pile -. e american. d second municipality notices. w€¦ · truiie aibracan olff '. ln...

Post on 19-Oct-2020






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ln connection with this ()lice is aSPLENDID AND EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT OF TYPE

FOR TAt1 PRINT NO OFPamphlets Dank ChecksOataolgnes Bills of Lading

s ~Dray RIeceipts,egalf Notices Auction Bills,

Bil Porms• Show BillsStam nlo at Bills Circulars

And every dcsciptioen efJob Work thatmany be rquir

ow•Orleane Chamber of Conllmrce.OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 18:39.

Preeidenr, S. J. Peter.First Vice President, W. . I. Ieldge, Erq.Hecond do. nn. A. ferlte,. Erq.Commniee of Appeals for 1839.

James Dick , J I. Leverich,H. C. Cammaek, Aojah Fisk,P. O. Sorre, •mnuIt ThneIopor,

Comnmilee of Arbitration fr the t onnk of May.John Ileddletoa, John C. ilIarriaon,G. W. H]untingtn,, \Villium hqlkin,Epoelh Hyde. Jr. iP. A. Haldy.

Jo e"him Koha.

bynil staulnmboatThe Great Rocsern Ad1ai s cloted everry de at 10o'cloek A.MI. I, dtorevrdov'r at I P. M.The LokeU .ail (viO ('.vinE

r , ,1.1a i cloel everyrr.Menday, \VWderday and Fridyv, at I,'clock, A. i.Is du every 'Tuesday, norada, and SAtlordo.,T4 Louiseille or Ricer Aloil is cooerd every Mon-doy, Wednreedav, and satnrdnv, atr 3 1'. 31. , sentsoil returned by's Etrbuotn. Arrives irregularly three

limes a week.The Bayou Sra or Coast M•il is r'on,, everyTuesdsy and Fridnv, at 8 3' 1. Is sent al d returned

by ltesmhonts.The Alexandria o Red River Moil s anle irreeg+

arly by steamboiats twice a week.L.OUIVILLE OR fIVLtR MAIL.

Mmoduir, )Wednesdalny and }Clone a 3 o'clock, P. M.Onieurdty,

Tnestav and Closeout 8O'clotc. 1 91.

'eit Arrangement.NASIHILLE RAIl ROAD.

D 1 |lriira" beenr Sggsted ihat if tie Cars were. ISstart at FIvE intihe mtrning and Fa .it tlin aftfrntol.1ast thie nlnriugl viitnors Wotld he mnre nLmeirnia nlaecAtta ofhthe Iathin, at TIfE IRAIgE COT.TAGi E BA THN, anl ltuftll hnnr i ten .t laer tllmnIhe psrem time womld nllu l n visitor. mure convenienceat dinemr; II 'refire, until ftllher Notice, tlha blho in;Arrang enls will conti nle :- -"

wEFW OL AYS.Departure, ItlurEn.

5 A. . 8 A. M.41 P31 7 1.11.

SUNDAun.Departnre.. Retrar ,n A 1ONDA A. NY.Ii . . 4 ' P. ..

JAMES II. CAI.DWEI.L,lanullt I1,1839 Pesi t


A HO TEL. Ron, .

VAUD has tilt, honor oi infnrlmting bin fiendt

' and the pullic in general, that hle hit tlakei the

Ioltel at Carrollhtu, where hl trunss hi, will receive

the calla ol hii old friends and nal lovers of goe d cheer.

Private ,irairas wi libe Itndeo nely irovided fir liy

giving a little nolice Imtbrellhna.l lie in willing to etier

nto tarnrrngnints uhh ilfailies or individunls ti',tous

fpasning the strnnmier at tnarrollton.



.ew Arrnngementeeto coa.ncter IutAcnnue 139..


SUMMER ARRANG'EMEgN.T+S FOR THE WEEIEK I)HIS,F rom C a rolltol . F lo6 n L n n ew drlt s.nflorle Car at 4 o'clock, .A. M 'n Hloa Car .t 5 o'clock, A. MlLocomotive o"nOiVO 7t

l i 0 n. 11, ,

" ; " l ,, , 'I ,•'s 4 haed

CRRNnsr;R.a T Fell SUND LYS:The enrtwine lave ntl tee same hourn a In the weeklr daysatltT I o'lock, lt ai .whon atLocolnutlive will rive Calrroollevery hlar., llltll +o ,a It P.. ,nd New O'caulls evely hourntil 9o'clock, I. N.Afler t0 o' Ihek a Imrno Crrcan be u rtiined hy hayingm5 io'-tharmrftheTe urip; ifldlit r aunfer il.i'ncluck, I i. 1i0 do.tl ta •cihtmeairgeud.

Pe'rinsgoilg by tile Ftien Cur must prnvide themselveswih Tickets, as Aie eanllul.tor hu a. IOglte directitns nut toreceive inollny in liutl thereof.For the ncconolldlltio of iPer-ons t'iiitlng C'lrrollto. ithe 5 o'clock our. alnd who iIil Ilola not ll I ll l ellntill ro Ull

111 8 celoeak the cr lthat has I0retouleIft Carr Cao'i.toc t, "ill roclin nlrll mim, ••elol. Itlh'eby hllouw11 themir ho h toenlla" the Pllllllt wllllt s III onl of thle moatbtautiful Gardens i i the United ntate a.

TH'IE JACKSON AND I.ACOUpRSE S'I'IREET CAIRleave ther head Jof JaICksonI street alt 6 o'elock, A, 11., Cualllneekt at lie o'cunkn all nd rn l hnarnyV At o'i:lark they witeommlcaiao Iciulcu, ai,:h cn IveilI hnll al, until at n',locktP. ,excl:ept-i thait in.lste of hotl.lll. Canlll street at dj a'.clock. tile cor ill rhavo tIorn IItpIl n'rI ok 11.31.hesir tace uaon Ire uuhionll., or alUoku i thle ,ars, whei Lindlcart preellt.OlfcoNcw Orotnllns ad Crrolltn lannna l R iod Cnlnt,'nn.-

JOIIN t IIMPSON,july 2th 1839. Chief Eng. N. O 4 C R tNEW ORLEANS CANAI AND IIASKING CO.uIIIE Iron Steamnlnct IRebntca will uave the BasintT at the heud id" I h Now C(naln every dllv, (exceptMondays) for Ihe nlake, as fillows:

IDepart at .5 A. 1. Return nat 8 A. N." 1 A. u. i p. 1i"

5 I'.1I. " 9 P. 9l1.And on MONDIAY :-

Diepart at 10 A. i. Ret.'n at 14. P.." 1 I'. 1'. " 1.may 28 n. CIIEW,t'urh.

,nllsst Eonlat,Charl, u nltn lg ug ..........0 , lhinnIo1 Aug ......N w Yorkn , do ........... inclnnati. Jy ........ AlPhildll.a i i ............ n I'' ul'a ile,Itaitimoet t dt.............G 5imutt ung. dSntnuh, aa .... A ... .... I .iaruul July .........

tolrattn iTenn)lp July....t 3 'r ......tamoto. AuIIg .. .... o ii tlOllnl dn..........IINalliille, July r........... t linre Jallo............1J


Augus.t 16th, 1,39.Stonm packet Columbia, IVilldle, Galvesto.,

Sonllth & sorssc.

Aug 15, 1839.chr 8 an, 'Tlumer, ,inle, laster


Aug 15,1839Sihip Auburn, Conlel, 18 days, from New York, to J 8 Ilul-Iit •r Clrilsan•, rolucrd, 4 fro Ilnll, to o llt.. r.

} Ihi: , alvador, berutellt, froui GrLloluou, 'T'arrugonla, a.d

Scbr PreurC. 1 1r x . 8 n I e.• t . to If.r, rnIcllr l.llhc. ('"f.in p f m j Tsnlpcvs.O.

lleS lltlr (•lu iilel, Sutton. frn. 11,5ib lh,.

(GALVVS7'UN..IPer steam paclket fll l llul;,..(ar• snd ryblltlo .ir l, lllplldW cll, ir d , bl ,: lea , tJtrlc I m cl d c N o o.ccpp. c.',.

August Itlb , 1839.

Towa ha nt P ieeox. Ann. le, l f, ml sh IrsJel . hnri ,ug owedito SVPaLi". sip t';' l,ul,,.l a Cttosp Ih,, remn der,,f hlrtow; rc t nllrlll to tle cte witlh.rlllp sI i I ,.. .irhg tice. oIenIthle N p..s on ti c h4h ill.c, at 5 o'clop k. No versel. I, eiglto lbc h effing thrle e hl,,n r, il rh rivr.Slhp StLouis, lkark,,er 3 dys froln Oostolt, toStetso and

Hitt.g Fume, Mldidon,, 42 days Cron Iuc,, to .,lu,,ster.-C %IEIIOIlANIIA

! .MiisiOipli Iona nc d falc .."eaw rmat Lion burst op ouf bor stcln pipipe. itout doip

. o e.ohoo damoogo.

LKa•LSH I.Ut TFt.--A vet iuissi l I tip perSIhiop Auburn lions New York, 'npf re t,

S NG Io T lANCIIALAl),W 1 IN M t ,W L A S S L a nd in g , r ,r N hl delll -7 r e .tail by Io IIO)NNABII,

r '7 '/vuiapitoul h+ns.1j IL of c rrgoiltr, Oil rlef &.ol Coilof Almond.V (Iltteri Oil of lcavcepls , Oil M'(fdratcl il a]'orlugal, Oil of Sallinp, O.1 flT me, Iner, e f Sosa-ranu. Landing and lsr iea, by RONNAREI..

