piazza: data management infrastructure for the semantic web zachary g. ives university of...

Post on 28-Dec-2015






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Piazza: Data Management Infrastructurefor the Semantic Web

Zachary G. IvesUniversity of Pennsylvania

CIS 700 – Internet-Scale Distributed Computing

February 3, 2004

Joint work with Alon Halevy, Peter Mork, Dan Suciu,Igor Tatarinov, University of Washington


The Big Question in P2P

Why use a P2P system vs. a centralized one? PRO: P2P offers greater flexibility and resource

utilization CON: P2P often sacrifices reliability guarantees,

accountability, and sometimes even performance

There are a few simple cases where P2P wins: Avoiding the law/RIAA/MPAA: copying music, videos,

etc. Anonymity (FreeNet, etc.) Exploiting idle cycles

But are there applications that are inherently P2P?


Most P2P Work is “Bottom-up”

The basis of P2P: Algorithms/data structures papers Chord, CAN, Pastry Focus on providing a robust DHT – not what to do with it

Several systems build functionality over the DHT: Tang et al. information retrieval paper

Maps LSI space into CAN multidimensional space Interesting but uncertain benefits

Berkeley PIER DB query engine: uses distributed hash table to do distributed

joins Sophia

Prolog rules in a distributed environment for network monitoring

None of these apps are inherently (or perhaps even best) based on P2P architectures


Thinking Top-Down

Find an application that has needs matching the properties of P2P: No central authority (and no logical owner of

central server) Loose, relatively ad hoc membership Capabilities of a system grow as new members

join Participants are generally cooperative


One Possible Answer: Data Integration/Interchange Applications

Multiple parties have proprietary data + sources Not willing to relinquish control or change their

data representation, but are willing to share Examples:

UPenn hospital system is looking to modernize information sharing among departments (trauma, neurology, etc.)

Many bioinformatics warehouses (e.g., Penn’s GUS, NCBI’s GeneBank) have related info they would like to share

The W3C’s vision of the “Semantic Web”: a web where all pages are annotated with meaning, meanings are well-defined, and complex questions can be answered


The “Old” Model: Centralization

Get all parties to hash out a standard, global schema or ontology Different classes of objects to be represented Constraints + relationships between them

Relate all of the data sources to that schema Relationships are specified as named queries –

views Efficient techniques exist for using these views

to answer future queries posed over the mediated schema


Data Integration System / Mediator

Centralized Data Integration Architecture

Mediated Schema

Wrapper Wrapper Wrapper


Query-basedSchema Mappingsin Catalog


Query Results


Centralization Doesn’t Scale

Difficult to arrive at one standard schema … When we do, it’s slow to evolve to new needs This is a human factor, but it is also a scalability issue

Hard to leverage mappings well: If we map source A mediated schema, does this

help us map source B, even if source B is “almost” like source A?

Can we prevent mappings from “breaking” when we update the central schema?

Users often prefer familiar schema, not central one More schemas more users forced to change



The Piazza System: Infrastructure for Relating & Querying Structured Data

Recasts data integration as a decentralized confederation of peers and mappings

Our initial focus is on the logical aspects:1. Mediating between different types of XML-

encoded data Based on extensions of formalisms & techniques from

data integration Schemas are related via directional pairwise


2. Making maximal use of a limited number of mappings Translates queries over transitive closure of mappings Uses mappings “in reverse”


Mediated Query Answering in the Piazza System

UW Stanford












Mappings typicallydirectional, pairwise


Data in Piazza

Each participant may have its own schema + data Unordered XML, with pre-

specified schemas

In general, we’ll identify it with XPath expressions: Similar syntax to Unix

paths, but over threes e.g.,



?xml db


mdate key

author title year



Kurt Brown






Mappings in Data Integration

Express value or class equivalence:DollarCost = EuroToDollar(EuroCost)“ID#0123456” “Catalog#98324”S1/book/author = S2/author

Also containment:S2/book S3/publication

Ability to use value(s) as IDsCollect all entries related to the ID into one object

Convert between edge labels, values<authors><book>1</book></authors>

<action type=“authorship”><object>book</object></action>

Concatenation: S2/author/fullname = S3/author/first + S3/author/last


Piazza’s Mapping Language

Goals: Build on XQuery and XML Remain computationally inexpensive Capture the common mapping types

