-learners and encourage the rest to take up e-learning

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