S1. - I.'rY OeF, NEW\V ,II.IANS.

tlE price ,f llor to d lay Iriae • 75 sper hIrrelaceording to thIe lonCr, i..l bul.ets will give I2flletuorofkread for ten ret1s. dlriog" Ihe -eek b•-gl.

ovuq uiYMonday Icool i,,e 9lhiolet. lbhe lcoovs ofstc-c ..t more'that.. tiotd sa, 4d c s ,, -

aug 17. U. URNOIS, Mouoor.FOIC NEWV VoUiPh'

New York and New Orleans Line.Thie eligoaut I'uckert Sip AUBURN CVai

(porol, will lol'ehilmdc iluitadipucl.,clIc partof her elrgco heing ellgagedi lIc reght ior

g,"sin alndsolm fUire-heale) uetonmvlonult-s cp.0 ly on o bulrd sorlo E'o•'l IT AIDLAI,'

S17 fib Cemp It.djehllogino opposite alnine a . Cnnsioiejes will plesse'tend on thI ope t. the recripol ol their pools.


WOR--KS ON S-ILK.A CO.IIPL'CTE aesortucellt of theI best workpob ohculure of, heli uIberry nlld silk cormc.lIodolh, on silk worns:S1)'tIoo ergoe'oc silk culcllti's Imt lcllcua l.Clarke oct the hltol rrv. ICobb'. ensnuail ls the bllb-rro Iee.,pKendric.k's ilk growers guidble.

SroWhitemareh n. Ihe Mulicorvy acd ,ilk wor5. I.I Rolortoln silk .&ec. E IIIINS L &(b,J12w cocrlero oSr. (:hltrleo & C•clccoscl cc

"-M e 5t4c-k Imc scarolp h loio t landing Ir hi hl

Sl. c bohr D Ru. sec nd for Iae h vc

J. "i'ItYcnil, &w cpom. '_ . I'..c l vy , cc r t 1


FAITRF•lL AND BOLD.Official ajotr•al of the 2t .Runicipalitn.

PUBLIR•EDDaily, Tri-Weekly & Weekly.


Theatrical. in Texas.-A letter, dated Ilouston, 8tlhAugust anst, hns been placed in our hands, which staitethat the aInte thatrical ecampaign in that cunltri, t amuIlch better encouraged tlln cunld have been reiasonalbexpected. There were two apologies for theatIre, claim-Ing support, and neithelll-r deerting it. They are reproesellted lis a burlesqulle upon tlle listriic art, the miiancegets s talnlly inconlpileent. The bIildings were mi rbarns, inll which the •udience were cxposeld th the in-clemency of the weather, and a poll-mell mill teof the low and worthless. After the new buildingwas completed, ir. Corr,, imanlgrt,--

h odsnve the

mark-moved into it, but the arra•genlenl werestill defective, thI police very bad, and lite nunliduevery disorderly. Notwithsti n ling all thi, he was,very liberally palonizell . A good tealrtre 'ould dowell, for the people hate no other nmannnr t f spending

their time. liMustn ree (GalvCston coUet give iI coolscpporlt to lleatres well oenducted. Hligh talent wouldnot,l under the ptesent sy letor , he jlstified in visitlingTexas. h'bay won!l find it proflitable if properly sus-tuined by the managers.

v"Tais new Republlic is m eking rnp'd stlides town' dits great destnliep. You fi'vqqently hlear. ilt dounbtpraises ofits climate, soil nnd tIh progress ranking insocietyal-you may be diinelied to believe all vou hearthinking it colres from interested soirce ;. Flronm my emni ployng t, I mult be perfectly disinteresled, and bhatever I say, il invor, navi bei relied ulpon. Thle Geotgraphical position of the country elnd is va onderful reseoutea, nlakes tile late evoallion by which it has b erd saeparated from Mexico, lne of thie Imosti imporanle of modll

ir e•e'nls,pregllnmam ith astounding reai's, not Illyas regafle this hieiisphere, bult Furopte"

IIleafllhofthe Ciy.-There is ao doubt that tlhe nunIher of denthsihave decrea

sed in the ('harily Ihtlpitl

indeed from the best information we an obtain, it appears Ihit tilhe di'alse, yields IC t the mode of rlleiltliegenerally adoplted, to wit: copins depletllonrr. Yet Ihnmber lll oflllo hate in'erfeetl. Tihee weather fof r thelas bew days i fir ri fl vortal ble to health.

Regatta. The splendid regltta is to ecme atf uo-nmrrowat Passce hristlnn; the priz, n beautiaul siter miniacniesix oared boat. The steamers Girnffl- nod the Sewraphoae

nnd capital unl--sorry w rtan't go-beut we nle left allalone to dit our iaper, ant gr t cash to pay the wolrklen, no easy job nollwv u-dvay.

Fire.-On Wednesday night the little newspaperagency box, of Follansbc & Cal ns

, in Exchange Alley,

wat discovered to be on fire by the wntllllaan oftle Orclean Baink. The idoors.were ' o raruiced open aud theflamlesextingn•shed befire nuch dailnge was done, bythe private hose olf the Orleans B

tk, which ws illlllll

diately pInyllldinto it. Insurance hIad been eliclred onithe property for $5000; enough ins all conscience, wethlink in cover ile inlanble property.

The proprietors have otali rd a reward of $t50 fori thedeteecion lr t'i incendiary nadl thihef, s they pretendthat it wie sie on fire, and that they were rlobbed ofaLnut $50110.

Rip l'an •la•nleism.-Or friendof the lice, ipublished yesterdiay, an articln headed 'Very Singular Stlry.'which was published in our paellr sveral weeks ago-keep your ey S, oplen.

lhabbin-ug.-Rtellnring hoLui the fire oIf 1WVed.esllanight, several persons stoppedi in at Iichard Murph'y'scollee house, nuxt to the St. Charles 'Ihetre. Analteratin n took plaCe between the landlord atI 1t. T.Downeny, it seIiC Ill ensued, iB n then IR adIild recei-ved a wound fhao a sword elne fronl I)owney, whichpenetrated his back, behind hi. heart. alnrplhy is not y.consideredotofdnangeor. \VC lehavleheard t•lar• : it wasltile intentioln ofl)n\ wney to sllrrenller hinlself lip Illto thlleRecorder ofthe ,Ld Inunicipalily-i which case thle uffirwill undergo an invesgatigation.

Aluobile.-We are sorry to be obliged to state, lthalt theyellow fever ihals broken llh l ill our si.tr ('ita . Judgeliiltcheock, one of its most eminent nll useful citizllsIas fallen a victim l I it in the priein of lile.

Meetings of the n11, m1111 of the citizens ave beencalled, on the ocaasilon, anl resollulion highly comali-Ineltnry to hlie mllory, haIe been palssedl.

Judge Hitchcock was a a ntlive of iurlingtnn, Ver-mlont. Since his emligration to Alabaimi, lhe has filled'the caineui, ficees of Secreutry of State, Atitornevy Gecral. l)itrict Attorney, Judge of tlhe Suprem(e ( ,lnr,and was nt the laiit election elreteill toile Legislature.

'The Mobile Mercantile Advertiser, says."The life and charneter of tile Into .I DII)E Ill

TCi I-

COCK are stamped upon the face raft olr city. In itshll•anc, wheh its prospects ere goaellllnyllt ita o m-

mier]iai il llrtaioee loblemataiel alle 'as bllt estnp in ilec issue of its fle t s prinaperil. Writh a eal

fiak dfined all ,ific llnli , h le ihas rised, in i iwv rearb v Ilie vigorous, enl rged aantcl Euc essf nl o ionrIiiClia n fllelilea with iholee ofI IIi thie city ` Iicro Iee

lea', lland at l e'Vec poilt wi e [behhill ie tinl nlnl11t ofhlis Iblie spl ric, hli ac

tii e

I(-a leneiee i t rle, ei r,

oat our risillg nl] pr pro se city, I p s•It c hnllhit ie 'tY 1-ing, thn ware b.tlb.ns anti pres)es, the wIlls es nod jon.lic hliliiln•se• c ve ihall le roil'sof Iris elil rpi -e n and


f l 'h eili' e n s l ha v e r c s• ) •,,d Ill r a is e a l a rl~ le m lo n u -tilenl ii Ile iilCleory of Jtldge |liitelack.In is rivnate rehlions le wc s anlliel wrlt hv of all

ieililalon. IRigidla jllst, e knew no tom•rniie lee-itwcen right andll arolg a'ce e hilst g his exnlape gwa•taolnstianf rebhllke to viae and ilnmoralily, it iy ii • 1 nteherishnd ant fostered all Ihe noble imnllul ea of virtue.Frenk,shincere. itiict anl noble ahiid, hi e illsrete

huy a ell speell lilll ol iintegriti aa lie, iih trIdtll ofthe sentiment--that Ilhe inoble

st wora of (od is an holCest

aI- -E Wonnlvilh,, Angunt 11,1r39.

inclined to l parel he ci r :O crI p t( a Inw.slit "'ng orious + isate of unnlertain y," until the n 1ey111 i h l.We'lnhl I left here early ll July, every Iole wl-e a

enriilitlng an••elanld nthn prospect of il. r. , lll .i ame allP ids for the then full in r t l uricn l.-- N w, Iellel n dil lrntn l stat of thing,. Atn the e nll llll e l of

the unt n, i n h nighbtrhond of Kilnii t-n, Ihllnnt-I'leasant. Qc.. 'TfI nrop .n are sunF'ring •• ch frn. tlhewoo uas- )in, Slollle I nnlaltionnl Ihe will nt Ilnake, hllficrops, while the w llestern loud midd;le parts ofi it- •tioll

at Fort Adams and I'inknn)ville up to Ihe plh.1,. n Theih rlest is doinng ni-l na injury.-n'nn -on ithe n e•t ina n rIn a-td ionu have been anlle to qire, 1 u• safe intn say. inihalt thile plre utlll crOll in il ilkillo ll, t In no excee( l tIhela lt,evenlit we Illve o lltor m to intr fere itll ~ th .I ileft in the fields. The rnn ps of corn l re very illditll'crt.

r n n 'lnrry n l). onl llly y ur .