Directional XML mapping language based on templates

<output> {: $var IN document(“doc”)/path WHERE condition :}


Translates between parts of data instances Restricted subset of XQuery that’s decidable to reason

about Supports special annotations and object fusion


Mapping Example between XML Schemas


book* title




author* full-

name publication*

title pub-type

pub-type name

publication authorwrittenBy



Example Piazza Mapping

<pubs><book piazza:id={$t}>{: $a IN document(“…”)/authors/author, $an IN $a/full-name, $t IN $a/publication/title, $typ IN $a/publication/pub-type WHERE $typ = “book” PROPERTY $t >= ‘A’ AND $t < ‘B’ :}





Query Answering in Piazza

Given an XQuery over a schema, iteratively expand and translate it to capture neighbors at distance i Requires sophisticated reasoning to avoid cycles,

redundant expansions See paper for details

How does this work? Mapping defines constraints on pairs of source & target

instancesConstrains possible pairs of matched interpretations

Easy to use mapping in “forward direction”: query composition with a view (or chain of views)

Also have algorithms to rewrite query over source in terms of target

Need to invert mapping and compose that with query Answer set is defined by “certain” answers May lose some information in inversion


Piazza Is One of Several Similar Efforts

Peer-to-peer databases: PIER, PeerDB, Hyperion, [Bernstein et al. WebDB02], [Aberer et al. WWW03]

RDF engines and mediators for the Semantic Web: EDUTELLA, Sesame

Makes use of semi-automated mapping construction techniques from the database/machine learning communities: Clio, LSD, GLUE, Cupid, many others


Summary: Infrastructure for Decentralized Mediation

Powerful XML mappings and transformations Extensible, scalable architecture, thanks to

sophisticated reasoning techniques for mappings

The model itself is peer-to-peer at a logical level – functionality that is best suited to a P2P architecture


Where from Here? Ongoing Work

Piazza effort at U. Wash. continues to focus on problems relating to mappings

Orchestra at Penn follows up with a focus on two questions: What does a true DHT-based P2P integration system

look like? Covers a variety of query processing stages, including

mapping reformulation and query optimization, not just execution (as in PIER)

Where should we materialize or replicate data The “data placement” problem

What issues arise when we want to consider updates and synchronization at web-scale?


Data Management and P2P

We’ve now seen a number of approaches Information retrieval Network monitoring Query execution Decentralized data integration

Common themes: Declarative query languages separate logical + physical

levels Large amount of data with semantic info, distributed in many


Which ideas hold the most promise? Is data management well-suited to P2P and DHTs?

Does data management need P2P?


Backup slides…


Challenges with Mappings

Information may be lost in one direction of a mapping: Name := concat(FirstName, LastName) Faculty := Professors Lecturers

Correspondences may be hard to specify precisely: Bug ≈ Insect

Data may be dirty or incomplete Exact mappings may be computationally




RDF explicitly names relationships:(book, title, “ABC”)(book, writtenBy, author)(author, name, “John Smith”)

XML does not always:1. <book>

<title>ABC</title> <writtenBy> <author><name>John Smith</name></author> </writtenBy></book>

2. <book> <title>ABC</title> <author>John Smith</author></book>

title name

book authorwrittenBy


RDF vs. XML 2

RDF is subject-neutral (a graph) XML centers around a subject (a tree):

1. <book> <title>ABC</title> <author>John Smith</author></book>

2. <author> <name>John Smith</name> <book>ABC</book></book>

This may result in duplication of contained objects


Mapping XML to OWL

We can map from XML to XML; thus we can go from XML to an XML serialization of RDF

Caveat: this doesn’t give us the full power of the KR-based Semantic Web! We can only create OWL individuals that can be

expressed in an XQuery-style view definition To go any further, we may need to supplement

these with additional OWL class definitions But it gets us 80% there and makes the rest much

easier – and it supplies mapping capabilities missing from OWL itself


Implementing the Semantic Web

Early emphasis on languages, tools for one (or a few) ontologies Very powerful solutions in OWL and tools! Initial assumption: data will have to be created in RDF

Important problems remain: sharing at scale and legacy data1. Global representations/ontologies hard to agree on!

Not just due to preference: different representations better suited to certain usage models – differences are inevitable

Need infrastructure that allows users to choose & query in their ontology, get results from all related (mapped) data

2. Must be able to import relevant structured data Most data is in existing, non-RDF formats

(XML, relations, legacy sources, etc.)


