phrasal verbs

Post on 16-Aug-2015






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Bertha María Aponte Babines

Check out – checked out – checked out

Example sentence: There's a great movie on TV tonight – you must check it out!

Synonyms: inspect, investigate, explore, examine, look into

Log on – logged on – logged on

Example sentence: I haven't finished my work because there was a fault in the network and I couldn't log on until 4 o'clock.

Synonyms: log in, get in, get into, connect, access

Hang on – hung on – hung on

Example sentence: Mohammed can't talk right now – he's on the other phone. Would you like to hang on?

Synonyms: wait, stick around

Mess up – messed up – messed up

Example sentence: Sarah messed up and took the wrong documents to the presentation.

Synonyms: make a mistake, screw up, get (something) wrong

Pick up – picked up – picked up

Example sentence: Don't forget to pick those letters up before you leave the house.

Synonyms: collect, get

Get rid of – got rid of – got rid of

Example sentence: I took antibiotics to get rid of my infection.

Synonyms: get shot of, dispose of, chuck out, throw out, dump

Go over – went over – gone/been over

Example sentence: The writers went over the script several times before they gave it to the publishers.

Synonyms: check, discuss, go into, examine, look over, study, review, read, peruse

Get away with – got away with – got away with

Example sentence: The police believe Jimmy killed his wife. But if they can't find any evidence,such as a murder weapon, he may get away with it.

Synonyms: escape punishment for, get off, get off scot-free

Pop up – popped up – popped up

Example sentence: She's really famous now – her photograph pops up everywhere – on TV,magazines and the internet too.

Synonyms: appear, arise, happen, occur, crop up, turn up, come up

Turn up – turned up – turned up

Example sentence: I looked all over the house for my keys: they finally turned up in my office!

Synonyms: appear, arise, happen, occur, crop up, pop up, come up

Send on – sent on – sent on

Example sentence: My mum gave me a t-shirt, but it was too big for me, so I sent it on to my brother.

Synonyms: forward, redirect, readdress, pass on, transfer

Sort out – sorted out – sorted out

Example sentence: The filing system was so disorganized that it took two days to sort it out.

Synonyms: solve, resolve, reconcile, reorganize, tidy up, put in order, deal with


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