S )ur'papt rlt' T llr-di n y n und allike inll witl anlll r-rlors.--C rret your proof'l, or I'll he do!wn itoi` l n i.

t Friend•y .'tice.--T'he indiviluanl who hald pri-ntnhte llour oflicte last wel•k, it tllat llily Iof" cllrud:-- lik•:p is lu"

it. Innd•l of brick hlulrhl, a ii l pleasete t - rn e l+a. rd, ipot-Sproperty, paiy thar'eard lllllke theal iuan.

No. 93 ('ampn Pe•etl.-Gentlemen ntl la.dies intend-

ing to die during the ipresenlt n eason, Ca n he c ll nllti 'l-ttpty a ollllll tellld.n 111the 'Ibove e;t-abli nhll rll, lllannl eon ir m ll t notcewi ,l) ; otia+,boi rses,Cus 7 i;i;i s-

... ..t b u riui a l , a t . o. . e.. ..l o;h._, . e ..... .. . .

Wirll have i o Ilurlller cullllnts from tt e n I la et i iN. Carolinn,Alllllllna orl'Tlnes c. 'hn n "niil n i ti lin upon tot-day t or to-Inrrow.

A meliag waos held in New York onl the 5ith, in r.la iti on t the conduct of 3Ir. 'rist, ('olnli at linva' 1

Capt t.(;ilbrn A-n pplahy, of the L.ke Erie srklll I.nt.astitu tion, ha,, I.ben committed tni o jail, , to waitr ,n , i

requisition fthe Ex~lctiv ift)hiol illr havin (lllllil-ted I ralpe o la oug111 girl, 15 •ears )f ago, passng11. i,

Deatl in ,.v N a'arkn I n te we'ak ending 3d .in.•nst-

pnltrs contain no new, mlnd hlae bint little of nlers nnt

i di thi i+ d I"+. . u) 'term vessel of warll l whrl ) It,'• la,

I n. T-e Fan a t io tt.t h lh 1 , i,L l+I'4 } ' or k llll I ll;lll .t l;i il l rri .' tln itiIIII' i •11';11 Ir. l h, .t '1 A 1. O lr..lllle• ; •


A valuable wink is low in press and will be readyfr dlelivery in'Oetitisr next .'llIt ms have an extensivetircnlation lhronghout the Union and will be indspenis .i sable in al! tih courts ofthe South \Ie st

eIn states, dll

highly useful as rare materials ftr our colonial history.The autlhor in Colonel Jns. •I. White,whI has procuredfrom the State Paper Ollfce in Great Britain, a nolumberof original papers, never published in this country, andhe has hlad rare felilities and great favor ill Spain andFrance, in collectine u mass of the most curious anditnportant docmlseti.

Along with the coloniol charters will be publishedin chrorololgicn l order ll the events in tile colonieswhich led to, the Revolution, taken from nl i original htopamphlet; also, in extenso, the first commission of .oioithe I 11, for the discovery of the iouth of the Mlissisip-pi; the establishment l tflte town of New Orleans, lawsochaters uand Mississippi schemes, to all wlhih will headded, n history of the first settlements in Louisiana.

This work wili also emrnllrae the institutes ofthe civillaws of Spuin, together ith tie elleral laws of Cortcso f lpain, tile collstiition ofthle Spanish Corite tof alex-ire; also the Ieneral laws priori to lte Texian Revolu-til, ald the colon l'ztiou Lats of tile states sl CoUltu-I a nae, Terxas.

lThis waok will of coullrse e of incalculable advan-i age to Luisiunn, Mlissotri, Mississippi, all the Southweslnl 1 Sales ank ll Texas.

I I is not genr hllrll kll nwln tlllt it te recomenlatitonof lthe lateexcellent alld lnlllltr d Attllol:rc (G ueralW I'illiam Will and iat the special dhsire of Presi-

dent Ad llt , CIlonel White ipublished his lir-t work oithe•sb.i.l yearn jig,, and it is not now to lli had at anyprice. From the mass of IeCW n ateria s colleit'I sin:eby Coloel White in GreIat Britain, Franr anld Spainform a simlli octav volun tihe IU wolk will now consi.stof two hlavy vrltn-ows of :120 I plnges erll.

Chief Jutice Maushall liso at te tie line spoke lmolthighly oftllhe workll llnld it musllll t be elICeell d l vtlua le

dllll inliP.Sl slble lc ntl-ibutllU I t our inational Juris-

o lltllittoseefsiI.h Ili work, aI y th l iite I ly a e lpbe of Such lrtlos

tl idole i y• l, r hitn lf le'te lia n ti o ldnlhidan to ndilwill prve hlighly tselt in all the ei-derat Spanih

i s( riplle o tiot thli-oitiaal t eink, are rugitdl Il at the

. (tl ontion ts.ot l, New Orlsen sn.

'The Maili..--\c republil the/ followine account ofthe tplo'edingc of a mneeling of the citizens of Hlunts.sillh, ith Illehope fhat the allention of onr owin citizenuay bectalled to act on this ubject nMit r lreedilove ii tIut tol visit W nshirgtoln and we

ya iand crain mailst , fronm the e West andt I .

'rom the hmtlsrille Advocate.l.P lub ti-tfstie -'iltalrstnt to s rev i uis gnpeetls

funy1,vas he.i (lldnthe our 1 H se i n the town ofIl an t lle, on Monday the +91h Ju , for h tw p oseif takei illlnto con(hdrltt< IIthe prre t stae arl, nc ils

la regolar intercourse le twiee N. Orleans and theioh- s aeting was organsstt by colling Ges; 13. II.

l.y wto toe Clhlair, atod ollpotIgllll JCreslih o ;letlCeSnEill Sertary."1 hlr ohlljealof le t eeing hiog bees eoaxplrell lvtie (tlarnn th lie flietOWg lrlslIsble alld resolutiroi sonre uinled by Genierl IaIttVreoo teso ltsnll.llyoil i tio T r .' lit•as, sile Ielia ieian lilanCoe of tile Ex lresil bPtweenI N'alshville ani intsnserr t il cliti zens

of this inrtof the•cu itry have o ietsiet si greatinco 11'-1i ncerln ! lsrr ooou e bllharrnrr uolellts in their .oln-Iheial purstits, for Ihe alltit of eendy nd reg lrintcr1otlrcet, with Nfew Uro s td I1 ',sprl (Ckii s;t uud Ielieint l thaIlt the Ailulihes ttor wtlic lheynlnr IIy e tIr lt eds Itelinieehtoin a larlge ettlion-of ithe \Vest greatly olitolotllod. nithot llt o i arial

ausognttlionofexlrele l teo Pest Ofhie ititment;'I lart s tstoore, toiteoireti lie y iurNrestlvl, Is Thate a econ titler ftfiftl hi e a npitnte Ily the :hlliritatll oe Ii mIItmi s]prl elfut toaddIles th, Iotlt Snas t'ter letr, a irequ st rillo toetablislo t dily le of four .s os concIes I rt itNnhlt ill tso Inatis ,I rei , N ogl this iace, thl ,kthe trip in olsiem fi Nl vice i eo t islt itlaind ltwo ,IrItv free1 llI In pae to 3ll + g ery.

ltosnl;Iv,d '_1,1, Thai h citizens of :.uulisn'l, Nu-h,,'ilh,, hmlout rvolrr, Mob I! and New.v Or ans It reque s-td to mute with us in fur rthei le objcs o' i

[a polrs+lllnllue of the fisl't re'solultion, IIIe chalr thonpLtiildet ill apiotint the foillwingt t etttiei on siot lvln lltut , (GI'eIt Ie 'lctrst) n, ttte imit h, hih 1).1 i, 1i). lII.' Turer, S.. EIl- , l P il] \\'. F sii Jriii

Thie hirlo a iti ti le erclrvl olf this Ineetlg wercatd.l],,1 to Stlid cIo)mlmltteP ,

()t Ililstit r'|'. l I. l Teu lf o iltlI a s.ItiIlsolstl, That Iocth ,•,oin ,s of f t thie s ,, tif g Ito SIpublithed in th il s e r " sie l Il o I ih teen s

lbielestgi ui sowt Ori taes gfor il ao insertioes il Clhil m,-Ilietliv ae- rs.