Impossible to Capture & NormalizeAll Semantics (1/2)

Even RDF/OWL regularity can’t enforce a single conceptual model:

May use different names for same items May use different levels of granularity:

book vs. publication Metadata + data may be interchanged:

(Car4, hasWheel, Wheel1) vs. (Car5, contains, Obj2), (Obj2, hasPurpose, wheel)


Impossible to Capture & NormalizeAll Semantics (2/2)

Even collections may be described differently:1.(Person, eatsForBreakfast, Meal1)

(Person, eatsForLunch, Meal2)(Person, eatsForDinner, Meal3)

2.(Person, eatsMeals, TodaysMeals)(TodaysMeals, breakfast, Meal1)(TodaysMeals, lunch, Meal2)(TodaysMeals, dinner, Meal3)

3.(Person, eatsMeals, list of Meal)(list of Meal := {Meal1, Meal2, Meal3})



Even formalisms like RDF, OWL capture only a part of the semantics Still need some interpretation (This shouldn’t be surprising, but it’s important!)

Very hard to get many contributors to agree on the same representation or ontology

Simple equivalences (owl:equivalentProperty, owl:equivalentClass) aren’t enough to map between different ontologies

Need infrastructure for relating data in many different representations, at different levels of granularity! This is the core strength of database techniques


Benefits of Piazza’s DB Heritage

Terabytes of existing data that’s in XML (or easily translatable to XML) Hierarchical and relational data, spreadsheets, Java

objects, … XML files, RDF itself!

Sophisticated reasoning about mappings is possible by extending existing data integration work Achieves schema/concept mapping at different

granularities Chaining of mappings, using mappings in reverse

direction, …Can map between data in different structures

(including RDF serializations, XML)


Key Problem: Coordinating Efforts between Collaborators

Today, to collaboratively edit structured data, we centralize

For many applications, this isn’t a good model, e.g.: Bioinformatics groups have multiple standard schemas

and warehouses for genomic information – each group wants to incorporate the info of the others, but have it in their format, with their own unique information preserved, and the ability to override info from elsewhere

Different neuroscientists have may data from measuring electrical activity in the same part of the brain – they may want to share common information but maintain their specific local information; each scientist wants the ability to control when their updates are propagated

Work-in-progress with Nitin Khandelwal; other contributors: Murat Cakir, Charuta Joshi, Ivan Terziev


The Orchestra System: Infrastructure for Collaborative Data Sharing

Each participant is a logical peer, with some XML schema that is mapped to at least one other peer’s schema

Schemas’ contents are logically synchronized initially and then on demand




mappings between XML schemas


Translatedupdates from 3:+ XML tree A’- XML tree B’

Updates:+ XML tree A- XML tree B

Translatedupdates from 3:+ XML tree A’’- XML tree B’’

Schema 2

Schema 3Schema 1


Some Challenges in Orchestra

Mappings How to express them Using them to translate updates, queries

Inconsistency How to represent conflicts How to resolve them

Update propagation Consistency with intermittent connectivity

Scaling To many updates To many queries

Logical &semantics-level

Implementation-level (P2P-based)



Some peers may be replicas Others need mappings, expressed as “views”

Views: functions from one schema to another Can be inverted (may lose some information) Can be “chained” when there is no direct connection (Much research in generating these automatically [DDH00]

[MB01], …) Prior work on propagating updates through relational views

[BD82][K85][C+96]… Ensuring the mapping specifies a deterministic, side-effect-

free translation Algorithmically applying the translation

Ongoing work with Nitin Khandelwal: Extending the model to handle (unordered) XML Challenge: dealing with XML’s nesting and its repercussions


A Globally Consistent Model that Encodes Conflicts

Even in the presence of conflicts, want a “global state” (from perspective of some schema) when we synchronize Allows us to determine what’s agreed-upon, what’s conflicting Can define conflict resolution strategies

Goal: “union of all states” with a way of specifying conflicts Define conditional XML tree based on a subset of c-tables [IM84] Each peer pi has a boolean flag Pi representing “perspective i”


auth auth

Smith Lee

If P1If P2


Propagating Updates with Intermittent Connectivity

How to synchronize among n peers (even assuming the same schema)? Not all are connected simultaneously Usual approaches:

Locking (doesn’t scale) Epidemic algorithms (only eventually consistent)

Approach: “Shadow instance” of the schema,

replicated within the other peers of the network Everyone syncs with the shadow instance Benefits: state is deterministic after each sync


Scaling, Using P2P Techniques

Update synchronization Key problem: find values conflicting with “shadow instance” Partition the “shadow instance” across the network

Query execution Partition computation across multiple peers (PIER does this)

Query optimization Optimization breaks the query into sub-problems, uses

dynamic programming to build up estimates of the costs of applying operators

Can recast as recursion + memoization Use P2P overlay to distribute each recursive step Memoize results at every node

Why is this useful? Suppose 2 peers ask the same query!


Current Status

Have a basic strategy for addressing many of the problems in collaborative data sharing

Initial sketches of the core algorithms Need to develop them further

… And to implement (and validate) them in a real system!

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