( 11 ll nion191 thle neti lnegi IIw1 I sIj otlrnll I.ii. -M. LOW ', Chti)n'n,JE:nEtlAtll C'tL-FNs, Scl:'y.

lThe (;rtet siestern alo l d lriti.hll Qilen Ii e pulet1Sli-ke 193 mlilts toIf - aody Ilhok, 21 At uuinst t

iie 'od -l.tpi.-- les- of the IAfhheo is f the St -itltl 1ots icipnlity t rrested a i anti Ont 'thur.gdeats fter

lion, who' he f, ntd engagPd in fightlng oil the lcv*eli Iroulght himl tip n s far as (:envier, Inear St. Chlnl'lt,,


By lilt. Iy nay h'yuwpuld ndlnlpt my IIrnjlet of a policeIaw, 'in~cl sutlhrl •aV .yuIIl(vea it great darnl'lf troubleanld do the oit 'llylmhrelall sei.:tms It i. bllanCer thanthe ILondol)n, Systl•,nl tif Police, a greairt deal--trv it.

i ' ty tI et our nI eordder t th exnlple,alnld Itprocure aI dee'll coetell convcn'atc for tile iti)geant eitkh to thP

tiotpitah The c' ,t would be no gret mutter,

The Widtw fltt the late Uovernor Clinton waome ine byi'Pre identitclr n I l wtn' , on h ti la visita fit lba aevol tit

e!rttv,h t attc p tld to tihel•to him.sellf to her, Itt thebPopiritedt]adtut ite-tie' had oat forgeottte the nagrectful conedut-t tf little lattlv towards her hte bae d.

rh t i tetpl j tt. 'C. C. Combreli , but Me rtindll , h inkin hi• .• parallel to hl• own Blritish emba~ss,, isa agoing t.te .nd hit t lltl ia. in. pl c leMr. I)ailt•.

adInte,rd.--\lhlta hns got -aev lealy gomnll mtard ltall ' ant e at" v t'att d t le ost eeve ry pro)eria tllnll eant l 'a lal tloellI b't whatit is elt, t In li raIl l t•htblet. \\ ~got hcl of a litr fat pili nl hf bef

ha (t l lP (I , I w-arre. uriC le by 11: th ,ay, ill ll llrS ket:,, bit mall Iar l,nr llhnilul operation ill tile clltinl II I ht lt a lle•t of ace (ll ILlltltrldt. r e t II •t Io ltalid eitinIllr mIongs in ull rcl1h l iln II III.rte t killnd oif"

I re 'Ch, ain-~donlul C eolllly; anlhl cditt t'n'a biteh 'ne llI iter wiaii " otr , 'I ,ll l( adein lll an Imagarzhitilllt x it as w,; w,•uhld I,

'till it w.•a 1to ; -alt•l,, t Iut t en t. \e ottnntll l eat itthlinll; we IhaP ,, ('elnl hlid |nl ie y |i/lllne bI rho side ofa ill at at it nner, t o late it I 11111 IIoe. If

niaoeaed.rl eat p I frocert, a hRecnlr cll chrn, wail aeleol renlt mloutarde de' pays, oIr fleeds Kentucky, thatldill gra fy lilr palalt e,venll tha' it ht llhl idt1 at t I

Itn, ai w'.i. ll p IT it w ith tielightef p tgee ..etC , w hile- eI.tic Inixit a otur 60(, •lo.

ietll n 'at ''ll t tlllll tcll g t urtl a' ry n' tee tt etlll t ltaIiUs<. was $1 • ,0 I ; •, ll,3J I. I

]"tI .N~l -T l~l lllP illil never n( 'l'l o Pl ll ("gila. [

,In. r vudll lel s r•*l1lI l(•u)l IT llrRt t dFit. l •.•. JIh" we IiIern tlih t tlvi ral l rlal fltllllt l i le I t teelltrlro ilrl ('tlb llr2,11 11111' l ll ltlll r Z IIIIF 'I]I'u l III d • tlr• taIttlllltiiot-P t |ttt'il tcli t tll tt Illntl) ct" t tt rIth t a oItb

'tat-enhia"t•.lllt'h %. llir l I IIIiit Il~l(' p-ll~i lll l•tl { i Io r ullrl

ll "ll i '

t i tl l r ~t h , .tt s o cti

It t r;lltrt'ttt1tttttt' titte tetLtl: ett llltgt h. t 'tt r I ltt

ttIttLt t- ate bh re ant Iita a ct hitile r vl u . ril ••U J i

E tlt taatatur nth n r a•, iiett ry t'h t e tle e

attttirnta tIl tncttlill IOaeatf '1pllr~etotl tianlittettet 4 ll


e,o Ag, k.- ll• rg "T.-Thl.nrrll lnfl.. . tt .. .. .. .... . .Iavn at t at t ti i

ttta' ttf tlr ttt tttgtttenel r Ia " t y .la tt I'ttti-I; J'rlla it tl- lls( Ilaleln g t e llttlpt t rre o e l-t'• eI 'Olrlll tl N ' .l"o.P 1( llllll Fnll•.r f ilelII T Ui et aceil APlt eO iti m i-l t -lllr el Entllell C itti i(. Ilc?.P"P vr*,l IP.~ I( Q-I'

- alta trtetal t taiull rll ell oe .F rttt'ae

It' ttt'-h, aJl -tettetetall .tile taonlrtteert fre n Ilitire, It'F t ltle itlllettlic, litr I ttlei t I t' I tteetlr thi" t i

.lcl- 11 i te aieaet'-tt- ti njetac~lil 'allnll IIitttr Iiteti-I Itrll ,

"tlt Itit ait"altl'

I la 'ttr- ,l t h -n -l,

The Atahly, Alhi-ir-On the morling of the 911t int.the Frelnch,in number teI etrthannO50i men, landed al theAtnlav from 17 ltunlche, nndl mlllr cover of tlheir gunsand r of their larger craft, edvtaned to thle plaee itwlheh e1 eonstingeres-el were lying, twelv of lwhichthey set fire ho, lout only eight were" bane'l, the otherfour ercapel from the upprotcl (according to the derspotcheel,) fO militia cnvalry. The ievaders are crir-Cel witli havint wantoltl e leetnyed properly, such he

tcatteringi o ttt grolntol wine, &S fren ppe: ,unr &enrotm hhd+ annl n rrebt. ineartmndin, in hisa de+latct,ceteoigttite Ith coitet Oc the French has rtul lttdignooitietus.

Mlontevite!o, June 6lth:Tile Briish packet fom lie Janeiro, ".Slider," Lieut

O'Feilre, enterel thin port lst niiht, end just ans sewas nalcheriog,sh was fired leto I stket shti) y IheFrencl corvltet "Le Perle," which rokei the Iae ohe ol.thesllne n bl -oar rt Ite pe ete. 'tTlhis llltir t•as

i:reate great execitulll-e--The Freult havoe iinde loetsof polo+ieiv.

'the ti. i. shi Itndepi:niece C-ot. Nielnlont, end tieFeilfiehi, Capt. BlonAirr, eie tee, ofictra and creit

el wll.

Retorlder's Oiflce,tReport of tlhe Day Polie oand Night Waclh.ANguiot 14th11-c. 0':.eArtlI-A reted dtrunlk nad die.

turbing thie Ipace. +liecar+.'iat Mr ulltin--Arreste,l foundl drlank, dlititared.Will. S'llitll-Atres- d l-could l give no cltchod thim otsel t comai


l t(lt fin 39 elnvs.lnsmlolll Con--lArrseteld t for ltealing chickens, die.

charged.Atgllst 15 h--l.,et d Vtlhn -A-rrested for etoeringnhouse nnll giving thtme, Io ho volched f0"r.Joseph Cridtvr-A rr:tcdtelfnnl leelill on thie l.oveeotllthoV lcu ,+oltlira--Ar htetrll tnrgei teith tealinf

r'ilhitnl Thenretson--At '.stedI ns a vrngrmllt, colnit-Ieled fo)r 12 mooti lh Inc.

on iay illS felsfWVIiI. ]Matrly--Arrested fo(r [Villgr dr ,conmlllmitted fIr

Bradlhey--Arrce- lod dlru+klank discharged.


nB y a111lh n Ihe State of tile Loulslianr, in teirueoa law ap1aprvtd lib Maire, 18'fl'h1:11I Class or Lotnerv will re , s rely . ramvn in

lth' city of New Otrltr iprior t o ]In Ja[ rrv ntt xt.lThe Ipublic anrr reapectfall iltnfirad that tickets illIhe l•tl laas..( o lrhis

TTR'RUL(MA')D LOTTERYT.Arel no lreitic lan alyt their

oii-ce, ertinr of Cnallnitdll IRa.al r•at.rIie trtnce is ma d t flr r pnrti•ulnrs io tle pstiini hills.ala CAI. iWEI tL O.KIEY & I'tRI'TCIAtll)

I4 .rench HBooka+. Colmplete+l WVotrks aa \'Voltaire,Itanna. on, o nli f a Illnetitait a asll h'rlnaac, tIdi t

iarkstoit lal.'ri, Alrlh Iutrtt,a Vti trr tlluo, I.ata '-

Iuie adi. tlerl s 1hs1r1' rlltils Ni i-•aeie I• c cPala &Itia, Norvita N a toleon,(;iii ttl , e)a(tixottat, awnt-ir,a'f l1nd. d'Alatltel, tlict tmaa-e', taraaa, lia'hlulil, I , a'I,ita. I)ihtialv i cioe Grammiar

alin.--hststhtltati itlipailNe ''ta alicthe ,last a],iproved )iclionaries, (iranlar•: anlehlrutet•I. Ibooks.Spanish--l)D (I ix tth,lnprr le Vn no 10 riesL)ic

tiOlnlllrils alnd (:latlllllm nll r.r .(t1 tl'u '.-ita Lak of li llei', Ciatia Ketr ne ,.... ir ,lh r \Veld,-, ille.,,ires of CIaI ?• ;,vn, or,.igin' l rditou,

t)aitlillllal u i ll Sl it ( irtlt -ltll'tl t t ,A, narartmlint of T French c Enlgish Notael: all newwurka ofllleit tra• al'0ly cieii i t.

E JOl NS, & CO.laug. 1'llt, llh taor St ('biarla &. Coatmolla st

L Ilt1 tHUl dlinlg faitin IItavain in casksli arl tils a Id Dllclijrltt s, irr sls bylv

Ii IB1ONNABEI,taily8 ]II Car Natlcheza & 'ltaptiiuhri tlaf RUGS--l.l t landina lie,~, tii 'anr,,- M a s-ltpply of

a l ttllt tt lhitter I ta ( a. thL'P li tularce ro t, limulice, esapjrn of Itlalnm+t, eeslcr at It) moa juicy, he.ipIani, canlwry serllds, ,maial, Ilalkc, and small, CalnlhnIrides,brllltsto ',n; orange l l I •w llet ,titer &r, rwholesale slidretail ill stol oif II II)ONNAIItIt,

lF'Ini lt Ilt"! ' t'-I daI s all nvaiic jetai IlatilcitI ship ()ltuluatlr alta Nut tit. ) l lit sale hIv

jala 13 S (1 IIIANt(II.llt), I33 iLravivr_ a

Spi ritN of ' t'url t.utihle, f 'ir s 'le i by.IA1RV'l" & ANIDRDWS

-uly O111 (Cornel r oif (,' halllllllll n & Tchn lt<H sst()il iiIVhirhitl i cll Carbota

Rawamlad;a "'ati,: ,Mixture 00 ,lare+( tll l'lleloteF'. (Chemils 20 cases'+nllpl hltt of (•ll lllln s 900 LS.

a'tanlnritrad 1i5 kr'

A imtheeurics vi:l" 0ll ' e nxP*Whit, lnad pre 541 e-d B 100 kegsColared Iai ft a00 k,''el) i I,['Ttre lial 5 lt i arra l .a i

1altate'l .tatarch a 0 ,,.\Withalli ve it tll-] its f. llllit Ifnel lltia , for salltc , oh h,llce l rn:al alu. le tusrIl h;"

\Vil 'u''talt I)ll a i•ut a 'oltn " tlctlicaal ft alalll lll ' r tl

A I )-ln k e le I n. sli,, f' le h '

itI a1lt i ItI a ilc l; V" . II Ntao t i-i '

8111 li-:iiil'' Ibtta F lF ,a 'aaac ItaL i(; Ii 1))III : , t It I ,w i .t v,

FI t ,0)ll - 11i f I htll a.t ttitit; ii. i fi .. ,hping ,,,,,

1a . "1 New I.,,Lever


PI U:11.16s1111) T'llS I1.11Y', and f1 r sai l i at tileCo(nllllltti ll o I) ) ,i'n Trn Ar n llrlltn, St Ch(rllites

ee hl[ t'l,anl tt the prihnipal Book Flord, a rorrett lReportif 1l lulle I 1nterelinlg and inmportllt ln lit of ti h Stuteof l ouisinna vs. John GibSOn, El.dior and Publish,,r of

I the 'T'te Amt rican, before the Criminal Court for Li-b6. july 21st

(1 4 ti0 G l) lUSM.Y- .1 New L',eveeat .E-l ' pll" ll r insr ,' andl 20 half hl'ls n ao's, at theIc n' , ctiuntlfur n d I uv Gd I)OI( nEY,

it June 12 44 New I, ever

(I 1 NNY I.\1GS-3,5, 0llll tor salle .

ice %'iin u tl l N 3 n

- j6i S &, 1' Will I'NI.Y. 73 Cannp stle INES, ('1RI.[I.li, S, &e.-Cont u ntly stupplied

S nt in rec , hill [at fon. , pu Irei In id genuine W ines

ginll ILnriin I till lleStJuiliinl t'. i t. itmilin itet t

Iol h tnisn Il'itrc , cor t illi's-e i l. St J, eerl, n eln -

I nern l, la r runrnel, 1:67 Il k, Iidel teimeri, t)

t hIo nek of 1i'n , n . hl nni' bert,'iir t l .i Ihl.lr iue il th,St,-

tie ( nldeira ni "ines. inu l p ltuiclar, Re n serve O n nd,oereinl, iPorr iaes ~ndl .lfquarl ir casks

Port \\Will --Ohld, , rltIt'-• nof2 %, d ,r lotled in OpnrtoIl nrrnux n w i,' e ChW ten Inn lin, IdIuI CIhteu lnari

y •u.uxt Larose, I.uvi n., St Jui .n and tit Enr ilion tin.stlil t Iplll, r Mirgan u ciases i t doz. t Julien, excel-

at TlI ilt t! d Cart.

tihe h it , Inid nesert n\itI i ermi tage, Sauterne,tilt. G(llac4ll ,rsuc , | lln , llh lnd FrnlltiLr nl MUSCat.

Chiat i pign .i irst rllnlit v Siln tr v o ItBlurgundy Wines. uItnruan(,e, CiIP n •besti • Closdc

I tuu!r, Nn it-t

i j" lii [i, th .

t, Cordialt. torn lrn linn di Z r al, -n uinl. nrtinle,\r vllell phou genu enl% W ,llll an llO ,\ itl, r II | ' A 8 1 Ie ni s sorlo ii hm,,ux

l .ilnenrs, if Marie l iriztrd lI

SI{ ,rr , O)lid gel i L ,II re(l 1hh r I nllltl , the lan

K i m rs' t t h e tw a(r .st L 8

. ilt I '0II O x Ii,,rl V I:t ururilte t i

r • lilThRaux ,1r1lle \111ne iingt nn t nd. uni tI nII 'iii. 1. I- I-llt ot, c r S 1. h rles n ( tOtt i llsL("t ,

in"i ('harlh'll'vr .llc r Iiin I t ilh,,r ii1on I,vJan .

liii iitbeS 'i whe, , or tl' e r.lean Olt lle li' b l, t igo wueu ,- n

It I uady in nn hn t, l ',nr ,h, \',, an nt Iln n.. lty

it t tni It l'tan ulu, S iktehl ufntis li ui ed r n ori y shlt

of J1c1 Sh lerd

, NIt 1 t 3.ii ( tllllrr lllllll l n Nnit or , hl n~ Snnll n. t

1'ici? 1 in- it n ", i.

3 )Ah Itn u :nti , anine rinl l. l l I I r

' IIeihl iltl y Lhthli g new suppnOs,:..tlItN's, & Co.0It'jav 3hIh,- lvl. ct of tl i Ii"t &tu ou n u n stt

A -:F I ''I"It: R 'O 'It- 't'his i, n n.wf d usr, nf rrt i- e1411 Ile l ffr illl t .i illiv m iini t ,o n, i i r-ir tll l'll it = r ,e ll nIs soo,~lrnth ll ll t llllll IPb nigI e itlel to !


I 'llkll llll, e o

I II II il l ,t ie l i ilt I l lul lnarv de-

t ""aroornt lit, ar flll t 18 II I be proteclr. e ri , o I., Ibi oll It, w."athlll erd inglr the s noie r season1f The Itf R,.figrrll or is IICll),'" I dl eed nr in lis p a ieN

-" q uautIotfilv•,ff I ,. iI ru. t 'l oin tl e. e r v. nore ;

it Th Ic Subvr :r isCohSlnntllt reTe'iv" -i'on the man- tl

S t lter,'r, 31r .1 1' ten. S rf lnv el" Iof thie lefrige , tn'sv ntnv liy s' o1 toiy Stun .5;3 Jli, S llvlh,' st. llm•, If \V It C.\RNES. I tV

I r I-i::11) i) J ,5 -Tillla i i, iot, ,iii .iJ lu\ ,• :e / wA: •ovial t| to te ili ze :t f , lli tlolf Lo till d a

The DAILY Paper is neatly printed wvithl smalltype on an extra, double medium shoet, at $,12per annum, payable suat annually in advance.

'Elo TRi.wEKa'il Papar, containing lion readingnmatter of two dailies, $10, payable in advance,whore no city reference is given.

The WEEKLY TRUE AnaRICan, made up from thiledaily papers, durine the week, will be sent to sub:scribers wrho pay$5 per annum in advance, andto none other, unl

ess nI acceptable city reference

is given. Subscribers respectfilly solicited.

JOHN GIBSON.NEw ORLa:ANS,R MY 1839.17:~----_• -7 .... -r•-I i-- ... .l -

LOU(t--i10UU bblea..u slleine iI 51111 tlia , -Iblittle by GV II)I,;V,june 15 -I0 New I.Lee

PORK--5i)0 llarrel tairit.e ale eIal 3 Ptlera-nIStare fl atr ale Iy J I1A ,'I:It to

July 2nil 7 laoacdras S

j RUl GS-,lut lanaI it-ia reel tailtle it< l enen

L (i ava cJellt, Gaa Arabic, I' nuin" b, 1'ream

T artar, S nl S o.t4 S )ts T uri ventin ., P ear an s c ,I hrti, -

ie Acid, C hbride Seid, ula s. Copvi i. r ct by


july13 Car Natl]. itz ar d TC imu it solht .

It, U1isiXsip') i a r pp ly)). I R;iai p IsateI 'rit

tllich wil• le l lo, liw r lieash [

I)AVIDI Ft.I: & Co.

July 7 N. \. Stationers Iha ll,'II (l'chnrres St

" '?v-I-TII - ik•re s 'T'lhm: stol limn ,Jinl n •, al

itelliho ii vi g health, bIaul v ami Ipre ting itsailing of, slid t t W\'1. BEI,I.'S

m31 No. 16 Ch .nrtihs n 7 - l'RI6JTING PAI'.III v ir

tieg pnpir of thaaaie'ia|ihwa ,• t ic ea. `7ixir--ila x3(--a'llig6--9fn 2--l gx2. \IAl t X lof Itlltr lu l, I rdw'llre, MIb illlNIt tod '11 ltl Vrl) ))ta e a aa rrii a i, rt y'atta qaliteI.au.dlint fi'oa Btraliaa Jalet i h Ia a l ir Plil-

alh:lhiaa llaltad fa r Fnila by ALa cc %a[ R,jt 1y :3ld I

a ) CaiIiaap Strei t

wTOR SFALE-60 btutf • n•ar;16 lie ia tt ho se t ol asses

h.1 t iI P iall a ug-llltc

51 fa tond'. +titrne110 rail I r Ip e

Flly BROWN & Co..l u h t t, 1l.: ! 1 . I I I F ,a t 'e t i " t . Nta t

I ' IYt-I'.! 1 41+ 11/" I CI:II-I"Y--,5 r I Itrl ';i htta i oi P "ale bv

'l', j- t), l l- itit, Il(i I-a-.c-l" tai tl It li..

itu yt I2iii ia .t O'a X Iaa' cvI i i y li( II,tlSla ... ic Ncwa i'a ngat l, u, A.,-a.. .tt n a1ahallt tC6elt1a.

l~ouihln ca+, :n ortaleh~ slhati vin arI i nh .r wa]1o .

Slllte ar 7 els ro nl i h. a elel aijuly 2Th -- v. cor St Ch Irh & COI, mll a.I,iNE N ata la li, a :l OVEr S &

.le t rX eiviI rl aby eria r ls i alt i ,i at• l teatti lai in

Shirh Cralvensrl ltr) sllltnL(r lslloek, th e, ae S,tul -InIt-eta, e nact h H eciatlanliiacicia St. a.icrb ii aiat aio

.raA ,n mp l iNs arht:le nt 1tla la -ter lit-,Irl'{sSil• ea I, IportabIleh shavingl- a t X'el. iiC i lln r wI, d &Iat r.•l Ii at Ur & ll, iei i N.

' tlia 1 S Itr, fo a rlua lale ri t b ey I l ,

_i 1 n {_ I)_ISEYA . Ia w l i ,'

tIlW Ol

OI , S-- ia' I riih I ," 111" ai ,i i i ati)

ra I II l l i e a l l r 1 , (

lii T I i 11 m rP Jales I ; •i l Nil, I II oifli j Slail I i ni I

cla -- en l ai r ala hit N alt

I 9l~illtil I SI( h Iill -I aliiJ F nl limulr- e lni a nr rit Ir al li , Sp y, .-

B irth,,:,.\ aud •|Iatls n r1 e nvint , h" 'I' il(ok N; No

Jack Shp d, I v A li i l) I v it e

1iY. JIs " ,,ee i',•,I and far 'ale. by at"j6 A L F X.Ti)W , ']W E 149 ('am mp mt

NAi T a X iP a'l'l it 1 (;i, II N lK I N K ! ! N IC " ' -,IeI Irl• .??! - re('plv " h o(Idoztn! o(lunce Ink, at 11.; Ii Vtl. %. I r ll)y rit r l l tie[

I ter h el en 11 l ll ad i al, 1 ll i( , n

I )\ VI' 1"1' ' &l, t Cotat- Nh V Stitaltus' . all,Jtlll ) 5 ( alr str

1 , .\ a -h': i-- -u" ul 1 "rn i..a . I il . ..I . .'i n'li)i.

--" Lalcttrl) P

l'au i l) , llI i Ick t, I Ill)+ II a-i+ a al-a--it

Il t ,ron lllllllllh at a mll t IoI I a ii'! ai

Palehlh , • a P ......f all .ci . 1 i I ( ,I l, ,'- ill atlhcoa lltry plllllelts.

\i , I I I l"

j, S. I' t o" .. . . .l at " .

aT I IP 'vr1 -i~a~ta~ tlorn.., Ilialt ai-a i ltaaa ,, nita -a.

aaaia l t la a\ I'-- \ r., al at-alu - , ,l, h -, ii le a iii " -aitia o a.

• ' 7I' i TII aTI.p t

fI 1 rllli t-I i fr •alde hv (. I)()It 1EY I,

aug) ! II New LveeT' TATE OFt LOUlISIANA-P•ars, Ceurt ftorI the Parish and City of New Orleanrs--'rce

de State of Louisiana : to all to whom theseo presentsshall comeo-greeting :Whereas, William Rogan of this city, hvin

Spurchased al t a sale made by tlowlett & Conas,public auctioneers of this city, th property hre.rinafter described, has applie'l ;o th C::erk of thisCourt for a lmonition or adveriteolltl, in coniltrunity to as tot of the I.egilttnre of the State of'Louisiaiora, entitled ' an at fir ile I I rt ellr ssoe-orae oelltitls to purchlyasot ttj ldlieil sales ;" apl-

proved the 10th day of 3Mlarel, 131:tNow, tecrefrel, know ye, ond all pe'rso innte r

"oled lhereii, ire lereby titel an( atolltoti~tt i• ,the nare of tile State of Loui,itan, Ian of theiPrish Colrt, wh o can set iup anly right, title orclaim in and to the property herein after described,SIn consequenee of anly informallity ill lie order, do.

f cre or judgoment of the court tunder which the salewas made, or any irregularity or ihlegality o tIle

nor or sale, or f'or any other dlefect whatsoever; to,lthow causeO , withii thirty dilays firlo the tay thiiio e first llserte i Ilt ilte Ittbic Opa e, it,.ythe saleso imade should not be confirmed and Io.Intlog,,ated.The said prooerty was sold by the aurctioeneers

aforeeaid, on the 281h day of )ecembler, A. 11,33, by virtue of a eloree of thi. court, r e e rled

on the 23.1 day o 'July, A. 1) 1838, in i sulit cli.tliedI William Vance, his creditors ani the creditorsof Vance & Miller, No 10961 of the docket of thiscourt, at which sale the said William Iegan be.came the purchaser, for the price of 8:1,00, pays.tle $1c00 cash, and the balance on a credit of six,twelvce and eighlteen monthtl.Descripttn ol' properly, as given in the judicial con.

vyance :A certain lot of ground, number one, situate inIhe subura b Laeourse, in squtare lbut lled by Nayades

EIrato, l'rytatnnce andl ThaIli streetsa, an:! fobringt. t corner of

Noyal.esand Erato streets, Measuringtlirty on e et elevn illuthes ani seven lines, inoreor Clee, on Nayaldes street, by niety one feet sevcolinesdoep, front on Erato street, all English eooas-uie, having the use in comntnon with lots numberstwo and three, of an ally in the rear, of five fbetwide, togethcr with all the itailditgs, rights, waysand ilprivi!eges.thercutl1t beClontgitg Tle wloie asIr plai driawn lb' Joint Scl ebeth, civil e nineeriedlated thie first day ofJen 1'tf36, aoexed to tan actin tle otficb of WVtY., L,ouis, dated the fifth dlayof February, 1839, being a subdivision of lot num.ber eight.Clerk's oflice, New Ori uns, July 3, 1839.

J. OLLIEI , Iep'y Clerk. Sjuly I) :t-9thjy 23 do 3d augi'c1't)ItI) (te e'-Ji rtceiv,. v, mwrs of b-lert laid lI c ,rd Clili t l.l h lal n and ru. de it very fin c'r e , sit , l~ir nano Iii s, for s1 le by

1: I)AVI FEI.I,N Y Srl ioners' (IIljlt" 1_ hi C rtr.s

( lill il Ilt lll. llol e I ll I ln• Ililbot •u llllt t r e ll rk, tt'. " Ji v t b t o

( 1 tt\\' t i-• tl~ _ . e tithe .- Ilieac-- sk0tcl'" he ,notI'[ U tl • wl.hIl ttI.lllltl IIn I p" .l o"

i tIt, Iht": tl Ito ulti i+ Illad e tr a , I r I'ar tl d t

of trh l•tcll,'eillt-; hvI I. t I1Io I .o';,_" I t':othl ortrcc t,','I,,1 ;Itoit )ir .ilp !•., 1 .11.1:\ 'T' )

]of, 2 ,I.t

D it. AIOFFAT'S VEGiu1TiA itfi: Ii fPILLS re. o well knowna to tie itnlt(: that it is hardly te-cessarv to give a dlelnilted etuletate Ielf tf ir at- ti lttt

use. rile illlhilh articles w uy c tnvintte tay onf tile laimsl h'dot'torhes up tl It the blic to plinclfidlence in his prelpru tios.

From time Hanmpden Whig of July 12,1837..lloqiti's Pillas rl Bitetrs.--Th'e last Jhertat cin

tins addilioual testilmmttt it faveroftllis hiighly ilmprt-talt inventian. "'lThe iprss of Ith Journal was .Ioss ltop " tIIIlT nT .1tilhe t Uesit ny. SI ine ote, in lln oll e .of ])r. ltI thnnt t s t bt it e rtturin tht r t eetili-

Tlte ofollr neiglittLo il vles , tlt I OffTers tnt q autitt ofatllt nrticl nas uolltPe satiol. T'lsa i ale kid, anlli weIt rllmtet it, l) Oltt tlt t we .I Jal tat eItllodt- tll' lk e lllitit1. ttitlour inetiglhor of 1e Jlolrnal, I o call tilthe im ag kntSIn t e m alt tittre, anre ty Ir triu el u i ela l tililr ditlicltdtes to htlt ae wiiclt h itv w 1•'e V ttle a brnt ttt, al rBlwles, Ilhey lav ts eti t thIe " etla ranl t•n•s•l" of tll rt o lr on e t iltet bdwel ,. r IlT ledi-aiil i ltdltedly ttIIv('e'ei11 ltelllltt .

,I I +ntrK - t FROM A1IU.EI. IilOiV.Fs,,,

Itel bcitaut i ad Jtttrtlttl, I )l nei ,i|+lelt, M8 .SIatIt:u , I.a'aza ,] JuICe i, i t37.

Mlr. toi.ti:-r•t al ' I s j no llh l yetrl rovtllfstte'l ,ir nom nl iLfiladir f lV tie nl. el--the coRaa-

Oh ur lihlveI. 'h, rm al fi'tio o1 ti le blowels i lost;Trec tli seere pain C•e r, c ' w a.ne

nluI depr'e.ssion : -attl tli-,+ bit ,g i-teetsea rey ever, itwdltlye to ee llece tetrlct ite l ttvlalt-t"tc. Ilttt Ihtteanttile g oe (dl

IlVhy~i(aii In I I iaa dh r a :ai 1t all IndtfIt it ' a illaea alriah 11 th1 fi ttar. l e iaut, b ute a11 t111 l et s ev lal bo xe.

k' IoII'u L il r f tlhill 'a," I dh a e I ne ] mor )er bll [t it.la

itth e, n tha ll Aroll ty mI'lilEllln l h i ltt v Ii t llld.

For u:IIP i at I t.' a ti t thea t-orter of COiecet at(lIIelt Ielmlthtti .mim •t,. toin III

on bonard I p i ()trltta. a fa g ttle ihhla fgt tt'ttt rlelrv Andrrw Frew, l l c ch (;ad ernmn play yallrld; IBlck-fanIllll l edB trdo a Ce-it+amen t I t' I ttan e I t-• ic- Ilier Baela •; itt t ) i ,la 1 tta tt Ina h hli . BtOWie l I n veto;Leltt er ani d ilother trtvtt ll , intetrete ing Cat es; ta ieht

aPck t, Illert enaa let'( , n1t-t i 1 lli 1 ; dI uble t,11111t.uiegle bc rel lae (iltnst tlB 1Ba g•t Sh ill tttt t ow rfterc: uio

tn (ltI s atti ('lti Itott r"' (eIlth Ilairt Tootlh

etil NaI il aia,. (I t•t.-l ( tllhti fac((( eo L tt 'Ccin'.dT I ' i owdr oile t and Shaei-t- tt i c, i, grtt vtla

ie t et io I laitit rhl, ingltsecatt roettes; Pearln 'if I'e le lart ; Il tattec ; I ric v T P b Cut alione:IPatent tldes (tar ter;; (;aIMI t l stti(c s)a eners;Ihweih'l' l'lljl' n1111(] loxes-(;ill tChains, Setale m I Keys; .'

El 'i-drotle ; \\'t lst Iht ,Ikh'I ; It l 'i h ie ts; l lic e ie k e i :tItti(ti ta li(tillc tlle n • i'lie redt B iade ]tt t i an I-a-teteBIIll. nod Ihnei. I•h S,'ll 'l'wist. Side mind 1I, )r-4+inCon •;whith, in a(dhiti~uto t t h-it'ticat ,r.erti eie lea I n,il4n) -lx ith ir ,llstl el y - tpll s an will hI. ol\

w. en I On liberal i'm , ii th i f thY ( (old7.ilhElhl . i'2t -tl ' 711- t'hett'It'c tIriltt.i

C S 11101 1t1 1 11: 11lnI I , -ite ti" At '. tie the wtacet f 'rehlpiil lhs ndll ,IJ sc ,-

Ia1t11 aIIt t Nic.1tsae -it't-.itll {lii t't i ll (II it ll e 'l t. t Ire t li'te •t t litl et a ti ll nl ll l t ic i l (h(, I

j ily i Olt tie t• \ .(' .('.

P llt hll r.ly,1

1 til1ti ilen l ie ,rv . IL t-l, ll tditd tark, l N"= I tie,. I()t \Vlha l I itit l. I n; t th e b lltlll Colh med 1lt•,.•

'h, Iohh I li" h i ts t I w i til t e I it thll n • IhRecelvIdt' mll I'e sel ih Ihy i . I)-\V..\tIt .

july :lh a.'et') (•m- .trette

I lll el,, l, ell i itll ll ,

)lil. h,,lllhl r i1: 'l, llrtit , 11 n tlay ill :, :tn. l, In ,litiri ahit d liti sti l il l )Ih' i th- I nsl , dI te- t,[ l-,: h;h ll; t'r ml ll'•.]' lrl.,m

The Ll'De el-of l ,, Ie file author Ih l iinda if - .vSIIIi- , I li ii lt, l 1e, it Ili •%-i"i . wt, Ill t 11th

H ,w I \\o , l'lhu day, .r - tiid I~ Itune 12 Al.l 'I' T .11 2R,-!1(' 1 1,1, at

E. i til d variei oill -tee Cl n1 _ ,hll nlt d tar)r.tll b.•r I Bl 11l :,1 1 1- ,\.

I~ ]a.llltt•. t,. s h,iI, 1;,i.l,,, i :,I+ .. an, hv

) n .' t', _ , ,I ,, ,,t o l ,,io , ,I hi.1: ,;,iI to llt < 1 i \ +" le,

:1:1'-1 hL ill ,h, , )(I nt ,'. w ~ '

. . .JI ir .I T ili I, I " 71 l' • I

S\N III .A I llil ll lv , ,,

n J 'l f lr a ur e by ,I 'I'll \ 1IH 11 ,.il i I J l i, "21 71 l'e., ,,, r 1t,

AVINA 1 IIi ll e-:isii,.lloll;. tl len .I Vlll. AA; l 1 tl'Ia r Ii ,ull e h,'1





1V.1.\ N'.lr1"11 li illtppillal u'bu t Iitd i cc111

in i rd", in ilu , fur usale by T )I)] ',r Ib ]llhju .11 New Levee

,la A 'I,\\' AI ll All, 1.1)Cau st

Sis ;ttis Ph nt siTI i i Iy

I'' l T lll l It, 190amt ,i . J II h h le un ei, r' ti"n" .t it, I ,lt ,,

.i l. 'II I(T''ll 1I'll , I I I 'E i ii luI I .'1.• 11.. IIV, N Y-) 1S3, ta s uf> - n e I,, er, i-,•

S isIoe Ili. ' l l 1 l i lN•s I ' i t a ti cl-. , il s I ,lip i . J i r iie

IN11 uil k lliuuiru lul I il ulrlNiel- t1 ,t F Flilti Fil ll- t N•i .

r. Stoc1h .1,1r llr God thPopper1. Mish

ee :lllI t 11 i. uf u i II uI I li. ii - - l ul

Ir.El h lt,nli lllr n lrrliu ,i l I bun Ii.ehn I ii Iii I l Irr ''lpi l el ppl l) i i ler Ip.

,Ii'h 'i i iuueil l i i ,u il i hll' 'C rIp lrhrlll lup in il -


ll N c url'- l l i --l w i bulle niS lI (I. Oifr l 8r 1

0 unt i ,- h a l e Cit 1 *1 1

S e a ni d Ptl en 1.i. do. . itri)lr,' l.lak ! l( I a t- r ah, bA ll a- v article, areoqlnl rat, ljrto r ie v o f t ee

- I I vi iii. -lJ 1' (*)-l ,p tail'ait rlili .i kelie nu any c'' illlma , b

oderlef arlLrlu. ric• u ll h ilrl ad rTrljie, i inh i" lsh el i. i

''il ' e grriu ii, - e r lir Nur i l:l, nure l I

All 1.1 uu- li, 0cl hulmh lurt . i+r n ,nilrn o. ii r l

o e a i d Paydra, streets , w ci , rci 1I liPi+h a nd, inylt, l1i39, it thenli, I t (a" Cot pn iiyruh. "r, i: llee Il r lr d irer C r elea.l,

(EInp tll, ention. S .ll k IIIl up L) S,

All11t1r alve atrlire are ivrruninuaindi I l ie taiu !

er qu lry and in keep in ye,~l.ltn hl:\lltlell (llll ilelt lieirhg

II ( 'luis.lll:l, f ~ T rg, som 'the i P 1 ljel T

ontirenlrl- i .e .t I i. h r of 1 nd1 ih15 J. rearn eor , will hie and l'hydu0' rei np r I rell eirtll V tt I n,rato re r lit nennin. i id !sor keiaoniar ns ef a'reel 'nAihly e.: rims tihe tined hites--C. V f I tnir n

S• Orlr s. :ll r/ .. .. . .NEW -OR7 EAN., S •

l rt anr7Plle:l L lucu i ll1kery-- aters andEPilt and Navy BreadN l trl, ande enl Vine Ris tSugar, Butter, Midlbrd and Water Crackers[,

SiV-dl ' I ,,,,i, .. i .... I I ,u, i|i t ,I ~ 1'I.11:1; !+ \1tl` .\9 \ ,.~': , 4 . .I.,,I

SECOND MUNICIPALITY NOTICES.W ERE brought to tc' ptounr of the 3d ward

m a ld Municipali y t tho ilrowing stray aui.ealts viz:A Gray pocr. scld horse anolut 12 hnnds high

soar eves and lefl eye suposel t tot be tind.A brows hlrse pona y weth it a w gray Iairs on

Irai troe, fore reot blahk, abotu 13 Ihndh higlh.A Irown mare tmrlo striped on lhe breast and

back froms the collar and saddle a stroak across bothsholdars and brandred oI the left hind quarter, 13

oands Ingh.A bay horse mule 4 legs black and stript on the

breasr supposedfrom the collar, about 12 or 13hands high.

A sorrel horse blind of tihe right eye a small staron Iis face with collar and saddle marks 16 hands

Ioan Mare withl white face.4 lihtloles white andpart of the 2 hind legs,soar oe thle Iack from tholsid:le, hr mde I 11 eo tIhe right hind quarter about13 or 14 haods high.

A Black horlse pun y with a small rtar oin Irsfocr branded on ithe rihl bfore shoulder, blind ofright cye and betweron 13 and 14 haLna high.

The owners of said property \ill please call atthe pound of the 3rd ward B)Iad Municipalily sitsuated thl corner of Rollbil ad Ainciaton streets,r"ove prope'ry pay clhrges nnd ak, themn nway onor before SatUrdary tle 2.lti Atugost, t183:1., when

theIy will he sold at auction by t' G :ttlrotto, pub.lic auction. or.

J. L. WINTER,New Orleans, Aug 13 h, 1839. 1st .Lieut.IPA \ .-- I.nn...d alr depoet Id Iroisidri n dstric

do ia Seronde Mll i icipalitr, les soroiaux ani

Uo ton a grip, d." 14 paroms de harut, borne doci' (rtel gar ichr

Ur petit clnaval lrunr. ypont rillrqruiles poils grissur to flIor los qua:r es pieds noir, 13 paumoes do

Un mnletl bruln, marqtul rur 1' epaul eat sor lodos pa:r Ic Collwr rt I l sile, uont m0 quo A traverslos dcux e Ip t'ls,rt raa qulr rer Io cuis a qaucho 13pnaumnes de haut.

Un mrlotet ibay, leo quatres lieds noir, marquedo collier out lia poitriclo, do 12 A 13 paumesft att.

Uu eheval alezer, hrun, do l'oiol droit ttoiil ourIc frout, mar(d l(e collier etdu rellc 16 paumes do

IntjumlIent inale, fi;ulro Ilanc, 4 piods & partied I droS llj e d (I,. dCernier Iblanc tun marque eai r todos oarequp C. If.. sr o cuisse droit, do 13 A 14InIll es do hlilt.

lI pt.i rhelval n oir, o:ne etiln solr to front,tmeqdc sur I' eipauli drort bore df I'oieul droit, do

13i A 1 raoeilr dI hout.le.s pIprol•etres voudront bhen lesreclamer on

prouilnt lears p]roprietl6s Il dr prut h 1'ncoignurotes frsll IIm et Alnno elriation d'ici, all 2.1 sout18.1ff anltrsmet 11 sereot venduo a l'encan par P.

5:. (;ml ottu o canlten r ipuIlin.15 a. J l' \VIN'TER, ler lieutenant.

• loltiilltlita to t, hi i'll :i tr : fiald ialit plseRse -' t tll i t rnrlt

•rl re i, r t'h r lir', tii, f hi tire nd-

i rI, , It i 1 h ei I ::.u. • Il blind Lofrlr eye, a dt alsoeIr.rrr:anriro 7r1e e

Thre rrr ar' is trl,1ot rerd to come frs nrd,provree proper.

i v" I V s'ir ltre , l ilal I p Iritce l nwitr r v.

S 11. II. ll It, _ 'aptaIill of the W atch.o V IS. Arret6 par l Pl'oulde lo 1 SecondelMuni.Scipai lI 9 mrcurant, trouve oreto les mains

dnt nrerr marror , qui a fir drs foreats dudit Mu.niripa


'llu Iheval ri ye !mreO quinzo Ipaumes do

hut, les deix .lll~ei dte drrIere bhttue, et morns,anal 111 e' h iarretto No. 731.po propreietyre vrnidral iprouver sa propriet6

payer let• Irmis et les reirerr.I tI It IliPFii, Capitainoe do Watch.

1 Ittl o I I:olrr t~ rte t hoorl itl hr '.r eurd,2dt

Stlral' u we a I tIr•e,alllt .t l lll li•and s i -nom arksT, , it i i " lrot I itprtrnit ~till inh• call rounr d

anl r1 o p a, ' r el," o rict, oore IcalsoipoaiteSr eo r

d r' ,t,, ' I. r I,, I . i ..llA . I.o I a eIIII•i,17 :t ...... I .................. ............ ,Ii,,, ,pub-


3.\1 1 ; I': au ' . tr,, 1,rr.r t ,er r i r'ads rniicialitosans mar, go. Io pr, prineatre voldr'ai bien lire.

ter a d I rue liarronlnentr It ria s& Girod'ei a n•wai r le 2 AOrtl, 'utr 'ment i tera vendue

Ic rltt lour ] i , 1' t rtlt h rerr'trnte or tur lit n.

hit. •- , ,.,.,i , : h, ,I I ,h . te , ' rdi,1% .I,,t ha t hou- vee,1\ n , , n,,, at ,I,,~' .t 'r, etrtrr feeoi

',I, :, , ',t "r 1r,, e,, r lr g

4) ' r

iI. I1 \111 l11111rr,.t ea it htee de' latiu J do

i, -" l +,: + ,....... .l

1' I1I '1 `" 1. I •lSIt LlB1 I D• I . NOIOvt Ilal I' l rlI iANS n

IA T s mu io p+lmp No 2)Col ~ r d Comnpa'

Ir tone ac o rol I,,r _o I ooai+ttr i t , • perm i. d'as.i oll ol,'n. 10.+1 7 .'lerIo. ieo t dtu Ilo ,Ve," at

11. 'll ACY1, Socrct airo. Sc'

o IS lnl.:\ S1I, k' 1 . o\S- o. Ar 'l, S D,' S PO.~

I 'll'I;lS I/E 1: L.\ 1O!tvIEIII.; 1'.t ;ANSL

II r unit ', on, i . hllp o, l l, (idil to doder onpa bytt aetI( twdl ( : ol , l:rt L ro,'9h o.jot, o llljoo, i lrIt ('rhat s "

s r *0 I i ,, itr3l ,. i lO1n7l \Ir eloeJo ti di t louve, all-"i tl, l o

mayll tlpr,•l a

tl'vel'Vtrllips a p lli ons t

I l ryI , ooeretaire.

T A ''1( A1 ,W 49 -Compst

,\ p t.t,,,l l ta w I tI1" l ral ( 'u .nit o N ow l nd ons.

OF IC u I, . 1. No1 .1I'. Co IIon l rul, l.SI -- i br PI: itn ll lht .l r in t s.)il

V , l file .ts . 1 ', ,rLss, ase Co`math nbraryl I ll'U Inl , un 1,h 1117; Ih Judi4.1iry Act ofista

1 Lll1 s-l l ' cO+ T to, '~flo iono, I.i etu'I lodis g, made al

It I NN 011 ,i= io' r lll - * o insiderale experience;a l f l + on (,sI l'tinl and nu't , l r1 Fule yhich have

standALI. 'II lWIlftmphi XI lhb, 000 o Orlooo l-i ohbl oo t Lawyers.

+A 11 :11 1 Il , 3 lit, R2r at

1i'l 31 1.'1 1 l+ .NI "' o, TZ b/e'alI tl

oi - 'L Iel 0 lo ly hy I' s hr o la .,ngA , I l'.hHt ll s.

at ,, ( day1 w+ ill b, e taken ol

11, 'I1). t ll.- NIl . ~0 . i0 ove, hiavo in htre

:I i ':; I. 1. llA. ' I 0 ' O oill o'.I;..+ i o o i r; l 0-

"lhlr,l \- \l, rr,,m--' I,',h,,",-, . ury

l n l , \ a " nd hoi t's I lh t, et o'I l rn n

.I X ooW •Uld o oililo o Iotll l o l, r o .

oio'R luOb t woiks,

AI.1,tY ret. l f. orn U ordh, ux a "

Ios l f lurnis1ed Ind PtIll ho i o 10010 b Soxes; alsoJ'-'-' A 'I11P_'Afi,94• l _mprso t

IA R ,' : i .rction i uath .l d•adl nire o fiom LondonaD,5I-I ct oli oe1Vt orticlle;tll Pari-s o o eradicator n r3tr CI I 'I IIty uSed i- nll'br d exteo, f lor sale ad y

A]III III. ONNAIr . ApELtjulyll i:t r o. IM • ohe an lT mooolreasl.

S ll` ,-1175 Irrls pihfio IIo Ta ,rrs' (rdit i--

0"0 forask, ' ll po 00 rn Oilr y IU nooovoyor I, lO Ioo I 11 'or , 93 Comlr mny

J I` by . iy ;."J p WHIIITNEi,+Y,

S 11 1111 lO N Iil'II N tbo

k ppel u n t nd for t

1 l\ tlII . N\I . .u 'it:n nh l it slig , wo+lsolo o yinrt A1011111 'I'I+ - ravir t

aind .,t 10h9u1h ',[UmoIbll

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